The BBC undermining British values and culture in misplaced deference to “multiculturalism” and the implacable rise of Islamic radicalism. A connection?
Everyone now recognises the global importance of soft power. The World Service and the TV news output could be useful in the struggle against Islamic extremism. Internationally, the BBC still enjoys a high reputation. Although that may owe more to past glories than to the current output, it could be helpful. In the UK, the BBC should have a role in disseminating British values among recent immigrants. But there is a difficulty, which could prove fatal. Does the BBC believe in British values?
There are strong grounds for arguing that those who complain about political bias are aiming at the wrong target. The BBC does not deliberately set out to assist the Labour Party to win elections. But it is infected by a metropolitan, politically correct groupthink, in which two assumptions are never questioned. The first is cultural relativism. The second, that British history provides grounds for shame, not pride.
The United Kingdom presents itself as a target, as a fragmenting, post-Christian society, increasingly divided about interpretations of its history, about its national aims, its values and in its political identity. That fragmentation is worsened by the firm self-image of those elements within it who refuse to integrate. This is a problem worsened by the lack of leadership from the majority which in misplaced deference to “multiculturalism” failed to lay down the line to immigrant communities, thus undercutting those within them trying to fight extremism. The country’s lack of self-confidence is in stark contrast to the implacability of its Islamist terrorist enemy, within and without.
I agree 100% with the above. But the essay mentioned above was written in 2008 and in the past 7 years things have got even worse. We have seen further undermining of British culture and the srengthening of the laws to stifle free speech. No longer can Britons say what they think. If you do you are attacked on social media and perhaps prosecuted .
The creeping Islamification of the country continues unabated . More concessions have been granted to Muslims. The best that our politicians can do is to very mildly point to the Muslim community that they ought to do a bit more to combat extremism. But we have seen the industrial scale abuse of white girls by Muslim men whilst those supposed to protect the girls looked the other way. How many of those who failed the girls have been prosecuted? We have seen the Birmingham Trojan Horse problems in schools, the murder of Lee Rigby , a high number of Muslim terrorist plots thankfully disrupted by the security services. The immigration of many more Muslims. Endless calls by the BBC et al to take in thousands of boat people even though we have been told by ISIS that they will send their fighters into our country via these boats. Increasing signs that more and more young Muslims are being radicalised. The refusal of the Muslim community to integrate and take on board British values. The banning of folks like Gert Wilders who try to warn us of what is happening.
We are on the road to Islamification and no one has the guts to say so, let alone do anything about it. And the BBC and leftist politicians just keep on trying to convince us that multiculturalism is a good thing and that Britishness is bad and backward looking. Even when immigration is mentioned it is in regard to EU immigration not immigration of non Europeans. The whole of the left is entranced by multiculturalism and they are determined to foist it on us no matter what the cost is, and the right dare not say anything for fear of being branded racist. Which is now on a par with being called a witch in the 17th century.
Ray Honeyford was the first to be burnt for having the guts to state the uncomfortable and very stark truth.
Excellent comment Doublethinker!
Spot on Doublethinker. To amplify your comments, just have a look at the scale of the horrendous, archaic, abuse of Muslim girls here in the UK with FGM and the acquiescence of the authorities, since almost no prosecutions, just like the Rotherham sagas:
What does the first ‘B’ in BBC really stand for?
Why would a ‘British’ BC make a programme glamorising a foreigner’s IRA ancestor?
Then there’s this fondly remembered ratings flop
The BBC of course contrived to undermine the broadcasting ban on Sinn Fein (though has reinstated its own broadcasting ban on the National Front).
I haven’t watched but I’m told the names in the end credits are a giveaway. I do see “Reporter Darragh MacIntyre investigates …” Darragh’s brother the reporter Donal MacIntyre was born in Dublin and raised in the Republic so Darragh probably was as well.
“The BBC does not deliberately set out to assist the Labour Party to win elections.”
Is the Telegraph now controlled by the enemy?
The BBC is the enemy.
The Labour Party is the enemy.
The EU is the enemy.
There are many other internal enemies.
There is a war on.
A war in which the West has the most advanced weapons ever developed.
A war in which the West, I am including Russia in the West, has more of these advanced weapons.
A war which the West is losing.
In exactly the circumstances predicted fify years ago by James Burnham in his “Suicide of the West”. I commend Burnham to those unfamiliar with him.
The person in Austria who killed and maimed all those people yesterday was a Muslim. Why is no-one other than Breitbart reporting this?
They keep calling these murders ‘lone wolf’ attacks. How many ‘lone wolves’ does it take to become a pack.
Of course, altogether now…”it’s nothing to do with …………..”
because the guy was mental? He wasn’t a terrorist so its pretty irrelevant what his religion is. Except for bigots. The same bigots like Vance who made accusations about the Glasgow bin crash.
How come then that the liberal left are trying to get that nutter in Charleston up on terrorism charges?
How could he possibly be a terrorist, when your pal in Graz is deemed not to be one…and (let`s be honest)-if he`s Muslim, then he`s much more likely to claim to be a terrorist that our white drug-pumping nomark…is he not?
When i first heard of the terrorist attack, it became immediately obvious that the terrorist was a Jihadi
1. The driver deliberately mowed down people.
2. The above is right , because the driver then got out and started to stab the vuctims . In an ordinary accident, the driver is unlikely to have done so. This is the hallmark of Jihadism.
3. Media ambivalence and shillyshallying- confirmation that this is Islamic terrorism.
Lest we forget your role in encouraging hatred:
“DP111, an articulate British commentator at such websites as Jihad Watch, Little Green Footballs and Fjordman blog, points out that as Muslim families are very large, a single wage earner will find it hard to support all. They will need to supplement this by getting considerable benefits from the state… …As poster DP111 says, this world war may very well be in the form of a global civil war, where you get a succession of civil wars instead of countries invading other countries. Multiculturalism and uncontrolled mass-immigration destroy the internal cohesion of the decadent West…” (Anders Breivik, 2011)
How does it feel to have their deaths on your conscience?
I forgot to add that Breivik also mentioned Winston Churchill, philosopher John Locke, Indian political leader Mahatma Ghandi, and former U.S. president Thomas Jefferson and an article by presenter Jeremy Clarkson on the flag of St George, which says: “This is the only country in the world where the national flag is deemed offensive.”
Also Salim Mansur, an associate political science professor at the University of Western Ontario, a Muslim opposed to Islamist violence who himself has been the target of radical Muslims. Why on earth would he be a ‘target of radical Muslims’?
Murdering bastards the lot. How dare they have opinions and speak out when they see tyranny and oppression and celebrate freedom of speech and thought. Evil bastards.
“was mental” er no, reports suggested he had “mental problems”, but no no authoritative confirmation of this has been issued. So it is not a fact, unless, of course, you are a bigot who likes making accusations of bigotry.
“wasn’t a terrorist” You know this to be a fact? No, you know SFA of his history. Just another assumption which entitles me to call you a bigot.
Read the Koran Twizzle? I have, laughed all the way through, hilarious compendium of ridiculous, unproven, assertions. Total nonsense, anyone who believes it IS mental.
The Muslim collective 1500 year history of abnormal behaviour demonstrates this.
Twizzle off.
Thank you for confirming your bigotry.
Thank me for confirming I’m a twat.
The twerp Twizzle is a twit because of mental problems, which cause the twat to speak twaddle.
Pastor who described Islam as satanic faces jail. Muslims freely denounce infidels in more violent terms. But it is even considered a hate crime to complain about their hatred of us.
These military types are brave enough to politely speak in restricted code about the threat to our nation-the one they are supposed to be defending.
Yet, when push comes to shove-they are similarly infected with “human rights and mission creep” as they rise up the greasy pole of advancement by way of a career.
And only grow some kind of pair once the pension is trousered, and they`re harmless and unable to change anything-as long as they get paid to be PC cultural relativists, they keep their traps shut.
Imagine-these military leaders feared the likes of Hoon, Ainswoth and Campbell as Iraq beckoned…and they fear a Fallon , a Nott and a Hammond these days too…flatfeet penpushing chinless wonders.
Chris Parry did a great article for military consumption in 2006-but he`s never pressed his concerns since the “exercise of projected scenarios” was concluded at Sandhurst or wherever.
Not even paper tigers anymore-cloud virtual cuckoos and popinjays instead.
Witness the “human rights crap” of an Islamic nutjob who claims there`s a bomb in his electronic tag…who the fuck backs THAT lunacy(need I ask?)-and what does Anjem, Galloway and the like tell Teheran or Medina about THOSE straws up the camels arse?
What`s Farsi for red baboons arse of submission in need of Hamzas hook up the fundament?…for that`s the impression we give the spineless Stanley cutters of IS as long as the BBC dare to comment on it all.
They tell them all they need to know-and Lee Rigbys are the consequence sometime soon.
I mean-if you were a Muslim inadequate looking for a rumble…wouldn`t YOU mock these sadfucks that dare to speak for the nation?
The BBC are primary sources for this kind of cultural cancer-cut them out!
Click on this BBC iPlayer ‘comedy’ link to see the BBC’s Muslim agenda:
How many other religious ‘comedy’ options do you see?
Alan, in your first paragraph you use the word misplaced. To me that implies that the bbc’s heart is in the right place but their actions don’t help our nation. I’d disagree with that assertion in that it is all too evident that the bbc know exactly what they are doing and to what purpose. We didn’t choose them to be our enemy, but rather as with the muslims, they have chosen to be our enemy. Once we have internalised that reality then the solution becomes crystal clear
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ etc.
“Twizzle – from whom the series gets its name – is a boy doll with the ability to extend (or “twizzle”) his legs and arms and wears a pixie like hat and has a cat companion known as “Footso”. Although a boy, he was voiced by a woman, Nancy Nevinson who also narrated the series. Denise Bryer did Footso and the other voices.”
I tick all the BBC boxes. a I’m transgender “physically different ” transvestite puppet.
Women in Newcastle are warned not to be alone as a rapist using a knife is on the loose.
The rapist is described as Asian.
Is this the new word for m****m criminals.
I put my previous comment reference the Austrian (Bosnian m****m) on the daily mail comments but (as usual) it wasn’t printed.
Is not reporting m****m crimes the way to get us to accept this forced ‘enrichment’
If I don’t see it, it’s not there.
There is a country but you wish to change the thinking of people in that country .
You can
1; educate the people into another way of thinking
2; replace the people
I think we have both .