A man writes in a blog asking why the media ignores the race of those who kill white people but always mention the race of the killer if the killer is white and the victim black.
The BBC thinks this man and his questions about the Media’s ‘disparity of response’ may be responsible for the killings in Charleston…..
Disturbing message
Was Charleston shooting suspect inspired by this man?
Now the BBC is more than happy to give a lot of airtime to Muslims, Tell MAMA for example, or Black people, Lenny Henry springs to mind, who make similar claims about discrimination….are they ‘disturbing messages’…in that they may incite murder? Mehdi Hasan has demanded that the Media be punished for publishing stories that report Muslims acting badly…he complains often and loudly about the Media protrayal of Muslims.
Would Hasan or Tell MAMA be held responsible if a Muslim, enraged by the discrimination revealed by them, entered a Church and started killing non-Muslims ? By the logic of the BBC story they would be. In fact using that logic the BBC can be held responsible for the deaths in Charleston because it is left leaning media organisations like the BBC that Rogers is complaining about….their refusal to report the facts about murders of white people by Blacks whilst highlighting Blacks murdered by Whites is what Rogers complains of…therefore it is the left wing media’s political correctness that has resulted in Rogers’ complaint which was referenced by Dylann Roof and subsequently linked to by the likes of the BBC as the cause of the shooting.
The BBC and its ilk are therefore, by its logic, responsible for the murders in Charleston.
The BBC’s own reporting of those murders in Charleston demonstrates Rogers’ point….the BBC immediately, absolutely immediately, started emphasising that Roof was white. In contrast we know that the BBC frequently censors out the religion of Muslim terrorists or criminals in just about every case from their reports, anyone needing to know the relevant facts that might give a clue as to motivation for the terrorism would have to assume it from the names of those arrested. Roof’s colour was relevant to the story but so is the fact that a terrorist is ‘Muslim’….it gives context and motivation to the actions and informs the audience.
And of course the BBC was itself ‘noting’ the ‘disparity of response’ by the Media towards crimes like Charleston….the BBC is also happy to link to a narrative that declares the murders a terrorist act….now it was but compare that with the BBC’s response to Muslim terrorism, especially against the Jews….the use of the word ‘terrorism’ is suddenly problematic….and of course the Jews killed by the Charlie Hebdo killers apparently, in the BBC’s eyes, deserved it because of Israeli military action to prevent Israel being attacked by the Palestinian terrorists in Gaza.
As for that ‘disparity of response’….how did Obama, and the Media respond to a Muslim terrorist slaughtering US service personnel at Fort Hood….
“Well, look, we — we have seen, in the past, rampages of this sort. And in a country of 300 million people, there are going to be acts of violence that are inexplicable. Even within the extraordinary military that we have — and I think everybody understands how outstanding the young men and women in uniform are under the most severe stress — there are going to be instances in which an individual cracks. I think the questions that we’re asking now and we don’t have yet complete answers to is, is this an individual who’s acting in this way or is it some larger set of actors? You know, what are the motivations? Those are all questions that I think we have to ask ourselves”
And of course the BBC’s own Mark Mardell tried to say Fort Hood was a ‘senseless tragedy’ with no link to Islamic terrorism.
And how about the ‘white’ George Zimmerman? He’s more Hispanic than white. If he’s white then so is Obama who has a white mother….the BBC of course classifies Obama as Black and yet are keen to point out that ‘ Mr Zimmerman’s background is white and Hispanic. ‘
What did Obama say about that case? “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon”
Remarkable double standards from the BBC castigating ‘right wing press’ bias when its own record is abysmal as indeed noted by one of its ex head of news, Roger Mosey, as reported by Sue at ‘Is the BBC biased? [Yes it is] …
- Ex-BBC executive says broadcaster has ‘dysfunctional’ government
- Roger Mosey accuse BBC of ignoring white communities’ grievances
- Mosey say the BBC has succumbed to a ‘liberal group-think’ attitude
Here the BBC tells us how this innocent research ‘radicalised’ Dylann Roof……
Over the weekend, a website registered in Roof’s name came to light. It featured several photos of him along with a written manifesto. Authorities are still determining the authenticity of the site.
The manifesto specifically cited the discovery of research the Council of Conservative Citizens had done on “black-on-white crime”.
“I have never been the same since,” the manifesto author wrote.
Kyle Rogers is head of a website for the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), an organisation that says its members oppose “all effort to mix the races of mankind”.
Mr Rogers, 38, is a computer engineer from Ohio who’s been writing about race for more than a decade.
He says he started writing about race for one reason: “I didn’t like how the media would hype certain things.”
He’s careful in the words he chooses, and makes sure none of the language he uses is inflammatory. Instead he downplays the divisive – and destructive – messages his writings convey about race.
“There’s just issues that need to be addressed,” he says.
By his account he’s simply trying to help the public understand that white people also suffer from racially motivated crimes, and that the media coverage of these issues has been unfairly slanted. He says, for example, reporters often don’t tell readers the colour of a perpetrator’s skin, a detail he sees as important.
I love that last paragraph…‘by his account’ and ‘a detail he sees as important’…..a detail the BBC sees as crucial when in relation to Black people or Muslims…..but a white boy from the US South isn’t allowed to point it out.
The BBC ends with this…
Ms Page, who lives with her parents in Summerville, says Mr Rogers has been “dragged through the mud” because of the manifesto and its reference to his work.
She and Mr Rogers both seem stunned by the attention and are struggling to make sense of the role his work has played in the shootings.
She says: “Everyone just wants to turn the blame on somebody else.”
Herman Bradley, a retired postal worker, points to motion-detector lights over Mr Rogers’ garage, recently installed for security.
“He may not even have a firearm,” says Mr Bradley. “If he’s going to get one, he ought to get a shotgun.”
Interesting that…the BBC knows reporting this story linking Rogers to the murders might end up with him being lynched and yet it makes a determined attempt to link him to those murders.
Good old Aunty.
The BBC makes the ‘significant’ point that Rogers sells Rhodesian flags…indicating he is therefore racist…in which case Amazon must be also.
The BBC has no such problems with this flag which he also sells
No doubt the BBC has no such qualms about this flag…..
Rogers undoubtedly belongs to an organisation that is racist but the BBC’s attack on him is not based on that, it is based upon his challenge to Media organisations, like the BBC, to report impartially about Black crime. This is the BBC defending itself as much as it enjoys attacking white people.
I remember watching one of Slavoj Zizek’s films. It showed how Communist era film makers were able to mock the political correctness of the lefties by exaggerating the political correctness in a way that the regime could not criticise or censor. So I have produced this piece as an example of the thinking from these films.
The film has the Tories passing a law forcing all middle-class white people employed by the BBC, to serve a gap year, as an unpaid servant in the home of a Black person, Just to get some experience of the real world.
The political correct mindset of these lefties means that the Blacks show no fear of prosecution as they abuse them and beat them up on a regular basis. The abuse and beatings are shown to be clearly justified, by the serious violations of political correct rules, by the constant accidental racism of the BBC Whites.
I think that the only way to make sense of PC, Inclusion, Diversity, Multiculturalism and their associated cluster of ‘values’ is to realise that they are not intended as a constructive attempt to create a better society. They are intended destructively. That is, by forcing the vast majority of the population into abreaction and disengagement, they are intended to create a vacuum, into which a new order can be inserted. An order which would surprise many of those currently on that side of the political and societal divisions.
Those who are carried along in these movements, who are sincere in their wish to improve our society, simply do not know what is going on behind their backs, at the centre of the organisations to which they have given their loyalty. They are victims too.
This is exactly right. The long term aim of Gramcsi and Frankfurt School inspired revolutionaries is the destruction of Western society, so that it can be replaced by a new form of government – though the word ‘government’ is really an understatement. What they are scheming for is a completely new society.
Many, if not most, on the squidgy Left – typified by the milquetoast attitudes of the BBC – either have no idea what would follow such a collapse, or simply refuse to believe that is what lies in store, should the hard Left succeed.
Yes – one has to keep in mind the Bolshevik take-over of a supine post-state in the wake of earnest liberal Mensheviks and others whose efforts simply paved the way and created the vacuum for new masters that most in Russia had not anticipated. Also, the theatrical entry of the Third Reich into the chaos and ruins of Weimar, after having ignominiously failed in their own attempts at direct revolution in Munich.
Your new masters will not generally be visible until they wish to be, and by that time it is too late. The difference this time is simply that, the stage being a global one, there may be nowhere to hide, no place of exile for those who ‘beg to differ’.
Indeed. It will be interesting to see how the BBC handles the reporting of a society not so very different from that of post-revolutionary France.
It offers a whole new dimension of potential for the people who brought us Celebrity Come Dancing.
Show trials with sequins, perhaps?
I think you’re correct in your analysis.
What’s interesting is whether that ‘New Order’ will be of the Left or the Right….I myself believe it will be of the Totalitarian Left , but with any rightist features that it deems convenient.That is ,conventional values and beliefs will have been so befuddled and inverted by the time of the ‘takeover’ that the general population will not be able to distinguish any more, or will not care!
Ramzpaul on the double standards of reporting black on white crime, Trayvon ‘skittles’ Martin etc etc.
Beat me to it!
George Zimmerman is of Hispanic Jewish heritage yet the way the corporate media reported it he was an Anglo Saxon !!
All you need to know about the Zimmerman case
Google black on white crime. Also have a look at ‘white girl bleed alot’. The US has a serious problem with this.
At last people are becoming aware of it despite the media ban on reporting it and far left extremist groups like the Southern Poverty Law Centre whipping up hysterical attacks on the messengers.
Also look at the demise of a number of night clubs in London.
From the link, this caught my attention: “Two incidents stand out in my mind. In one, a lone white kid around junior high school age was attacked by four or five black kids on a neighborhood street and beaten to death. They left his body in the ditch alongside the road. I think they killed him, in part, for his bike, and in part just because they felt like it.”
Sound familiar – Alan Cartwright?
Colin Flaherty, author of White Girl Bleed a lot.
The BBC and its followers always keen on the censorious power of associations, but seem unaware of the law of unintended consequences in the precedents they are trying to set.
Unless happy to be utterly selective, which is not unheard of.
For now I got as far as this before again realizing just how low BBC professional standards have sunk:
“He may have had a reader..”
And with that as the basis, the story is spun.
I think the blog read and approvingly quoted by Anders Breivik has a much stronger claim to a much larger slaughter. Well done BiasedBBC!
But you read it, too.
Are we to expect an imminent attack from you?
Audience attention and approval… and actions as a consequence can be a tricky one if seeking see how mud can be applied and retained whilst out picking cherries.
Take for instance Frank Gardner and his less celebrated co-worker.
Clearly a few were not keen on what and who he represented, without delving fully into what he was trying to say before ‘acting’.
Interesting then that how it was covered was noted gratefully by his host.
Possibly the consideration subsequently shown to Fat Nick’s motivations have also been logged in appreciation. Well done BBC.
Not sure this avoidance of discussion is really serving to prevent repeats everywhere, mind.
But well done thinking up the Mishal Moral Equivalence punt.
Not only does the BBC selectively report violent crime in the USA it then tries to make it a British issue.
After the Charleston incident Jeremy Vine was appealing for ‘black’ listeners in the UK to call in to relate their experiences here. Community ‘cohesion’ not – deliberately stirring the pot more like.
It’s not just the BBC, they are ‘all’ at it. A few years ago I was visiting Montreal and reports came in of a stabbing, a favourite of the darker criminals here and in the US but not something I would associate with the usual Franc/Anglo conflicts in Quebec. Just as it would be here, this was a ‘colourless’ crime. Later in the evening a ‘black’ female reporter, (a novelty), gave detail to the story as she stood in a street in the ‘black’ quarter to link back to the studio pictures of accused and victim, both of dark complexion but of no race.
Strangely enough, the BBC’s worries about inflammatory reporting seem somewhat selective.
Back in 2011, when St Mark of Duggan was shot by the police the BBC had no problem with giving airtime to every race hustler, conspiracy nut and general low-life in Britain. I’ll go out on a limb here and say the connection between the BBC’s reporting on this and the subsequent rioting is looking a lot stronger than the idea that everyone on the right must never write anything again, lest one of their readers subsequently commit a crime.
#whitelifesmatter should trend and be the hashtag that represents all white victims of racist crime whether in the usa or the uk or europe who have been victims of racist murders, muslims grooming gangs,gang attacks by ethnic minority racists or harrasment on a daily basis just because of the colour of there skin, justice no peace.