5 years? We’ve known about “men of Asian origin ” since the BBc tried to jail griffin for it was in the news . Then because we were saying what he was saying we were of course “fascists”, So 9 years ago and I imagine people knew before that. Funny how the BBc always acts in complete surprise when this story keeps re-surfacing. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/bradford/6135060.stm
Not the BBc but on Sky some **** from the red cross telling us that the migrants are just like us and we should take in more. When perused by the reporter with the comments they are not wanted and what figures are you talking the **** continued on his diatribe. Of course I assume there won’t be any migrants moving next door to him although he expects that we will welcome them with open arms. Not sure if the red cross has hit BBc yet as the VD show was on before I went out. Have pity next time some chugger from Red cross shoves their tin in my face. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23584191
Unless Mr Vine is offering to put them all up, and their extended families, who are sure to follow in due course, with board, for free in his garden, he should shut his trap.
Of course, if the attackers had been white supremacists and the victim a peaceful resident of Luton visiting Cambridge for the weekend, you might get to hear about it courtesy the unrivalled news machine that is our national broadcasting treasure.
The BBC on population increase: It’s all because of free childcare and absolutely not to do with immigration (and don’t even thinkin about even thinking that it might be
Despite the graphs within the article that show that it is. And the admissions that:
Net migration accounts for just over half of Britain’s population growth, with the remainder due to a combination of people living longer and live births, although the gap has grown recently with more new arrivals.
Net migration accounts for just over half of Britain’s population growth, with the remainder due to a combination of people living longer and live births, although the gap has grown recently with more new arrivals.
Latest Office for National Statistics figures, for 2014, released on Thursday, confirm this trend, with the overall number of births down slightly on the previous year. Britain’s population grew by 491,100 to reach a total of 64,596,800, the figures suggest.
There has been a migrant “baby boom” in England and Wales in recent years, with the percentage of births to foreign-born women going up from 16% to 26% of the overall total, in the ten years to 2011.
The BBC along with it’s fellow travelling liberal left is in denial. One more marker on the road to civilisational destruction.
I no longer feel like listening to their crap. The tragedy is that so many are fooled.
In my opinon the BBC is worse than Pravda ever was. At least the average Russian knew that Pravda was propaganda.
The sooner it goes the better and the better chance my grandchildren have got of coping with the mess the 68ers and their like have left behind them.
BBC website- UK population increases by 500,00 . Bad enough for a small island struggling to deal with rapid population growth, but even worse was the detail that a quarter of all births were to mothers born outside the UK! Do the arithmetic and you see that in a couple of generations babies born to the indigenous population of the islands will be in a minority!!
I expect that the BBC sees these figures as a triumph and looks with satisfaction that within a few decades the UK will be the thoroughly multiculti country that the corporation has fought so hard for.
Whether it will be the Utopia they envisage is of course extremely unlikely, unless of course the UK is almost unique in history and develops friendly relationships between sections of the population with great religious and cultural differences. The omens do not look good do they?
Then on the Daily Politics they were discussing immigration, child poverty etc with the chap from Migration Watch and Frank Field MP. The discussion then touched on UK productivity and the living wage. Both guests said that mass immigration was very bad for productivity, for all the obvious reasons.Jo Coburn, the presenter, kept trying to stop the guests from discussing this, but they kept coming back to it. Indeed Mr Field said he thought it was a mega problem, which of course it is, and required an immense amount of work by government .
The impact of mass immigration on productivity , serious though it is, is going to be just a minor issue compared to others that have and will emerge from the profoundly stupid policy of allowing/encouraging mass immigration into our country that the BBC has connived at over the years.
Governments in Europe at least do not force ‘integration’, Integration is a ‘racist’ concept because everything which opposes Fascist vision is ‘racist’. Instead they follow the dictats of a dead Marxist black guy which they call ‘multiculturalism’. Despite it’s many documented failings, the Fascists are determined it is perfect and no deviation from the one true vision can be allowed.
China is flooding Tibet with mass Chinese immigration, do you think the Chinese Communist Regime has the best interests of Tibet at heart ? Hmm…
U.N definition of genocide ” Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such”
I don’t think the liberal left is deliberately trying to engineer a genocide but I agree that their policy makes one possible, perhaps even likely. What they hope is that over the course of a few generations we will inter marry with the immigrant groups, share each groups customs, and become a society where racial and cultural identities slowly fuse together into a cohesive homogeneous whole.
That this has never happened in human history doesn’t seem to worry them. The usual outcome of this type of mass immigration or migration, is for there to be a bloody struggle until one group achieves dominance over the other, sometimes leading to genocide.
Why will the UK not experience this in 10, 20, 50 years time? Why the left think that this won’t happen is an interesting question. Surely they can’t be certain that their present manipulation of the population by the likes of the BBC, the destruction of British culture or the introduction of anti white legislation and banning free speech, etc etc ,will be sufficient to persuade the whites to accept their fate? So why are they trying this social engineering experiment when all precedent tells them it is extremely dangerous? One reason is that I am sure they are stupid . After all many other leftist policies are stupid only not so dangerous and irreversible as this one!
A fair summary. Stupidity and liberalism are one and the same today.
It all stems from a belief that the liberal can reorder reality to suit his fantasies.
This way lies madness and destruction.
No people ever have voluntarily given up their land with out a fight. WE should know after trying to colonise the world.
The BBC/liberal ( one and the same now) think they can order a new reality much like buying a new car.
The “desperate migrants” arrested on UK soil will never be sent back.
They know this.
With no documentation e.g. passports, they are stateless.
Arrests are pointless other than for documentation.
They’re home and dry having won the ‘Migration Lottery’ big time.
Italy has a habit of issuing them with EU passports, knowing that straightaway they will head for the UK and gain automatic entry.
Still, its good to know that Cameron will leave no stone unturned whilst wearing the Mark IIIb version of his serious faces.
I have to say that I am starting to feel sorry for immigrants who have done things the proper way – i.e. got a job, arranged a visa, had medical checks and so on. Why should the illegal economic migrants be bundled into the same general category as the proper law-abiding ones, when the whole reason for them being illegal is that they wouldn’t qualify for regulated immigration?
Come on Cameron, you gutless bastard. You need to put the army in charge of these places until we can rebuild a police force with regard for the law. This is the politics of some third world shit hole
Sweden is in the Eu and is now a menace to the rest of Europe. The governing class does not share any real belief in the culture of Europe and is a perfect example of a bodysnatched elite.
Sweden has no future as a European state built on the shared values of the Christian West.and the Enlightenment
All those ethnic Swedes who can need to leave.
If this country can leave the EU and run it’s own affairs Sweden is one country where the strictest visa controls should be insisted on. Wreck their own country if they want but the Swedes have no right to inflict their madness on the rest of us.
‘… the whole power of the aggressor depends upon preventing people from seeing what is happening and from saying what they see.’
Enoch Powell 1970
Over the years the BBC have used race as a weapon of aggression against the interests of the UK and in order to further their own agenda. Their silencing of any form of debate on the issue of illegal immigration has been instrumental in producing the frightening problems we will now have to face. It’s clear that the BBC are an aggressively racist organisation. Powell was demonised, by the BBC amongst others, because he spoke the truth with clarity.
Shocking news everyone! The SJW behind the whole Sir Tim (Witch)Hunt fiasco turns out to be a former Beeboid who may have, as Mary Archer said about Jeffrey, ‘a talent for precis’:
Yes, Connie St Louis appeared on the BBC news – it was reported on this blog at the time – saying how she and the audience were shocked. She teaches journalism and is a long time BBC employee. Hardly an objective voice.
Just caught the start of “flog it” , today its coming from Manchester, which the presenter tells us is famous for media and is the birthplace of the important newspaper, the Manchester guardian, later to become the guardian. Notthe first two things that come into mind when you think of manc, unless you are bbbc of course. “FLOGGING IT” to death
A BBC-5live special tomorrow?, always late to the party
Brave mother describes moment she saved two young sons from machete-wielding killer – Daily Express http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/edmonton-beheading-pregnant-mum-tells-5944055
Pregnant mum tells how she saved her children from machete maniac Nicolas Salvador.
Photographed with the hijabi mum Asma and Bilal ….
and erm … no issue trying to hide their Islamic identity.
… So why is the media (BBC) doing so with the killer
The usual f**king useless left-wing b*****ks from what is, in my opinion, a disgusting and vile left-wing hive of Labour luvvie scum.
Every other sod is talking about the explosion of immigrant births – especially in London, the out-of-control immigration and the effects all this is having on every sphere of public life; but the left-wing BBC obfuscate with its utter crap.
Did anybody hear the liberal media use the line about “disability campaigners/protesters” in Parliament yesterday WITHOUT the add-on “-“some of who were in wheelchairs”.
As if this has to be said-which of course it does these days.
Certainly the wheelchairs were a minority-the main bunch were squat waddling, benefit toting Militant Tendency types-who now seem ubiquitous in ANY protests.
These dole wallahs are never happier than when rucking on our benefits, and most of those who spoke about the protest yesterday were clearly not disabled-just hoping to cripple a Tory or two.
The BBC have the same few agitprop types like Fransesca Martinez, Pippa Pepper and Tom Shakespeare…but they`d rather talk to Irish subversives who claim to speak for the disabled.
The BBC are utter scum.
Interesting item in the Mail today. West Midlands police have been sitting on a report since 2010 that exposes sexual assault and grooming of over 100 girls . Most of the girls are white most of the perpetrators are Asian. Hardly a surprise .
The police didn’t want to release the report in case it inflamed racial tensions. This just confirms that police failure to protect the public in these matters is a nationwide institutional failure.
Have the bbc reported this? Didn’t hear it on either national tv news at 6 or West Midlands regional news . Some things never change
I hope you realise that they only have 4 billion pounds a year coming in and few thousand “journalists” on the payroll – what do you expect?
It’s the cuts dontchaknow.
The Queen, protector of her subjects, OK I made that up, HM is visiting Belsen tomorrow.
She then flies on to Kolyma to visit former Gulag camps.
After which she will visit a memorial in Cambodia to the 25% of the population killed by the Khmer Rouge.
Followed by a train ride over the border into Laos where she will …
In Ho Chi Minh City she is expected to attend …
Subsequently she will travel to Pyongyang where …
In Ulan Bator, her next stop, HM will visit …
In the PRC it is intended that …
The rest of her itinerary includes Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine, Rumania, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Bosnia H, Croatia, Poland, Bulgaria, Albania, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Cuba …
Perhaps you should go and visit all these places and lay a wreath to the unfortunates who were murdered there. Trying to use the Queen to score a point is in my opinion disgraceful.
I’ve just gone there (8am Friday) and the image is still there, assuming we are referring to the red T-shirt “I voted Labour….”. Only 2 comments below it though.
Sir Tim Hunt, the awarded Nobel Neuroscientist at UCL who joked that that Woman in Labs were distracting (he should know) was shopped by American feminist Connie St Louis a professional complainer of the ‘e-q-u-a-l-i-t-i-e-s’ sector who just happens to have been trained for 16 years as a BBC ‘j-o-u-r-n-a-l-i-s-t’ to discover her skills as a Scientist (knowing little about Science), and onto BBC 4 radio health programs knowing nothing about Health) not member of the Royal Society of Science she is therefore campaigning for a Woman president to replace Issac Newton who was a #Man (Men are (obviously so distracting and should be removed from all Science posts and replaced with someone like herself with ‘d-i-v-e-r-s-i-t-y’. She is of course an ardent pro-rights (left) supporter for the ethnicity and diversity of everything including The NEW Climate Change non -science as it does not fit the narrative.
That is how Ms St Louis thinks Science ‘Works’ as a former BBC journalist she will never discover anything, nor be awarded for anything at all – her ‘opinion’ and ‘indignation’ that the Earth should revolve around Venus forms and confirm a Climate Change that fits the views of those with a feminist Twitter account and those fortunate enough to be trained by the BBC as would be journalists.. Its no joke, these trial by Twitters by the angry mob of lefties.
The Telegraph is claiming that the BBC Trust is to be scrapped and that the Corporation will in future be regulated by Ofcom.
Given the lamentable performance of the various government ‘regulators’ over the past few decades does anyone have any confidence that this will improve things?
I have made a few complaints to Ofcom over the years the last time was channel 4s hatchet job on UKIP weirdly enough I didn’t notice a lot of difference between a complaint to them and a complaint to the BBc.
I think I got a response to my initial complaint but they never sent me a copy of the decision that there was no problem what so ever with what channel 4 did.
Agreed. State regulators are meant to look after public interests but invariably end up defending those they are meant to regulate. And if they do that with the commercial sector, think what they’ll be like with fellow state troughers. You only have to look at ofcom’s record on mobile or broadband contract dodges to see they are either toothless or complicit.
I do note yet another ‘report’ that is based on ‘sources who reveal’, so still worth seeing what pans out.
But so far this conforms to almost all the ‘Future of the BBC’ committee recommendations, as chaired by John Whittingdale. He was also vocally keen on the licence fee ceasing to be avoidable in any form, by loading on council tax or ISP fees.
This morning I begin to understand why BBC presenters have been banging on and on for weeks about our slow summer.
(Aside from the large credibility hole the cool weather was blowing in their mad cap global la-de-dah theories that is)
It now looks as though come the first drop of sunshine the BBC had waiting in the wings teed up for us a perfect storm of paranoia propaganda.
UVA versus UVB rays – suddenly there’s a sun cream labelling scandal.
Very High Pollen Levels.
Urban Beaches under the overpass, Batman! I’m almost afraid to go out of the front door.
How on earth did Nanny State hound us all to death before the BBC came along?
I have a theory that Britain’s long wartime experiences gave the bossy bureauocrats and politicians the time of their lives. Dig for victory. Coughs and sneezes. Keep mum. This is the BBC….. They just will not let go.
So the day after it transpires police in Birmingham covered up Muslim rape gangs for community cohesion (innit), and what does gameshow Campbell and his acolytes at Five Live breakfast lead with?
I did warn you guys yesterday what would happen when the BBC could see that the sun was going to come out. It won’t be long before they will be telling us to take an umbrella out to stop us from getting wet when, at or above 25’C, sparks off thunderstorms. The BBC, always telling us what to think and what to do.
Scotland on track for their COLDEST June in 43 years according to the Met Office. For those in the North of the U.K. unfortunately they get storm Bill while we get African temperatures.
BBc breakfast charity of the day the Children’s society talking about how it is “difficult” for teenagers these days. Meanwhile in the news the first burials of the Charlston murder victims trumps the death of Patrick Mcnee. Weather bint is under the Westway on an “urban beach” with another “Charity”.
This is what bBC Bristol think newsworthy this morning. No doubt she was a good woman, but newsworthy? If this is supposed to bring racial harmony, it probably does the reverse.
I suppose Bristol will have a long wait for murials of white Bristolians!
The BBC is busy sanitising the report on Britain’s growing population. The Today programme interviewed one Julia Margo whom I doubt many of you have heard of. She is ex Demos and IPPR, in other words Labour and Blairite to the core ( remember the Blair approach to opening the immigration floodgates?). Now like all good Blairites Ms Margo has found a well paid berth at another charity, The Family and Childcare Trust. This dispassionate ‘ expert’ was wheeled on by the BBC to tell us that a rising population was not important. What really mattered was that immigration was changing the structure of the population which otherwise is ageing.
Sure we need an increase in the birthdate and a continuing increase in the average age of the population presents problems. But it is disingenuous to suggest that this makes mass immigration acceptable . What about a physically overcrowded country, creaking public services, grossly inadequate housing provision, ghettoisation, religious fanaticism, cultural fracturing and various other curses of mass immigration and a rising population ?
“All kinds of Muslims find that Turkey is a place to regroup, and then to be smuggled through Anatolia to Bulgaria by land, or to Greece by sea.
And thence they continue on, because it is not so much “Europe” that they seek, but those countries within Europe that offer the most benefits.
Who wants to stay in Greece when he can be in Sweden?
It is amazing that this clear choice of destination, based on the amount of free health care, free education, free everything that is made available, is not discussed more.
Instead, if you listen to NPR or the BBC, you hear endlessly about “immigrants” who are “seeking a better life.”
That last phrase is so appealing, and it evokes in others, the descendants of other kinds of immigrants, warm feelings of sympathy.
Or if not real sympathy, then at least a feeling that “who am I to deny someone else the right to do what my grandparents or great-grandparents did?”
A moment’s thought might have prevented that easy identification.
The better life that earlier immigrants sought, remember, was the life in countries that offered no benefits at all to compare with what is now on offer.
Why be sentimental about people who “seek a better life” if what that really means is that they seek better benefits?
New English Review Symposium, Nov, 2012 http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_direct_link.cfm/blog_id/52205
‘Two of the 300 Rotherham child sex abuse suspects are current or former local councillors say police’
The two councillors – they’ll be Labour.
And the 300..? Spartans, I guess.
The BBC are not saying.
The Mail says “‘predominantly’ Asian”
This could mean they have a little bit of Yorkshire in their ethnic make up?
Which reminds one of that Blue Mink ditty…
Take a pinch of white man
Wrap it up in black skin
Add a touch of blue blood
And a little bitty bit of Red Indian boy
Curly Latin kinkies
Mixed with yellow Chinkees
If you lump it all together
Well, you got a recipe for a get along scene
Oh, what a beautiful dream
If it could only come true, you know, you know
A plaque in Dartford concerning Jagger, Richards and the formation of the band stirred his ire. Bill Wyman, ex of The Rolling Stones, informs me via an interview on 5 Live that he loathes historical revisionism to suit an agenda. If this is the case, Bill, best give the BBC a swerve.
Should any of you want to decorate your bedrooms with a nice flag to go with your yellowing poster of Daisy Duke you will find that Google is no longer ‘your friend’ and that Amazon, now a gateway to many shops, has put up the shutters.
In other words, for all practical purposes, in this ‘connected’ world, this flag ceases to exist. What else doesn’t ‘exist’ any more that has been quietly blocked?
The BBC, ears pricked for the slightest UKIP misdemeanor in the smallest parish council, or clip across a tanned ear by a ‘hideously white’ police officer in a one-horse town in the distant USA, seems to have missed this.
Should you live in the USA and feel the need to express the supremacy of your religion, race or football team extremely strongly, no problem! All the usual services are available at Wal-Mart and other stores, that no doubt, Google and Amazon will help you find.
With practice one can tell when the BBC lies but the biggest lie is what they choose not to tell us.
Blundering Tesco Promotes Ramadan With Smokey Bacon Pringles
blundering? … they contain no pork?
Tesco under attack for offering bacon flavoured Pringles as part of Ramadan promotion – Torygraph
“Tesco under attack”? unfortunate turn of phrase considering its Islam again …
… but, not a problem continuing NOT to label abhorrent Halal meat, foisting it on the wider population.
Looks like more overt, unnecessary … “offence industry”
Sharia adherence to me
… if this crap doesn t change we re finished
No idea if and what the BBC will run with, but this is pure DM sh*t-stirring for ratings, which will only inflame those who take little to get worked up. Shame on them.
It made it as far Malaysia days ago, and the first thing I read was the locals actually reading the small print and asking what the problem was.
However, if an offence caravan is not loading its mules here I’ll be very surprised.
BBC wise to steer clear unless one of their ‘trending’ moppets from the cubicle gardens again has zero to write about to justify their wage and can’t resist.
It’s there now. Perhaps we should organise a sweepstake for the first recorded mention of “nothing to do with Islam”. I say 11:05.
But hey, let’s agree to take 40,000 such people who’ve arrived without an invite on the northern shores of the Mediterranean. What could go wrong? I’m sure it’s only temporary and they’ll soon be processed and sent back and none of their wives and numerous offspring will be let in either. And it won’t encourage further copious boatloads to make their way over having seen the success of the earlier attempts.
I simply query the quotes marks, as one seems (sadly) without doubt (“…A man has been beheaded..”) and the other currently conjecture (if few doubts based on evidence so far).
Nothing to do with Islam. Islamist flag… well it appears to be Islamist. This could break the back of French tolerance. Cue BBC to drag out stories of underpaid and impoverished moslems in France.
‘EU agrees to relocate migrants’ (illegals).
Bet they are all given EU passports. Two guesses where they head then ?
We cannot control our borders any more Mr Prime Minister.
Wanting to keep abreast of the situation in France whilst in the car, it occurred to me that the bBC have a monopoly of news output on UK radio, ie there is no Sky News equivalent, who broke the story an hour before the bBC.
On FM 1,2,3 and Local radio have hourly news, Radio 4 the same. The remainder of FM tends to be music based stations, again with scant hourly news.
Medium wave is the same, with similar local stations and bBC 5Live, Talk Radio is now just purely sport based.
LBC is national, but mostly only on DAB, how many people have How many people have in car DAB? Even today not many new cars offer the option.
Geoff: technically speaking FM radio is higher quality but travels a relatively short distance (about 25 miles) so it would not reach France from London. They old style MW and LW can travel all over Europe and many French radio stations can still be heard here in UK. SW waveband can travel right around the globe but at much reduced quality and much dependent on the ionisphere to work. FM I think was licensed by Gov and wholesale given to the BBC (for free) who quickly took advantage and established several new radio stations for ethnic minorities as a BBC World Service for Tower Hamlets. It was about the same time that LBC was established. Radio 5 no idea on why it exists or the dozens of BBC ‘local radio’ that duplicate its network.
On that technical subject, the BBC in its wisdom decided to limit World Service broadcasts to Israel a few years ago. So Israelis could only potentially be brainwashed for a certain number of hours a day.
At the end of April this year the World Service cut its broadcasts to Israel completely. Now you can no longer tune into the World Service from Tel Aviv, for example, on that old fashioned thing called a radio.
As far as I know, the Palestinian territories are unaffected.
Still, anyone who wants to raise their blood pressure can still access the World Service online, I imagine from anywhere on the planet.
Perhaps one day we’ll see the BBC cutting its online broadcasts to places it doesn’t approve of.
Hopefully it will cut its broadcasts to most of the UK outside of London, with exceptions like Bradford and Rotherham perhaps. The BBC does not like or represent the British public
The BBC bias at work (again) ‘Last weekend saw the first “End Austerity Now” protest since the general election. The number of protesters on the streets of London was in fact only about one tenth of the figure which organisers had claimed, although even then they may have erroneously included our very own Andy Silvester (Taxpayers alliance): he was there to appear on BBC News as a lone voice of fiscal responsibility, arguing that spending reductions are essential if the country is to live within its means once again.’ I heard the BBC claimed that the march was a ‘great success’ and hundreds of thousands were involved. They must think we are all gullible anarchists. Unbelievable BBC bias on the radio that I knew was highly questionable at the time.
R5 now saying the man decapitated was the terrorists employer, the boss of a courier company. His head was covered in “Arabic words” and ‘placed’ on the perimeter fence”.
We can all guess what “placed” means…..
His wife said he was an ordinary guy not a fanatic, but did observe Ramadan…….thank goodness for that, just a little work Argie Bargie then, no cause for concern…..
Missus and I were having lunch and this all came up.
I pointed to the knife rack on the wall and car in the drive and told her that all it needs is someone to think it’s worth a stab or take a run at. Should any so inclined be already here, or en route.
The police will be fearing for their families, the BBC will give them their 15 minutes and Theresa and Dave will suppress any raising concerns.
Entering into the formal BBC complaints process is like trying to row across the ocean in a bathtub with a sieve for an oar.
However, I have made some progress re a complaint about Chloe Tilley’s outrageous pro-Palestinian bias on a WHYS programme over a month ago. After submitting the complaint to the World Service I started to fill out a survey that had popped up earlier on the site – but was informed that I couldn’t complete it since I’m outside the UK. So, being in the mode I complained about that as well, mentioning that I had received no case number and no automated response after the complaint re the world Service.
To my utter astonishment I got a reply 3 days later. Posted in next comment.
Thanks for contacting us regarding a survey you recently attempted to complete on the BBC website.
We appreciate you taking the time to begin this survey and we note that you were frustrated you couldn’t complete it because you aren’t located in the UK.
The survey, as it pertains to the UK version of the website paid for by the licence fee, would seek to limit contributions to those users it serves within the UK.
Our website should normally be able to tell if a user is visiting from within or outside the UK and serve them the appropriate version of the website. We are sorry for any frustration caused but hope you can appreciate that, as part of improving our service for licence fee payers in the UK, a survey would wish to establish if those completing it were within the UK – similar surveys may be conducted by BBC Worldwide for our international websites.
[My emphasis in bold]: Noting your other comments, please be assured that we would seek to respond to all complaints requesting a response. If you haven’t received a response within ten working days, please contact us again with details of the complaint and the contact details you provided and we can investigate further – you may also wish to check the content of your spam folder.
You can contact us again using the complaints webform, linked to below. Please include the case reference number quoted above in your correspondence:
Thank you again for your feedback. Complaints are sent to senior management and programme makers every morning and we’ve included your points in our overnight reports. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC ensuring that complaints are seen quickly by the right people.
Coupla things: I imagine the quick and comprehensive reply had something to do with the fact that it was a relatively trivial complaint on a technical matter and as such required no ducking and diving on the part of the BBC.
However, the undertaking to investigate the World Service complaint was totally unexpected, as well as the promise to check it out if I respond quoting the given case number.
So I just did, pasting in the original complaint re Chloe Tilley, since ten working days have now elapsed. And, interestingly, no survey popped up this time.
Will keep my esteemed colleagues on this site posted.
The BBC are re-running this story of the Paris attack with the report on the recent attack from Monsieur ‘Normal’ Mohamed. Looks like the moslems are going to be presented as the victims of the far right once again.
‘But the potential backlash, including support for far right parties and groups, may well hurt ordinary Muslims more than anyone else, leaving the authorities and religious leaders in western Europe wondering how to confront violence in the name of religion without victimizing minorities or being accused of ‘Islamophobia’.’
I heard Lord Dartmouth (UKIP MEP) on the Jeremy Vine Show today, very impressive speaker talking lots of common sense – Dartmouth that is, not Vine of course; who was his usual fatuous self.
Good to see Douglas Carswell’s scathing remarks in the Daly Telegraph in respect of Dave’s magical mystery tour of Europe (or farcical, pointless). We now need the BBC to start saying the same loudly – that (to quote Carswell) “to be blunt, the rest of Europe knows that Mr Cameron is bluffing. The Prime Minister wants to keep Britain in the EU, and is willing to do so at almost any price” … so why would ‘the colleagues’ offer him anything?
BBC man Garry O’Donoghue seems pleased that the US Supreme Court has made a ruling on Pantomime Marriage* – although his choice of phrase might be considered a touch risque he certainly comes over as satisfied that the left-liberal forward only ratchet effect will rule here. “The Supreme Court is supreme” he simpers in delight.
In fact, Garry, I doubt very much that ‘this puts it to bed’ – leftist campaigners will doubtless be picking their next battle ground even as you and the Supreme Court speak. Age of consent? Three-way marriage? Incestuous civil partnerships? Who knows? Anything anyway anyone anyhow that the liberal left can imagine ‘putting to bed’ they will undoubtedly demand we recognise it.
*Who would have thought Panto would catch on in the States?
Pincipal Boys – no.
Dames – they have those over there – perhaps they misunderstood?
There’s nothing pantomime about it, of course, as people who have the slightest grasp on reality will realise.
But then, Biased BBC commenters do have a habit of presenting fabricated views of the world in increasingly desperate attempts to pretend that their views have any relevance. We’ll just have to chalk AsISeeIt’s latest piece of idiocy up to the same.
Thanks for your contribution, Geoff – as devoid of any point as usual.
Now, will you amd/or AsISeeIt care to explain why two people of the same sex being able to marry (after, for some, decades of waiting) is a pantomime, but two drunken straight people being able to roll up to a Las Vegas wedding chapel and get married after minutes of knowing each other is not?
Your answer will probably have to rely on (a) common sense and (b) awareness of the world outside your own four walls, so I completely understand if this simple question is beyond your grasp.
You are, as always, quick to resort to abuse, but not so quick to look in the mirror and recognise your own hypocritical lack of tolerance for people with differing opinions.
Nope, it takes more than Biased BBC’s usual coterie of nutcases and arrogant, patronising, lying little shitbags to get to me. Sorry to disappoint.
Now, care to explain why gay people getting married is a “pantomime”, or are you just going to spend all your time being a patronising jerk because you have nothing of merit to contribute?
Funny, none of the anti-gay rhetoric spouted by Biased BBC’s commenters ever stands up to even the slightest questioning. And those who can’t defend the indefensible blame those who stand up to them.
Poor mites. Must be hell to be so out of touch with reality.
Where “beyond reason” is GCooper shorthand for “fails to treat GCooper with the reverence that GCooper, and only GCooper, feels he deserves for no reason.”
All hail the power of the Biased BBC mindset – “we’re arrogant, patronising, fact-averse windbags with no connection to reality, so we’re going to behave like we’re better than you because it’s the only way we can pretend our pathetic, empty little lives have any meaning.”
Scotty, the life reality to most posters here is not one of pinkness, in fact most of the population.
You may not realise it, but manic ‘look at me look at me’ homosexuals like yourself do little for your cause, you also need to realise that even gays can be to the right of the political spectrum.
“You may not realise it, but manic ‘look at me look at me’ homosexuals like yourself do little for your cause…”
In the space of less than 50 years this country has gone from homosexuality being a criminal offence to same-sex marriage being legal and supported by a majority of the population.
“People like Scott” have won the argument; whilst “people like you” are part of an ever dwindling minority. And yet, despite all of that, it hasn’t affected the way you live your own life in the slightest, minuscule regard.
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andyjsnapeMar 10, 11:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo Far Right, Far Right As we know the bbc isn’t biased…
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This yesterday
‘Rotherham sex abuse inquiry identifies 300 potential suspects’
And then, suddenly today, this
‘A Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) report showed more than 107,000 such prosecutions in the year to April, up 16,000 (18%) on the previous year.’
Do they think we are stupid?
18% increase in a year?,
For the past 5 years the police knew all about Islamic rape gangs specifically targeting schools …
5 years? We’ve known about “men of Asian origin ” since the BBc tried to jail griffin for it was in the news . Then because we were saying what he was saying we were of course “fascists”, So 9 years ago and I imagine people knew before that. Funny how the BBc always acts in complete surprise when this story keeps re-surfacing. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/bradford/6135060.stm
simply more information, on government complicity
and denial of the harsh reality
There is only one shrill fool in this interview and he is sitting on the left.
Whatever we may think of Nick Griffin he is largely correct in his argument.
Not the BBc but on Sky some **** from the red cross telling us that the migrants are just like us and we should take in more. When perused by the reporter with the comments they are not wanted and what figures are you talking the **** continued on his diatribe. Of course I assume there won’t be any migrants moving next door to him although he expects that we will welcome them with open arms. Not sure if the red cross has hit BBc yet as the VD show was on before I went out. Have pity next time some chugger from Red cross shoves their tin in my face. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23584191
How long before there is a public demand for the cross to be replaced with a crescent? Will the British Red Cross compromise with a lozenge?

BBC employee imposing his own thoughts on the audience again.
Jeremy Vine finds it ‘unlikely’ that UKIP should have an LGBT group because they were against gay marriage, why? I was, but I don’t think it unlikely.
This is where the bias of the bBC struggles when the opposing left and right sets intersect….
Andrew Pearce (sp) of the Sky Paper Review fame is openly gay and very anti-EU. I also think Prof. Starkey is anti-EU too.
It is quite possible to oppose Gay Marriage and not be anti homosexual.
Jeremy Vine finds the two French people that like living next to Clegg’s latent ‘New Britons’. However they think we should share in the joy.
Yesterday we had a London-based academic tell us that the ‘Calais Problem’ can easily be solved – we just need to let them in!
With about 0.07 billion of us inside ‘fortress’ Briton and 7 billion outside at what point should we close the door, (if ever), BBC?
Mr Vine and others seem to believe than ‘its only 3000’ we should just let them in, are these people incapable of joined up/critical thinking?
Unless Mr Vine is offering to put them all up, and their extended families, who are sure to follow in due course, with board, for free in his garden, he should shut his trap.
Update on a story that al-Beeb don’t seem all that interested in reporting.
Feel the enrichment!
Of course, if the attackers had been white supremacists and the victim a peaceful resident of Luton visiting Cambridge for the weekend, you might get to hear about it courtesy the unrivalled news machine that is our national broadcasting treasure.
The BBC on population increase: It’s all because of free childcare and absolutely not to do with immigration (and don’t even thinkin about even thinking that it might be
Despite the graphs within the article that show that it is. And the admissions that:
Net migration accounts for just over half of Britain’s population growth, with the remainder due to a combination of people living longer and live births, although the gap has grown recently with more new arrivals.
The BBC along with it’s fellow travelling liberal left is in denial. One more marker on the road to civilisational destruction.
I no longer feel like listening to their crap. The tragedy is that so many are fooled.
In my opinon the BBC is worse than Pravda ever was. At least the average Russian knew that Pravda was propaganda.
The sooner it goes the better and the better chance my grandchildren have got of coping with the mess the 68ers and their like have left behind them.
BBC website- UK population increases by 500,00 . Bad enough for a small island struggling to deal with rapid population growth, but even worse was the detail that a quarter of all births were to mothers born outside the UK! Do the arithmetic and you see that in a couple of generations babies born to the indigenous population of the islands will be in a minority!!
I expect that the BBC sees these figures as a triumph and looks with satisfaction that within a few decades the UK will be the thoroughly multiculti country that the corporation has fought so hard for.
Whether it will be the Utopia they envisage is of course extremely unlikely, unless of course the UK is almost unique in history and develops friendly relationships between sections of the population with great religious and cultural differences. The omens do not look good do they?
Then on the Daily Politics they were discussing immigration, child poverty etc with the chap from Migration Watch and Frank Field MP. The discussion then touched on UK productivity and the living wage. Both guests said that mass immigration was very bad for productivity, for all the obvious reasons.Jo Coburn, the presenter, kept trying to stop the guests from discussing this, but they kept coming back to it. Indeed Mr Field said he thought it was a mega problem, which of course it is, and required an immense amount of work by government .
The impact of mass immigration on productivity , serious though it is, is going to be just a minor issue compared to others that have and will emerge from the profoundly stupid policy of allowing/encouraging mass immigration into our country that the BBC has connived at over the years.
Nothing happens by accident, our elites are not stupid, their open doors policy is deliberate.
Exactly right. David.
The Left/Right paradigm is a joke. There is only one political force in the West…Globalism run by Globalists.
Except that it’s easily shot down in flames !
Governments in Europe at least do not force ‘integration’, Integration is a ‘racist’ concept because everything which opposes Fascist vision is ‘racist’. Instead they follow the dictats of a dead Marxist black guy which they call ‘multiculturalism’. Despite it’s many documented failings, the Fascists are determined it is perfect and no deviation from the one true vision can be allowed.
China is flooding Tibet with mass Chinese immigration, do you think the Chinese Communist Regime has the best interests of Tibet at heart ? Hmm…
U.N definition of genocide ” Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such”
I don’t think the liberal left is deliberately trying to engineer a genocide but I agree that their policy makes one possible, perhaps even likely. What they hope is that over the course of a few generations we will inter marry with the immigrant groups, share each groups customs, and become a society where racial and cultural identities slowly fuse together into a cohesive homogeneous whole.
That this has never happened in human history doesn’t seem to worry them. The usual outcome of this type of mass immigration or migration, is for there to be a bloody struggle until one group achieves dominance over the other, sometimes leading to genocide.
Why will the UK not experience this in 10, 20, 50 years time? Why the left think that this won’t happen is an interesting question. Surely they can’t be certain that their present manipulation of the population by the likes of the BBC, the destruction of British culture or the introduction of anti white legislation and banning free speech, etc etc ,will be sufficient to persuade the whites to accept their fate? So why are they trying this social engineering experiment when all precedent tells them it is extremely dangerous? One reason is that I am sure they are stupid . After all many other leftist policies are stupid only not so dangerous and irreversible as this one!
A fair summary. Stupidity and liberalism are one and the same today.
It all stems from a belief that the liberal can reorder reality to suit his fantasies.
This way lies madness and destruction.
No people ever have voluntarily given up their land with out a fight. WE should know after trying to colonise the world.
The BBC/liberal ( one and the same now) think they can order a new reality much like buying a new car.
The “desperate migrants” arrested on UK soil will never be sent back.
They know this.
With no documentation e.g. passports, they are stateless.
Arrests are pointless other than for documentation.
They’re home and dry having won the ‘Migration Lottery’ big time.
Italy has a habit of issuing them with EU passports, knowing that straightaway they will head for the UK and gain automatic entry.
Still, its good to know that Cameron will leave no stone unturned whilst wearing the Mark IIIb version of his serious faces.
I have to say that I am starting to feel sorry for immigrants who have done things the proper way – i.e. got a job, arranged a visa, had medical checks and so on. Why should the illegal economic migrants be bundled into the same general category as the proper law-abiding ones, when the whole reason for them being illegal is that they wouldn’t qualify for regulated immigration?
Dont waste your sympathy on the legals. They are very happy too, having gained MASSIVELY from moving to a rich country from a poor one.
The only losers are us.
The sign we are pretty much dead as a nation
And nowhere to be seen on the Beeb ……Naughty DM they used the M word.
Come on Cameron, you gutless bastard. You need to put the army in charge of these places until we can rebuild a police force with regard for the law. This is the politics of some third world shit hole
Sweden will get there first, it seems.
Sweden is in the Eu and is now a menace to the rest of Europe. The governing class does not share any real belief in the culture of Europe and is a perfect example of a bodysnatched elite.
Sweden has no future as a European state built on the shared values of the Christian West.and the Enlightenment
All those ethnic Swedes who can need to leave.
If this country can leave the EU and run it’s own affairs Sweden is one country where the strictest visa controls should be insisted on. Wreck their own country if they want but the Swedes have no right to inflict their madness on the rest of us.
And of course its no coincidence that the same is happening in most of the Western world.
Nations busily engaged in heaping up their own funeral pyres…..
I read a comment on another blog from a Swedish guy who said he wanted Vladimir Putin to invade his country to rescue it from the Swedish government.
‘… the whole power of the aggressor depends upon preventing people from seeing what is happening and from saying what they see.’
Enoch Powell 1970
Over the years the BBC have used race as a weapon of aggression against the interests of the UK and in order to further their own agenda. Their silencing of any form of debate on the issue of illegal immigration has been instrumental in producing the frightening problems we will now have to face. It’s clear that the BBC are an aggressively racist organisation. Powell was demonised, by the BBC amongst others, because he spoke the truth with clarity.
For the past 5 years the police knew all about Islamic rape gangs specifically targeting schools …
And yet the biggest problem is the upcoming EDL march. You could not make this up !
Shocking news everyone! The SJW behind the whole Sir Tim (Witch)Hunt fiasco turns out to be a former Beeboid who may have, as Mary Archer said about Jeffrey, ‘a talent for precis’:
I wonder what first attracted our impartial state broadcaster to the race-hustling SJW douchbag?
‘‘a talent for precis’
Somewhere in the BBC, Ian Katz realises the next great way he can score with Danny and Tony.
‘they could not recall enough to confirm or deny the additional quotes, but were clear not contradict them’
If not, there’s always The Trust.
Yes, Connie St Louis appeared on the BBC news – it was reported on this blog at the time – saying how she and the audience were shocked. She teaches journalism and is a long time BBC employee. Hardly an objective voice.
Just caught the start of “flog it” , today its coming from Manchester, which the presenter tells us is famous for media and is the birthplace of the important newspaper, the Manchester guardian, later to become the guardian. Notthe first two things that come into mind when you think of manc, unless you are bbbc of course. “FLOGGING IT” to death
Oh yeah……he was so good at handling a heckler that he had to get security to expel her
A BBC-5live special tomorrow?, always late to the party
Brave mother describes moment she saved two young sons from machete-wielding killer – Daily Express
Pregnant mum tells how she saved her children from machete maniac Nicolas Salvador.
Photographed with the hijabi mum Asma and Bilal ….
and erm … no issue trying to hide their Islamic identity.
… So why is the media (BBC) doing so with the killer
What is Labour’s position on the Calais situation?
When in opposition, they are always very vocal.
The usual f**king useless left-wing b*****ks from what is, in my opinion, a disgusting and vile left-wing hive of Labour luvvie scum.
Every other sod is talking about the explosion of immigrant births – especially in London, the out-of-control immigration and the effects all this is having on every sphere of public life; but the left-wing BBC obfuscate with its utter crap.
Did anybody hear the liberal media use the line about “disability campaigners/protesters” in Parliament yesterday WITHOUT the add-on “-“some of who were in wheelchairs”.
As if this has to be said-which of course it does these days.
Certainly the wheelchairs were a minority-the main bunch were squat waddling, benefit toting Militant Tendency types-who now seem ubiquitous in ANY protests.
These dole wallahs are never happier than when rucking on our benefits, and most of those who spoke about the protest yesterday were clearly not disabled-just hoping to cripple a Tory or two.
The BBC have the same few agitprop types like Fransesca Martinez, Pippa Pepper and Tom Shakespeare…but they`d rather talk to Irish subversives who claim to speak for the disabled.
The BBC are utter scum.
Interesting item in the Mail today. West Midlands police have been sitting on a report since 2010 that exposes sexual assault and grooming of over 100 girls . Most of the girls are white most of the perpetrators are Asian. Hardly a surprise .
The police didn’t want to release the report in case it inflamed racial tensions. This just confirms that police failure to protect the public in these matters is a nationwide institutional failure.
Have the bbc reported this? Didn’t hear it on either national tv news at 6 or West Midlands regional news . Some things never change
I hope you realise that they only have 4 billion pounds a year coming in and few thousand “journalists” on the payroll – what do you expect?
It’s the cuts dontchaknow.
The Queen, protector of her subjects, OK I made that up, HM is visiting Belsen tomorrow.
She then flies on to Kolyma to visit former Gulag camps.
After which she will visit a memorial in Cambodia to the 25% of the population killed by the Khmer Rouge.
Followed by a train ride over the border into Laos where she will …
In Ho Chi Minh City she is expected to attend …
Subsequently she will travel to Pyongyang where …
In Ulan Bator, her next stop, HM will visit …
In the PRC it is intended that …
The rest of her itinerary includes Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine, Rumania, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Bosnia H, Croatia, Poland, Bulgaria, Albania, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Cuba …
OK I also invented all that.
Perhaps you should go and visit all these places and lay a wreath to the unfortunates who were murdered there. Trying to use the Queen to score a point is in my opinion disgraceful.
The government is happy to use the Queen, giving her a pathetic pro-EU speech to read out to the Germans.
Hilarious. Go quickly to
and drop down to the first comment. Someone (redpolisher) has put on a great image and no one at the horrible Mirror seems to have seen it yet!
Apologies for going off piste…
Well spotted Road!
9.40pm and it’s still there!
Someone’s P45 will be in the post tomorrow at a guess.
22-58 and no image, but 3 out of 3 comments about our wonderful “diversity” and its effects on our young girls, so all rather funny.
I’ve just gone there (8am Friday) and the image is still there, assuming we are referring to the red T-shirt “I voted Labour….”. Only 2 comments below it though.
In 1997 Immigration figures took off and continued upwards.
In 1997, Labour under Blair won the election. Things Can Only Get Better as I remember.
Look at the graph since 1997.
Not mentioned by BBC.
And Blunkett gave an immigrant amnesty a few years later.
Sir Tim Hunt, the awarded Nobel Neuroscientist at UCL who joked that that Woman in Labs were distracting (he should know) was shopped by American feminist Connie St Louis a professional complainer of the ‘e-q-u-a-l-i-t-i-e-s’ sector who just happens to have been trained for 16 years as a BBC ‘j-o-u-r-n-a-l-i-s-t’ to discover her skills as a Scientist (knowing little about Science), and onto BBC 4 radio health programs knowing nothing about Health) not member of the Royal Society of Science she is therefore campaigning for a Woman president to replace Issac Newton who was a #Man (Men are (obviously so distracting and should be removed from all Science posts and replaced with someone like herself with ‘d-i-v-e-r-s-i-t-y’. She is of course an ardent pro-rights (left) supporter for the ethnicity and diversity of everything including The NEW Climate Change non -science as it does not fit the narrative.
That is how Ms St Louis thinks Science ‘Works’ as a former BBC journalist she will never discover anything, nor be awarded for anything at all – her ‘opinion’ and ‘indignation’ that the Earth should revolve around Venus forms and confirm a Climate Change that fits the views of those with a feminist Twitter account and those fortunate enough to be trained by the BBC as would be journalists.. Its no joke, these trial by Twitters by the angry mob of lefties.
The Telegraph is claiming that the BBC Trust is to be scrapped and that the Corporation will in future be regulated by Ofcom.
Given the lamentable performance of the various government ‘regulators’ over the past few decades does anyone have any confidence that this will improve things?
Personally, I have none at all.
Throwing good money after bad. The regulation is pointless. Always has been and will remain so. Get rid of the lot.
Abolish the TV licence and its so called trust, let Al Beeb be funded by subscription .
New readers of this site should vote here and tell your friends …….
I have made a few complaints to Ofcom over the years the last time was channel 4s hatchet job on UKIP weirdly enough I didn’t notice a lot of difference between a complaint to them and a complaint to the BBc.
They never even bothered to reply to me after the UKIP job I complained about.
I think I got a response to my initial complaint but they never sent me a copy of the decision that there was no problem what so ever with what channel 4 did.
But Ofcom are crap as well.
Agreed. State regulators are meant to look after public interests but invariably end up defending those they are meant to regulate. And if they do that with the commercial sector, think what they’ll be like with fellow state troughers. You only have to look at ofcom’s record on mobile or broadband contract dodges to see they are either toothless or complicit.
I do note yet another ‘report’ that is based on ‘sources who reveal’, so still worth seeing what pans out.
But so far this conforms to almost all the ‘Future of the BBC’ committee recommendations, as chaired by John Whittingdale. He was also vocally keen on the licence fee ceasing to be avoidable in any form, by loading on council tax or ISP fees.
Interestingly, other sources are saying…
The sun has got his hat on
This morning I begin to understand why BBC presenters have been banging on and on for weeks about our slow summer.
(Aside from the large credibility hole the cool weather was blowing in their mad cap global la-de-dah theories that is)
It now looks as though come the first drop of sunshine the BBC had waiting in the wings teed up for us a perfect storm of paranoia propaganda.
UVA versus UVB rays – suddenly there’s a sun cream labelling scandal.
Very High Pollen Levels.
Urban Beaches under the overpass, Batman! I’m almost afraid to go out of the front door.
How on earth did Nanny State hound us all to death before the BBC came along?
I have a theory that Britain’s long wartime experiences gave the bossy bureauocrats and politicians the time of their lives. Dig for victory. Coughs and sneezes. Keep mum. This is the BBC….. They just will not let go.
Time to declare a VE day
So the day after it transpires police in Birmingham covered up Muslim rape gangs for community cohesion (innit), and what does gameshow Campbell and his acolytes at Five Live breakfast lead with?
….make sure you put sun cream on when it’s sunny.
For fuck’s sake. How depressing. How predictable.
I did warn you guys yesterday what would happen when the BBC could see that the sun was going to come out. It won’t be long before they will be telling us to take an umbrella out to stop us from getting wet when, at or above 25’C, sparks off thunderstorms. The BBC, always telling us what to think and what to do.
Scotland on track for their COLDEST June in 43 years according to the Met Office. For those in the North of the U.K. unfortunately they get storm Bill while we get African temperatures.
I just e mailed them with a similar point. Well worth the license fee hey?
BBc breakfast charity of the day the Children’s society talking about how it is “difficult” for teenagers these days. Meanwhile in the news the first burials of the Charlston murder victims trumps the death of Patrick Mcnee. Weather bint is under the Westway on an “urban beach” with another “Charity”.
This is what bBC Bristol think newsworthy this morning. No doubt she was a good woman, but newsworthy? If this is supposed to bring racial harmony, it probably does the reverse.
I suppose Bristol will have a long wait for murials of white Bristolians!
Are they the ones who started the St Pauls Riots in 1980, or the St Pauls Riots in 1987?
Die-versity will hunt down the last white man, there is no escape.
I wonder if there’s murals of famous white men in Soweto ?
The BBC is busy sanitising the report on Britain’s growing population. The Today programme interviewed one Julia Margo whom I doubt many of you have heard of. She is ex Demos and IPPR, in other words Labour and Blairite to the core ( remember the Blair approach to opening the immigration floodgates?). Now like all good Blairites Ms Margo has found a well paid berth at another charity, The Family and Childcare Trust. This dispassionate ‘ expert’ was wheeled on by the BBC to tell us that a rising population was not important. What really mattered was that immigration was changing the structure of the population which otherwise is ageing.
Sure we need an increase in the birthdate and a continuing increase in the average age of the population presents problems. But it is disingenuous to suggest that this makes mass immigration acceptable . What about a physically overcrowded country, creaking public services, grossly inadequate housing provision, ghettoisation, religious fanaticism, cultural fracturing and various other curses of mass immigration and a rising population ?
Do they that are young, (immigrants), not get old? Age shall not wither them?
Pyramid marketing scheme for population control.
“All kinds of Muslims find that Turkey is a place to regroup, and then to be smuggled through Anatolia to Bulgaria by land, or to Greece by sea.
And thence they continue on, because it is not so much “Europe” that they seek, but those countries within Europe that offer the most benefits.
Who wants to stay in Greece when he can be in Sweden?
It is amazing that this clear choice of destination, based on the amount of free health care, free education, free everything that is made available, is not discussed more.
Instead, if you listen to NPR or the BBC, you hear endlessly about “immigrants” who are “seeking a better life.”
That last phrase is so appealing, and it evokes in others, the descendants of other kinds of immigrants, warm feelings of sympathy.
Or if not real sympathy, then at least a feeling that “who am I to deny someone else the right to do what my grandparents or great-grandparents did?”
A moment’s thought might have prevented that easy identification.
The better life that earlier immigrants sought, remember, was the life in countries that offered no benefits at all to compare with what is now on offer.
Why be sentimental about people who “seek a better life” if what that really means is that they seek better benefits?
New English Review Symposium, Nov, 2012
BBC gets yet, another dishonourable mention
‘Two of the 300 Rotherham child sex abuse suspects are current or former local councillors say police’
The two councillors – they’ll be Labour.
And the 300..? Spartans, I guess.
The BBC are not saying.
The Mail says “‘predominantly’ Asian”
This could mean they have a little bit of Yorkshire in their ethnic make up?
Which reminds one of that Blue Mink ditty…
Take a pinch of white man
Wrap it up in black skin
Add a touch of blue blood
And a little bitty bit of Red Indian boy
Curly Latin kinkies
Mixed with yellow Chinkees
If you lump it all together
Well, you got a recipe for a get along scene
Oh, what a beautiful dream
If it could only come true, you know, you know
Pass the sick bag, please.
The two councillors – they’ll be Labour
wake up …
MOST importantly, they ll be Muslim
A plaque in Dartford concerning Jagger, Richards and the formation of the band stirred his ire. Bill Wyman, ex of The Rolling Stones, informs me via an interview on 5 Live that he loathes historical revisionism to suit an agenda. If this is the case, Bill, best give the BBC a swerve.
Should any of you want to decorate your bedrooms with a nice flag to go with your yellowing poster of Daisy Duke you will find that Google is no longer ‘your friend’ and that Amazon, now a gateway to many shops, has put up the shutters.
In other words, for all practical purposes, in this ‘connected’ world, this flag ceases to exist. What else doesn’t ‘exist’ any more that has been quietly blocked?
The BBC, ears pricked for the slightest UKIP misdemeanor in the smallest parish council, or clip across a tanned ear by a ‘hideously white’ police officer in a one-horse town in the distant USA, seems to have missed this.
Should you live in the USA and feel the need to express the supremacy of your religion, race or football team extremely strongly, no problem! All the usual services are available at Wal-Mart and other stores, that no doubt, Google and Amazon will help you find.
With practice one can tell when the BBC lies but the biggest lie is what they choose not to tell us.
The BBC twitterfarties, haven t noticed this oversight yet,(always last to the party) … it won t be long 😀
Tesco underfire after selling smokey bacon flavour Pringles as part of a special Ramadan promotion
“under fire” … actually they are suitable for vegetarian?
Blundering Tesco Promotes Ramadan With Smokey Bacon Pringles
blundering? … they contain no pork?
Tesco under attack for offering bacon flavoured Pringles as part of Ramadan promotion – Torygraph
“Tesco under attack”? unfortunate turn of phrase considering its Islam again …
… but, not a problem continuing NOT to label abhorrent Halal meat, foisting it on the wider population.
Looks like more overt, unnecessary … “offence industry”
Sharia adherence to me
… if this crap doesn t change we re finished
No idea if and what the BBC will run with, but this is pure DM sh*t-stirring for ratings, which will only inflame those who take little to get worked up. Shame on them.
It made it as far Malaysia days ago, and the first thing I read was the locals actually reading the small print and asking what the problem was.
However, if an offence caravan is not loading its mules here I’ll be very surprised.
BBC wise to steer clear unless one of their ‘trending’ moppets from the cubicle gardens again has zero to write about to justify their wage and can’t resist.
Are the bBC going to report this, not on their news website yet..
“A man has been decapitated and an Islamist flag raised near a French factory in Grenoble, according to reports.
There are also reports of a loud explosion at the factory and several other victims.
Sources said at least one arrest had been made, though there are also reports of two attackers, both carrying Islamist flags.
Other sources said that two men rammed the factory in car before entering and setting off several small explosive devices”
Nothing to do with Islam. ‘Course not.
It’s there now. Perhaps we should organise a sweepstake for the first recorded mention of “nothing to do with Islam”. I say 11:05.
But hey, let’s agree to take 40,000 such people who’ve arrived without an invite on the northern shores of the Mediterranean. What could go wrong? I’m sure it’s only temporary and they’ll soon be processed and sent back and none of their wives and numerous offspring will be let in either. And it won’t encourage further copious boatloads to make their way over having seen the success of the earlier attempts.
There may be some BBC story ‘evolutions’ for Newsniffer, but currently it reads:
“Man decapitated” in suspected Islamist attack
Leading to:
I simply query the quotes marks, as one seems (sadly) without doubt (“…A man has been beheaded..”) and the other currently conjecture (if few doubts based on evidence so far).
Nothing to do with Islam. Islamist flag… well it appears to be Islamist. This could break the back of French tolerance. Cue BBC to drag out stories of underpaid and impoverished moslems in France.
‘EU agrees to relocate migrants’ (illegals).
Bet they are all given EU passports. Two guesses where they head then ?
We cannot control our borders any more Mr Prime Minister.
This is what we’re not told, probably most hearing that the UK are not taking any thinks that Cameron must be doing a great job…
Latest from the Telegraph. The alleged attacker says he is from ISIS. So nothing to do with Islam. Vichy Dave sends his sympathy to Hollande.
I would like to send something else to Hollande…
BBC, and 5live call on Frank “Ironsides” Gardiner for his expert B/S oops I mean advice.
Lots of lone wolf,(ISIS flags?) not a beheading,(accidental or otherwise it happened) and assorted obfuscation.
utter babble
“The Air Products company must have “provoked” the jihadi s in some way, non?”
“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4)
I assume it is not regarded as a hate crime
The BBC used the headline on their website
“man decapitated” in French attack
What, is Madam Guillotine back? Was it carried out by a man in a beret, Breton top with a baguette under his arm?
The BBC then changed their headline to
“France attack: ‘Man decapitated’ near Lyon”
Still none the wiser, is Napoleon on the rampage or something?
Wanting to keep abreast of the situation in France whilst in the car, it occurred to me that the bBC have a monopoly of news output on UK radio, ie there is no Sky News equivalent, who broke the story an hour before the bBC.
On FM 1,2,3 and Local radio have hourly news, Radio 4 the same. The remainder of FM tends to be music based stations, again with scant hourly news.
Medium wave is the same, with similar local stations and bBC 5Live, Talk Radio is now just purely sport based.
LBC is national, but mostly only on DAB, how many people have How many people have in car DAB? Even today not many new cars offer the option.
Time to break up this monopoly.
DAB was a bBC endorsed pile of crap.
The £4bn the bbc extorts each year keeps out any competition that has to earn it’s income.
Geoff: technically speaking FM radio is higher quality but travels a relatively short distance (about 25 miles) so it would not reach France from London. They old style MW and LW can travel all over Europe and many French radio stations can still be heard here in UK. SW waveband can travel right around the globe but at much reduced quality and much dependent on the ionisphere to work. FM I think was licensed by Gov and wholesale given to the BBC (for free) who quickly took advantage and established several new radio stations for ethnic minorities as a BBC World Service for Tower Hamlets. It was about the same time that LBC was established. Radio 5 no idea on why it exists or the dozens of BBC ‘local radio’ that duplicate its network.
On that technical subject, the BBC in its wisdom decided to limit World Service broadcasts to Israel a few years ago. So Israelis could only potentially be brainwashed for a certain number of hours a day.
At the end of April this year the World Service cut its broadcasts to Israel completely. Now you can no longer tune into the World Service from Tel Aviv, for example, on that old fashioned thing called a radio.
As far as I know, the Palestinian territories are unaffected.
Still, anyone who wants to raise their blood pressure can still access the World Service online, I imagine from anywhere on the planet.
Perhaps one day we’ll see the BBC cutting its online broadcasts to places it doesn’t approve of.
Hopefully it will cut its broadcasts to most of the UK outside of London, with exceptions like Bradford and Rotherham perhaps. The BBC does not like or represent the British public
The BBC bias at work (again) ‘Last weekend saw the first “End Austerity Now” protest since the general election. The number of protesters on the streets of London was in fact only about one tenth of the figure which organisers had claimed, although even then they may have erroneously included our very own Andy Silvester (Taxpayers alliance): he was there to appear on BBC News as a lone voice of fiscal responsibility, arguing that spending reductions are essential if the country is to live within its means once again.’ I heard the BBC claimed that the march was a ‘great success’ and hundreds of thousands were involved. They must think we are all gullible anarchists. Unbelievable BBC bias on the radio that I knew was highly questionable at the time.
R5 now saying the man decapitated was the terrorists employer, the boss of a courier company. His head was covered in “Arabic words” and ‘placed’ on the perimeter fence”.
We can all guess what “placed” means…..
His wife said he was an ordinary guy not a fanatic, but did observe Ramadan…….thank goodness for that, just a little work Argie Bargie then, no cause for concern…..
Anyone almost anywhere could be working with or living near a potentially radicalised individual.
Motive, opportunity, and means….
Missus and I were having lunch and this all came up.
I pointed to the knife rack on the wall and car in the drive and told her that all it needs is someone to think it’s worth a stab or take a run at. Should any so inclined be already here, or en route.
The police will be fearing for their families, the BBC will give them their 15 minutes and Theresa and Dave will suppress any raising concerns.
more workplace violence.
Entering into the formal BBC complaints process is like trying to row across the ocean in a bathtub with a sieve for an oar.
However, I have made some progress re a complaint about Chloe Tilley’s outrageous pro-Palestinian bias on a WHYS programme over a month ago. After submitting the complaint to the World Service I started to fill out a survey that had popped up earlier on the site – but was informed that I couldn’t complete it since I’m outside the UK. So, being in the mode I complained about that as well, mentioning that I had received no case number and no automated response after the complaint re the world Service.
To my utter astonishment I got a reply 3 days later. Posted in next comment.
Dear etc
Reference Case no. etc,
Thanks for contacting us regarding a survey you recently attempted to complete on the BBC website.
We appreciate you taking the time to begin this survey and we note that you were frustrated you couldn’t complete it because you aren’t located in the UK.
The survey, as it pertains to the UK version of the website paid for by the licence fee, would seek to limit contributions to those users it serves within the UK.
Our website should normally be able to tell if a user is visiting from within or outside the UK and serve them the appropriate version of the website. We are sorry for any frustration caused but hope you can appreciate that, as part of improving our service for licence fee payers in the UK, a survey would wish to establish if those completing it were within the UK – similar surveys may be conducted by BBC Worldwide for our international websites.
[My emphasis in bold]:
Noting your other comments, please be assured that we would seek to respond to all complaints requesting a response. If you haven’t received a response within ten working days, please contact us again with details of the complaint and the contact details you provided and we can investigate further – you may also wish to check the content of your spam folder.
You can contact us again using the complaints webform, linked to below. Please include the case reference number quoted above in your correspondence:
Thank you again for your feedback. Complaints are sent to senior management and programme makers every morning and we’ve included your points in our overnight reports. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC ensuring that complaints are seen quickly by the right people.
Kind regards
BBC Complaints
Coupla things: I imagine the quick and comprehensive reply had something to do with the fact that it was a relatively trivial complaint on a technical matter and as such required no ducking and diving on the part of the BBC.
However, the undertaking to investigate the World Service complaint was totally unexpected, as well as the promise to check it out if I respond quoting the given case number.
So I just did, pasting in the original complaint re Chloe Tilley, since ten working days have now elapsed. And, interestingly, no survey popped up this time.
Will keep my esteemed colleagues on this site posted.
BBC R4 news at 16.00 says today’s islamic attacks carried out by “militants”. Phew! Glad it wasn’t terrorism then. Just militantism.
Wondering how long before we’re told that the real victims of this are….. Muslims, because it will lead to inreased islamophobia.
The BBC are re-running this story of the Paris attack with the report on the recent attack from Monsieur ‘Normal’ Mohamed. Looks like the moslems are going to be presented as the victims of the far right once again.
‘But the potential backlash, including support for far right parties and groups, may well hurt ordinary Muslims more than anyone else, leaving the authorities and religious leaders in western Europe wondering how to confront violence in the name of religion without victimizing minorities or being accused of ‘Islamophobia’.’
I heard Lord Dartmouth (UKIP MEP) on the Jeremy Vine Show today, very impressive speaker talking lots of common sense – Dartmouth that is, not Vine of course; who was his usual fatuous self.
Regarding the Terrorist murders, Cameron has again said that it all has nothing to do with true Islam which is a ”Religion of Peace”.
Religion of Peace? Does nothing get through to that pseudo-aristocratic chump??
Good to see Douglas Carswell’s scathing remarks in the Daly Telegraph in respect of Dave’s magical mystery tour of Europe (or farcical, pointless). We now need the BBC to start saying the same loudly – that (to quote Carswell) “to be blunt, the rest of Europe knows that Mr Cameron is bluffing. The Prime Minister wants to keep Britain in the EU, and is willing to do so at almost any price” … so why would ‘the colleagues’ offer him anything?
“This puts it to bed”
BBC man Garry O’Donoghue seems pleased that the US Supreme Court has made a ruling on Pantomime Marriage* – although his choice of phrase might be considered a touch risque he certainly comes over as satisfied that the left-liberal forward only ratchet effect will rule here. “The Supreme Court is supreme” he simpers in delight.
In fact, Garry, I doubt very much that ‘this puts it to bed’ – leftist campaigners will doubtless be picking their next battle ground even as you and the Supreme Court speak. Age of consent? Three-way marriage? Incestuous civil partnerships? Who knows? Anything anyway anyone anyhow that the liberal left can imagine ‘putting to bed’ they will undoubtedly demand we recognise it.
*Who would have thought Panto would catch on in the States?
Pincipal Boys – no.
Dames – they have those over there – perhaps they misunderstood?
a ruling on Pantomime Marriage*
There’s nothing pantomime about it, of course, as people who have the slightest grasp on reality will realise.
But then, Biased BBC commenters do have a habit of presenting fabricated views of the world in increasingly desperate attempts to pretend that their views have any relevance. We’ll just have to chalk AsISeeIt’s latest piece of idiocy up to the same.
“Increasingly desperate attempts to pretend that their views have any relevance”
For once you talk from experience….
Thanks for your contribution, Geoff – as devoid of any point as usual.
Now, will you amd/or AsISeeIt care to explain why two people of the same sex being able to marry (after, for some, decades of waiting) is a pantomime, but two drunken straight people being able to roll up to a Las Vegas wedding chapel and get married after minutes of knowing each other is not?
Your answer will probably have to rely on (a) common sense and (b) awareness of the world outside your own four walls, so I completely understand if this simple question is beyond your grasp.
Oh no, have you managed to escape the orderlies again? They must keep a better eye on the door to that padded cell…
Touched a nerve, did he?
You are, as always, quick to resort to abuse, but not so quick to look in the mirror and recognise your own hypocritical lack of tolerance for people with differing opinions.
Touched a nerve, did he?
Nope, it takes more than Biased BBC’s usual coterie of nutcases and arrogant, patronising, lying little shitbags to get to me. Sorry to disappoint.
Now, care to explain why gay people getting married is a “pantomime”, or are you just going to spend all your time being a patronising jerk because you have nothing of merit to contribute?
I think you just caught your hem in the door, dear.
And that’s all the response your screeching caricature of a performance deserves.
Funny, none of the anti-gay rhetoric spouted by Biased BBC’s commenters ever stands up to even the slightest questioning. And those who can’t defend the indefensible blame those who stand up to them.
Poor mites. Must be hell to be so out of touch with reality.
It’s behind you!
Frankly, you and Scott deserve one another.
You are both beyond reason.
Where “beyond reason” is GCooper shorthand for “fails to treat GCooper with the reverence that GCooper, and only GCooper, feels he deserves for no reason.”
All hail the power of the Biased BBC mindset – “we’re arrogant, patronising, fact-averse windbags with no connection to reality, so we’re going to behave like we’re better than you because it’s the only way we can pretend our pathetic, empty little lives have any meaning.”
Scotty, the life reality to most posters here is not one of pinkness, in fact most of the population.
You may not realise it, but manic ‘look at me look at me’ homosexuals like yourself do little for your cause, you also need to realise that even gays can be to the right of the political spectrum.
Scott why are you on this site ? You are letting your ‘chums’ down with your rants. On a positive note, you are promoting this link………..
Scott This has 163,672 votes so far ……………….
Note, that I do not use offensive statements in my reply to you .
“You may not realise it, but manic ‘look at me look at me’ homosexuals like yourself do little for your cause…”
In the space of less than 50 years this country has gone from homosexuality being a criminal offence to same-sex marriage being legal and supported by a majority of the population.
“People like Scott” have won the argument; whilst “people like you” are part of an ever dwindling minority. And yet, despite all of that, it hasn’t affected the way you live your own life in the slightest, minuscule regard.
So what exactly is your problem?
Merched Becca,
Don’t forget to sign here:
This has 295,294 votes so far ……………….
Save BBC3
Note, that I do not call you a tedious arsehole in my reply to you 🙂
Not exactly about biased bbbc but I have to ask……
I think the Tories should replace Camoron with someone who is capable of doing something. Am I alone in thinking this?
I don’t think he will last much longer at theis rate
I agree, but the $64,000 dollar question is – replaced by whom?
Replace the whole lot with UKIP. Where have you been ?
More diversity from bBC West, we don’t know why it has been cancelled, only the bBC line ‘”ongoing challenges”
Gloucestershire Echo states lack of funds
Western Daily Press says “Bristol’s St Paul’s Carnival gets cancelled this year because of a lack of money”
‘Five decades bringing people together’? St Pauls was a no-go area for police years ago. Don’t know what it’s like now.