If you are not yet on your way to Syria having been demonised, marginalised and disenfranchised by a BBC which has failed to ‘engage’ with you, you’ve still got time to have your say on the Biased BBC Open Thread….perhaps a much better option than taking out your frustrations by going on an anti-Liberal jihad, cutting off people’s heads, crucifying people, slaughtering non-believers and enslaving women…..though it seems to work as an excuse if you’re a ‘radical’ Muslim….the BBC is all too keen to make excuses for mass murder if it’s done by the right person.
BBC having a lefty wankfest over the terrible Charleston shootings. They almost sound pleased that a white nutter appears to have been the perpetrator. Never miss a chance to politicise tragedy do they?
Nothing like a white on black atrocity to wipe the muslims off the headline news, I think the ‘missing family’ will now be down on the list.
I listened to the news on the radio XFM and immediately turned to 5 dead, they had already announced that the perpetrator was white, they must have been creaming themselves that it wasn’t another crime by the religion of peace.
Here’s some Muslim on white violence that doesn’t count as “waycism” in the eyes of the left…
Why are all these White Supremacists redneck, hillbilly retards with I.Q.s no bigger than their hat size? They are a poor advert for any supposed supremacy of one race over another. All they have are guns and hate – much like Muslim supremacists – two cheeks of the same arse.
“White supremacists” such as the KKK tend to turn out to be mulattoes, trying to establish their YT credentials.
This one intrigues:
If only to see how a few heads reassemble having figured out how to play various banning options depending on who was doing what by covering up.
Not obvious on the BBC website, them being busy elsewhere, but I’m sure it’s there… somewhere.
Maybe if I just say it isn’t I’ll get an instant direct by those who like to swoop in such instances?
Nope, after several hours, not a single mention yet. Strange.
Someone making a point methinks, he was also carrying a Peppa Pig rucksack!
Yes, that was my thought.
Here’s another story that doesn’t seem to merit much attention from al-Beeb, even the local news pages
BBC are really over doing the Charleston shootings their bias and agenda on obvious display.
They demand a change to the American constitution to remove the right to bear arms
They demand a change to the American constitution to remove the right to freedom of speech so that the same oppressive Fascist anti freedom laws can be implemented there.
Who the F*** do they think they are? They are supposed to be a UK broadcaster reporting news, not some Socialist lobby group with a broadcasting arm.
Pointless complaining to anyone about it though.
Almost 10 minutes on the 22:00 news which puts it on par with the “missing 12”. Of course gun crimes don’t happen in countries where they are banned like here…oh hang on a sec.
The Beeb’s great hero, Obama, hasn’t been the uniter of the American people. In fact he’s deliberately set back race relations in the country by fifty years. It seems there’s more race hate than ever. Of course, the American left have said the reason there’s more race hatred is because whites don’t like having a black president. They can’t seem to accept that Obama and his missus, along with the likes of Eric Holder are race baiters par excellance and are directly responsible for much of the problems facing the US today.
No evidence for any of this, of course. But I guess if Andy S says it, it MUST be true: I mean, it’s not like he’d make stuff up in order to bolster his own prejudices… oh, wait.
(But then, Andy S doesn’t like being reminded of his ongoing estrangement from the truth. He gets all chippy if you mention that time he claimed Alan Turing was arrested for cottaging, for example. It’s almost as if he’s vaguely aware he should be ashamed of his behaviour, but lacks the maturity to acknowledge it…)
Scott, why are you on this site ?
Well, clearly somebody thinks it’s so he can trot out his lame spamming efforts for the hundredth time that day. The mark of a poor, desperate man with all the marketing intelligence of the nitwits who blast out millions of Viagra email ads every day.
Funny – those spam efforts are peddled by stupid people who prefer quantity over quality, too. But most people don’t treat that level of imbecility as something to aspire to. Unlike poor, dear Merched Becca, whose approach to common sense makes David Vance look like an intellectual heavyweight.
Well Scott, still no answer to the question, why are you on this site ? Just obfuscation as per Al Beeb.
Note also, nothing offensive in the words posted .
This link is as per the ideals of the site, not spam .
So, just why are you on this site ?
However many BBC boxes must Andrew Roberts’ fawning appreciation of Bonaparte tick? His assessment of L’Empereur finds no apparent comparisons with Hitler and yet he rampaged across Europe with his ‘Grande Armee’ with very much the same spirit of entitlement and caused, pro rata, much the same level of damage.
Obviously we and the BBC must do nothing to upset the French, or indeed the supreme edifice that is the EU, but there is a fine irony in the fact that in, say 1850, Boney would have been seen in an identical light by all non-French Europeans as Hitler is still seen today. Funny old game, history.
Napoleon’s campaigns cost millions of lives – and that’s counting only the military casualties. Nobody knows how many Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, German, Polish, Russian…. civilian lives were destroyed by Napoleon’s endless wars.
I’m watching it now more for the comedic value. Even my kids stayed on after dinner to laugh along to some of the claims he’s making.
It’s quite bizarre. He’s clearly smitten, but seems oblivious to all the contradictions on screen as he gushes forth.
Nothing quite says ‘man of the people’ like a gold wreath or a missus with a haberdashery bill on par with a small country’s GDP. And nothing says peacemaker like parking an invasion force along the English Channel… sorry, La Manche. The Brits would have lasted an hour had those plucky Imperial Guards made it across. Apparently.
Seems to me those perfidious shopkeepers were quite canny using trading power to fund keeping him rampaging around killing everyone he could find… elsewhere.
He seems just another power-mad chancer who used millions of his own countrymen’s bodies to try and install a family dynasty. To be sure he got bad press as victors write the history books, but this seems a corrective pendulum with some odd advocacy about the present day woven in.
I’ve advised the kids to use it more as a basis for discovering reality elsewhere, like most BBC offerings.
I guess the hidden agenda is to show how the Code Napoleon and other major changes to the French civil and judicial systems were to prove a model for today’s EU. As such, of course, the great man’s forward thinking and immense breadth of vision sowed the seeds for the paradise we enjoy today – as long as the inconvenient deaths and destruction are overlooked and it was clearly understood that France had the final say on any legislation.
By the same logic, and with the passage of time, without a doubt Hitler will be credited with the concept and creation of the modern motorway and the plan to replace our archaic dependence on gold reserves with the barter system.
“…By the same logic, and with the passage of time, without a doubt Hitler will be credited with the concept and creation of the modern motorway and the plan to replace our archaic dependence on gold reserves with the barter system.”
Truth be told, Hitler – an avowed national socialist until his death – could also be credited with championing a ‘sustainable’ environmental policy, with aspiring towards a federalised Europe, with ‘collectivising’ the Germanic people towards a common goal, etc, etc.
Back in the early 30s you couldn’t put a cigarette paper between the policies of everyone from Mussolini (socialist), Stalin (socialist), Hitler (national socialist) and even FDR (democratic socialist). Liberal left Americans in particular were great admirers of the fascisti of Mussolini’s Italy.
Since then, such socialist fascism has been rewritten as ‘right wing fascism’. It was nothing of the sort back then, and it still isn’t today.
These are the dirty truths of history that the BBC wastes no opportunity to ‘reinterpret’ for gullible modern audiences.
You are quite right about Franklin D Roosevelt. He was as close to as fascist as the American system of government would allow him to be. He made the private ownership of gold illegal, he established a system of crony capitalism through various corporate state front organisations, and when the pesky old Constitution was used to block his megalomania, he tried to pack the Supreme Court with his placemen, which was a step too far.
He is now remembered as a great statesman, but if he had served the two terms which by custom he should have (another civilized custom he ignored because he was a Great Man, and rules only apply to little people), then he would be remembered as a failure, who left the US economy in a worse state then he found it.
FDR regularly referred to Churchill as a “drunken bum”.
Given yesterday was the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo there was very little on any channel about it. No documentaries, no drama just a brief mention of the ‘commemorations’ ; some of which took place on the 17th when there was only skirmishing going on 200 years ago.
Compare and contrast with 2005 and the Trafalgar Commemorations. Now which was more significant to the peace and prosperity of Europe and Britain in particular? Oh, I think I know why now …
I too was disappointed that I could not find anything worthwhile about The Battle of Waterloo on a broadcasting service which purports to “broadcast education and learning, stimulating creativity and cultural excellence, representing the UK”.
A service that missed out one of the greatest battles that changed the face of Europe and a battle that runs in the blood of many of the regiments of today British Army.
Why am I forced by law to pay a tax for a service that does not even promote British culture any more but prefers to wallow in foreign cultures that are alien to a majority of the people of these islands and starve the native people of its heritage.
Time for this despicable service to pay for itself!
I’ve noticed that the Left – i.e. the Guardian and the BBC etc – are very very quick to point out that the perpetrator of the mass shooting is white and the victims black. However, when black thugs gunned down the two white British tourists a couple of years ago, it was a different story. Also, when a Muslim carries out a terrorist atrocity the BBC makes a ‘value judgement’ and conceals both the ethnicity most commonly associated with the Religion of Peace (e.g. by using generic terms such as ‘Asian’) and the perpetrator’s religious beliefs. It’s pure race hustling.
Compare and contrast with the Boston Bombing …
Great news! bBC Points West informs us the weather forecast for Ramadan looks pretty good. Sandwitched between two wailing performances of African group Zakhele, I feel really enriched.
Who the hell do they think is interested? bBC West’s reach extends way beyond the Bristol metropolis, certainly not us carrott crunchers from Somerset…
Feck the bBC!
All cultures are equal in Britain – the last Labour government, greatly assisted by the BBC, made sure of that by calling any of us who thought the primacy of the indigenous culture was vital to our democracy, security and general wellbeing ‘racists’. Yes, how we all miss the hectoring, PC speak-peppered shrieks of Harman, Smith et al shredding our ears over the Today airwaves.
Now Labour are long gone – from government, at any rate – the BBC carries on the fight on their behalf. Listening to Radio 4 these days is like listening to Radio UN.
Just on the local weather forecast they gave the times of sunrise and sunset for those observing Ramadam..
In my opinion the bbc have given up trying to hide there bias and it is now a given of there lefty, Muslim support.
The BBC’s Muslim bum-licking is simply unbearable during Ramadama-ding-dong.
I prefer the term ‘Fastival’. That way anyone can join in the month long diet; perhaps a sponsored weight loss for charity could be tied in?
No weight loss.
Like in most things associated with piety, Muslims only pretend to fast. That is, they forsake food in the day, then pig themselves through the night. Result – Muslims gain weight.
While on Ramadan – keep an eye on the body count during the Holy Ramadan period.
Ramadan, Dwali and Eid get equal billing with Christmas and Easter on BBC North West (see ‘all cultures are equal’ above).
we will have programmes interrupted for pray time announcements soon
Gratis free tip for HIGNFY or the Now Show
Ipsos Mori added in a fake name to the Labour leadership race survey. “Stewart Lewis” polling 3% with the British public – but the joke lies in the 6% with Labour supporters! Discuss?
The BBC failed to mention that the pregnant woman was arttacked in S London by two Black males.
Actually to my amazement they did mention this when tthe news first broke, keeping pretty quet now though, hoping that since he has a British name people will assume hes ethnic British.
Interesting, because of the name I assumed that.
look at the coverage the bbc gave today to the shooting in that church in the usa by that deranged gunman with obvious mental health issues compared the daily burning down and killing of christians by muslims all over the world from pakistan to syria,of course the bbc will try to make this usa church shooting into a race issue which is not,even obama said today it was a gun issue in the usa and made no mention of race,the bbc are obsessed with race and you can bet if this shooter was black there would be little or no coverage of this church shooting,dont get me wrong,as a christian i have nothing but sympathy for my fellow christian slain in the usa by this scumbag who in ny opinion should face the death penalty,for the bbc to exploit this shooting and make it into a race issue will just divide and create tensions in communitys.
Quite correct stuart.
Still-Snow, Davis or Jaspers types won`t have lost a minute in the hightail to Heathrow-and stuff the Pope and his green crap.
THIS is what the liberal media require-snouts in the polk salad, jambalaya and a free few days interviewing Sharpton and other Stateside race hustlers…wonder if they`ll ask Rachel Dolazal whether SHE died in the crossfire?
If she feels that she did-then she`s a martyr-got that whitey?
Had it been a deranged black man shooting up a mosque-I bet the liberal media would be much more circumspect in allocating roles.
And-of course had it been a Muslim shooting up a church-well, hey they shouldn`t go round drawing pictures, singing songs and putting up crosses to their prophet…provocation has its limits,allah akbar!
The BBC and Channel 4 have already settled this one-guns whitey and the race issues.
Not Christians, anti-depressants and Obama…funnily enough thses crimes go on far more under HIS enlightening progressive administration than ever happened under the Bush(1, 2 or Jeb3rd).
FFS-let the courts sort it , liberal cadaver surfers-the toe tags aren`t even on the poor dead-but I`d say it`s a school dead, Christian hating anti-depressants atheist…not Ian Smith or Anders Breivik-that causes this.
It WAS a prayer group/Bible study was it not?…that not an issue?
Lying scum the liberal allahiance are they not?
I read that some of the victims in the church shooting were white.
Not on the BBC you didn’t.
The Telegraph are even at it.
Clanger Watch
So far so good: in episode 3, Major Clanger, with noble intentions and using rational principles, suddenly took it upon himself to redesign the traditional method of soup collection that had evolved over many years, and which was part of the Clangers’ daily routine. Needless to say, such meddling created unintended social consequences as well as an appalling mess, with soup spilled everywhere and the soup dragon reduced to tears.
Major Clanger’s invention did eventually find a use, though not the one for which it was intended.
Quite a conservative message to this story, I thought, which parents might use to introduce their children to the works of Edmund Burke.
I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes when the Muslims have finished killing the Jews & the Gays because the Lefties will be their next target !
If ever a lesson the Leftys needed to learn, was what happened to Iranian Leftys when ayatollah Khomeinu took over Iran – along the wall and shot – some 200,000.
Seems like the BBC’s less-than-thinly-disguised campaign for self-preservation has begun:
Luvvies on parade praising their benefactor.
Turkey farmers voting for Christmas.
This website is hilarious!! The luvvies and apparatchiks giving unequivocal backing to their beloved BBC was good but I especially loved the article about how the Labour Party were going to push for an increase in the licence fee. What a truly rarefied atmosphere these people exist in.
That website needs to be costed.
Are we paying for a resource to defend the BBC by the BBC?
Just how long can it be before the BBC pick up this and join in a serious campaign?
He was trying desperately hard not to laugh. Must be a wind up. Very funny.
I think that is tongue in cheek or at least I hope it is!
Ummm, er, the guys a comedian …
That’s guy’s …
Damn missing edit button !
BBC News Hysteria 18 17pm yesterday
Special report prime time evening news
Far Right Far Right “grooming” and Muslims are the …. “victims”
On to (identity hidden) Muslim woman whose been the target
of some verbal abuse from children as young as 9,
and has some times, “felt … uncomfortable”
Equivalence pushing Al BBC?.
Today the US “ole whitey” shooter on loop, ad nauseum …
feels like every few minutes.
The continuing mass murder, subjugation, rape of Christians, Jews
any non muslim, or not muslim enough. gets subdued coverage.
Equivalence pushing Al BBC?.
Anyway … Now some reverence please …
as spiritual reflection, thinking of others, dedicate themselves to Allah and great peace rolls throughout the land … errr right!
Let the bloodshed begin, yep folks! … the 2015 Ramadan Bombathon has started!.
You will read the count here, but definitely not on the Al BBC
“The bombs exploded almost simultaneously just after sundown on the eve of Ramadan” — and so the month in which Muslims rededicate themselves to the service of Allah gets a real bloody kick off”
AFP – Thirty-one people were killed, with dozens feared injured, as the bombs exploded almost simultaneously just after sundown in a mosque in Sana, Yemen.
I read about something called “Boko Haram Crisis” in Niger on the BBC website. Apparently dozens have been butchered by “militants”. No indication of what they might be militant about. Or sorry, here it is in the last sentence. Wow, they’re Islamic.
And Nig is one of the countries of origin for the hordes of “refugees” collecting in Libya waiting for the European Navies ferry service to the EU.
I guess we might be in for an uptick in the beheadings over here in Europe after the people we’ve “saved” have bedded themselves in.
There’s a good post on why Cameron can’t bring himself to do the obvious and just ferry the migrants back to Libya at:http://john-moloney.blogspot.com/2015/06/true-believer.html
Moloney is good. On Cameron he is spot on. I go further and would say that Cameron knows he bears reponsibility for the mess in Libya and will not go after the people smugglers. He made them possible.
He is another Blair and as useless and dangerous.
Tory? Does not know the meaning of the word.
I can only guess they are the Militants who survived the purge of Degsy’s Liverpool Council in the 80s and have opened up a new front, possibly with Yosser Hughes as their new leader and Alan Bleasdale as Head of Communications.
Emblazoned on the front page of the BBC website is: Ramadan 2015 all you need to know. How can I tell them? I don’t need to know. Nor, I suspect do most people. Yet the BBC is determined that we all share their current obsession.
I don’t seem remember, for example, Yom Kippur all you need to know. Strange that, isn’t it?
All we need to know? I think we already know it!
In case anyone doesn’t:
Did I miss the “Lent 2015” headline on the home page of the bBC website a few weeks ago? Or was it buried in the Economics section?
There’s no one at al-Beeb knows enough about Lent to write about it.
You may wish to read this account of what happens in Israel from a teacher at an English at College in Israel. So different to what the BBC would have us believe !
” I just received an email from the College with all the arrangements to accommodate our Muslim students during the month of Ramadan. For example, all students are entitled to 2 attempts at their final exam in each course. If the first one falls on Ramadan and the Muslim student chooses to take it while fasting, he/she is entitled to an extra 25% time allocation and if they choose not to take the first, they will be entitled to a third date.
This and other official arrangements are besides the lovely acts of kindness I have seen in college during Ramadan – for example, a Jewish student speedily removing her bottle of water from her bag and drinking water when the Arab student sitting next to her leaves the room, not wanting to drink next to her or even have the water bottle on the table, so as not to “tease” her. Or a bunch of Jewish students trying to air a classroom they had been eating in at break when they see that amongst the students coming in are Muslims who are fasting. I didn’t understand what they were doing at first and they explained “We’re trying to get rid of the smell of food – they’re fasting!”.
These 2 instances are just tiny events I personally experienced. If I taught an evening class during Ramadan, I would release the Muslim students a few minutes before dark so they could break their fast and I would see the other lecture room doors opening for the same reason.
I want to add that as of Wednesdays, many of my Muslim students start wishing me a Shabbat shalom and I receive emails from them before Jewish festivals blessing my family with a Chag sameach (a happy festival).
Michelle Ebola was in London the other day or as I like to call it, the occupied territories, lecturing us to give girls an education. I didn’t know Britain is now an American state. There’s nothing worse than an uppity, you know what, getting above their station. Just look at the demographics of that school.
Michelle Ebola
Anyone with an IPlayer app on their TV/Laptop/tablet, go to the ‘category’ option then select ‘comedy’ the ‘highlights’ what you’ll see ain’t at all funny.
The poster above who says they ain’t trying to hide their love of Islam ain’t wrong. Link here.
BBC Newsnight journalist actively encouraging Eritrean ‘refugees’ to travel to England.
Absolute traitorous b*stards!!
All BBC journos are Internationalists like dez. That’s why there was no ridiculing, especially on the BBC’s hilarious comedy shows, of the Green Party’s ludicrous election manifesto commitment to open borders.
Calais is going to be a bit of a shock when they get there.
Or is the VD Show running a truck shuttle across now using peroxide sink drivers?
How come on the BBC it’s the ‘far’ right e.g. Fench National Front, but the ‘radical’ left e.g. Syriza (‘radical’ having more positive, nay, even ‘progressive’ connotations)? Why is it never the ‘far’ left or even the ‘hard’ left?
Can dez or his researcher help with this one?
The BBC thinks all lefties are warm & fuzzy.
Stalin was just a big teddy bear as far as the Beeboids are concerned.
BBC deflector shields set to max in defence of Mohammed Farah, their favourite adopted son:
BBC Scotland wasn’t so supportive of Allan Wells, a national hero from the past, a couple of weeks back.
Can’t for the life of me think of a reason for the difference in treatment.
Alan Wells is a white man who won the 100 metres. Therefore he must have cheated.
The BBC surpassing itself with its prescience this morning
Not only does our national broadcaster predict what the Prime Minister will say in a speech later – they go on to predict the reaction to his words.
Beeboid reporter (sorry, didn’t catch his name):
“I think these remarks will be seen as quite controversial”
Readers here may know this story; Dave is going to advise ‘muslim communities’ they should do more to prevent radicalisation.
Couple of points come to mind. First and foremost, how in the name of Jude is that supposed to be a controversial notion?
Further more, I do wish the BBC would stop cooperating with the political spin machines by accepting pre-speech breifings released for the specific reason that they will go straight to headlines. I can see why newspapers with long lag-times for publication love this but for a 24 hour news broadcaster it is really not called for – play the speech on your news channel and then replay and invite discussion.
Next, doesn’t Dave realise the BBC will stir up faux controversy?
But perhaps the Tories are so subtle in their game they now observe most of the public regard the BBC as irredeemably bent – so a bad BBC headline is now a good one in the real world?
Therefore the BBC’s warning of controversy is so wide of the mark as to be transparent – for the ordinary sensible British public, that is.
Come to think of it I first noticed this predicting of reactions to not-yet-made speeches during the Scots referendum. Let’s not forget how the BBC failed to call the correct outcome there.
“…how in the name of Jude is that supposed to be a controversial notion? ”
Because telling the Muslim community what they should do is controversial. Whereas not telling them what to do if they consider buggering off to certain countries is, er… controversial.
‘The BBC will be learning..’ has of course had its funny moments, for instance when what has happened or been said turns out differently to what they have so confidently predicted.
And then they get in a huff. It was most funny when it was the likes of Nick&Norm being dropped in it by Team Edification.
These days the BBC’s ‘reporting’ seems to fall mainly into two main categories: Propaganda (either PR as News when passing on stuff they like, or ‘Analysis’ when Dominic Cascani or Jon Donnison need to undermine it) and Censorship (as in omitting mention things that they can’t spin away).
Neither suggests rafts of £300k a year executives are offering the public much honesty or value.
And being forced to fund bent broadcasting continually is injury on top of insult.
The ‘reporting’ of speeches that have yet to be made has been going on for decades now. It becomes even more ridiculous when the political opponent’s response speech is also ‘reported’ before the first speech has been said.
As poor Ed found out it doesn’t work well when what is eventually said doesn’t match the press release!
Because of that, it isn’t news, it is speculation. Hence BBC News has become Speculation, Hype and Irritating Trivia…
Looking at Guido it seems Ed can also get upset on what is reported after the event, so there may be BBC-style ‘balance’ of sorts at play?
Suing over claims… interesting precedent.
Maybe a BBC ‘sources who say’ or ‘critics allege’ would have avoided such unpleasantness?
“But perhaps the Tories are so subtle in their game they now observe most of the public regard the BBC as irredeemably bent – so a bad BBC headline is now a good one in the real world?
Therefore the BBC’s warning of controversy is so wide of the mark as to be transparent – for the ordinary sensible British public, that is”
it must be this. The bbc are continuously shooting themselves in the foot over this subject and just can’t see it
Good to see the Danes have got rid of Mrs Kinnock
Not sure why she is called “Ms Thorning-Schmidt” though to be fare I can understand her reasons for not wanting to have the name Kinnock.
It was a strange marriage. She was PM in Denmark while he has become an MP in the UK. Close relationship? Clearly not.
Long distance love.
Very ‘in’, as it appears the Cooper Balls may be trying?
Maybe they can phone it in.
Yes, and their money lives in Switzerland, apparently.
Well done Denmark.
And under the picture:
“The pollsters underestimated the popularity of the Danish People’s Party, as Malcolm Brabant reports”
I think we have heard that one before!
The BBC news reliably informs us this morning that PM Cameron has said in Bratislava that there are those in Britain who, short of violence, tacitly support ISIS extremist ideology What a revelation! Many have been saying for years that these “tacit supporters” are called MUSLIMS. Often referred to as “moderare” muslims or “peaceful” muslims by the Font of Truth.
Unusually, the BBC has not called together the usual Islamist stooges to accuse the PM of “Islamophobia” and to intone thes traditional “Islam is the religion of peace”.
Cameron asks “our” Muslim “communities” to help out with “deradicalisation”, but as what he essentially wants is deislamification, i.e. Muslims to become apostates, I don’t expect an enthusiastic response fron the adherents of the ROP.
Cameron saying essentially the same as Geert Wilders but in more mealy-mouthed language. Who would ever have thought a few years ago that the Font of Truth would be broadcasting that?
Quote of the day from James Naughtie (he’s a regular winner, our Jim) during his interview with Jeremy Hunt about reforms to General Practices.
There was a prior interview with a medical styoodent who didn’t want to enter General Practice because it was ‘just an administrator’s job’*. Picking up on this, Naughtie argued with Hunt that a GP role was no longer attractive because of Coalition reforms which the styoodent was blaming the perceived admin burden for and concluded that (paraphrased) ‘doctors didn’t want to be running a business’.
Erm, Jim, I know a few GPs – some current, some retired – and running a business is exactly what General Practice is all about.
*She also didn’t want to be having to think about her work when she got home in the evening. That’s right, six-figure salary and work should only ever enter her fluffy little head between 9 and 5. Good luck with that one, luv.
Muslims = 5% of the population
BBC Iplayer Comedy Homepage Last night = 63% Muslim
On offer such delights under the heading ‘British Muslim Comedy’ as ‘Roadman Ramadam’ ‘Things I have Been Asked as a British Muslim’ ‘My First Fast’ and ‘The Fast and the Fool’
How about something for the majority of licence payers? Some good un-pc WASP Comedy?
What, like To Death Do Us Part? Written by a lefty cafflick and performed by a lefty joo. Even in the old days we were being ridiculed as racists and bigots.
Why do I think they should do something with the title “The Fast and the Furious”..? Seems to describe the situation perfectly.
Just had my latest ‘breaking news’ email on the topic gripping the nation:
Bradford families ‘crossed into Syria’
Bradford women and children missing from UK have crossed border into Syria, IS smuggler tells BBC
As they do.
Not sure if this is funnier more for the car crashes in the pictures or the ones to a millionaire socialist’s excesses in the comments.
I seem to be in the minority as most people seem to dislike him but I have always liked Chris Evans – seems a likeable bloke and he is a good presenter.
I never used to watch Top Gear and never will but he is probably a decent choice of a replacement. The show will die anyway now as people will just switch over to the new Clarkson show that he will create with the other two
Twice I remember on TGIF (or whichever Friday programme he did) where he made a big issue of closing a window bertating and showing his servant (BBC employee) who failed to do the little job. No need to point out why that was so wrong in so many ways.
A totally arrogant p***k. He fits in well at the BBC.
Now come on, “ole whitey”, “far right far right”, ” waycist”, “brother Obaahma speaks” Charleston shooter,
… has got the semen running down Al BBC legs so copiously,
it will have to take a back seat, as will any of these
2015. Islamic Ramadan Bombathon begins
BBC – Charleston shooting: Attack at church opens old wounds
2015.06.18 (Sana Yemen)- Thirty-one people were killed, with
dozens feared injured, as the bombs exploded almost simultaneously just after sundown in a mosque.
BBC- Charleston church shooting: The numbers behind US hate crimes
2015.06.17 (Baghdad, Iraq) – A Shahid suicide bomber blows seven innocents into disparate parts.
BBC- Charleston shooting: Dylann Roof named as suspect
2015.06.17 (Monguno, Nigeria) – Boko Haram bombs claim the lives of over sixty innocents at a market.
BBC- What do the flags on Dylann Roof’s jacket symbolise?
2015.06.15 (Potiskum, Nigeria) – Two women are among eleven civilians taken out by two Shahid suicide bombers at a tea stand.
BBC – US race relations: Six surprising statistics
2015.06.15 (N’Djamena, Chad) – A bloody suicide attack by Boko Haram leaves over two dozen others dead.
BBC – Nine die in South Carolina ‘hate crime’
2015.06.14 (Mosul, Iraq) – A woman is stoned to death for adultery.
BBC – South Carolina shooting: Historic Church that hosted Dr King
2015.06.14 (Baghdad, Iraq) – Ten patrons are sectionalized by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at an outdoor market.
BBC – Charleston shooting: ‘Why do we have to live like this?’
BBC – Suspect got gun for birthday
BBC – Charleston, murdered pastors role
BBC – Charleston church shooting: Obama’s ‘hopeless’ push for gun control
BBC – Charleston church shooting: Prayers held across US
etc, etc.
…But, don t worry the Bradford, Islamic mummy bomber 12, will get coverage, you can expect these two stories to fill the day.
This Dewsbury “child” (17 year old) killed 11 innocent people, I believe, but the BBC consider him to be the only victim. This Charleston lunatic only murdered 9 innocent people, but he is evil-incarnate according to the left. I would agree with them on him but the Dewsbury murderer is just as evil and crazy.
Their twisted double-standards are a wonder of the modern world.
They are not double standards as we usually understand this but a way of denying reality and that odd habit the left has of not expecting the same behaviour from non whites and non Westerners.
One of the defining features of a real conservative is the belief that an absolute moral standard applies to all on this world. Those who wilfully take life whoever they are are evil and deserve nothing but harsh punishment.
“One of the defining features of a real conservative is the belief that an absolute moral standard applies to all on this world. Those who wilfully take life whoever they are are evil and deserve nothing but harsh punishment. ” Totally agree with that and, of course, your first paragraph pointing out their instinctive racism (that of lower expectations) is a truer racism than most accused of Islamophobia display.
You should know the rules of BBC racial prejudice by now. The car bombers were not white, so can be expected to get all excited and kill people – that’s not news. The shooter in Charleston was white, so he’s expected to behave in a civilised way, so it’s news if he doesn’t – especially if the story plays to the BBC’s prejudices of him being an American and the need for all western countries to disarm their (white) civilian populations.
Man bites dog = news, dog bites man = yawn. Even if the dog bites a man every time it sees one and needs to be put down.
Public service broadcasting at its best.
Apologies to Dave S and Demon. I replied to Noggin’s post before scrolling down and reading your comments.
Rather cute the way the newspapers are framing it in such a way as to make BBC groupies feel empowered but actual voted-for legislators feel the teeniest bit emasculated by the national disgrace.
It is possible that some may discover their democratic balls if the BBC keeps showing how unaccountable it demands to be whilst blatantly propagandising and censoring daily.
What is Tony Hall going to do to the Government, is he going to increase the bias against the Tories to stratospheric heights, if so, then that would make the voters who have not already realised that they are forced to pay an extremely left-wing politically bias broadcaster, with the threat of imprisonment, even if they don’t watch the Labour lefty BBC channels any more, due to the bias. Already there are indications that non-payment of the Licence fee is approaching two million. So Hall is only falling into the trap laid by Whittingdale, with subscription ending up as the only solution.
And if you look at the Guardian and Independent, that would leave a very diminished BBC, unless they sack all those lefties.
Latest news from the Bradford 12, which the entire country is eagerly following. Its a one way ticket, no coming back.
The crying dads are in the frame too. BBC drama at its best.
Latest news from the Bradford 12, which the entire country is eagerly following. Its a one way ticket, no coming back.
The crying dads are in the frame too.
A couple of 5 and 6 year olds will do nicely for the masculine needs of the ‘freedom fighters’
BBC drama at its best.
‘The North East Counter Terrorism Unit said it was “continuing to make extensive enquiries” in order to try and bring the women and children home.’
Isn’t the purpose of a ‘Counter Terrorism Unit’ to counter terrorism, not to bring Pakistani, (latterly living in Bradford), would-be terrorists back ‘home’ to share in Imam Cameron’s ‘British’ values of Ramadan?
Potential here for a BBC headline?
Er… let’s think, how would the BBC introduce this little gem care of Guido Fawkes and Ipsos Mori?
How about this…
Poll confirms Labour supporters ‘twice as open to new ideas’
Second thoughts, BBC probably far too busy doing the Charleston – Strickly Come Racism
Jeremy Vine opens his programme with a call for ‘black’ UK-church-goers to tell him how they feel about the shootings in the USA!
Is he trying to start a race war in the UK?
The BBC, spreading dissent and disruption wherever it can. “It’s news innit?”.
Love to know how that worked out, even with Jezza’s researcher filters on the line.
Great opportunity for the wrong kind of vox-pop to channel their inner Davidson Chalkie during the screening before giving the Vine show team a fit of the vapours before they pull the plug.
Be keen to know just how the vetting went, lest a bit of BBC profiling and racism slipped in… in the ‘wrong’ direction.
Is there a race problem in the USA? Race hustler Bonnie Greer thinks there is.
Don’t they see the irony in having an African Methodist Episcopal Church? People who pray together maybe don’t shoot each other?
By horrible accident I caught the first 20 minutes or so of QT last night. I was surprised by the colour of the audience (it appeared there was a large number of whites) and that Melanie Phillips actually received generous applause. However, and this is nothing to do with BBC bias – except indirectly – Melanie made the best point of the bit I watched.
Melanie opined that there is no solution to the instant problem of Moslems joining/supporting IS and the wider problem of Moslems here being disengaged from wider society until you deal with and understand the demands of Islam on its followers. She added – or tried to add – that the political class ignores the existence of the religious fanaticism of Islam’s adherents: a fanaticism which the “normal” Brits just can’t get their head round since this kind of religious nuttery had until recently largely disappeared in Britain.
Predictably, Salmond pooh-poohed the idea although I don’t recall – even in Glasgow – Prots and Catholics actually blowing each other up and laying waste to the region of the Clyde. And, of course, in Northern Ireland, although the troubles were rooted in religion, the IRA – which both used and recruited from the Catholic Irish – is a national socialist organisation, not (unlike the Moslem groupings) a religious one. At this point the show wandered off into a non-discussion of the EU and I wandered off to bed.
Did you see This Week?
Brillo: “Savile Town is 97% muslim.”
Shahid Malik: “That’s because of white flight.”
You see, it’s all OUR fault.
There’s that magical 97%, again…
and why
do we fly
But even Ms Abbot seems to be getting annoyed that Muslims refuse to integrate. Perhaps the penny is beginning to drop that we now have millions of Muslims in our country, most of whom don’t want to integrate and a goodly number of whom think we should convert en mass to Islam , some of whom who hate us and want to do us harm, and these extremists receive tacit support from many more in the Muslim community.
After long discussion it was agreed that this problem would take a generation or two to solve! Well I suppose that being a politician on TV you have to be optimistic.
How many will die because of this problem was not touched upon.
I hope that those Labour bastards, including Ms Abbot, who allowed open door immigration into our country, with no democratic mandate to do so, lie awake thinking what on earth have they done and how much blood will be on their hands as a result of that policy.
it may annoy abatt-oir but she still wants more …
While I’m on: there’s an interesting discussion/analysis concerning the Pope’s encyclical on the Bishop Hill blog. It seems that on deeper reading His Holiness is more equivocal on political greenism than the BBC coverage would have you believe.
One of the commenters, Paul Mathews, quotes from para 61:
” On many concrete questions, the Church has no reason to offer a definitive opinion; she knows that honest debate must be encouraged among experts, while respecting divergent views.” [my bold]
and adds his comment :
“I bet that won’t be quoted by the likes of Harrabin, RTCC and Carbon Brief. See also para 188 that says much the same thing.”
“They Say” Lord Hall and the BBC has a censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate.
“They Say” Lord Hall’s first action was to unfairly dismiss the most prominent BBC staff member who mentioned what “They Say”.
“They Say” That Hall is now in a deadly battle to the death against another member of those who know what “They Say”.
When I switched on Daily Politics yesterday I was wondering why Suzanne Evans was sitting round saying nothing for most of the programme and was then keen to confirm Farage’s “divisivenes” when asked. The. “scoop” on today’s Daily Politics
seems to confirm that the only reason she was on Daily Politics was to say what she did. Am I being too suspicious ?
No, after all she is Ex BBC and Ex Tory….
Explains alot.
The wonderful Matthew Parris also tore himself away from his catamites TWICE! on Wednesday to make unsolicited AntiUKIP comments on Daily Politics and the Moral Haze. Does this mean we can look forward to a snap referendum soon?
I have to say that the BBC have for once raised an interesting question.
If the EU is about ever closer union, and all the countries are to be treated equally, then why is there no proposal to settle the African migrants setting off from Lybia and arriving in Italy, in Eastern European countries.
Yes yes I know these economic migrants aren’t going to take kindly to being settled in Bulgaria or Romania prior to being returned to Africa, but the big question is why does Brussels seem to think the only way to deal with this is to give them exactly what they want and settle them only in Northern and Western Europe?
Ah, this is what happens when you listen only to the start of an article and type before it reaches the end.
The IS making economic migrants settle in Eastern Europe, and it is the very left wing pro immigration BBC who think it is a bad thing !
Here’s your answer: http://www.africa-eu-partnership.org/
Read it and weep – but don’t expect any BBC journalist to mention any of it. While we are diverted by what the BBC calls ‘news’, the Agenda is quietly, always, at work…
”why is there no proposal to settle the African migrants setting in Eastern European countries.
”Kalle Laanet, an Estonian politician, spoke at the International Migration Forum held in Tallinn. He told the audience that the question is not: Should Estonia take the African and the Middle Eastern immigrants (who illegally entered Southern Europe)? He said the question is: How will Estonia take the immigrants?
I am sure no one of us wants to think of what would have happened if the countries of Europe had turned their backs on those who left Estonia in the 1940s.”
This is silly. Europe took Estonian refugees who fled from their homes from a mass-murdering Communist dictatorship. So now Estonia must take African and Middle Eastern immigrants who passed through many safe countries on their way to Europe?
“In this way we can make Europe more unified and also be sure that others will come to help us without hesitation if we need it”
There are many excuses put out by these anti-Whites, but the bottom line is: if it’s a White country, it must have open borders. ”
Something on the Charleston shooting. Sarah Palin writes: ‘On this day of darkness, small rays of light can sometimes be found — some will find light on a Facebook post that was written by someone much more gracious and mature in our faith than I.’
She is referring to the last entry made on the Facebook page of the shooter, an entry made by a black evangelist, Marcus Stanley, who remarkably lived after being shot 8 times in a gang incident. The man offers Christian forgiveness to the shooter. Like Palin, I regard the evangelist as more involved with the Christian faith than I could be. My own view is that the killer should, if guilty, pay the supreme penalty.
See the link below to the comment on the Facebook Page.
I have posted this, not because I share these Christian views, but in recognition that our mainstream media – particularly the race-baiting BBC – cannot handle this man’s faith. But then, we have a Mohammedan in charge of the BBC’s presentation of religious issues.
I doubt if Christians are capable of distinguishing “forgiving” from “letting people off”. Discuss.
I think you’ll find that any Bible believing Christian knows that as they have been forgiven so much at such cost to God, (Jesus sacrficial death on the cross) they also must forgive. However, they also know that the offender must face whatever penalties Society has determined for the offence.
There is of course, a world of difference between “letting off” and choosing to forgive. Forgiveness is liberating, empowering and sets you free to get on with the rest of your life.
Radio 4 Programme ‘From our own correspondent’ 11am yesterday. Amongst the usual left wing crap was a section on……an ice cream vendor in the Gaza strip……and no, I’m not joking. The idiotic reporter stated “It’s the best ice cream I’ve ever tasted”.
At the beginning of the feature Kate Adie stated that Israel launched air and ground attacks on Gaza in response, they said, to a series of rocket attacks. The “They said” bit implies that the nasty Israelis concocted a fictitious story of rocket attacks to justify their ‘Invasion’.
It reminds me of the opinion that “It’s the best pasta I’ve ever tasted”.
The secret ingredient turned out to come from a sweaty human chest.
The BBC and others have allowed themselves to be completely conned by Hamas’s abuse of their own people. Hamas uses the people there as merely a propaganda tool for visitors to see their poverty instead of helping them. And they do have the means to do so!. See
EoZ blog: “I wrote earlier this week that Gaza’s Shujaiyeh neighborhood is being kept filled with rubble – and its residents kept homeless – because of the propaganda value of having foreign dignitaries and journalists go through the neighbourhood and seeing the destruction. …even though tens of thousands of families have been fully supplied with construction materials to rebuild, seemingly no one in Shujaiyeh is rebuilding, and nine months after the war the rubble is still in place – despite the fact that rubble is worth money for entrepreneurs who can recycle it.”
‘I have a dream….. that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character…..’
Well, you will be familiar with this speech and with the laudable sentiments expressed above. (I’ve anglicised the spelling because although I would happily endorse the principle of equality of treatment I’m also happy to celebrate differences in culture, and prefer my own to that of America).
I couldn’t help but notice, as the BBC brings me more and more coverage of the Charleston shootings, a vigil or demo or something with placards – one read: “Black is Sacred”
Well they don’t need to tell the BBC
As I pointed out recently the BBC ran with the drugs cheating story that was bound to touch their sacred posterboy Mo Farah because the story would have emerged in the newspapers anyway – and the newspapers, unlike the BBC, will dig for anything they can find on Mo, no holds barred.
Meanwhile South Africans are falling from the sky close to Heathrow. The BBC, as usual, explains they were clinging to the landing gear: “In search of a better life”
I’ve heard that garbage a million times now. I’m surprised the BBC didn’t sell it to one of the losing left-leaning political parties as an election slogan.
Meanwhile the ‘better life’ for migrants seems to not work in reverse as the Bradford 12 go to ISIS presumably for a worse life?
The Evening Standard tells me staff at the premises where a migrant crash landed said: “There is a Police inquiry so we have been told not to say anymore”
Why the Heck not?
Black is Sacred?
‘I have a dream….. that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character…..’
Martin Luther King would be an institutional racist for that speech – advocating colour blidness -which fails to recognise that diverse ethnicities have to be treated differently, according to the MacPherson Report and followed faithfully by our law enforcers. Multiculturalism is not about treating all people as equal under the law.
So immigrants are now falling from the sky!
It would be quite funny were it not so serious, imagine had the guy fallen on pedestrians or a busy road. What sort of security is there at airports to make this possible? Thankfully they were not terrorists .
Obviously not the brightest type of immigrant, but the type that the PTB welcome with open arms.
The fact that people will take these sort of risks to get here, knowing full well there is a bloody good chance of never being returned, a home and readies is frankly quite scary. If this ain’t realisation for the Government that they have to get tough (extremely) then I don’t know what it will take, but whatever it is, its coming….
How do you know they weren’t terrorists?
Could well be Kamikaze-light. No expensive plane or explosives. Or our literalist Jihadis have miscontrued the ideea of a “bouncing bomb”
I know it’s sick, but I just couldn’t resist it ……..
Geoff too true.
If this chap got into the plane undiscovered, so can a suicidal terrorist bomber with his payload.
Where was the airport security at Johannesburg?
bBC Radio 2 4pm News.
Police charge 21 year old ‘white’ man for the Charleston murders.
Now correct me if I’m wrong, but when boot is on tuther foot such a hideous perpetrator is described simply as a ‘man’
Oh dear, not the BBC, but sounds a bit racist….
“She assaulted the pedestrian, grabbed her and dragged her onto the pavement. The driver was stood over her like Muhammed Ali…”
I suppose you have to feel sorry for all those well-intentioned liberal-minded journos out there, it’s just that so often… the news is… just a bit… racist..
Ramzpaul on the double standards of the media reporting black on white crime.
I don’t think the Beeb have referred to this chap without using “white” in the sentence.
Look on the bright side. If the BBC don’t specifically identify a criminal as “white” then you know that he isn’t. You’ll not know whether he’s black or brown (it’s long odds he’s not Chinese or Japanese), but you’ll know he’s not white.
And if they name him, a name often gives ones origins away.
BBC – Cameron warns of ‘quietly condoning’ IS ideology
I don t know if this moronic shill can be any more PC.
“Cameron’s position is completely and utterly incoherent.
His government has moved to demonize and destroy all resistance to Islamisation — an act predicated on the idea that the overwhelming majority of Muslims in Britain are peaceful, loyal citizens who accept secular rule, want it for their children, and are happy to take their place as one element of Britain’s gorgeous multicultural mosaic.
In a sane society, he would be thrown out of office. But Britain is by no means a sane society.”
R Spencer
Cameron, May and the other No10 morons have shoveled manure so high around themselves that now this speech is the boldest resistance they can devise
Ugh! Just listened to Radio 4’s Feedback & what a pathetic predictable coverage of BBC bias. Firstly why have two people discussing the subject who neither believe any bias exists. Secondly this canard that both kept repeating that the press has a right wing bias, what about The Guardian, The Mirror, The Independent, & The New Statesman? Right wing any of them? Tosh!
You forgot the soppy liberal paper known as the Telegraph.
A vicar dares to speak out! Good on him!
I wonder how long it’ll be before his God-bothering superiors will force him to make a grovelling apology?
‘I wonder how long it’ll be…’
I give him about 48 hours after the BBC gets hold of the story – the CofE is no longer that broad a church
There is still an absolute requirement to believe in Gaia.
It’s the 40th Article and supersedes the other 39.
BBC 5Live News …
“no black feels safe America” yada ya da
ooooh brother
Next item Camoron s “handpicked for harmlessness” waffle
on Muslim communities, skip to the mosque all feel victimised
skip back to the Al BBC ejector seat – roll out … wait for it
…. The Islamic Human Rights Commission 😀 (shakes head)
with the usual obfuscation and deceit, and they believe his speech is outrageous,
(so do I, it was pathetic, weak, incoherent and no where near what is required)
I think the subliminal Al BBC message is
“no muslim feels safe in Britain”
Yes. BBC and Guardian wallowing in race. Probably trying to stir up riots as the left are calling for here. Look at this photo of people from all races and religions comforting each other.
“no black feels safe America” yada ya da
ooooh brother.”
Maybe they should book a one way ticket to Africa then, there’s about 50 black countries there, apparently the natives flee from them at every opportunity and CHOOSE to live in white ‘waaycist’ nations.
Yes the message from the PM should have been that the Police and Security service are not going to waste their time trying to stop Muslims going to Syria etc. They will be deployed to stop the same Muslims from reentering the country.
Three points re the Charleston “unpleasantness”-see I can do liberal smotherings as well.
1. The vulnerable young man, misguided and troubled, marginalised and all the rest of it is only 21, and looks about 15…in any other story he`d be in need of child guidance and a Rolling Stone cover photo shoot.
But the BBC call him a “man”, a alleged murderer”-and all this before the charges are read out, his mental medical history has been revealed-and his use of illegal as well as medically prescribed antidepressants has not been mentioned.
Had he been black or Muslim, a woman or a Duggan-the left would have rolled out the andrex already for the excusings.
2. Note to lefties-Christians know no “Afro-American” denominations…only Christian ones-and, as yet, no lefty has landed on the possibility that the bloke had been groomed by atheists in schools, psychology counsellors peddling prozac in school-instead they continue to racially profile and second-guess the blokes intentions and with no “Christian” pretext altogether.
Again-had these people been white-the Left would think that their pie in the sky god deserved a few more to be moved “nearer thy God to thee”-and there`d be excusings aplenty for what he did.
But no-the IS power in the name of Jesus-so no mention of HIM in all this carnage..and how being a Christian is becoming a danger worldwide…jeez, none of ain`t not safe by being a Christian any more here Evan!…will that do?
3. Yesterdays 10 O Clock news told us that many from all faiths came to stand alongside mourners outside the church, after the shooting…need I tell YOU what “faith community” were featured in their headscarves and pious observances?…and the camera stayed put until we all got the BBCs message.
And-we could all have predicted that that is EXACTLY what Al Beeb would want us all to see.
As well as more dead Bible Believing Christians of course-like Islam,…but the BBC wants the white ones dead-IS is colourblind and less racist in this regard, I`d say.