Dimbo hosts from High Wycombe with David Davis MP, columnist Melanie Phillips, Financial Times editor Lionel Barber, Labour MP Caroline Flint and for the second week in succession, some person from a party which is an irrelevance in England.
No Ukip representation though.
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And the audience…? Don’t worry, Labour’s feckless millions may not have stirred their stumps sufficiently to actually make it to the polling stations and place their ‘X’ where they told YouGov and IpsosMori where they said they would – but the self-delegated tribunes of the plebs will sure pack the BBC benches and cheer to the rafters every progressive utterance of the SNP – from where I sit, south of the border down taxpayer way – he’s more Mr Toad than Mr Salmond. Toad of Bugger Hall. Topical questions of the day… I wonder whether he can be relied upon to offer someone else’s home to more boat migrants?
Why are we getting the Labour Leadership debates televised – just another excuse for Labour speakers in front of Labour audience. Where is the balance there?
Because Newsnight (and the tax subsidized Channel Four news for that matter) only employ Labour Party supporting journalists.
Ah, High Wycombe, a town highly enriched with followers of ‘the prophet’, who will doubtless have a visible and vocal presence at this BBC event. Now I wonder why Melanie Phillips was invited on this particular occasion?
Ms Phillips is formidable, though. I have every faith in her to tell it as it is, regardless of the busloads of Socialist Workers the BBC has ‘impartially’ ferried in for the usual QT ‘balance’.
Has QT already been upstaged by the riveting presentation, apparently from Trumpton village hall, of the four ‘Labour Hopefuls’ last night? The small but select audience regularly cheered Mr Corbyn’s plans for a socialist paradise but were less than enthusiastic for any of the others.
Not very hopeful for the party, after all, so the BBC must be regretting the whole idea. What a shame.
The more exposure that Corbyn gets the worse it is for Labour’s credibility and the party’s 2020 election prospects . So it’s bad for the BBC too. I suggest you all pay your £3 to join Labour and vote for Comrade Corbyn.
If only BBC employees had a vote we would live in a one Party State.
Scotland beat you to it Wild.
I think it’s safe to say EE that Labour do not have 2020 election prospects, and last night’s programme confirmed the fact quite effectively.
Labour will never win another election while the SNP scream and shout for more (English) money and say they will only support Labour to get it.
Although not many Labour-Tory marginals switched, a lot of Tory ‘marginals’ are not really such any more. Add in 20 Tory seats due to boundary changes and things look good for 2020 (and 2025). All we need now is a Greek Exit or Germany demanding that the large countries in the EU either write off debts or give fresh loans.
Labour is never going to be electable again It became a middle class state employee and quango employee pressure group and there are just not enough votes in those quarters.
Had a good run and did quite well for a while but it is over now.
i suspect that the only commen sense that will come from the question time panel tonight will be from melanie phillips,no doubt the other politacaly correct panelists including the human rights luvvie tory mp david davis will disagree with every comment melanie phillips makes,as for the hand picked socalist workers party type audience they will be the usual whooping and excited screaming whenever a leftie panelists make a point of view they like and the booing and hissing no doubt when melanie phillips makes a sensible point they dont like.
I agree, I’ve never felt the need to whoop,whoop whenever someone has said something I agree with.
I can only assume this desire emanates from a biological physiological source, from that which I do not possess..
I believe they tend to be immature,idealistic,left wing,young and predominantly female in gender.
I wonder what Charles Darwin might have made of this primal species.
Yes indeed Melanie Phillips was the only who spoke any sense about anything. Its an isult to have this BBC political current affairs prog support such confusion. As for Salmond-my wife who is a scot & her family fought & died in 2 world wars, and fought for ‘The United Kingdom’. If those that were or are still alive, would throttle that humbug traitorish slime belly individual.
When Liebour vindictively foisted Bercow on the Commons perhaps they did not consider a quid pro quo for Corbyn on Liebour
One day the penny will drop with Liebour that their panelists are never vitriolic towards a Nationalist quasi fascist anti Liebour Alex Salmond SNP. Quite the contrary usually. I wonder if they might ask themselves who took all our seats in Scotland?
No doubt Flint will direct her fire at the Tories! Thick,thick,thick. Thank goodness Liebour are so dim.
every time i watch it, my opinions simply harden against the left and the bbc, i suspect/hope other people feel the same or are starting to open their eyes, having no one seemingly know or care what i a normal tax paying worker thinks and frankly express views i detest, simply means i will quietly and happily vote and agitate against them forever.
no ukip on question time again even though they are the 3rd biggest politacal party in england ?
Hmmm, what draws muslims to ISIS?? Now, what could it be, it’s puzzling me..oh yeah..IT’S ISLAM!!
Alex Salmond, national socialist twat given a voice by the bbc, fashionable socialism when it suits.
That lady has said the best thing all night, caroline flint is delusional…amen to that.
Very much likes the sound of her own voice-she knows nothing about anything and everything about nothing. So poorly informed were most of the audiance on the central dangerous issues concerning immigration. Although as Barber said, in developing staging camps in Lybia may allow some investigation as to the genuine immigration reasons of those people-but surely such a vast costly undertaking is unworkable now, unless the Arab rich Muslim states bring their wealth to the table nothing will happen. Europe is broke parat from the central bankers & they are run by Jews who have no love for the Arab. What is the answer?
where the f*** did this audience not ALL lefties come from, salmond still a t**t though
take it back eu lovers
Yet again, I see “low roaming charges” put forward as a benefit of EU membership. That, and cheap flights. (I would strongly dispute that the latter is a direct result of EU membership).
Well worth giving up sovereignty for!
So feeling like a foreigner in your own country is acceptable because we have low roaming charges and cheap flights ?
Woo Hoo, lower roaming charges, I’ve saved myself a few pence on charges but pay a fortune in taxes to prop up most of the EU…I’d vote for that every day of the week!
What planet do these people live on?
The real ‘cheap flights’ are, and always have been, those across the Atlantic. They existed before the we joined the EEC/EU because it only took agreements between USA/Canada and the UK to achieve.
In a similar way USA/Canada managed to negotiate a trade deal 20 years ago. USA/Australia managed to do the same 10 years ago. USA/’The 28′ are slowly getting there, except that no-one seems to want the deal on the table!
Melanie Phillips is right on the point but is wrong on the subject.
How many affairs take place in the workplace, how many stories are in the wimmin’s magazines about ‘I really fancy a man in my office but’, what about 50 shades, the coca-cola adverts.
I have a mate who happens to works in the M/cr Uni science lab and the tales he has told me about workplace affairs, some led by women, made me want to get a job there!!
Another aspect of this is the age thing, Tim Stanley, Dave Whelan, and there have been others of advancing age, who have been virtually destroyed by the lefty scum simply for saying something that isn’t PC, can’t upset wimmin but the aged are an easy target.
I’ve got a solution to the refugee crisis, Salmond and Sturgeon take every one of them and give them a place in Scotland…job done, they finally take their share and England doesn’t have any more trouble with the subject.
Another fairly balanced QT from the panel and the audience, methinks someone is worried about the license.
yeah they could all start working by rebuilding that wall
perhap if we hadnt been flooded by 300k people last year and pissed the foreign aid budget away then we could afford to help a bit more
newsnight its not the mosques fault, we need a muslim led inquiry, we know what the result of that will be, its all our fault, its because we bombed iraq, it because we didnt bomb syria blah blah
as correctly noted this is a religion going backwards in time
In the last 14 hundred years since its inception, the followers of Islam have perpetrated their despotic, political, religious ideology across the Middle East, Far East, Africa and Europe-its was by strength & courage that an invasion by Muslims was turned away at the Gates of Vienna in 1683-now they have returned in their millions and are now inside the city walls. Leaving the European Union might be the only way for the UK to keep from bing entirely overwhelmed & have some control on its borders. This present unrestricted invasion will not stop by itself-jihad warfare is gaining momentum with the help from the pernicious Islamic State infiltrators.
In the last 14 hundred years since its inception, the followers of Islam have perpetrated their despotic, political, religious ideology across the Middle East, Far East, Africa and Europe-its was by strength & courage that an invasion by Muslims was turned away at the Gates of Vienna in 1683-now they have returned in their millions and are now inside the city walls. Leaving the European Union might be the only way for the UK to keep from bing entirely overwhelmed & have some control on its borders. This present unrestricted invasion will not stop by itself-jihan warfare is gaining momentum with the help from the pernisicious Islamic State infiltrators.
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ChatBot: Woohoo ! Dave666 has joined the chat!
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Teddy Bear: Hi Dave 🙂
Dave666: Good evening
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Dave666 has joined the chat!
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Dave666 has joined the chat!
Dave666: Obviously no
Teddy Bear: That'll be Melanie's stance for sure
Dave666: I didn't fall for the SNP propaganda I have no desire to go thee.
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Mustapha has joined the chat!
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Teddy Bear: especially after seeing the weather there ;o)
Teddy Bear: Evening guys
Dave666: A youngster from Scotland whoop
Dave666: Well said that man
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Olly boy has joined the chat!
Mustapha: Evening all! DELENDA EST BBC – the BBC must be destroyed!
Olly boy: Hi y'all
Teddy Bear: Hi
Olly boy: Been ages since I've been on one of these
Dave666: Hi
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Julio has joined the chat!
Julio: Enter comment
Julio: Hello
Olly boy: If young muslims want to leave this country and fight in the middle east then fine but don't let them back in
Mustapha: Greetings Julio!
Olly boy: Hi
Julio: greetings Mustapha
Dave666: No
Julio: hi Olly
Dave666: Flint "some of the distortions" WTF?
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Teddy Bear has joined the chat!
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Olly boy has joined the chat!
Olly boy: ISIS aren't distorting Islam. There're following it to the letter that's all.
Julio: they could be extradited to Syria or Iraq
Logiebored: ' Evening all.
Julio: hello Logie
Dave666: Hi
Mustapha: Flint: "We need to look very carefully …" Way too late for that!!
Julio: like there isn't enough evidence of that on Youtube
Dave666: You can tell how barbaric they are even from the BBc reports
Teddy Bear: Taqqiya alert
Olly boy: Why do we need them back to talk to our kids?! WTF?!
Dave666: Give them more "opportunities"
Julio: so spend more money on muslims at the expense of British kids
ChatBot: Woohoo ! The Lord has joined the chat!
Julio: lots of highly qualified people have gone there
Olly boy: You can't blame the govt for this
Mustapha: "Diminished hope among this community" – w.t.f ?
Teddy Bear: behead the British so life will be better for them
Julio: hello The
Mustapha: Flint = "delusional" !!!
Dave666: The worst sort of colonism . Loonie stetector time
Dave666: Although she is right about a cult a cult that belongs in the 7th century
Dave666: yea like the crusades
Julio: yes it is
Mustapha: The BBC thinks it is doing God / Marx's work like the Muslim terrorists.
Teddy Bear: The Wholly Beeble
Julio: Salmond wants to apologise to terrorists
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Angrymanupnorth has joined the chat!
Teddy Bear: Dhimmi Davis
Dave666: Flint is getting a bit batey
Olly boy: Hang on a minute what happened before Iraq and Afghanistan? Muslims flew planes into buildings.
Mustapha: Come on Salmond – many in UK were against Iraq war.
Dave666: yes some of us laughed at the 45 minute fantasy
Dave666: "We failed"
Angrymanupnorth: Melanie P speaking sense. Salmold ducking the issue with diversionary twaddle. Flint stoned. FT guy International Rescue?
Dave666: I'm a bit vunerable I'll go and murder a few people
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Olly boy has joined the chat!
Olly boy: The Modus Operandi of Islam is to wipe out 'none believers'. That's all you need to know.
Mustapha: Flint = stoned ? Pray explain!
Dave666: I think we better move on
Olly boy: No I'd hold a massive party but it won't happen sadly
The Lord: Nothing to do with Islam. They've just been a bit unlucky lately that all the terrorists happen to be Moslems.
Olly boy: A nice balanced audience again
Dave666: a good deal is it f**k
Olly boy: A good deal?!
Julio: he's the defeatist thinking we can't work unless as part of the EU
Dave666: I don't fly.
Olly boy: The EU is NOT liberalisation!!
Mustapha: Bastard BBC biased audience.
Olly boy: We can agree our own trade agreements for one if we come out
Logiebored: Barber. Fat cat corporatist anti-democracy supporter.
Dave666: Why would we follow rules if we aren't in the eu?
The Lord: He's had the brown envelope.
Olly boy: If the EU is so good why hasn't Norway joined? Iceland isn't doing too badly either.
Dave666: To young to vote but I remember what they told us and they did lie
Angrymanupnorth: Through the WTO our wit
Mustapha: Yes they lied to us. Ted Heath = The Death (anagram)
Angrymanupnorth: Melanie P. Shes right. Go girl!
Julio: good point MP
Julio: 🙂
Angrymanupnorth: Slippery Salmond. Jumping through sophistic hoops. Tosser.
Olly boy: Salmond wanted independence from England but wanted to join the EU…..
Mustapha: Mel P – my very own Spice Girl.
Julio: agreed angry
Angrymanupnorth: Salmold thinks England give a toss what he thinks? Does he?
Julio: yes he does think that
Mustapha: Climate Change – please!
Julio: because he's an arrogant self important arse
Dave666: Evan Airbus is indicating it would stay despite the channel 4 program
Angrymanupnorth: Airbus didnt indicate. They stated they would stay.
Julio: well said DD
Dave666: I though Gordon was going to put us in the Euro shortly after the time was right
Angrymanupnorth: DD was correct.
Olly boy: EU = The Fourth Reich
Julio: Davies I mean
Mustapha: Pathetic argument – cheap airlines – when immigration could destroy us.
Dave666: the 4th reich expanding to the East
Dave666: Grief she thinks she's important doesn't she Flint
Julio: sovereignty doesn't matter to Flint
The Lord: Only 'coloured' people dare raise the immigration question lately.
Olly boy: How can it be right that the EU tell us how much jelly we need to put in pork pies?
Angrymanupnorth: She looks more like a Betty Rubble than a Flintsone. An aged Betty.
Logiebored: Flint lying through her teeth. Which is why it is so evident.
Dave666: Ooops here comes immaterial breifuing point
Julio: the EU makes it more difficult to trade freely with India and other non EU countries
Olly boy: Betty Rubble that's previously had a crack habit
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Dave666 has joined the chat!
Mustapha: Can someone enlighten me; does/did Flint do drugs ?
Dave666: Don't care what Obama thinks either I didn't vote for him
Angrymanupnorth: Good job DD. And who gives a toss what USA thinks is best for err
Olly boy: Well said Mel
Mustapha: Pity DD didn't win the Tory leadership instead of Lefty Dave.
Angrymanupnorth: I am not suggesting Flint does drugs. It was a poor attempt at a Flintstone gag. She is a comic character. A minor one.
Dave666: Yes she admitted to taking cannabis as a student and didn't like it. where have I heard that one before
Mustapha: One of the Dimbleby brothers perhaps?
Olly boy: Angry – I am though
Angrymanupnorth: Oh OK. I did not know.
Julio: no
Angrymanupnorth: no
Angrymanupnorth: Does it need more words? Its an easy question surely.
Olly boy: no
Dave666: "The Don Valley MP indicated she had not taken cannabis regularly and the fact the drug was illegal "acted as a brake"
Angrymanupnorth: Melanie P correct. Again.
The Lord: Political Correctness is more important than cancer research.
Olly boy: MP the voice of common sense
Mustapha: Honesty is a crime in modern multi-culti Lefty Britain.
Angrymanupnorth: Flint has just gone up in my opinion. toenail height.
Julio: well said MP
Julio: am I
Julio: ?
Angrymanupnorth: Oh dear. Very blond. Mortally offended!
Logiebored: A thought leader>
The Lord: Every time I hear a young person speak my heart sinks.
Dave666: I suffer from discrimination all the time
Julio: poor Dave
Angrymanupnorth: FFS. At least Mel P shows that some women have brains. The others are indicating that some dont.
Julio: yes that Nobel prize winning scientist must be very stupid
Dave666: Are girlssteered from science? I don't recall that even in the 70s
Mustapha: Not enough women … refuse collectors perhaps?
Dave666: I thought the barons created the magna carta
Angrymanupnorth: Stupid? Nobel prize? FFS Nazi women! Indian woman speaks sense.
The Lord: i wonder what that fat lesbian won her Nobel prize for?
Mustapha: Not enough males in for instance Primary Education?
Julio: not very many women coal miners
Julio: either
Julio: or sewage workers
Angrymanupnorth: Sir Tim is my hero! Hastag wheresmydinner.
Mustapha: It's ok for men to do all the sh1t jobs and for women to dominate the public services.
Julio: salmond has such a fat head there's barely room for that chip on his shoulder
Mustapha: I HATE QT audiences.
Logiebored: Question Time of the month.
Julio: I would
Angrymanupnorth: Lots of spiteful women got a say. Here's another blond. Its porn.
Dave666: I love what Flint has done with her hair
Julio: what has she done with it?
Dave666: Porn what ever happened in Germany there was loads there when I was there in the late 70s early80s none on the net bacvause there wasn't an internet
Logiebored: 'is it acceptable…..?
The Lord: He'd love a 'show-trial'?
Angrymanupnorth: DD and MP correct. The others are the cancer in our midst.
Teddy Bear: a lot of sensible people in this audience for a change
Julio: nope
The Lord: FFS
Angrymanupnorth: Lets listen to a feminazi 'lawyer' None of them care about Sir T Hunt nor what valuable work he has given to the lifespans of humans. Only MP and DD exhibit human characteristics
Olly boy: My mate used to manage a group of women and he said it was awful
Julio: that's nice of Scotland to volunteer to take them
Dave666: No but we give them loads of money any way or the government does
Olly boy: He wasn't a pimp though
Mustapha: Boat Race anyone?
The Lord: 20000?
Dave666: Yes and does he remember thetrouble it caused
Julio: that's less than one month's NET immigration
Olly boy: He took on 40000 people because back in the 70's the UK didn't have an open boarder to 500 million people
Dave666: And yes they did hold British passports
Mustapha: > 600000 per annum gross and > 300
Dave666: Whee have we intervened into sub Saharan africa
Angrymanupnorth: SNP false analogy technique. Scattergun analogy approach to avoid actually saying anything definitive.
Olly boy: Where do lefties think we're going to fit all these people?
Logiebored: We have a responsibility TO CONTROL OUR BORDERS.
Angrymanupnorth: Jockistahn
Mustapha: Why Scotland of course
Dave666: They can move in with salmond if he thinks he has a responsibility. might need an extension on the back though
Teddy Bear: it was the same emotional bullshit used for us to be involved in places like Libya in the first place – hypocritical Salmond
The Lord: Well we do send them 12 billion a year. i suppose that's interfering.
Logiebored: Barber really is a total tosser
Angrymanupnorth: Ah a bit of sense from DD
Mustapha: Never ask a Barber if … well anything in fact! What an oaf!
Logiebored: Cut to the chase. If you voted UKIP all this is not your fault.
Julio: there were plenty of people warning Cameron of what would happen if he got rid of Gadaffi there's no reason to punish the whole country because of that idiot
Julio: more fool them
Julio: we only take 600000 immigrants every year
Dave666: a moral obligation really good for Sweden look at that country
The Lord: no. millions.
Angrymanupnorth: If you voted UKIP you need join and to get involved at your local level. Make a real difference!
Dave666: We should fund. Why just deport the lot.
Mustapha: "Moral obligation" when we have so many already?!?!?! W.t.f.
Angrymanupnorth: We could learn from how the Aussie's sorted their problem.
Dave666: It's not good enough really
Julio: not good enough from a socialist?
Julio: that's a bit rich
Dave666: Slim
Angrymanupnorth: 'Moral' is a word lefties apply to their own opinion.
Olly boy: Once they've sexed it up
Mustapha: The effing UN who cares what they think?
Olly boy: Oh well that's it for another week.
Julio: yep another early night for me
Julio: thanks all for playing
Dave666: Night all
Angrymanupnorth: I like Mel P. Shes got spunk!
Olly boy: Night all
The Lord: night all. 😉
Julio: but feel free to stick around if you like
Mustapha: Not so bad by the BBC's low standards.
Dave666: the racist is on now
Mustapha: Tony Abbott good Diane Abbott awful.
Teddy Bear: Thanks as ever Julio – have a good week everybody
Angrymanupnorth: Yey. Abbott and her particularly blatant brand of racism! Huzzah!
Logiebored: Good night all.