At least one media organisation checks those ‘explosive’ facts…….Channel 4’s ‘FactCheck’ :
It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.
And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.
As we found yesterday, 93 per cent of black victims were killed by blacks and 84 per cent of white victims were killed by whites.
Alternative statistics from the FBI are more up to date but include many crimes where the killer’s race is not recorded. These numbers tell a similar story.
In 2013, the FBI has black criminals carrying out 38 per cent of murders, compared to 31.1 per cent for whites. The offender’s race was “unknown” in 29.1 per cent of cases.
The verdict
There is evidence in the official police-recorded figures that black Americans are more likely to commit certain types of crime than people of other races.
While it would be naïve to suggest that there is no racism in the US criminal justice system, victim reports don’t support the idea that this is because of mass discrimination.
Higher poverty rates among various urban black communities might explain the difference in crime rates, although the evidence is mixed.
Thanks to David Brims for linking to this video which illustrates how there is more to the Dylann Roof story than the BBC cares to mention, preferring instead to blame the ‘usual suspects’… it did for the Boston bombings when they blamed white supremacists….the videos show how Roof was influenced by Media lies about the Trayvon Martin case…why is the BBC concentrating on Rogers rather than the Media’s protrayal of the Trayvon Martin case?
‘The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words “black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?’
Black Criminals, White Victims, and White Guilt
The media have relentlessly fanned the flames of racial hatred, while engaging in a systematic pattern of misinformation and blatant suppression of facts surrounding the perpetrators and victims of crime.
The figures come quickly but are never subjected to the necessary scrutiny. Last fall, for example, the George Soros-funded ProPublica published a claim that black youths are killed by the police at a rate 21 times higher than white youths. Mass media parroted that claim, but the data are incomplete and biased. They represent just 1.2 percent of police departments nationwide, and most reports come from urban areas, where the population is disproportionately black.
More reliable data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) suggest that in 2012, 123 blacks were killed by police using firearms while 326 whites, including 227 non-Hispanic whites, were killed. These data, however are also not entirely reliable, but represent a larger data set than the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR).
CNN’s Marc Lamont Hill, a racial agitator fired by Fox News for defending cop-killers, spread another misleading statistic about police shootings, claiming that “Every 28 hours, an unarmed black person is killed by police.” This too was trumpeted in the media. It became a twitter hashtag, “#every28hours,” and another mantra like “hands up, don’t shoot.” But it is demonstrably false. There were 313 blacks killed by police, security guards and other “vigilantes” in 2012. Dividing 313 into the number of hours in a year (8,760) yields 28. However, 177 of these “unarmed black persons” were actually armed with firearms. That leaves 136. Others may have been technically “unarmed” but were threatening the officer’s life, for example with their car—or as in Michael Brown’s case, attempting to take the officer’s gun. Many more were not the result of shootings, but accidents, e.g., during vehicular chases. Finally, some of the shooters were not police. When the hyperbole is removed, the facts present a much more reasonable explanation. Barring a small number of tragic mishaps, police shootings are usually justified.
Jeez…We are really being duped big time by the wicked agendas of lefties everywhere! Thank god for sites like this where the truth comes out! That is not enough though.
Somehow we going to have right the wrongs and make truth primacy.
We are sleep walking into our (the majority) demise.
Your ‘Figure 19’ reveals a terrible lack of ‘integration’, ‘blacks’ and ‘whites’ just aren’t mixing enough!
Those ‘white’ police officers must work harder to bring up the ‘white on black’ to the equality movements beloved ‘average’! Fortunately the ‘black on white’ muggers are doing twice as well and the ‘black on blacks’ are pretty well on target!
How about man/woman? “Get out there girl! Give your man a thump!”, it’s all about ‘equality’ now.
When we next visit the polling staton we should remember who has allowed this to happen.
The colour of crime
Roof picked an unfortunate target, however I believe it is inevitable that this kind of vigilante killing in western societies shall grow in the future. The more the media and the rest of our elite keep feeding us lies about multiculturalism and hiding the reality – that is, the constant undermining of “white” communities, the more those societies will unearth Roofs and Breiviks. Muslims will be the target much more than blacks.
BBC News was all over the arrest of a gang of White men for paedophilia.
Now the number of Muslim sex-slavery gangs arrested is so huge, that its not news any longer. Besides, Muslim sex-slavery gangs are not part of the narrative. So this latest news is welcome, for at long last it shows that its not just Muslim men.
Someone remind me please why it was essential to allow millions of Muhammadens to settle behind enemy lines.
the last hidden taboo not only in the usa but in the uk is black on white crime,in the uk it is black on white and muslim on white crime,has the human rights and equality commision ever done any research and produced a report and produced statistics and figures for black on white and muslim on white crime,no,why is this you might ask,i will tell you,the same mindset that tried to cover up the horrific extent of the pakistani racist muslim gangs abusing,raping and selling 1000s of white children into sexual slavery all over the uk is the same mindset that dont want to the public to know what the true extent of racial crimes and racial injustice commited against working class whites living in the big citys,this to me is an outrage,i know many people who are suffering in silence and have been attacked by racist muslim gangs,the police never record this a a racial crime because they are castrated by politcal correctness they same way they was over these racist muslim child groomiing rings,what we need is a tell mama for white people to report racist crimes commited against them just because of the colour of there skin,then the true extent of racial crimes commited against whites will have to be taken seriously the police and justice,no peace.
Until Political Correctness is treated as great an evil as racism our society’s going to continue going down the plughole.
When Muslim paedo gangs are allowed to operate up and down the country with impunity because we’re all cowed by the great correctnick terror, our entire nation needs to hang it’s head in shame. We have allowed a situation to develop where we let a hostile element rape our daughters en masse. I don’t think there’s any parallel for it, we’re beyond contempt as a nation and as a people.
This book by a BBC insider might explain how the Ministry for Propaganda brought this about:- its more than 300
“Higher poverty rates among various urban black communities might explain the difference in crime rates, although the evidence is mixed.”
It might explain it.
But the narrative is, it not only explains it, but excuses it, or even justifies it.
“Higher poverty rates among various urban black communities might explain the difference in crime rates, although the evidence is mixed.”
Higher poverty rates than what though? My guess (and the obvious answer) is higher than National Average, but the way it’s worded, in an article about racist crime, how many would assume they meant higher poverty rates than Whites?
And still they get to dance their racist jig. The devil’s in the detail.
I read somewhere that up till the 60’s divorce and crime rates among black Americans was roughly the same as white America. As soon as welfare started to get thrown at black America in the 60’s, family breakdown and crime began to spiral in black America.
A Committee of Congress led by Daniel Moynihan I believe concluded that the best thing white people could do for black people was leave them alone.
sorry but i dont know why this crap comes as a suprise to anyone who has ever lived anywhere near an “asian” area, its the pc pratts who live in expensive sheltered non-multicultral areas who constantly celebrate diversity that need educating, round here they have a one world festival, if they only knew what the reality of their utopia was!!
Another one from Bradford
Was reported as an anti-Muslim hate crime this morning. Judging by the spelling of Kaffir, it seems more like Sunni vs. Shia in-fighting.
And that’s how race crime stats are compiled
And another crime in Bradford…
How many more stories like this don’t make national press?
Any fight back on this problem won’t start in this country, what can you make of people in a place like Rotherscum who, despite knowing the truth about the most disgusting crimes ever seen in the UK, voted the very party who protected these paedophiles back into control of their council and their lives??
It just beggars belief, they might as well give the keys of their children’s bedrooms to the paedos. Most of the country is inert with PC fear and the rest, in particular in many parts of Northern England, are just thick and couldn’t care less.
There is a programme on Pick channel shortly, it is the brilliant Ross Kemp’s Extreme World, Kemp has balls the size of an elephant! It is about the Ukrainian ‘right wing’ movement that has gained a huge following and momentum in just a year.
They started by fighting the Russians but now have vowed to defend their country and their heritage from a new threat…the muslims. These people are ready for a war, there are countries whose people are proud, whose mindset is different from the brow beaten, head dropping, scared of the liberal authorities, spineless character that is now the trait of most British citizens.
These places are where the fightback will start and spread, they are not scared of the law, they are making it. Where it will all lead to is anyone’s guess but the mad ideology of the liberal left will have caused whatever happens.
“Thanks to David Brims for linking to this video”
That’s David “There’s nothing worse than an uppity nigger” Brims? At least we know what BBBC is really about these days.
Fiddy my little trolling fwiend
I never said that.
David Brims,
“There’s nothing worse than an uppity, you know what, getting above their station”
Meaning foreigners sticking their noses into our countries business.
Wow, for once Dez has an irrefutable point.
You Brims are a disgusting bigot.
Hi Alan, what possessed you to post such political pornography?
How else can you regard the self-justification of a monster like Dylann Roof, at the prompting of a monster’s bigot apologist, David Brims?
Young Mr Dylann Roof went into a Church to murder black people because he knew his innocent victims wouldn’t have guns, unlike say, gang members in a clubhouse.
And I can only thank Dez once more for performing a service to this site in pointing out you have thanked a patent racist like David Brims for providing you apologia for patently racist filth like Dylann Roof.
I await due correctives to your piece, or perferibly scrub it altogether, leaving an apology for your spectacularly poor judgement at the behest of blatantly bigoted prompting.
Unless you want to give succour to the view that B-BBC is closet BNP?
I was praying for Nigel Farage to get elected to Parliament, till it came out his campaign manager was an ex-NF Organiser who tried to pass off his membership as ‘belonging to a social club’.
Despite the bad name that charlatans at the BBC have given ‘anti-racism’, it still remains the fact genuine race hate is a disgusting thing.
Oh dear David. Did the mask slip a little too far this time?
You want race hate ? I’ll give you race hate
No, that’s Islamic hate. Remember, Islam is a religion, not a race.
The BBC treats Islam as a race to enable Marxism, you do so to enable fascism.
Everyone should have a kitten website, absolutely fascinating.
I found yours too!
Fiddy my simple soul, no my child, you’ve just plucked that website page from the internet and said it’s mine. At least Fiddy you’re not a hysterical old drama queen like our kitten fixated friend is.