Funny thing…pre-election millionaire revolutionary, Russell Brand, was constantly on the BBC giving us the benefit of his wisdom. He was the voice of the people who’d all lost trust in politicians (and you know, the political system that meant no one party would ever take a majority again), then he was the man who interviewed Ed Miliband, and then the man who dumped the Revolution and said vote Labour.
He has had his come uppance as the Bruvvers and Sistas revolt…
Curiously, despite it being all over other news providers the BBC has chosen to ignore this…but we do have the millionaire Charlotte Church to instruct us on the perils of being poor…
Charlotte Church: ‘Austerity is not the only option’
Then there’s this indepth report of the march which tells us that the good Russell was there and yet fails to mention his debagging….the caption for the photo…‘Comedian Russell Brand addressed crowds in London’s Parliament Square.’
The BBC reports The final speaker to address the crowds in London’s Parliament Square was comedian and activist Mr Brand, who said he wanted a society that was better for “all of us”.
“I thought fame and fortune would make me valuable. I found out that it is empty,” he said. “I am going to spend the rest of my life belonging to community, embracing community and helping in whatever way I can.”
Odd that he doesn’t give up all that wealth that has made him feel so empty and worthless.
And this ‘Voices from the crowd’…curiously all those voices telling Brand to ‘Fuck off!’ haven’t made it into the BBC report.
I used to quite like Charlotte Church, but her association with these low-lifes has given me quite a different opinion of her.
Still waiting, Russ…
That gave me a good laugh. I’m guessing the guy in the video at the end will, even if alive, be a receipient of a Darwin Award for removing himself from the gene pool in a particularly stupid fashion.
Mr Brand can best serve society by firstly giving all his money to good causes, he can pick his own, and secondly by disappearing from our TV screens and radio for good.
Paul [i’m off to Venice if the tories win] O’Grady is still here. Ask him why? Prick.
Somebody ought to ask the singer/composer of this song
“What do you want to be? I want to be on TV!”
to change the words of the song to
“What do want to see? Fewer arse kissing interviews with Russell Brand on the BBC”
Brand could be stuffed for posterity, stuffed with TV licence renewal forms force fed like a french goose.
Wonder how many forms it would take to stuff im “good n proper”
And then display himin a Damien Hirst type glass box with a Vote Labour sticker. In an artistic sense , of course!!
Funny how an acclaimed world news organisation like the BBC, employing some of the highest paid reporters and researchers in the world, can include facts and figures in reports wrong in scale by around 80%.
But unfortunately, experience now tells us, one must always use scepticism and suspicion of the accuracy of almost everything the BBC produces when it comes to politics because of their institutional left agenda, I am so surprised the BBC allows such gross errors like the estimate of the attendance of the austerity march on Saturday was allowed to be published:
“……..which said 250,000 people attended. …..”
When the facts were less than 20,000 where actually there:
What? A lie from the holier than thou lefties? Never, they are never wrong, always right and have the support of the vast majority of the people, honest, and liebour are going to romp the election…oh no, that bullshit was exposed for exactly what it was!
Says the BBC article:
It you looked closely at the placards, banners and T-shirts, you saw that the issues people were shouting about were many and varied.
Homes not Trident. Save Our NHS. A living wage for mothers. Frack-free world.
Yes of course, BBC. However, ‘many and varied’ in your little bubble is in reality ‘the usual eco-socialist bollocks’. But it would take an impartial broadcaster to recognise that.
Funny how an acclaimed world news organisation like the BBC, employing some of the highest paid reporters and researchers in the world, can include facts and figures in reports wrong in scale by around 80%.
But unfortunately, experience now tells us, one must always use scepticism and suspicion of the accuracy of almost everything the BBC produces when it comes to politics because of their institutional left agenda.
I am so surprised that the BBC allows such gross errors like the estimate of the attendance of the austerity march on Saturday was allowed to be published, with no correction anywhere I can find:
“……..which said 250,000 people attended. …..”
When the facts were less than 20,000 where actually there:
Except that’s not what the article says, and as it notes the police aren’t giving an estimate. So A) you can’t read and B) you haven’t the first clue about news. Two Biasedbbc traits in one post!
As to the OP, the BBC did cover this, although I think it might be the first time this site has called for a platform for 2 or 3 austerity protestors. So given the BBC did cover it, does that prove the opposite of your point. Keep up the good work!
Fuleco….What is your point exactly?
I actually cut and pasted from the BBC web article.
My point: It included the quote that the organizers said that 250,000 people attended, which was not corrected or challenged in the article by the BBC. A scientific estimate made in the Guido report puts the figures attending at around 17,915 to 25,000 tops.
Quite an astonishing difference I would say that any reporter or researcher worth a world audience would have checked and given out a more accurate estimate, not figures that subtlety push an institutionalized left agenda point.
Are you serious?
The title, the first line and the second line all say either thousands or tens of thousands. Surely that challenges the figure given by the People’s Assembly? If, as you say, the BBC weren’t challenging the 250,000 figure, they would have given it far more prominence.
ChrisL are you Fuleco?
Pretty obvious I would have thought, the difference between quarter of a million and 20,000 is very significant and therefore part of the real story that requires more accurate reporting.
It is the difference between many of the inflated BBC managers/reporters salaries and the UK Average annual salary. Well worth noting.
“If, as you say, the BBC weren’t challenging the 250,000 figure, they would have given it far more prominence. ”
No, if the BBC were challenging the figure it would have said something along the line of “but analysts dispute this”. The wording is quite clearly designed to imply there were that number present without actually saying so, to give it a get-out if challenged. As you are demonstrating.
Why do they only give a high estimate and not a low one? Are the so-called “The People’s Assembly” uniquely qualified to give a number but no-one else other than the Met is?
Numbers are not the forte of Arts graduates at the BBC. Propaganda (in defence of the Left) is more their forte; although they are skilled at filling out claims for expense.
A less charitable observer would call them a gravy train delivering their spin to a 24/7 lie factory.
No, I’m not Fuleco. Why is that relevant?
The title – the thing far more people will read – says thousands. The first line says tens of thousands. The third line says thousands. If the BBC wanted to create the impression that there were 250,000 there they could have said ‘hundreds of thousands’.
“The wording is quite clearly designed to imply there were that number present without actually saying so, to give it a get-out if challenged.”
Don’t assume that your interpretation is the only correct one. To me, the BBC have made it clear that the 250,000 figure comes from the group that organised the protest, and anyone with half a brain can see that they would have a vested interest in playing up how many people attended and treat that figure with the scepticism it deserves.
Fuleco, voting here would save the austerity protesters a bit of money, don’t you think?………..
poor old russell brand,he got a taste of how nasty,violent and odious the left can be,the problem here is that they turned on a fellow leftie so russell must be thinking wtf is going on here with the comrades when they turn on one of there own,old russell as we know is good at running his mouth of on twitter,but to see him running in fear of being attacked by the left wing rent a mob who he thought was his mates must of come as a shock to his much for your revolution russell,its falling apart.
Charlotte Church, what a c**t! Is she trying to turn herself in to some sort of Princess Di/Mother Theresa type saviour of the povurteh stricken masses?
All of those Viz characters who were at the rally who blame everything on the bankers and tories didn’t mention a thing about the real culprits, they only have to look at Greece to realize that trying to keep a majority of people in a certain lifestyle from a minimum of taxpayer’s money leads to madness and a huge debt.
Welfare, the bbc, public servants earning double the PM, overseas aid, NHS temps on footballers wages, inviting immigrants by the millions and paying them for them as well, paying the ‘missing family’ their benefits, followers of the cult seeing our money as the jizya they deserve,…the list is endless, all costing the country a fortune and they wonder why the debt is constantly rising.
There’s only so much blame you can put onto the bankers and the pensioners. Thatcher’s quote “socialism is a great idea until you run out of other people’s money” has never been more true of this country and the EU at the moment but there will be nothing funny about the end result.
Not to dismiss what you said, but I find it funny that people complain about whoever “on footballer’s wages” yet never complain about, you know, footballers on footballer’s wages. There’s millions upon millions that could be saved by raking in on those prima donna charlatans that could be put into vital services.
Footballers pay high rate income tax you know? Plus VAT on their (very) conspicuous consumption. We don’t do badly out of them. If you don’t think they’re worth the money then don’t buy a ticket, or a sports channel subscription, or a replica kit, or pay the license fee for Match of the Day, oh hang on…..
How are Bow Bells sounding these days?
Footballers, bless their collective brain cell, are part of the FIFA movement.
The have agents as bent as S****** **y.
Transfer fees come, in part at lest, in brown envelopes.
They can afford to employ the same creative accountants as the BBC employees, who turned out to be not employed by the BBC but making their own, tax-avoiding arrangements.
“Plus VAT on their (very) conspicuous consumption.”
Get your facts right – there’s no VAT on books, for instance.
(Can’t help feeling that my argument has a fatal flaw somewhere.)
Cockney…….Market forces mate, the geriatrics on this site are all retired teachers on public sector pensions, they have no idea how to earn a real wage.
There speaks one “Secret Footballer”!
No teachers here to speak of as far as I can see-all the ones I know are public sector monkeys who mouth the stuff that you do Scott.
Not an original thought allowed since 1987-and certainly not since 1997, unless it`s the private sector.
Football?…bitter re teachers?…are you a PE teacher who never got into management Scott?
Something else the BBC is studiously ignoring:
Now if that had been say UKIP or the Conservatives, mass hysteria would have broken out at the BBC
She has finally been forced to apologise and very ungraciously. Her resignation has still not happened.
Has it appeared at the top of the BBC news page yet? Clearly she’s getting different treatment to what a UKIP or Conservative councillor would get. The BBC would have sent their storm troops out after her if she had been, as they did to Godfrey Bloom after a lot less than this. That Nobel winning scientists was made to resign for a lot, lot less than this and the BBC used all their influence to get him to resign. The BBC are biased scum – of that there can be no argument.
Looking at the demographics of those protesters (by nothing more than their appearance, I must admit), I would say they all earn at least 4 times the minimum wage. I don’t see any real working/welfare class people amongst them.
Their claim that ‘cuts in state spending will hurt the poorest most’ is nothing more than a distraction from their true concern – their own generous pay and pensions!
Russell Brand is an @rsehole, Charlotte Church is a cheap Welsh slapper. That is all.
Now hear Brand develop his latest theory. First, he argues that his heckler(s) had some kind of problem. But next he outlines his suggestion that the revolutionary progressive left should support the police ‘cos they are just as oppressed as the rest of us.
Next big demo – all the luvvies supporting the cops. Rozzers against austerity. He has just guaranteed a seat on QT and lots of chats with Marr and Neil.
Russell Brand asks you to support the police who protect him and his wealth .
is this the same bland that rents his own flat from his own management company
Russell Bland is just like every other “commentator” or “media leech” on the mainstream media circuit of BBC-SKY-Channel 4, when it comes down to pleasing a future employer, he will say he supports Milliband, it just might help him get more appearances and more money. How many of these commentators on the mainstream media circuit would say they think the LIBLABCON are a shower of carp, and to vote UKIP or green?
I can think of the ex-LBC host, but now I am struggling for people.
Branded –
There were only 20k at the the rally, not 250K.
A journey of a thousand ‘miles’ begins with one step. The recognition that you are a ass hole has more than one believer. Bye the bye when are going to stick that that fire work up your ass. On a positive note mayI be your chose to ignite it?
So the radical anarchist supports the POLICE and feels that they are victims who need better pay and pensions. I wonder what the POUM ( A Spanish anarchist party – with a real intellectual giant, George Orwell fought with in the Spanish Civil War) would think of such fucked up thinking. Bye the bye have looking into the practises of the Police Federation? I suggest that you do.
“If young people are not happy something is not working”? Well every consensus is, a manner of speaking, a tyranny, and there will always people outside the consensus that feel oppressed by it. The mark of a free society is that it allows these people to express their dissent and to organise to overturn the consensus.
I voted Tory this time. Why? Because after reading the bullshit pushed by Labour, the insanity of the Green Party – those guys are away with the fairies. The Lib Dems have always made me feel nauseous. Frankly Farage, a racist pig. I was left with the fact that the Tories always have to come in and clean up labours mess. They have to put in place the ‘harsh’ measures needed to correct the economic mess that Labour creates. The electorate then turns on them for being bastards and promptly re-elects Labour, who fuck it up again. I resent the view that I am an ignorant fool that swallows lies and Charlotte Church, and far to many lefties, state that anyone who does not agree with them is.
The End
PS: Like the woman who barracked you I know I must have mental health issues for believing what I do. Must go I have just seen a Rabbit dive down a hole.
This was meant to be posted on TREWS. Sorry.