The BBC never changes….never misses a chance to put the boot in….here’s a minor classic of the genre…
Everything Everything: ‘Our album is a horror bible’
Ebola, missing airplanes, beheadings, the rise of UKIP.
They’re not the usual topics for a top 40 chart act, but that’s exactly what alt-pop band Everything Everything have been writing about over the past year.
“After we’d finished the record, I read the lyrics back and I realised I’d written a horror bible,” says frontman Jonathan Higgs.
UKIP classed in the same category as ebola, mass murder by aircrash and beheadings. The BBC couldn’t wait to mention that!
Just one minor example of the drip drip effect of the BBC machine polluting the discourse…I’m sure you’ve noticed more….
Mr D has banned BBC1 news tonight. Having watched at 6pm when we learned that the Bradford 12 didn’t like living in the UK, Mr D cannot understand a) the disbelief in Miss Bruce’s voice or why the Beeb should think we are concerned. (Lots of people emigrate and it is not reported endlessly on the Beeb). Surely what is happening with Grexit and the EU should have been higher up the running order than these sisters.
Honestly can’t believe this has been the lead story on BBC News for four days. Why? Why is it relevant to normal viewers? Who actually cares? The relentless propaganda isn’t very subtle, is it?
Yes , I thought the BBC liked immigration , and these people are immigrants ~~ into Syria !
It’s an ongoing series. Getting ready for Mr Vaz, MP to castigate the police for not persuading them to stay, and plod on bended knee to make a grovelling apology to the crying dads.
If they want to go, let them go. They have tried a couple of times to do so and have been stopped previously from going.
Their 14 day cool-off period (as applicable to most big purchases in the retail world) has long since elapsed and they stand by the decision. Just let them go!
The BBC don’t seem to understand or listen.
Any criticism of RoP is banned by the media. I have had several comments dropped down the memory hole on the Daily Mail website for pointing out that a lot of shit is happening because the RoP wants to dominate Europe.
You just can’t say these things, apparently.
The DM emailed me to say that my comments were in contradiction of their usage policy.
That was nice of them.
I got perma-banned from The Spectator online forum for much the same reason. Utterly baffling.
I read a good quote recently. “The left” seems intent on painting UKIP as an extremist far-right party. Well, they’re in for a nasty shock when a real extremist party appears… God knows what they’ll say then.
just shows they need to get out more, and just how far to the left of the spectrum they are in reality
Who would this party be? There is no extreme right-wing party with any traction. There never has been one in the UK. Moseley’s fascists were almost universally despised in the 1930s.
The British are pretty grounded when it comes to politics and steer a middle course – sometimes veering to the left or right a little, but never to extremes.
“Who would this party be?”
They may have meant an Islamist party.
Well maybe, but same rule applies. Extreme political parties don’t fare well in Britain.
‘Moseley’s fascists ‘ were, like the BNP leftists and, as usual, it depends on how you define ‘Right Wing’.
To me a ‘Right Wing’ party is an oxymoron as Libertarians tend not to be gathered in groups …
Moseley was a socialist. That little fact is never allowed to trouble revisionist history from the left, though.
Unfortunately the BBC are just the propaganda wing for the extremists who have already taken away any pretence of democracy in our country. Only when Cameron pulls the luxurious prayer mat from under the BBC’s silk-clad feet will I believe we have the smallest chance of a return to sanity, until then the EU/Globalists reign and we are in thrall.
And not just “the left”. Andrew Neill on the Daily Politics a couple of days ago said of UKIP, “I can’t imagine how they could move further to the right”. I would have thought that a man of his intelligence would have had a better imagination than that.
I don’t know where to place Neil, but he is no friend of UKIP and his comments place him as an anti UKIP campaigner. I believe he is a crap interviewer, with a question on his pieces of paper written by his masters, which he repeats though out the interviews, even when it has been answered.
Not that intelligent. He argued literally for a couple of years on and off with Farage about the flow of labour voters to UKIP. Farage’s claim that UKIP were picking up labour voters in large numbers is now not disputed after the election. No clue what is going on in the real world -even with immense resources available to them.
They know alright but they don’t want the ‘Great Unwashed’ to know the truth, so they lie and lie and lie again.
I’m continually amazed that people think Andrew Neil is not a left-winger. Yes he’s fair and reasonable in his questioning, but that does not exempt him from being a leftist. I like the man, but to think he’s not on the left of the spectrum is delusional.
The BBC is once again portraying economic migrants as brave heroes for crossing a multitude of perfectly safe countries to make themselves a burden on us.
Is there anyone at the BBC who isn’t a traitor to our nation and culture?
A clear and present danger to the UK.
Read Daniel Greenfield’s latest on his Sultanknish blog. Not the waffling we get from the BBC/Liberal media and Cameron but a clear account of why we are failing to deal with so called extreme Islam.
In our blind and stupid world Greenfield stands out. No doubt May would ban him certainly the BBC would.
There are so few men and women who view the world as it really is.
“The slope that leads from Qaradawi’s cartoon rage to trying to behead Pamela Geller isn’t a slippery one; it’s a vertical waterfall. And this is what radicalization really looks like. It doesn’t mean moderates turning extreme.
It means extremists becoming more extreme.
And there’s always room for extremists to become more extreme … which turns old extremists into moderates while mainstreaming their beliefs.
In the UK, Baroness Warsi, Cameron’s biggest mistake, blamed Muslim radicalization on the government’s refusal to engage with… radicals. Or as she put it, “It is incredibly odd and incredibly worrying that over time more and more individuals, more and more organisations are considered by the government to be beyond the pale and therefore not to be engaged with.”
The reason why the government is refusing to “engage” with these organizations is that they support terrorism in one form or another. Warsi is proposing that the UK fight radicalization by mainstreaming it.
Mainstreaming extremism is also Obama’s policy. It’s the logic behind nearly every Western diplomatic move in the Middle East from the Israel-PLO peace process to the Brotherhood’s Arab Spring. And these disasters only created more Islamic terrorism.
The Muslim teenagers headed to join ISIS did not come out of a vacuum. They came from mosques and families that normalized some degree of Islamic Supremacism and viewed some Muslim terrorists as heroes and role models. It’s time for Western governments to admit that the ISIS Jihadist is more the product of his parents and his teachers than of social media Jihadis on YouTube and Twitter.
Radicalization doesn’t begin with a sheikh on social media.
It begins at home. I
It begins in the mosque … It just ends with ISIS”
The mothers of the ‘families that aren’t missing’ didn’t want their children growing up in the UK apparently?
What a coincidence, I have many friends who are now living in countries such as the US, Canada, Oz and NZ because they didn’t want their kids growing up in the caliphate of Al Britani.
I give the sisters a month before they are begging to come back.
They can beg all they like. Fuck ’em.
I think that will be all they can look forward to!
We all know that, sadly and stupidly, they will be welcomed with open arms by the BBC and the authorities should they ever decide to come back.
And ISIS will where it hurts. Pass the KY jeiiy.
Strange! That was my experience exactly. I didn’t want my kid growing up in the UK so I emigrated. Brought him up in a decent society. Then sent him UK for university to do engineering. Now he sees me as a reactionary homophobic, Islamophobic reactionary. Three years is all it took!
All with torn anuses because they’ve been arse raped by Mohammeds legion of half wits….
Crimewatch Roadshow, this morning.
“Amazing photographs showing criminals arrested in Cardiff during the early years of the 20th century … (waffle, waffle)… and also the diversity (one is obviously Chinese, another African) of the population of the city at the time is reflected in the photographs.”
Why show five photos of which two are obviously ethnic? On that basis, 40% of crimes committed in Cardiff were done by foreigners. I don’t think the dimwits thought of that, so desperate were they to portray Britain as a multi-cultural society for like, forever. You see, we’ve always been a multi-cultural (criminal) society. Not sure, that that’s what the beeb wanted me to take from that but that’s what I’ll remember.
And a snippet of Pete Townshend previewing a programme on Radio 6 Music about The Who, telling us what a cosmopolitan bunch they all were in the 60s.
The BBC reeks of Common Purpose.
So after comparing him with Jimmy Savile, they are now ‘denying Jeremy Clarkson was invited back to Top Gear’.
However the wording used is so weasly BBC-speak as to be completely without meaning
“We haven’t offered another Top Gear contract,”
Yes, he probably told you to get lose when you even discussed his return, Offering a contract games a way down the line. What on earth is the point of that statement?
Someone is lying, my money is on the bBC.
Someone is lying, my money is on the bBC.
A safe bet, as this is a minor fib compared with their attempted 28gate cover-up.
That is one bizarre piece of ‘reporting’.
Or could be.
Sounds like Evans is running the circus. In circles.
Hope he’s worth it.
He’s not.
There will now be two Top Gears.
One on Netflix fronted by Clarkson, May, and Hammond that will be watched and paid for by tens of millions of people around the globe.
And another one on the BBC fronted by Chris CBeeebies Evans, Mary Beard and Shami Chakrabarti which will be watched by a few hundred thousand in Britain and no-one outside.
And typically Evans is being handed a BBC ‘vanity’ salary of a million quid a year.
If you’re reading this from your prison cell where you’ve landed because you haven’t paid your licence fee good luck to you.
I’ve just clicked on the BBC News website before I go to bed in the vain hope that something interesting or relevant is now on there.
In a word, nope.
The completely irrelevant, pointless and nobody is interested story about three unknown girls still has the BBC in a froth. For normal working people It really is a case of “eh?”.
I see it’s day X of rushing to defend Saint Farah. Hmm, I wonder if they’re nervous about something?.
“Are US-Israel relations at an all time low?”, asks the headline.
“Americans share images of racial imbalance after Charlestown”. More blacks are treated differently drivel.
“Who are US white supremists?” asks another headline with a bald head and Swaztica tatoo.
I’m going to bed.
A lot of words that can easily be summarised with the term FUCK THEM.
The winds of change?
Fingers crossed!
Could do with less ‘hints’ and ‘coulds’ and the inevitable ‘best in the world, but..’ equivocation, as every pol paying homage to the power of the BBC does.
However how The Trust can be deemed as in any way credible to oversee the BBC is well and truly put to bed now. Yet… there it is, still pontificating away on what it believes the BBC gets right.
The top comment nails it. There’s no way of knowing what is skewed as the BBC brings down the shutters ‘for the purposes of’ the minute a question gets asked. Or Tony and Rona pull a ‘how dare you’ threat out the hat.
It remains unaccountable to any save itself.
The BBC is poacher and gamekeeper, but always right anyway so it doesn’t much matter.
Johnny damn straight. That’s why I’m always wrong when I complain. By law of averages I must have been right at least once.
Everything Everything; another bunch of middle class lefty wannabes that will be forgotten about in a year’s time. They look like your typical posh English Literature graduates, who’ve been playing around with the arts for the last few years courtesy of mummy and daddy’s credit card. The BBC is saturated with these white middle-class geeks who seem to radiate this sense of moral superiority. Give me Chaz and Dave any day!
Iqbal Ali; there’s a good old British name for you. Hang the filth.
See how they got a Muslim judge for the case. Would it have been biased if he was English or something? Twats.
It didn’t help him much. He got at least 16 years. A whitey judge would have let him off with community service.
[audio src="" /]
Jon Gaunt on Al BBC Bias, and propaganda
good old rantathon … a classic (on 21 mins).
I have just watched some recoded episodes of the Danish drama 1864. It is OK ,not great, but OK. But what did strike me was that there wasn’t an ethnic actor in site throughout the historical scenes. Of course they had to have one in those scenes set in the present to represent the diversity of modern Scandinavia! But I am sure that the BBC would have had young Danish soldiers of all shades in accordance with their self imposed ethnic opportunities charter.
“We’ve been moaning all morning about the summer not really getting going”
Come to think of it BBC Breakfast presenters and BBC weather forecasters have kept up a constant refrain of complaint about low temperatures for weeks and months.
It has gone beyond a little bit of banter and become a predictable repetive boring yawn-inducing pre-weather summary ritual.
Stop it!
Dear BBC presenters, you may all have gone to those staff training sessions that promised you kids would never see snow again, Kent would become an island and Britain would become a savannah…. but most of us out here in the real world seem to know our climate better than you do.
Sometimes Britain gets a dud summer.
In the same way, sometimes, we get a hot one – so when we do, which we inevitably will eventually – please remember some of these cold ones and don’t start suddenly banging on about global warming all over again.
Fair point?
When you get your next hot one, the “AGW-told-you-so” brigade will be out in force, wagging their Harrabin-esque fingers, warning of the deepest imaginable doom, and, of course, it’ll be the hottest weather since the earth began. Together with dire warnings to the elderly to stay indoors, sitting in a cold bath, and the inevitable, and fashionable hosepipe ban, it’ll be wall-to-wall “Phew, what a scorcher”, and pictures of nubile greenies taking in the rays on Brighton beach, in the press.
And, of course, you will have gained your “Mediterranean Climate” a few years earlier than predicted, and vineyards will be flourishing outside Glasgow.
Then, just as suddenly as it arrived, the hot summer will be gone for the next ten years or so, and there will be “extreme” normality for a while.
Ain’t man-made climate change a hoot?
Shortly to appear on E-bay: One ASBO tag with Islamic connections. May contain camera and explosive device (no confirmation) cost many thousands of pounds in manufacturing and legal fees. Could form centre-piece in Museum of Human Rights Infringements currently being assembled by philanthropic legal celebrity – no relation (it is believed) to Jayne.
It’s ‘is ‘uman rights, innit!
Yes but unlike the Charleston perpetrator, this chap is described just as a ‘man’ on bBC Radio 2 News….
Spot on – just got back from Greece and only had access to BBC World News what utter tripe . Within the hour it was a ‘…. a white man’ and on and on they never mention the colour if it is not white.Hilarious on Friday telling us Greeks were taking money out of cash machines in panic no they weren’t they were probably taking money out like we do every day where else do you get it from BBC ? they couldn’t find a cash machine with more than one person at the terminal not a Greek person who gave a sh*t they all trusted their PM to do the right thing . Come on Putin you know what you have to do. Something else I noticed everything seemed to be built in Germany – Mercedes Taxis , Buses at the airport all German. There is only one country doing well out of this EU project
Young lesbian teacher pontificating about teachers ‘coming out’ to their kids at school.
She felt moved to write an article about her ideas and was surprised that the Guardian took it up and published it.
Well good for her, and good for those who exercise their democratic right to purchase that newspaper.
Out teacher does not, however, express much surprise that the BBC have taken her up and thrown her in front of the cameras in order to teach the licence payers ideas that I doubt we thought we were paying for and have no way of filtering out.
Stop the constant leftist campaigning and advocacy.
Within a general atmosphere of welcome and support, our Naga asks one pertinent question: Teachers never used to be friends with the kids, they didn’t used to have to know about their private lives…?
To which our ‘out’ teacher inadvertantly lets the cat out of the bag – ‘Things have changed, in order to get the kids to learn now, they have to “like” you’
Bring back that nasty Mr Gove.
‘Things have changed, in order to get the kids to learn now, they have to “like” you’
The best teachers (and most popular) are the ones who command respect and treat children fairly but will be firm when needed. 99% of teachers who go out of their way to be liked are secretly (and often openly) despised by their pupils because they know they can get away with things that they wouldn’t try with teachers they respect.
Crap. The thugs that passed for teachers in the 50’s & 60’s when I was at school were just that, bully’s that could only make it with people half their size.
If only I could have met up with these scum when an adult and the playing field was level.
Modern teachers, most of them are professional with degrees and not some ex uncomisioned officer’s only qualification.
Crap. The teachers in the 70’s and 80’s were proper teachers they were entertainers and educators and there was an under current of discipline in all of the classes. Even the weak disciplinarians who would be pushed at times by the class always got respect if they started to raise their voice and bring back some semblance of order. They were not my friend they did not know that anything about my personal life nor should they they were there to teach me. I would hazard a bet that most of the teachers back then had relevant degrees and I know for a fact most of them had a love of their subjects. Most CV’s I get at work they have been through University and can’t write a proper sentence any connections / themes to be had here ?
A significant factor in teaching standards in the 60s and 70s was the fact that one of the few ways in which to escape National Service was to become a teacher. Thus a generation of ‘teachers’ entered the profession as a means of avoiding something they didn’t fancy, rather than from a sense of vocation – which should always be the major requisite in an effective teacher. The many social and educational benefits of that reality are still being felt today
“bully’s that could only make it with people half their size.”
Well obviously they failed on punctuation, didn’t they?
Failed on everything my love. You just proved my point. Ex yobs with no qualifications, just kicked out of the services as none commissioned officers, that was the only qualification required. Oh that and being able to assault children.
CB and Beltane one of you telling us the teachers were ex-services and the other telling me teachers were people who didn’t fancy National service which is it ? Either way education was a lot better back then than it is now
“Either way education was a lot better then than it is now ” for who ? maybe for the incompetents drawing their salaries and now index linked pensions, but for us that left school at 15 with no qualifications we were the victims.
Compare to now where if you want to take a degree you will be encouraged and motivated by the new breed of teaching staff.
Unless you have aspirations for Oxford or Cambridge, in which case they will dissuade you cos like they’re too elitist innit.
I was taught by ex-service men and others who were avoiding more unpleasant jobs in the 50s, 60’s. Bullies with whistles without basic skills in communicating with humans. Ex military gym master who used to wank off watching the boys in the showers. I left school at 14 and the authorities gave up trying to enforce attendance when I was 15.
Teaching is grim today with teachers who put some kind of political crap ahead of truth, but the kids are capable of transcending it.
Well said mate.
I should add that with self education I ended up in university, taught in umpteen universities including both Oxford and Cambridge although at one university I must have bombed because I taught a lad who later became something big in North America for the BBC.
We didn’t have shower’s it was an old Victorian school building, but one teacher ex RSM would make us all line up and show we were not wearing any underwear under our PT shorts, he loved it. 90 boys every time.
You were not allowed to wear underpants under your shorts because it was considered unhygienic.
And 90 in a PT class? Really? Did you have to queue for the showers afterwards? Bet they were a bit cold for you in the winter, you poor lad.
You sound such a sensitive little flower to have survived the 50s and 60s.
Ex yobs with no qualifications, just kicked out of the services as none commissioned officers, that was the only qualification required.
Both my Spanish (ex-RAF, Bomber Command) and French (joined as a student teacher) masters had firsts from Cambridge. And no, it wasn’t a private school.
Being able to assault children.
If you misbehaved, you took the consequences. And guess what, discipline in class was maintained as a result. I don’t know of anybody of my generation who moans about the physical punishment they took at school. And those who made it to uni didn’t need remedial classes in spelling and grammar before they could start their degrees.
Remember anything else about the 50s and 60s?
You are either a masochist or sadist if you enjoyed all that “physical punishment “, moans of pleasure, sounds like to me. Ughhh.
What motivates a grown man to take a job where he can beat young children as part of his job, Hello Cyril Smith.
You are either a masochist or sadist if you enjoyed all that “physical punishment “, moans of pleasure, sounds like to me. Ughhh.
You just lost the argument.
CB where did you go to school? Dachau? You give the misleading impression that male school teachers did nothing else but beat kids on a daily basis for no good reason. Is this an attempt to re-write history in order to prove some obscure point? I went to school throughout the 1960s when corporal punishment was legal in the education system. In fact on a few occasions I received a slippering myself without lasting psychological or physical trauma. In fact receiving a slippering in front of the class without showing pain was seen by me and my schoolmates as an act of honour. In the schools I attended most teachers saw corporal punishment as an act of failure on their part and disappointment in us. But from what I saw corporal punishment was a relatively rare thing in our school. You are obviously looking at your schooldays through a cracked lense.
He was never there in the 50s and 60s – he’s just doing the usual leftie crude re-write of history as the only way of trying to prove his point.
At a guess I’d say he’s a teacher of the-school-system-is-here-for-my-benefit-and-to-brainwash-the-kids type. And/or a lefty agitator, judging by how quickly he resorted to childish insult.
Maybe a Politics Teacher wiling away a few idle moments on the iPad as his friend Rufus pops across to Starbucks, but not in a supportive way, to top up on essentials mid-march?
Thatcher, Thatcher, Thatcher!
“Failed on everything my love.”
Sorry to hear that, but perhaps you’re just plain lazy. Punctuation isn’t that difficult to learn but you can’t even master a simple plural. And the word is ‘non’. Pathetic.
On another musical note, there was a re-run of Festivals Britannia on BBC4 last night. The usual nostalgic mash-up of old film footage and music, intended as a celebration of music festivals in fields to set the scene before the annual BBC pilgrimage to Glastonbury – or so the unsuspecting might imagine.
Actually it was quite interesting, beginning with jazz festivals, mods and rockers and to the Summer of Love. Theme: youth rebellion with some great sounds. But gradually the voice-over started to contradict what some of those filmed at the time were actually saying. The Isle of Wight festival in 1970, for example, when anarchists broke down the fence and caused a bitter aftermath because music should be free, man. Nothing much was made of the organiser who could be heard trying to reason with them that the artistes had to be paid. But at this point, there were admissions that the bad behaviour of those attending the festivals was the reason for any trouble. No prizes for guessing where the documentary makers’ sympathy was, though – or that the hippy view was fundamentally untenable.
But that’s a minor matter compared to coverage of, you guessed it, the early 1980s. Yes, now it was all “more political”. It was “anti-Tory”, “Thatcher’s govt” and “the culture of resistance”, the “uncaring society”. “Anxiety reigned” and “young people had no hope”. I include the link, for anyone who wants to hear it for themselves – from about 57 mins in:
I’ve made this point before but it’s worth making again. I don’t want to watch and listen to a relentlessly pro-Tory BBC. But I do ask for balance, and if Festivals Britannia is to have a political element, then where is the examination of the disenfranchisement brought about by the distastrous Labour governments of the mid to late 1970s – that actually resulted in loss of jobs and opportunities for the young? Why was Thatcher the only PM in a decades-wide survey to be named and shamed – and blamed for life being tough for many young people? Really that much harder than in the 1930s and 1940s?
Obviously, we all know the answer. Funnily enough, once I’d stopped enjoying the music and become annoyed with this “documentary”, the effect was to offer clarity about why the BBC is so keen on Glastonbury. Its organiser Michael Eavis says on film that the festival became “political” and “anti-Tory” in the 1980s. So, in that case, how can it be allowed to be the subject of massive annual support, funding and broadcast time by our “impartial” BBC?
There are few BBC documentaries these days where they are not peddling an agenda.
And that’s just the documentaries….
“I do ask for balance”
Do you suffer from learning difficulties? If not you must have hyperoptimisticacitis.
Socialists, of various hues, killed 100 million people in the twentieth century.
You think they will provide balance.
Many of these people have very serious mental conditions.
They spend their lives believing things that are not true.
They have delusions of superiority.
They also spend their lives with people who agree with them.
The cannot be helped, they cannot be changed.
But they can be stopped, this is our task.
On another musical note, there was a re-run of Festivals Britannia on BBC4 last night. The usual nostalgic mash-up of old film footage and music, intended as a celebration of music festivals in fields to set the scene before the annual BBC pilgrimage to Glastonbury – or so the unsuspecting might imagine.
Actually it was quite interesting, beginning with jazz festivals, mods and rockers and to the Summer of Love. Theme: youth rebellion with some great sounds. But gradually the voice-over started to contradict what some of those filmed at the time were actually saying. The Isle of Wight festival in 1970, for example, when anarchists broke down the fence and caused a bitter aftermath because music should be free, man. Nothing much was made of the organiser who could be heard trying to reason with them that the artistes had to be paid. But at this point, there were admissions that the bad behaviour of those attending the festivals was the reason for any trouble. No prizes for guessing where the documentary makers’ sympathy was, though – or that the hippy view was fundamentally untenable.
But that’s a minor matter compared to coverage of, you guessed it, the early 1980s. Yes, now it was all “more political”. It was “anti-Tory”, “Thatcher’s govt” and “the culture of resistance”, the “uncaring society”. “Anxiety reigned” and “young people had no hope”. I include the link, for anyone who wants to hear it for themselves – from about 57 mins in:
I’ve made this point before but it’s worth making again. I don’t want to watch and listen to a relentlessly pro-Tory BBC. But I do ask for balance, and if Festivals Britannia is to have a political element, then where is the examination of the disenfranchisement brought about by the distastrous Labour governments of the mid to late 1970s – that actually resulted in loss of jobs and opportunities for the young? Why was Thatcher the only PM in a decades-wide survey to be named and shamed – and blamed for life being tough for many young people? Really that much harder than in the 1930s and 1940s?
Obviously, we all know the answer. Funnily enough, once I’d stopped enjoying the music and become annoyed with this “documentary”, the effect was to offer clarity about why the BBC is so keen on Glastonbury. Its organiser Michael Eavis says on film that the festival became “political” and “anti-Tory” in the 1980s. So, in that case, how can it be allowed to be the subject of massive annual support, funding and broadcast time by our “impartial” BBC?
sorry for duplicate – can’t seem to delete it
it was as good second time round !
Just in case any more evidence of the BBC’s intellectual bankruptcy was required, have a look at this drivel:
As if the paper in question wasn’t laughable enough, the article contains this gem,
‘Stanford University professor Paul Ehrlich said: “There are examples of species all over the world that are essentially the walking dead.’
Some of you might not have heard of Paul Ehrlich. It is safe to say that in the league of incompetent and inaccurate forecasters he is the undoubted champion. Any journalist quoting him is a lazy idiot unconcerned with carrying out even the most shallow analysis.
If anything illustrates the miserable depths to which American universities have sunk it is that a fool like Erlich is still being appointed to do anything other than clean the lavatories.
And if anything illustrates the miserable depths to which the British media have sunk it is that they reported this ridiculous story without mentioning that the Malthusian clown, Erlich, was behind it. Putting his name in the headline would have saved anyone with a brain the trouble of reading the story.
My favourite quote from Ehrlich is from my 1971 edition of his 1968 book “The Population Bomb”:
“Therefore it is important for you to consider that I, and many of the people who share my views, are just plain wrong, that we are alarmists…”
Got it in one.
Ehrlich is the uncrowned King of Alarmists.
His forecasts of doom have been proven wrong – time and again. It’s a mark of how low the BBC have sunk over the years that they are prepared to quote this crank completely unchallenged – gobsmacking, in fact, given his track record:
In 1968, Paul R. Ehrlich wrote The Population Bomb and declared that the battle to feed humanity had been lost and that there would be a major food shortage in the US. “In the 1970s … hundreds of millions are going to starve to death,” and by the 1980s most of the world’s important resources would be depleted. He forecast that 65 million Americans would die of starvation between 1980-1989 and that by 1999, the US population would decline to 22.6 million The problems in the US would be relatively minor compared to those in the rest of the world. (Ehrlich, Paul R. The Population Bomb. New York, Ballantine Books, 1968.) New Scientist magazine underscored his speech in an editorial titled “In Praise of Prophets.”….
“By the year 2000 the United Kingdom will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people … If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.” Paul Ehrlich, Speech at British Institute For Biology, September 1971.
And loads more:
Just another day of the BBC sucking up to its 28gate mates.
Any chance of getting the BBC and Channel 4 collapsed into one cretinous liberal sewer pipe-instead of this incessant public sector funded pincer movement of evil that the two strands of Common Purpose that they currently exist to do?
Channel 4 gets hardly any advertising-the taxpayer largely funds it, as far as I can tell.
It`s few commercial deals could go to ITV or Sky-both of which at least are market-funded.
Is bleeding heart crap on immigration, its scorn for UKIP are all BBC-compliant…so if we could at least quarantine the liberal virus on one channel we could staunch its pustulatng forms , as and when.
Tell you why-flicked from Krishnans crap(Snow no doubt, en route to Charleston) and over to BBC News…BOTH were chiselling at Camerons right to speak out of Islamic extremism in the UK.
I`ve had enough-how dare the liberal lobster of pink privilege as clawed by BBC/Channel 4 tell me that
a) An elected British Prime Minister
b) With a mandate only six weeks old with five more years to go
c) Speaking at an international security event in Slovakia
d) About an issue that has been a running sore from Rushdie, 9/11,7/7/ and Lee Rigby to this country(and don`t get me started on sex gangs, Trojan Horse, Rahmans electoral fiddles, Childrens Homes and the BBCs constant proctology of Anjem Choudhury and his floating jobbies of Islam).
No-I think he`s got the perfect right to speak his mealy-mouthed platitudes safely away from Luton and Dewsbury in an air conditioned hotel lobby…and without the need to ask Krishnan, Kirsty, Anjem, Jon or Abu for permission.
Yet there the liberal scum were-Bradford and Leeds..funnily enough unable to try Luton or Woolwich-to get the “view of the Arab Mosque”…they`ll not chance the Arab Streets now will they?
And-all to a man(not many women I note)-telling me that Camoeron is both wrong and has no right to talk on behalf of the 35+% who want him to address this cancer in our midst-mealy mouthed or not, at this stage.
The BBC and Channel 4 won`t allow it-nor will Hamas and its helpers here in the UK-and they make it plain 24/7 that THEY decide who is empty-chaired, and who gets the coverage.
Conflate these two sets of liars at Channel 4 and BBC into one appendix-so we can watch the atrophy safely…as things stand it`s truly corrosive-and the Tories need to sort it.
Be a good vote off would it not?…Mason v Davis for the one economic post?…Snow v Humphrys…Wark v Newman?
Maybe the Raqqa Bush fukka trail for `em all-and give a dorrmans job to the last liberal cringing?
Well said. The Left – Labour/BBC/Guardian – do not accept Cameron’s democratic mandate and still believe they got it ‘just about right’ with their socialist manifesto. There was yet another example of it this morning on R4 when Diane Abbott was telling us how popular Jeremy Corbyn’s policies are with the general public (wonder what his policy is on private education?). It’s about time Abbott was set free from the public purse and tried her luck in the real world of work.
“It’s about time Abbott was set free from the public purse and tried her luck in the real world of work. ”
I would say she is virtually unemployable in the real world.
Oddly enough johnny, I found the concept of her as a personal trainer rather attractive and as a result e-mailed her with an offer of regular employment, but to date have had no reply.
I heard a caller from Bradford on Nolan’s show last night. From his voice he was clearly Asian, and he had just started to say that, talking to people in “The Community”, many of them did sympathise with IS, and the Prime Minister had a point. His feet didn’t touch, Nolan had him off the air within seconds. I imagine whoever took the call got a bollocking for letting him on.
Any chance of getting the BBC and Channel 4 collapsed into one cretinous liberal sewer pipe-instead of this incessant public sector funded pincer movement of evil that the two strands of Common Purpose that they currently exist to do?
Channel 4 gets hardly any advertising-the taxpayer largely funds it, as far as I can tell.
It`s few commercial deals could go to ITV or Sky-both of which at least are market-funded.
Is bleeding heart crap on immigration, its scorn for UKIP are all BBC-compliant…so if we could at least quarantine the liberal virus on one channel we could staunch its pustulatng forms , as and when.
Tell you why-flicked from Krishnans crap(Snow no doubt, en route to Charleston) and over to BBC News…BOTH were chiselling at Camerons right to speak out of Islamic extremism in the UK.
I`ve had enough-how dare the liberal lobster of pink privilege as clawed by BBC/Channel 4 tell me that
a) An elected British Prime Minister
b) With a mandate only six weeks old with five more years to go
c) Speaking at an international security event in Slovakia
d) About an issue that has been a running sore from Rushdie, 9/11,7/7/ and Lee Rigby to this country(and don`t get me started on sex gangs, Trojan Horse, Rahmans electoral fiddles, Childrens Homes and the BBCs constant proctology of Anjem Choudhury and his floating jobbies of Islam).
No-I think he`s got the perfect right to speak his mealy-mouthed platitudes safely away from Luton and Dewsbury in an air conditioned hotel lobby…and without the need to ask Krishnan, Kirsty, Anjem, Jon or Abu for permission.
Yet there the liberal scum were-Bradford and Leeds..funnily enough unable to try Luton or Woolwich-to get the “view of the Arab Mosque”…they`ll not chance the Arab Streets now will they?
And-all to a man(not many women I note)-telling me that Cameron is both wrong and has no right to talk on behalf of the 35+% who want him to address this cancer in our midst-mealy mouthed or not, at this stage.
The BBC and Channel 4 won`t allow it-nor will Hamas and its helpers here in the UK-and they make it plain 24/7 that THEY decide who is empty-chaired, and who gets the coverage.
Conflate these two sets of liars at Channel 4 and BBC into one appendix-so we can watch the atrophy safely…as things stand it`s truly corrosive-and the Tories need to sort it.
Be a good vote off would it not?…Mason v Davis for the one economic post?…Snow v Humphrys…Wark v Newman?
Maybe the Raqqa Bush fukka trail for `em all-and give a doormans job to the last liberal cringing?
I see Obama has been race baiting yet again. Once again taking Rahm Emmanuel’s old advice of “never let a crisis go to waste” O’Bummer has been poisoning the political waters with his rant about racism in America when referring to the tragedy of the nine people killed in the church shooting in Charleston. On the previous open thread I claimed that Obama, his awful wife and the likes of his previous Attorney General Eric Holder had set back US race relations by fifty years. Predictably, our resident abusive troll, Scott, made an appearance calling me a bigot and liar and calling for evidence. Even more predictably (yawn!) he referred to a months old post I had made in a pathetic effort to discredit my point. Well, Scott, there are plenty of internet sites reporting the Obama administration’s attempts to fan the flames of racial unrest which I’m sure you would be able to access, but I’ll give you a few examples:- ” If I had a son he would look like Trayvon” Remember that little speech which encouraged death threats against “WHITE Hispanic” George Zimmerman? How about Eric Holder making a speech where he stated he would look after the interests of “my people”, obviously referring to African-Americans. Then there were the special teams the Justice Department sent to Ferguson and Baltimore to “advise” black demonstrators and appearances with the scummy families of the likes of thug Michael Brown? How Obama claims that there were 18,000 gun related murders in 2013 without mentioning that the majority of those were black on black murders using ILLEGALLY held firearms. Never seems to mention all the black gang related murders in places like Chicago and Washington but but makes big speeches condemning the actions of white police officers who shoot black youths who they perceive to have been threatening their lives and members of the public. I can’t be arsed to give you anymore so get of your lazy arse, Scott and seek and ye shall find!
Even more predictably (yawn!) he referred to a months old post I had made in a pathetic effort to discredit my point.
In which you deliberately and wilfully lied. And, when challenged about that lie, got all chippy. Rather than admitting your lie, you got right back on that high horse and continued flogging it well past the point of death.
It wasn’t the first time you’d lied to shore up your own bigotry, and as your recent outpourings have shown it clearly isn’t the last.
But hey. Carry on being a petulant, adolescent, bigoted, poisonous little excuse for a human being if you want. You would find it’s a lot less effort to not be a cunt if you ever tried.
Don’t feed the deeply-unpleasant sick troll
Don’t rub the genie’s lamp!
Er, that’s not a euphemism, by the way.
I notice the jug eared little creep hasn’t mentioned anything about the examples of Obama’s race baiting I gave in the above post. It’s true, the odious little oik only comes onto this site to disrupt and divert – as well as trying to burnish what little self esteem the EDP (Emotionally Disturbed Person) has by insulting, abusing and generally patronising those who hold views he doesn’t agree with.
Well, Scott, how about commenting on the examples I gave. You asked for evidence, I gave it and you respond with abuse while ignoring the the evidence. You are showing yourself up for the bitchy little queen you really are! And that statement IS meant to be insulting. It’s all you deserve!
He’s on here to annoy people and waste their time, not to have a debate.
Scott avoids telling us why he is on this site, but he is keen to advertise this link though………………..
Bless. You accuse me of insulting other people in a post in which you started by calling me a jug eared creep.
Not only a persistent liar, but a persistent hypocrite.
Scott, still no answer to the question, why are you on this site? Also, why do you always commence your blog with the word ‘Bless’?
I can only assume that you like to promote this link…………….
A betterer question is why you reply to ever Scott post.
Suggests you were the sort of sad kid who took party in gay bashing at School because deep down you are a closet gay who hasn’t come out. You are still obnoxious here as your posts underline.
Your almost continuous posts suggest this is the only life you have.
What a sad waste of a life.
This is Scott in a nutshell….
Finding Islamists attempting to blow up America “Hot”, and constantly announcing that he’s had enough of this blog…..
Scott is a joke. Everybody laughs at him, but he’s just too arrogant to realise that point…
A five year old post?
If that’s still supposedly relevant, then you must agree that it’s not inappropriate to bring up Andy S’s bigotry and lies from mere months ago.
Or is this another occasion where Biased BBC commenters demonstrate that they’re incapable of being anything other than outright hypocrites?
I’ll tell you the true definition of “hypocrisy”….A man that fancies an Islamist, knowing damned well that the idol of his affection would quite willingly chop of his head in total disgust, for what you were implying..
Not so much hypocrisy, more like lunacy.
Oh diddums, did little Scottie spit his dummy out because I responded in kind? Note I didn’t resort to spitting out obscenities like you. You still haven’t responded to the evidence I provided about the Obama administration’s race baiting. What’s up, have you nothing to say when faced with factual evidence? It’s all very well calling me a liar but you seem reluctant to respond when I back up my claims. You just revert to form by being obnoxious and abusive.
Oh please. You gave examples where Obama responded to crimes which had a racial element. That’s not “Race batiing”.
What it possibly is is “offending a sad little white man who is so insecure in his own skin that he attempts to bully anyone he sees as inferior, and then gets upset when it doesn’t work.”
And I call you a liar because you lie. Over and over and over again. You know you do. You just lack the humanity or the maturity to admit it.
Unfortunately we recently had the misfortune to see an image of you Scotty. Being a very unattractive homosexual must be soul destroying as many in that “community” judge on looks alone so you really never stood a chance. It goes a long way to explaining you being a bitter little cnut.
Scott is well aware of Obama’s failings but Scott is here to disrupt and not to be educated.
Scott is a great ambassador for the Left/BBC, or so he thinks.
Agree 100% dee.
The BBC4 take on “Pop Festival history” is the only narrative that a Russell Howard, a Grimshaw or a Fearne Cotton would be reading over the usual picture stock of rasta and Orgreave.
Very Stalin-all Red Square airbrushings as channelled through the lies of Viv Albertine, Pauline Black or Tom Robinson–not one of which actually did much more than be black, women or (temporarily) gay.
The likes of John Peel and Jeremy Vine buy into it all, as long as the license fee pays for this endless revising of history.
And I was there throughout since 1977/8…so won`t take lessons or autocue scripts from idiot nephews who get their jollies and their words from Uncle Tom or Auntie Sioux
Yep me too, none of these ‘historical’ BBC really ring a bell with me, only the lefty musical press were really lauding such bands, ex editors of which often give their views on such programs.
To get a truer musical picture of the times try the Top Of The Pops 1980 repeats, sterile and thankfully JS free, but they tell us what records the kids and public were buying.
And I never cease to be impressed at the range of music on offer-the Stranglers over to St Winifred school choirs via Johnny Logan and mums that hoof badly, but with spiwit!
Compare and contrast with today….no wonder kids are stuffed, when they`ve no culture but Russell Brand and FloRida.
THIS will be the heart of the “teachers spats” above-the whole lot of em have been drilled in the National Curriculum since 1987, so are monocultural morons who crave the holidays and pilgrim prospects that the unions provide.
They took Blairs bawbees , Blunketts braille basher and Prescotts morals…no ex National Serviceman could easliy last in such moral cesspits as schools, unless they were private ones.
Here speaks a current comprehensive teacher of thirty years experience-thankfully, it`ll be fun to watch them adapt or die very soon.
Saw the Stranglers twice in the 70s. First time it ended in a mass punch-up on stage with one stack of speakers toppling over into the front rows of the audience, who thankfully were absent due to already being engaged in the aforementioned punch-up……
Again I started seeing live bands I 1977. The “history” that the BBc presents on the music scene is one that I don’t recognise. I haven’t been to festivals for some time partially due to the costs. I think Reading Rock in 1982 was @ £18.00.These days they will break up the payments due to the costs. Generally the line ups are not that great. Finally they are packed with tossers who are more interested in telling people they were there rather than going to see the bands. Incidentally Radio 6 appears to have pissed off one of my friends from Northern Uproar ( with some tweeted remarks. Thing is I never listen to any of the BBc radio channels because they just don’t play, apart from once in a blue moon, anything I want to listen to. If I listen to anything it’s a Manchester based commercial rock station. Next week I’m off to see Diamond Head ( a few weeks ago it was The Alarm ( ) When was the last time BBc played any of their work I wonder?
dave666 diamond head 🙂 unfulfilled genius! where man please tell
Chester Live rooms I think they only have 2 venues on the tour. Last time I saw them was 2007 in Stourbridge. Before that Reading Rock 1982.
BBC Radio Manchester, this afternoon. A run down of the chart in 1980. “At no. 15 with Breaking The Law, Judas Priest. We’re not playing that. For obvious reasons.”
Sums up the snooty attitude of the BBC to heavy metal and heavy rock. Let me tell them that Priest are still going strong. I saw them a few years ago at the Manchester Apollo and they’re still selling out arenas after 40 years! Last years Glasto was hilarious – Radcliffe and Laverne, so consumed by indie crap, had obviously never heard any Metallica songs. They had this incredulous look … do people actually listen to this. Yes, they do, millions of us, and we’re another group who get fuck all out of the licence fee.
* Went to see Megadeth about 10 years ago but I got there late, about 8.30, to hear the final rumblings of ‘Am I Evil’. So, I’d like to say I saw Diamond Head but I didn’t. Guy next to me at the bar said that that was the best bit. I don’t think he was a fan.
Just watched the very end off BBc “news” as I was flicking through the guide looking for something to watch as the tv went on.
Yes the represent the minority / no-one brigade is out I suspect not in very large numbers as the weather is that good. I wonder when the trashing of buildings will start I know some have shut in anticipation.
“They’re not achieving the results they said they intended to achieve. Some of my friends have been seriously adversely affected,”
That’s funny apart from immigration I thought broadly they were, And unlike George Penny & his “mates” the Dave666 household hasn’t been endlessly screwed over like we werer under the labour regime. Laura (35) doesn’t want to be identified. No wonder does she cut her own hair? “We need to grow the economy in another way or in five or 10 years we’ll end up in a country with no NHS, no welfare state.”
Well the NHS & the welfare budgets are under strain due to the tsunami of immigration. And the dismantling of the welfare state all started under labour. But as the BBc admitted with a majority the government will take little or no notice of them.
Heard on R4 this morning, ‘This young British fighter travelling abroad’. My ears pricked up, ‘Hello’ I thought, ‘Have we got another Barry McGuigan in the making?’ Imagine my disappointment when it turned out to be ‘puff-piece’ for some Jihadi tyke.
And just now, the promo for Any Answers, ‘Who should be responsible for UK Jihadis, government, police, Muslim community?’ (I know, it shouldn’t need asking, but I’m inured to it now) But the remarkable thing, for me, was she went on to name 2 white UK Jihadis and said, with not a little note of triumph, ‘ And WHO should be responsible for them?’
Well, I doubt they were radicalised by the Brownies or the Scouts, but then again, who knows in Modern Britain.
Can you say “Brownies” these days? Isn’t that an “ism”?
Got a good code name for the buggers though eh?
Brownie packers…fudge as the new brown etc?
Heck-like Warmons, I feel we`ve a good game here for palm pilots….
they have no “COMMUNITY” per-say so you cant blame it for anything, or ask it to fix it, so said youf working efnik tyke.
So why then do we keep throwing money at this non-existent community and its so called leaders and spokes people
I note that our Al Shabab lad who “fell in action” whilst fighting out there in Kenya etc(Tom was it?…al Tommi?) was “Second In Command” for his enlightened progressive employer, when he was forced from position.
Al Shabab as an equal opportunity employer?…no racist bones, no glass ceilings on the career prospects of a Home Counties lad with a red hennaed beard, prematurely balding?
Reckon there`s plenty lefties who could do worse that go work for such a progressive employer?…certainly cheaper to us that employing them at the BBC, TUC., lefty think tanks etc?
Come on Owen, Laurie…the new Spanish civil war needs you out in Somalia!
The Nigerian fashion-designer that the bBBC North West uses to
tick its diversity boxesread the weather forecasts has told us that Sunday will be “the longest day of the year so far“!No Sir Arthur! Don’t tell me I missed Eno!! But will it be wainey over cwumbiaah?
And today is the warmest day since yesterday.
No missed it I think it was Mel Coles on after F1. One of the seemingly massive number of weather forecasters North West employs.
It seems to be quite a while since Eno mentioned clods over Combria. Either they have changed her script or she has had elocution lessons.
Sir Arthur,
Thank you for the additional comment – I am enlightened. I had wondered why in his 2.11 post Dave666 had brought the English National Opera in to the exchange.
The useless cnut can’t even string a sentence together yet they are actually allowing her to present some news reports as well as the weather. Ah, the advantages of being a female effnik, even if you are intellectually challenged. Never did “Baroness” (spits onto floor after saying that word) Warsi any harm either.
Having heard Question Time on iPlayer , it turns out that there are plenty lefty liberal oafs who would rather a Nobel-winning cancer scientist lose his job that talk silly nonsense out in Seoul, South Korea.
So much for these cretins saying that they want to cure cancer, go to war on it and all the usual tripe of the charity quangos and BBC helplines.
They simply would rather people die of cancer that let some harmless eejit-lite banter go unpunished.
I`m saying this because Matt Frei(ex Beeboid, Channel 4 News) is similarly happy to see people die than change his mind.
On his news last night, he berated some gun supporting American for suggesting that Charleston would not have happened , had the pastor not banned guns in his church.
He cited a case where a church going woman with a gun prevented an even bigger atrocity in Florida a while back-but hey, why let fats and precedent get in the way of that?
Frei could not believe his ears-and his liberal East Coast black talking head that wanted guns banned was similarly outraged!
What-prevent a few deaths, but sacrifice a liberal canard like gun control?
Not a chance-let `em die!
So from Charleston to Seoul, Roof to Professor Hunt…far better than innocents die and research for forty years doesn`t get done; that one Caitlyn, one Chelsea, one Julian, one Snowdon,one Bonnie get`s a metaphorical fly in the gusset for a few minutes.
Boy-we don`t half pay a price for these liberal onanists getting their rocks off on dead white blokes, and black Christians do we not?
Shows the evil of the liberal progressive mindset-yet another couple of Dowler moments, so they get sent to hell asap.
Having heard Question Time on iPlayer , it turns out that there are plenty lefty liberal oafs who would rather a Nobel-winning cancer scientist lose his job that talk silly nonsense out in Seoul, South Korea.
So much for these cretins saying that they want to cure cancer, go to war on it and all the usual tripe of the charity quangos and BBC helplines.
They simply would rather people die of cancer that let some harmless eejit-lite banter go unpunished.
I`m saying this because Matt Frei(ex Beeboid, Channel 4 News) is similarly happy to see people die than change his mind.
On his news last night, he berated some gun supporting American for suggesting that Charleston would not have happened , had the pastor not banned guns in his church.
He cited a case where a church going woman with a gun prevented an even bigger atrocity in Florida a while back-but hey, why let facts and precedent get in the way of that?
Frei could not believe his ears-and his liberal East Coast black talking head that wanted guns banned was similarly outraged!
What-prevent a few deaths, but sacrifice a liberal canard like gun control?
Not a chance-let `em die!
So from Charleston to Seoul, Roof to Professor Hunt…far better than innocents die and research for forty years doesn`t get done; that one Caitlyn, one Chelsea, one Julian, one Snowdon,one Bonnie get`s a metaphorical fly in the gusset for a few minutes.
Boy-we don`t half pay a price for these liberal onanists getting their rocks off on dead white blokes, and black Christians do we not?
Shows the evil of the liberal progressive mindset-yet another couple of Dowler moments, so they get sent to hell asap.
Love cricket and F1, both are live right now, cricket rightfully deserves non stop commentary on 5live Extra fair enough, but F1 has to share with Royal Ascot (just chat no races at the mo) women’s rowing, tennis and reports from the cricket (WTF?) and most infuriating bloody trailers for what’s coming up on R5L
No commenratry on the first 5 minutrs of each session of F1 qualifying, just plenty of the above, which begs the question why are two frequencies being used wholly for cricket + updates on a third? (5LSports Extra, Radio4 Long Wave and 5Live)
Marching along with Leninist Luvvies on the anti-austerity campaign – its Corbyn for the BBC.
It’s all kicking off here in our little rural idyll.
Seems a majority of local councillors have voted to blow some cash on making the place look nice, and the minority are upset they were outvoted because all the money was in their heads meant to be saved for pensions and benefits.
So of course they have mobilized the full flounce of the social media Force, plus the local rag (never guess the editor’s political leanings) to demand democracy be stuffed and they get their way.
Sadly for them, the people here are having none of it, which is why they lost so many seats… in an election.
But it is not stopping them shouting the odds and making demands… because they failed to sway the electorate and see their policies supported.
And now I hear the angry anguish of a collection of trustafarian Targuins eagerly egged on to tell the nation we voted incorrectly and if necessary corrective measures must be taken to overturn this silly democratic thing to get money for them and their supporters now, at the expense of future generations.
All egged on by the Napoleon and Josephine of austerity, namely Russell and Charlotte with the W1A Wolfies of the BBC kindergartens wetting themselves over it all.
Just hope no one tweets anything stupid, Steph, Jasmine, Mark, Jon, Dom…
BBC TV News. 11.50 am today.
Gavin Esler hosts a discussion.
Polly Toynbee of Guardian fame agrees that Saudi Arabia has a human rights record as bad as IS. (Not challenged).
She also states that Cameron should never have sacked Baroness Warsi as she’s ‘plugged-in’ and speaks a lot of sense about the muslims in the UK who support IS. (Not challenged).
Toynbee then stated that Cameron dislikes women around him and that this is well known.(Not challenged).
Guffaws all around the table! Esler says with a big smile that they’d better stop there or that they may get into trouble. Guffaws continue.
80% of The Gavin Esler Dateline Saturday progs at 11.30 I have seen are compered with a progressive left bias and the panel having 3 or 4/4 progressive left journalists on it.It is amazing how the programme have got away with the bias for years.
Gavin Esler seems to like traveling only in like-minded company.
It really should be called Blind Dateline.
The episode that plumbed the depths was one where every guest, plus host, decided the UK was sabre-rattling over the Falklands by beefing up defences in response to Crustina Kirchner looking at the economy and turning to the oldest distraction in the book the rellies brought over in the late forties, to wind up the locals.
For some reason the panel’s history didn’t seem to go back even a few decades.
3 or 4/4 progressive left journalists is hardly biased in BBC terms.
I saw this on Harry’s Place and thought it was apt regards those poor Bradford mothers buggering off for a Summer Holiday to Syria:
#We’re all going on a Sunni holiday#
#No more taqiyya for a week or two#
#Fiqh and slaughter on our Sunni holiday#
#Lots of worries for the Yezidis, Nasrani, and Jew#
#For more than a week or two#
#We’re going where the surah shines brightly#
#We’re going where the ghanimah is blue#
#We’ve seen it in the movies#
#Now let’s see if it’s true#
Sky news have described the man who has killed three in Graz as having Bosnian roots, the bBC still describing him as a, yes you’ve guessed it a ‘man’…
murder in Austria – how odd that there’s no description of the killer given that there are two quoted eye-witnesses?
We have to eradicate Islam.
They rape our girls and are taking over our country.
They have to go.
“They rape our girls and are taking over our country.
They have to go. ” – Chop, BiasedBBC
“You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” – Dylann Roof, Charleston
Anders Breivik’s favourite website strikes again!
Thank you for your admission that you consider the rape of white women as acceptable.
Care to go further and state that it is desirable or essential?
Chop and this comment. Both out to discredit this site. Ignore and beware.
Chop got a lot of likes though.
Just when you imagine that the BBC can’t get more over the top about climate change they surprise you.
We are now entering an extinction phase…
I suppose that means I don’t need to worry about my pension.
Why are the spineless BBC concerned about the disappearance of vertebrates?
The summary of Woman’s Hour this Saturday afternoon had the story of a women’s mosque in Bradford. OK, think plenty, say nowt. But it made me realise how few items there are on Radio 4 about Christianity – and no I don’t mean about women bishops, but what else may be happening in the Christian church. Now I am not Christian and maybe not that interested and I guess the agenda the Beeboids would choose would fit in with the BBC’s own eg climate change, feminism, etc but when do we ever get any information about Christianity and how it relates to Jesus?
The BBC just love to indulge these deluded and immature middle class lefties in their little ‘right-on’ and ‘hip’ protests. These self-important and sanctimonious organic muesli munchers are quite happy to enjoy our freedoms and benefits but not so eager to have to work for it and contribute. Oh well, it’s all fun and glam then back to mummy and daddy’s posh suburban pad for an oriental supper and pocket money.
Lauren from the BBC hearing voices, and sharing those she thinks best meet BBC guidelines. Spiffy.
I liked the picture to this one:
“Dan Bromley, 37, a politics teacher from Didsbury, Manchester (above right, with friend Sean Timon), said he had been going on marches from when he was a toddler.”
And rather clearly still using the same poster Dad Wolfie ran off on the chapter office photocopier when he was a nipper.
He ‘teaches politics’. There’s a surprise. Bet all the parents dealing with the inspiration he passes on are thrilled to bits, especially if they voted democratically in the election whose result has so vexed Dan and Simon.
Must say, the whole report read more like a parody. Maybe Lauren is a subtle minx?
I happened to be in the West End on Saturday afternoon/evening to see old Jim Dale at the Vaudeville(what a star and ….ENGLISH!!) and my daughter and friends were in the City of London.
I can tell you that estimates of the number of people attending the lefty-fest Anti-Austerity march were WILDLY EXAGGERATED by the liberal-left media (I read an estimate of 250,000 people–hahahaha).
I would guess the true figure was only in the tens of thousands-but the biased B bc will never tell you the truth about it.
By 6.30 p.m. ,there was scant evidence of this outpouring of liberal angst (the entrance to the Savoy was ‘un’-blockaded much earlier).
On another point, in a nearly-full theatre for Jim Dale’s final night , I never saw ONE efnik????
Must be some sort of communications problem with the mulikulti crowd?
We need to advertise more in the Commoonitee to include more BRITTISH peeple into our Kultur?
Consider the following story reported yesterday in the Daily Mail and today at Breitbart.
Man condemned harem of sex slaves to ordeal of control, rape and torture as part of evil 14-year campaign to ‘sleep with as many women as possible’
* Iqbal Ali used threats and violence to force women to become sex slaves
*He poured scalding hot water over one victim and strangled her with a belt
*Another was forced to stand in window with ‘slut’ written on her stomach
*Ali, 33, scared his victims into staying by telling them he knew killers
If you read the complete story at either of the websites there will be no doubt that it is in the public interest to know of it.
Now what can it be about this story that the BBC chose not to cover it?
Hmmmm, what could it be?
Furthermore, before I checked, how did I know that they wouldn’t?
Ahhh, the joys of multiculturalism.
Yet an aged but successful scientist makes a slightly non PC joke, and is subsequently ‘fired’, and they regard this as mainstream news because of the ‘sensitivities of women’.
Hypocrisy anyone?
If that’s a classic example, then its a pretty loss poor one. The rise of Ukip is classed with other things because they all features in the songs – based on the writer watching rolling news for a year.
Are you some kind if simpleton? Oh, sorry, I forgot this is Alan again.
You are quite right. Today I saw some dog shit on the pavement, and I read your post here. Entirely unconnected. There is no inference that you are writing shit, who could possibly think that?
BBC Talking Business I’m Tanya Beckett here in London and I’ll be asking the companies most responsible for climate change if….
The dopey mare managed to get all that out before I got to the off switch.
I’m slipping.
I still haven’t got a clue why we need to reduce carbon emissions can anyone tell me what it does to harm this cooling planet ? BBC World service told me that graduate recruitment is a good way to tell if a Company is ethical/sustainable can’t remember what the exact non-meaning words they used were. Apparently companies that don’t care for the planet have difficulty attracting new graduates .I’m going for pay and prospects myself but beeboids know better
They’re leading the UK’s obsession with “racism”. Calling each other racist has become a bit of a national pastime
I don’t know where it will go. It may ironically lead to the word losing any meaning or we may go the way of the US, and get everyone trying to be a victim group – and the various groups nastily picking on one another.
This is how stupid politics is getting, and the impartial Beeb is pushing all the way!
BBC website and the news it chooses to put there today:
Child killed by dog, yet again neglecting top point out that the owners are in social housing. I’ve been told that the deaths and maiming of children are a price well worth paying in the ‘class war’, and that people in social housing should not have controls placed on dog ownership.
Charleston shootings – again
Anti Austerity march in London
Car driver murders people in Austria – but it’s nothing to do with Islam honest.
Dutch ‘prophet cartoons’ (how dare he?)
Earth enters extinction phase (climate change alarmism)
On the ‘England’ page
Vicar ‘blasts’ gay pride blessing
NY warning over Fracking
along with several repeats of the former page.
It’s like reading the Morning Star ! How can they possibly lie about being unbiased when they deem such stories as so newsworthy they merit inclusion?
BBC – Muhammad cartoons will be aired on TV – Geert Wilders
“Muslims have described it as his crusade against Islam, according to the BBC’s Anna Holligan in The Hague”
According to erm Anna Holligan! …… oh right
Next BBC pipes in with …
Have pictures of Muhammad always been forbidden?
What is this handwringing babble!
Lets get this straight … No they are not … at all!
Unless you are a Sharia adherent 😀 (BBC?)
Islam prohibits them, that stricture is of no interest, and should be of no interest to anyone else.
That the “lame-stream” media is often self enforcing Sharia
only shows the level to which standards have fallen.
“Have pictures of Muhammad always been forbidden”
Its Saturday. The only day I actually get to listen to the BBC Radio 4. I avoid it the rest of the week. On BBC’s mid morning report Saturday 20th June (BBC midday news) on the ‘anti-austerity’ day march in London today was a ‘GREAT SUCESS’ …’if only our new political MPs are listening’ the midday proudly announced (presumably a pre-requisite PR – from the NUJ BBC – who took part and we can always rely on the BBC for that news inaccuracy and comment). The fact is that the more responsible papers and the Taxpayers Alliance have calculated that Labours out-of-control benefits consistently robbed money both from the National Lottery (both Blair and Brown) and the Bank of England at cost to the taxpayer (you and me) with ‘fake awards’ entirely for minority benefits, of target voters identified as core Labour supporters as ‘victims’.
Many of these have been woven into ‘NGO’ status charities now entirely dependent on state funding. Charities that actually were traditional ‘Charities’ were suddenly asked to ‘prove’ that they were charitable by giving ‘benefits’ to target groups identified by Labour politicians. NGO’s do not have to prove any ‘charitable worth’ (as redefined by the Charities Commission, this was engineered by Andrew Hinde (who left the BBC to head up the Commission alongside the Labour activist ‘Quango Queen’ (Suzy Leather who became the then Chair of the Charity Commission). The duo were chosen explicitly by Gordon Brown whilst he was at the UK Treasury. It changed the nature of ‘State’ to impose how Charities were run’. In effect national charities became ‘nationalised’ and new NGO’s (became non government agencies run as Government Charities). Private fiefdoms for the Left modelled (not on a TV license like the BBC) but on the same Public finances.
The effects are clear for us all, that Philanthropic Charities (that used to cost the taxpayer nothing to run) now cost the taxpayers huge sums of public money as ‘self-elected’ Charities became chaired by retiring Labour PM’s after a ‘safe seat’ in exile. Gordon Brown was clever enough to realise that he would not be re-elected and redesigned ‘Charities’ to become reliant on (1) State funds as ‘awards’ (2) Labour policy support statements (3) Employ Labour party activists.
So when I hear the BBC claiming a ‘great success’ I shall leave you with these two nuggets of factual information that pre-planned Socialist Britain is still living with even under Cameron’s second win, the future is austerity for a generation and our children’s children.
(1) Almost one in three primary school children in England are from ethnic minority – the highest level ever. One in five speak English as second language. Official Stats From Dept of Education June 2015).
I need not remind you readers that BBC executives can expect both a private Schooling and private healthcare with matching ‘industry’ (to ITV) pay awards that are BBC ‘self-awarded’ and reported as a ‘right of passage’ by the BBC trust and Lord Hall who works a 3 day week, failed to impose any austerity to the BBC or propose to reduce state dependency on a tax license.
(2) Government debt has actually increased under Osbourne ‘debt reduction’ but the Left want none of it. Only the BBC frames it as a Conservative attack’ on benefits (which any government would have to reduce (even Labour). The debt is rising and is far worse than Greece which is in dire straits following years of left wing endemic state corruption.
• This is equivalent to £163 million per day. • This means that UK households would have paid an … TOTAL UK PERSONAL DEBT … (equivalent to £6,368 per second in 2014)
Today as of Saturday 20th June 20 2015, the national debt stands at a new UK record…
The UK is now 8.6 TRILLION in debt
So its no surprise that Standard and Poor’s credit rating for the UK has a ‘negative outlook’. On the plus side is that under the Labour /BBC pact proposing ‘benefits-for-all’ (irrespective of nationality or need) mentality has created a refugee crisis on our borders that has not been seen since the last war and it could have been a lot worse.
Finally, how many BBC dwellers realise that the the UK has a bigger debt than Greece and was only saved by the fact that we can ‘devalue’ our currency, unlike Greece which will have to declare a form of bankruptcy in the next few weeks. Something the BBC will report as ‘Greek problem’ but is the fate of all Socialist governments (which is Gordon Browns legacy to us all). Listening to the BBC once a week is more than enough for me, or any of us.
bBC 1 evening news
1 Baby killed by dog
2 Charleston
3 Austerity March
4 Carlisle murder 3 charged all named (likely Anglo’s)
5 Kenya
6 Parachutists
And now the sport…
Strangely zero mention of the Graz murders, nothing to see here, move along now. 3 killed in just as an horrific manner is surely worth at least 33% of the time devoted to those killed in the US?
BBC News Website today.
Re Charleston murders.
–Several studies have found that home-grown extremism attacks (in the USA) are far more common than the more widely publicised “jihadist” attacks.–
So, by BBC Logic, those muslim extremists who killed over 3,000 on 9/11 are not as bad? Have they been misunderstood? What is the cause of this misunderstanding? Do we need to know more?
The BBC article is a real attempt to deflect the muslim threat to that of an ‘extremist’ white Christian threat.
This reminds me of when the BBC got nervous about ukip prior to the election and cleared its schedules and front pages for a ‘report’ by a single source they didn’t want to indentify, where again the ‘right wing’ was actually deemed by the authorities (actually the claims of an anonymous ‘officer’) as the real threat.
I thought this latest spree-killer had been shown to have many black associations (like the genius seeking his 15 minutes by sharing a College was the initial target*) and seems no more than another publicity addicted loon.
*Doubtful another Columbine would have got the US race-baiting industry roused, along with a 380 full of BBC camp followers, so smart if sick on what gets coverage.
Sports coverage BBC style.
For the last month the under 20 Rugby World Cup has been taking place. England were the defending world champions.
England qualified for the semi-finals. This was not reported on the rugby union page let alone the main sports page. However there was a report on the Welsh team beating Japan in their final group match (but failing to reach the semis). In the semi-final England beat the top seeded qualifiers South Africa but once again no report, not even on the RU page. Last night England were narrowly beaten in the final by New Zealand and, surprisingly enough, THIS match was reported on the main sports page.
So, it’s OK to cover England, but only when they lose.
Can’t find this on the BBC
Three day’s later and the top BBC story in the world is still the Charleston murders. Bad as it was, what particular interest is it to the UK?
The South China Morning Post goes with “China close to its goal of full yuan convertibility on its capital account”
You judge which story has more significance for the UK.
Doing the Charleston seems the latest opportunity for the BBC to show its GHG-commitment whilst boosting vanity presenters’ air miles.
(Highly reccomend all the other recent posts, skewering just how the BBC should not be left alone ((c) An Overpaid Entitlement Junkie) at all. It needs exposing at every turn).
Looking at the bylines and twitter pages, the new breed of cubicle garden reporter they seem to hire and let loose with access to limitless funds, all seem pretty much convinced they are on a mission from God. Not in a Jake or Elwood sense.