Every other news outlet is running this story about a bomb scare which closed off much of Watford…
But there is one glaring exception…the BBC. Why?
The BBC is however bringing us..
Ramadan 2015: What do I need to know?
My Ramadan: How will I cope as a working mother?
I am guessing that that secret little chat Harding had with Muslim activists is paying off…for Muslims…..the BBC is hiding the ‘bad news’ that ‘demonises’ Muslims and is printing the lovely fluffy stuff that other religions aren’t so privileged to have broadcast on their behalf……but then of course they don’t have an army of ‘disenfranchised’ youths who become radicalised and threaten to do unpleasant things if we don’t do what they want us to do.
There’s a lesson in there somewhere for any religion that really wants to get on in Britain.
Hardly surprising when Cameron is sucking up to Muslims as well..
“British muslims at the top of every walk of life”.
Yep, jemmied in by spineless wankers like you camoron, not because they are good at what they do but simply by being effnick minority and simply to make up the numbers.
Socialism and multiculturalism..the race to the bottom.
A country and culture destroyed by Blair, Brown, Cameron and the BBC. How long is it going to be before the Queen delivers her annual Ramadan speech to the nation?
Happy Ramadan Dave, support British values.
Why does the PM do this, does he do the same for other religions (Jews, Hindu, Sikhs, etc)? I’m an atheist can we have a month devoted to secularism.
The UK is NOT a secular country, the Queen is Head of State AND Head of the Church of England. Therefore there is no reason to appease any other religions as they all rank behind the C of E.
On the charity donations, it would be very interesting to get a break down of the numbers – what proportion goes to non muslim charities?
Well there is a major story about a white person killing blacks in America which takes precedence over everything, what does this country mean to the bbc?
Also, the more the lack of reporting by the scum at the bbc the better, people will find out for themselves and will see the truth of the ‘impartial one’.
I used to live North of Luton,one weekend desperate to find something I needed for my wedding I went into Luton with a friend. Afterward we both wanted to use the toilets but after seeing so many Walking Letterboxes ,how were we to tell if they were men or women? We left and drove home rather quickly. How many times must this happen till the UK bans it ?? Once the police say what sex, religion and race the Beeb will know what stance to take and how we should be thinking and acting.
What with Muslim comedy? On iplayer to it’s my Ramadan on bbc1 anyone would think that Islam is the religion of Britain. F@ck of Al Beeb. Unbelievable.
Ah, but here’s another ‘bombing’ incident in Hertfordshire that currently has pride of place on the regional section of the BBC website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-33185890
When I first saw this reported as a tweet via the Daily Mirror, beyond wondering what was up (more than a few quirks… White guy… Peppa Pig bag…) I wondered how the BBC would get to grips with it.
At the very least it has highlighted some security issues, but in ways the BBC likely doesn’t want to go near.
Hence the BBC seems to have done what it often does after a few tense management hours in Frankie Howerd… and ignored it. Despite extensive, topical, timely interest and coverage elsewhere, this incident remains hard to locate, if it even exists.
Meanwhile Jonathan Dimbleby pontificates on establishment censorship and propaganda.
British soldiers dealing with the bomb in Hertfordshire. British soldiers saving civilian lives. British soldiers burn in hell, says Cameron’s people.
I must say that I was very disappointed by the lack of respect that Michelle Obama showed when visiting one of our wonderful schools in Tower Hamlets – could she not at least wear a headscarf to show some consideration for our British culture?
david cameron and co can get down on there knees and beg the muslim community as much as they want not to behave in the extreme nature they do but in wont make a dot of difference,muslim supremacy is what we are up against here and the muslim suprrmacist mindset against non believers wont change until they eradicated the 120 verses in the koran and the hadith that preaches hate and murder against non muslims and the dirty kuffar.simple as that.
Some loveable Asian scallywags out celebrating the start of Ramadan –
Somehow I doubt we’ll be seeing that paki (I reserve my right to abbreviate the word ‘pakistani’ in the same way they spit out the Jew word instead of Jewish) attack on the bbc any time soon, a little like a recent attack in oldhamistan on a white kid by 4 pakis with baseball bats and an iron bar…or the attack on a lad who works at the same company as me simply for not moving his work van from outside a house in ‘their area’? Again, 4 pakis attacked him, the police were called nothing happened and still hasn’t.
Well it’s not like they stopped him getting on a train, or anything really nasty like that.
now just imagine if this was the other way round,
Well, it’s finally made the BBC site. Unfortunately, it’s been buried away in the Regional section (not as important as the three emigrees)
Let’s see how quickly it drops down the lsit
Speaking of BBConcealed, has that story of the Peppa Pig Burkha Bomber registered yet?
Meanwhile, that page is a hoot on BBC staff gaily seeing Labour and them in lockstep. The page trail is a treat (there’s a political editor for.. Yorkshire?), leading here:
I don’t really understand why the BBC would want to play this down. As I understand it, the perpetrator was not an actual Muslim, only disguised as one.
In other words, they could have used this story to play the usual Islamophobia / Moslem-as-victim card.
They missed an obvious trick – I think they’re really slipping!
There must be more to it.