North West mid day news continues it’s anti-*fracking agenda. Despite biging up the demonstrations north west admits that despite thousands being expected only around 400 turned up, I doubt it was that many as the camera angles were in play again. Also obvious was the fact that many of the demonstrators weren’t local. Nice all these people with nothing to do have the cash to travel up and demonstrate in Preston. Some were from the Isle of Wight £8.00+ just for the ferry. Once again demonstrating the majority are not concerned.
The BBC are now lining up the lawyers and judges to come on and claim that the problems that Mr Gove has identified in the Justice system are mainly a result in cuts in legal aid. Well of course they would wouldn’t they. Its one of their main income streams. They like a grossly inefficient legal system because it provides them with lots of work and a fair amount of public money. It simply isn’t in their interest to see the system become efficient ,low cost and easy to access so giving justice for all.
So they will behave like all the other professional trade unions , Doctors, Nurses, Teachers etc and seek to oppose anything that will make a service more efficient and better for the consumers but less lucrative for themselves. Basically they will want to retain a monopoly so they can milk the tax payer but will hide behind the people they are supposed to be serving. It is the height of folly to believe anything these self serving groups say.
The BBC, anxious to retain their support and the support of the public sector and those who benefit from tax payers money, as they do themselves, will be bending over backwards to give them a platform from which to attack the reforms.It is all so predictable.
How slippery and slimy is Vaseline? – answer …….. very
BBC News/5Live news 2pm
K Vaz wants to question the police as those two wailing
Jihadaddy s, are still continuing with the charade as its
… “all our fault”
About time they “upped their game” etc,
Migrants try to board lorries amid Calais ferry strike
The migrant chaos in Calais deepened on Tuesday as hundreds tried to exploit a ferry strike by boarding UK-bound lorries. Workers from ferry company MyFerryLink have blockaded the port and Channel Tunnel, burning piles of tyres. The resulting slow-moving traffic encouraged UK-bound migrants near the port to try to board the lorries. About 3,000 migrants are estimated to be living rough around Calais, waiting for a chance to cross the channel.
Still, the BBC cannot bring itself to report the truth. These are not ‘migrants’, they are illegal immigrants. But the BBC is unconcerned about such distinctions, it seems. Ho hum.
There was another very strange Five Live interview at 3.15 this afternoon on the Calais chaos. It seemed to be one of the infamous planted chats with the public they seem to favour.
A guy who had travelled through the port this morning was on to report his experiences. So far, so normal. Suddenly he went off on one about the migrant crisis being caused by Western military intervention and climate change. It was absolutely bizarre,
I’ll have a listen back when it is put up on the iPlayer and discover his name. There’s always a better than average chance with Five Live they accidentally found the only Marxist political activist to pass through Calais in recent days. It’s also distinctly possible he was a good friend of one of the interns.
Funny that we don’t see get many illegal immigrants trying to go the other way , I wonder why ?
What is more, the French seem quite happy to leave this situation go on and on. Remember Sangatte, which was closed down in 2002.
You were right about that guy on Five Live, Leamas.
He’s exactly what you guessed he was – a far left activist. He’s into open borders, the Anti-Fascist Network and Jeremy Corbyn, but mostly he hates Israel. Funny how they found him, eh?
He’s on Twitter.<
Hmmm… Have you seen Kleinfeld’s Twitter feed and in particular the request from @JoshKHeslop, a producer at the BBC News Channel? An interesting insight into the way the BBC works.
Kleinfeld says that he only saw what was happening from the coach and there was no context, yet this afternoon he was on Five Live as I described above, allowed to spout a controversial opinion completely unchallenged.
“Still, the BBC cannot bring itself to report the truth. These are not ‘migrants’, they are illegal immigrants. But the BBC is unconcerned about such distinctions, it seems”
A “migrant” refers to someone in transit from one country to another.
An “immigrant” is someone who has reached their destination; in-order to take up residency in a particular country.
Whether they are deemed “illegal” or not is a decision for that country’s government. Not you or the BBC.
Drivel . If they had papers they would not be trying to climb on to anything that moves- trains, trucks, cars.
Therefore it is a reasonable assumption to make that they are attempting to enter England without papers or passports and that as far as I know is illegal. I suggest you try to enter the US or India without correct papers.
I do realise the liberal left does not do reality or probability but prefers fantasy.
“Therefore it is a reasonable assumption to make that they are attempting to enter England without papers or passports and that as far as I know is illegal.”
Attempting to do something illegal is not the same as doing something illegal, duh.
Neither is it illegal to enter a country without “papers” if you claim asylum status.
Sorry to break this to you, but an individual’s immigration status (legal or otherwise) isn’t decided on the ‘assumptions’ of some nobody watching the tv news.
‘Attempting to do something illegal’ etc. Splitting the most tiny of hairs here I think. The law thinks otherwise . Try attempting to break into a house or attempting to drive whilst drunk. Both are offences under the law.
What evidence have you for asylum status being claimed. ?All of them . All thousands of them?
I prefer the evidence of my own lying eyes.
“Attempting to do something illegal is not the same as doing something illegal, duh.”
Why thank you for that legal advice Rumpole. I suppose that means attempted murder is not a crime?
Obviously the hordes of Afghans, Somalis, Eritreans etc trying to climb into lorries are only doing so because they have lost their tickets for the ferry. Or maybe racist Chelsea fans wouldn’t let them on. Or something. They are not illegal immigrants, anyone who thinks that has obviously never met a leftard, who can explain that if the Party says 2+2=5, then 2+2=5.
The first safe country reached is where asylum should be claimed under international law. They are in France, a safe country, so do not need to go any further. If they have claimed asylum they must stay put whilst their claim is processed. If they haven’t claimed asylum they are in France illegally.
Is that simple enough for you?
On the PM programme the Home Office statement several times referred to ‘illegal immigrants’ yet the BBC commentary immediately following this went back to their standard description of ‘migrants’, the BBC ‘not wanting to take a position’ on this matter.
Dez is going ‘off message’; the BBC won’t describe their ‘migrants’ as ‘illegal’ until they have:
a. reached the UK
b. been rejected by the immigration panel
c. declared illegal by the ECHR
d. declared illegal by the UN special rapporteur
e. flown back home after living five years in the UK
f. some floozy has been found by the BBC that claims her sprog has been denied its ‘human rights’ to a father, who must be brought back to the UK, so he wasn’t ‘illegal’ and the BBC, (as ever), was right all along!
Just what is going on with the British and French governments and these illegals? Disrupting the economy of this country, breaking our immigration laws, undermining our border control, making the security of this nation the laughing stock of the EU.
This fiasco has been going on in France for over twenty years. Its almost as if the French have been deliberately ‘turning a blind eye’ on the problem. Why, according to Al Beeb, are these illegals so ‘desperate’ to get out of France?
One has to feel an element sympathy for the innocent truck and transport companies that have to pay the exorbitant fines for failing do the job of the government’s border authorities.
We have been invaded – get the Army on the job. Simples
The Channel Tunnel should never have been built, it effectively created a land border between the U.K. and the Continent – the negative aspects to which are now becoming (increasingly) clear to all.
It is an engineering marvel: but one for which the British people will rue the day it was ever commissioned to be constructed.
Hello Scott ! How’s the West End’s campaign against ISIS beheading and throwing Gays off high buildings going ? Getting any media support ? Bbc perhaps or does its support of the brown eyed boys beat its gay support in the leftie game of top trumps ?
PS I’ll sign your petition against the death squad, seriously. Gays flew in the Battle of Britain and still serve, they are not all total liberal self obsessed wankers.
Now there’s a thought ?, Scott to play the part of ‘Pike’ in the latest film of ‘Dad’s Army’, While Cpl. Jones shouts ” They don’t like it up em! ”
On a serious note, ‘Dad’s Army’ is about the only real comedy shown on the BBC these days.
Nah better suited to the part of Gloria in the very, very, very unlikely remake of It Ain’t Half Hot Mum…
Scott you can take the piss out of Dads Army if you like, my Dad was a 17 year old in The Home Guard, and at that age he and his mates old and young were prepared to die for his country, something that wimps like you wouldn’t even contenplate, but would be more than happy to hind behind…
So Scrote thinks the home guard were such a joke !
1,206 were killed on duty between 1939 to 1945 , Maybe Scrote can go spray paint funny stuff on the memorial to these foolish old men !
‘During an air raid on 16 April 1941, a German landmine dropped onto the former site of the Creameries factory in Commonside East, Mitcham.
Fifteen members of “B” company 57th Surrey (Mitcham) Home Guard and Tower Creameries lost their lives: Frederick Percy Andrews, William Richard Aplin, Charles Albert Branch, James William Thomas Henson, William Jones, Joseph Stanley Kilbee, Charles James Labrum, Harold Francis Langbein, Aubrey Edgar Marriot, Frederick Albert Newstead, Frederick Thomas O’Brien, Walter Joseph Peacey, Richard John Sharman, George Stephen Taverner, and Arthur Frederick White.’
You are probably too young but I knew these people ( the Home Guard generation) and they were the sort of men and women who would have fought for every bit of England if Germany had invaded. My father always said that King George VI stayed in England because only on the orders of their monarch would the ordinary people of England have surrendered if the worst had ever happened.
Not the sort of people you and the liberal fantasists destroying this land would ever begin to understand.
The 60s generation has been the worst in our long history and still they exert their malign influence on my country.
But don’t worry the world turns as it always does and your days are coming to an end.
When you say 60’s generation do you mean those born in the 60s, or those Summer of Love Baby Boomer types born in the 40s?
I was born in the 60’s but share little in common with my sister born in the 40’s, retired, who along with her husband has a good pension. Both can’t see a problem with immigration (all gods children!) and happy to get their car and windows cleaned by immigrants…
BBC joins the discussion about the waycist Confederate flag. However, Piers Morgan wants to go further: ban the flag and jail whiteys (only whites?) who use the N word.
See link to Piers Morgan below. I have copied one of the comments on the article.
Conservative Rebel • 18 hours ago
Mr. Morgan, need I remind you that in 1776 there was a revolution and declaration of independence from tyranny from the very country you come from? If you like tyranny so much, I suggest you move back to your F-ing utopia and shut your f-ing mouth about America before your get your ass beat like your ancestors! They took away YOUR guns there, and you can live under the thumb of the government like you like there, so what the hell are you waiting for? A guy like you that made a career out of chasing celebrities around and splashing TRASH all over a “news paper” is hardly a credible source of opinion to begin with, so STFU! No wonder you could only get a job at a FAKE news station MSNBC, and you got FIRED from that, because you are that much of an idiot.
The BBC are now lining up the lawyers and judges to come on and claim that the problems that Mr Gove has identified in the Justice system are mainly a result in cuts in legal aid. Well of course they would wouldn’t they. Its one of their main income streams. They like a grossly inefficient legal system because it provides them with lots of work and a fair amount of public money. It simply isn’t in their interest to see the system become efficient ,low cost and easy to access so giving justice for all.
So they will behave like all the other professional trade unions , Doctors, Nurses, Teachers etc and seek to oppose anything that will make a service more efficient and better for the consumers but less lucrative for themselves.
The BBC, anxious to retain their support and the support of the public sector and those who benefit from tax payers money, as they do themselves, will be bending over backwards to give them a platform from which to attack the reforms.It is all so predictable.
This morning the idiotic Adam Parsons, a so-called economics “expert” was trying to explain the latest developments in the Greek debt crisis on Radio Five “gets much worse” Live. To the background accomaniment of the old Sonny and Cher classic “I’ve got you babe” (relevance? – please will someone explain), Parsons said that the Euro block appears to be sympathetic to the latest Greek plans to raise the pension age (and the more likely scenario of widespread rioting and looting), as well as raising the taxes on rich people (which they probably will not pay) and property, without any further serious commentary. The rest of the supposed analysis was drowned out by the strains of those two hippy wanabes from long ago. If this is the best that Auntie can provide by way of intelligent analysis, then surely the licence fee has had its day together with those so-called economic journalists such as Adam Parsons. With some relief I turned over to Classic FM to hear the more emollient sounds of the school run music on that channel. I again rest my case m’lud Hall.
And who, traditionally, fills the gap (in the case a fair number of them) when their favoured party fails to provide the desired challenge in matters of government?
I suspect the BBC will be testing the impartiality boundaries to the limit.
Maybe they have another revisionist doco in the pot ready, should Boney as saviour of the Union fail to swing it?
I don’t know if any of you were unfortunate enough to hear Radio 4’s Thought for Today this morning. It was the Reverend Giles Fraser who entertained us with his typically irritating views on the Battle of Waterloo. Apparently we shouldn’t be commemorating or celebrating Wellington’s finest hour in defence of our country and he told us so in his usual smug and condescending manner.
This is the bloke who wants us to embrace other cultures, celebrate multiculturalism, has criticised some London boroughs for being “too white” promotes gay marriage and the Occupy movement and wants the Church of England to allow lesbian bishops. He ticks every fashionable left wing box in the book.
Can’t think why he’s always on the Beeb…
Heard Today this morning link two stories-albeit without any brain or agenda-just all adds to their world view.
1. “Climate Change” to be linked somehow to personal health…in other words the 2003 heatwave will henceforth be seen as an epidemic, due to irresponsible deniers of the science.
It`s the Lancet behind it.
2. Scotland to take the land off people who are not fully behind the SNPs campaign to reallocate land dependent on a “commitment to sustainable development”
Do you see what is coming?…a medicalisation of climate change as a mental health issue that can be used by the State to reward its supporters, or those onside with Sturgeon and other braveheart cast-offs.
Utterly creepy-tomorrow belongs to them so they feel…it`s as if we never had an election at all.
Oh what a joy to see plenty joyous Eritreans brave the likes of UKIP and dare to make a positive choice to come camping in the UK-how many of us choose to camp in France, so how refreshing to see so many active and confident young men show their commitment to helping this country out of recession by adding to the tourist spend?
They`ve come such a long way-overcome so many challenges like mums and kids who dare to occupy a boat, or be Christian-and so only a curmugeon would deny them this final leg of their journey to fulfil Channel 4 wishlist, BBCs bucket list-and come over here to add to the vibrancy and colour of this beige, arid and dessicated nation of ours.
Air con buses all the way to Salfords Media City, I`m sure…there`s one big black hole of evil that they could begin to fill in for us.
Funnily enough we never see a Padraig or Cathy braving a night out with their funky brethren with their Haile Selassi/Levi Roots sauce-Why not Krishnan?…or are you chicken shit racists on fat salaries with equipment you`d hate to lose?
“His criticisms of classroom standards and “incompetent teachers” had made him a controversial figure. ”
“Sir Chris was one of the most high-profile figures in education in the 1990s, identified with opposing progressive teaching methods.”
The BBC often describes those it disapproves of as ‘controversial’. Whereas ‘progressive’ is for things the BBC aproves of.
Progressive is straight out of the 1984 book of words. No wonder the liberals love it.
My definition – to hold a view at variance with custom and morality and to think you have the moral right to force that view down everybody’s throats.
Traditional Education gives the private sector the advantage over Progressive Education in the state sector.
A scientific study found that progressive education was responsible for the existence of dyslexia. It found that dyslexia disappeared or did not exist with the introduction of synthetic phonics. Synthetic phonics is a fancy new term for a tried and tested method used in traditional education for a thousand years. Dyslexia does not exist in countries that have not introduced western progressive education. A clear and proven example of the regressive nature of the ideological “Progressive Education” over the more progressive nature of the evolutional “Traditional Education”
Dyslexia does exist, I’ve seen some genuine cases, but it is rare. I agree with your general point that bad spelling caused by lack of spelling discipline at an early age is often laid at the door of dyslexia, where bad teaching methods are really to blame.
The guy was clearly a nutter, but did Islam play a part in tipping him over the edge? The BBC would consider his religious beliefs irrelevant (because they are muslim). Contrast with the equally deranged killer in Charleston.
When it suits the BBC, a killer’s beliefs can be irrelevant and unmentioned, or they can be significant and the basis for follow up stories. It’s bias because the choice always follows the same preference.
Bernard Jenkin completely humiliates the BBC broad that interviews him on Hard Talk about the referendum on EU. He is erudite, logical and calm while she was on the verge of panic. As usual, really hard-talk on Hard Talk is reserved for anyone who isn’t a Guardian reader. If u are against Judeo Chrisitan civilisation, “Hard Talk” is more of a “soft puff”…
Waking gently from my slumbers, this morning, to the sound of “Tweet of the day”, I was startled to hear Kate Humble distinctly mentioning “black cock”. My morning tea was consumed with shaky hands, and spilled, a little, on the sheet.
BBc Breakfast the person being interviewed goes off message. Sorry missed the name as he says “illegal” in connection with the hoards at Calais. Serious faces on the sofa, wonder if he will be invited back?
North West continues it’s anti fraking agenda. “hundreds” of protesters turned up yesterday the presenters informs us. Complete with tight camera shot down a line of “rent a mob” protesters.
BBC London News in the morning often only has time for a couple of head lines before moving on to the weather. These stories, as often as not, are supplied by public sector unions and campaign groups banging the gong for more public spending.
This morning I think it’s all over after three or four short reports but the BBC manages to squeeze in another topic…
“Muslim groups….”
For the love of Buddha, here we go again…
“Luton…. blah blah…. Far Right Groups…”
Groups probably espousing collectivist very much far-LEFT economic policies – but what does the BBC care when they are busy writing from their anti-conservative style book…?
Then we see a viciously edited smash-cut clip of a high ranking copper talking about and seeming to confirm the need for a ban on a public demonstartion with more – ‘anxiety and stress’.
Seems the BBC wants this march in Luton banned.
Well, Russell Brand and his far-left mates cause me much anxiety and stress – but I have to put with it. In fact I have to put with the BBC exaggerating the turn out.
So not only is he a wife beater (no doubt that’s excusable if he’s on side) but he has twice recorded court proceedings and uploaded them to you tube !
A proper whack job who has utter contempt for the laws he wants the other side to abide by.
Typical hypocrisy of a far left broadcaster which the politicians have utterly failed to control.
wwfcMar 10, 11:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five charged with murder over shooting in street Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Harry Potter and Doctor Who star dies aged 63 as tributes pour in for the beloved actor” Surprised the…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 11:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun Far Right, Far Right As we know the bbc isn’t biased…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
North West mid day news continues it’s anti-*fracking agenda. Despite biging up the demonstrations north west admits that despite thousands being expected only around 400 turned up, I doubt it was that many as the camera angles were in play again. Also obvious was the fact that many of the demonstrators weren’t local. Nice all these people with nothing to do have the cash to travel up and demonstrate in Preston. Some were from the Isle of Wight £8.00+ just for the ferry. Once again demonstrating the majority are not concerned.
‘despite thousands being expected only around 400 turned up’
That’ll teach ’em for getting Diane Abbott on PR.
Hope any BBC crew present were decked out in their Hazmat suits and lead-lined Calvin Kleins.
If that clip was BBC (not sure), it is a shame the bit where the mic-toter set this lady straight on her claim was left out.
To prove a point the usual lefty scum process of shipping in rent a mob from other parts of the country to try and force their irrelevant and unsupported views on the majority.
The BBC are now lining up the lawyers and judges to come on and claim that the problems that Mr Gove has identified in the Justice system are mainly a result in cuts in legal aid. Well of course they would wouldn’t they. Its one of their main income streams. They like a grossly inefficient legal system because it provides them with lots of work and a fair amount of public money. It simply isn’t in their interest to see the system become efficient ,low cost and easy to access so giving justice for all.
So they will behave like all the other professional trade unions , Doctors, Nurses, Teachers etc and seek to oppose anything that will make a service more efficient and better for the consumers but less lucrative for themselves. Basically they will want to retain a monopoly so they can milk the tax payer but will hide behind the people they are supposed to be serving. It is the height of folly to believe anything these self serving groups say.
The BBC, anxious to retain their support and the support of the public sector and those who benefit from tax payers money, as they do themselves, will be bending over backwards to give them a platform from which to attack the reforms.It is all so predictable.
O/T but call me cynical, would I be right in saying that the comments in this DM article have been ‘carefully’ selected?
Even the ratings seem odd.
Watch out for the One Show take on this ‘positive’ story.
Looks a bit like a bit of “herd” mentality at work, from a certain
faux religion we could mention.
How slippery and slimy is Vaseline? – answer …….. very
BBC News/5Live news 2pm
K Vaz wants to question the police as those two wailing
Jihadaddy s, are still continuing with the charade as its
… “all our fault”
About time they “upped their game” etc,
Click to access Letter-to-Rt-Hon-Keith-Vaz-MP.pdf
Vaz will question the police and they will apologise to him on bended knee.
Vaz has friends, see.
Is that one of Sacha Baron Cohen’s characters sitting next to Keith Vaz?
How does he find time in between running the passport office.
Migrants try to board lorries amid Calais ferry strike
The migrant chaos in Calais deepened on Tuesday as hundreds tried to exploit a ferry strike by boarding UK-bound lorries. Workers from ferry company MyFerryLink have blockaded the port and Channel Tunnel, burning piles of tyres. The resulting slow-moving traffic encouraged UK-bound migrants near the port to try to board the lorries. About 3,000 migrants are estimated to be living rough around Calais, waiting for a chance to cross the channel.
Still, the BBC cannot bring itself to report the truth. These are not ‘migrants’, they are illegal immigrants. But the BBC is unconcerned about such distinctions, it seems. Ho hum.
There was another very strange Five Live interview at 3.15 this afternoon on the Calais chaos. It seemed to be one of the infamous planted chats with the public they seem to favour.
A guy who had travelled through the port this morning was on to report his experiences. So far, so normal. Suddenly he went off on one about the migrant crisis being caused by Western military intervention and climate change. It was absolutely bizarre,
I’ll have a listen back when it is put up on the iPlayer and discover his name. There’s always a better than average chance with Five Live they accidentally found the only Marxist political activist to pass through Calais in recent days. It’s also distinctly possible he was a good friend of one of the interns.
Funny that we don’t see get many illegal immigrants trying to go the other way , I wonder why ?
What is more, the French seem quite happy to leave this situation go on and on. Remember Sangatte, which was closed down in 2002.
We ought to ask Owen Jones, Corbyn, and the comrades why they don’t want to go to the socialist paradise in Venezuela.
Wouldn’t any sane government try to get rid of illegal immigrant scum any way they could MB…oh no…wait a minute.
You were right about that guy on Five Live, Leamas.
He’s exactly what you guessed he was – a far left activist. He’s into open borders, the Anti-Fascist Network and Jeremy Corbyn, but mostly he hates Israel. Funny how they found him, eh?
He’s on Twitter.<
Yep. That’s the fella. How odd that they should alight upon him completely at random.
Hmmm… Have you seen Kleinfeld’s Twitter feed and in particular the request from @JoshKHeslop, a producer at the BBC News Channel? An interesting insight into the way the BBC works.
Kleinfeld says that he only saw what was happening from the coach and there was no context, yet this afternoon he was on Five Live as I described above, allowed to spout a controversial opinion completely unchallenged.
I didn’t hear his News Channel contribution.
‘a producer at the BBC News Channel
…allowed to spout a controversial opinion completely unchallenged.’
There’s a thing. Shocked, I tell you. Shocked!
The latest is worth it:
‘Promote lies on Twitter enough and it will become the truth. ‘
Broadcast journalist. Views are my own
Phil Ford,
“Still, the BBC cannot bring itself to report the truth. These are not ‘migrants’, they are illegal immigrants. But the BBC is unconcerned about such distinctions, it seems”
A “migrant” refers to someone in transit from one country to another.
An “immigrant” is someone who has reached their destination; in-order to take up residency in a particular country.
Whether they are deemed “illegal” or not is a decision for that country’s government. Not you or the BBC.
Drivel . If they had papers they would not be trying to climb on to anything that moves- trains, trucks, cars.
Therefore it is a reasonable assumption to make that they are attempting to enter England without papers or passports and that as far as I know is illegal. I suggest you try to enter the US or India without correct papers.
I do realise the liberal left does not do reality or probability but prefers fantasy.
dave s,
“Therefore it is a reasonable assumption to make that they are attempting to enter England without papers or passports and that as far as I know is illegal.”
Attempting to do something illegal is not the same as doing something illegal, duh.
Neither is it illegal to enter a country without “papers” if you claim asylum status.
Sorry to break this to you, but an individual’s immigration status (legal or otherwise) isn’t decided on the ‘assumptions’ of some nobody watching the tv news.
So Dez, what sort of border control would you suggest ?
‘Attempting to do something illegal’ etc. Splitting the most tiny of hairs here I think. The law thinks otherwise . Try attempting to break into a house or attempting to drive whilst drunk. Both are offences under the law.
What evidence have you for asylum status being claimed. ?All of them . All thousands of them?
I prefer the evidence of my own lying eyes.
Oh and I forgot to mention. Why are they not claiming asylum in France?
“Attempting to do something illegal is not the same as doing something illegal, duh.”
Why thank you for that legal advice Rumpole. I suppose that means attempted murder is not a crime?
Obviously the hordes of Afghans, Somalis, Eritreans etc trying to climb into lorries are only doing so because they have lost their tickets for the ferry. Or maybe racist Chelsea fans wouldn’t let them on. Or something. They are not illegal immigrants, anyone who thinks that has obviously never met a leftard, who can explain that if the Party says 2+2=5, then 2+2=5.
The first safe country reached is where asylum should be claimed under international law. They are in France, a safe country, so do not need to go any further. If they have claimed asylum they must stay put whilst their claim is processed. If they haven’t claimed asylum they are in France illegally.
Is that simple enough for you?
The very methods they use to enter the UK are illegal, ipso facto …
Back to the BBC’s College of Sophistry, dez.
dez likes to promote this link………….
Merched Becca,
dez likes to promote this link………….
dez, if they like it so much let them pay for it – by subscription. If it is that good, let it stand on its own two feet .
This is free ……………………………..
On the PM programme the Home Office statement several times referred to ‘illegal immigrants’ yet the BBC commentary immediately following this went back to their standard description of ‘migrants’, the BBC ‘not wanting to take a position’ on this matter.
Dez is going ‘off message’; the BBC won’t describe their ‘migrants’ as ‘illegal’ until they have:
a. reached the UK
b. been rejected by the immigration panel
c. declared illegal by the ECHR
d. declared illegal by the UN special rapporteur
e. flown back home after living five years in the UK
f. some floozy has been found by the BBC that claims her sprog has been denied its ‘human rights’ to a father, who must be brought back to the UK, so he wasn’t ‘illegal’ and the BBC, (as ever), was right all along!
Just what is going on with the British and French governments and these illegals? Disrupting the economy of this country, breaking our immigration laws, undermining our border control, making the security of this nation the laughing stock of the EU.
This fiasco has been going on in France for over twenty years. Its almost as if the French have been deliberately ‘turning a blind eye’ on the problem. Why, according to Al Beeb, are these illegals so ‘desperate’ to get out of France?
One has to feel an element sympathy for the innocent truck and transport companies that have to pay the exorbitant fines for failing do the job of the government’s border authorities.
We have been invaded – get the Army on the job. Simples
According to the BBC, “New York warns Lancashire over fracking”.
And the reality? 10 town/parish councillors from an obscure, left wing anti fracking pressure group send a letter!
I see the Eurostar has been closed due to migrant unrest. Let’s see how that one pans out on the bBC.
High time the goverment got the Army down to Dover. No vehicle passes through without a thorough check. Damn the inconvenience.
Time to reform the Warmington On Sea Platoon and others.
I’m willing….
Unfortunately Dads Army sums up 99.9% of the contributors on this site.
You all know who you are.
‘Unfortunately Dad’s Army..’
Sure your trusty notebook is to hand with all listed. Even the ladies.
‘You all know who you are’
‘Don’t tell ‘im…!”
” Don’t tell ‘im…!”
Like it.
BBC Complaints and FOI have been a real inspiration:)
The Channel Tunnel should never have been built, it effectively created a land border between the U.K. and the Continent – the negative aspects to which are now becoming (increasingly) clear to all.
It is an engineering marvel: but one for which the British people will rue the day it was ever commissioned to be constructed.
Scott do you know why you are on this site ? You are either a glutton for punishment or you like to promote this link …………….
“Don’t give him your name Pike!”
Hello Scott ! How’s the West End’s campaign against ISIS beheading and throwing Gays off high buildings going ? Getting any media support ? Bbc perhaps or does its support of the brown eyed boys beat its gay support in the leftie game of top trumps ?
PS I’ll sign your petition against the death squad, seriously. Gays flew in the Battle of Britain and still serve, they are not all total liberal self obsessed wankers.
Now there’s a thought ?, Scott to play the part of ‘Pike’ in the latest film of ‘Dad’s Army’, While Cpl. Jones shouts ” They don’t like it up em! ”
On a serious note, ‘Dad’s Army’ is about the only real comedy shown on the BBC these days.
Nah better suited to the part of Gloria in the very, very, very unlikely remake of It Ain’t Half Hot Mum…
Scott you can take the piss out of Dads Army if you like, my Dad was a 17 year old in The Home Guard, and at that age he and his mates old and young were prepared to die for his country, something that wimps like you wouldn’t even contenplate, but would be more than happy to hind behind…
So Scrote thinks the home guard were such a joke !
1,206 were killed on duty between 1939 to 1945 , Maybe Scrote can go spray paint funny stuff on the memorial to these foolish old men !
‘During an air raid on 16 April 1941, a German landmine dropped onto the former site of the Creameries factory in Commonside East, Mitcham.
Fifteen members of “B” company 57th Surrey (Mitcham) Home Guard and Tower Creameries lost their lives: Frederick Percy Andrews, William Richard Aplin, Charles Albert Branch, James William Thomas Henson, William Jones, Joseph Stanley Kilbee, Charles James Labrum, Harold Francis Langbein, Aubrey Edgar Marriot, Frederick Albert Newstead, Frederick Thomas O’Brien, Walter Joseph Peacey, Richard John Sharman, George Stephen Taverner, and Arthur Frederick White.’
Scott. Who are the 99.9%? Who is/are the 0.1%? Where is your citation?
Getting the teensiest suspicion that the flaw in this site’s registration integrity is again being exploited and compromised.
You are probably too young but I knew these people ( the Home Guard generation) and they were the sort of men and women who would have fought for every bit of England if Germany had invaded. My father always said that King George VI stayed in England because only on the orders of their monarch would the ordinary people of England have surrendered if the worst had ever happened.
Not the sort of people you and the liberal fantasists destroying this land would ever begin to understand.
The 60s generation has been the worst in our long history and still they exert their malign influence on my country.
But don’t worry the world turns as it always does and your days are coming to an end.
When you say 60’s generation do you mean those born in the 60s, or those Summer of Love Baby Boomer types born in the 40s?
I was born in the 60’s but share little in common with my sister born in the 40’s, retired, who along with her husband has a good pension. Both can’t see a problem with immigration (all gods children!) and happy to get their car and windows cleaned by immigrants…
We have fallen out many times over the subjest.
Those born in the 40s. Spoilt and full of me me me.
BBC joins the discussion about the waycist Confederate flag. However, Piers Morgan wants to go further: ban the flag and jail whiteys (only whites?) who use the N word.
See link to Piers Morgan below. I have copied one of the comments on the article.
Conservative Rebel • 18 hours ago
Mr. Morgan, need I remind you that in 1776 there was a revolution and declaration of independence from tyranny from the very country you come from? If you like tyranny so much, I suggest you move back to your F-ing utopia and shut your f-ing mouth about America before your get your ass beat like your ancestors! They took away YOUR guns there, and you can live under the thumb of the government like you like there, so what the hell are you waiting for? A guy like you that made a career out of chasing celebrities around and splashing TRASH all over a “news paper” is hardly a credible source of opinion to begin with, so STFU! No wonder you could only get a job at a FAKE news station MSNBC, and you got FIRED from that, because you are that much of an idiot.
Piers Morgan, – what an absolute tw@t.
I think Piers Morgan is far more likely to see the inside of a cell in the near future than anyone with the temerity to fly a Confederate flag.
The BBC are now lining up the lawyers and judges to come on and claim that the problems that Mr Gove has identified in the Justice system are mainly a result in cuts in legal aid. Well of course they would wouldn’t they. Its one of their main income streams. They like a grossly inefficient legal system because it provides them with lots of work and a fair amount of public money. It simply isn’t in their interest to see the system become efficient ,low cost and easy to access so giving justice for all.
So they will behave like all the other professional trade unions , Doctors, Nurses, Teachers etc and seek to oppose anything that will make a service more efficient and better for the consumers but less lucrative for themselves.
The BBC, anxious to retain their support and the support of the public sector and those who benefit from tax payers money, as they do themselves, will be bending over backwards to give them a platform from which to attack the reforms.It is all so predictable.
This morning the idiotic Adam Parsons, a so-called economics “expert” was trying to explain the latest developments in the Greek debt crisis on Radio Five “gets much worse” Live. To the background accomaniment of the old Sonny and Cher classic “I’ve got you babe” (relevance? – please will someone explain), Parsons said that the Euro block appears to be sympathetic to the latest Greek plans to raise the pension age (and the more likely scenario of widespread rioting and looting), as well as raising the taxes on rich people (which they probably will not pay) and property, without any further serious commentary. The rest of the supposed analysis was drowned out by the strains of those two hippy wanabes from long ago. If this is the best that Auntie can provide by way of intelligent analysis, then surely the licence fee has had its day together with those so-called economic journalists such as Adam Parsons. With some relief I turned over to Classic FM to hear the more emollient sounds of the school run music on that channel. I again rest my case m’lud Hall.
And who, traditionally, fills the gap (in the case a fair number of them) when their favoured party fails to provide the desired challenge in matters of government?
I suspect the BBC will be testing the impartiality boundaries to the limit.
Maybe they have another revisionist doco in the pot ready, should Boney as saviour of the Union fail to swing it?
Lol BBC proving once again what a delightfully sexist ageist lot they are oh and utterly heartless sacking her 2 weeks after a family tragedy!
Just another Words vs. Deeds for a BBC spokesperson to waffle on long enough until it passes.
Interesting they broke the printer with all the emails.
I must be reading, sharing and storing mine in altogether the wrong way.
I don’t know if any of you were unfortunate enough to hear Radio 4’s Thought for Today this morning. It was the Reverend Giles Fraser who entertained us with his typically irritating views on the Battle of Waterloo. Apparently we shouldn’t be commemorating or celebrating Wellington’s finest hour in defence of our country and he told us so in his usual smug and condescending manner.
This is the bloke who wants us to embrace other cultures, celebrate multiculturalism, has criticised some London boroughs for being “too white” promotes gay marriage and the Occupy movement and wants the Church of England to allow lesbian bishops. He ticks every fashionable left wing box in the book.
Can’t think why he’s always on the Beeb…
because he’s an utter tw@t ! (If I was posting elsewhere, I would probably go all Anglo-Saxon…..)
I note the bBC is showing a drama next week re the 10th anniversary of 7/7.
Shall we take a guess as to what agenda it might just have?
Heard Today this morning link two stories-albeit without any brain or agenda-just all adds to their world view.
1. “Climate Change” to be linked somehow to personal health…in other words the 2003 heatwave will henceforth be seen as an epidemic, due to irresponsible deniers of the science.
It`s the Lancet behind it.
2. Scotland to take the land off people who are not fully behind the SNPs campaign to reallocate land dependent on a “commitment to sustainable development”
Do you see what is coming?…a medicalisation of climate change as a mental health issue that can be used by the State to reward its supporters, or those onside with Sturgeon and other braveheart cast-offs.
Utterly creepy-tomorrow belongs to them so they feel…it`s as if we never had an election at all.
Oh what a joy to see plenty joyous Eritreans brave the likes of UKIP and dare to make a positive choice to come camping in the UK-how many of us choose to camp in France, so how refreshing to see so many active and confident young men show their commitment to helping this country out of recession by adding to the tourist spend?
They`ve come such a long way-overcome so many challenges like mums and kids who dare to occupy a boat, or be Christian-and so only a curmugeon would deny them this final leg of their journey to fulfil Channel 4 wishlist, BBCs bucket list-and come over here to add to the vibrancy and colour of this beige, arid and dessicated nation of ours.
Air con buses all the way to Salfords Media City, I`m sure…there`s one big black hole of evil that they could begin to fill in for us.
Funnily enough we never see a Padraig or Cathy braving a night out with their funky brethren with their Haile Selassi/Levi Roots sauce-Why not Krishnan?…or are you chicken shit racists on fat salaries with equipment you`d hate to lose?
Just watched today’s Daily Politics on iPlayer.
Once again, while Jo Coburn is in the chair we have a lefty as guest of the day.
Then we have Jabba the Hutt from the Child Poverty Action Group banging on. Poor old John Redwood under attack from the three of them.
“His criticisms of classroom standards and “incompetent teachers” had made him a controversial figure. ”
“Sir Chris was one of the most high-profile figures in education in the 1990s, identified with opposing progressive teaching methods.”
The BBC often describes those it disapproves of as ‘controversial’. Whereas ‘progressive’ is for things the BBC aproves of.
Progressive is straight out of the 1984 book of words. No wonder the liberals love it.
My definition – to hold a view at variance with custom and morality and to think you have the moral right to force that view down everybody’s throats.
Progressive = Regressive.
Traditional Education gives the private sector the advantage over Progressive Education in the state sector.
A scientific study found that progressive education was responsible for the existence of dyslexia. It found that dyslexia disappeared or did not exist with the introduction of synthetic phonics. Synthetic phonics is a fancy new term for a tried and tested method used in traditional education for a thousand years. Dyslexia does not exist in countries that have not introduced western progressive education. A clear and proven example of the regressive nature of the ideological “Progressive Education” over the more progressive nature of the evolutional “Traditional Education”
Dyslexia does exist, I’ve seen some genuine cases, but it is rare. I agree with your general point that bad spelling caused by lack of spelling discipline at an early age is often laid at the door of dyslexia, where bad teaching methods are really to blame.
“Recent convert to Islam ‘Fat Nick’ Salvador cried out for ‘Allah’ and performed acts of worship as he killed in London last year – arguably relevant information the BBC tactfully decided to omit in their coverage of his court case this afternoon.”
The guy was clearly a nutter, but did Islam play a part in tipping him over the edge? The BBC would consider his religious beliefs irrelevant (because they are muslim). Contrast with the equally deranged killer in Charleston.
“Charleston shooting: Who are US white supremacists?”
When it suits the BBC, a killer’s beliefs can be irrelevant and unmentioned, or they can be significant and the basis for follow up stories. It’s bias because the choice always follows the same preference.
This is Lord Haw Haw standard of broadcasting. What the hell we putting up with this for!
Bernard Jenkin completely humiliates the BBC broad that interviews him on Hard Talk about the referendum on EU. He is erudite, logical and calm while she was on the verge of panic. As usual, really hard-talk on Hard Talk is reserved for anyone who isn’t a Guardian reader. If u are against Judeo Chrisitan civilisation, “Hard Talk” is more of a “soft puff”…
Waking gently from my slumbers, this morning, to the sound of “Tweet of the day”, I was startled to hear Kate Humble distinctly mentioning “black cock”. My morning tea was consumed with shaky hands, and spilled, a little, on the sheet.
I should think quite a few of the chaps employed at Salford Media Centre, would pay handsomely to be woken in the morning by a black cock.
BBc Breakfast the person being interviewed goes off message. Sorry missed the name as he says “illegal” in connection with the hoards at Calais. Serious faces on the sofa, wonder if he will be invited back?
North West continues it’s anti fraking agenda. “hundreds” of protesters turned up yesterday the presenters informs us. Complete with tight camera shot down a line of “rent a mob” protesters.
‘Anxiety and stress’ where you are
BBC London News in the morning often only has time for a couple of head lines before moving on to the weather. These stories, as often as not, are supplied by public sector unions and campaign groups banging the gong for more public spending.
This morning I think it’s all over after three or four short reports but the BBC manages to squeeze in another topic…
“Muslim groups….”
For the love of Buddha, here we go again…
“Luton…. blah blah…. Far Right Groups…”
Groups probably espousing collectivist very much far-LEFT economic policies – but what does the BBC care when they are busy writing from their anti-conservative style book…?
Then we see a viciously edited smash-cut clip of a high ranking copper talking about and seeming to confirm the need for a ban on a public demonstartion with more – ‘anxiety and stress’.
Seems the BBC wants this march in Luton banned.
Well, Russell Brand and his far-left mates cause me much anxiety and stress – but I have to put with it. In fact I have to put with the BBC exaggerating the turn out.
BBC anti fracking again, but just look at the photo they’ve chosen to use.
But there’s a whole unsavoury story connected with the guy in the pig mask which unless you were a MEN reader you’d never know.
So not only is he a wife beater (no doubt that’s excusable if he’s on side) but he has twice recorded court proceedings and uploaded them to you tube !
A proper whack job who has utter contempt for the laws he wants the other side to abide by.
Typical hypocrisy of a far left broadcaster which the politicians have utterly failed to control.
Summary at the end of the day ? Cameron and the Tory’s are not working . The EU isn’t working .
Time to get out .
Vote UKIP next time!