RIGHT NOW on Radio 5 Live Phone in : Should the BBC licence fee be scrapped ? also FB
– Gameshow is actively trying to defend it “but it is not one monolith, it has a variety” .. someone tell him it’s about their Social Justice warrior culture and groupthink
Today according to the BBC news website the BBC is the news.
Main story is “BBC: ’10 years left of licence fee'”, including typical use of scare quotes. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-33215141
The BBC, always looking in.
I naively thought that the penny had dropped at the Beeb and it would be an article about how the NHS is being put under pressure from “migrants”. Of course not, it was another propaganda piece about how the NHS will loose thousands of non EU nurses and with a subtext that anyone who comes to work in the UK should obviously stay forever.
Here’s an idea. Train more nurses in the UK, drop the degree requirement (which is a joke anyway given the integrity of some foreign qualifications), and don’t poach from the developing world.
Quite. Are they truly saying the NHS can only function by pillaging other countries’ nurses because we can’t produce enough of our own? That begs an awful lot of questions.
I agree with the comments above that we should be training our own nurses and that importing nurses from third world countries degrades their health services. However, one country does benefit from the stupidity of our NHS workforce planners. The Philippines trains far more nurses than it needs, so that many can get jobs abroad and send money back home. In effect this is a hidden form of foreign aid – although it doesn’t in any way detract from the general principle that we should be training our own nurses.
The degree requirement seemed to be deliberately designed to cause a crisis in nursing – I worked in the NHS for 5 years in the 70’s and most of the nurses I knew chose their profession specifically because it didn’t need a degree.
It was all to do with status – and a career path to get out of the wards. Once in management nurses could stop taking instructions from doctors and start giving orders to them. The flaw in the system only becomes apparent when something goes wrong; it is still the doctor standing in front of the coroner.
OG, the NHS is a government run service so it follows “public service” rules – protect the minister at all costs.
Screw up and kill a patient and you are in trouble. Make a mistake that kills three or four and you are finished. But kill enough of them that the way the system is structured is called into question and you will have district and regional managers covering for you and politicians covering for them.
Little mistakes get the local guy (guilty or innocent) sacrificed for the good of the system. Big mistakes get buried with the patients, and everyone promoted to keep their mouths shut.
Thanks to the Mengele, Dr Death of the labour party, one Andrew Burnham, and his communist pet monkey Nicholson, now elsewhere causing death probably. Any sign of that enquiry result Dr?.Have your lawyers finished fucking with it ? BBC, any pressure on these pair?…..yeah.
I read somewhere that the reason that the NHS is so low down on the UN list of the best Health Services in the developed World, is that the NHS has five times more administrators than other Health services. That was about ten years ago, now after all these scandals, I read that it has gone up to seven times more administrators, and I cannot see how this problem could be solved if only the administrators have the power to solve the problem of too many administrators. The NHS seems to be collapsing under the weight of this loony problem.
I came across a nurse doing some study for some qualification to further her career. I saw that the final essay to be submitted required her to identify mysoginy in a Shakespeare play. Oh, and to critically assess that mysoginy. I asked a student who was applying to become a midwife what did she think made a good midwife to which she replied, “Equality”. She looked very confused when I asked whether that is what she would look for in a midwife when she was expecting a child.
They don’t want any solutions, they just want to maintain as many red herrings as possible to discredit the Government and perpetuate the ‘NHS under stress’ line.
If there were young student nurses on every ward there would be no excuse for graduate nurses to claim they are too busy to pour a glass of water for an old lady in distress. Anyway is there a better way for them to learn not only the ‘job’ but compasion.
SKY news paper review with ”journalist” Christina Patterson, she’s probably a nice woman in private but on television she comes across as a stuck up snob with an IQ of a squirrel, probably thinks anywhere 50 miles north of London is Ice Station Zebra. When asked about the Greek exit from the Euro, she gushed,
” Isn’t the Greek prime minister and finance minister very good looking.”
Kind of proves Tim Hunt’s view, can you imagine if a man said that about a female politician, ”she’s very good looking,” he would be called out as a sexist, more double standards from the corporate media.
Yes, it was a surprising comment by Christina Patterson. However, although her left of centre views do not tally with mine, she is at least polite and pleasant – a contrast with the egregious “Bonny” Greer on the same programme. (immediate grab for the ‘off’ button in her case).
Reference the Nick Robinson “quote” I believe he is reporting the comment second hand. He also says other journalists who heard it found it amusing.
I have no idea of who was “on the bus” at the time, but it is hard to believe that all of them were from Tory “supporting” organisations and that one of them would not have taken the opportunity to bring this to the public domain at the time to assist their preferred party. I cannot imagine a Guardian reporter not leaping into print to defend their broadcast arm.
I think that almost certainly, Nick Robinson wasn’t on the bus at the time. Wasn’t he out of circulation all through the election period and under treatment for cancer?
I think that almost certainly, Nick Robinson wasn’t on the bus at the time. Wasn’t he out of circulation all through the election period and under treatment for cancer?
I have been watching some old ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ on Dave. I hadn’t realised just how much BBBC group think went on with indoctrination within the programme. One of Paxman’s ancestors was being kept by handouts to the Poor. Whilst in receipt of these payments she produced two illegitimate babies and as a result her payments were stopped. Paxman cried at the heartlessness whilst I was thinking was this one or two different men who had got her in the family way and why were they not supporting her. There was also the question of how she had opportunity with a brood of five already. But no, all we had was the cruelty of the rich who were giving her charity. We also have had Annie Lennox, whose cruel rich ancestor cast out a daughter, although her aunt arranged work for the grandaughter. Eventually the grandaughter was dismissed, wicked employer. The girl may have been useless, a thief or anything but again the rich were to blame. Every week seems the same story about how cruel rich ancestors treat their poor relations. I hadn’t noticed this before but having noticed it, it is the underlying message in every episode. (Except the Jewish ones when it is rich Jews killed by Nazis).
Sometimes it goes wrong, like when Moira Stuart found that her ancestor lived half-way up the hill, which made him an overseer of the slaves!
Turns out Ainslie Harriott isn’t even ‘black’, as one of his ancestors was an estate owner! He got some rather abusive ‘Bounty Bar’ comments on the Afro-Caribbean forums as a result.
My favourite is the one were David Tennant ,who had clearly been dinning out for years on his ‘brave republican boys’ ancestry, found out that in fact they were loyalist covenanters- his face said it all
It’s not just WDYTYA is it. Every programme, be it drama, history, etc. is comically infected with leftist bilge. In fact, the only programmes that aren’t comical are the, so called, comedy shows.
That was indeed droll. I also remember the actor Rupert Penry-Jones, whose ancestors had served out in India. He was absolutely desperate to find an Indian in the family, but with no luck. In contrast, Billy Connally found out that he was part Indian via an ancestor who had soldiered out there and married a local girl. He just took it in his stride, because he’s a normal human being, not a left wing luvvie suck-up.
”Billy Connolly found out that he was part Indian via an ancestor who had soldiered out there and married a local girl. He just took it in his stride, because he’s a normal human being.”
Hmm, is that the same Billy Connolly who said of British hostage Ken Bigley ” I hope they hurry up and behead him, I’m bored with him on my tv every night .” The next day they did. When confronted by reporters at Heathrow about this he yelled ” F**K off.”
In a lifetime of telling jokes, I will allow him the odd fuck up. Overall he’s a decent guy, and funny too, something Radio 4 comedy producers should take note of.
More like sobbing and wailing uncontrollably, ham acting at its finest. It’s strange that they’re weeping buckets about people who they don’t know, never met, died 150 years ago. It’s all about them boasting how concerned and moral they are.
Is there anything – anything at all – that the BBC does now that any other commercial provider (Sky, HBO, Discovery, ACM, Fox, etc) could not (and does not now) provide just as well, if not (often) better?
Personally I struggle to identify a single reason why, in the face of continued (award-winning) excellence from its commercial peers, the BBC thinks it is somehow ‘entitled’ to continue demanding money with menaces from the British public – especially if a large number of those being forced to hand over their money to this self-regarding left-liberal campaigning organisation do not see themselves or their values or their political outlook referenced at all in the Corporation’s incessant common purpose output – indeed, what they do see is a constant barrage of sneers from the BBC at their values and politics, and yet they are still forced to pay for it.
The BBC is without doubt and by any reasonable measure: relentlessly pro-CAGW, nakedly anti-Tory, anti-British (especially anti-English), pro-Islamist (those ‘Asians’, ‘militants’, ‘fighters’ and ‘men’), pro-EU, pro-open door immigration, etc.
There is NO DEFENCE for the continuation of the BBC license fee in 2015. NONE. Whatever the BBC does – news, current affairs, documentaries, drama, history, etc – it is all being done just as well or better by the commercial channels – and with far less of the toxic left wing political messaging so common with the BBC (be it climate change, immigration, never mentioning the words ‘muslim’ or ‘Islam’ in connection with any crimes committed by homicidal child rapists either at home or abroad, etc).
I have a Sky box. I can see these facts for myself. The BBC has no right, morally, creatively, socially or politically, to insist that it is entitled to £billions every year – free money – via a discredited, shabby poll tax in all but name.
Having said all that, get ready to watch John Whittingdale drop the ball, give the BBC a free pass, and tell us all we are ‘culturally enriched’ by the continuance of the license fee. Like being forced to pay for a boot in the face, forever.
The BBC: Liberal fascism at work – pay up or go to prison, plebs.
Me too Phil F. – but some weeks ago on the anniversary of the ARMISTICE headlining Time historical reprint) Headed; ‘Allies have a a common purpose’. In part thanks to Churchill and mostly the Americans, Canadians and Australians put victory for the then ‘Allies’. Allies did not necessarily mean EU integration then – (that is what we were fighting against) centralist loony fanatics with World supremacy ambitions. The word ‘Common Purpose’ (as used by the BBC) has been used by the BBC to ‘recruit’ third world ‘ambassadors’ for fast-track within the BBC. This may be just a coincidence, but I think not. The BBC is staunchly pro EU in its deliberations. It does not consider itself in any way ‘responsible’ to British taxpayers – or TV license payers – or even from critical MP’s. It has hardly been British (patriotic) except when its ‘charter’ requirements kick in. It secretly deplores ‘English’ values undermines our democracy leading us towards EU state socialism. If however Labour were to suddenly become ‘patriotic’ (under its next leadership), we may see fallout out within the BBC staff who have Marxist sympathies. But the ruling Liberal BBC elite, seem untouchable as well as unaccountable and are well ‘dug-in’. If they have a ‘Common purpose’ it’s this secretive mission worth paying each other a millions pounds ‘to keep them focused’ on the ‘Grande Project’ of EU integration at all costs. To average Americans it may mean a similar ‘States of Europe’ but to the rest of us – it means a rapid return to the totalitarian dark ages of religious blasphemy and political correctness in all walks of life. The end of free speech is underway and the absolute end of the Magna Carta in Britain is assured. The crocked Lisbon Treaty of 2008 was Treachery of a very high order. Cameron does not stand a chance of renegotiating it. Meanwhile the EU implodes whilst costs escalate when Greece finally quits (but it NEVER will actually go ‘bankrupt’ as it will have to be propped up by us Brits and of course Germany. Mark Mardell puts a brave face on it and ask ‘could the EU fall apart completely’ and the answer is YES it can and even the BBC cannot stop the rot. This is for once is factual reporting that the EU will not survive. The BBC will have to be ‘patriotic’ and rethink what is its purpose? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-33162306
Greece can go “bankrupt” very easily, all it has to do is default on its payments (and exit the euro), just in the same way Argentina did. This way Greece gets a fresh start although obviously no one is too keen to lend it new money (but eventually they do)!
If Greece had done this in 2008 it probably would be in a better state than it is now.
There is no “probably” about it. However, sadly for the Greeks, they are wedded to the Euro and EU membership because they feel that this puts them back at the heart of European culture and society. The experience of 400 years of occupation by the Turks runs very deep indeed in Greece, whereas we in Britain have not been occupied since 1066, and have tended to look at Europe as the source of our troubles, not the solution. So the Greeks will stay in the Euro, and they will continue to suffer the slow torture that entails. It is terribly sad, but it is their decision.
The BBC was simply awash with this drivel last week over Mrs Obama in front of rows of hijabed schoolgirls,(er, just how is that female freedom?) …. the UKs clueless national embarrassment, the morons in No10 will of course be backing Mrs Obama’s #Let Girls Learn campaign.
Without the slightest consideration, or mention, of the primary source (Islamic Men, Islamic Texts ), of all this “oppression” and the “discrimination” girls/women in Islam face? IN BRITAIN and the texts that promote, and mandate it. The Sharia that institutes it … IN BRITAIN!
How’s that ‘bring back our girls’ thing working out for you, Michelle? Surely it can’t just have been an ephemeral publicity stunt, can it? You’re still concerned about them, aren’t you? Actually doing something constructive about it, right?
The former BBC executive who oversaw coverage of the London Olympics has accused the corporation of liberal “groupthink” and a failure to reflect diverse views on issues such as immigration.
Former BBC editorial director Roger Mosey – who left in 2013 – said the corporation sometimes suffered from “a default groupthink – a set of assumptions that seem reasonable to everyone they know”.
In memoirs serialised in the Times, he said debates about immigration at the corporation sounded like “a pure liberal-defensive response rather than a quest for range and diversity in journalism”.
He cited a Ten O’Clock News package on immigration which included only one interview with a white person because the views of other non-ethnic minority people a reporter spoke to were too negative.
Mass immigration: Possibly the most contentious – arguably the most damaging – government policy in recent decades, and we have an admission from the top of the BBC that the coverage was biased. Actually much more than biased, so distorted and wilfully unrepresentative of reality it was little more than outright lies.
For this reason alone the BBC loses any claim to impartiality and honesty.
I happened to be in the West End on Saturday afternoon/evening to see old Jim Dale at the Vaudeville(what a star and ….ENGLISH!!) and my daughter and friends were in the City of London.
I can tell you that estimates of the number of people attending the lefty-fest Anti-Austerity march were WILDLY EXAGGERATED by the liberal-left media (I read an estimate of 250,000 people–hahahaha).
I would guess the true figure was only in the tens of thousands-but the biased B bc will never tell you the truth about it.
By 6.30 p.m. ,there was scant evidence of this outpouring of liberal angst (the entrance to the Savoy was ‘un’-blockaded much earlier).
On another point, in a nearly-full theatre for Jim Dale’s final night , I never saw ONE efnik????
Must be some sort of communications problem with the mulikulti crowd?
We need to advertise more in the Commoonitee to include more BRITTISH peeple into our Kultur?
Interesting, especially as the police unprecedentedly (AFAIAA) declined to estimate the numbers involved. However, an aerial shot of Parliament Square showed – despite the BBC’s overwrought despcription of “tens of thousands” – what, five maybe six thousand parasites; mostly brought, bought and paid for by Unite.
You’ll be pleased to know that this Children’s Crusade – and particularly the participation of Charlotte Church – was vociferously supported by the commenters (Mihir Bose – the nation’s worst sports reporter in living memory – and some “activist/campaigner” whose name I didn’t catch but whose opinions, given the description of his day job, were boringly predictable) brought on later in the day on BBC 24 to opine impartially on the contents of the Sunday Papers.
‘pretty shoddy journalism for the papers to just regurgitate the number given by the People’s Assembly Against Austerity without so much as a raised eyebrow.’
Lucky the world’s most trusted broadcaster wasn’t pushing such exaggerations or facilitating any who were/are. Or ever have in the past.
Poor old BBC often gets in the neck for not reporting these things or not reporting it with the ‘sources who say’ estimates provided by these passionate activists.
They even hijack BBC twitter feeds and FaceBook threads to whinge or push their version of reality, and with empathetic kindergarden cubicle dwellers the temptation must be there to ‘enhance the narrative’.
‘Organisers say 250,000 people turned up, although police haven’t confirmed this’
So to ‘sources’, we can now add in Beebworld, ‘organisers who say’ as one degree of separation PR as news BS from the world’s least trustworthy interpreter of events.
I do recall some of a more pragmatic bent pondering why Diane Abbott was even more pervasive than she usually is on the BBC, and being allowed by BBC market rate talents to pitch her special blend of ‘truthiness’ unchecked. As can happen.
For the record, Aashraf Abushaban, owner of the Kazem ice cream parlor in Gaza, left Gaza for Canada, during the war.
He had just been on a course in Tel Aviv about making Italian ice cream. Hadn’t he ever heard of the blockade and Gaza being the world’s biggest open air prison? Roger Hearing will have to remind him.
And what about Hamas? Al-Aroussa ice cream factory, C.E.O. Mushtaha said: “The taxes imposed by the Hamas government are putting a significant strain on the owners of ice cream factories. In addition to VAT [value added tax] paid to Israel — of which a portion goes to the Palestinian Authority — we also pay an annual income tax to Hamas, which also imposed its own VAT because it was not recuperating the proceeds thereof from Israel due to the break in political relations with the latter.”
The Solidarity Tax law — which Hamas imposed on imported goods and that serves to pay salaries to the employees who were appointed by the previous government — has had an impact on ice cream factories that have had to pay this tax on their mostly imported goods.
Despite the development witnessed by the ice cream industry in the Gaza Strip, political hurdles affecting the industry prove that nothing in Gaza is immune to the effects of politics. Even ice cream, which allows Gazans to alleviate the pressures they face, is affected by Israel’s wars on Gaza, the little support from the consensus government and the taxes imposed by Hamas.
Here are next week’s headlines from the BBC:
There are reports this morning that over last weekend the entire muslim community of Britain has suddenly packed their bags and left to join ISIS
Human Rights lawyers are blaming the authorities for having ‘radicalised’ this community and are calling the situation a ‘humanitarian crisis’.
All four Labour leadership candidates have come together with campaigners, social workers and public sector unions, to call on the government to do all they can to bring these vulnerable people back to the UK.
David Cameron has promised he will indeed ‘not leave a stone unturned’ to return these people – a spokesman for the PM said even though Special Branch and M15 have nothing to go on, Cameron will attempt to work with fellow EU leaders to replace the community with a brand new muslim community. Opposition parties here have doubted he will get a deal but Mr Cameron is flying to Munich today, confident of success.
Security authorities have announced today a reduced UK Terror Threat Level. Formerly set at “Amber” or ‘significant threat of terror incident’ the new level officials are calling “A Whiter Shade of Pale” means ‘relax, man, it’s all over’
Meanwhile, news where you are…. local NHS leaders have reported waiting times at A&E have plummeted and Britain now has sufficient midwives and GPs.
The housing crisis is over – a survey from Shelter has revealed an adequate housing stock in most regions.
Teachers groups have told parents to ‘calm down’ they say pressure is now off primary school places.
More good news…
Sexual abuse of underage vulnerable girls in town centres is a thing of the past – this problem has dramatically receded recently according to Police and child protection groups which are ‘bemused’ by the development but nonetheless welcome it.
And finally, news from the BBC – our national broadcaster is inviting applications for a new head of religious affairs.
Excellent. To expand on your theme . The property market was now being flooded with large white buildings with pointy towers for sale at knock down prices. Also, there has been a upsurge in people saying what they think and drawing what they like without fear of violent reprisal.
Sunday evening Radio Four, another unfunny comedienne one Kate Fox, from whom amusement is to be had essentially only from her exaggerated Northern accent, was doing her best to spread the BBC message that Brits shouldnt have children. OK so she didnt say Brits specifically, but given the known audience of Radio Four it was Brits she was targetting.
The BBC wouldnt dream of runninga similar piece of ‘comic’ propaganda on their Asian Network, where it would be more appropriate.
On Today this morning, interspersed between the non-news (but lots of speculation) concerning the Greek imbroglio, we were treated to our Sarah learning about the tolerance and peacefulness of Islam. This was the sermon preached by Dr Muhammed Tahir Al Qadri, a politician in Pakistan and a Sufi Islamic scholar, who has issued a fatwa against terrorism. Wonderfully stirring stuff! Unfortunately Sarah forgot – as all “journalists” on the BBC forget – to ask the good doctor what it is about Islam that makes it prey to the intolerance and brutality displayed and/or supported by many of its adherents.
Maybe what the good doctor should do, instead of issuing meaningless fatwas, is address the possibility that the evil espoused and perpetrated by “radicalised” Moslems is not so much due to “radicalisation” but is embedded deep in and is a vital element of Islam itself. Maybe the BBC should allow those, like David Greenfield who have another explanation for Moslem violent extremism, access to the airwaves. Whatever, until the BBC – and the other organs of public discourse in this country – move on from the “Religion of Peace” nonsense and deal with the reality of this creed there will be no solution to the problem it poses.
I heard that. She did, however, explain to him that it wasn’t Islam at fault. It was, of course, the police, teachers, the media. In short, western civilization at large was to blame and needed to change. (and before I’m accused of lying by one of our BBC gatekeepers, she did preface her/BBC opinion with the omnipresent ‘many people say/think’)
What the bbc and other islamophilic organisations fail to do is understand what muslims mean by terrorist and innocent because muslims do not consider non-muslims as being innocent and therefore it is not terrorism to attack and kill us. If the sodding bbc could grasp these truths they might just begin to understand that they are supporting the enemy; an enemy that will just as easily kill them as anyone else.
Crimewatch Roadshow and the lovely Sian (Welsh, white, blonde) has been dumped and replaced by Michelle (black, northern) for the final two weeks. That makes two ethnic minority presenters (the earthy Rav and her) out of two. Well, I suppose it makes a change that they’re in front of the camera rather than on the wanted board or in the CCTV footage.
“The letter, signed by 850 elected officials in New York State, comes days before the council decides whether to approve test drilling at two locations.”
“…a quick look into the letter that has come from the “non-partisan” group calling itself “Elected Officials to Protect New York” reveals that once again, the BBC has either been duped, or has wilfully misrepresented the letter. The truth is, it has just 10 signatories. They’re all left-wing Democrats. And they’re all basically the equivalent of British, parish councillors – representing no more than about 75,000 people between them, across little villages and counties in the outskirts of New York State.“
My dogs are ready and waiting for your fascist tv licencing goons. Are they at this door or the next door? I guess you’ll never know til its too late and youve been bitten on the arse as you run for your life with a 15 week old Shih Tzu chasing after you closely followed by a 50lb 22 week old shepherd
Thanks, Roland. Exposing of BBC lies like those on your post above is important on this site not only for those that read this site but it can be passed on to inform others who do not have time to read the other discussions here.
Wonderful huh?….Far from content in never being arrested for hating this Country, and of course radicalising countless Islamists, Choudary now dictates to Cameron’s police…
Next time this nasty piece of work questions anyone’s sense of humour show him some special cartoons. Watch him foaming at the mouth as he loses his sense of humour.
Choudary must be feeling very smug with himself here, a rather defensive cop, well trained to not intimidate muslims….perfect. The Chief Con, should resign. What the cop should have said was to ‘ mind your own business sir’. ‘ if you continue to harass me i will arrest you’…….and so on….pathetic cop.
He should have said simply and firmly that Britain is still a is free country – no doubt a concept far too difficult for a scumbag like Choudary. But the real villains are the authorities who would probably see it as “a provocative gesture”.
There should be an immediate flyer urging police to all show visible support for help for heroes,
likewise actions urging the media with cartoons,
likewise supermarkets, schools with visible signs urging NON halal,
likewise with teddy bears, or porky pigs, woofy dogs or other cuddly toys
… if any single thing is used for faux offence
… quite simply that is the answer
The policeman was in contact with someone on his phone. I would guess he was told to think of community relations, be polite, take the bracelet off … Or report to the Diversity re-training camp asap.
The well named Beyond Belief picks up the ‘we dun it’ Climate Change baton today – well the Pope believes so so should you!
A crazy lady tells us that even if you don’t believe the Pope then “97% of the world’s scientist believe”. Ernie Rea attempts a very weak challenge so she backs off, “Well 95% then”.
Is there any part of the BBC that is not ‘on message’?
If you could be bothered to listen to Feedback last week you will have been told, yet again, that ‘the BBC doesn’t have an opinion’, yeah right!
This is just more of the BBC’s trademark Good Dog/Bad Dog reporting.
His Holiness talks about climate change? Good dog! The BBC hails him as a moral leader and the conscience of the West, but when he condemns sexual immorality? Bad Pope! Suddenly he’s a wackadoodle cult leader whose followers are all geriatric bumpkins who definitely aren’t down wid da kids like what the BBC is.
If Santa Claus ever came out in favour of tax cuts, the BBC would suddenly start running investigations into the pay and conditions of the elves in his workshop.
‘yet to find a way of acquiring the capital required for start-up costs in a way that doesn’t seem to come from the licence-fee, or look like a subsidy no competitor could match – like a guaranteed contract to produce Eastenders and Strictly. And name an indie start-up happy to take on the pension costs of the BBC staff that would be TUPE’d across ?
Especially as the latter can only go up as well as really up. Too bloated to deal with?
Just like you and me. Only richer. And outnumbering us. Quite how you get paid more than the roof of your grade being another of those ‘uniques’ the BBc has to weather?
‘Loyalty’ due an outfit that depends on compelled funding? You tease. World class standard. (it has a comment… well, two… one was removed. You can take the man out of the BBC…).
‘He also plans an announcement about management layers next week. Let’s hope it’s more radical than the Bonfire of The Boards, where now suits still sit in endless meetings – they’re just not called Boards.’
Watch this space. No, really. If you don’t the BBC will build another city on it to be staffed up before you can say ‘unique funding’.
“The corporation had it all mapped out. A shaky coalition – preferably of the left – would limp along, both unable and unwilling to challenge Auntie over the next charter renewal.”
Didn’t get that all about right, did they?
And there’s always the thrill of knowing you are part of the world’s biggest sack of rats….
From The Guardian article:
“Boothman is married to Susan Deacon, a former Labour minister and MSP, and is seen as closely aligned to Labour.”
I never thought I’d see the day when the BBC’s print edition made such an admission.
‘Even the chancellor, who is notably hawkish on the BBC and who tried to get the corporation to pay for over-75s’ licence fees, is now reckoned to be more sanguine. Why? Because with Labour in disarray and the Conservative leadership contemplating a lengthy period in office, upsetting core Tory supporters, many of whom quite like the BBC, by attacking it is much less appealing. In other words the likelihood of an all-out assault on the BBC and/or the licence fee in the course of the forthcoming charter review process seems remote.
Explains a lot. So, as long as they don’t look like spoiling the Tory’s power games, the BBC can be as inaccurate, unobjective and lacking in integrity as it likes, whilst paying anyone they fancy anything without being held to account.
‘The BBC’s new primetime police drama The Interceptor has achieved top ratings for sustainability standards in TV production thanks to a raft of green initiatives.
If only if any of the people not watching it were aware of this.
All right. All right! I confess!! Please don’t beat me. Don’t take away my PC. Yes, I was the other person who watched the first two episodes on iPlayer during the day following broadcast.
In true, George Washington mode, I cannot tell a lie. It was dire. Formulaic. Predictable. Weakly scripted. Poorly acted. Badly directed. I’ve paid for my sins enough already just watching it.
It was actually so bad, it is rather tempting to watch the next episode to see if it gets worse. 😛
Plea in mitigation, m’Lud? Yes, I was driven to TV on PC by Radio 4’s current Book at Bedtime and Julian Barnes reading his book of essays on Book of the Week.
It makes you wonder, just what do the ‘so called’ Trustees do for their fat cat fees? Surely they must glance at this site occasionally and see the opinion of some of the Licence Fee (extortion tax) payers?
Finally at last they hit tax credits.BBC sell it as “hitting children. The most stupid benefit ever. BBc interview some woman who I think is speaking some kind of English, but I can’t understand. Harriet Harman briefly revisits her highly successful time (not!) in charge of DWP. A benefit Mr taxpayer hands out to subsidise wages. Brilliant. I’m convinced 90% of the people in the Road I live in are claiming this. I remember when it was introduced https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_Income_Supplement
At the time I considered another have more kids get more benefit scheme
I know a family who have a small business in which the the guy does about 40-50% of his work for cash, therefore showing a loss every year once he pays himself wages and therefore gets a tax refund. Wife works 17 hours a week in a non-job at the Council and has her income topped up with child tax credits.
They drive a Range Rover and a BMW sports car and holiday at least once a year in Florida.
Only from within the ranks of the bbc can an imbecile be found to tell us that a dictator and destroyer of most of early 19th century Europe was a misunderstood person. That all who stood against Napoleon were pygmies riding on the backs of good fortune.
What next? Mohammed! A blank screen with an hour long dialogue about the misunderstood rapist, paedophile, warmonger and slave trader. What a guy!
Remember boys and girls, when a muzzie cuts off your head, it’s nothing personal. Call 020 7666 6666 for a free Conversion to islam booklet from bbc publications.
He was a ‘progressive’ apparently, Roberts’ own words. At least, I know what it means now – murder of millions, destruction, famine, despotism. Remember that, when liblabgnatgreen parrot the phrase progressive.
Watching (the Andrew Roberts-fronted series) Napoleon is a surreal business, to say the least. Roberts paints a brutal dictator (a man who openly displayed his delusions of Imperial Romanesque grandeur in the most conspicuous, megalomaniacal ways imaginable, not the least of which was – by Roberts own admission – declaring himself the ‘new Caesar’ of France) as a tragically misunderstood progressive, a man unhappily too far ahead of his time in his concerns for the poor, the dispossessed and the needy. So misunderstood that poor old Boney had to compensate, presumably, for this unfortunate circumstance by slicing and dicing his way across most of Europe to prove his point – until, thankfully, the English finally put an end to his bloodlust and mania.
Napoleon is a travesty of objective historical documentary-making and one of the most egregious examples of the BBC’s penchant for ‘revisionist history’ – it’s never-ending mission to re-write history to suit its modern, left-liberal agenda. It’s a shambles and, more than that, it’s an intellectual insult both to its audience and to the actual facts. Part three (the final part) is this week. Get the hankies ready.
What next from the BBC? Hitler was just a misunderstood vegetarian environmentalist..? Stalin was really the victim of a bad press..?
These days, given the parlous state of both BBC ‘historical’ drama and ‘documentary history’, I really wouldn’t put it past the crooked Corporation – and, as always, I’ll be forced to pay for it all, whether I like it or not.
Yes, I’ve just seen it . His main argument for liking Napoleon was that he promoted people on merit. He then demolished his own argument by telling us how Napoleon promoted his family to be kings etc. It may fit the BBC narrative ( anti-Brit pro Europe) but its very poor history.
I knew Roberts slightly back in the 80s. He struck me as a short, pompous, vain fellow, always very full of himself. I can’t imagine quite what he finds so attractive about Napoleon, but I’m having a good old laugh watching his programme.
How the bBC bends the truth in which to paint the Jews as only evil.
So when I heard that the UN had castigated both Israel and Hamas for their last shindig, I just knew the bBC would spin the tail in which to fit in with their Pro Islamic terrorist and anti-Semitic ideology and boy I wasn’t wrong. All day they have pointed out the Jews have rejected the UN report. A report I should add which was conducted by….post. Yes the UN experts never set foot in either Israel or Gaza. Anyway this is what the bBC is currently reporting : Gaza conflict 2014: ‘War crimes by both sides’ – UN Both Israel and Palestinian militants may have committed war crimes during the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict, UN investigators have said.Israel dismissed the investigation as “politically motivated and morally flawed”, while Hamas said it wrongly equated “the victim and executioner”. So get that, the Israeli are painted as not accepting the findings (true) and Hamas, well they can only be victims of the Jew.
Israel had refused to co-operate with the investigation, which it said had drawn its conclusions in advance. Nasty Israel, but guess what the bBC leaves out…so did Hamas
For its part, Hamas, the Islamist militant group which controls Gaza, cautiously welcomed aspects of the report.
“The report contains some positive paragraphs condemning the Israeli occupation, but it is equal between the victim and executioner,” said senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad. Really, bBC. Here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you taken from the guardian and other major media news outlets
Hamas also rejected the findings. Senior official Ghazi Hamad said on Monday that its rockets and mortars were aimed at Israeli military sites, not at civilians.
The bBC the apologists for Islamic terrorism the world over
Usual crap from the liberal left.
Guru-Murky tried(and failed) to put the saintly Mark Regev in the dock of public opinion for-er “failing to let the UN in to trash Israel as it always does”.
As Mark says-North Korea, Syria and Iran don`t seem to offend the UN near as much as Israel does-but Krishnan sailed by.
Disgusting trashing of Israel-basically these anti Jew witch-hunts seem to be most pernicious when it`s all sanctioned by the likes of the UN and Guru-Murthys Channel 4.
And-need I say?…no Hamas cabbage was put up to defend THEIR over-exuberance and high jinks…it all started when Hamas butchered four Israeli students…but hey, hardly an issue to the Left that, is it?
Fuck off liberal scum-may Israel be Gods avenging instrument to lop their wooden heads off!
Israel may have had a case in pushing for the resignation of the reports lead after her predecessor as chair, William Schabas, whose neutrality became in doubt when it emerged that he had advised the Palestinian Authority in the past.
That’s right the report which was commissioned by the United Nations most disgraceful offshoot the UNHCR which comprises Syrians, Libyans and Palestinians all of whom hate Israel allowed a man who has carried out PAID work for the Palestinian authorities to chair the report.
This is a total disgrace and yet the BBC are strangely quiet on the topic.
Have you just awakened from some longer than Rip Van Winkle like sleep?
The UN has been an enemy of the West since its creation, mainly by the biggest **** ever produced by the USA FDR.
Hence the BBC loves it. The only organisation which arose from the ashes of WW2 which the BBC hates is NATO.
I accept, in advance, that the USA has produced so many first class ***** that there is a long list of rivals for the title.
I knew that some of the UN entities were rather dubious in relation to who controls them, however, I was flabbergasted that someone with such an anti-Israeli / Pro Palestinian track record would ever have been deemed acceptable to chair such an important report.
Ironically enough ‘Rip Van Winkle’ is based on a Christian story which was ‘borrowed’ by members of the Islamic faith to firm up their religions rather poor early history.
Thank you for the information.
Thank you also for the abbreviation, it usually reduces to looney.
I am definitely not left.
“by looney left” is an anagram of “folly toynbee”.
i am really annoyed this week with the bbc and radio 5 live, remember the blanket coverage radio 5 live and the bbc gave to the church shootings in the usa,ok,but something happened at the weekend that was totally ignored by the bbc and radio 5 live and that was the bosnian muslim asylum seeker in austria who moved down and murdered 3 people with a car then jumped out and stabbed 37 shoppers,this was another islamic terrorist attack on the streets of europe and should be treated as such,what did the bbc and radio 5 say about this bosnian muslim man,yes they said he had mental health problems,funny that bbc,when he jumped out of that car and started stabbing people it was reported that he was screaming allah hu akbar,if that was not terrorism,what was,just another pc cover up by the media including the biased bbc.
It’s not just that the BBC is promoting presenters beyond their ability in order to fulfill quotas – it’s the rapid dumbing down this is causing.
I realise this as the incipid Rizzla Teeth ‘Face of BBC London’ and news anchor picks up after a report from Brenda Emmanus and hands over to the weather girl who tells me about: “That drizzly rain that makes your hair all frizzy”
As a man I can’t indentify with the prevailing banter on the BBC. No one would suggest equivalent male-orientated locker room banter – so why must we put up with this feminised tosh?
Noted that both Channel 4 and the BBC choose to refer to Camerons welfare reform as being a “so-called merry go round”.
But that was his quote-so why do they say it`s “so called”, when that was his phrase?
These liberal lardarses need to give me a better metaphor for the scandalous Brown notion of taxing the pittance, then doling it back after it`s employed thousands of Serwotkas goons at the PCS-the whole point of Browns idiot scheme.
But no-they loved the notion-and when else does a tax cut to the poor become “an attack on poor people, Gordon won`t be happy etc”?
Only when a Tory does it-and has the mandate to do it too.
No-we STILL get the spectres of Harman, Miliband D etc to denounce it all…and no Tory to rip the liberal limpdicks a new hole to blow hard from.
Usual media bias…and still we pay and let `em spout their shit fountains upon the poor they profess to love.
If the system is streamlined to put the CAB and other agitprop tents out to grass then good-Labour stuffed the quangos with those not even fit to cover Harmans trails at the PIE.
Utter lefty scum.
Good to see Raheem Kassam back at Breitbart after his stint with UKIP.
Today he picks up on a story from the BBC on the 20th June which is still showing as the lead story in the Lancashire section of their North West England website. I’ve purposefully copied the entire BBC webpage on this story to see if they amend it at all following the revelations as shown by Raheem.
So the latest news is that the police are to blame for those Muslims going to live with ISIS and leaving their dads behind.
This is wrong for so many reasons:
1. It’s wrong – Islam is to blame
2. It’s cowardly to pass the blame
3. Where does such a reasoning chain end? It’s Robert Peel’s fault for forming the modern police force who employed the police in question. In fact it would all be Allah’s fault for having created the world in the first place!
They always play the victim, whatever they do it’s due to someone else. Raping underage kafir girls – they should have been Muslim and covered up, then they wouldn’t have been raped. Blowing up tube trains in London – Britain should allow Islamic terrorism to go unchallenged anywhere on earth, or better yet be ruled under the Sharia, then the trains wouldn’t have been blown up.
It just goes on and on and on. But it is never their fault.
I’ve just seen Vaz on Sky news telling us the days of E-mails and diplomatic letters in bags is over and we should have a “hot line” to Turkey. Maybe a big searchlight to reflect a shape off the clouds as well
Unbelievable and typical of the refusal to face reality that is now really threatening the people of this country.
The police are there to uphold the law not for any other reason.
The army is there to defend the country as is the navy and air force. They are not social workers.
If people leave then it is down to them. If they take children then that is an additional crime and deserves exemplary punishment.
Well, the Met Office issued a statement today which must have hurt somewhat. They have stated that this June will almost certainly be the COLDEST on RECORD ever. Yup, a bold statement from the Ministry of Defence, climate department. When one Googles the headline “coldest June on record” you will see many news agencies and bloggers bringing you the true facts from around the World about just what is happening to our “Climate” at the moment, and I use the word “Climate” because it is the “Climate” that is changing but one which is getting colder, not warmer as has been predicted by our “warmist” friends and heavily promoted by that BBC nut job, Harrabin. You will also note that having “Googled” the “Coldest June on record”, the BBC does not get a mention anywhere on the hit list. Anyone fancy a frost in July for the U.K.?
Apparently ‘scientists’ are flying in to discuss this, ahead of flying in to the Paris Summit to, er, discuss this.
To précis, people need to fly and drive less for a healthier lifestyle. As the beeboid helpfully explained, basically if people walk everywhere there would be less obesity related illness. How they keep a straight face (it was radio) while spouting this drivel is beyond me. You’d think they’d have some kind of script, if only an outline one. And then you (well I) would think they’d say, ‘Oh come on, I can’t say that’ or somesuch.
To be fair to him I did read somewhere that our hunter-gatherer, or maybe Neanderthal, ancestors were fit as a butcher’s dog.
It’s not about climate change, or any other related “science”, it’s purely about control and theft of our cash, through attempting to scare the population into doing things that are “good for them, and good for the planet”. They’re on a roll, now that the church is on board, and are milking it for all it is worth.
The associated inevitable damage will not be witnessed, probably, by those alive today, but by golly, damage there WILL be, all due to scientific ignorance, and a desire for global governance.
Those of us who have woken up, are stymied at every turn, in favour of the idealistic mantra we are forced to listen to on the “National Broadcaster”, and elsewhere.
Of course not. It broadcasts here, as well. The quotation marks are merely to emphasise the daftness of it being called a “National Broadcaster”, when it is a complete joke.
All this Earth worship, mother earth etc etc is paganism, The Earth is to serve us, not the other way around, we to serve the Earth. Plus Agenda 21 ties in with their depopulation program. Check out the Georgia Guide stones.
So glad someone else has heard of Agenda 21, the drive behind the impoverishment of the former first world.
What amazes me is that there are many people on this and other outlets and blogs who, as things stand, have been unaffected by the destruction of a real jobs market and continually bleat for the likes of tax credits to be ended. Layer by layer each and every trade and profession is going to get obliterated by this onslaught. You’ll be taken out layer by layer, one at a time. Take that to the bank.
Whenever you hear the words ‘Sustainability’ and ‘Social justice’, you know whoever is saying them is thinking Agenda 21 and it’s plans for one-world eco-socialist totalitarian government which will make Animal Farm look like ‘Bambi’.
Do you think that people smugglers are all dodgy foreigner mafia types from Pakistan, Turkey, China, Vietnam etc? Think again! The BBC knows better: many of them are ordinary Britons, an estimated 100 of whom were imprisoned in France last year for nothing more than trying to make the UK more culturally diverse (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33226799). Now, it is certainly possible that “ordinary Britons” could get caught up in this unsavoury business. So let’s look at the one example that the BBC have quoted: ‘In the most recent case, Basir Haji, from Preston in Lancashire, was sentenced to 12 months in prison. He was caught at the Calais ferry terminal with two Iraqi men hiding in the boot of his car. “I’m in debt. That’s why I did it. I’ve been playing a lot of money in the casino,” he said.” The judges suspected Haji may have successfully smuggled migrants into the UK on a previous day trip to Calais, in April.’
Yep, just an ordinary Brit. Incidentally, that estimated number of 100 Brits was provided by Haji’s solicitor. As the article subsequently states: “She gave an estimated figure because, she said, in France it is illegal to record statistics by nationality”. Still, a shame not to use an unsubstantiated, sensationalist number in your headline is it, BBC?
Some of the older contributors may remember a distant era when BBC Radio 4 Today Programme’s Thought For the Day was significantly but not exclusively Christian in tone. Now of course its mostly about Islam with the occasional diversion into other religions. Its just another way for the BBC to bolster multicultural,left-liberal Britain, isn’t it?
BBC editors must resent having to give air time on TftD to Christianity at all, but, hang on, there are quite a few left-wing grievance harbouring Christian clerics and thinkers about aren’t they? Why not use them?What a great way out of the BBC’s dilemma.
Apart from SNP fellow-traveller John Bell, there’s Rev Giles Fraser, ex Dean of St Paul’s, anti-the City and sounding like an unreconstructed Marxist student protester of the 60’s or 70’s. Today we had the privilege of him sounding off against the British/allied victory at Waterloo, telling us what wonderful things Napoleon would have done had he successfully invaded Britain and how awful it is to have a reactionary apologist Established Church. Is this politics or religion? is it really what this slot on R4 should be about? I think I know.
Fraser has opinions and it seems reasonable that he should be allowed to air them. Once, perhaps twice, because they are so far at variance with the opinions held by most commentators.
The fact that this rent-a-bore is allowed to broadcast so frequently is simply an endorsement of his wildly eccentric views. It is further, undeniable, proof that the BBC is hopelessly biased in favour of the radial Left.
Listening to ‘Thought for the Day’ on the Today programme. I missed the initial attribution, but assumed it was the Reverend Giles Fraser.
Reverend Fraser offered the view that the victory at Waterloo was in fact a catastrophic defeat for the people of Britain, in that it put an end to any hopes of their liberation by a Napoleon who would have instituted an egalitarian, fraternal and libertarian society, and swept away the oppressive institutions which at that time were causing so much suffering for the common person.
He offered this view from a pulpit given to him by the BBC. What is so sad about this is not so much that he was offered this generous platform for his own free speech. It is more that a possibly contentious view was not put into a more egalitarian arena where it might be legitimately challenged – I don’t know if there are any serious historians or students of politics who would differ from Fraser, but maybe their views should also be given at least a passing mention (if they exist, that is)?
In fact, for an egalitarian and champion of the common people such as Fraser, it seems a little ironic that he should accept the benefit of a privileged and implicitly endorsed platform for what some might say are extremist views.
In fact, even using the title ‘Reverend’ (worthy of reverence) seems a little problematic for someone who appears to reject all forms of privilege and hierarchy in society. Perhaps he should just drop the title (or has he already done so)?
You should take with a pinch of salt any religious message produced by the 2 Millenia traditional christian heritage of our Taxpayers funded national broadcaster!
The agenda is pretty clear and obvious when they appointed a Muslim head of all Religious Affairs produced by the BBC. You really could not make that one up.
It is like saying the Vatican has appointed Grenville Janner to be their child abuse advisor.
Napoleon being a thoroughly nice chap has been part of an effort by the BBC to revise our view of Waterloo over the last week.
Newsnight came to much the same conclusion last week, while another programme put forward the view that Wellingrton’s victory was solely down to Blücher.
Ahead of the EU referendum the BBC see it as necessary to remind the electorate that as far as they are concerned this nation is utterly incapable of running its own affairs. The BBC need to protect their £30 million EU subsidy in order to plug some of the funding gap they now have by writing off Top Gear.
Europe good, Britain bad has been a BBC theme for some years. Expect it to ramp up significantly in the coming months. The BBC lost the election, and were dazed for a few weeks, but they are now back as Her Majesty’s disloyal opposition.
One of the first things the “Out” group for the EU Referendum should do (other than insisting on “Out” rather than “No”, as “Yes” has an immediate in-built advantage) is to press home the fact that they do not consider the BBC to be impartial in this matter, and have plenty examples to bring up. The BBC must be kept on the back foot on this one from the start.
“on the back foot”?
Unsatisfactory, this may be the final chance to stop the extermination of the white race.
I would be most disconcerted if unfortunate accidents occurred.
I was so annoyed by this I have been moved to complain to the BBC. I expect nothing back other than the usual flim flam but this man should not be allowed to present his Marxist views as Holy Writ.
The BBC is cock-a-hoop this morning over wimmins football. Our broadcaster is so keen to keep us abreast they don’t care about any cleavage this may cause among viewers. They are showing some snatches of a game and a few good balls desperately hoping to invoke the spirit of World Cup Willie. The quality of play looks duff to me, even as the games reach a climax. Come the day, I can’t see that this can ever be a money-maker but for some reason the BBC are giving all this attention pro bono. Opposition to their coverage has been muffled.
Covering the women’s world cup is actually a decent example of where a national broadcaster should be filling in a “market failure” whole for the public good, assuming of course they haven’t blown a load of taxpayer’s cash in competition with a commercial broadcaster who would have covered it anyway.
Given our obesity epidemic and abysmal participation levels for women’s sport generating a bit of hyperbole is well worthwhile if it encourages girls to get involved in footy, which statistically it apparently does. It will save the NHS some cash in the long run. It’s a struggle to watch though admittedly.
By the way what’s with the “wimmin” snidey thing about 50% of the population? Surely not being a man isn’t evidence of complicity with the left wing conspiracy against the British nation.
I agree that women’s football should be covered, but as a sport not as a ‘women’s issue’. It’s the tedious introspection and critical comparison of how poorly it’s allegedly treated compared to the men’s game that is the problem.
The BBC has lost most other sport so it is all it has got left. let them make the most of it. If football for women really takes off the BBc will lose that as well.
I forced myself to listen to young Dimbo on his history of the BBC. During WW2 when the US forces set up their own radio station in the UK the natives found it so much better than the BBC and switched to it in droves. The reaction of the BBC to try and mute it and when that didn’t work with great reluctance they had top copy its content and as soon as was feasible they had it shut down.
So you see that even then the BBC hated any form of competition and behaved exactly like monopolies always do , try to exclude all forms of competition. They are doing the same today across radio and new technology.
But of course the big difference is that today the BBC monopoly acts as a propaganda machine for the liberal left and is doing great harm to the UK. Stifling competition is in its blood and it has been getting away with for far too long.
It was the same in the 60s with pirate radio stations and radio Luxembourg, offering the public, radio that they actually wanted to listen to. So the Beeb gets the government to shut them down and forks out large amounts of cash to set-up radio 1 to provide a service which was already being provided by the commercial sector.
And then they make a film rewriting history so the conservatives did it ! mind it didn’t even make a quarter of it’s production costs back so no one watched it pmsl !
The bBC gets incestuous with the new series of Who Do You Think You Are, which includes
Mark Gatiis
Paul Hollywood
Gareth Malone
Anita Rani
‘Celebs’ only in the bBC’s eyes, most outside of bBC towers won’t have heard of them, the latter and former, along with others of course brings the obligatory diversity to proceedings.
Hmm sad always liked Gatlis and his history of Horror cinema was great to watch but he seems now to just be happy sat on the gravy train at the BBC making dross till the pension kicks in !
Did the Greek BBC stay closed or did its funding come back under Syriza?
(The Times and ITV are fighting back this week against the corporation’s monopoly but it is probably too late to save the local newspapers pillaged daily by the Beeb.)
Just who TF does the BBC think its going to offend when Titchmarsh uses the recognised gardening term ‘bastard trenching’ ?
The blonde on the Breakfast sofa feels it necessary to apologise, it shows just how deep rooted shitty PC dogma is instilled to bBC employees. You’ll hear far worse in the song lyrics played on 1xtra
Joiners refer to bastard doors (odd sizes) and plumbers ignore PC sensitivities when the speak of male to female connections. It is unfortunate that the socialist workers of the state broadcasting company are unfamiliar with the language of work. Lessons needed in tradespersons narrative I suppose.
Skilled manual work is something those nasty largely English people do. I do know that some of those nice Eastern Europeans do it as well.
However we would rather not talk to them and prefer them to keep out of sight and in their place.
We do real work in our diversity/feminist/marxist workshops and in our conferences that we attend every single one of our hard working days.
The silly masses just don’t appreciate us.
Has anyone seen / heard mention on the BBC of this 1000 page document taking an in depth look at our relationship with the EU.
It was published this week to better inform the “discussions” ahead. Perhaps it should required reading for beeboids, but as it does not scaremonger on “out” I suspect it will not be crossing the portals of the BBC.
‘Court News UK reports that the High Court heard yesterday that Ward, 56, was wrongly reassured that Starr, 72, “would not be identified” in an interview she gave to the broadcaster.’
Golly, that sounds serious.
What has the BBC to say? Seems another BBC-enjoyed term can be used here, too:
‘The BBC declined to comment when asked about reports that it has refused to back Ward in her libel battle.’
Maybe they can be empty-chaired in a debate about it?
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious. https://youtu.be/PX8_GOKob5s
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not ‘support’. https://x.com/bbcworld/status/1898839867473219940?s=61 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
@bbccollege Director of @BBCNews James Harding on the values that lie at the heart of BBC journalism http://t.co/rpkKSlLR5N
What they really need is a multi hundred-k director in oversight of these, as staff ignore them anyway.
Yes. No. Super. Absolutely.
I wonder what Tony thinks?
RIGHT NOW on Radio 5 Live Phone in : Should the BBC licence fee be scrapped ? also FB
– Gameshow is actively trying to defend it “but it is not one monolith, it has a variety” .. someone tell him it’s about their Social Justice warrior culture and groupthink
(reposted from http://biasedbbc.tv/blog/2015/06/19/open-thread-friday-9/comment-page-2/#comment-553056 )
Today according to the BBC news website the BBC is the news.
Main story is “BBC: ’10 years left of licence fee'”, including typical use of scare quotes.
The BBC, always looking in.
Already it’s been relegated. Maybe someone realised it’s not today’s main story after all.
And of course subscription is a bad idea because nobody in their right mind would purchase what we are offering if they had a choice.
Reading the BBC news on the tablet this morning was headline article
“Migration rules may cause NHS chaos”
I naively thought that the penny had dropped at the Beeb and it would be an article about how the NHS is being put under pressure from “migrants”. Of course not, it was another propaganda piece about how the NHS will loose thousands of non EU nurses and with a subtext that anyone who comes to work in the UK should obviously stay forever.
Here’s an idea. Train more nurses in the UK, drop the degree requirement (which is a joke anyway given the integrity of some foreign qualifications), and don’t poach from the developing world.
That’s a great idea. And exactly why it will never be implemented. It’s far too logical for the left muppets at the top of the NHS.
Quite. Are they truly saying the NHS can only function by pillaging other countries’ nurses because we can’t produce enough of our own? That begs an awful lot of questions.
From Breitbart
I agree with the comments above that we should be training our own nurses and that importing nurses from third world countries degrades their health services. However, one country does benefit from the stupidity of our NHS workforce planners. The Philippines trains far more nurses than it needs, so that many can get jobs abroad and send money back home. In effect this is a hidden form of foreign aid – although it doesn’t in any way detract from the general principle that we should be training our own nurses.
The degree requirement seemed to be deliberately designed to cause a crisis in nursing – I worked in the NHS for 5 years in the 70’s and most of the nurses I knew chose their profession specifically because it didn’t need a degree.
It was all to do with status – and a career path to get out of the wards. Once in management nurses could stop taking instructions from doctors and start giving orders to them. The flaw in the system only becomes apparent when something goes wrong; it is still the doctor standing in front of the coroner.
Oh – how often did that happen at Mid-Staffs???
OG, the NHS is a government run service so it follows “public service” rules – protect the minister at all costs.
Screw up and kill a patient and you are in trouble. Make a mistake that kills three or four and you are finished. But kill enough of them that the way the system is structured is called into question and you will have district and regional managers covering for you and politicians covering for them.
Little mistakes get the local guy (guilty or innocent) sacrificed for the good of the system. Big mistakes get buried with the patients, and everyone promoted to keep their mouths shut.
That was more to do with not enough staff. Or, at least, staff that were capable (or interested) in doing the job properly.
Thanks to the Mengele, Dr Death of the labour party, one Andrew Burnham, and his communist pet monkey Nicholson, now elsewhere causing death probably. Any sign of that enquiry result Dr?.Have your lawyers finished fucking with it ? BBC, any pressure on these pair?…..yeah.
I read somewhere that the reason that the NHS is so low down on the UN list of the best Health Services in the developed World, is that the NHS has five times more administrators than other Health services. That was about ten years ago, now after all these scandals, I read that it has gone up to seven times more administrators, and I cannot see how this problem could be solved if only the administrators have the power to solve the problem of too many administrators. The NHS seems to be collapsing under the weight of this loony problem.
I came across a nurse doing some study for some qualification to further her career. I saw that the final essay to be submitted required her to identify mysoginy in a Shakespeare play. Oh, and to critically assess that mysoginy. I asked a student who was applying to become a midwife what did she think made a good midwife to which she replied, “Equality”. She looked very confused when I asked whether that is what she would look for in a midwife when she was expecting a child.
They don’t want any solutions, they just want to maintain as many red herrings as possible to discredit the Government and perpetuate the ‘NHS under stress’ line.
If there were young student nurses on every ward there would be no excuse for graduate nurses to claim they are too busy to pour a glass of water for an old lady in distress. Anyway is there a better way for them to learn not only the ‘job’ but compasion.
SKY news paper review with ”journalist” Christina Patterson, she’s probably a nice woman in private but on television she comes across as a stuck up snob with an IQ of a squirrel, probably thinks anywhere 50 miles north of London is Ice Station Zebra. When asked about the Greek exit from the Euro, she gushed,
” Isn’t the Greek prime minister and finance minister very good looking.”
Kind of proves Tim Hunt’s view, can you imagine if a man said that about a female politician, ”she’s very good looking,” he would be called out as a sexist, more double standards from the corporate media.
Yes, it was a surprising comment by Christina Patterson. However, although her left of centre views do not tally with mine, she is at least polite and pleasant – a contrast with the egregious “Bonny” Greer on the same programme. (immediate grab for the ‘off’ button in her case).
Called out as a sexist? More like sacked, shamed and lucky if he remained at liberty. 😉
Reference the Nick Robinson “quote” I believe he is reporting the comment second hand. He also says other journalists who heard it found it amusing.
I have no idea of who was “on the bus” at the time, but it is hard to believe that all of them were from Tory “supporting” organisations and that one of them would not have taken the opportunity to bring this to the public domain at the time to assist their preferred party. I cannot imagine a Guardian reporter not leaping into print to defend their broadcast arm.
I think that almost certainly, Nick Robinson wasn’t on the bus at the time. Wasn’t he out of circulation all through the election period and under treatment for cancer?
I think that almost certainly, Nick Robinson wasn’t on the bus at the time. Wasn’t he out of circulation all through the election period and under treatment for cancer?
I have been watching some old ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ on Dave. I hadn’t realised just how much BBBC group think went on with indoctrination within the programme. One of Paxman’s ancestors was being kept by handouts to the Poor. Whilst in receipt of these payments she produced two illegitimate babies and as a result her payments were stopped. Paxman cried at the heartlessness whilst I was thinking was this one or two different men who had got her in the family way and why were they not supporting her. There was also the question of how she had opportunity with a brood of five already. But no, all we had was the cruelty of the rich who were giving her charity. We also have had Annie Lennox, whose cruel rich ancestor cast out a daughter, although her aunt arranged work for the grandaughter. Eventually the grandaughter was dismissed, wicked employer. The girl may have been useless, a thief or anything but again the rich were to blame. Every week seems the same story about how cruel rich ancestors treat their poor relations. I hadn’t noticed this before but having noticed it, it is the underlying message in every episode. (Except the Jewish ones when it is rich Jews killed by Nazis).
Sometimes it goes wrong, like when Moira Stuart found that her ancestor lived half-way up the hill, which made him an overseer of the slaves!
Turns out Ainslie Harriott isn’t even ‘black’, as one of his ancestors was an estate owner! He got some rather abusive ‘Bounty Bar’ comments on the Afro-Caribbean forums as a result.
My favourite is the one were David Tennant ,who had clearly been dinning out for years on his ‘brave republican boys’ ancestry, found out that in fact they were loyalist covenanters- his face said it all
It’s not just WDYTYA is it. Every programme, be it drama, history, etc. is comically infected with leftist bilge. In fact, the only programmes that aren’t comical are the, so called, comedy shows.
That was indeed droll. I also remember the actor Rupert Penry-Jones, whose ancestors had served out in India. He was absolutely desperate to find an Indian in the family, but with no luck. In contrast, Billy Connally found out that he was part Indian via an ancestor who had soldiered out there and married a local girl. He just took it in his stride, because he’s a normal human being, not a left wing luvvie suck-up.
”Billy Connolly found out that he was part Indian via an ancestor who had soldiered out there and married a local girl. He just took it in his stride, because he’s a normal human being.”
Hmm, is that the same Billy Connolly who said of British hostage Ken Bigley ” I hope they hurry up and behead him, I’m bored with him on my tv every night .” The next day they did. When confronted by reporters at Heathrow about this he yelled ” F**K off.”
Yeah, Connollys a ‘nice’ fellow.
In a lifetime of telling jokes, I will allow him the odd fuck up. Overall he’s a decent guy, and funny too, something Radio 4 comedy producers should take note of.
Not unusual, below the M-D Line in the States lots of blacks were slaveowners, often owning their own relatives among others.
” Paxman cried at the heartlessness ”
More like sobbing and wailing uncontrollably, ham acting at its finest. It’s strange that they’re weeping buckets about people who they don’t know, never met, died 150 years ago. It’s all about them boasting how concerned and moral they are.
‘Should the BBC license fee be scrapped?’
Ask yourself one simple question:
Is there anything – anything at all – that the BBC does now that any other commercial provider (Sky, HBO, Discovery, ACM, Fox, etc) could not (and does not now) provide just as well, if not (often) better?
Personally I struggle to identify a single reason why, in the face of continued (award-winning) excellence from its commercial peers, the BBC thinks it is somehow ‘entitled’ to continue demanding money with menaces from the British public – especially if a large number of those being forced to hand over their money to this self-regarding left-liberal campaigning organisation do not see themselves or their values or their political outlook referenced at all in the Corporation’s incessant common purpose output – indeed, what they do see is a constant barrage of sneers from the BBC at their values and politics, and yet they are still forced to pay for it.
The BBC is without doubt and by any reasonable measure: relentlessly pro-CAGW, nakedly anti-Tory, anti-British (especially anti-English), pro-Islamist (those ‘Asians’, ‘militants’, ‘fighters’ and ‘men’), pro-EU, pro-open door immigration, etc.
There is NO DEFENCE for the continuation of the BBC license fee in 2015. NONE. Whatever the BBC does – news, current affairs, documentaries, drama, history, etc – it is all being done just as well or better by the commercial channels – and with far less of the toxic left wing political messaging so common with the BBC (be it climate change, immigration, never mentioning the words ‘muslim’ or ‘Islam’ in connection with any crimes committed by homicidal child rapists either at home or abroad, etc).
I have a Sky box. I can see these facts for myself. The BBC has no right, morally, creatively, socially or politically, to insist that it is entitled to £billions every year – free money – via a discredited, shabby poll tax in all but name.
Having said all that, get ready to watch John Whittingdale drop the ball, give the BBC a free pass, and tell us all we are ‘culturally enriched’ by the continuance of the license fee. Like being forced to pay for a boot in the face, forever.
The BBC: Liberal fascism at work – pay up or go to prison, plebs.
Well said. I agree with every word of your post.
Me too Phil F. – but some weeks ago on the anniversary of the ARMISTICE headlining Time historical reprint) Headed; ‘Allies have a a common purpose’. In part thanks to Churchill and mostly the Americans, Canadians and Australians put victory for the then ‘Allies’. Allies did not necessarily mean EU integration then – (that is what we were fighting against) centralist loony fanatics with World supremacy ambitions. The word ‘Common Purpose’ (as used by the BBC) has been used by the BBC to ‘recruit’ third world ‘ambassadors’ for fast-track within the BBC. This may be just a coincidence, but I think not. The BBC is staunchly pro EU in its deliberations. It does not consider itself in any way ‘responsible’ to British taxpayers – or TV license payers – or even from critical MP’s. It has hardly been British (patriotic) except when its ‘charter’ requirements kick in. It secretly deplores ‘English’ values undermines our democracy leading us towards EU state socialism. If however Labour were to suddenly become ‘patriotic’ (under its next leadership), we may see fallout out within the BBC staff who have Marxist sympathies. But the ruling Liberal BBC elite, seem untouchable as well as unaccountable and are well ‘dug-in’. If they have a ‘Common purpose’ it’s this secretive mission worth paying each other a millions pounds ‘to keep them focused’ on the ‘Grande Project’ of EU integration at all costs. To average Americans it may mean a similar ‘States of Europe’ but to the rest of us – it means a rapid return to the totalitarian dark ages of religious blasphemy and political correctness in all walks of life. The end of free speech is underway and the absolute end of the Magna Carta in Britain is assured. The crocked Lisbon Treaty of 2008 was Treachery of a very high order. Cameron does not stand a chance of renegotiating it. Meanwhile the EU implodes whilst costs escalate when Greece finally quits (but it NEVER will actually go ‘bankrupt’ as it will have to be propped up by us Brits and of course Germany. Mark Mardell puts a brave face on it and ask ‘could the EU fall apart completely’ and the answer is YES it can and even the BBC cannot stop the rot. This is for once is factual reporting that the EU will not survive. The BBC will have to be ‘patriotic’ and rethink what is its purpose?
Greece can go “bankrupt” very easily, all it has to do is default on its payments (and exit the euro), just in the same way Argentina did. This way Greece gets a fresh start although obviously no one is too keen to lend it new money (but eventually they do)!
If Greece had done this in 2008 it probably would be in a better state than it is now.
There is no “probably” about it. However, sadly for the Greeks, they are wedded to the Euro and EU membership because they feel that this puts them back at the heart of European culture and society. The experience of 400 years of occupation by the Turks runs very deep indeed in Greece, whereas we in Britain have not been occupied since 1066, and have tended to look at Europe as the source of our troubles, not the solution. So the Greeks will stay in the Euro, and they will continue to suffer the slow torture that entails. It is terribly sad, but it is their decision.
The BBC was simply awash with this drivel last week over Mrs Obama in front of rows of hijabed schoolgirls,(er, just how is that female freedom?) …. the UKs clueless national embarrassment, the morons in No10 will of course be backing Mrs Obama’s #Let Girls Learn campaign.
Without the slightest consideration, or mention, of the primary source (Islamic Men, Islamic Texts ), of all this “oppression” and the “discrimination” girls/women in Islam face? IN BRITAIN and the texts that promote, and mandate it. The Sharia that institutes it … IN BRITAIN!
Ever astute and precise in equal measure, over this soundbite, photo opportunity nonsense … Pamela Geller, pulls no journalistic punches here
I wonder if Mrs Obama asked how many of the girls had been genitally mutilated?
Doubt it, somehow.
How’s that ‘bring back our girls’ thing working out for you, Michelle? Surely it can’t just have been an ephemeral publicity stunt, can it? You’re still concerned about them, aren’t you? Actually doing something constructive about it, right?
As Pam said – ‘vicious hypocrite’
Why didn’t she visit a white, English girls school? I think Mrs obama is a racist. Just like her husband.
The former BBC executive who oversaw coverage of the London Olympics has accused the corporation of liberal “groupthink” and a failure to reflect diverse views on issues such as immigration.
Former BBC editorial director Roger Mosey – who left in 2013 – said the corporation sometimes suffered from “a default groupthink – a set of assumptions that seem reasonable to everyone they know”.
In memoirs serialised in the Times, he said debates about immigration at the corporation sounded like “a pure liberal-defensive response rather than a quest for range and diversity in journalism”.
He cited a Ten O’Clock News package on immigration which included only one interview with a white person because the views of other non-ethnic minority people a reporter spoke to were too negative.
http://gu.com/p/4a29q/stw Report in the Guardian
Mass immigration: Possibly the most contentious – arguably the most damaging – government policy in recent decades, and we have an admission from the top of the BBC that the coverage was biased. Actually much more than biased, so distorted and wilfully unrepresentative of reality it was little more than outright lies.
For this reason alone the BBC loses any claim to impartiality and honesty.
For this reason alone, the BBC loses any claim to its continued existence.
And then there are all the other reasons………..
I happened to be in the West End on Saturday afternoon/evening to see old Jim Dale at the Vaudeville(what a star and ….ENGLISH!!) and my daughter and friends were in the City of London.
I can tell you that estimates of the number of people attending the lefty-fest Anti-Austerity march were WILDLY EXAGGERATED by the liberal-left media (I read an estimate of 250,000 people–hahahaha).
I would guess the true figure was only in the tens of thousands-but the biased B bc will never tell you the truth about it.
By 6.30 p.m. ,there was scant evidence of this outpouring of liberal angst (the entrance to the Savoy was ‘un’-blockaded much earlier).
On another point, in a nearly-full theatre for Jim Dale’s final night , I never saw ONE efnik????
Must be some sort of communications problem with the mulikulti crowd?
We need to advertise more in the Commoonitee to include more BRITTISH peeple into our Kultur?
Interesting, especially as the police unprecedentedly (AFAIAA) declined to estimate the numbers involved. However, an aerial shot of Parliament Square showed – despite the BBC’s overwrought despcription of “tens of thousands” – what, five maybe six thousand parasites; mostly brought, bought and paid for by Unite.
You’ll be pleased to know that this Children’s Crusade – and particularly the participation of Charlotte Church – was vociferously supported by the commenters (Mihir Bose – the nation’s worst sports reporter in living memory – and some “activist/campaigner” whose name I didn’t catch but whose opinions, given the description of his day job, were boringly predictable) brought on later in the day on BBC 24 to opine impartially on the contents of the Sunday Papers.
The numbers discussed here:
‘pretty shoddy journalism for the papers to just regurgitate the number given by the People’s Assembly Against Austerity without so much as a raised eyebrow.’
Lucky the world’s most trusted broadcaster wasn’t pushing such exaggerations or facilitating any who were/are. Or ever have in the past.
Poor old BBC often gets in the neck for not reporting these things or not reporting it with the ‘sources who say’ estimates provided by these passionate activists.
They even hijack BBC twitter feeds and FaceBook threads to whinge or push their version of reality, and with empathetic kindergarden cubicle dwellers the temptation must be there to ‘enhance the narrative’.
‘Organisers say 250,000 people turned up, although police haven’t confirmed this’
So to ‘sources’, we can now add in Beebworld, ‘organisers who say’ as one degree of separation PR as news BS from the world’s least trustworthy interpreter of events.
I do recall some of a more pragmatic bent pondering why Diane Abbott was even more pervasive than she usually is on the BBC, and being allowed by BBC market rate talents to pitch her special blend of ‘truthiness’ unchecked. As can happen.
The ice-cream maker of Gaza
Wonder where Kazem gets his milk? Sugar, cardboard, powdered milk, ice cream cones and cooking agents come through Israel’s port of Ashdod.
For the record, Aashraf Abushaban, owner of the Kazem ice cream parlor in Gaza, left Gaza for Canada, during the war.
He had just been on a course in Tel Aviv about making Italian ice cream. Hadn’t he ever heard of the blockade and Gaza being the world’s biggest open air prison? Roger Hearing will have to remind him.
And what about Hamas? Al-Aroussa ice cream factory, C.E.O. Mushtaha said: “The taxes imposed by the Hamas government are putting a significant strain on the owners of ice cream factories. In addition to VAT [value added tax] paid to Israel — of which a portion goes to the Palestinian Authority — we also pay an annual income tax to Hamas, which also imposed its own VAT because it was not recuperating the proceeds thereof from Israel due to the break in political relations with the latter.”
The Solidarity Tax law — which Hamas imposed on imported goods and that serves to pay salaries to the employees who were appointed by the previous government — has had an impact on ice cream factories that have had to pay this tax on their mostly imported goods.
Despite the development witnessed by the ice cream industry in the Gaza Strip, political hurdles affecting the industry prove that nothing in Gaza is immune to the effects of politics. Even ice cream, which allows Gazans to alleviate the pressures they face, is affected by Israel’s wars on Gaza, the little support from the consensus government and the taxes imposed by Hamas.
Gaza has the 8th highest obesity rate in the world. Too much food allowed into this ‘open prison’? Maybe they don’t need more ice cream.
And the highest price of land in the world, according to the BBC.
Here are next week’s headlines from the BBC:
There are reports this morning that over last weekend the entire muslim community of Britain has suddenly packed their bags and left to join ISIS
Human Rights lawyers are blaming the authorities for having ‘radicalised’ this community and are calling the situation a ‘humanitarian crisis’.
All four Labour leadership candidates have come together with campaigners, social workers and public sector unions, to call on the government to do all they can to bring these vulnerable people back to the UK.
David Cameron has promised he will indeed ‘not leave a stone unturned’ to return these people – a spokesman for the PM said even though Special Branch and M15 have nothing to go on, Cameron will attempt to work with fellow EU leaders to replace the community with a brand new muslim community. Opposition parties here have doubted he will get a deal but Mr Cameron is flying to Munich today, confident of success.
Security authorities have announced today a reduced UK Terror Threat Level. Formerly set at “Amber” or ‘significant threat of terror incident’ the new level officials are calling “A Whiter Shade of Pale” means ‘relax, man, it’s all over’
Meanwhile, news where you are…. local NHS leaders have reported waiting times at A&E have plummeted and Britain now has sufficient midwives and GPs.
The housing crisis is over – a survey from Shelter has revealed an adequate housing stock in most regions.
Teachers groups have told parents to ‘calm down’ they say pressure is now off primary school places.
More good news…
Sexual abuse of underage vulnerable girls in town centres is a thing of the past – this problem has dramatically receded recently according to Police and child protection groups which are ‘bemused’ by the development but nonetheless welcome it.
And finally, news from the BBC – our national broadcaster is inviting applications for a new head of religious affairs.
Excellent. To expand on your theme . The property market was now being flooded with large white buildings with pointy towers for sale at knock down prices. Also, there has been a upsurge in people saying what they think and drawing what they like without fear of violent reprisal.
Brilliant Asleelt. You ought to go and post that on Guido Fawkes blog….. they love the BBC there too!
Sunday evening Radio Four, another unfunny comedienne one Kate Fox, from whom amusement is to be had essentially only from her exaggerated Northern accent, was doing her best to spread the BBC message that Brits shouldnt have children. OK so she didnt say Brits specifically, but given the known audience of Radio Four it was Brits she was targetting.
The BBC wouldnt dream of runninga similar piece of ‘comic’ propaganda on their Asian Network, where it would be more appropriate.
I heard a bit of this. Rubbish and she made an obligatory anti Conservative ‘joke’ about caring for old people.
Did she get paid for this I wonder?
On Today this morning, interspersed between the non-news (but lots of speculation) concerning the Greek imbroglio, we were treated to our Sarah learning about the tolerance and peacefulness of Islam. This was the sermon preached by Dr Muhammed Tahir Al Qadri, a politician in Pakistan and a Sufi Islamic scholar, who has issued a fatwa against terrorism. Wonderfully stirring stuff! Unfortunately Sarah forgot – as all “journalists” on the BBC forget – to ask the good doctor what it is about Islam that makes it prey to the intolerance and brutality displayed and/or supported by many of its adherents.
Maybe what the good doctor should do, instead of issuing meaningless fatwas, is address the possibility that the evil espoused and perpetrated by “radicalised” Moslems is not so much due to “radicalisation” but is embedded deep in and is a vital element of Islam itself. Maybe the BBC should allow those, like David Greenfield who have another explanation for Moslem violent extremism, access to the airwaves. Whatever, until the BBC – and the other organs of public discourse in this country – move on from the “Religion of Peace” nonsense and deal with the reality of this creed there will be no solution to the problem it poses.
I heard that. She did, however, explain to him that it wasn’t Islam at fault. It was, of course, the police, teachers, the media. In short, western civilization at large was to blame and needed to change. (and before I’m accused of lying by one of our BBC gatekeepers, she did preface her/BBC opinion with the omnipresent ‘many people say/think’)
What the bbc and other islamophilic organisations fail to do is understand what muslims mean by terrorist and innocent because muslims do not consider non-muslims as being innocent and therefore it is not terrorism to attack and kill us. If the sodding bbc could grasp these truths they might just begin to understand that they are supporting the enemy; an enemy that will just as easily kill them as anyone else.
Crimewatch Roadshow and the lovely Sian (Welsh, white, blonde) has been dumped and replaced by Michelle (black, northern) for the final two weeks. That makes two ethnic minority presenters (the earthy Rav and her) out of two. Well, I suppose it makes a change that they’re in front of the camera rather than on the wanted board or in the CCTV footage.
Now up to 28 comments. The BBc doesn’t seem to be very popular these days.
From the BBC:
New York warning over Lancashire County Council fracking vote
“The letter, signed by 850 elected officials in New York State, comes days before the council decides whether to approve test drilling at two locations.”
Except, according to Breitbart, it’s “a ruse by 10 Democrats from Bumblef**k, USA“.
“…a quick look into the letter that has come from the “non-partisan” group calling itself “Elected Officials to Protect New York” reveals that once again, the BBC has either been duped, or has wilfully misrepresented the letter. The truth is, it has just 10 signatories. They’re all left-wing Democrats. And they’re all basically the equivalent of British, parish councillors – representing no more than about 75,000 people between them, across little villages and counties in the outskirts of New York State.“
From me:
Beebinator Warning to BBC Over Telly Tax
My dogs are ready and waiting for your fascist tv licencing goons. Are they at this door or the next door? I guess you’ll never know til its too late and youve been bitten on the arse as you run for your life with a 15 week old Shih Tzu chasing after you closely followed by a 50lb 22 week old shepherd
always on the look out for a lefty
The TV licence is next to the dog’s bone,please check it
ohhhh i bet he can get a whole tv licensing goons head in his mouth =^-^=
Thanks, Roland. Exposing of BBC lies like those on your post above is important on this site not only for those that read this site but it can be passed on to inform others who do not have time to read the other discussions here.
Thanks RD for that 😉
I have emailed the details to Lancashire Council. It may not make any difference, but its worth a go.
Sort of a reverse Operation Clarke County, only more inept?
Ian Katz may even be relieved.
Wonderful huh?….Far from content in never being arrested for hating this Country, and of course radicalising countless Islamists, Choudary now dictates to Cameron’s police…
Why didn’t the Policeman ask Choudary why he was wearing a dress?
Why didn’t he just tazer him?
Why didn’t he ask him if he’d prefer to live in any other country than here?
Whats the difference between a magician’s wand and a policeman’s tazer? – One is for cunning stunts…….
Because the above are all ‘racist’.
What kind of Islamic shit hole was that video filmed in anyway?
Popo should have rendered assistance to Choudary’s emigration to The Caliphate. It would be a public service, as so long as he never returns.
Why didn’t the policeman ask him what he was growing in the back of his neck.
“Are you a member of the EDL or BNP?”
“Why are you wearing that [Help for Heroes band] then?”
British muslims should be ashamed of Choudray.
Next time this nasty piece of work questions anyone’s sense of humour show him some special cartoons. Watch him foaming at the mouth as he loses his sense of humour.
Choudary must be feeling very smug with himself here, a rather defensive cop, well trained to not intimidate muslims….perfect. The Chief Con, should resign. What the cop should have said was to ‘ mind your own business sir’. ‘ if you continue to harass me i will arrest you’…….and so on….pathetic cop.
He should have said simply and firmly that Britain is still a is free country – no doubt a concept far too difficult for a scumbag like Choudary. But the real villains are the authorities who would probably see it as “a provocative gesture”.
There should be an immediate flyer urging police to all show visible support for help for heroes,
likewise actions urging the media with cartoons,
likewise supermarkets, schools with visible signs urging NON halal,
likewise with teddy bears, or porky pigs, woofy dogs or other cuddly toys
… if any single thing is used for faux offence
… quite simply that is the answer
The policeman was in contact with someone on his phone. I would guess he was told to think of community relations, be polite, take the bracelet off … Or report to the Diversity re-training camp asap.
“He should have said simply and firmly that Britain is still a is free country…”
But it’s not, is it. Why ask a copper to lie?
He should have been arrested him for wasting police time.
The well named Beyond Belief picks up the ‘we dun it’ Climate Change baton today – well the Pope believes so so should you!
A crazy lady tells us that even if you don’t believe the Pope then “97% of the world’s scientist believe”. Ernie Rea attempts a very weak challenge so she backs off, “Well 95% then”.
Is there any part of the BBC that is not ‘on message’?
If you could be bothered to listen to Feedback last week you will have been told, yet again, that ‘the BBC doesn’t have an opinion’, yeah right!
This is just more of the BBC’s trademark Good Dog/Bad Dog reporting.
His Holiness talks about climate change? Good dog! The BBC hails him as a moral leader and the conscience of the West, but when he condemns sexual immorality? Bad Pope! Suddenly he’s a wackadoodle cult leader whose followers are all geriatric bumpkins who definitely aren’t down wid da kids like what the BBC is.
If Santa Claus ever came out in favour of tax cuts, the BBC would suddenly start running investigations into the pay and conditions of the elves in his workshop.
And as I sip my cuppa, a quick scamper back over some other news…
Atlantis, Musketeers… I wonder how the market rate commissioning remuneration works out when things are even less vital than normal?
Have to love some of the allusions here.
‘yet to find a way of acquiring the capital required for start-up costs in a way that doesn’t seem to come from the licence-fee, or look like a subsidy no competitor could match – like a guaranteed contract to produce Eastenders and Strictly. And name an indie start-up happy to take on the pension costs of the BBC staff that would be TUPE’d across ?
Especially as the latter can only go up as well as really up. Too bloated to deal with?
Was tempted to pass on this, but given the BBC’s finest spokespeople were well and truly in full denial…
‘DG Tony Hall’s non-denial to Andrew Marr this morning was that he “had no idea what that was all about”.’
At least he could remember what he didn’t know.
Because he’s worth it… them.
Just like you and me. Only richer. And outnumbering us. Quite how you get paid more than the roof of your grade being another of those ‘uniques’ the BBc has to weather?
‘There is some confidence, though, at Auntie – the job is described as permanent.’
There’s always side-stepping on full pay. It’s quite common. Apparently.
‘Loyalty’ due an outfit that depends on compelled funding? You tease. World class standard. (it has a comment… well, two… one was removed. You can take the man out of the BBC…).
Always nice to see new faces in periods of cut back and austerity. Lots and lots of new faces….
An an oldie but still goldie:
‘He also plans an announcement about management layers next week. Let’s hope it’s more radical than the Bonfire of The Boards, where now suits still sit in endless meetings – they’re just not called Boards.’
Watch this space. No, really. If you don’t the BBC will build another city on it to be staffed up before you can say ‘unique funding’.
And I had missed this:
“The corporation had it all mapped out. A shaky coalition – preferably of the left – would limp along, both unable and unwilling to challenge Auntie over the next charter renewal.”
Didn’t get that all about right, did they?
And there’s always the thrill of knowing you are part of the world’s biggest sack of rats….
As poster Henry notes:
From The Guardian article:
“Boothman is married to Susan Deacon, a former Labour minister and MSP, and is seen as closely aligned to Labour.”
I never thought I’d see the day when the BBC’s print edition made such an admission.
It’s in the DNA.
As a multi-URL post awaits clearance from customs, I hope these spin-offs will make it first go:
‘Even the chancellor, who is notably hawkish on the BBC and who tried to get the corporation to pay for over-75s’ licence fees, is now reckoned to be more sanguine. Why? Because with Labour in disarray and the Conservative leadership contemplating a lengthy period in office, upsetting core Tory supporters, many of whom quite like the BBC, by attacking it is much less appealing. In other words the likelihood of an all-out assault on the BBC and/or the licence fee in the course of the forthcoming charter review process seems remote.
Explains a lot. So, as long as they don’t look like spoiling the Tory’s power games, the BBC can be as inaccurate, unobjective and lacking in integrity as it likes, whilst paying anyone they fancy anything without being held to account.
‘“We have not seen anything that suggests that the BBC has considered these issues in any detail or has any proposal on how that will be resolved.”’
Detail… is for wimps. Look at DMI.
If the bbc is going commerical then we can expect the abolition of the license tax.
Not that I pay it and never will and nor should you.
Use ‘catch up’ rather than broadcast TV to avoid the lefty tax.
And for Lolzzzz….
‘The BBC’s new primetime police drama The Interceptor has achieved top ratings for sustainability standards in TV production thanks to a raft of green initiatives.
If only if any of the people not watching it were aware of this.
I achieved my own sustainability standard when they were showing The Interceptor
I saved electricity by not watching it
Gaia thanks you.
And all the others.
All right. All right! I confess!! Please don’t beat me. Don’t take away my PC. Yes, I was the other person who watched the first two episodes on iPlayer during the day following broadcast.
In true, George Washington mode, I cannot tell a lie. It was dire. Formulaic. Predictable. Weakly scripted. Poorly acted. Badly directed. I’ve paid for my sins enough already just watching it.
It was actually so bad, it is rather tempting to watch the next episode to see if it gets worse. 😛
Plea in mitigation, m’Lud? Yes, I was driven to TV on PC by Radio 4’s current Book at Bedtime and Julian Barnes reading his book of essays on Book of the Week.
They made me do it.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3133994/Liberal-BBC-touch-migration-says-ex-director-Former-head-TV-news-believes-corporation-not-reflecting-views-audience.html…spot on.
It makes you wonder, just what do the ‘so called’ Trustees do for their fat cat fees? Surely they must glance at this site occasionally and see the opinion of some of the Licence Fee (extortion tax) payers?
“Surely they must glance at this site occasionally”
Oh dear Lord. How deluded are you?
As a site friend once alluded, do you and your three chums have any evidentiary basis for making and supporting that assertion?
Oh dear Lord. How deluded are you?
And how thick are you, who obviously thinks it worth a visit.
Or are you suggesting that BBC Trustees are somehow above reading the complaints of those who fund their little fiefdom?
Either way, sounds like you’re on a loser.
Finally at last they hit tax credits.BBC sell it as “hitting children. The most stupid benefit ever. BBc interview some woman who I think is speaking some kind of English, but I can’t understand. Harriet Harman briefly revisits her highly successful time (not!) in charge of DWP. A benefit Mr taxpayer hands out to subsidise wages. Brilliant. I’m convinced 90% of the people in the Road I live in are claiming this. I remember when it was introduced https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_Income_Supplement
At the time I considered another have more kids get more benefit scheme
I know a family who have a small business in which the the guy does about 40-50% of his work for cash, therefore showing a loss every year once he pays himself wages and therefore gets a tax refund. Wife works 17 hours a week in a non-job at the Council and has her income topped up with child tax credits.
They drive a Range Rover and a BMW sports car and holiday at least once a year in Florida.
Only from within the ranks of the bbc can an imbecile be found to tell us that a dictator and destroyer of most of early 19th century Europe was a misunderstood person. That all who stood against Napoleon were pygmies riding on the backs of good fortune.
What next? Mohammed! A blank screen with an hour long dialogue about the misunderstood rapist, paedophile, warmonger and slave trader. What a guy!
Remember boys and girls, when a muzzie cuts off your head, it’s nothing personal. Call 020 7666 6666 for a free Conversion to islam booklet from bbc publications.
He was a ‘progressive’ apparently, Roberts’ own words. At least, I know what it means now – murder of millions, destruction, famine, despotism. Remember that, when liblabgnatgreen parrot the phrase progressive.
Watching (the Andrew Roberts-fronted series) Napoleon is a surreal business, to say the least. Roberts paints a brutal dictator (a man who openly displayed his delusions of Imperial Romanesque grandeur in the most conspicuous, megalomaniacal ways imaginable, not the least of which was – by Roberts own admission – declaring himself the ‘new Caesar’ of France) as a tragically misunderstood progressive, a man unhappily too far ahead of his time in his concerns for the poor, the dispossessed and the needy. So misunderstood that poor old Boney had to compensate, presumably, for this unfortunate circumstance by slicing and dicing his way across most of Europe to prove his point – until, thankfully, the English finally put an end to his bloodlust and mania.
Napoleon is a travesty of objective historical documentary-making and one of the most egregious examples of the BBC’s penchant for ‘revisionist history’ – it’s never-ending mission to re-write history to suit its modern, left-liberal agenda. It’s a shambles and, more than that, it’s an intellectual insult both to its audience and to the actual facts. Part three (the final part) is this week. Get the hankies ready.
What next from the BBC? Hitler was just a misunderstood vegetarian environmentalist..? Stalin was really the victim of a bad press..?
These days, given the parlous state of both BBC ‘historical’ drama and ‘documentary history’, I really wouldn’t put it past the crooked Corporation – and, as always, I’ll be forced to pay for it all, whether I like it or not.
Yes, I’ve just seen it . His main argument for liking Napoleon was that he promoted people on merit. He then demolished his own argument by telling us how Napoleon promoted his family to be kings etc. It may fit the BBC narrative ( anti-Brit pro Europe) but its very poor history.
One of the descendants of the Napoleon family
Jean-Christophe, Prince Napoléon, born 1986, there is a striking family resemblance
I knew Roberts slightly back in the 80s. He struck me as a short, pompous, vain fellow, always very full of himself. I can’t imagine quite what he finds so attractive about Napoleon, but I’m having a good old laugh watching his programme.
How the bBC bends the truth in which to paint the Jews as only evil.
So when I heard that the UN had castigated both Israel and Hamas for their last shindig, I just knew the bBC would spin the tail in which to fit in with their Pro Islamic terrorist and anti-Semitic ideology and boy I wasn’t wrong. All day they have pointed out the Jews have rejected the UN report. A report I should add which was conducted by….post. Yes the UN experts never set foot in either Israel or Gaza. Anyway this is what the bBC is currently reporting :
Gaza conflict 2014: ‘War crimes by both sides’ – UN
Both Israel and Palestinian militants may have committed war crimes during the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict, UN investigators have said.Israel dismissed the investigation as “politically motivated and morally flawed”, while Hamas said it wrongly equated “the victim and executioner”.
So get that, the Israeli are painted as not accepting the findings (true) and Hamas, well they can only be victims of the Jew.
Israel had refused to co-operate with the investigation, which it said had drawn its conclusions in advance.
Nasty Israel, but guess what the bBC leaves out…so did Hamas
For its part, Hamas, the Islamist militant group which controls Gaza, cautiously welcomed aspects of the report.
“The report contains some positive paragraphs condemning the Israeli occupation, but it is equal between the victim and executioner,” said senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad.
Really, bBC. Here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you taken from the guardian and other major media news outlets
Hamas also rejected the findings. Senior official Ghazi Hamad said on Monday that its rockets and mortars were aimed at Israeli military sites, not at civilians.
The bBC the apologists for Islamic terrorism the world over
Usual crap from the liberal left.
Guru-Murky tried(and failed) to put the saintly Mark Regev in the dock of public opinion for-er “failing to let the UN in to trash Israel as it always does”.
As Mark says-North Korea, Syria and Iran don`t seem to offend the UN near as much as Israel does-but Krishnan sailed by.
Disgusting trashing of Israel-basically these anti Jew witch-hunts seem to be most pernicious when it`s all sanctioned by the likes of the UN and Guru-Murthys Channel 4.
And-need I say?…no Hamas cabbage was put up to defend THEIR over-exuberance and high jinks…it all started when Hamas butchered four Israeli students…but hey, hardly an issue to the Left that, is it?
Fuck off liberal scum-may Israel be Gods avenging instrument to lop their wooden heads off!
Israel may have had a case in pushing for the resignation of the reports lead after her predecessor as chair, William Schabas, whose neutrality became in doubt when it emerged that he had advised the Palestinian Authority in the past.
That’s right the report which was commissioned by the United Nations most disgraceful offshoot the UNHCR which comprises Syrians, Libyans and Palestinians all of whom hate Israel allowed a man who has carried out PAID work for the Palestinian authorities to chair the report.
This is a total disgrace and yet the BBC are strangely quiet on the topic.
Have you just awakened from some longer than Rip Van Winkle like sleep?
The UN has been an enemy of the West since its creation, mainly by the biggest **** ever produced by the USA FDR.
Hence the BBC loves it. The only organisation which arose from the ashes of WW2 which the BBC hates is NATO.
I accept, in advance, that the USA has produced so many first class ***** that there is a long list of rivals for the title.
Hi looney left,
I knew that some of the UN entities were rather dubious in relation to who controls them, however, I was flabbergasted that someone with such an anti-Israeli / Pro Palestinian track record would ever have been deemed acceptable to chair such an important report.
Ironically enough ‘Rip Van Winkle’ is based on a Christian story which was ‘borrowed’ by members of the Islamic faith to firm up their religions rather poor early history.
Thank you for the information.
Thank you also for the abbreviation, it usually reduces to looney.
I am definitely not left.
“by looney left” is an anagram of “folly toynbee”.
i am really annoyed this week with the bbc and radio 5 live, remember the blanket coverage radio 5 live and the bbc gave to the church shootings in the usa,ok,but something happened at the weekend that was totally ignored by the bbc and radio 5 live and that was the bosnian muslim asylum seeker in austria who moved down and murdered 3 people with a car then jumped out and stabbed 37 shoppers,this was another islamic terrorist attack on the streets of europe and should be treated as such,what did the bbc and radio 5 say about this bosnian muslim man,yes they said he had mental health problems,funny that bbc,when he jumped out of that car and started stabbing people it was reported that he was screaming allah hu akbar,if that was not terrorism,what was,just another pc cover up by the media including the biased bbc.
The irony here was the two adults killed were…..Muslim.
The child was Bulgarian.
Being Muslim is a mental health problem.
muslims died in the 7/7 bombings,it was still a terrorist attack.
It’s not just that the BBC is promoting presenters beyond their ability in order to fulfill quotas – it’s the rapid dumbing down this is causing.
I realise this as the incipid Rizzla Teeth ‘Face of BBC London’ and news anchor picks up after a report from Brenda Emmanus and hands over to the weather girl who tells me about: “That drizzly rain that makes your hair all frizzy”
As a man I can’t indentify with the prevailing banter on the BBC. No one would suggest equivalent male-orientated locker room banter – so why must we put up with this feminised tosh?
Is this what Germain Greer and her ilk asked for?
Noted that both Channel 4 and the BBC choose to refer to Camerons welfare reform as being a “so-called merry go round”.
But that was his quote-so why do they say it`s “so called”, when that was his phrase?
These liberal lardarses need to give me a better metaphor for the scandalous Brown notion of taxing the pittance, then doling it back after it`s employed thousands of Serwotkas goons at the PCS-the whole point of Browns idiot scheme.
But no-they loved the notion-and when else does a tax cut to the poor become “an attack on poor people, Gordon won`t be happy etc”?
Only when a Tory does it-and has the mandate to do it too.
No-we STILL get the spectres of Harman, Miliband D etc to denounce it all…and no Tory to rip the liberal limpdicks a new hole to blow hard from.
Usual media bias…and still we pay and let `em spout their shit fountains upon the poor they profess to love.
If the system is streamlined to put the CAB and other agitprop tents out to grass then good-Labour stuffed the quangos with those not even fit to cover Harmans trails at the PIE.
Utter lefty scum.
Good to see Raheem Kassam back at Breitbart after his stint with UKIP.
Today he picks up on a story from the BBC on the 20th June which is still showing as the lead story in the Lancashire section of their North West England website. I’ve purposefully copied the entire BBC webpage on this story to see if they amend it at all following the revelations as shown by Raheem.
So the latest news is that the police are to blame for those Muslims going to live with ISIS and leaving their dads behind.
This is wrong for so many reasons:
1. It’s wrong – Islam is to blame
2. It’s cowardly to pass the blame
3. Where does such a reasoning chain end? It’s Robert Peel’s fault for forming the modern police force who employed the police in question. In fact it would all be Allah’s fault for having created the world in the first place!
It diverts blame from Islam and transfers blame to the police.
Voila! Islamics are now victims!
They always play the victim, whatever they do it’s due to someone else. Raping underage kafir girls – they should have been Muslim and covered up, then they wouldn’t have been raped. Blowing up tube trains in London – Britain should allow Islamic terrorism to go unchallenged anywhere on earth, or better yet be ruled under the Sharia, then the trains wouldn’t have been blown up.
It just goes on and on and on. But it is never their fault.
The joys of the religion of peace.
Where do I even start on this?
I’ve just seen Vaz on Sky news telling us the days of E-mails and diplomatic letters in bags is over and we should have a “hot line” to Turkey. Maybe a big searchlight to reflect a shape off the clouds as well
Unbelievable and typical of the refusal to face reality that is now really threatening the people of this country.
The police are there to uphold the law not for any other reason.
The army is there to defend the country as is the navy and air force. They are not social workers.
If people leave then it is down to them. If they take children then that is an additional crime and deserves exemplary punishment.
The UK must “up its game” on stopping people travelling to join Islamic State in Syria, Commons Home Affairs Committee chairman Keith Vaz has said.
The British authorities need a “hotline to Istanbul” to stop people trying to cross the Turkey-Syria border, he said.
And then what do we do with them?
Will the BBC ever ask that question?
Well, the Met Office issued a statement today which must have hurt somewhat. They have stated that this June will almost certainly be the COLDEST on RECORD ever. Yup, a bold statement from the Ministry of Defence, climate department. When one Googles the headline “coldest June on record” you will see many news agencies and bloggers bringing you the true facts from around the World about just what is happening to our “Climate” at the moment, and I use the word “Climate” because it is the “Climate” that is changing but one which is getting colder, not warmer as has been predicted by our “warmist” friends and heavily promoted by that BBC nut job, Harrabin. You will also note that having “Googled” the “Coldest June on record”, the BBC does not get a mention anywhere on the hit list. Anyone fancy a frost in July for the U.K.?
The year before last was also very cold up until July.
So that’s two out of three.
The bBC continues to tell me that Islam is a religion of Peace and that Ramadan is their holy month:
Ramadan Death Count Round Up (June 22, 2015)
All the rage on Toady this morning; http://www.thelancet.com/commissions/climate-change-2015
Apparently ‘scientists’ are flying in to discuss this, ahead of flying in to the Paris Summit to, er, discuss this.
To précis, people need to fly and drive less for a healthier lifestyle. As the beeboid helpfully explained, basically if people walk everywhere there would be less obesity related illness. How they keep a straight face (it was radio) while spouting this drivel is beyond me. You’d think they’d have some kind of script, if only an outline one. And then you (well I) would think they’d say, ‘Oh come on, I can’t say that’ or somesuch.
To be fair to him I did read somewhere that our hunter-gatherer, or maybe Neanderthal, ancestors were fit as a butcher’s dog.
UN Agenda 21 writ large.
It’s not about climate change, or any other related “science”, it’s purely about control and theft of our cash, through attempting to scare the population into doing things that are “good for them, and good for the planet”. They’re on a roll, now that the church is on board, and are milking it for all it is worth.
The associated inevitable damage will not be witnessed, probably, by those alive today, but by golly, damage there WILL be, all due to scientific ignorance, and a desire for global governance.
Those of us who have woken up, are stymied at every turn, in favour of the idealistic mantra we are forced to listen to on the “National Broadcaster”, and elsewhere.
I’m sick of it.
“National Broadcaster” in scare quotes because it doesn’t broadcast in the nation you chose to live in?
Of course not. It broadcasts here, as well. The quotation marks are merely to emphasise the daftness of it being called a “National Broadcaster”, when it is a complete joke.
“National Broadcaster” in scare quotes because it doesn’t broadcast in the nation you chose to live in?
Is that the best you can do?
“good for them, and good for the planet”.
All this Earth worship, mother earth etc etc is paganism, The Earth is to serve us, not the other way around, we to serve the Earth. Plus Agenda 21 ties in with their depopulation program. Check out the Georgia Guide stones.
So glad someone else has heard of Agenda 21, the drive behind the impoverishment of the former first world.
What amazes me is that there are many people on this and other outlets and blogs who, as things stand, have been unaffected by the destruction of a real jobs market and continually bleat for the likes of tax credits to be ended. Layer by layer each and every trade and profession is going to get obliterated by this onslaught. You’ll be taken out layer by layer, one at a time. Take that to the bank.
Whenever you hear the words ‘Sustainability’ and ‘Social justice’, you know whoever is saying them is thinking Agenda 21 and it’s plans for one-world eco-socialist totalitarian government which will make Animal Farm look like ‘Bambi’.
Do you think that people smugglers are all dodgy foreigner mafia types from Pakistan, Turkey, China, Vietnam etc? Think again! The BBC knows better: many of them are ordinary Britons, an estimated 100 of whom were imprisoned in France last year for nothing more than trying to make the UK more culturally diverse (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33226799). Now, it is certainly possible that “ordinary Britons” could get caught up in this unsavoury business. So let’s look at the one example that the BBC have quoted:
‘In the most recent case, Basir Haji, from Preston in Lancashire, was sentenced to 12 months in prison. He was caught at the Calais ferry terminal with two Iraqi men hiding in the boot of his car. “I’m in debt. That’s why I did it. I’ve been playing a lot of money in the casino,” he said.” The judges suspected Haji may have successfully smuggled migrants into the UK on a previous day trip to Calais, in April.’
Yep, just an ordinary Brit. Incidentally, that estimated number of 100 Brits was provided by Haji’s solicitor. As the article subsequently states: “She gave an estimated figure because, she said, in France it is illegal to record statistics by nationality”. Still, a shame not to use an unsubstantiated, sensationalist number in your headline is it, BBC?
Some of the older contributors may remember a distant era when BBC Radio 4 Today Programme’s Thought For the Day was significantly but not exclusively Christian in tone. Now of course its mostly about Islam with the occasional diversion into other religions. Its just another way for the BBC to bolster multicultural,left-liberal Britain, isn’t it?
BBC editors must resent having to give air time on TftD to Christianity at all, but, hang on, there are quite a few left-wing grievance harbouring Christian clerics and thinkers about aren’t they? Why not use them?What a great way out of the BBC’s dilemma.
Apart from SNP fellow-traveller John Bell, there’s Rev Giles Fraser, ex Dean of St Paul’s, anti-the City and sounding like an unreconstructed Marxist student protester of the 60’s or 70’s. Today we had the privilege of him sounding off against the British/allied victory at Waterloo, telling us what wonderful things Napoleon would have done had he successfully invaded Britain and how awful it is to have a reactionary apologist Established Church. Is this politics or religion? is it really what this slot on R4 should be about? I think I know.
Fraser has opinions and it seems reasonable that he should be allowed to air them. Once, perhaps twice, because they are so far at variance with the opinions held by most commentators.
The fact that this rent-a-bore is allowed to broadcast so frequently is simply an endorsement of his wildly eccentric views. It is further, undeniable, proof that the BBC is hopelessly biased in favour of the radial Left.
Listening to ‘Thought for the Day’ on the Today programme. I missed the initial attribution, but assumed it was the Reverend Giles Fraser.
Reverend Fraser offered the view that the victory at Waterloo was in fact a catastrophic defeat for the people of Britain, in that it put an end to any hopes of their liberation by a Napoleon who would have instituted an egalitarian, fraternal and libertarian society, and swept away the oppressive institutions which at that time were causing so much suffering for the common person.
He offered this view from a pulpit given to him by the BBC. What is so sad about this is not so much that he was offered this generous platform for his own free speech. It is more that a possibly contentious view was not put into a more egalitarian arena where it might be legitimately challenged – I don’t know if there are any serious historians or students of politics who would differ from Fraser, but maybe their views should also be given at least a passing mention (if they exist, that is)?
In fact, for an egalitarian and champion of the common people such as Fraser, it seems a little ironic that he should accept the benefit of a privileged and implicitly endorsed platform for what some might say are extremist views.
In fact, even using the title ‘Reverend’ (worthy of reverence) seems a little problematic for someone who appears to reject all forms of privilege and hierarchy in society. Perhaps he should just drop the title (or has he already done so)?
You should take with a pinch of salt any religious message produced by the 2 Millenia traditional christian heritage of our Taxpayers funded national broadcaster!
The agenda is pretty clear and obvious when they appointed a Muslim head of all Religious Affairs produced by the BBC. You really could not make that one up.
It is like saying the Vatican has appointed Grenville Janner to be their child abuse advisor.
Napoleon being a thoroughly nice chap has been part of an effort by the BBC to revise our view of Waterloo over the last week.
Newsnight came to much the same conclusion last week, while another programme put forward the view that Wellingrton’s victory was solely down to Blücher.
Ahead of the EU referendum the BBC see it as necessary to remind the electorate that as far as they are concerned this nation is utterly incapable of running its own affairs. The BBC need to protect their £30 million EU subsidy in order to plug some of the funding gap they now have by writing off Top Gear.
Europe good, Britain bad has been a BBC theme for some years. Expect it to ramp up significantly in the coming months. The BBC lost the election, and were dazed for a few weeks, but they are now back as Her Majesty’s disloyal opposition.
One of the first things the “Out” group for the EU Referendum should do (other than insisting on “Out” rather than “No”, as “Yes” has an immediate in-built advantage) is to press home the fact that they do not consider the BBC to be impartial in this matter, and have plenty examples to bring up. The BBC must be kept on the back foot on this one from the start.
“on the back foot”?
Unsatisfactory, this may be the final chance to stop the extermination of the white race.
I would be most disconcerted if unfortunate accidents occurred.
I was so annoyed by this I have been moved to complain to the BBC. I expect nothing back other than the usual flim flam but this man should not be allowed to present his Marxist views as Holy Writ.
The BBC is cock-a-hoop this morning over wimmins football. Our broadcaster is so keen to keep us abreast they don’t care about any cleavage this may cause among viewers. They are showing some snatches of a game and a few good balls desperately hoping to invoke the spirit of World Cup Willie. The quality of play looks duff to me, even as the games reach a climax. Come the day, I can’t see that this can ever be a money-maker but for some reason the BBC are giving all this attention pro bono. Opposition to their coverage has been muffled.
Covering the women’s world cup is actually a decent example of where a national broadcaster should be filling in a “market failure” whole for the public good, assuming of course they haven’t blown a load of taxpayer’s cash in competition with a commercial broadcaster who would have covered it anyway.
Given our obesity epidemic and abysmal participation levels for women’s sport generating a bit of hyperbole is well worthwhile if it encourages girls to get involved in footy, which statistically it apparently does. It will save the NHS some cash in the long run. It’s a struggle to watch though admittedly.
By the way what’s with the “wimmin” snidey thing about 50% of the population? Surely not being a man isn’t evidence of complicity with the left wing conspiracy against the British nation.
I agree that women’s football should be covered, but as a sport not as a ‘women’s issue’. It’s the tedious introspection and critical comparison of how poorly it’s allegedly treated compared to the men’s game that is the problem.
ITV has the full women’s tour and doesn’t feel the need to turn it into a ‘Issue ‘ ! the BBC once again pushing it’s agenda onto sport !
The BBC has lost most other sport so it is all it has got left. let them make the most of it. If football for women really takes off the BBc will lose that as well.
oh do shut up, cockney. You talk like a common purpose half-wit.
Ooh, you are awful…
I forced myself to listen to young Dimbo on his history of the BBC. During WW2 when the US forces set up their own radio station in the UK the natives found it so much better than the BBC and switched to it in droves. The reaction of the BBC to try and mute it and when that didn’t work with great reluctance they had top copy its content and as soon as was feasible they had it shut down.
So you see that even then the BBC hated any form of competition and behaved exactly like monopolies always do , try to exclude all forms of competition. They are doing the same today across radio and new technology.
But of course the big difference is that today the BBC monopoly acts as a propaganda machine for the liberal left and is doing great harm to the UK. Stifling competition is in its blood and it has been getting away with for far too long.
It was the same in the 60s with pirate radio stations and radio Luxembourg, offering the public, radio that they actually wanted to listen to. So the Beeb gets the government to shut them down and forks out large amounts of cash to set-up radio 1 to provide a service which was already being provided by the commercial sector.
True. And what is more, look who was responsible for that – the darling of radical ‘yoof’ Tony Benn, who was PMG under the toad, Wilson !
The closure of the pirate stations was a major ‘success’ for the Left, which hated their independence from state control.
And then they make a film rewriting history so the conservatives did it ! mind it didn’t even make a quarter of it’s production costs back so no one watched it pmsl !
The bBC gets incestuous with the new series of Who Do You Think You Are, which includes
Mark Gatiis
Paul Hollywood
Gareth Malone
Anita Rani
‘Celebs’ only in the bBC’s eyes, most outside of bBC towers won’t have heard of them, the latter and former, along with others of course brings the obligatory diversity to proceedings.
Who ????????
I should think more people know my window cleaner.
Hmm sad always liked Gatlis and his history of Horror cinema was great to watch but he seems now to just be happy sat on the gravy train at the BBC making dross till the pension kicks in !
“We need to hurry up and unite so we can cut off the heads of the infidels.”
Meanwhile, the Infidels are busy ignoring the problem or denying its true nature and magnitude. … that will only ensure that more Infidels’ heads will indeed be cut off.
R Spencer
Ho hum! … Not being reported on the BBC
Remember the good old (bad old?) days when even as change in dress code in Chechnya got on the BBC, (if it was Islamic of course)
Did the Greek BBC stay closed or did its funding come back under Syriza?
(The Times and ITV are fighting back this week against the corporation’s monopoly but it is probably too late to save the local newspapers pillaged daily by the Beeb.)
Just who TF does the BBC think its going to offend when Titchmarsh uses the recognised gardening term ‘bastard trenching’ ?
The blonde on the Breakfast sofa feels it necessary to apologise, it shows just how deep rooted shitty PC dogma is instilled to bBC employees. You’ll hear far worse in the song lyrics played on 1xtra
Joiners refer to bastard doors (odd sizes) and plumbers ignore PC sensitivities when the speak of male to female connections. It is unfortunate that the socialist workers of the state broadcasting company are unfamiliar with the language of work. Lessons needed in tradespersons narrative I suppose.
Skilled manual work is something those nasty largely English people do. I do know that some of those nice Eastern Europeans do it as well.
However we would rather not talk to them and prefer them to keep out of sight and in their place.
We do real work in our diversity/feminist/marxist workshops and in our conferences that we attend every single one of our hard working days.
The silly masses just don’t appreciate us.
I hope Alan Titchmarsh didn’t prick his finger while he was in the garden.
Change, or go.
Has anyone seen / heard mention on the BBC of this 1000 page document taking an in depth look at our relationship with the EU.
It was published this week to better inform the “discussions” ahead. Perhaps it should required reading for beeboids, but as it does not scaremonger on “out” I suspect it will not be crossing the portals of the BBC.
Looks like our pork pies and bacon sandwiches are under threat, convenient or just another problem stemming from unfettered immigration and the EU?
Adopting the well-established BBC-reporting principle of ‘critics are saying’, I notice:
‘Court News UK reports that the High Court heard yesterday that Ward, 56, was wrongly reassured that Starr, 72, “would not be identified” in an interview she gave to the broadcaster.’
Golly, that sounds serious.
What has the BBC to say? Seems another BBC-enjoyed term can be used here, too:
‘The BBC declined to comment when asked about reports that it has refused to back Ward in her libel battle.’
Maybe they can be empty-chaired in a debate about it?
And as deception by our trusted and transparent national broadcast monopoly is in the news, a source not very close to the BBC suggests….
OK, it was here a while ago, but as the BBC has shown, if stories have legs, keep running them.
Comment by Wolsten worth a read on BBC integrity too.