The BBC never changes….never misses a chance to put the boot in….here’s a minor classic of the genre…
Everything Everything: ‘Our album is a horror bible’
Ebola, missing airplanes, beheadings, the rise of UKIP.
They’re not the usual topics for a top 40 chart act, but that’s exactly what alt-pop band Everything Everything have been writing about over the past year.
“After we’d finished the record, I read the lyrics back and I realised I’d written a horror bible,” says frontman Jonathan Higgs.
UKIP classed in the same category as ebola, mass murder by aircrash and beheadings. The BBC couldn’t wait to mention that!
Just one minor example of the drip drip effect of the BBC machine polluting the discourse…I’m sure you’ve noticed more….
Well blow me down, a BBC chap giving a negative view of public funding And it could be construed, a negative view of that sacred cow the London Olympic legacy which is never mentioned.
Yesterday, following the cricket, I watched Law and Order Criminal Intent. A fairly standard high production value US cop series with a seriously talented Vincent D’Onfrio.
In it a newspaper man is caught plagiarising and his father bumps off the kids girlfriend who could have spilled the beans. Whats the point?
The plagiarist and his dad were black. Apart from the editor, nobody was racist, nobody could give two hoots about their colour, the casting people simply found two good actors who happened to be black.
Now imagine the BBC making a similar programme? I think we all know they will never portray a journalist, a black journalist or his father in such a negative light.
Their colour was irrelevant to the episode, can anyone here recall any recent BBC programme that even remotely compares?
I disagree. The protagonists on these types of series are nearly always white, in complete contradiction of the real US crime statistics. Who can forget the final episode of CSI New York where three black men murdered someone. Hello, I thought. Waiting until the final episode to have black killers? It turned out to be three white men wearing black masks. They’re just as politically correct as the BBC over there, if not worse. Blacks are nearly always innocent (they drag them in but it turns out they have an alibi) and it was the white guy or Hispanic that did it (Hispanics have none of the politically correct protection afforded to blacks). I can’t comment on Criminal Intent because I haven’t watched it. This is for you.
That’s fair enough. Political correctness thrives in America, the example I gave was of one episode of one show which stuck out to me as something the BBC would never make.
Mind you when has the BBC made anything comparable to Law & Order in all its guises, let alone series like True Detective or Criminal minds.
They arrested Lord Lenny for murdering some white bird in ‘The Syndicate’. Unfortunately I believe she’s still alive. I think the ‘astoundingly stupid’ police only done it cos he is black.
BBC Sunday Morning Live –
Kicks off with …. wait for it
Discredited., patently false, “climate change” propaganda,
religious flagship programme BBC?
Oh yes nearly forgot 😀
With the numpty coward Pontiffs “blessing” … no doubt
Lawd save us!
Why aren t you ashamed over Waterloo?
and Yoga??
Just started …
“if you all don t want to be 20 feet under water in 100 years” eh!
Lord Hall just does not get it!
He never even got round to mentioning on the Marr show, just now, one of the main issues the BBC is up against!
That is the left wing ethos which is so entrenched within the system and desperately needs reform and one of the main reasons the majority of the nation, that is all those that do not vote Labour, Libdem and the Geens are sick to the back teeth of paying for a service that politically does not represent them.
This lefty indoctrination issue, mainly consequent of decades of BBC recruitment policies, which is so entrenched within the system they are now totally unable to help themselves with their subtle left bias in most of their news and current affairs productions.
BBC is yesterday based on that issue since that is where the current Government has now got the full measure of the problem and are to be the major influence on the licence review.
Lord Hall gets several hundred thousands of it.
Millions more once he retires.
He is unaccountable.
So having a nice chat with the staff likely was not going rock that boat.
There’s a few things to notice in Hall’s statements regarding the licence fee.
First, it’s not his decision about how the BBC is funded. It’s understandable that he would love to continue sucking at the public teat by a public that is forced to pay for it, as would the rest of the scum there. In this way they can continue to do as they wish with little or no accountability, and don’t have to be concerned with the quality needed to make the BBC desirable.
Secondly, he outright lies when he claims that the BBC audience want the licence fee to continue, as this poll plainly shows. But the lies and deceit that we have become accustomed to getting from the BBC are part of the reason that the public should be freed from its insidious shackles.
Thirdly, if the licence fee in its current form where anybody would get a criminal record for non payment is not to be maintained, he would prefer it to come out of general taxation where everybody is forced to pay for it. Shows how desperate the parasitical BBC are at whatever masquerades as a heart to keep their funding coming.
Finally, his only remark regarding being put on a subscription model shows the pure hypocrisy of his claims: ‘…and insisted families would have to pay more if it was replaced with Sky-TV style subscription model’.
If the BBC audience wanted the BBC they would be happy to pay for it, just as they do with Sky, which is far more than they cough up for the licence fee. He knows that the majority of the public would cast it aside, and rightly so, and WOULD NOT HAVE TO PAY MORE. They wouldn’t have to pay at all.
Choice – it goes with a free country as this one pretends to be.
BBC licence fee could be scrapped in ten years and replaced with a compulsory ‘household tax’ forcing EVERYONE to pay
Freeview would be truly Free, and therefore as with Sky News, I am sure the BBC would still want its News service to be free from subscription on Freeview. Therefore at least families would be able to pay nothing at for News from ITN, Channel 4 News, 5 News, Local Channel 8 News, Sky News, RT UK and Al Jazeera.
Tony Hall, Lord and master of all he surveys at the BBC, was on the Andrew Marr Show talking about the future of the BBC. The matter of BBC bias went untouched by his Lordship, who was keen to play up the creativity of the BBC.
Certainly the paper review on Marr was creative. A Labour MP and a Syriza MP put forward the view that the numbers at yesterdays anti-austerity march shows people are against austerity. Marr did not challenge this, and nor did the third guest, Andrew Roberts.
You would never think that just under two months ago millions of people voted for parties offering budget cuts.
As usual Marr did sterling work for the left this morning. Ms Batty Poppicockolis – or whatever her name was – must surely have been a refugee from Gavin Esler’s Dateline London left-fest.
The Labour MP assurred us that the NHS was the number one issue on the doorstep – that weapon was a dud according to the election result.
Then Marr wanted to put words in John Cleese’s mouth “Monty Python was satire”
Cleese : “No, people were bored with satire”
By the way, the comedy value of Top Gear has been that the two co-hosts constantly drew attention to Clarksons’ crass buffoonery – think about Captain Mainwaring’s pomposity or Basil Fawlty’s paranoia.
In contrast Chris Evan’s humour depends on a loyal band of sychophants cheering him on. The man won’t allow laughter at his own expense. Not funny. The show won’t work.
Also, because he seems more Politically Correct than Clarkson, I don’t think he is going to be as critical of women or ethnics, as he is with fellow white males. Which with the new set up, is going to be difficult, seeing that his assistants aren’t going to be white males. So there wont be any jokes at any ones expense, other than maybe white males in the audience. As Political Correctness assumes that everyone is thin skinned, except White Males, due to White Males being superior too thin skinned people.
“The matter of BBC bias went untouched by his Lordship”
Ah… but…. it is not news (unless raised and framed by the BBC Press Office, then quickly deleted) ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady).
At risk of according more credit than deserved I can only now think of such things in terms of a W1A meeting
Tony’s People: “Tony feels it’s a good time to appear and share the big issues…”
Andrew’s People: “To licence fee payers and the country?”
Tony’s People: “Not even in jest”
Andrew’s People: “Got it”.
No subordinates were groped in the making of this comment. It’s Father’s Day and I have just been made pancakes, so I am not stressed, which makes corporate abuse fine. Apparently.
BBC Sunday Morning Live goes morphs into Sunday Muslim Live?
hmmm not mentioned in the programme stats.
Special report on Ramadan?
and …
“British History” (oh? not just Waterloo then?)
viewed with Pride … or Shame? 😀
up pops talking head, Dhilli Hussein for his extended views.
hmmm new BBC … narrative? insert excerpts, not in the
programme stats?
Is there still a public vote to embarrass the BBC every week?
BBC TV ‘Sunday Morning Live’ today.
First Discussion Title:
‘Is Climate Change The World’s Biggest Moral Problem?’
Panel including Rev. Owen-Jones and a Muslim male totally agreed.
Dissenter James Delingpole put up a good fight.
Messages from viewers 100% supporting Owen-Jones.
Here’s a few of the messages:-
1/ ‘Even JFK said if we can convince people they are responsible for the climate, we can more than pay for it’ (NB JFK died in 1963)
2/ ‘Climate change is in the bible and the Koran. The environment and climate change is at the heart of all religious texts.’ (bible had a small b).
3/ ‘Global warming isn’t a moral problem. It’s a slow national disaster unfolding before our eyes.’
The commentator then said to the panel, ‘There’s nothing we can do. It’s just going to happen’.
Second Discussion Title:
How relevant are such battles in history to a modern and diverse Britain? Do we view such battles with a sense of pride or shame?
Talk about loaded questions! The discussion that followed was predictable.
I was particularly unimpressed by the Muslim cunt who felt a degree of animus towards Britain/British Empire, because of its part in the downfall of the glorious Ottoman Empire. The ISIS stooge seemed to have forgotten the Armenian Unpleasantness, the Greek Unpleasantnes and the slavery and butchery of the Slavs. Why his family made their way from Bangladesh to Britain, the Evil Empire, is beyond me. They could have dropped off anywhere in the Middle East or the Far East where Muslims languish in their mediaeval backwardness.
The Enoch Powell Fund for Distressed Muslims should be set up. Muslims who feel in any way unhappy about life in Britain could be helped to find fulfilment in some Caliphate.
This would also have a beneficial effect on climate change as the carbon footprint of millions would be reduced with their exodus to less energy hungry areas of the world.
Strange that the BBC never mentions the environmental drawback of immigration to the West – the at least ten fold increase in the carbon footprint of millions of people.
As usual the BBC talking heads are ill informed about the Ottoman Empire. Britain always supported the Ottomans until they unwisely opted for Germany in 1914. We fought in the Crimea to prop up the Ottomans.
One could take the view that the entire mess in the ME is the result of the failure of the Ottomans and had they remained neutral or allied to Britain in WW1 the current world would be very different.
On of history’s great might have beens.
It looks like these are the best new jokes from the BBC at the moment.
The Climate Change jokes used to come environmental activists, but now seem to be coming from vicars. But the BBC isn’t allowing any jokes from the scientists. Probably because the jokes would be at the expense of the BBC and its climate vicars.
I think the BBC would think that with British, French, Dutch and German involvement on Belgian territory, the Battle of Waterloo would be diverse enough for the BBC lefty moron type, especially as there was also a diversity of uniforms and weaponry. But as with Wellington. I have pride in a British victory, but it was a shame that so many soldiers had to die for that victory.
Seems Whittingdale has been put back in his box.
But just in case Dave wavers…
Seems Nick had sources on the bus… who say…
Hope the morale recovers soon.
I doubt whether Cameron will weaken the BBC – he is their voice on most issues and Whittingdale must know this, which is why he is being used to placate the very small minority of Tory MPs who meekly complain about the BBC..
A real mystery this BBC dislike of Cameron. I think it is all a put up job. He is BBC through and through. Not a right wing bone in his body.
Spot on, dave. The BBC and the Tories are in cahoots. The BBC is the Tories mouthpiece.
Cameron needs Al Beeb to promote and push the ‘yes’ vote for staying in the EU. Once they have done that job it will be ‘bye bye Al Beeb’ and the unfair and unjust tele tax.
Delingpole shut that anti-Britain (British) Muslim up when he asked him which other country in the world he’d prefer to go and live in.
In case you missed it, the answer was, ‘What, what, cough, splutter, this one will do for now’.
Mind you, to be fair to the idiot, these people are usually allowed to rant away unopposed. It wasn’t very fair of the BBC to have a normal person on to ask a normal person question.
Delimppole always seems suboptimal when he is involved in studio debate. Geert Wilders or Pamela Geller would have been more interesting. But the BBC would not want to risk BBC casulaties from the traditional Muslim responses, and especially not for a cause like universal freedom of expression which they do not take particularly seriously anyway.
It’s a shame, but Dellers is just not a good TV performer, tbh. While his writing is Exocet-like, his personal appearances on TV and even his own podcast are hampered by his stilted, often broken delivery. Against a media-professional like the self-promoting Owen Jones he will always come off worse.
TLDR: Dellers should stick to the written word. That where he can strike the hardest, most effective blows against the indisious left of the CAGW scam.
I picked up on this midweek, David Vance has just retweeted this
It got a big plug after last night’s John Bishop Show. You should see the impersonator. His Mohammed impersonation is spot on.
My favourite was the female impersonator in the burka – she was the spitting image of… whoever it was she was impersonating.
I say ‘she’…. for all I know it may have been a drag act.
‘His Mohammed impersonation is spot on’
Via the medium of mime, presumably?
This morning Sam Walker was reviewing the Sunday papers on Radio Five “gets much worse” Live. After she had reviewed three of the papers, a note of panic crept into her voice. None of the front pages of those newspapers had referred to yesterday’s austerity march. She actually commented on the fact that there was no reference to the ghastly Church and Brand and the austerity march! Her job is surely to read out the headlines or have I got it completely wrong? Imagine the relief in her voice when the Observer and the Indy did make a reference to that event! Despite the fact that Lord Hall and his Islington cronies constantly state that Auntie is unbiased over such matters, their protestations are undermined daily by their so-called journalists like Walker et al. I rest my case m’lud Hall!
But not all went well for Comrade Brand. Someone told him to go back to Milliband and you will see him in this video running away from the demo.
For Wussy Bwand!
“What a catalyst you turned out to be”
“Light up your gun, then you run off home for your tea”.
Were those AirNike soles he was showing on his clean pair of heels?…or was he sponsored?
Marc Bolan was only taking the mick about not fooling the Children of the Revolution…Russells critics seem not to have seen the joke…
ta for posting this though, yet no BBC showing of this!
And what a splendid example of British womanhood!
Btw., notice how the organizers’ own estimate of 250,000 “protestors”, rather than the police estimate of c.100,000, is now used as a ‘fact’ by the Left. (e.g. Diane Abbott on the Sunday Politics).
Did he find Miliband, or was he out?
Nice to see the radical left seizing the moral high ground again
The BBC has ten years in which to restore a Labour Government. Lord Hall says the licence fee has only ten years left and it will then be up to the government of the day.
BBC Comedy? …. don t make me laugh
There s a Pak with a beard outside
Knock, knock!
Who s there?
Allah who
Allah hu ackbar …… BOOM!!!!
… you could die laughing
The ridiculous warped BBC is now running a headline that the police are being accused of “complicity” in the grooming of the sisters who took their children to Syria.
Absolute tosh. Day after day the BBC are giving worldwide headlines to this “victim” claptrap. And thereby the BBC itself is complicit in feeding the false sense of grievance in the Muslim communities – and directly feeding the terrorist cause.
BBC – sfills for the Islamist agenda.
Doesn’t the BBC understand that the police were investigating those women precisely because they were being radicalised?
No, I doubt the penny will drop any time soon.
Sunday Morning Live: Self-loathing; cries of “Stinking Fish” in our backyard; deplorable, unforgivable ignorance about the British Empire traded as facts; the BBC would do well to provide balance with this paragraph from Roger Kimball:
… the British colonial adventure was an incalculable gain for the colonized. The British brought better hygiene, the rule of law, better schools, roads, industry and manners. Santayana was right about the colonial rule of Englishmen: “Never since the heroic days of Greece” the philosopher wrote in Soliloquies in England “has the world had such a sweet, just, boyish master. It will be a black day for the human race when scientific blackguards, conspirators, churls and fanatics manage to supplant him.” What’s happened in Africa in the period of de-colonization—better call it “rebarbarization,” a much more accurate name—is stark evidence that Santayana was right.
The Fortunes of Permanence: Culture and Anarchy in an Age of Amnesia p 115
The great unsayable. No liberal can look back at the Empire without much self loathing and rending of garments.
So the PM spoke out the otherday about how it is morally wrong (And incorrect) in which to try and attribute blame for Muslims turning to the darkside on the British Police and reading froma lot of replies elsewhere he is correct to say so. Yet at the bBC he can only be wrong and Muslims can only be the real victims. Here is the current BBC headline at 5pm on Sunday:
Bradford family: Police ‘complicit in radicalising sisters’
Yes the family who (from the bBC no less) all come from an ultra pious Islamic family, whose brother fucked off to Syria and who are on record of saying they do not want their children growing up in the UK and its all the fault of the British Police.
“Yes the family who (from the bBC no less) all come from an ultra pious Islamic family, whose brother fucked off to Syria and who are on record of saying they do not want their children growing up in the UK and its all the fault of the British Police.”
Tomorrow’s BBC revelation will be that “it’s all Thatcher’s fault”.
Outside of the liberal fantasy world inhabited by the BBC/Guardian people nobody will believe a word of it. The BBC’s article is speculation for the sake of it and not only pointless but once again a divisive act.
Cathy Newman and Channel 4 News have the pictures from Charleston.
Apparently, todays congregation turned out to show the “redemptive power of…prayer”!
Poor Cathy-clearly not allowed to state that it is the redemptive power of Jesus Christ-not prayer.
Do yuu notice how rarely that name of Jesus Christ is mentioned….I do wonder what power is in those two words that tends to make the liberals quake in fear.
I mean-they certainly mention Muhammad enough do they not?
You`re quite correct earls court-all we need do is drop his name into all we say and do.
The liberal liars at Channel 4 and the BBC just want to drop the name, and use “prayer” or “racial profile” instead.
Jesus Christ is Lord…and no , not as important as Jeffrey Archers Lordship in the eyes of the liberal oafs…but this is a spiritual war, not anything the BBC can know of anymore.
God has left their building…all power to ariel eh?
Good luck with that media monkeys.
This evening’s ‘Country Lie’ and the decline of Kittiwakes. It’s down to the decline in their main food – sand eels – which is not due to the Danes hoovering the little bggrs up but to the North Sea warming up because of that there CLIMATE CHANGE.
Sp, of course, there has been no decline in the population for over 17 years…
the BBC at its credulous worst.
I saw that, but they claimed to be uncertain about the cause, and suggested that it could be caused by warming of the North Sea. I think this was because if you complain to the BBC that the North Sea is now cooling, then they will say that they are not sure if it was caused by the previous warming trend or not. Or something else not to do with Climate Change. The propaganda is in only mentioning Global Warming as a cause, but with a get out clause for the scientist. Desperate times for the left-wing charlatans at the BBC. They say that the Royal Society is going to wait 50 years until it would consider that Global Warming ended in 1997. Fifty years from now, not from 1997, which isn’t very scientific of them. So we have to wait till 2065, which I think will be in a warming period, according to the Solar wobble theory people. Which would mean that the Royal Society would be able to continue its loony policy, for the foreseeable future.
From comedian Andrew Lawrence :
If you’ve caught any of the John Bishop show currently airing on BBC1, you may have noticed some of the comics appearing as guests are of a poor standard.
I can tell you that this is because no formal audition process took place, rather line-ups were chosen on a positive discrimination basis in line with the BBC’s extreme ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’ targets, as part of the organisation’s ongoing experiment in social engineering.
These acts, in a few cases not of a satisfactory level to get regular paid work on the live club circuit, will have been carefully edited to look as professional as possible and would have received in the region of £5000-£15000 for their short appearance on this show, plus several hundred in royalty payments if the show gets repeated.
As always, remember that your licence fee tax paid for it all.
Sorry another BBc product I never watch John Bishop as I don’t think he is funny or entertaining.
Liked jimeoin though-reckon he`s bloody good.
Yes, I’d agree he was funny. And there was a good joke from another comedian about middle-class parents standing outside the school in burqas phoning each other because they’d no idea who was who. I was surprised he was allowed to get away with that.
But the dwarf lady? Oh dear, oh dear. Her entire routine was based on lack of size. It reminded me of the black comedian who felt he had to make jokes about nig-nogs during the 1970s. Which is looked upon with horror today.
Watching the Lewis Hamilton show today previously known as BBc F1. The comment was made It’s very rare to see Rosberg beat Hamilton in a straight fight
BBC. Not reported.
Black youth shoots white police officer dead.
Covered by Sky News.
Bury Labour councillor appears in court charged with 16 counts of making indecent images of children
It doesn’t look like bBBC ‘news’ has found space to report this. Move along now, nothing to see here.
course not but if it was a ukip councilor saying i dont like *** **** (insert preferred phrase) it would be the end of days
fuck me me ch 5 just as bad manchester drugs just done every one and every place in manchester moss side and cheetham hill every one on film white but oddly if you ever lived here you know there are no whites in either of these places an dez/scott an all them other southern nonces fuck off you dont live here you dont know
The deranged car driver who murdered several people in Graz, Austria, over the weekend, by driving into them at high speed and then stabbing them was a Muslim. Is this relevant? Well maybe, or maybe not. Austria is not yet a Muslim country and that the fact that he was a Muslim immigrant might have some bearing on his mental condition. The BBC, at least as far as I’ve seen so far, has not mentioned this fact in its reports. Yet it constantly reminds us that the mass murderer in Charleston was a “white man”. Very curious double standards.
Probably just unfortunate accidents but soldier knocked down and killed in Reigate and mother and children knocked down and seriously hurt in Handsworth.
BBC Complaints seem to be seeing just how far that ‘we can say anything we like’ thing can get pushed.
Seems it has yet to find a limit.
You have if you’re a goat…
Global warming seems to be the root cause of nearly everything these days as researchers try to establish a link between their field of study and the world’s biggest cash cow. I look forward to a study suggesting that increased temperatures increase the likelihood of people being left wing/homosexual/trans-gender/ trans-racial etc. What a quandary the BBC would be in then. Over to you Roger…
2 progs to discuss #5liveHitList AND BBC Radio Feedback discussed BBC Bias
#5liveHitList 21/06/2015 ..pic tweet ..Background
“Fi Glover presents 5 live’s rundown of the top 40 news, politics, sport and showbiz stories of the week that are making the biggest impact across social media and online. The chart is compiled by COSMOS (Collaborative Online Social Media Observatory), a group of computer and social scientists from some of Britain’s leading Universities.”
#1 No the show is not presented by Fi Glover it is presented by @EmmaBarnett as always
She is joined in the studio by “Katy Glarrs”, she means Katie Glass
1h:41min joined by @kaiteWelsh (fan of the prog) women being turned bisexual by a TV character
1:48 They of course discuss the new Jurassic Park film due it’s character called “Paki/Pachycephalosaurus”
1:51 They then discuss whether they should go on the Russel Brand, Charlotte Church demo ..I thought BBC presenters were supposed to be independent ?
2:00 Pope Encyclical : to be fair they dont pretend it’s all about climate like rest of media do
2:08-13 They then discuss Ramadam fasting – funny how the BBC forgets to mention the loads of excemptions eg. children/travellers/pregnant do NOT have to fast
@BBCR4Feedback discussed BBC Bias
The BBC has been crying ever since THEY lost the election
– As usual they dredge up weak people with claims that the BBC has rightwing bias.
BBC’s Ric Bailey BBC’s Chief Adviser, Politics : “It’s politicians who complain more that public” what !!
and Prof Stephen Barnett from U of Westminster, also claimed BBC has rightwing bias
‘Yes the agenda (stories chosen) is more important that reporting bias, but the BBC chooses more rightwing items’
: Listener claimed BBC thinks its job is to act as political opposition…Then prof claimed BBC is NOT following a leftwing press agenda, but is just balancing a rightwing press .
..IMHO : SJW reporters think their main job is to defeat “evil UKIP”
ends at minute 22 ..then they discuss DAB radios.
RIGHT NOW on Radio 5 Live Phone in : Should the BBC licence fee be scrapped ?
also FB
Gameshow is actively trying to defend it “but it is not one monolith, it has a variety” .. someone tell him it’s about their Social Justice warrior culture and groupthink
9 out of 10 comments are negative to the BBc