Most contributors to this site know that the mission of the BBC since the 70’s has been to indoctrinate the population with leftist views and so help to create a liberal left multicultural Utopia. They have made steady progress as witnessed by the slow move to the left of the political centre ground in the UK over the past twenty years. The corporation long ago abandoned the impartiality requirement in their charter. The recent election was a set back despite their best efforts to help the Mad Marxist into power, but the long term trend is clearly leftwards.
Because they are a state funded near monopoly with no one to hold them to account , it is perfectly logical for them to manipulate the news so as to bring their goals about. Also, because of their monopoly and the power that goes with it, we hardly ever hear or see any views in our media or arts but those of the liberal left. Indeed the BBC goes to great lengths to attack anyone who dares to voice an opinion which contradicts the received wisdom of the left.
So those of us who visit this site know the lengths that the BBC will go to to manipulate the news . They are so powerful that they also in effect set the news agenda for the country. For example the BBC used to say that Red Ed set the political weather. But he only did so because they pumped up his stories to bursting point and kept him at the top of the news for days on end whether the story merited it or not.
I do not wish the BBC to adopt a right of centre approach anymore than I agree with its left of centre bias. What I want in our country is for us to have a strong democracy. To do that we need to have a media where a whole range of views from left to right are available to us all. With the BBC monopoly we don’t get that and this weakens our democracy. I don’t believe that the BBC is capable of reform nor do I think that state funding has any place in the media. Therefore I think that the BBC should be dismantled. The easiest way to do this is to make it a subscription only service and slowly let the market do it . But , as has been pointed out to me in previous posts, as soon as a Labour led government gets into power they will seek to revive their key propaganda asset by giving it state funding one way or another. So even moving to subscription may not deal with the anti democratic mission of the BBC . Perhaps rapid closure and dispersion of assets and employees is the only way but the Tories are too timid to do that.
To over generalise, the usual reaction of the left to views they don’t agree with is to try and silence the speaker; the right will usually try and dispute them but are happy for dissident views to be expressed.
Simple difference between left and right is that if those on the right do not like something, they do not participate in buying, watching, engaging in it.
If those on the left do not like something, they want to ban everyone from buying, watching or engaging in it.
What I want in our country is for us to have a strong democracy. To do that we need to have a media where a whole range of views from left to right are available to us all. With the BBC monopoly we don’t get that and this weakens our democracy.
Absolutely spot on, I agree, this is one of the big reasons why free speech is so important, to help preserve democracy as it requires a well-informed elecorate.
“Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins.” -Benjamin Franklin
But , as has been pointed out to me in previous posts, as soon as a Labour led government gets into power they will seek to revive their key propaganda asset by giving it state funding one way or another.
“Man is free the moment he wishes to be” said Montequieu and this applies to societies and states as well. For democracy to work people, the “demos”, have to exercise their freedom. The only way you can achieve the transformation of the BBC (and of course society in general) is through raising awareness, discussion and agitation. Sites like this one are a big part of that.
FWIW, I don’t think there will be another labour led government. The left will probably transmute and adopt a different party, but I think the traditional political parties all over Europe seem ultimately doomed; we’re in a state of huge flux right now. And looking at the recent voting trends in the UK, many people aren’t buying what the left are selling.
Everyone who cares about their society or country has to do their bit. So keep it up everyone!
Can’t wait for tonight’s conclusion of Andrew Roberts’ incredible revelations on Napoleon Bonaparte, a fully BBC-approved appraisal of one of history’s best ever mass murderers. Time, as they say, heals all wounds but the lavish applications of Germolene over these three episodes will surely tip yet another department of the NHS into negative equity.
I almost feel guilty that, prior to this futile historical re-write, I thought that Roberts had a legitimate claim to being considered a balanced and worthy historian, but perhaps the fee on offer was too great to refuse – well, it’s not their money, after all.
Already other great minds have joined in the surgery, notably Rev Giles Fraser who made clear that a successful invasion would have resulted in a Code Napoleon inspired Peoples Paradise with none of that deplorable Empire building or inventiveness, together with the foundation of most of Europe’s (non-Napoleonic) Royal dynasties, to bring even more shame upon the English as a consequence.
Ah to be a satellite of La Belle France! What an achievement that would have been. Just think what we have missed.
I broke my usual rule and listened to Today by accident yesterday and caught the creepy Giles Fraser’s bizarre rather quaint Jacobin rant. I have found since the election a great abatement of the despair engendered by concern that the BBC’s world-view might be widely held and frankly it was as laughable as it was historically ignorant like all his bogus tedious crap.
Such charges cannot be made against Andrew Roberts who is a fine and deeply conservative historian. His revisionist approach to Napoleon is not stupid but thought provoking and very thoroughly argued.
What I am really dreading is the promised BBC programme about Churchill by the sneering arrogant and mysteriously ubiquitous Bonnie Greer. We can guess what she is going to say and how she is going to say it….
Thought provoking indeed, but surely the implication that the several alliances and coalitions created over the better part of 20 years to bring an end to Napoleon’s aspirations were instigators, rather than responders, is just a tad suspect?
Secretly, I’m sure, Brussels and Strasbourg applaud Bonaparte and see his European vision as being finally created and fully vindicated – and, as suggested in another post – there’s little doubt that with the passing of another century, much of Hitler’s aspiration and social creativity will be seen in a positive light.
My radio always gets switched off the moment I hear Giles Fraser, Robin Ince sounds just like him so mistakenly the radio goes off when he comes on – I doubt I’m missing anything though!
Totally agree with your remarks about Comrade the Rev Fraser, whom I also commented about on another thread.
I have also enjoyed Andrew Roberts Napoleon series.
Regarding Churchill, the beeb have already done a recent demolition job on him to ‘celebrate’ the 50th anniversary of his death. ‘Churchill:when Britain Said No’ is still on i player, if you can stand watching it, that is. Its truly appalling other than a contribution by Max Hastings. I dread to think what the next attempt you refer to will be like.
Sadly, the implication that poor old Boney was misunderstood and all those nasty dynastic states kept ganging up to attack and subjugate the free-thinking peoples’ republic of La France – disregarding the imperial delusions of grandeur – continued in the last episode.
Roberts was at pains to point out that Russia, Austria, Prussia, The Netherlands and GB all declared war, as if to suggest that poor little Napoleon with his 500,000-strong Grande Armee posed no threat whatsoever and simply wanted to live in peaceful harmony with his European brothers. Much like ‘Peace in our time, 1938’.
This was not history, it was pro-EU propaganda and thus ticked all the BBC boxes on programme content.
Shame on you.
There have always been Napoleon supporters- there’s nothing revisionist in Andrew Roberts’ account- and those who consider him as Satan. I think it fair to say that he was one of the ablest men in history, and certainly had the most astonishing life, but he was at the same time a heartless butcher who caused misery and death for millions of Europeans.
The BBC can be thanked for this one series but after this nothing where history is concerned where we had the utterly brilliant late Prof Richard Holmes now we have pretty boy Dan [Nepotism ]Snow and his 3D graphics and revisionist guide book !
“A Dutch court has ordered the government to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% by 2020, in a case environmentalists hope will set a precedent for other countries.”
I expect the BBC pants to become increasingly damp as the day goes on.
In Germany, the lefty loonies are advising the Courts to overturn democracy. It looks as if the Netherlands has got there first. The Soviet Socialist needed to abolish democracy to “destroy and get the money off those with more money than the Bolsheviks“, The National Socialist needed to abolish democracy so as to “destroy and get the money off the Jews” and the Liberal Socialists think they need to abolish democracy to “take control of the climate“ which looks loony. But they could be dishonestly hiding a socialist motive, the need to “destroy and get the money off the oil companies”
This Dilly Hussain is proud of the caliphate, then I sincerely hope he will join the up & coming new caliphate.
Hey Dilly Hussain, young girls born in Britain, are fighting for the caliphate. These are girls who are brave as well as not hypocrites. Aren’t you ashamed that you are still in the West, sucking at the teat of Christendom, when you could be a leader in the caliphate, while young girls from Britain, yes young girls, are fighting and dying for Islam and trhe caliphate. I admire these girls, as they put their beliefs into action, and not the hypocrite Muslim men still living in Britain, while young girls are fighting and defending the caliphate.
Or at the least bugger off to Bangladesgh. Just because he was born in Britain does not make him British.
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” Live was “attempting” to analyse the Calais refugee crisis. A couple of motorists stranded at Calais, due to the sheer bloody mindness of French workers and their love of wildcat strikes, stated that the migrants were behaving in an intimidating manner towards motorists and regarding the whole matter as a “game.” It is interesting to note that before Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell interviewed these people he stated that the listeners were going to hear views which “may or may not be true.” However, when he interviewed pertsons connected with the migrants or BBC reporters, no such disclaimer clause was uttered beforehand. Oviously these stranded motorists were not prepared to comply with the BBC’s narrative! The Breakfast Programme made no attempt to analyse the root cause of this problem, but instead we were treated to the snivelling views of so-called radio journalists that these people were, wait for it, “desperate!” The only proper news analysis on Radip Five Live these days is the traffic reports read out in a stentorian tone of voice by Orna Merchant! These traffic reports are read out four times every hour and seem to be getting longer and longer, no doubt due to the lack of news analysis on that progreamme. At least there was no attempt this morning to discuss the Greek debt crisis after yesterday’s woeful performance. Are you listening m’lud Hall. Probably not!
These so-called migrants have breached borders of nation states, using guile and subterfuge. In addition, they have knives, and are prone to violence, and may use force to settle in the land forcefully. This makes them invaders and not migrants, and should be opposed as any invader is .
I have the solution. Saudi Arabia, vast country, empty spaces which imports third-world labour to do the jobs the Saudis can’t be arsed to do. The immigrants can go to Saudi, have a place to stay get a job. They don’t even have to cross a nasty sea to get there they can go by land. Also the vast majority of immigrants can speak Arabic so they can already speak the language to some extent. Win Win!
Downside – The lazy immigrants will actually have to work and Saudi isn’t Europe so the Islamification of European will be set back.
Surprised when all these TV and News people interview politicians and immigrants no one points out the Europe isn’t the only continent in the world and that other continents are available.
The BBC failed to inform us that Salvadore, the man who beheaded Palmira Silva, was a convert to Islam. Yet the manner of the murder, the fact that Salvadore was shouting Allah akhbar while decapitating Palmira, has everything to do with islam.
Salvadore has been judged to be insane, but that has been the been the default assessment for many Jihadi headchoppers. Its as if the West does not recognise that headchopping is, and has been part of Islam since “dont you dare draw me” Muhammed.
Thank you for letting us have that bit of news. The BBC had declined to advise of this fact no doubt thinking it would cause some more Brits to doubt the wisdom of having millions of Muslims in our country and to be certain to convince us that taking any more immigrants was likely to lead to trouble.
The guy was clearly a nutter, but did Islam play a part in tipping him over the edge? The BBC would consider his religious beliefs irrelevant (because they are muslim). Contrast with the equally deranged killer in Charleston.
When it suits the BBC, a killer’s beliefs can be irrelevant and unmentioned, or they can be significant and the basis for follow up stories. It’s bias because the choice always follows the same preference.
Religious nutter or insane, what’s the difference? It’s like the thin line between genius and mad man, or artist and dropout. Two sides of the same coin.
“Religious nutter or insane, what’s the difference?”
The difference is that some religions – like Jehovah’s Witnesses – seem peaceful, whereas others – like Wahabi Islam – don’t.
If he was a lunatic only, then there was no need for Allah akbar stuff. The fact that Salvador was screaming allah ackbar, the war cry of Islam, then it has everything to with Islam. At the very least , Salvador thought so.
After being quoted by Anders Breivik as part of his justification for killing 77 men, women and children; here’s what you wrote in response to article written on the first anniversary of Anders Breivik murdering 69 innocent, left-wing teenagers:
“There has been no ideology in the history of mankind, that has taken as many lives, in the most ruthless and brutal manner, as the Leftists, communists / marxists / progressives or whatever they call themselves… Marxism and the Left are demonic”
Pure and absolute justification for mass murder brought to you courtesy of BiasedBBC.
Depressing comments under Damian Thompson’s revealing article though. One twerp writes that people on the left are more intelligent than those on the right; that in itself shows a silly bias, I am sure the intelligence quota is fairly spread across the board. However what seems true to me is that the argument of the right is a complex one, it doesn’t feed down easily to uneducated folk (I use my words carefully here!). The left argument is very simple as it’s starkly black & white & tends towards populist claptrap. Just take the present topic of tax credits. It’s easy to say removing them will leave many people relying on them up the spout, but examining the details tax credits are an atrocious invention by that rogue Brown, they must be got rid of & the Tories are correct to be addressing the problem – how they do that without shooting themselves in the foot far worse than the poll tax is a tricky conundrum. At least they are brave enough to try. Labelling Tories as uncaring is a leftist calumny!
Apparently, the incisive thinkers on the Moral Haze are going to be holdng forth on ISIS tonight. No doubt the puzzlement and bewilderment will be great. Why are “our chaps” off to Syria for a bit of butchery? Wonderful opportunity for a critique of the “controversial” Cameron claim that there is “tacit support” amongst Muslims for ISIS. Why there is so much resistance to this idea amongst the BBC progressives is mystifying. Farage calls for an “Australian style immigration” and the BBC is convinced that this is incitement of 4 million UKIP supporters to commence a mass extermination of a Hitleresque nature. Yet the Prophet, the ultimate paragon for Muslims explicitly calls for the Caliphate, Sharia law and the annihilation of the Jew and unbeliever and the BBC claim these injunctions will be ignored by the faitnful. One of the main criteria for appearing on the Moral Haze is the ability to simultaneously believe both A and not A are simultaneously true. A good Muslim obeys the Prophet and a good Muslim does not obey the Prophet. When Jesus enjoins his followers to turn the other cheek, they show they are followers of Jesus by actually turning their cheeks, not by chopping someone’s head off.
Should be interesting. I actually like the Moral Maze & I hope Melanie Phillips will be on tonight. It is the one time I actually allow Giles Fraser to remain on partly because he is ridiculed by Melanie Phillips but mainly because I really enjoy him tripping himself up with his own barmy rhetoric.
I think we in the Britain are past where an Australian style immigration will rescue us.
What is galling as well as unsatisfactory, is that millions of Christians are being persecuted in Muslim countries, and would love to settle in a Christian country, while at the same time, millions of Muslims are unhappily putting up with islamophobia in Britain.
I suppose it’s vaguely amusing in a grim way that there’s a debate about Australian-type immigration limits (or there has been- it seems to have died down now), when it’s far too late to make any difference now. Closing the stable doors? They’ve bolted as well!
Even the Radio 4 news is stating that the population has increased by 500,000. 250,000 immigration and 2500,000 births, a quarter due to women borne abroad. No compunction about stating the highly misleading “young migrants have boosted the economy”. GDP may have increased but no native ,except perhaps employers, has got any richer.
“Reasons of insanity” stock answer especially by Islam for anyone wishing to leave their ideology of death, (and that s only if its anyone of consequence … anyone else? … gets beheaded)
“Reasons of insanity” Islam, beheading,
Allah ackbar to that eh!.
Hats off to the Met Office. Things are changing within the Met Office and I for one am please that someone within the department is beginning to tell it as it is. Now telling it as it is will go against the BBC doctrine concerning “‘Climate Change’ (well the wrong sort of ‘Climate Change’) but I bet the latest press release from the Met Office, backed by their own “scientists” in ‘Climate’ will send that BBC nut job Harrabin incandescent with rage.
The latest Met Office statement on “‘Climate’ turns the thinking of Global Warming on its head as their scientists have looked up into the sky and have looked at their history books and have at long last come up with a different prediction to that of the “Hockey Stick”
The Met Office have stated thus:
Scientists are warning that the decline in solar activity could plunge the U.K. into deadly cold winters for the next 70 years. This lack of solar activity could plunge us all into another “little ice age” that brought the U.K.’s coldest winter in 1684 and left the Thames frozen for months. Meterologist Adam Scaife said “The U.K. could be hit by extreme winters hitting -20C although it would not mean that every winter would be cold”
Well, those around the world have already seen what a cold winter means following a reduction in solar activity over the last two years and of course what the last 6 months have been like here in the U.K. If the solar activity remains slack, then historical evidence shows that there will be Global Cooling (which has started) and no Global Warming. Well done to those who don’t toe the “party Line” and have the balls to speak the truth. From Data collected from reporting stations all over the World, temperatures last year (and certainly this) have declined from their long term average.
There seems to be a civil war at the Met Office between the scientists and the administrators, which explains the contradictory schizophrenic message from the Met Office. The Met Office administrators insist that it will “not be enough to cancel out the effects of global warming“ and “but it’s still nowhere near big enough to override the expected global warming trend due to man-made change“ So the Met Office administrators are saying that it wont happen then? Sounds loony as the Met Office scientists have managed to insert a 15 to 20 percent confidence it will happen in the next 40 years, while I and Weatheraction have a 100 percent confidence it will be certain to start to happen from 2018. So we will have to wait 40 years until we can prove the 80 to 85 percent certainty that the Met Office Administrators are left-wing loonies.
Scientists are warning that the decline in solar activity could plunge the U.K. into deadly cold winters for the next 70 years.
Climate Change has that covered. The reason that Climate Change is a settled science, is that any prediction, or any experimental data, no matter how far fetched, is already covered by Climate Change.
Yes, exactly this. ‘Global warming’ was a classic bait-and-switch: as soon as it became obvious that temperatures were not rising (even as CO2 did) as their models had allegedly predicted, ‘global warming’ became ‘climate change’.
And with that little exercise in smoke and mirrors, a classic win-win for left-liberals and their political agenda was complete.
Even if the weather now stuck at 17 degrees every day, with a light shower in the afternoon, this would be seen as climate change, because it’s never stuck before.
You just can’t lose with Climate Change- it always works.
I couldn’t care less what the French strikers do, maybe they’ve done us a favour in highlighting the urgency of this ‘problem’.
The overriding impression that I got from the small bit of Sky and bBC news this morning was that ‘things are getting back to normal’. Well that’s alright then, if you call 3,000 potential impostors ready to pounce on their first opportunity to join the throngs of invaders ‘normal’.
I get really pissed off watching the media coverage and the Government’s response to said ‘problem’ are more measures to detect these unwelcome passengers rather than tackle the issue at source, that is patrolling the Med, enforcing some 180’s and not giving them a gratia ticket to Europe.
The thing is that our Government, France and the rest of the EU (and the bBC) don’t want to stop the flow, its all part of a much bigger agenda.
On Ch 4 last night, ex-beeboid kraut Matt Frei described the Calais chaos as ‘fascinating’. Not a word I would have used. Horrifying, frightening, troubling, worrying maybe, not fascinating.
That’s the kind of word you use when you’re looking at some insect through a microscope, but that’s how Liberals see Third Worlders, not as equals but as pets.
I suppose the BBC would have described the invasion of Belgium by the Nazis as “fascinating”.
What we are seeing now is a new invasion of Christendom by Islam. Muslims couldn’t do it by force, but they are succeeding with the soldiers of allah disguised as asylum seekers or migrants.
But rest assured that these millions will give rise to descendents in the tens of millions. And they wont be happy to live in a tolerant Christian Europe, but will agitate for sharia. If any proof is required, note the actions of the descendents of the Muslim migrants and asylum seekers of the 20th century. This invasion has to be stopped, and then reversed. Europe’s survival depends on it.
Our politicians need to get realistic about the nature of Islam . It is not, and never was the RoP. Its goal is world domination by any means.
‘And yet, the Executive’s meeting in March, lasting three and a quarter hours, is summed up in less than ten tweets – 133 words in total, if you take out the list of attendees and subject headings.’
Maybe it was held in a corridor, and even the minutes-taker had a bout of that famous BBC senior moment Alzheimers?
Feel the trust… bask in the transparency….
One could always ask if there was any more via an FoI, but ‘the purposes of keeping their little secrets’ seem pretty engrained at the BBC.
Really, they could say anything they like. And who would know different? It’s all for them to know, and the public never to find out.
So not only is he a wife beater (no doubt that’s excusable if he’s on side) but he has twice recorded court proceedings and uploaded them to you tube !
A proper whack job who has utter contempt for the laws he wants the other side to abide by.
Typical hypocrisy of a far left broadcaster which the politicians have utterly failed to control.
The BBC have really done a number on the ‘poor asylum seekers’ languishing in France.
A non stop number of ‘socialist’ politicos have been wheeled out including amazingly Emily Thornberry! Yes she of Labour who HATES white people with such a passion she was forced to resign after her vile tweets.
But what about the children? Well what is a 14 years old (claimed by him but with no substantiation but they believe it anyway) doing on his own in a foreign country without his parents?
Chances are that he is in fact well over the age of 18 and is CLAIMING to be 14 because we cannot return people under 18 to their country of origin and most are allowed leave to remain on attaining that age.
A great deal of hand wringing is going on with the BBC demanding via its ‘contributors’ that the French do something to make the illegal migrants more comfortable !
The World Service was running with the Calais story. We were informed that these “migrants” were from Syria and Afghanistan!
Then we had another story about 400,000 “refugees” in Germany. The refugee they interviewed had paid hundreds of dollars to be smuggled over the Hungarian border. That doesn’t sound like the actions of a genuine refugee, but rather an economic illegal immigrant. Still we will never know as the Beeb reporter is not capable or interested in asking basic questions to ratify his story.
A few years ago I interviewed a Vietnamese guy who was gardener at a cannabis factory. this guy looked in his late thirties and during interview claimed he had been people smuggled and he was only 15.
Lying through his teeth, he was charged but when he was remanded as a flight risk we had to accept his declared age.
He ended up in Feltham YOI. He was older than some of the guards!
On the Jeremy Vine Show, he read out emails that seemed to sow doubt about whether these brown people in Calais were people or not? Emails like:
(1) They are not migrants, they are people
(2) We must remember that these people are people
(3) These immigrants are Human people
(4) These immigrants are people, put on this Earth by God
And I was expecting
(5) These immigrants are not Tories, they are people.
I suspect the “People” narrative comes from the BBC mindset, which imagines that its opponents do not think these Brown people in Calais are people. Therefore, this common BBC theme “People” could show proof that these Emails are probably all bogus plants by BBC staff.
Apparently, Cameron cannot blame Nick Clegg for encouraging mass immigration, with the Foreign Aid policy and the Royal Navy immigrant ferry service. Apparently the Tories in the know, who support Cameron, are now blaming his wife for the left-wing policies. So apparently, only if Cameron can get a divorce, can the Conservative Party get a real genuine Tory Leader.
The Nazis were people. Stalinists and communists are also people. But that does not mean that we have to welcome millions of Nazis or communsists to Britain.
These people are by and large Muslims. As such they carry in their mental baggage a disease that destroys freedom, murders non-Muslims, FGM, honour killings, and beheadings, and much else that is primitive and barbaric, but masquerades as a religion.
I think we’ve had enough enrichment from such specific “people”.
And all those E mails, without exception, were rounded off with the offer “…and I am quite happy to put a few of them up in my home, indefinitely…”, or words to that effect…
Worse still ex Civil Service ‘diversity champion’ (read chief political officer) who headed Barnardos denied there was a problem with Pakistani Muslim men raping young white kids, even when the evidence was put before him!
Thank God he’s gone.
Hitler was a very lazy man who spent most days in his room or walking whilst searching for his ‘inner vision’ , it was his civil service and other apparatchiks who dreamed up most of the atrocities. One comment which was made at the time is even more relevant to Britain today was from a Nazi chief who said that if only they had the fervour of the British Civil Service !
Todays apparatchiks are forced to take left wing views and cannot attain promotion with out being able to demonstrate them.
the NSPCC were noticeable by their absence when the Rotherham, Rochdale, Oldham, Oxford, etc etc gang rape of children came to light. And of course noticeable by their lack of action when the authorities, social workers, police knew also
I heard the Today article about that this morning. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what the problem was meant to be and why it merited a prime-time slot of two bald men arguing over a comb.
😉 Almost 600 in an hour; I think you may have called it? That, and what’s scoring 150+ already. Think what could happen if actual working stiffs get on?
One might also add, that the sheer statesmanship of Mr. Cameron’s utterance is a true gamechanger.
This comment is worth reposting from over there, if only to see how it fares in the Mystic Meg stakes:
967. Posted by ichabod
Anyone care to bet that on BBC Question Time tomorrow if this comes up the ‘randomly selected’ audience will adopt a uniformly left-liberal open-door attitude and anyone expressing views similar to the top rated on HYS will be shouted down as tantamount to being racist?
Not sure if that’s more to do with a late rally by a batch of ‘Dave’s a twat’ (hard to argue on this) that a Beeboid has to leave up, and ‘you are all beastly ‘fobes’ by the Ringos.
The BBC seems to have figured out a way of reducing the awkward comments though. Imagine the screams if the mods here pulled that on the Flokkers and shape-shifters?
Flipmode’s other comment still highest. I guess they are working on that.
No surprise so was the original and so was Ivor The Engine, both created by well know Socialist Oliver Postgate, who’s father was a well know Communist in the 1920’s and other family members Fabians.
This is the stuff we were fed as kids in the 70’s some of us turned out OK 😉
well done david cameron at prime ministers questiions today,unlike the pc liberal bbc and radio 5 live,he called it as it is and described these third worlders in these filthy crime infested camps in france as illegal immigrants,yes bbc and radio 5 live, they are illegal immigrants with no right to break into are county, but for pc reasons the bbc wont use the word illegal immigrants will they,its always migrants who think we owe them a living and the bbc and radio 5 live presenters seem to have nothing but sympathy for these illegal immigrants who in my view are mostly criminals,rapists,thieves,isis cells and other assorted scumbags who see the uk as an easy touch to bring there criminal behaviour to are shores,but bottom line is this,there is a big difference betreen legal immigration and illegal immigration,that the bbc and there leftie presenters at radio 5 live fail to understand when covering this appalling situation with these squatter camps full of illegal immigrants in france trying to get into the uk.
Watch the video on this Express story and then tell me we should feel sorry for them, its only a matter of time before a lorry driver or tourist is killed, maybe Cameron will find that more than ‘unacceptable’ ?
Exactly the term “migrant” is totally wrong, these people are trying to enter the UK illegally – no ticket and deliberately bypassing customs and border controls. How can they be anything other than illegal immigrants?
”Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for EVERYBODY!
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
Holland and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. ”
The PM is too soft on illegals. The defence of the realm is at stake and it is now the job of the MOD. There is an excellent regiment that is good at border control. They are known as the Brigade of Gurkhas.
What we see on the shores of Italy and in Calais, are not migrants, but invaders.
These people are determined to breach the borders of nation states, no matter what. Breaching the borders of a state, with the explicit purpose to settle in that state, is not migration but invasion and settlement.
In the past, when some commonsense prevailed, invaders were repelled wth force. As it is, legal immigration has no meaning now.
If we defend our borders with force if necessary, then the present debacle would stop. There would be a few Lefty whingers, and surprisingly the UN, but thats it. Normalcy and rule of law would be restored.
It is the first duty of a government to protect the borders. All the lefty semantics over migrants, immigrants etc do not alter this. If the government fails to use all possible measures and that includes the army then it is failing in it’s duty.
Europe is undergoing an invasion of the desperate and the chancers organised by Isis and like minded gangs. it is not hard to grasp but so inured to reality are the European leaders that they cannot see this.
Isis are very clever and unless we stop them every way we can Europe will descend into a dark age.
This is rapidly getting out of hand and this is no time for the soft hearts of the liberal elite.
This elite needs to shape up and shape up quickly.
I’m still waiting for a BBC journalist to ask one of these “desperate” people why they are so desperate to get out of France.
Wanting to get out of Libya or Syria I could understand, but France always struck me as a rather pleasant place to live. I’m sure lots of BBC journalists go there for their holidays, and perhaps even own a second home there.
If France is so awful that even the most desperate of “genuine asylum seekers” does not feel safe enough to apply for asylum there, (as the law obliges them to), then why the hell are we still in a political union with France???
I’ve just found the name Professor Mike Lockwood associated with the latest Met Office piece. Both Piers Corbyn and the Mensa group think he is a charlatan, for these reasons.
(1) The association between solar cycles and global temperatures has been known for two hundred years since the work of William Herschel, it was not discovered by Professor Lockwood.
(2) Professor Lockwood was involved with the production of the bogus rebuttal of the Svensmark theory using low energy cosmic rays rebutting a theory based upon high energy cosmic rays, which seems to have been successful in fooling all known journalists with the exception of Nigel Calder. This seems to be an issue with scientists at CERN, which has put a politically induced lid on this, solar scientists at CERN have placed the politically incorrect and therefore secret results of the CERN CLOUD experiment on the Internet, but I have not noticed that any journalists have picked up on this?
(3) The fact that Galactic cosmic ray levels have been relatively unchanged in the last 200 years (the Sun changes the Galactic cosmic ray levels) means that some solar scientists which include Professor Lockwood, are insisting that Cosmic rays are a proxy, not a cause, this is disproved by the CERN CLOUD experiment, the 2006 Danish experiment and the work of Nir Shaviv, but this also means that because low cloud formation has always correlated with other Solar effects within the scientific era, it is still far better to use the established techniques for weather forecasting, and there is far more to meteorology than understanding low cloud formation, but then this is the key factor for the 20th century Global Warming.
(4) Professor Lockwood is the only Solar scientist I known who is completely ignorant of the Global evidence for the little ice age, which can be easily obtained from phoning up his colleagues in New Zealand or Australia. The myth that this only effects Northern Europe, seems to be essential to the fact that he is the BBC’s most favoured Solar scientist, because it gives room for the CO² fraud to continue.
How about Bias by omission? Some of the items you read on this forum you will not hear about on the BBC, especially when the so called Climate Change does not get a debate questioning the so called “settled science”. BBC bias? Well maybe what is posted on this forum exposes what the BBC bias is all about.
Can you explain what you mean by
The fact that Galactic cosmic ray levels have been relatively unchanged in the last 200 years (the Sun changes the Galactic cosmic ray levels) .
DP111: The work of Nir Shaviv is about changes in Galactic cosmic ray levels over millions of years, which have been relatively unchanged in the last 200 years, so at present it is the Sun that is changing the Galactic cosmic ray levels received on Earth.
Five snowball Earth events, the last 580 million years ago all coincide with our presence near vigorous star-making nurseries and over the last 500 million years, exceptionally close supernovae explosions account for short-lived falls in sea-level due to short-lived ice ages. There is also a small but regular 17 million year rhythm to Climate Change alternating between cooling and warming caused by the Earth crossing the plain of the Galaxy every 34 million years when cosmic ray activity is higher, and moving up to 300 light years away from the Galactic plain, We are at present 3 million years into a warming phase.
According to the work of Nir Shaviv galactic cosmic ray levels have been relatively stable during the present scientific era, so at present the big changes in Galactic cosmic ray levels that produce the muons that reach the low cloud base are at present due to increasing and decreasing repulsion of Galactic cosmic rays by solar magnetic effects, not the Galactic input.
How about Bias by omission? Some of the items you read on this forum you will not hear about on the BBC, especially when the so called Climate Change does not get a debate questioning the so called “settled science”. BBC bias? Well maybe what is posted on this forum exposes what the BBC bias is all about.
How about Bias by omission? Some of the items you read on this forum you will not hear about on the BBC, especially when the so called Climate Change does not get a debate questioning the so called “settled science”. BBC bias? Well maybe what is posted on this forum exposes what the BBC bias is all about.
It seems to me that some of the charged partcles will be deflected away from the surface of the earth, but others that are perpendicular to the magnetic field, but coincident with the equator, will not.
What suprises me is that this effect was not modeled by those who were given tax payer grants to do a proper job. But then, the proper job/result, was already specified.
I can see the funding programme titles, appearing in The Guardian.
Grant MET23453/A12
The MET office is looking for E.Lit graduates to conduct research on AGW.
Potential research fellows shouldn’t be too concerned of their suitability, as the science is already well settled. Moreover, the answers for the research have already been submitted to the grant awarding body.
What will be required from chosen E.Lit research fellows, is they write the peer approved results, in a manner that is understandable to ignorant (journalists, Leftys, BBC wallahs), as well as appear profound beyond understanding to the knowlegable.
I have over several years noted your comments on the cloud cover of the planet during recent years and if Co2 is affecting that cover. A couple of years ago, I took an interest in what you were saying, and duly noted the changes of types of cloud through our year. With the decrease in sun spot activity and a decrease in active solar radiation, I have noted that we are having much less “cumulus” clouds but much more high level “stratiform” clouds. The result of this coupled with a cool ocean around us, is that rainfall is reduced and what chance a small number of thunderstorms this year? Cooling of the atmosphere does change the type of cloud and thus the extremity of our weather, that extremity being reduced catastrophic events. As has been said elsewhere and intimated by yourself, one part of the Met Office gives us a projection of reality, the other covers its arse! The change in the type of cloud cover is relevant at night as the earths radiated heat does not get trapped and henceforth a record number of “frost days” (well, nights really)., in other words, Global Cooling of mean temperatures.
How about Bias by omission? Some of the items you read on this forum you will not hear about on the BBC, especially when the so called Climate Change does not get a debate questioning the so called “settled science”. BBC bias? Well maybe what is posted on this forum exposes what the BBC bias is all about.
I’m sure that many of you await the latest dispassionate report on the home front by Mark Easton with bated breath. Today (6pm news) it was about the ‘terrible’ rise in homelessness with the focus on an Amercian woman ( but yes, this was about the UK).
Seamlessly , the report then moved onto the forthcoming announcements about reductions in tax credits. When will the beeb stop this drip-drip propaganda? There is a perfectly sound case for saying that Brown’s tax credits were ill thought out and in any case, at £30 billion are unaffordable . Let’s hear someone say that on BBC news.
How odd that the BBC sought to highlight the case of a charming American woman and her two children, abandoned by her heartless husband. How many welfare queens did they have to wade through before they found her. Biased? Don’t make me laugh.
In case you missed the inclusion of this caveat in every sentence relating to the Alberto Salazar allegations, Mo Farah is still innocent.
Although, just as the BBC can’t resist including the word ‘controversial’ as an adjective to be used before fracking, perhaps they could state that there are no accusations of cheating being made against Mo Farah despite him having missed a number of dope tests.
Only heard the BBC three times today.
Before the 7am news this morning on Today-one story was about “The Germans-will they still like us if we choose to get out of the EU”?
The other one was a soundbite ten minutes earlier that gave us a quote from Jeremy Corbyn in favour of us not leaving the ECHR.
And the third random bite after 4pm was that pretentious Gauloise prat Laurie Taylor extolling Napoleons Code for European-type of harmonisation…they gave us Sasha Distel, Petula Clarkes hubby and Plastic Bertrand credo doncha know?
Sheesh-what a phoney, third rate social sponger Taylor is-no wonder he never left the confines of corduroy Marxism…yet we stump up for his leather patches and clay pipe of cleverness.
My point-are positive EU stories and sponsored soundbite for “The Project” now compulsory every ten minutes on Radio 4?…or do we get a break as they grease a disabled twerps wheels and shaft a Gove or IDS?
FFS-why do we pay for this slurry?
Please can we get this straight. The people in Calais who are trying to gain illegal access to our homeland are not refugees fleeing torture, persecution or any other horrors. They have already fled these terrors (if that’s what they were) and have made their passage to a safe country. France is one of Europe’s richest nations. It has three to four times the land mass of our own congested little island with roughly the same size population.
Britain doesn’t have enough space for our own people. We don’t have enough housing, we don’t have enough jobs. Thanks to the last Labour regime we had levels of immigration never before witnessed in our nation’s history. Our children go to over crowded schools where English is often a second language. Due to our over population housing is at a premium and that is reflected in the prices. In France you can buy a chateau with half an acre of land for £80,000. You couldn’t buy a tin shed for that kind of money in London.
Europe’s most densely populated country has had enough “enrichment” to last us several lifetimes.
Totally spot on Jeff, I would so like to hear your argument being given back to “gameshow” when he spouts his drivel on the airwaves in the mornings. In a free country with a responsible broadcaster you would have your chance to speak and we and the nation would be allowed to hear and make up our own mind.
And just to point out to everyone, I have noticed after posting the above reply to Jeff that 3 posts have been made in my name between 8-15 and 8-16 tonight (whilst I was grinding through boring financial paperwork ). All three just use the term ” bbc bias ? ”
Obviously we are yet again being visited by a slimy troll from the thought police who cannot even post in their own name…….pathetic.
‘They argued the government had a legal obligation to protect its citizens from the dangers of climate change’.
Blimey, how about a legal action against the UK government – do you reckon they have a legal obligation to protect our borders from hyper-immigration and population replacement?
Some might say that was a rather more immediate threat than the so-called climate change fantasy – not the BBC, of course.
I couldn’t believe the one-sided coverage of this on Radio 4’s World Tonight, that old bore Michael Meacher & some other person both saying what a great thing this was. I would have thought the logical neutral editorial decision would have been to invite two commentators with differing views, but no, how silly of me, this is the BBC!
BBC Bias? Who bloody cares? 🙂 This is an open thread, people can discuss what they like. Immigration and climate are relevant in any case as they are persistently mis-represented as ‘settled’ subjects on the BBC where the opposite sides of the argument are almost never presented.
Too right. The broadcast media is scared stiff of offending against political correctness in case the twitter howlers start. The media is dominated by liberal hacks living on what they should call fantasy island.
We are ill served by our opinion formers and our politicians.
Keeping us in Europe and opening our borders to all is the policy whatever the lugenpresse says.
It won’t last but it will cause immense harm and these people will resort to violence and real tyrrany before they are driven from power.
And all the time the BBC will be cheering them on .
I really envy the Americans with the protection of the Constitution. We have so little to rely on.
“I really envy the Americans with the protection of the Constitution. We have so little to rely on.”
Maybe, but the protection is wearing thin. Read ‘White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century’ by Jared Taylor. Much of it is simply a list of injustices, but each one is referenced.
The idiot posting here under a myriad of pseudonyms can try this for size.
bBC Points West leads with an EU scare story (why?) 8 out of 10 local businesses say pulling of of Europe would be a disaster, sadly it all goes off script back in the studio when a local UKIP PPC points out a few truths and self interests (sack the booker!). Watch the Beeboid squirm.
More shockingly lazy journalism from the BBC or were they aware of the organisation behind the poll and chose to ignore it? I suspect the latter as I am no longer prepared to give the BBC the benefit of the doubt, ever. If £4Bn a year doesn’t guarantee effective and probing journalism then the organisation isn’t fit for purpose.
I note that the disability lobby were out in force this afternoon in Parliament.
The liberal media loved it.
So much for disabled access then-well done John Bercow!
I myself was not the only person to warn that all this disabled ramp stuff would lead to all this kind of thing.
My mistake was to think that the Daleks would try to take over…not Labour hustling tin rattlers like Pippa Pepper!
Just waiting for the ‘Dylann Roof story’. He did live in a trailer and was probably ‘radicalised’ by watching ‘The General Lee’ help the good ol’ boys beat the law.
‘Sometimes described as the biggest(?) open air prison in the world‘ has icecream parlours and hotels and bathing beaches … and Roger Hearing has no shame.
OTish, but there’s an outrage bus convoy getting in line in social media, and I am wondering if the BBC will be joining it. Also the angle they will take. Laugh along or wheel in an anger and protests guest asap?
Keep your eye out for Pringles, Tesco and bacon flavour (this is quite important on context) crisps for Ramadan.
With the ‘warmists’ in this country taking a bit of a kicking recently with record low temperatures for June and frosty (the snowman) nights, be prepared for the gathering of their forces as we head into July as at long last as it looks like a bit of warmth creeps in from France. But, as we all know, the BBC just love to tell us all what we should think and do, so be prepared for the continual diatribe of doom and gloom as we all strip off, head for the nearest beach and get cancer. (No offense meant to those who are suffering with this terrible disease)
Bracing ourselves, here in France, for 2003-esque incident of extreme chaleur next week – min night-time temps 22, max around 40. Might be exaggeration, but it has been on the cards for a while.
The BBC make appointments on a cultural basis, not on any understanding of English. In this respect the BBC is similar to the universities, where senior positions are being filled by academics with a very poor grasp of the language. It is painful for the declining numbers of British scholars but the students – certainly in London – have no problems as few of them are familiar with English.
‘In the north of England, you’ve not got a huge issue with overcrowding,” said Rob Warm, NHF lead manager for Yorkshire and Humberside. “There are about 50,000 households classed as overcrowded, and 240,000 affected by the bedroom tax. It’s a ratio of about four to one.’
Well, a policy that begins by addressing 25% of the problem might be start. But I suppose if you are opposed to government policies in general and banking on Miliband and hankering after the glory days of Labour…
‘Only the most dedicated regional governance anoraks will remember a Government exercise called Regional Funding Allocations which took place twice – first in 2005 and then in 2008/09.’
So do you think our Rob Warm is going to come up with realistic practical solutions to the question? The BBC do because they put him on air.
‘The National Housing Federation is the voice of affordable housing in England. We believe that everyone should have the home they need at a price they can afford.’
A nice fluffy progessive virtue-signalling hollow empty utopian fart of a slogan.
No word about supply and demand. In fact this mission statement is a call to buck the market. Exactly the Milibandite mantra of price caps and freezes which the elctorate his so recently seen through and rejected.
Anyone catch this yesterday, at least 300 suspects …
in one town! …. one small town, Rotherham.
Despite the BBC, again refusing to name, the erm “religion”
of the perpetrators … it looks like an affirmation of facts that have come to light.
Mandated, orchestrated Islamic child gang rape on an, “industrial scale”, the “norm” especially in the north … a probable number in excess of “one million victims”.
This is the greatest national scandal, should be at the head of every news outlet, until the problem resolved, the issue eradicated, in respect of this issue, children safe from this menace.
The BBC does not, will not, address the root cause, the media is complicit … it is still continuing in some areas as bad as ever.
Not only the “religion” either!
Wonder what political affiliation they will all turn out to be.
Certainly not UKIP, hardly Tory either.
No_I detect the Cyril Smith and Lord Janner parties…and Harriet, Hodge and Dromey will write the excuses and turn their blind eyes-long practices since the 70s.
Still-eh-let`s hound UKIP foster carers-they don`t abuse the kids like the virtuous caring liberals and their fucked-up parties.
Anyone catch this yesterday, at least 300 suspects …
in one town! …. one small town, Rotherham.
Despite the BBC, again refusing to name, the erm “religion”
of the perpetrators … it looks like an affirmation of facts that have come to light.
Mandated, orchestrated Islamic child gang rape on an, “industrial scale”, the “norm” especially in the north … a probable number in excess of “one million victims”.
This is the greatest national scandal, should be at the head of every news outlet, until the problem resolved, the issue eradicated, in respect of this issue, children safe from this menace.
The BBC does not, will not, address the root cause, the media is complicit … it is still continuing in some areas as bad as ever.
The situation is so grave that a drone strike on the governing HQ would be justified. A serious government would remove the police, politicians and all from that hell hole and place it under military control until they are fit for democratic government and the rule of law.
The BBC report said that two of the suspects had been on the town council.
When you have a broken clock you at least know that you don’t know the time. When the councillors don’t appear on the BBC’s ‘front page’ you know they aren’t UKIP. When their party allegiance isn’t stated you know that it is Labour. Quite easy really, once you learn the code.
A minor Conservative councillor who committed a felony is “A senior Conservative criminal”
A minor UKIP councillor who committed a felony is “A leading UKIP criminal”
A Labour councillor who committed a felony is “A councillor Ooh look at the senior Conservative criminal!”
Same as when Labour MPs relentlessly barracked the Conservative MP with cerebral palsy, the scummy MPs were described as “His colleagues”. Made them sound like Conservatives but they were definitely Labour.
Hey LBGT, “this is MY house”, is the soundbite, a grinning Obama, the laughing hyena of Joe Biden, a wagging finger, a “no no NO!”
… arrogance, and ineptitude, double whammy!.
the media laps it up … if you happen to be a guest house owner?
and not a President, or black ……….. you re a homophobe, and should be criminalised
‘A masterclass in how to deal with a heckler’ we are laughably informed by the arse kissing brainless media types……..well if the guy heckling had been a bit quicker when o’barmy said ‘not in my house’ he should have told him he was just a lodger in a house owned by the american people and not to forget who let him live there…….tragically mistaken though they were in their choice of tenant
Just shows what a lightweight President we’ve got, if it’s not on the autocue he flounders. Surprised a guy like that got anywhere near him, normally to even get in POTUS’s presence you’ve been totally vetted first.
He was quick to interrupt their shouting saying: “You’re in my house … it is not respectful”.
Thirty seconds is ‘quick’? That’s enough time to read the weather forecast!
‘Reportedly’ the heckler is ‘undocumented’ – the ‘i’ word being a no-no now.
Not only does The Messiah think he owns ‘the house’ but he thinks he’s paying for the eats and drinks too! Must be the ‘white privilege’ in him coming out!
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious.
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not ‘support’. Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
Most contributors to this site know that the mission of the BBC since the 70’s has been to indoctrinate the population with leftist views and so help to create a liberal left multicultural Utopia. They have made steady progress as witnessed by the slow move to the left of the political centre ground in the UK over the past twenty years. The corporation long ago abandoned the impartiality requirement in their charter. The recent election was a set back despite their best efforts to help the Mad Marxist into power, but the long term trend is clearly leftwards.
Because they are a state funded near monopoly with no one to hold them to account , it is perfectly logical for them to manipulate the news so as to bring their goals about. Also, because of their monopoly and the power that goes with it, we hardly ever hear or see any views in our media or arts but those of the liberal left. Indeed the BBC goes to great lengths to attack anyone who dares to voice an opinion which contradicts the received wisdom of the left.
So those of us who visit this site know the lengths that the BBC will go to to manipulate the news . They are so powerful that they also in effect set the news agenda for the country. For example the BBC used to say that Red Ed set the political weather. But he only did so because they pumped up his stories to bursting point and kept him at the top of the news for days on end whether the story merited it or not.
I do not wish the BBC to adopt a right of centre approach anymore than I agree with its left of centre bias. What I want in our country is for us to have a strong democracy. To do that we need to have a media where a whole range of views from left to right are available to us all. With the BBC monopoly we don’t get that and this weakens our democracy. I don’t believe that the BBC is capable of reform nor do I think that state funding has any place in the media. Therefore I think that the BBC should be dismantled. The easiest way to do this is to make it a subscription only service and slowly let the market do it . But , as has been pointed out to me in previous posts, as soon as a Labour led government gets into power they will seek to revive their key propaganda asset by giving it state funding one way or another. So even moving to subscription may not deal with the anti democratic mission of the BBC . Perhaps rapid closure and dispersion of assets and employees is the only way but the Tories are too timid to do that.
To over generalise, the usual reaction of the left to views they don’t agree with is to try and silence the speaker; the right will usually try and dispute them but are happy for dissident views to be expressed.
Simple difference between left and right is that if those on the right do not like something, they do not participate in buying, watching, engaging in it.
If those on the left do not like something, they want to ban everyone from buying, watching or engaging in it.
What I want in our country is for us to have a strong democracy. To do that we need to have a media where a whole range of views from left to right are available to us all. With the BBC monopoly we don’t get that and this weakens our democracy.
Absolutely spot on, I agree, this is one of the big reasons why free speech is so important, to help preserve democracy as it requires a well-informed elecorate.
“Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins.” -Benjamin Franklin
But , as has been pointed out to me in previous posts, as soon as a Labour led government gets into power they will seek to revive their key propaganda asset by giving it state funding one way or another.
“Man is free the moment he wishes to be” said Montequieu and this applies to societies and states as well. For democracy to work people, the “demos”, have to exercise their freedom. The only way you can achieve the transformation of the BBC (and of course society in general) is through raising awareness, discussion and agitation. Sites like this one are a big part of that.
FWIW, I don’t think there will be another labour led government. The left will probably transmute and adopt a different party, but I think the traditional political parties all over Europe seem ultimately doomed; we’re in a state of huge flux right now. And looking at the recent voting trends in the UK, many people aren’t buying what the left are selling.
Everyone who cares about their society or country has to do their bit. So keep it up everyone!
Speaking of Soviet etc
Trans Woman and Gay Man leave Russia to join… ISIS
Whats wrong with this?
Can’t wait for tonight’s conclusion of Andrew Roberts’ incredible revelations on Napoleon Bonaparte, a fully BBC-approved appraisal of one of history’s best ever mass murderers. Time, as they say, heals all wounds but the lavish applications of Germolene over these three episodes will surely tip yet another department of the NHS into negative equity.
I almost feel guilty that, prior to this futile historical re-write, I thought that Roberts had a legitimate claim to being considered a balanced and worthy historian, but perhaps the fee on offer was too great to refuse – well, it’s not their money, after all.
Already other great minds have joined in the surgery, notably Rev Giles Fraser who made clear that a successful invasion would have resulted in a Code Napoleon inspired Peoples Paradise with none of that deplorable Empire building or inventiveness, together with the foundation of most of Europe’s (non-Napoleonic) Royal dynasties, to bring even more shame upon the English as a consequence.
Ah to be a satellite of La Belle France! What an achievement that would have been. Just think what we have missed.
I broke my usual rule and listened to Today by accident yesterday and caught the creepy Giles Fraser’s bizarre rather quaint Jacobin rant. I have found since the election a great abatement of the despair engendered by concern that the BBC’s world-view might be widely held and frankly it was as laughable as it was historically ignorant like all his bogus tedious crap.
Such charges cannot be made against Andrew Roberts who is a fine and deeply conservative historian. His revisionist approach to Napoleon is not stupid but thought provoking and very thoroughly argued.
What I am really dreading is the promised BBC programme about Churchill by the sneering arrogant and mysteriously ubiquitous Bonnie Greer. We can guess what she is going to say and how she is going to say it….
Thought provoking indeed, but surely the implication that the several alliances and coalitions created over the better part of 20 years to bring an end to Napoleon’s aspirations were instigators, rather than responders, is just a tad suspect?
Secretly, I’m sure, Brussels and Strasbourg applaud Bonaparte and see his European vision as being finally created and fully vindicated – and, as suggested in another post – there’s little doubt that with the passing of another century, much of Hitler’s aspiration and social creativity will be seen in a positive light.
My radio always gets switched off the moment I hear Giles Fraser, Robin Ince sounds just like him so mistakenly the radio goes off when he comes on – I doubt I’m missing anything though!
Totally agree with your remarks about Comrade the Rev Fraser, whom I also commented about on another thread.
I have also enjoyed Andrew Roberts Napoleon series.
Regarding Churchill, the beeb have already done a recent demolition job on him to ‘celebrate’ the 50th anniversary of his death. ‘Churchill:when Britain Said No’ is still on i player, if you can stand watching it, that is. Its truly appalling other than a contribution by Max Hastings. I dread to think what the next attempt you refer to will be like.
Sadly, the implication that poor old Boney was misunderstood and all those nasty dynastic states kept ganging up to attack and subjugate the free-thinking peoples’ republic of La France – disregarding the imperial delusions of grandeur – continued in the last episode.
Roberts was at pains to point out that Russia, Austria, Prussia, The Netherlands and GB all declared war, as if to suggest that poor little Napoleon with his 500,000-strong Grande Armee posed no threat whatsoever and simply wanted to live in peaceful harmony with his European brothers. Much like ‘Peace in our time, 1938’.
This was not history, it was pro-EU propaganda and thus ticked all the BBC boxes on programme content.
Shame on you.
There have always been Napoleon supporters- there’s nothing revisionist in Andrew Roberts’ account- and those who consider him as Satan. I think it fair to say that he was one of the ablest men in history, and certainly had the most astonishing life, but he was at the same time a heartless butcher who caused misery and death for millions of Europeans.
The BBC can be thanked for this one series but after this nothing where history is concerned where we had the utterly brilliant late Prof Richard Holmes now we have pretty boy Dan [Nepotism ]Snow and his 3D graphics and revisionist guide book !
Dan snow did a piece about the Armada and how English Navy Officers were given their jobs through nepotism. Something Dan will know all about!
And so the spiral into stupidity gathers pace.
Netherlands ordered to cut greenhouse gas emissions
“A Dutch court has ordered the government to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% by 2020, in a case environmentalists hope will set a precedent for other countries.”
I expect the BBC pants to become increasingly damp as the day goes on.
What, water vapour an’ all?
BBC – ‘Severity and magnitude’ 😀
emotional moment for activists?
what the BBC?
In Germany, the lefty loonies are advising the Courts to overturn democracy. It looks as if the Netherlands has got there first. The Soviet Socialist needed to abolish democracy to “destroy and get the money off those with more money than the Bolsheviks“, The National Socialist needed to abolish democracy so as to “destroy and get the money off the Jews” and the Liberal Socialists think they need to abolish democracy to “take control of the climate“ which looks loony. But they could be dishonestly hiding a socialist motive, the need to “destroy and get the money off the oil companies”
Not just Holland but poor old penniless Greece has been ‘fined’ for non implementing daft EU proposals… There are no limits to EU madness… it just gets worse…
WTF is this all about???
Guzzy Bear does Ramadan
“The rising comedy star guides new Muslim convert Trev through the holy month”
I have no intention of clicking on the link but could Al Jazeera UK be any more blatant?
And yet the CONservative party still does nothing about the bbc. It can only be an accomplice in the islamification of Britain.
If you like that you’ll love this,soon to be funded by the rates courtesy of Conservative culture secretary John Whittingdale
David Camerons nominee for first Asian prime minister no doubt
This Dilly Hussain is proud of the caliphate, then I sincerely hope he will join the up & coming new caliphate.
Hey Dilly Hussain, young girls born in Britain, are fighting for the caliphate. These are girls who are brave as well as not hypocrites. Aren’t you ashamed that you are still in the West, sucking at the teat of Christendom, when you could be a leader in the caliphate, while young girls from Britain, yes young girls, are fighting and dying for Islam and trhe caliphate. I admire these girls, as they put their beliefs into action, and not the hypocrite Muslim men still living in Britain, while young girls are fighting and defending the caliphate.
Or at the least bugger off to Bangladesgh. Just because he was born in Britain does not make him British.
The vacant stares of those too adherents,
eyes lit up by the fire of Allah eh!
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” Live was “attempting” to analyse the Calais refugee crisis. A couple of motorists stranded at Calais, due to the sheer bloody mindness of French workers and their love of wildcat strikes, stated that the migrants were behaving in an intimidating manner towards motorists and regarding the whole matter as a “game.” It is interesting to note that before Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell interviewed these people he stated that the listeners were going to hear views which “may or may not be true.” However, when he interviewed pertsons connected with the migrants or BBC reporters, no such disclaimer clause was uttered beforehand. Oviously these stranded motorists were not prepared to comply with the BBC’s narrative! The Breakfast Programme made no attempt to analyse the root cause of this problem, but instead we were treated to the snivelling views of so-called radio journalists that these people were, wait for it, “desperate!” The only proper news analysis on Radip Five Live these days is the traffic reports read out in a stentorian tone of voice by Orna Merchant! These traffic reports are read out four times every hour and seem to be getting longer and longer, no doubt due to the lack of news analysis on that progreamme. At least there was no attempt this morning to discuss the Greek debt crisis after yesterday’s woeful performance. Are you listening m’lud Hall. Probably not!
These so-called migrants have breached borders of nation states, using guile and subterfuge. In addition, they have knives, and are prone to violence, and may use force to settle in the land forcefully. This makes them invaders and not migrants, and should be opposed as any invader is .
I have the solution. Saudi Arabia, vast country, empty spaces which imports third-world labour to do the jobs the Saudis can’t be arsed to do. The immigrants can go to Saudi, have a place to stay get a job. They don’t even have to cross a nasty sea to get there they can go by land. Also the vast majority of immigrants can speak Arabic so they can already speak the language to some extent. Win Win!
Downside – The lazy immigrants will actually have to work and Saudi isn’t Europe so the Islamification of European will be set back.
Surprised when all these TV and News people interview politicians and immigrants no one points out the Europe isn’t the only continent in the world and that other continents are available.
The BBC failed to inform us that Salvadore, the man who beheaded Palmira Silva, was a convert to Islam. Yet the manner of the murder, the fact that Salvadore was shouting Allah akhbar while decapitating Palmira, has everything to do with islam.
Salvadore has been judged to be insane, but that has been the been the default assessment for many Jihadi headchoppers. Its as if the West does not recognise that headchopping is, and has been part of Islam since “dont you dare draw me” Muhammed.
Thank you for letting us have that bit of news. The BBC had declined to advise of this fact no doubt thinking it would cause some more Brits to doubt the wisdom of having millions of Muslims in our country and to be certain to convince us that taking any more immigrants was likely to lead to trouble.
Millions of African Muslims are on the way to Europe. I’m sure all of them thank allah that they will soon live in a European Christian country.
So too Dilly Hussain, Warsi, Chaudhry etal, all must thank allah that they live in a Christian country.
If they despise Britain, and thus its Christian foundations, why do they still live here.
Hypocrites all. And shameless with no honour as well.
“Recent convert to Islam ‘Fat Nick’ Salvador cried out for ‘Allah’ and performed acts of worship as he killed in London last year – arguably relevant information the BBC tactfully decided to omit in their coverage of his court case this afternoon.”
The guy was clearly a nutter, but did Islam play a part in tipping him over the edge? The BBC would consider his religious beliefs irrelevant (because they are muslim). Contrast with the equally deranged killer in Charleston.
“Charleston shooting: Who are US white supremacists?”
When it suits the BBC, a killer’s beliefs can be irrelevant and unmentioned, or they can be significant and the basis for follow up stories. It’s bias because the choice always follows the same preference.
Religious nutter or insane, what’s the difference? It’s like the thin line between genius and mad man, or artist and dropout. Two sides of the same coin.
“Religious nutter or insane, what’s the difference?”
The difference is that some religions – like Jehovah’s Witnesses – seem peaceful, whereas others – like Wahabi Islam – don’t.
Be honest who would you rather knock at your door?
If he was a lunatic only, then there was no need for Allah akbar stuff. The fact that Salvador was screaming allah ackbar, the war cry of Islam, then it has everything to with Islam. At the very least , Salvador thought so.
After being quoted by Anders Breivik as part of his justification for killing 77 men, women and children; here’s what you wrote in response to article written on the first anniversary of Anders Breivik murdering 69 innocent, left-wing teenagers:
“There has been no ideology in the history of mankind, that has taken as many lives, in the most ruthless and brutal manner, as the Leftists, communists / marxists / progressives or whatever they call themselves… Marxism and the Left are demonic”
Pure and absolute justification for mass murder brought to you courtesy of BiasedBBC.
How many still in the BBC think like these gentlemen that the BBC is biased?
Brilliant article by Damian Thompson. Roger Mosey’s book sounds required reading.
Depressing comments under Damian Thompson’s revealing article though. One twerp writes that people on the left are more intelligent than those on the right; that in itself shows a silly bias, I am sure the intelligence quota is fairly spread across the board. However what seems true to me is that the argument of the right is a complex one, it doesn’t feed down easily to uneducated folk (I use my words carefully here!). The left argument is very simple as it’s starkly black & white & tends towards populist claptrap. Just take the present topic of tax credits. It’s easy to say removing them will leave many people relying on them up the spout, but examining the details tax credits are an atrocious invention by that rogue Brown, they must be got rid of & the Tories are correct to be addressing the problem – how they do that without shooting themselves in the foot far worse than the poll tax is a tricky conundrum. At least they are brave enough to try. Labelling Tories as uncaring is a leftist calumny!
Apparently, the incisive thinkers on the Moral Haze are going to be holdng forth on ISIS tonight. No doubt the puzzlement and bewilderment will be great. Why are “our chaps” off to Syria for a bit of butchery? Wonderful opportunity for a critique of the “controversial” Cameron claim that there is “tacit support” amongst Muslims for ISIS. Why there is so much resistance to this idea amongst the BBC progressives is mystifying. Farage calls for an “Australian style immigration” and the BBC is convinced that this is incitement of 4 million UKIP supporters to commence a mass extermination of a Hitleresque nature. Yet the Prophet, the ultimate paragon for Muslims explicitly calls for the Caliphate, Sharia law and the annihilation of the Jew and unbeliever and the BBC claim these injunctions will be ignored by the faitnful. One of the main criteria for appearing on the Moral Haze is the ability to simultaneously believe both A and not A are simultaneously true. A good Muslim obeys the Prophet and a good Muslim does not obey the Prophet. When Jesus enjoins his followers to turn the other cheek, they show they are followers of Jesus by actually turning their cheeks, not by chopping someone’s head off.
Should be interesting. I actually like the Moral Maze & I hope Melanie Phillips will be on tonight. It is the one time I actually allow Giles Fraser to remain on partly because he is ridiculed by Melanie Phillips but mainly because I really enjoy him tripping himself up with his own barmy rhetoric.
Great comment. Thanks.
I think we in the Britain are past where an Australian style immigration will rescue us.
What is galling as well as unsatisfactory, is that millions of Christians are being persecuted in Muslim countries, and would love to settle in a Christian country, while at the same time, millions of Muslims are unhappily putting up with islamophobia in Britain.
I suppose it’s vaguely amusing in a grim way that there’s a debate about Australian-type immigration limits (or there has been- it seems to have died down now), when it’s far too late to make any difference now. Closing the stable doors? They’ve bolted as well!
Even the Radio 4 news is stating that the population has increased by 500,000. 250,000 immigration and 2500,000 births, a quarter due to women borne abroad. No compunction about stating the highly misleading “young migrants have boosted the economy”. GDP may have increased but no native ,except perhaps employers, has got any richer.
“Reasons of insanity” stock answer especially by Islam for anyone wishing to leave their ideology of death, (and that s only if its anyone of consequence … anyone else? … gets beheaded)
“Reasons of insanity” Islam, beheading,
Allah ackbar to that eh!.
Hats off to the Met Office. Things are changing within the Met Office and I for one am please that someone within the department is beginning to tell it as it is. Now telling it as it is will go against the BBC doctrine concerning “‘Climate Change’ (well the wrong sort of ‘Climate Change’) but I bet the latest press release from the Met Office, backed by their own “scientists” in ‘Climate’ will send that BBC nut job Harrabin incandescent with rage.
The latest Met Office statement on “‘Climate’ turns the thinking of Global Warming on its head as their scientists have looked up into the sky and have looked at their history books and have at long last come up with a different prediction to that of the “Hockey Stick”
The Met Office have stated thus:
Scientists are warning that the decline in solar activity could plunge the U.K. into deadly cold winters for the next 70 years. This lack of solar activity could plunge us all into another “little ice age” that brought the U.K.’s coldest winter in 1684 and left the Thames frozen for months. Meterologist Adam Scaife said “The U.K. could be hit by extreme winters hitting -20C although it would not mean that every winter would be cold”
Well, those around the world have already seen what a cold winter means following a reduction in solar activity over the last two years and of course what the last 6 months have been like here in the U.K. If the solar activity remains slack, then historical evidence shows that there will be Global Cooling (which has started) and no Global Warming. Well done to those who don’t toe the “party Line” and have the balls to speak the truth. From Data collected from reporting stations all over the World, temperatures last year (and certainly this) have declined from their long term average.
There seems to be a civil war at the Met Office between the scientists and the administrators, which explains the contradictory schizophrenic message from the Met Office. The Met Office administrators insist that it will “not be enough to cancel out the effects of global warming“ and “but it’s still nowhere near big enough to override the expected global warming trend due to man-made change“ So the Met Office administrators are saying that it wont happen then? Sounds loony as the Met Office scientists have managed to insert a 15 to 20 percent confidence it will happen in the next 40 years, while I and Weatheraction have a 100 percent confidence it will be certain to start to happen from 2018. So we will have to wait 40 years until we can prove the 80 to 85 percent certainty that the Met Office Administrators are left-wing loonies.
Scientists are warning that the decline in solar activity could plunge the U.K. into deadly cold winters for the next 70 years.
Climate Change has that covered. The reason that Climate Change is a settled science, is that any prediction, or any experimental data, no matter how far fetched, is already covered by Climate Change.
Yes, exactly this. ‘Global warming’ was a classic bait-and-switch: as soon as it became obvious that temperatures were not rising (even as CO2 did) as their models had allegedly predicted, ‘global warming’ became ‘climate change’.
And with that little exercise in smoke and mirrors, a classic win-win for left-liberals and their political agenda was complete.
Whatever the weather – it’s all “climate change’!
As Popper (might have) said: If it ain’t falsifiable, it ain’t science.
And the warmists certainly aren’t scientists.
Even if the weather now stuck at 17 degrees every day, with a light shower in the afternoon, this would be seen as climate change, because it’s never stuck before.
You just can’t lose with Climate Change- it always works.
I couldn’t care less what the French strikers do, maybe they’ve done us a favour in highlighting the urgency of this ‘problem’.
The overriding impression that I got from the small bit of Sky and bBC news this morning was that ‘things are getting back to normal’. Well that’s alright then, if you call 3,000 potential impostors ready to pounce on their first opportunity to join the throngs of invaders ‘normal’.
I get really pissed off watching the media coverage and the Government’s response to said ‘problem’ are more measures to detect these unwelcome passengers rather than tackle the issue at source, that is patrolling the Med, enforcing some 180’s and not giving them a gratia ticket to Europe.
The thing is that our Government, France and the rest of the EU (and the bBC) don’t want to stop the flow, its all part of a much bigger agenda.
On Ch 4 last night, ex-beeboid kraut Matt Frei described the Calais chaos as ‘fascinating’. Not a word I would have used. Horrifying, frightening, troubling, worrying maybe, not fascinating.
” Fascinating ”
That’s the kind of word you use when you’re looking at some insect through a microscope, but that’s how Liberals see Third Worlders, not as equals but as pets.
Vicious pets though. More than happy to bite the hand that feeds them. Vile creatures.
Can’t STAND that Matt Frei. He is very slappable. Mind you, aren’t they ALL on Channel 4 “news”?
Fascinating for him, as he’s not of this land.
I suppose the BBC would have described the invasion of Belgium by the Nazis as “fascinating”.
What we are seeing now is a new invasion of Christendom by Islam. Muslims couldn’t do it by force, but they are succeeding with the soldiers of allah disguised as asylum seekers or migrants.
But rest assured that these millions will give rise to descendents in the tens of millions. And they wont be happy to live in a tolerant Christian Europe, but will agitate for sharia. If any proof is required, note the actions of the descendents of the Muslim migrants and asylum seekers of the 20th century. This invasion has to be stopped, and then reversed. Europe’s survival depends on it.
Our politicians need to get realistic about the nature of Islam . It is not, and never was the RoP. Its goal is world domination by any means.
Risking auto-mod oblivion again for multiple URLs, a few ‘in other news’ snippets:
‘Allen only had himself to blame after asking listeners for “informed texts”’
The Filter clearly not engaged there. One does still wonder what doesn’t get through if they don’t feel it serves.
Well covered here already.
‘ “Dave and Sue” were part of a suite of creations that were designed to help BBC programme-makers think more intelligently’
That went well, then. But we’ll always have Alan (Yentob).
(Author’s headline and quotes, I stress).
‘And yet, the Executive’s meeting in March, lasting three and a quarter hours, is summed up in less than ten tweets – 133 words in total, if you take out the list of attendees and subject headings.’
Maybe it was held in a corridor, and even the minutes-taker had a bout of that famous BBC senior moment Alzheimers?
Feel the trust… bask in the transparency….
One could always ask if there was any more via an FoI, but ‘the purposes of keeping their little secrets’ seem pretty engrained at the BBC.
Really, they could say anything they like. And who would know different? It’s all for them to know, and the public never to find out.
BBC anti fracking again, but just look at the photo they’ve chosen to use.
But there’s a whole unsavoury story connected with the guy in the pig mask which unless you were a MEN reader you’d never know.
So not only is he a wife beater (no doubt that’s excusable if he’s on side) but he has twice recorded court proceedings and uploaded them to you tube !
A proper whack job who has utter contempt for the laws he wants the other side to abide by.
Typical hypocrisy of a far left broadcaster which the politicians have utterly failed to control.
So there were so few protesters they couldn’t even make it look like there were more than a few there.
Yes. Recommended tactics, hold your opponents to standards that you yourself would never observe. Al*nsky.
The BBC have really done a number on the ‘poor asylum seekers’ languishing in France.
A non stop number of ‘socialist’ politicos have been wheeled out including amazingly Emily Thornberry! Yes she of Labour who HATES white people with such a passion she was forced to resign after her vile tweets.
But what about the children? Well what is a 14 years old (claimed by him but with no substantiation but they believe it anyway) doing on his own in a foreign country without his parents?
Chances are that he is in fact well over the age of 18 and is CLAIMING to be 14 because we cannot return people under 18 to their country of origin and most are allowed leave to remain on attaining that age.
A great deal of hand wringing is going on with the BBC demanding via its ‘contributors’ that the French do something to make the illegal migrants more comfortable !
Just seen the clip. If that man is 14 then so am I.(P.s. I’m not 14)
The World Service was running with the Calais story. We were informed that these “migrants” were from Syria and Afghanistan!
Then we had another story about 400,000 “refugees” in Germany. The refugee they interviewed had paid hundreds of dollars to be smuggled over the Hungarian border. That doesn’t sound like the actions of a genuine refugee, but rather an economic illegal immigrant. Still we will never know as the Beeb reporter is not capable or interested in asking basic questions to ratify his story.
A few years ago I interviewed a Vietnamese guy who was gardener at a cannabis factory. this guy looked in his late thirties and during interview claimed he had been people smuggled and he was only 15.
Lying through his teeth, he was charged but when he was remanded as a flight risk we had to accept his declared age.
He ended up in Feltham YOI. He was older than some of the guards!
On the Jeremy Vine Show, he read out emails that seemed to sow doubt about whether these brown people in Calais were people or not? Emails like:
(1) They are not migrants, they are people
(2) We must remember that these people are people
(3) These immigrants are Human people
(4) These immigrants are people, put on this Earth by God
And I was expecting
(5) These immigrants are not Tories, they are people.
I suspect the “People” narrative comes from the BBC mindset, which imagines that its opponents do not think these Brown people in Calais are people. Therefore, this common BBC theme “People” could show proof that these Emails are probably all bogus plants by BBC staff.
Apparently, Cameron cannot blame Nick Clegg for encouraging mass immigration, with the Foreign Aid policy and the Royal Navy immigrant ferry service. Apparently the Tories in the know, who support Cameron, are now blaming his wife for the left-wing policies. So apparently, only if Cameron can get a divorce, can the Conservative Party get a real genuine Tory Leader.
OK they are people. So what?! I still don’t want any of them here.
The Nazis were people. Stalinists and communists are also people. But that does not mean that we have to welcome millions of Nazis or communsists to Britain.
These people are by and large Muslims. As such they carry in their mental baggage a disease that destroys freedom, murders non-Muslims, FGM, honour killings, and beheadings, and much else that is primitive and barbaric, but masquerades as a religion.
I think we’ve had enough enrichment from such specific “people”.
And all those E mails, without exception, were rounded off with the offer “…and I am quite happy to put a few of them up in my home, indefinitely…”, or words to that effect…
Yes & all those in ISIS are people as well!
Like those people shot in a church in America by another people person, kinda people?
So this is back to what I used to hear. With a Little ice age effect
Its still act all surprised on this story. Someone from NSPCC comes on looks concerned gives the chat. Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t remember NSPCC raising merry hell at the time. “in the wake of the Jay report which found 1,400 children were abused from 1997 to 2013.” I can’t find exactly how much is paid to theCEO of NSPCC but 6 years ago “highest earner received pay and perks of between £110,001 and £120,000 in 2009”
Worse still ex Civil Service ‘diversity champion’ (read chief political officer) who headed Barnardos denied there was a problem with Pakistani Muslim men raping young white kids, even when the evidence was put before him!
Thank God he’s gone.
Hitler was a very lazy man who spent most days in his room or walking whilst searching for his ‘inner vision’ , it was his civil service and other apparatchiks who dreamed up most of the atrocities. One comment which was made at the time is even more relevant to Britain today was from a Nazi chief who said that if only they had the fervour of the British Civil Service !
Todays apparatchiks are forced to take left wing views and cannot attain promotion with out being able to demonstrate them.
the NSPCC were noticeable by their absence when the Rotherham, Rochdale, Oldham, Oxford, etc etc gang rape of children came to light. And of course noticeable by their lack of action when the authorities, social workers, police knew also
The BBC FaceBook pages again deliver:
BBC News and The Today Programme shared a link.
Internships for ‘slightly bigger elite’
BBC News via The Today Programme
Slightly more…”jobs for the boys”
Mark Williams …and yet staff at BBC news are using the service themselves?! according to
Greg William Flucker Jobs for the boys indeed!
Update: The BBC listings have now been taken down.
Like Weston Wolf says… ‘Like it never happened”
I heard the Today article about that this morning. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what the problem was meant to be and why it merited a prime-time slot of two bald men arguing over a comb.
Calais migrant scenes unacceptable, David Cameron says
Comments not particularly toeing the BBC line, it has to be said. I don’t see this one lasting much after 5:00.
😉 Almost 600 in an hour; I think you may have called it? That, and what’s scoring 150+ already. Think what could happen if actual working stiffs get on?
One might also add, that the sheer statesmanship of Mr. Cameron’s utterance is a true gamechanger.
This comment is worth reposting from over there, if only to see how it fares in the Mystic Meg stakes:
967. Posted by ichabod
Anyone care to bet that on BBC Question Time tomorrow if this comes up the ‘randomly selected’ audience will adopt a uniformly left-liberal open-door attitude and anyone expressing views similar to the top rated on HYS will be shouted down as tantamount to being racist?
Amazingly it’s still open.
Not sure if that’s more to do with a late rally by a batch of ‘Dave’s a twat’ (hard to argue on this) that a Beeboid has to leave up, and ‘you are all beastly ‘fobes’ by the Ringos.
This one may tip things, on a variety of levels:
1276. Posted by Owlsoflaughter
@1251. by Baldeeheed
“There have been HYS’s on immigration since at least 2006 when I started commenting.”
The previous BBC discussions on HYS were:
Do you think immigrants are:
A) super
B) smashing
C) fabulous
And anyone who had a different opinion was (and still is) moderated.
Ask people in Oldham/Rochdale/Bradford/Leicester/Slough/Sheffield
Just had a last look before shutting down the PC. Guess what… it’s still open.
Guess what too…
1352. Posted by flipmode
@1304 Baldeheed
Lol…@1276 Owls has been moderated.
Because you report every comment that doesn’t fit in with your views.
It’s easy to tell when you join the room, many comments go to ‘referred’ status.
No doubt you’ll report this as well.
Even though there’s nothing at all that breaks the rules compared to many things you post that don’t get removed. because we don’t report you
BBC mods and trolls in perfect harmony. Bless.
1352. Posted by flipmode
3 hours ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
I see it is still going.
The BBC seems to have figured out a way of reducing the awkward comments though. Imagine the screams if the mods here pulled that on the Flokkers and shape-shifters?
Flipmode’s other comment still highest. I guess they are working on that.
And still…
Must have been just to prove me wrong. I’m honoured.
… and the new version of the Clangers is incredibly left wing. Makes one’s blood boil.
No surprise so was the original and so was Ivor The Engine, both created by well know Socialist Oliver Postgate, who’s father was a well know Communist in the 1920’s and other family members Fabians.
This is the stuff we were fed as kids in the 70’s some of us turned out OK 😉
I loved Ivor The Engine
Noggin the Nog
All a bit hideously pink.
Lenny’s on it.
well done david cameron at prime ministers questiions today,unlike the pc liberal bbc and radio 5 live,he called it as it is and described these third worlders in these filthy crime infested camps in france as illegal immigrants,yes bbc and radio 5 live, they are illegal immigrants with no right to break into are county, but for pc reasons the bbc wont use the word illegal immigrants will they,its always migrants who think we owe them a living and the bbc and radio 5 live presenters seem to have nothing but sympathy for these illegal immigrants who in my view are mostly criminals,rapists,thieves,isis cells and other assorted scumbags who see the uk as an easy touch to bring there criminal behaviour to are shores,but bottom line is this,there is a big difference betreen legal immigration and illegal immigration,that the bbc and there leftie presenters at radio 5 live fail to understand when covering this appalling situation with these squatter camps full of illegal immigrants in france trying to get into the uk.
Watch the video on this Express story and then tell me we should feel sorry for them, its only a matter of time before a lorry driver or tourist is killed, maybe Cameron will find that more than ‘unacceptable’ ?
Hmm Another Mat !
Yes, we’ve got another ‘Sickofitall’ as well. The place is over run with Doppelgangers!
Exactly the term “migrant” is totally wrong, these people are trying to enter the UK illegally – no ticket and deliberately bypassing customs and border controls. How can they be anything other than illegal immigrants?
These immigrants are so poor they can even afford Iphones, maybe their world isn’t so 3rd?
You can imagine the conversation “Yea Mum I’m nearly there will send for you, the wife and the kids when I get to England…”
They were probably given it by the people smugglers to phone the Italian coastguard.
Bob Whitaker The Mantra
”Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for EVERYBODY!
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
Holland and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. ”
There’s cell phone reception in the ocean?
The PM is too soft on illegals. The defence of the realm is at stake and it is now the job of the MOD. There is an excellent regiment that is good at border control. They are known as the Brigade of Gurkhas.
What we see on the shores of Italy and in Calais, are not migrants, but invaders.
These people are determined to breach the borders of nation states, no matter what. Breaching the borders of a state, with the explicit purpose to settle in that state, is not migration but invasion and settlement.
In the past, when some commonsense prevailed, invaders were repelled wth force. As it is, legal immigration has no meaning now.
If we defend our borders with force if necessary, then the present debacle would stop. There would be a few Lefty whingers, and surprisingly the UN, but thats it. Normalcy and rule of law would be restored.
It is the first duty of a government to protect the borders. All the lefty semantics over migrants, immigrants etc do not alter this. If the government fails to use all possible measures and that includes the army then it is failing in it’s duty.
Europe is undergoing an invasion of the desperate and the chancers organised by Isis and like minded gangs. it is not hard to grasp but so inured to reality are the European leaders that they cannot see this.
Isis are very clever and unless we stop them every way we can Europe will descend into a dark age.
This is rapidly getting out of hand and this is no time for the soft hearts of the liberal elite.
This elite needs to shape up and shape up quickly.
” is not migration but invasion and settlement.”
Not settlement, colonisation.
I’m still waiting for a BBC journalist to ask one of these “desperate” people why they are so desperate to get out of France.
Wanting to get out of Libya or Syria I could understand, but France always struck me as a rather pleasant place to live. I’m sure lots of BBC journalists go there for their holidays, and perhaps even own a second home there.
Yeah and they have a more ‘progressive’ government than ours, so what’s not to like?
If France is so awful that even the most desperate of “genuine asylum seekers” does not feel safe enough to apply for asylum there, (as the law obliges them to), then why the hell are we still in a political union with France???
Vote NO in the EU referendum.
Not settlement, colonisation.
Correction accepted.
I’ve just found the name Professor Mike Lockwood associated with the latest Met Office piece. Both Piers Corbyn and the Mensa group think he is a charlatan, for these reasons.
(1) The association between solar cycles and global temperatures has been known for two hundred years since the work of William Herschel, it was not discovered by Professor Lockwood.
(2) Professor Lockwood was involved with the production of the bogus rebuttal of the Svensmark theory using low energy cosmic rays rebutting a theory based upon high energy cosmic rays, which seems to have been successful in fooling all known journalists with the exception of Nigel Calder. This seems to be an issue with scientists at CERN, which has put a politically induced lid on this, solar scientists at CERN have placed the politically incorrect and therefore secret results of the CERN CLOUD experiment on the Internet, but I have not noticed that any journalists have picked up on this?
(3) The fact that Galactic cosmic ray levels have been relatively unchanged in the last 200 years (the Sun changes the Galactic cosmic ray levels) means that some solar scientists which include Professor Lockwood, are insisting that Cosmic rays are a proxy, not a cause, this is disproved by the CERN CLOUD experiment, the 2006 Danish experiment and the work of Nir Shaviv, but this also means that because low cloud formation has always correlated with other Solar effects within the scientific era, it is still far better to use the established techniques for weather forecasting, and there is far more to meteorology than understanding low cloud formation, but then this is the key factor for the 20th century Global Warming.
(4) Professor Lockwood is the only Solar scientist I known who is completely ignorant of the Global evidence for the little ice age, which can be easily obtained from phoning up his colleagues in New Zealand or Australia. The myth that this only effects Northern Europe, seems to be essential to the fact that he is the BBC’s most favoured Solar scientist, because it gives room for the CO² fraud to continue.
How about Bias by omission? Some of the items you read on this forum you will not hear about on the BBC, especially when the so called Climate Change does not get a debate questioning the so called “settled science”. BBC bias? Well maybe what is posted on this forum exposes what the BBC bias is all about.
Can you explain what you mean by
The fact that Galactic cosmic ray levels have been relatively unchanged in the last 200 years (the Sun changes the Galactic cosmic ray levels) .
specially the last bit in brackets.
DP111: The work of Nir Shaviv is about changes in Galactic cosmic ray levels over millions of years, which have been relatively unchanged in the last 200 years, so at present it is the Sun that is changing the Galactic cosmic ray levels received on Earth.
Five snowball Earth events, the last 580 million years ago all coincide with our presence near vigorous star-making nurseries and over the last 500 million years, exceptionally close supernovae explosions account for short-lived falls in sea-level due to short-lived ice ages. There is also a small but regular 17 million year rhythm to Climate Change alternating between cooling and warming caused by the Earth crossing the plain of the Galaxy every 34 million years when cosmic ray activity is higher, and moving up to 300 light years away from the Galactic plain, We are at present 3 million years into a warming phase.
According to the work of Nir Shaviv galactic cosmic ray levels have been relatively stable during the present scientific era, so at present the big changes in Galactic cosmic ray levels that produce the muons that reach the low cloud base are at present due to increasing and decreasing repulsion of Galactic cosmic rays by solar magnetic effects, not the Galactic input.
Mr Pinder,
You should replace Roger Harrabin… immediately.
R Pinder
Right, it is the solar magnetic field that is changing the behaviour of the cosmic rays.
How about Bias by omission? Some of the items you read on this forum you will not hear about on the BBC, especially when the so called Climate Change does not get a debate questioning the so called “settled science”. BBC bias? Well maybe what is posted on this forum exposes what the BBC bias is all about.
Complainants confronting the BBC Editorial Complaints Unit and the BBC Trust, call it “BBC Censorship”
DP111, if Richard will allow me:
Manns computer models did not allow for any of the stuff in the link.
How about Bias by omission? Some of the items you read on this forum you will not hear about on the BBC, especially when the so called Climate Change does not get a debate questioning the so called “settled science”. BBC bias? Well maybe what is posted on this forum exposes what the BBC bias is all about.
The Old Bloke
Thanks for that link.
It seems to me that some of the charged partcles will be deflected away from the surface of the earth, but others that are perpendicular to the magnetic field, but coincident with the equator, will not.
What suprises me is that this effect was not modeled by those who were given tax payer grants to do a proper job. But then, the proper job/result, was already specified.
I can see the funding programme titles, appearing in The Guardian.
Grant MET23453/A12
The MET office is looking for E.Lit graduates to conduct research on AGW.
Potential research fellows shouldn’t be too concerned of their suitability, as the science is already well settled. Moreover, the answers for the research have already been submitted to the grant awarding body.
What will be required from chosen E.Lit research fellows, is they write the peer approved results, in a manner that is understandable to ignorant (journalists, Leftys, BBC wallahs), as well as appear profound beyond understanding to the knowlegable.
This requires good English language skills.
I have over several years noted your comments on the cloud cover of the planet during recent years and if Co2 is affecting that cover. A couple of years ago, I took an interest in what you were saying, and duly noted the changes of types of cloud through our year. With the decrease in sun spot activity and a decrease in active solar radiation, I have noted that we are having much less “cumulus” clouds but much more high level “stratiform” clouds. The result of this coupled with a cool ocean around us, is that rainfall is reduced and what chance a small number of thunderstorms this year? Cooling of the atmosphere does change the type of cloud and thus the extremity of our weather, that extremity being reduced catastrophic events. As has been said elsewhere and intimated by yourself, one part of the Met Office gives us a projection of reality, the other covers its arse! The change in the type of cloud cover is relevant at night as the earths radiated heat does not get trapped and henceforth a record number of “frost days” (well, nights really)., in other words, Global Cooling of mean temperatures.
How about Bias by omission? Some of the items you read on this forum you will not hear about on the BBC, especially when the so called Climate Change does not get a debate questioning the so called “settled science”. BBC bias? Well maybe what is posted on this forum exposes what the BBC bias is all about.
I’m sure that many of you await the latest dispassionate report on the home front by Mark Easton with bated breath. Today (6pm news) it was about the ‘terrible’ rise in homelessness with the focus on an Amercian woman ( but yes, this was about the UK).
Seamlessly , the report then moved onto the forthcoming announcements about reductions in tax credits. When will the beeb stop this drip-drip propaganda? There is a perfectly sound case for saying that Brown’s tax credits were ill thought out and in any case, at £30 billion are unaffordable . Let’s hear someone say that on BBC news.
How odd that the BBC sought to highlight the case of a charming American woman and her two children, abandoned by her heartless husband. How many welfare queens did they have to wade through before they found her. Biased? Don’t make me laugh.
It’s strange African countries don’t have open borders, multiculturalism, die-versity policies ? Hmm….
In case you missed the inclusion of this caveat in every sentence relating to the Alberto Salazar allegations, Mo Farah is still innocent.
Although, just as the BBC can’t resist including the word ‘controversial’ as an adjective to be used before fracking, perhaps they could state that there are no accusations of cheating being made against Mo Farah despite him having missed a number of dope tests.
If Salazar felt so strongly why doesn’t he sue?
Only heard the BBC three times today.
Before the 7am news this morning on Today-one story was about “The Germans-will they still like us if we choose to get out of the EU”?
The other one was a soundbite ten minutes earlier that gave us a quote from Jeremy Corbyn in favour of us not leaving the ECHR.
And the third random bite after 4pm was that pretentious Gauloise prat Laurie Taylor extolling Napoleons Code for European-type of harmonisation…they gave us Sasha Distel, Petula Clarkes hubby and Plastic Bertrand credo doncha know?
Sheesh-what a phoney, third rate social sponger Taylor is-no wonder he never left the confines of corduroy Marxism…yet we stump up for his leather patches and clay pipe of cleverness.
My point-are positive EU stories and sponsored soundbite for “The Project” now compulsory every ten minutes on Radio 4?…or do we get a break as they grease a disabled twerps wheels and shaft a Gove or IDS?
FFS-why do we pay for this slurry?
Please can we get this straight. The people in Calais who are trying to gain illegal access to our homeland are not refugees fleeing torture, persecution or any other horrors. They have already fled these terrors (if that’s what they were) and have made their passage to a safe country. France is one of Europe’s richest nations. It has three to four times the land mass of our own congested little island with roughly the same size population.
Britain doesn’t have enough space for our own people. We don’t have enough housing, we don’t have enough jobs. Thanks to the last Labour regime we had levels of immigration never before witnessed in our nation’s history. Our children go to over crowded schools where English is often a second language. Due to our over population housing is at a premium and that is reflected in the prices. In France you can buy a chateau with half an acre of land for £80,000. You couldn’t buy a tin shed for that kind of money in London.
Europe’s most densely populated country has had enough “enrichment” to last us several lifetimes.
Totally spot on Jeff, I would so like to hear your argument being given back to “gameshow” when he spouts his drivel on the airwaves in the mornings. In a free country with a responsible broadcaster you would have your chance to speak and we and the nation would be allowed to hear and make up our own mind.
And just to point out to everyone, I have noticed after posting the above reply to Jeff that 3 posts have been made in my name between 8-15 and 8-16 tonight (whilst I was grinding through boring financial paperwork ). All three just use the term ” bbc bias ? ”
Obviously we are yet again being visited by a slimy troll from the thought police who cannot even post in their own name…….pathetic.
Same has happened to me. Postings above in my name, but not by me at 8.16 and 8.17.
Ahh Thanks Guys just popped in and saw I was making comments when I wasn’t here now I see it’s just a moron trolling !
What, who, and why these people fled their countries, is besides the point.
What they are doing is breeching our borders by force, with a view to force us to give them houses to live in, and money as well.
This is an invasion of the nation and appropriation of its wealth, and should be treated with as much force as necessary.
‘They argued the government had a legal obligation to protect its citizens from the dangers of climate change’.
Blimey, how about a legal action against the UK government – do you reckon they have a legal obligation to protect our borders from hyper-immigration and population replacement?
Some might say that was a rather more immediate threat than the so-called climate change fantasy – not the BBC, of course.
I couldn’t believe the one-sided coverage of this on Radio 4’s World Tonight, that old bore Michael Meacher & some other person both saying what a great thing this was. I would have thought the logical neutral editorial decision would have been to invite two commentators with differing views, but no, how silly of me, this is the BBC!
BBC Bias? Who bloody cares? 🙂 This is an open thread, people can discuss what they like. Immigration and climate are relevant in any case as they are persistently mis-represented as ‘settled’ subjects on the BBC where the opposite sides of the argument are almost never presented.
Too right. The broadcast media is scared stiff of offending against political correctness in case the twitter howlers start. The media is dominated by liberal hacks living on what they should call fantasy island.
We are ill served by our opinion formers and our politicians.
Keeping us in Europe and opening our borders to all is the policy whatever the lugenpresse says.
It won’t last but it will cause immense harm and these people will resort to violence and real tyrrany before they are driven from power.
And all the time the BBC will be cheering them on .
I really envy the Americans with the protection of the Constitution. We have so little to rely on.
“I really envy the Americans with the protection of the Constitution. We have so little to rely on.”
Maybe, but the protection is wearing thin. Read ‘White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century’ by Jared Taylor. Much of it is simply a list of injustices, but each one is referenced.
The idiot posting here under a myriad of pseudonyms can try this for size.
bBC Points West leads with an EU scare story (why?) 8 out of 10 local businesses say pulling of of Europe would be a disaster, sadly it all goes off script back in the studio when a local UKIP PPC points out a few truths and self interests (sack the booker!). Watch the Beeboid squirm.
Well worth a watch first 5 – 10 minutes, only available until Thursday.
Well done that man and well spotted Geoff. Definitely worth a watch!
A good example of bias at work.
Superb Geoff. Unadulterated stinking pro-EU BBC bias.
More shockingly lazy journalism from the BBC or were they aware of the organisation behind the poll and chose to ignore it? I suspect the latter as I am no longer prepared to give the BBC the benefit of the doubt, ever. If £4Bn a year doesn’t guarantee effective and probing journalism then the organisation isn’t fit for purpose.
“The benefit of the doubt”
They forfeited their right to that c1960.
I note that the disability lobby were out in force this afternoon in Parliament.
The liberal media loved it.
So much for disabled access then-well done John Bercow!
I myself was not the only person to warn that all this disabled ramp stuff would lead to all this kind of thing.
My mistake was to think that the Daleks would try to take over…not Labour hustling tin rattlers like Pippa Pepper!
Interesting what gets the full BBC treatment, terminology and understanding motivations and all…
One might wonder if any aspiring jihadi would be appalled or inspired at the opportunity to be a such a BBC story subject?
Just waiting for the ‘Dylann Roof story’. He did live in a trailer and was probably ‘radicalised’ by watching ‘The General Lee’ help the good ol’ boys beat the law.
Maybe the flag made him feel ‘cross’?
Three posts about BBC, ice cream and Gaza.
Ice cold in Gaza
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream
More BBC multiplatform mainstreaming of an anti-Israel trope
‘Sometimes described as the biggest(?) open air prison in the world‘ has icecream parlours and hotels and bathing beaches … and Roger Hearing has no shame.

The ittb story is fascinating, not least against the usual meme that Gaza is just a wall-surrounded rubble pile filled with starving people.
There’s also that odd juxtaposition between BBC narratives in a very short period of time.
Not sure the BBC has thought this one through too well, or twigged the internet now exists.
I would love to hear the justification for what they report vs. reality, but it probably falls under ‘purposes of propaganda’ exclusions.
Also check the internet- Gaza eighth highest obesity level in the world.
OTish, but there’s an outrage bus convoy getting in line in social media, and I am wondering if the BBC will be joining it. Also the angle they will take. Laugh along or wheel in an anger and protests guest asap?
Keep your eye out for Pringles, Tesco and bacon flavour (this is quite important on context) crisps for Ramadan.
So far it has been worth the popcorn.
With the ‘warmists’ in this country taking a bit of a kicking recently with record low temperatures for June and frosty (the snowman) nights, be prepared for the gathering of their forces as we head into July as at long last as it looks like a bit of warmth creeps in from France. But, as we all know, the BBC just love to tell us all what we should think and do, so be prepared for the continual diatribe of doom and gloom as we all strip off, head for the nearest beach and get cancer. (No offense meant to those who are suffering with this terrible disease)
Bracing ourselves, here in France, for 2003-esque incident of extreme chaleur next week – min night-time temps 22, max around 40. Might be exaggeration, but it has been on the cards for a while.
Website article. Publicity and apologist for British IS ‘Fighter’.
He died making a bomb.
How sad.
Good post DS.
However, I notice that the article is entitled ‘Me and Abu Taubah’.
Should’nt the article be entitled ‘Abu Taubah and I’?
As usual the bbbc not only take the opportunity to promote Islamic Fundamentalism but also manage to reduce the standard of English.
One has to presume that the editors are educated people so how did this howling error get to be published?
The BBC make appointments on a cultural basis, not on any understanding of English. In this respect the BBC is similar to the universities, where senior positions are being filled by academics with a very poor grasp of the language. It is painful for the declining numbers of British scholars but the students – certainly in London – have no problems as few of them are familiar with English.
Two sources close to the BBC confirm those that produce for it, are quite mad.
Yet the political powers of the UK requiring people to uniquely fund such people by compulsion in a free-speaking democracy is sane?
How often do bus drivers ignore non Muslims?
It certainly wouldn’t warrant a page on the local bBC News website.
They’re just as bad in Edinburgh. I’ve had a bus driver ignore me at a bus stop a few times. It was because I is white. No other explanation.
Just a fart of a slogan
Steph McGovern, the gawky georgie lass, is about as close as the BBC Breakfast sofa jockies get to economics.
This morning our Steph asks “Why are rents so high?”
Do you reckon we get any sense here or as I fear – just a fart of a slogan?
So do the BBC cut to migrants flocking to enter the UK…?
Of course not.
Speed dial BBC favourite Rob Warm of the National Housing Federation.
He is just the sort of chap the BBC likes to hear from. Here is talking to the BBC print arm – the Guardian
‘In the north of England, you’ve not got a huge issue with overcrowding,” said Rob Warm, NHF lead manager for Yorkshire and Humberside. “There are about 50,000 households classed as overcrowded, and 240,000 affected by the bedroom tax. It’s a ratio of about four to one.’
Well, a policy that begins by addressing 25% of the problem might be start. But I suppose if you are opposed to government policies in general and banking on Miliband and hankering after the glory days of Labour…
‘Only the most dedicated regional governance anoraks will remember a Government exercise called Regional Funding Allocations which took place twice – first in 2005 and then in 2008/09.’
So do you think our Rob Warm is going to come up with realistic practical solutions to the question? The BBC do because they put him on air.
‘The National Housing Federation is the voice of affordable housing in England. We believe that everyone should have the home they need at a price they can afford.’
A nice fluffy progessive virtue-signalling hollow empty utopian fart of a slogan.
No word about supply and demand. In fact this mission statement is a call to buck the market. Exactly the Milibandite mantra of price caps and freezes which the elctorate his so recently seen through and rejected.
£4Bpa has meant ‘being everywhere’ is not a problem.
What it’s with, is.
Anyone catch this yesterday, at least 300 suspects …
in one town! …. one small town, Rotherham.
Despite the BBC, again refusing to name, the erm “religion”
of the perpetrators … it looks like an affirmation of facts that have come to light.
Mandated, orchestrated Islamic child gang rape on an, “industrial scale”, the “norm” especially in the north … a probable number in excess of “one million victims”.
This is the greatest national scandal, should be at the head of every news outlet, until the problem resolved, the issue eradicated, in respect of this issue, children safe from this menace.
The BBC does not, will not, address the root cause, the media is complicit … it is still continuing in some areas as bad as ever.
I’m afraid I blinked and I missed it.
Not only the “religion” either!
Wonder what political affiliation they will all turn out to be.
Certainly not UKIP, hardly Tory either.
No_I detect the Cyril Smith and Lord Janner parties…and Harriet, Hodge and Dromey will write the excuses and turn their blind eyes-long practices since the 70s.
Still-eh-let`s hound UKIP foster carers-they don`t abuse the kids like the virtuous caring liberals and their fucked-up parties.
Anyone catch this yesterday, at least 300 suspects …
in one town! …. one small town, Rotherham.
Despite the BBC, again refusing to name, the erm “religion”
of the perpetrators … it looks like an affirmation of facts that have come to light.
Mandated, orchestrated Islamic child gang rape on an, “industrial scale”, the “norm” especially in the north … a probable number in excess of “one million victims”.
This is the greatest national scandal, should be at the head of every news outlet, until the problem resolved, the issue eradicated, in respect of this issue, children safe from this menace.
The BBC does not, will not, address the root cause, the media is complicit … it is still continuing in some areas as bad as ever.
Yet they still returned a Labour MP! F*****g incredible.
The situation is so grave that a drone strike on the governing HQ would be justified. A serious government would remove the police, politicians and all from that hell hole and place it under military control until they are fit for democratic government and the rule of law.
The BBC report said that two of the suspects had been on the town council.
When you have a broken clock you at least know that you don’t know the time. When the councillors don’t appear on the BBC’s ‘front page’ you know they aren’t UKIP. When their party allegiance isn’t stated you know that it is Labour. Quite easy really, once you learn the code.
In BBC world:-
A minor Conservative councillor who committed a felony is “A senior Conservative criminal”
A minor UKIP councillor who committed a felony is “A leading UKIP criminal”
A Labour councillor who committed a felony is “A councillor Ooh look at the senior Conservative criminal!”
Same as when Labour MPs relentlessly barracked the Conservative MP with cerebral palsy, the scummy MPs were described as “His colleagues”. Made them sound like Conservatives but they were definitely Labour.
Hey LBGT, “this is MY house”, is the soundbite, a grinning Obama, the laughing hyena of Joe Biden, a wagging finger, a “no no NO!”
… arrogance, and ineptitude, double whammy!.
the media laps it up … if you happen to be a guest house owner?
and not a President, or black ……….. you re a homophobe, and should be criminalised
‘A masterclass in how to deal with a heckler’ we are laughably informed by the arse kissing brainless media types……..well if the guy heckling had been a bit quicker when o’barmy said ‘not in my house’ he should have told him he was just a lodger in a house owned by the american people and not to forget who let him live there…….tragically mistaken though they were in their choice of tenant
Just shows what a lightweight President we’ve got, if it’s not on the autocue he flounders. Surprised a guy like that got anywhere near him, normally to even get in POTUS’s presence you’ve been totally vetted first.
He was quick to interrupt their shouting saying: “You’re in my house … it is not respectful”.
Thirty seconds is ‘quick’? That’s enough time to read the weather forecast!
‘Reportedly’ the heckler is ‘undocumented’ – the ‘i’ word being a no-no now.
Not only does The Messiah think he owns ‘the house’ but he thinks he’s paying for the eats and drinks too! Must be the ‘white privilege’ in him coming out!