David Dimbleby presents the show from Southampton. On the panel are Ukip deputy chairman Suzanne Evans, Conservative energy secretary Amber Rudd MP, Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, Labour health bungler Andy Burnham MP and token jock Spectator editor Fraser Nelson. There is no representation from the SNP tonight, which is surprising since support for them is at least as strong in Southampton as in High Wycombe.
Kick off Thursday at 22.35
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One from UKIP, one from the Conservative Party and Fraser Nelson. Three nominally from the right. I think it’s now the second time they have managed to put equal sides up (counting Dimbleby as left which he clearly is) in 20 years.
So, err……I read on the BBC that Suzanne Evans was to be sacked….. Is that not now the case….
She was ‘unsacked’ with hours.
i wonder how long it’ll take for the bog standard SWP/UAF/HnH/communist rigged bbc audience boo’s at the brilliant Suzanne Evans?
I think that it will be seconds rather than minutes.
3 mins’ would be my guess.
5 mins 35 secs.
7 mins 10 secs.
Evans will be asked about the internal quarrels within UKIP, whether she supports the ‘divisive’ dictator Nige as leader of the out camp, and all sorts of questions about UKIP as a racist party. The others on the platform will deliberately misunderstand her answers and the randomly selected Trot and enricher filled audience will cheer anything said against her. Time for UKIP to get smart and stay off the BBC, and say why.
”Time for UKIP to get smart and stay off the BBC, and say why.”
Not only that, but Conservatives should do too.
Seems effective, given the harrumphing and empty chair pettiness the last time the BBC found folk were no longer asking how high when told to jump.
Thing is, if Ministers (not that many are of much calibre) don’t, there’ll always be a twit or publicity-hound wearing a blue rosette more than willing for their 15 minutes of party shafting.
Which is who the BBC will invite.
Tha’s reet.
Flag! Above comment not mine.
”One from UKIP, one from the Conservatives and Fraser Nelson. Three nominally from the right.”
Hmm, so who’s the other two then ?
Amber Rudd, Right???? She’s a grade A Eco-loon. Social democrat wing of the centre left (formerly) Conservative Party. Fraser is a Keynesian centrist. He talks as though he hasn’t even discovered ‘right wing’ thoughts.
Wishy washy Fraser Nelson has been to the Malcolm Rifkind school of elocution, a couple of marbles in his gob, putting the emphasis on all the wrong syllables, sounds like the prime of Miss Jean Brodie, unbearable, plus he’s a wannabe intellectual.
“The Malcolm Rifkind school of elocution”
You mean he says “Joooos come first, secoond and thirred”?
Flies on the wall get swatted.
Don’t you pay any heed to them Nelson. Just turn a blind eye….
Bet they couldn’t wait to get Suzanne Evans on QT!
No doubt the BBC will ensure that a week old plus event in a far off Charleston continues to be high on the agenda. Events nearer to home are apparently less newsworthy, e.g. http://www.halifaxcourier.co.uk/news/crime/fifteen-more-men-in-court-over-halifax-grooming-case-1-7325677
we all know what will happen on question time tonight when the topic of these bogus asylum seekers in france many who are rapists,isis terrorists and assorted scumbag criminals comes up who are trying to break into the country,with the exception of suzanne evans,the rest of the lefty panel will rant on about how enriched we are by mass immigration,how tolerant and welcoming a country we are,no doubt there will be whooping and wild clapping and howling with delight by the question time left wing biased audience when these out of touch panelists makes that point,no doubt when suzanne evans offers a different point of view she will be hissed at,screamed at,called a racist by the rancid lefties in the question time left wing biased bbc audience.
Blimey, have you conducted a survey?
I fear you will be correct stuart. Lets see. I wish Suzanne well. Lovely woman.
Nickers Knackers Knockers.
@cockney,yes,i monitor left wings sites and they boast about how they target question time every week to dominate the audience.
I`d recommend anybody listen to the Moral Maze from last night.
The sainted Melanie was on, but by no means at her coruscating best-sense she`s been nobbled a little.
The first witness-Bruce Everiss-was the most appalling anti-Semite, who regared IS as no worse than the Israeli army-who were the cause of all things evil, as far as he was concerned.
Yet when I went to his website-he`s actually pretty good on Lefty politics, the media etc.
Indeed were it not for his fixation on Israel he`d be quite good at times.
Just shows how a blind hatred of the notion of Israel consumes the Left…
Worth listening to the erudite Tom Holland, who upsets the church and liberal left with his compassion and study of the Koran…the lefties on the panel prefer to say he`s a counsel of despair…but he`s correct, and they never like that.
Thought the second witness was pretty good too-but he saw no religious problem with Islam-oh dear.
But his politics and remedies were fine as far as they went.
As I say, worth a listen-if only to hear the blinding anti Semitic blackspot of even otherwise-decent commentators.
Just a gentle reminder to all the elderly gentlemen on tonight ( which is 99.9% of you ) to go to the toilet well before QT and no liquids till the morning. Our nursing staff are getting a little peeved with the smell of wee wee.
I often find myself in the minority (not often of 0.1%). I often find myself most comfortable in the minority I find myself in too.
whoa is me ive had loads of kids and i want everyone else to support me
Let’s hope someone bowls the googly of onshore wind farms to Amber Rudd. I’ll sit back with the popcorn watching her waffle on a subject she’s knows f*** all about. Why Owen Patterson wasn’t chosen for her post is a mystery.
As usual, all lefty speeches applauded to the hilt and anything else met with stony silence. Another impartial BBC audience. I don’t know why I even watch this shit any more.
Giles making a total cock of himself is some compensation however. What a Guardian wanker.
I agreed with him about wanting to get out of the EU though.
i think the fact that the bbc replaced the greek finance minister who pulled out with the ultra leftie guardianista rentamouth giles fraser tonight just says it all about the bbc,why did they chose him.
For sheer comedy value Stuart. He has now said he’d vote out of the EU though and got many applause. Ha ha ha! Figure that one out.
I was quite pleased to find that the Greek finance minister, whose name I’m not alone in forgetting, was replaced by Giles Fraser. It gave a wider than normal audience the chance to fully appreciate what a vacuous, inarticulate, shallow, immature and pointless person he is.
It is of course no surprise that he is embraced so enthusiastically by the BBC, more worrying by far is the fact that he could ever have been considered for relatively high office within the church.
Another BBC Question (but no real answers) Time audience totally biased to the left. Liebour lost the election, but you wouldn’t sense this from the hopelessly pro-Guardian, pro-Giles Fraser audience. You just know the BBC has fiddled the seating arrangements when that idiot Giles gets unbridled applause for stating economically illiterate and naive lefty garbage.
wtf is burnham made out of
It’s a secret blend of polymers and jelly fish cells pioneered in the late 1960s at Porton Down Research Labs. It was intended for use in the manufacture of human-like robots. Burnham is the last relic from the experiment. Harold Wilson cancelled the project in 1970.
George Michael in the audience now. Wake me up before you go go.
I’ve just had to turn this appalling left-wing luvvie fest off; the ‘European migrant’ lady spurting her ‘Give Peace A Chance’ crap was just too much. Every Leftist syllable uttered was met with hysterical clapping; every sensible and fiscally responsible statement was greeted with silence. The bBC is beyond belief and blatant in its left bias.
Silly teenager talking about “desperate refugees” trying to cross the Channel. One look shows that the vast majority are not fleeing places like Syria, but rather they are economic migrants from Africa.
Giles says ‘welcome’ to all the barbaric cunts from Africa to tumultuous applause.
Says it all. It really says it all.
Utter utter utter cunts!
It is simply not true that “Every Leftist syllable uttered was met with hysterical clapping”. There was some applause, yes, for left-wing statements but there is no way on earth it could be called hysterical.
Equally, the woman from the NHS who said that the country is full was met with some applause. The man who said you shouldn’t borrow if you can’t pay it back also got a clap. When Giles Fraser said that he has become so disillusioned with the EU that he would vote out he got some applause.
The applause for Giles when he said he’d vote out of the EU were purely out of a sense of irony, surely.
ChrisL, rubbish man. You must have been watching a different programme; the one in your head perhaps? The audience was horrifically biased.
He does seem to have access to some form of Clapometer. Likely covered by ‘purposes of’ coyness though.
I know what I watched Alex. Are you still saying there was no audience applause for the things I listed? Here they are plus a few more:
19:30 for Giles Fraser’s “I would vote out”.
30:35 for “You shouldn’t borrow money if you can’t pay it back”
33:40ish for Suzanne Evans’ “The only way we can stop this cruel trade is by saying enough” (Referring to “practising tough love” and “not letting them in” at 32:50). Plus a small clap for saying we’ve already taken our fair share at 33:15.
40:15 for Suzanne Evans’ “How is [welcoming all these people] going to help working class people?” when there’s not enough work in this country.
44:00 for the woman from the NHS on the country being overcrowded.
47:00 for Suzanne Evans on how in Germany only 5% of the health service is staffed by immigrants and how the problem is down to us not training our own people.
I look forward to your response. I also look forward to you finding any round of applause for a leftist statement that could reasonably be described as “hysterical”.
Don’t tell ‘im Alex!
He has a notebook and is clearly prepared to use it!
How do you spot a lefty?
Stupid f’ing haircut….
Oh that spotty-faced, shouty mong. Quite so.
Fraser Nelson ” We’ve only taken 187 immigrants, we should do more”
Told you he was an arse.
Giles says ‘welcome’ and every applauds, so all is good.
Got to say that the Peter Kay programmes on his huge tour were brilliant, laughed my head off, what a decent bloke and he’s Northern.
Then I turn over to see the usual shite with the usual audience of freaks telling us how sorry we should feel for the rats who are desperate to bleed the UK dry of all the milk and honey they can get…I know someone who has been through Calais in a HGV and said he feared for his life, he has stopped going to the continent…I know who I believe and it’s not the bbc.
The Rev Giles Fraser…I’d put a bullet right between his eyes, why doesn’t he fuck off and preach where it’s needed most in the Middle East, I’d pay to see a ‘discussion’ with him and Jihadi John.
If you put a bullet between Giles’s eyes you would no damage. There is a vast, empty cranial space behind his eyes where his brain should be.
britain built on the labour of immigrants “bollocks” all those in Calais are from syria bollocks they will come and create jobs bollocks
welcome them all bollocks, there so poor thet cant feed their families bollocks, persecution bollocks
bollocks bollocks bollocks
Never Mind The Bollocks
The atheist vicar ” Immigrants come here, create jobs and by their vibrancy build our economy !!!”
Hmm, so why aren’t they doing it in their own countries then ?
They’re clearly not doing it anywhere near his home, otherwise I sincerely doubt he would be so keen on the idea.
When interviewed in Calais they say that they will be given a house in Eengland as soon as they arrive, no mention of arriving to set up a small business or help in a charitable organisation. It’s all ‘what I can get’ rather than ‘what I can offer’.
Tonights program has confirmed to me that all lefties are challenged in the IQ department, incapable of critical thinking…
Where the fuck did David Bellamy get that time machine?
Oh God I’d love to punch that smug fucker in the face (Not David Bellamy, he’s great).
A girl who works in the NHS who has just told the truth as to why it is collapsing, barely a murmer because the lefty scum would rather stick to the bullshit lie that the tories are destroying it.
Then some foreign twat tells the other lie about foreign NHS workers…would they be the ones who kill their patients then?
Fraser mate, repeat after me ” HOW, NOW, BROWN, COW. ”
I see Question Time a bit like Opportunity Knocks, leftys play to the carefully selected audience to score on the Clappometer…
Showing your age Geoff 😉
Do you mean that ‘most sincerely’ ?!
I shuurrly do, my friend.
Dimblebum calls Labour plant in audience for final comment. Barfff!!
QT, more plants than Kew Gardens, hard to keep up spotting them all.
Yeah I just love that little ploy. He knew exactly who to call for a ‘correct’ no-come-backs statement to conclude the evening’s charade. Shameless.
giles fraser came across as bit of a dimwitted deluded marxist.
A bit ?????
did the describing of the labour manifesto as something “we” could be proud of not cement that
Another nail in the coffin for the BBC.
I suspect that coffin will take a hell of a lot of nails.
There’s a tree in Vienna where apprentices used to hammer nails in, it’s now completely iron (eisenstock). The BBC coffin is getting like that and will also be completely iron when our politicians finally get round to burying it.
I’ve just wasted an hour of my life which I’ll never get back watching this dog and pony show,
I miss the days when I had an old VHS recorder to watch things for me. Invariably I’d pop out the tape and think “fuck it! I just can’t be bothered watching that shit” and put it in the ‘record over’ bin.
Audience question: “Was the Labour manifesto a load of shite?”
Other panel members: “Hmm, yes, let’s mull over the general election again and work out why Labour went wrong AGAIN.”
Suzanne Evans: “Yes, it was rubbish because X, whereas UKIP did Y and z…..”
Dimbleby: “Alright, let’s not re-fight the general election”.
Why didn’t he cut the others off?
He was probably bored shitless with it. As is almost everyone else.
Because of his extreme bias?
hmmm newsnight single parent has child has to leave job and complains about lack of money , can afford tattoos mind, now they are expensive
Have heard Giles Fraser a few times on the radio, same old liberal wet hand wringer, so what ?
On TV ? Comes across as simply a empty paper bag full of hot air with no purpose or ideas just a collection of 3 hand quotes, pathetic. Is this supposed to be a leading light of the liberal left church? Hahahahahahha, the CofE is dead.
The CofE is more akin to a zombie, I might suggest. No, damn it, I am suggesting!
Jack wotsername Lesbian whinging about poverty on This Week.
Thousands of pounds of tats on her hairy arms.
thats why she couldn’t afford condoms
Lol, crossed comment with Desperate Dan. Great minds……..
Jack Thingamibob. She gets a lot of ‘air-time’. I wonder why? Left wing bias perchance? Owen Jones’ light fading? New guns required? Penny Red please?
Didn’t she get sacked for saying that david Cameron uses his dead son for political gain on twatter?
In an interesting display of market force reaction, when the public were unimpressed she lost the support of a commercial sponsor. Not something that would bother the BBC of course as they like her views and don’t need to worry about the public.
Amazing who finds a berth at the bbc.
Jack Thingamibob showing she knows nowt about economics on This Week. One could despair. Merry-go-round inflationary disaster economics based on raising legal minimum wage. A basic misunderstanding of the negative effects of mass immigration on wages and on house/rent prices/rates. The elephant in the room. The cause that shall not be named. Voldamort? No, immigration.
The ‘elephant’ in the room?
We now have more elephants in the room than Billy Smart’s Circus. All of them unnameable and unmentionable.
I only have a small sitting room and it’s getting very difficult to squeeze around them now. I can’t even get to the clock on the mantelpiece to wind it nowadays.
I won’t even mention the horrors of mucking out first thing in the morning – with the attendant risk of trampling.
I’ve got mice. I cry ‘elephant’ and the mice do the rest. Voila! Empty room.
Well then I’m gonna get me a herd of mice, dammit!
Big tough mother f***ing mice with big ears, twitchy noses, scratchy little paws and long pink tails.
These elephants in our rooms must be rooted out. If they don’t go the easy way, it’ll have to be the hard way: and that means MICE!
I thought she got sacked for something awful. (jack thingy)
NHS under pressure , shortages of doctor appointments , school places, houses etc etc, the BBC has the answer here ………………
What has Cameron promised to do about it ?
omg ,i have heard it all now,after question time is extra time question with nolan and pienaar on radio 5 live,chris mason the posh middle class leftie politacal journalist was filling in for pienaar and at about 12.43 am approx they started taking about immigration,posh boy chris mason said that the because we speak english in england that is why all these lazy scrounging migrants are coming here,huh,then chris boy said dont you think we should be all flattered that illegal immigrants are coming here,huh,,chris mason reflects how the liberal left wing out of touch with the public mindset is rampant amongst journalists working at radio 5 live and the bbc,it was sick inducing radio.
And breath…
The sheer level of surreal dissembling, obfuscation, misdirection, insincerity and outright lies told by all the panelists on last night’s QT was breathtaking – possibly setting a new all-time high, even by that programme’s traditionally laughable standards when it comes to integrity.
All the panelists – and I include the lamentable Suzanne Evans in that list – seemed to be agreed that ‘migrants’ attempting to board UK-bound trucks in Calais were no more than thoroughly deserving asylum seekers; that the sight of their criminal activities in the past days as they openly attempted to hitch rides on said lorries was ‘distressing’; that we should, of course, have sympathy for their ‘plight’ and ultimately we should do all in our power to ‘welcome’ these people into the UK.
Whilst it might have been depressing enough to witness UKIP’s Deputy Leader voicing such idiocy, it was practically untenable to hear the sainted Giles Fraser – serial attention-seeker and favoured BBC lefty stooge – declare that if he had his way he’d greet at them all at Dover with open arms and a huge ‘WELCOME!’ sign on behalf of us all here in Blighty. (Cue: rapturous audience applause – more evidence of that BBC ‘impartiality’ in audience selection, folks)
To his credit, Dimbles three times referred to these tragic ‘asylum seekers’ as ‘illegal immigrants’ (aka: what they actually are). I strongly suspect there was a quiet ‘exchange of views’, post-broadcast between Dimbles and the BBC’s on-site ‘Diversity and Inclusion Officer’.
QT really is becoming a parody of right-on leftist lunacy.
I turned off after the first question which amazingly was completely uninteresting and unnewsworthy. It concerned tax credits!!
I presume the Beeb, having got a slightly right wing panel, was determined they wouldn’t get their teeth into any dog whistle issues.
Well, well, Andy Burnham actually spoke some sense last night in his comments concerning immigration. Goodness only knows why that Fraser Giles was included, utterly inarticulate and really had nothing to say of any consequence- writes for the Guardian -say no more.
Fraser was an utter embarrassment to himself and the CofE. His arguments against so called austerity held no water and he just ended up making a fool of himself. My favourite moment came when he started banging on about the Greek government having got themselves in such a terrible mess because of defence spending like buying F16s off Germany????? The moderator then pointed out to him that this had ben carried out by a democratically elected Government and asked him if that made the people culpable. Cue much flapping and further inconsistencies from Fraser.
This halfwit has been on the BBC three times this week to my knowledge. Why???????
i have an apology to make about the comments i made in this blog last night,i predicted the rancid left wing rentamob would turn up for question time last night,there was as few,but i was wrong,in fact, the hate mob full of rancid whooping,wild clappng socalist workers partys cretins turned up to attack nigel farage on any questions radio 4 tonight egged on by norman lamb,anna soubry and gisela stuart the 3 politcal establishment monkeys who done nothing but ganged up to attack nigel farage with the blessing of david dimbleby,it was disgusting,
So lets see where were at?
IS murder innocent people in the cause of Islam, IS want many of the immigrants to enter europe and commit Jihad and murder more British.
Giles Fraser wants us to to say WELCOME to immigrants who have amongst then murdering Jihadi’s.
Can we please send Giles Fraser to the looney bin !!!