Saw that too, and the two presenters are useless anyway. I have the impression that they have no idea what they are talking about. The BBC has surely dumbed down about as far as it possible to go.
Same sort of thing on Five Live this morning. They brought us an interview with a Tunisian diving instructor (clearly a muzzie) who told us he had demanded to see the body of the killer so he could do not very nice things – throw his flippers at it maybe? – so angry was he.
Clearly the beeb protesting way too much – you see listeners, not all of these muzzies are bad.
We then endured panto dame Campbell interviewing a woman who was due to take her family on holiday to Tunisia.
He sounded most distressed when she said that for the sake of her children’s safety she was probably going to look elsewhere now .
Campbell could barely disguise his angst. But surely we must try and support the Tunisian tourist industry?
Yeah, tell you what gameshow, you lead the way with your missus, daughters and fucking beloved dogs and we’ll be right behind you (on no we won’t)
-BBCs dead tree ally reporting Jeremy Corbyn, (with Di Abbott & 17 other Labour MPs – + Len of course), calling for Cameron to agree debt cancellation for Greece:
Jeremy missed out, in all fairness, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and the UK!
We also need debts writing off as well because according to Labour millions of children are in poverty in our countries too.
Please could I also be included for some debt relief, as well since instead of paying my taxes I spent far too much on me and the kids skiing holiday this last winter.
I had to get a Wonga loan out and am now unable to change my 42″ wide screen Samsung for one of the bendy models, plus I cannot afford 4G for my kids new mobiles and I have to use the food bank since not enough to continue a little tipple, fags and weekly flutter at Ladbrokes.
I am also worried to death now about my Tax Credits after hearing the news this weekend. A little free debt counselling for me would also not go amiss.
I just caught some of Cameron s press conference on the BBC.
“We will seek out and exterminate these Islamic killers regardless of who or what they are
We will have to in the interests of national security, exterminate the root cause, the texts and use of texts that inspire and mandate such abhorrent fascist supremacism,
They have no place in our society, if a, any group wishes to use and promote such texts and views that have caused and are still causing such violence, abuse and loss of life, they are welcome to
do so … BUT NOT HERE! … bon voyage!
and finally we will correct the mistake of allowing Sharia here in the UK.
No more of a parallel legal system, that is used to isolate even further, a community seen already as overly insular by other communities and the vast majority of the public.
One law for all, no exceptions.
The Islamic community, need to be encouraged to integrate fully
… that is on our terms, not on the terms of the Mosque. the Imam
or ANY text that mandates any level of subversion, that has led
in turn to both horrific abuse, and bloodshed.
If any community does not want to do so, to integrate fully as outlined above … to share fully in society in our great nation …
bon voyage! …
I’m sure it’s nothing at all to do with the resounding defeat of the left in the recent general election but the BBC asks ‘Can you teach people to have empathy?’
Comments run the full range from disparaging through sarcasm to contempt
91. Posted by Actingasif
on Just now
Last week a mole revealed the salaries of Radio 1 DJs, including the £630,000 a year paid to the breakfast DJ Chris Moyles, mid-morning host Jo Whiley’s £250,000 salary and Sara Cox’s £200,000 pay packet for two weekend shows.
I will have no empathy when they bring an end to this unbelievable scam….
Luckily I am 41 and I have never bought a license…
90. Posted by LabourTerminator
on 6 minutes ago
No, you cannot teach empathy to someone, either they have it or they don’t and that is a result of nature and nurture.
For example I can express empathy for those hard left labour voters indoctrinated all their lives, but not for the BBC who think that this is so much more important we comment on it instead of more serious news stories!!!
86. Posted by beammeup
on 17 minutes ago
Those of us who have empathy for the victims families of the massacre in Tunisia and terrorist atrocities world wide would like to see/hear what is being done to stop this madness.
84. Posted by JUANCOLINA
on 28 minutes ago
I will grieve not one jot if the BBC is disappears.
I would have done so once but not anymore – your manipulation of public opinion and refusal to address important topics is pathetic.
BBC you are pitiful to observe.
How gratifying t must be for you in your ivory towers to wield such power.
Nobody gives two hoots about this topic.
You can’t blame the BBC here. They foolishly let people discuss illegal immigrants last week and got their backsides handed to them. That demonstration of what people really think when not too cowed to talk about it must have been a nasty shock.
1. Posted by Moderated in to submission
7 hours ago This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
164. Posted by paulinhackney
45 minutes ago
So… lasted about 6 hrs; closed 45 mins ago, around 5.15pm
Two top voters I sadly cannot add to:
32. Posted by Pauline Fothergill I don’t empathise very much with this HYS – it is hardly relevant to today’s news, is it?
Comment number 4. Posted by Binkiehuckaback
I have an awful lot of empathy with those poor souls who lost – or may have lost- loved ones as a result of the henious act in Tunisia. The BBC however, are determined to deny any comment about the event. Why don’t we all boycott HYS starting 30 June for 5 days as a protest?
Nauseating piece by Jeremy Vine on the BBC’s very own president.
An Anglo-kenyan tries to imitate an Afro-American preacher by attempting to sing Amazing Grace. He his so bad at it that it takes ten seconds before his audience even realises that he is trying to sing! Could we see David Cameron doing this? Perhaps he has more respect for other people’s culture?
Despite the faltering start, a gushing Vine wets himself as he tells how ‘Obama nailed it’ and as near as dammit goes on to tell us how ‘dem darkies sho’ got soul’.
Meanwhile the worst US president in living memory is telling us that Greece must stay in the Euro, not that it has anything to do with him or the USA.
Unfortunately I also heard the Vine show and Jeremy’s schoolgirl crush on the president was excruciating. Then there was the caller who told us that it was only people of African descent who could “sing” like that. The only patronising racist cliché these ghastly lefties didn’t come out with was Obama’s “natural sense of rhythm.”
Some bloke then called in to tell us that he couldn’t imagine David Cameron, or indeed any British (white) politician “nailing” the song like the great one had.
Am I the only one thinking thank God?
On Radio 5 last week talking about the Obama heckler incident – where the crowd started chanting ‘Obama!’ in his support – some bloke said he couldn’t imagine a crowd chanting for Cameron like that. That bloke was the programme’s presenter.
I had assumed that the frenzied chanting had come from the white house press core (including BBC)
What I couldn’t make out is what the woman was heckling him over -does any on know?
It was reported by ABC News that the heckler was an undocumented and transgender individual shouting about poor conditions for LGBT immigrants in the US
Brilliant – I guessed it would be some form of leftist nonsense ,had it been a disgruntled gun owner or some tea party type ( you know someone who believes in democracy ) Al beeb would have been all over them
A law abiding Tea Party supporter would never be allowed near the President. Obviously an illegal Mexican transgender activist is a different matter. Obama’s people no doubt though the he/she would fall for his bullshit. But it was instructive that when faced with a real, live heckler, Obama froze like a rabbit in the headlights. His eventual put-down was lame in the extreme. He is a dull fellow who cannot think on his feet, and falls apart if the teleprompter fails. But then who is surprised? The MSM make out like he is a latter day Churchill mixed with JFK, but who are you going to believe, the BBC or your lying eyes?
Quite right Rob; when he was at Harvard, he edited the Harvard Law Review. The only editor in its history never to have written an article for that journal; his grades from his Uni days are also hidden from view, maybe that’s because they’re so high? Or then again…
Or because he was on a foreign student scholarship? The only thing you can be certain of is that there is something he is trying to hide. But he’s a Democrat, so the MSM has his back.
In May the BBC’s director of sport Barbara Slater warned that the broadcaster could lose Olympics TV rights. Speaking at the Telegraph Business of Sport conference, Slater said: “Having had a number of years’ now flat licence fee, which has resulted in smaller budget for individual divisions such as sport, there is going to come a tipping point at which the BBC does need investment if it is going to continue to compete for, I think, events that people really treasure on the BBC, like the Olympics and some of the major championships.
“And, of course, we’re exploring a multitude of different solutions to that, including sharing with other broadcasters etc. And there is still a very, very significant investment that we’re currently making.
“But to see that on a significantly downward trajectory, I think, would be enormously damaging to the ecology of sports broadcasting.”
Quaint, isn’t it, that ‘a number of years flat licence fee’ is seen as the cause of yet another failure. Perhaps if they were to add up the salaries of all their absurd ‘controllers’ (to highlight just one tier of management) plus the multi-£million ‘going rates’ for all those unique and irreplaceable ‘stars’, the weekly cost of all those copies of the Guardian and the staggering daily cost of taxi fares, the viewing public might get more for what they are forced to pay.
Hold the front page, African women (invader) gives birth to a baby !! calls it ” Gift .” The woman, not the full shilling, tells the interviewer that life in Italy will be better than Nigeria.
”Gift” ? strange that because when I see an effnik ambling down my street, doing the welfare shuffle, that word never enters my head, another word springs to mind like ‘crime wave.’
Alarmist pish! Look at this re-twat by bBC Points West from their weatherman Ian Fergusson.
Using the average for just the 2nd of July 1971 -2000 (c/o National Climate Information Centre) tells us the average for just that day was 21 deg, he then tells us that Tues/Weds will be a staggering 26 -30 deg….
Of course the hard of thinking will instantly jump to the’GLOBAL WARMING’ conclusion. No doubt by this time next week the 7 day average will be about ….21 deg!
W COUNTRY Ave. max for 2 July (1971-2000, c/o National Climate Information Centre). Expect 26-30C in region Tues-Wed
If you look at the met Office’s data for that period it shows a 0.3C rise in average temperatures. Alarm! Despondency! What to do etc? Until you read the small print and see that the margin for error is 0.5C
The BBC never mentions the margin of error on anything. Global temperatures, inflation, growth (or otherwise) in the economy. And they still report the discredited ratings agencies with their kindergarten national economics ratings. Oh my God, they say our rating has gone down from A to A minus. Stand in the naughty corner, you bad country.
I am on my hols, today in Avignon it’s 35C, by Sunday it’s going to be 38 C, normal for Avignon & parts of PACA, June to Sept. I quite like a heatwave. No mention of Global Warming in France. Avignon is twinned with Colchester, but I am not on a freebee. I get on well with the locals, but I am hoping for Grexit & Britex too.,
I am getting sick and tired of hearing bleeding heart lefty liberals claiming “if they knew their Quran they wouldn’t be violent.”
Actually, if they knew their Quran, there wouldn’t be many non-Muslims left in the world. Just look at these charming verses:
“…make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.”
“Fight those who do not believe in Allah…nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.”
“…strive hard [Jihad] against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them…”
When confronted with this hard evidence showing that Muslims are indeed called to war by their holy book, the lefty promptly buries their head in the sand and spews forth some jibber-jabber about how it’s an “ancient book” and no longer relevant. Perhaps the lefty should tell the nice people in France, Tunisia and Kuwait that their book is ancient and no longer relevant.
“Actually, if they knew their Quran, there wouldn’t be many non-Muslims left in the world. Just look at these charming verses:”
Interestingly I have recently watched an interview with Bosh Fawatin ,graphic novelist and former moslem, who said that any moslem in the west who studied the Koran could not in good conscience remain in the faith
Actually, I’m quite interested in this question. Life’s too short to plough through the Koran, but those who know their stuff may be able to help. Is it stuffed with violent threats, or are these just very selective quotes? After all, if you quoted chunks of the Old Testament, you could make out a good case for it being an incitement to violence too.
Good questions John. I’m not an expert but have read a few books on the subject to try and answer the same questions for myself.
Firstly, a very useful site is this has an English translation of the Koran arranged in chronological order.
The order is important because later verses essentially supercede (abrogate) earlier verses. The peaceful verses in the Koran tend to be earlier on when Mohammed had no power, and the violence dominates the later stages when he was a powerful ruler.
The ordinary Koran has the verses arranged in order of length, utterly unhelpful for anyone trying to understand what it is saying.
So yes, the violent quotes are generally accurate and they appear in the later parts of the Koran.
One other important point I’d like to make, is that the thoroughly understandable attempt to compare the Old Testament with the Koran is not really a valid comparison. The Bible is a set of accounts of events written by men, and it pretends to be nothing else. Although it describes violent events in place never does it openly incite the reader to commit similar violence.
The Koran – in complete contrast – is the direct word of Allah. It cannot be questioned and is not an interpretation of Allah’s actions. It contains numerous direct commands to followers of Islam to commit beheadings, to hate, to despise non-believers etc.
A ‘good’ Muslim is ordered and required to act with extreme violence towards non-believers. These orders come directly from Allah.
So if someone uses the Bible to justify killing they are using their own interpretation, one which would not be shared by many people.
Someone following direct instructions from Allah could kill an infidel and no-one can seriously argue they are not following the religion precisely. A Muslim who does not despise non-believers (for example) would technically be an apostate and could be killed by a good Muslim at any time.
A good introduction to Islam can be read in ‘a self-study course on political Islam’, on Kindle for about £2. I found that quite a good read.
None of these simple facts about Islam are ever heard on the BBC. Surely, the British public deserve to be educated about the rop to justify their constant claims about it?
The reason they don’t, of course, is they realise a factual program about Islam would not support their case at all.
Instead we are treated to lies or obfuscation (like M below who spends most of the comment saying that non-Arab speakers cannot understand the Koran. Of course, Arabic can be translated just like any other language, even if there are nuances that are hard to translate).
A good example comes from this handy guide for Muslims describing how they must treat unbelievers; from verse 96 of the Koran:
89. They long that ye should disbelieve even as they disbelieve, that ye may be upon a level (with them). So choose not friends from them till they forsake their homes in the way of Allah; if they turn back (to enmity) then take them and kill them wherever ye find them, and choose no friend nor helper from among them,
I doubt the Arabic can really be translated as
and if you find an unbeliever make them a cup of tea and have a jolly good chin-wag with them. And if they still don’t believe in Allah let them know that you agree to disagree and ask them to call next time they are passing.
The Koran is a mixture of stuff that’s relatively fluffy in a “turn the other cheek” type way and stuff that is spectacularly violent towards non-adherents. Similar to the Bible really. I think the issue is that theologically in Islam there’s a strong line of thought that the earlier fluffy lines were superseded by the later bits, which reflect a later stage in Mohammad’s journey when he had to fight like hell. Probably the reality is that like the Bible the thing has been patched together from various bits and bobs with different priorities and objectives. The main problem is that if you stick rigidly to the line that it’s the literal word of God there’s limited chance to take a step back and analysing it objectively as, post Enlightenment, Christians have been able to do after centuries of killing each other and others.
It’s clearly very possible to be a Muslim who is perfectly at peace with modern Western society, themselves and their faith by whatever means of interpretation they’ve come up with. I work with loads. The problem is that nobody really seems to be brave enough to write this stuff down and spark a public discussion (or indeed Enlightenment…) A brave thing would be for our governments to sponsor some serious historical work on the origins of Islamic writings. Sure it’s dangerous but so are many other things deemed essential to national security – once you demystify these things it gets a lot easier to pluck out the positives and as Christianity demonstrates it gets a lot harder to start burning people at the stake for having another interpretation of the trinity. Once you disseminate some evidence of the human origins of the Koran and some impassive observations on possible interpretations then the genie is out of the bottle, particularly in the internet age. It’s amazing how once you learn about the spectacular mistranslations and late edits to the English bible as we know it you stop stressing about semantics and start concentrating on spreading a bit of love around.
….there’s a strong line of thought that the earlier fluffy lines were superseded by the later bits, which reflect a later stage in Mohammad’s journey when he had to fight like hell.
In the interests of full disclosure I am a Muslim.
The Quran is in Arabic and Arabic alone. No translation, no matter how good, is the Quran. Having said that I recommend that one use Muhammad Asad’s translation as that is the best one in the English tongue. His rendering is more accurate albeit a more difficult read.
Before drawing conclusions it is vital to study the Quranic verses not in isolation but together with all other verses of the same/similar topic. Without interpreting the whole of the Quran when studying a verse one will be open to misguidance (and those Muslims who dance to the tune of the Anti-Christ are using them as justification for their crimes, e.g ISIS et al).
The Quran was revealed to the Last Prophet and he was sent to teach it and therefore an understanding of the ahadiths are also necessary. Also vital to understanding it is the historical context of revelation.
You must remember that a state of open war existed between the Muslims in Medina and the pagan Meccans. During this war many battles took place and treaties were made, voided & violated. This war commenced after the pagan Meccans persecuted and forced the Muslims to seek refuge from Mecca. It lasted until the Treaty of Hudaybiyah and recommenced when the pagans violated it. This carried on until the Battle of Hunayn (after the Conquest of Mecca).
I have read the Koran and the Bible but neither shone the rays of enlightenment upon me.
The first is a very difficult read and one probably needs an understanding of Arab Middle Ages culture to get a true handle on it. I got nothing from it. Allah must not like me very much… 8(
The Bible was not a revelation either but it did reveal a lot of cultural references which I did not know were biblical – thanks to my State education. I must be damned.
As to Mein Kampf, well, like Das Kapital it needs to be read to understand the mind set. It is a horrible mish mash of resentments, distortions, half-truths and lies mixed in with a genuine love of ‘Germany’ and a desire for revenge. If it had been written today it would be lost amongst the Truther conspiracy web-sites (think David Icke meets 9/11 meets ‘the Rothchilds own all the banks’) and similarly derided as laughable nonsense.
Still, all of these books are worth reading as part of an understanding of the doors to Hell they have opened; even if you need a bloody good shower afterwards!
Full disclosure, I am an atheist.
I have read the Koran, English spelling, in translation.
The Koran is a hilarious collection of unproven assertions created by someone who did not have a full set of marbles. No Allah involved.
The statement that this joke is the only tract in the history
of the earth which resists translation is ridiculous.
The first acts of Muslims were to kill anyone who would not convert. In the 1400 years since very little has changed. The weapons have got better, courtesy of the West.
Many in the West believe that Muslim minds are in the Dark Ages and it would be a bloody good idea to send their bodies to join the minds.
“The first acts of Muslims were to kill anyone who would not convert. In the 1400 years since very little has changed. The weapons have got better, courtesy of the West.”
It was the Pagan Meccans who drew first blood. However during the last 1400 years of history it is very true that Muslim rulers have forced people to convert to Islam BUT this was and is against the teachings of the religion, it is not sanctioned as part of the faith. For if it was it would defeat the whole purpose of God giving human beings the choice to decide which to follow.
Hi M – thanks for your candour.
I would like to ask you a sincere question. It is one I have asked other Muslims before but have yet to receive a reply that ‘ticks the box’.
Can you tell me one thing – just one, that you can find in the Koran that you believe enriches us as human beings beyond any religious or human development teachings that already existed prior to its writing?
If you think of anything, please also tell me in what way you see it as enriching. I can tell you I have so far been unable to find anything.
You ask a very important question – was Islam in any way an advance on previous religions.
My overall impression is that Judaism was monotheism, One God, with a set of fairly consistent “commandments” – mostly sensible and just – and this was an advance on paganism and religions with a multiplicity of “gods”.
Christianity can be regarded (by Christians) as a moral advance on Judaism in its core belief of love for one’s neighbour.
By contrast Islam is a retrograde step – preaching hostility and even death to all unbelievers and a mission of conquest. Military conquest, with rape, pillage and slavery..
I have yet to hear any Muslim argue any way in which Islam represents any kind of “advance”.
I agree with you John and hold no expectation that our friend is going to change that view. I ask more for them to see ‘the truth’.
I would say that I have been enriched by many diverse beliefs from our more Western beginnings including Shintoism, Bhuddism – particularly Zen, and Hinduism.
It’s worth looking at those with ‘multiplicity’ of Gods as they offer an alternative way of seeing potential realities, and definitely have a beauty.
But as you say, and from all I can see, Islam is a giant step backwards and offers no inspiration unless one has psychopathic tendencies.
No doubt this is why they threaten to kill whoever is born into it, and after seeing that reality then want to move out and on.
Just to add to the fun the ‘all knowing’ picked an illiterate to record his ‘final’ message to us all.
Never mind, someone else wrote it all down for him. Unfortunately, instead of using “God’s own language” as Al Murray (heck he’s a Muslim too!) would say, they used Arabic, which 90% of Muslims don’t understand. But that doesn’t matter much because having been given this ‘unalterable’ text some genius decided it would all read a lot better if all the verses were re-arranged in order of length!
Just imagine getting instructions for your new Chinese-made washing machine where the text is in Chinglish but arranged in order of longest paragraph in the original Chinese!
You couldn’t make it up. Just keep reciting the mantra, “One of the world’s great religions. It’s a religion of peace”.
What is a real problem for us Westerners is the notion that the Quran is the literal word of God and therefore eternal and unchangeable and not open to interpretation. That it happens to be in Arabic is incidental.
The New Testament which is the main pillar of our civilisation along with Greek and Roman culture is not like this. The four gospels are accounts that vary of the life of Jesus. They are accounts not literal words of a God. What is the postion then of the Hadiths?
Are they able to be interpreted or set in stone?
Islam is seen by many of us as a complete system that is unchanging and sharia is an aspect of God as much as the Quran.
I cannot see much hope for understanding only co existence which could be peaceful or warlike.
The West has undergone a Reformation which was much more far reaching than we now appreciate and then from the 16th century onwards a revolution in the way we looked at the entire world when we realised that all things were possible. That there were no tablets of stone to restrain us.
So the modern world is the creation of us Westerners however much we sometimes deplore it’s excesses. That is reality.
Islam has to come to terms with this or the consequences for us all will be grave. How to achieve this I have no idea. That is for Muslims to decide but it must happen .Isis are bent it seems on reviving a past age that did not really exist. They are never going to succeed. The West is no longer in an age of faith. That started to end in the 17th century and is not coming back.
Many of us look at Islam and are baffled. This ,I am sure accounts for our leaders refusal to look at the reality of it. They literally cannot understand Islam and never will.
This is a strange world where many things are true at any one time. There is no one truth .
In Islam we have the Word of God – The Quran, then we have the Word of the Prophet – Ahadith, then we have accounts of the Prophetic life by his companions – The Seerah, then we have documentation by various scholars of the past and present, and finally we have stories and fables like Arabian nights etc. All in decreasing order of authenticity. And they are also separate.
The Ahadith take second importance to the Quran. If a hadith is in conflict with the Quran, it is rejected (it is then a fabrication), if it is in conformity it is accepted, if neither then it can be accepted or rejected. Some ahadith are literal and there is little room for interpretation, others are symbolic and are open to wide interpretation. Of course there is more to this than what I have typed but it gives a gist.
Only God is absolute and he ultimately is Sovereign. One does not have to accept the Quran as the word of God but if one does why cannot he accept the Quran to be actually the literal word of God? This is a question one needs to answer for himself.
The Modern World is a creation of the Modern West which itself is a creation of the Anti-Christ and Gog and Magog It was during this time that Christendom (at least in Western Europe) was corrupted, thanks be to God that Russia now is returning to her spiritual roots. But the whole universe is a creation of God and the Gog and Magog Modern West should understand this.
ISIS are the foot soldiers of the Anti-Christ. They are trying to establish a BOGUS Caliphate, their purpose is to create geopolitical scenarios in which Israel can expand her borders to the Biblical ones as part of her messianic mission without looking like a naked aggressor.
ISIS are the foot soldiers of the Anti-Christ. They are trying to establish a BOGUS Caliphate, their purpose is to create geopolitical scenarios in which Israel can expand her borders to the Biblical ones as part of her messianic mission without looking like a naked aggressor.
Yes, yes of course.
And I guess you believe 9/11 was a Jewish conspiracy.
M … the erm “last prophet”? (shakes head 😀 )
care to expand on that nugget?.
“You must remember” etc … on the contrary, not necessary at all, I find your tone typically supremacist.
To any rational person in society today Islam is and has been defined by its actions, especially towards the non muslim.
For 1400 years, and clearly in evidence today, it is a dangerous, violent, totalitarian, political ideology.
The terms religion, and Abrahamic are in my opinion
the tools used to blinker the ignorant, there is no evidence for them …
you know,someone had a dream,
I m sorry it just doesn t qualify as anything.
Breitbart continues to have fun with Sir Tim Hunt’s accuser, and makes the important point: why are, ahem, certain broadcasters, so reluctant to report on the Jeffrey Archer of Jamaica?
Has it been pointed out that she worked for the bBC for 16 years?
“She worked for the BBC for sixteen years. Her production highlights during that time include securing Bill Gates’ first British interview and being invited to produce the 1997 Reith Lectures written by Professor Patricia J Williams”
Has her talent or something else enabled her to rise to the position she has?
Surprise, surprise! Nobel winner Tim Hunt’s accuser!
Connections to the establishment left: BBC, Guardian, Rowtree Fellowship !
Dig into almost every news item we hear nowadays and look behind the headlines. Invariably we come right back to the reign of terror 1997-2010.
Another example on tonights news: Janner now rightly going to be prosecuted.
Just who stopped this Labour Lords prosecution going ahead in 2007: Of course it was Labour appointed DPP Ken Macdonald, whose tenure was denounced by Opposition spokesmen as “rampant cronyism” and a “provocative appointment” due to Macdonald’s business relationship with Cherie Booth!
Whether it be the economic legacy, bequeathing the coalition the longest recession ever, the deficit, Iraq and Afghan consequences, ISIS Tunisia, boat refugees, poor non-Muslim girls raped and peedoed by Pakistanis, Trojan Horses, FGM, Halahl meat, housing, school places, NHS shortages due to Labour open borders policy increasing our population by many millions under their watch! The Tax Credits and welfare system, I could go on and on, but you get my drift.
Good post! Yes we can dig back to the 50s or 60s as the begginng of Britain’s decline, but recalling the freedoms of the Britain of 1996 feels like a different nation, if not planet.
I heard Slippery Cameron on R2 news this morning saying we must deal with those in Syria and Iraq who wish to destroy our country.
Why not make a start with those who are in are country and wish to destroy it? Especially in the light of all the prior disastrous military excursions in Muslim lands, which have created far more problems than they’ve solved.
Well said al shubtil. If Cameron was really bothered, he could make a start today by rounding up the hate preachers. However, as im sure we all know, he has no intention of doing anything of the sort. I believe that all of the present”leaders” of Europe’s countries are all in on the same appeasement of islam. I saw a film clip earlier, hidden camera footage taken in paris of Muslim prayer in the street. Cbn I think it was, tells you all you need to know, although I suspect that a lot of people could guess anyway. I shall post a link if I can find it. Goes without saying that the filmaker has received death threats. ROP my shiny white arse
Perhaps I’m being unfair and jumping to conclusions but does anyone else think that BBC One’s Nigel Slater: Eating Together typifies the pretentious, smug and overgrown metro-trendy prat who delights in multiculturalism and contemporary right-on hipness? I’ve never watched it before but just caught around ten minutes or so of an episode and thought: snooty leftie dinner party alert!
The BBC pushes diversity in every sphere of its output; and in my opinion this is quite evident in the pretentious, middle class food programmes.
“Oh, yarrh darling, that’s so expressive and contemporary.. shall I crack the bubbly?”
His “guests” are likely to be the production crew. It speaks volumes about who is making television in Britain these days and why they are a million miles away from the average punter.
Not only that, on one episode of floyd, when he was signing a cask of rum/wine /brandy or some such, his cask happened to be to the right of maggie thatchers. He said “which coincidentally happens to be where I am politically! . Top man floyd
I used to like the two fat ladies – fag in one hand and a glass in the other (Jennifer Paterson) , and wonderfully un-PC (Clarissa Dickson-Wright). However they got to work for the BBC, God only knows.
Floyd was the Monty Python of cookery programs – you could never be sure what might happen next. He knew damn well that nobody was going to try to copy his recipes so he just chucked stuff in. Great entertainment. And “Far Flung Floyd” – has there ever been a better title for a cookery show?
He (Nigel Slater) certainly ticks one box, his book Toast was turned into a bBC drama, excerpt of the Telegraph review..
“His departing employment is not without benefit when a friendly walk with the pub owner’s son, training at ballet school, stirs Nigel’s sexual awareness with a kiss and encouragement to take a chance at the world despite being on his own.”
Mrs Essex hates Nigel Slater, as he looks gubby & unkempt, as if he slept in a hedge for a month. She thinks he is gay too, & would not want to eat any of his Guardian/BBC dishes as we might get food poisoning from his grubby hands & clothes. Incidentally Keith Floyd spent his last few years near Avignon.
Yes! spot on I gave up watching him after the first 2 episodes of his first series as I soon realised what a twat he was and that I couldn’t stand him which is a shame really as he came from a humble background only got an OND in Catering etc. Not like the smug old Etonian turned made-for-TV farmer Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall who I also can’t stand especially when he has his bused-in paid-fore ‘friends over at the end of every episode. It’s as bad as those Lidle ads where ‘the public straight from central casting’ have to write down how much they would pay for the meal.
watch an earlier series of his his bacon sandwich…..get this..just get the pancetta out of the fridge (in a nice notting hill deli wrapping) and garnish with prunes……. FUCK OFF I was a HGV DRIVER Bacon sandwich salted bacon lots of it onion (fried ) as a garnish English mustard hot as well maybe a bit of sauce red/brown …who the fuck has pancetta in the fridge have you seen the price of normal bacon…… on about 19.30 on bbc 1 prime time only audience is the left wing champagne socialists who live in or around the w11 postcode. CUNTS
Heard nothing from the BBC today, except for one snippet about an escaped con in the USA…this was on the 8am news/Today.
Yet even THIS snippet managed to give the idea that the BBC rather liked this scamp-murderer?…well maybe…but what a Shawshank redemption moment for us all?
The BBC are utter bought-up scum…and ,no doubt : the fact that this bloke got shot will end up with charges against the trooper who did it.
That is NOT how Shawshank ended-so the BBC and its New York quislings won`t let this lie.
I see that the BBC are cramming their usual left wing propaganda into their flagship “soap” Eastenders currently, in the guise of how a poor upstanding token Muslim women has been beaten up by nasty Islamophobes but wont make a complaint, as she’s such a shining star of the beloved Ummah…..
Cue the usual leftists lectures from the entire Eastenders “square” about how in this day and age, evil white people are still hating on a religion of peace and their perfectionate adherents….Jeeeez it never ends from the loathsome BBC.
Coronation Street isn’t any better with upstanding Muslim family and their daughter in love with a non-Muslim white boy which is condoned by her parent. If this was real life she would have been beaten, raped then strangled by her uncles, brother and father and dumped somewhere so that honour is restored
It’s not often I write this but – well done to the BBC.
A classic episode of “Top Gear” yesterday. It wasn’t perfect, but then a TV programme with three blokes messing about in cars can never attain perfection – but it was close.
Top Gear (in its Clarkson, May and Hammond incarnation) was the most watchable comedy series on the BBC and I’ll retain fond memories of when its jokes worked, and a bitter taste when I remember how the BBC destroyed it.
There was a tweet doing the rounds today that they are about to sign for ITV, fingers crossed, I also hope they schedule it directly against the bBC effort ‘Don’t Forget your thank fuck its top gear at breakfast time’
Love the “reformed” chris evans. Senior ass licker of the bbbc. Obviously they will make the new top gear unwatchable, although, speaking as a car fan the old top gear weren’t much cop either. Whatever happens on the bbbc nowadays will be full on liberal ,so I won’t watch , simple as that
did you listen to nicky campbells its your shout if your a leftie and a muslim hater of the uk this morning at 9am this morning,it was bad,it it got a lot worse,some visiting to liverpool university from the usa dumb self appointed liberal so called expert on terrorism called dr evan lawrence was one of tricky nickys guests this morning,well,here was her take on why muslims are so radical in the was the typical responce from the liberal left,she blamed,poverty,unemployment for the rise of fascist radical nazi islam in the uk,a load of crap that was,millions of working class young whites live in poverty and are unemployed in the uk and northern ireland and they dont go around beheading and butchering innocents.but it got alot worse i kid you not,she compared the success of ukip to the rise of neo nazism,my god,that woman is so dumb.old tricky nicky sniggered then he said not convincly she was not right to say and the bbc does not approve of them comments that but heh bashing ukip is just a sport at the bbc these days.
plus the majority of white on the dole aren’t driving taxis or running shops or working for their relatives. Even had one Muslim shopkeeper near me selling baby milk that his wife was given free on the NHS with ‘not be be sold’ stickers all over them
I read, on the BBC website, that a minutes silence will be held in the UK for the victims of the attack in Tunisia.
David Cameron has stated. Sorry Dave not by me it won’t.
The minute’s silence on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, is when we remember the dead of two wars.
Two wars in which the predecessors of twats like Dave got Britain involved in events that we should have avoided.
Events which resulted in the deaths of multi-millions of Europeans who should have lived to die in bed at an advanced age.
Events which Cunts of MPs have been re-writing history ever since to justify their mistakes.
Events in which hundreds of thousands of square miles of European territory were given to aliens by Cunts like Dave.
Events which Cunts like Dave have been insisting were “victories” which should be celebrated.
Events which Cunts like Dave have used to justify and excuse the contamination of Europe ever since by exactly those twats who our glorious ancestors died to prevent setting foot on our territory.
My prediction for the minutes silence. BBC to round up moslems in various places for photo shoots doing the silence thing. Maybe a few politicians in the photo with them – are you listening Vaz? Failing that a few unemployed actors from the Salford area.
It’s becoming an increasing problem. Best solution – get yourself an avatar. It isn’t foolproof but any imposter would need to spend some time copying it and that’s usually too much trouble. You only have to do it once, but they’d have to do it for each person they impersonate.
This memorial event may do some good if raises public awareness in British people.
By which I mean white people.
To make them aware that.
#1 There is a war going on.
#2 Western Europe is losing this war.
#3 The main reason for this situation is that our “leaders” have been importing millions of enemy soldiers for 50 years, and are still doing so.
#4 That the “leaders” are the same people who have been giving away our national sovereignty for the same period.
#5 That #3 and #4 are acts of treachery which are without equal in history.
#6 It is essential that the UK votes to leave the EU.
I ask everyone who agrees with the above opinions to contact every major news outlet and have this information displayed as prominently as possible as frequently as possible.
Best wishes to you all.
I’m not convinced there IS a war going on. it takes two to make a war, and our side is doing nothing, just waiting for the next demented maniac to use ISIS as an excuse for his murderous and cowardly attack.
That’s not really a war.
Can you imagine that in the Second World War, there would be Britons postulating the view that it was all Britain’s fault and that Germany has been forced to act the way it does?
You simply cannot make this stuff up. Here’s the new Chamberlain, David Cameron, complaining about the BBC calling IS Islamic State:
David Cameron today called on the BBC not to use the phrase ‘Islamic State’ when referring to the terror group operating in Iraq and Syria.
The Prime Minister – who calls the group ‘ISIL’ – said Muslims would ‘recoil’ at the phrase being used to justify the ‘perversion of a great religion.’
I’m wondering which Muslims Cameron imagines would do the recoiling. Certainly there would be no recoiling by the 25% of young British Muslims who approved of the 7/7 London terror attacks or by Palestinians who danced in the streets on 9/11 or by the thousands flocking to join IS or by the millions across the planet who will rant and rave against cartoons of Mohammed but remain silent when their fellow Muslims carry out the worst Islamic terrorist atrocities.
The Iranians would no doubt recoil, but not for the reasons Cameron, in his ignorance, imagines. They would recoil at being beaten by their Sunni IS rivals in the rush to commit as many atrocities as possible in the shortest possible time.
The most bizarre aspect, however, of Cameron’s blundering statement is his perception of the BBC as somehow being against IS when anyone who has been half awake for the last few decades knows that the BBC is deeply and hopelessly in love with Islam and will do anything possible to minimise and hide the barbarism of so many of the devotees of the ‘Religion of Peace.’
Eleven years ago BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner suffered a brutal Islamic terrorist attack which left him wheelchair bound and a colleague dead. He made a conscious decision not to allow his understandable loathing for Islamic terrorism to sway his reporting. Unfortunately he has overcompensated to the extent that he has totally lost the plot.
Yesterday on Outside Source, from about 7 minutes in
he objected strongly to Cameron’s description of IS as “an existential threat:”
This is exactly what they want – someone to big them up…They’re a danger. It’s a horrible, murderous cult…but it’s not an existential threat. Russia’s intercontinental ballistic missiles, if we ever went to war with Russia, God forbid, that’s an existential threat.
Islamic State are a threat to Britain and they are the biggest transnational terrorist threat right now [he’s probably the first BBC hack in years to accurately describe Islamic terrorists, so credit to him for that at least] …sooner or later they will get hold of automatic weapons [huh?] and another outrageous attack will occur…Of course it’s horrific for the victims – I should know – but let’s not exaggerate this
Frank Gardner does not appear to know much about Islamic State. When I last looked they had taken over huge swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria and were selling vast quantities of oil to finance their battles on several fronts, murdering their prisoners with barbaric abandon, attracting hordes of apprentice terrorists to their ranks from all over the planet, establishing IS cells and splinter groups as far away as Nigeria and of course increasing their terrorists attacks on the West. And to top it all there is their driving obsession to establish an Islamic caliphate in which everyone who doesn’t think and look like them will be enslaved or killed.
And Gardner doesn’t think they have automatic weapons (unless of course he meant to say atomic weapons, which would mean he is arguing against himself) and is getting picky about the terminology used to describe the threat?
The most disturbing thing about Gardner’s attitude is that he really believes he is being objective about IS, when he is actually involved in typical BBC obfuscation of Islamic terrorism.
My understanding of Frank Gardner’s words about “automatic weapons” was that he feared a Mumbai-style (Or Tunisia-style, or Westgate-style, or Charlie Hebdo-style – take your pick) attack in the UK.
If the likes of Islamic State get hold of atomic weapons…. doesn’t bear thinking about.
Still, I’m sure Dave has got it all cracked. Just don’t call them “Islamic State” and we’ll have nothing to worry about.
Maybe that’s what they are after in Iraq? They know where Saddam hid his nukes. Wouldn’t that be a turn up for the books – some Western city reduced to ashes by a non existential weapon?
we live in hope ‘up north’ Get rid of that drain on the rest of Britain once and for all. London is like a cancer to the rest of the UK. It’s not even half decent as a Capital City. I have a new slogan for London.
London a third-rate Capital of a second-rate country
In that case, I suggest you stop voting in crackpot lefty councils, and stop sending the wrong people to Westminster. Rotherham for God’s sake!
London, BTW, attracts more international visitors per year than Paris, and far more than New York. Only Bangkok can compete on this basis. Stick your fish and chips where the sun don’t shine because London can manage without you. And that’s from someone born and bred in Leeds.
Stockholm syndrome from Frank ‘don’t shoot me I’m a Muslim’ Gardner. He turned years ago but tries to keep it quiet although he did blurt out he carries a Koran with him everywhere.
I thought Cameron’s use of “existential threat” was quite counter-intuitive. When you face one of those all legal niceties, human rights etc go out the window and you lock down all potential supporters, which I guess in this case would be anyone who is a Sunni Muslim. He hasn’t done this because ISIL isn’t an “existential threat” to the UK.
BBC sofa dwellers are inordinately indeed childishly excited about warm temperatures today.
One warm summer week and, apparently, it is the best thing since spliced gays.
Now, in a change of Gear – out of Top into bottom(?)… Who likes a good euphemism?
Well read on, as I put on my BBC serious sofa face…
BBC old stager Fergal Keane has reached Tunisia. Think Terry Wogan – without the humour or charm and way too earnest….
He’s got in the bunch of wilting daffs, the grapes, and the bottle of lucozade as he visits an injured Tunisan hotel worker. (I’m guessing there’s a ban – imposed by Matron – on any such sensitive visits to Brits)
Here comes your euphemism of the day – the poor injured lady – through the medium of Fergal – reckons she was spared “because she speaks Arabic”
Back to the studio and as Billy Turnbull takes off his tie do I hear the opening strains of ‘The Stripper’ ?
There’s a new rule: all BBC current affairs shows must have a music act of some sort with them in the studio just off to their right.
I’m turning off before the hen party which is Breakfast BBC really gets going – I think I can safely say I will miss no vital insights as they return for another chat about Greece.
Bill, is that a tenner tucked into the waistband of your pants? – what a way to earn a dollar, I guess he’s just a modern guy
Wherever there’s even the whiff of a future current affairs gong in the offing you’ll be sure to find Fergal Keane hamming it up for all its worth. Keane, as I have mentioned here before, is a tawdry serial awards-chaser. The BBC parachute him into every emergency/disaster/conflict in a desperate effort to get him to try and repeat his earlier glories.
The last thing the Tunisians, or the frightened Brits still trying to their way out of that place, need is the sight of Keane waxing lyrical (whilst simultaneously working the emotional levers for all their worth).
Something truly terrible has happened. Keane should be excluded from going anywhere near the place as a matter of good taste and decency.
(I’m guessing there’s a ban – imposed by Matron – on any such sensitive visits to Brits)
Judging from the appalling lack of coverage by the World Service of the British victims of the Tunisia terror attack, and keeping in mind that the World Service so often mirrors editorial attitudes elsewhere in the BBC, I can only assume that it is BBC policy to devout the absolute minimum of time to those British victims.
Must be the Muslim overlords at the BBC calling the shots.
On the World Service ‘news’ this morning a brief mention of Tunisia terror was way down in the pecking order, even trumped by one new case of Ebola in Liberia.
What a disgusting bunch of propagandists they are, guzzling at the public trough while pandering to the whims of a small minority of those who fill the trough for them.
You do realise that the real victims here are the perp’s family? The BBC narrative always morphs into a “how could he do this to us – his loving family?” schtick. Anyway, according to our rulers – faithfully conveyed, for once, by our national broadcaster – it’s “nothing to do with Islam” whatever “it” is.
Oh, what larks. The Five Live phone-in is about the National Crime Agency, and spurred by a sudden and slightly bizarre question from Rachel Burden about how difficult it would be for the NCA to do their job if we left the EU I decided to text in to see how quickly they would reply to “I am worried about the implications of losing the European Arrest Warrant if we left the EU.” To increase my chances I thought I would add “Mohammed, Reading.”
Anyway, ninety seconds later… I kid you not… my phone rang and a very bubbly Lancastrian woman was on the line from Five Live. Putting on my best sub-continent accent we began. I was invited to go on air to put my question, but, being due out and not having the time to go on air I decided it would be far more fun to string this lady along for a couple of minutes.
I mentioned how pleased I was that UKIP was compared to the Nazis yesterday by Nicky, and that I wanted to say how important it was that this was said again. She disappears for twenty seconds, then returns.
“Nicky didn’t say UKIP were Nazis, it was an academic.”
“Yes, but is true, and was OK for you to let her say it. You can say again? Is big problem.”
“Yes, I understand” she replied, “but today is about the NCA.”
“Is it because my English no good?” I asked.
“No, not at all.”
“I’m very happy you attack UKIP before election every day.”
“Yes, but can you ask about the Arrest Warrant?”
“Yes, but UKIP big problem. Tomorrow can you do whole day on UKIP are Nazis? Start at six until night time?”
“It depends on the news tomorrow.”
“I think you not want me because you are racist.”
“No, not at all, Mohammed. I want you to go on air.”
“Yes, big, big racist BBC,”
“Mohammed, why don’t we just ask you question for you?”
“Big, big racist. Five Live is racist.”
Given a chance to ask a question about how much easier it might be to keep foreign criminals out of the UK if we left the EU, Five Live’s slant was how difficult it would be if we didn’t.
Five Live has an agenda to its very core and is already busy protecting its EU subsidy. Close it down.
If you have a spare five minutes while sipping your morning coffee I recommend texting them with an opinion they agree with. You’ll be on air in a trice. I bet they have meetings about why they are losing listeners, and I’d put money on them not realising just why.
I’m serious about Five Live being closed. The academic who compared UKIP and the Nazis was Evan Lawrence, and it is inconceivable that she went to air without a short pre-interview.
It is also beyond the realms of reality that someone like her, who according to her Twitter feed is put on air regularly by the BBC is not known for her opinion about UKIP.
I am not a UKIP voter, but yesterday the attack allowed by Five Live on a legally constituted political party was about the worst example of bias I’ve ever heard.
Absolutely brilliant. Much more of this interaction with the appalling BBC is needed. Get them on the line, then reel them in. Full marks, Leamas – glad you came in from the cold!
Did anyone catch the BBC survey of yesterday’s Wimbledon at 8:30 pm last evening? Instead of a, more or less, knowledgeable discussion (preferably in the background!) of recordings of actual play, we had mostly trivial chit-chat between our Clare, McInroe and Linsey Davenport. All this taking place in front of a collection of silent – but carefully selected I guess – nonentities masquerading as “the public”. It was exactly like the rubbish spewed by France’s RTF in its carefully staged endless “discussions” where 3 or 4 public “intellectuals” play verbal gymnastics in front of a passive and silent studio audience. In other words, it was all to do with bigging up Clare and friends while dumbing down the coverage. It was awful: a signature display of the BBC’s contempt for its audience.
Yes Wimbledon in the days of Harry Carpenter and Des Lyneham was a civilised and classy event, last night reminded me of chav TV at its best akin to Baddiel and Skinners Fantasy Football.
Neither McEnroe or Davenport looked that comfortable.
Barker and Balding are a poor substitute to the afore mentioned professional presnters, still boxes they do tick!
Watched Wimbledon with one of my grandsons( 6 yrs). Sound firmly off and when he grasped the odd scoring system he was really interested. Switched off whenever the talking heads appeared.
On the global warming thingy, here’s an excellent debate from Intelligence Squared U.S., with three panellists for and three against the motion that Global warming is not a crisis:
We will never see a fair debate like this on the BBC, or anything even close to it.
Has anyone seen the film ‘Kingsmen’ ?
I watched it last night and was completely struck by some pertinent points which whilst flying in the face of normal pc thinking, may have some grounding in today’s reality?
1. Baddie (Samuel L Jackson) is black.
2. Barack Obama in collusion with baddie also evil.
3. Global warming used as a con to reduce population.
Could the brainwave technology used in the film to turn normal people into violent psychopaths killing everyone in sight be a euphemism for Islam?
It’s a great film – and funny and stylish, too. I really do recommend it to the regs here. Unashamedly British and mischievous with its subtext, too! A rare cinematic delight.
I saw it a couple of weeks ago, and despite the swearing I rather enjoyed it. It really harked back to the days of the Steed and Emma Peel era Avengers.
On your broader point I sense the era of PC is slowly coming to an end. Bastions remain, of course, particularly at the BBC and the other left wing outfits, but the reality of what is happening can no longer be kept under wraps by usurping the language.
It was announced yesterday that Miles Jupp is replacing Sandy Toksvig on the News Quiz. I like Jupp a lot, and he is certainly far more centrist in his politics.
The last edition of Toksvig’s tenure was a bloody disgrace. I wonder if the BBC is reconsidering some of its output now the Tories are in and the renewal is looming. I certainly hope so. Like many here I don’t want bias from the BBC to either side of the political divide. I want them to straddle that admittedly difiicult line down the middle.
At the moment it is failing dismally. Sorry to go on about it but when a national radio station allows someone on to blithely compare a British political party with the Nazi Party it needs not reform, but closure and reconstituting from scratch.
I loved it I went straight out and bought a pair of Oxfords and a dapper suite like the guy in the chalet who got sliced in two. Only thing missing is the fit bird I’d screw her legless
Whats all this bloody ‘heatwave’ crap we keep getting from the Met Office? When I were a kid this was called a summers day!
The latest is “Met Office upgrades its #HeatWave alert prompting public advice to an keep eye on neighbours”
Jeez most old people I know are cold even on a day like today, the bigger worry around here is that your neighbours are more likely to nick a sausage off your BBQ!
The traitor Cameron and his pack of grasping lying cronies in No10 eh!
He has a yellow streak as long as the (er … proposed ) HS2.
what s after the soundbite Wavy Davey eh?
… another soundbite?, (or maybe a hashtag).
If is wasn t for the ideological obsession with hammering the poorest, most vulnerable, and selling off he wouldn t bloody do anything.
So … Not addressing the
Islamic problem, of the
Islamic State, the thousands of
Islamic adherents rushing to swell its ranks, because they want
Islamic “wet dream” of the
Islamic Calliphate, because it follows most closely
Islamic text and teachings, in the
Islamic so called “holy” book, and
Islamic Sharia
…. no not those problems, but telling others not to say “Islamic” or even what to say about them.
That ll solve it.
Boris tries to competes with the equally senile “not a state and it’s certainly not Islamic”
… Boris …that’s not big, and its not clever,
Sad news, not many BBC types you can say are heroes, but John Noakes must qualify as one, but never afforded the status of the ubiquitous Savile.
He was treated abysmally by the BBC, he wasn’t properly insured for his death defying stunts and after leaving the BBC he wasn’t allowed to use ‘Shep’ to his own advantage.
Anne Robinson also reduced him to tears when tanting him about Shep on The Weakest Link, anyone who has ever owned a Border Collie will know the amazing bond between man and dog.
15:00 news The massacre of Britons drops down the news order with Grexit number 1 story. Not like the missing 12 / 3 which stayed at or near the top day after dayafter day after… Move along nothing to see here.
15:30 Here we go it’s been hot for one day so into the over the top what to do when it’s hot obviously this requires one reporter in Brighton and one in central London to tell us that it’s hot. I know it’s hot because it feels hot.
Come come now Dave. Surely you have now realised that it is the function of that unique publicly funded media strain, the BBC, to tell us all what to think and what to do? Soon, they will be telling us all how to wipe our arses without offending someone or even something.
Thunderstorms developing over the Brest Peninsula as I write and tracking North North East. Will there be enough heat in the waters of the Channel to keep them going till they arrive in the South West tonight? That will cool it down somewhat if they do!
For those that might be interested, it looks like East of Dartmoor to the Isle of Weight will catch the showers with some embedded thunderstorms if there is enough heat in the Channel waters when they come ashore.
So it looks like BBC3 has gone, or has it? will the move on line actually save that much money? Same presenters, same producers, same trashy low end programs, same diverse ‘news’ readers, where’s the big saving? there’s no saving in selling off the multiplex as BBC1+1 will take its place.
I’d also wager that we will see its crappy programs migrate to the main channels just to keep peddling the message to the young, already the crap that is Don’t Tell The Bride has arrived on BBC1.
As Soeren Kern noted, Belfast Pastor Faces Prison for “Grossly Offending” IslamJames McConnell’s prosecution is one of a growing number of examples in which British authorities — who routinely ignore incendiary speech by Muslim extremists — are using hate speech laws to silence Christians.
Someone somewhere is going to flip at disrepectful shit like this, what are our Government police and councils doing about it? We don’t’ need these scum.
This is the true face of EU membership and immigration, not the fluffy bBC version of it…
Standard – Tunisia attack: British ‘jihadi bride’ posts sickening blog praising beach massacre which killed up to 30 Brits
A poem written on the site run by Aqsa Mahmood, who left her Glasgow home in November 2013, described Friday’s attacks as “revenge”. The post also described it as “a day that will go down in history”.
Obviously offensive to desecrate a memorial to the victims of terrorism. Expect riots, looting, beheadings and bombings by outraged British people, with articles in the Guardian and BBC reports supporting their action.
BBC Editorial directions informal notes, w/b 29th June
OK, folks, an important week, lots of ‘influence’ pieces – so.
Tunisia – bags of work here, of course. Shock and grief everywhere please – Brits as victims only: leave out the bits where anyone white was a hero, we don’t want any of that, but if you can find some brave Tunisians who dived in to help, loads of that if you can. Oh, don’t let anyone suggest there were a team of them doing the shooting – it’s ‘lone wolf’ time all the way, please, and if you can do a life-story, tragic influences, inevitable consequences, work in some Islamophobia, all the better? If he’s got a sister or a wife who can claim he was a really nice guy, ‘just another victim’ type of thing? Get Guerin on it, maybe she can work in another pop at the Israelis.. Oh, and do try to blame the Government, can you – just because it’s all tragic doesn’t mean you can’t get one in on something irrelevant, does it?
OK, moving on – Greece, of course. It’s frighteners on for this one: risk of chaos, ‘uncertainty’ always like that word – IF they have the temerity to vote No of course. Make the numbers count on the vox pop stuff please, have to have a few who’ll vote No, just make them mumbling ignorant old folk who remember the Drachma if you can. Make sure you insinuate all the time that even having a referendum is an offense against democracy – remember this is a dress-rehearsal for our own Ref – let’s make sure we pick up ALL the lessons, we don’t want a repeat of the May 7th fiasco. Lots of pics of people going frantic trying to get their dosh from the ATMs, but don’t, whatever you do, let the cat out of the bag that it was’ the ECB wot done it’! Remember who’s paying you all now.
Next – nice little one this, the Millenium Goals, UN thingy. Tell you what, get Michal out to Bangla Desh, she can divert it into a women’s thing. Maybe she can find a Gay Theatre project or something. For G’s sake, don’t get onto the water/food/housing stuff – concentrate on equalities, there’s always grumbles to work up there.
Climate (Change, goes without saying, ho ho!) – going to be a hot few days (about bl*dy time, too), so get the usuals on. Don’t mention Scotland though – it’s been bad enough to rot the b*ll*x of a bear, there apparently. Go Home Counties, get Lord Bummer’s committee on. No nasty questions though – he almost got put on the spot the other day, we can’t have that, can we. And make out the Committee on Climate Change is some sort of official body.
Fracking – all part of the same thing: try to restrain yourselves a bit, it does give the game away. Just make sure you don’t inadvertently talk to the professional guys at Lancashire CC. We’re probably going to have to bury that one when it goes bad on appeal.
Hope the QT audiences are lined up? Tricky one, but you always do so well, I don’t think the Great British Public have tumbled yet, eh?
Damn we’ve run out of time – I wanted to get the Calais one onto the burner, and run the diversion stuff on Boko Haram – ah well, next meeting for those..
What dozy cretin at the Met decided to let the BBC know about its counter-terrorism play re-enactment, as performed at Aldwych tube this morning?
Fancy giving the BBC ANY lead on how the authorities will deal with any incidents?…pretty clear they`ll be onto Anjem via speed dial to keep him “in the loop” about how they`ll mop up the blood, say it was nothing to do with peaceful Islam and that “lessons will be learned” after a suitably long inquiry that`ll feed the lawyers, and let the guilty scoot off to higher jobs or to BBC studios to debate how best to sharpen a Stanley knife with a rear pointing up to Mecca or the moon.
With coppers like this-we really ARE stuffed.
Send for Ali Desai somebody.
The Met probably consulted Anjem in the early stages of preparation, assured him that dogs would not be used in case they cause offence to muslim sensitivities, and that nothing would indicate that they were preparing for an Islamic crime. To this end a few EDL banners were probably put in position.
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KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
BBC TV ‘Business Live’ report at 08.30
Two Librarian Style wimmin fronted the programme.
Greece? Not a problem. A member of the business world said that it would be a ‘bump in the road’ and not provide fuel for the anti-Europeans.
Next feature, a Syrian entrepreneur who’d made it big in France. Message? Look what muslim immigrants can achieve if given a chance.
Saw that too, and the two presenters are useless anyway. I have the impression that they have no idea what they are talking about. The BBC has surely dumbed down about as far as it possible to go.
But they are wimmin. They are not expected to know what they are talking about in BBC land. The only thing that matters is that they are WIMMIN.
Same sort of thing on Five Live this morning. They brought us an interview with a Tunisian diving instructor (clearly a muzzie) who told us he had demanded to see the body of the killer so he could do not very nice things – throw his flippers at it maybe? – so angry was he.
Clearly the beeb protesting way too much – you see listeners, not all of these muzzies are bad.
We then endured panto dame Campbell interviewing a woman who was due to take her family on holiday to Tunisia.
He sounded most distressed when she said that for the sake of her children’s safety she was probably going to look elsewhere now .
Campbell could barely disguise his angst. But surely we must try and support the Tunisian tourist industry?
Yeah, tell you what gameshow, you lead the way with your missus, daughters and fucking beloved dogs and we’ll be right behind you (on no we won’t)
Never mind Tunisisia, why doesn’t he go to Syria, I am sure they will have a lovely time as surely it’s just a few misguided souls.
Re-posted as end of weekend thread:
-BBCs dead tree ally reporting Jeremy Corbyn, (with Di Abbott & 17 other Labour MPs – + Len of course), calling for Cameron to agree debt cancellation for Greece:
Jeremy missed out, in all fairness, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and the UK!
We also need debts writing off as well because according to Labour millions of children are in poverty in our countries too.
Please could I also be included for some debt relief, as well since instead of paying my taxes I spent far too much on me and the kids skiing holiday this last winter.
I had to get a Wonga loan out and am now unable to change my 42″ wide screen Samsung for one of the bendy models, plus I cannot afford 4G for my kids new mobiles and I have to use the food bank since not enough to continue a little tipple, fags and weekly flutter at Ladbrokes.
I am also worried to death now about my Tax Credits after hearing the news this weekend. A little free debt counselling for me would also not go amiss.
I just caught some of Cameron s press conference on the BBC.
“We will seek out and exterminate these Islamic killers regardless of who or what they are
We will have to in the interests of national security, exterminate the root cause, the texts and use of texts that inspire and mandate such abhorrent fascist supremacism,
They have no place in our society, if a, any group wishes to use and promote such texts and views that have caused and are still causing such violence, abuse and loss of life, they are welcome to
do so … BUT NOT HERE! … bon voyage!
and finally we will correct the mistake of allowing Sharia here in the UK.
No more of a parallel legal system, that is used to isolate even further, a community seen already as overly insular by other communities and the vast majority of the public.
One law for all, no exceptions.
The Islamic community, need to be encouraged to integrate fully
… that is on our terms, not on the terms of the Mosque. the Imam
or ANY text that mandates any level of subversion, that has led
in turn to both horrific abuse, and bloodshed.
If any community does not want to do so, to integrate fully as outlined above … to share fully in society in our great nation …
bon voyage! …
“The Muslim population need to be encouraged to integrate fully”
The Muslim population needs to encouraged to fuck off back to wherever. Along with all the White traitors and appeasers.
Is this Mili-month?
Reading BBC news it looks as though it is Mili-month…
You know Mili-month, that time of the year when the ‘Militants’ of the world come out to celebrate a jolly good old ding-dong?
‘Five Chadian security officials and six militants have been killed in an explosion during a raid on a weapons cache’
‘Taliban militants in Afghanistan have killed at least 11 Afghan soldiers in an ambush’
‘Al-Shabab militants have killed at least five soldiers in an overnight attack’
There’s more – but you get the point. Perhaps we could suspend this Mili-month thing? It seems to be a bit deadly and not such a good idea.
Let’s hope Obama is thinking seriously about banning Mili-month, or the UN or the EU or someone.
BBc fracking refused reporter tells us that “small” crowd is not organised….yea right! Represent no-one brigade have a hopefully short lived victory.
I’m sure it’s nothing at all to do with the resounding defeat of the left in the recent general election but the BBC asks ‘Can you teach people to have empathy?’
Comments run the full range from disparaging through sarcasm to contempt
91. Posted by Actingasif
on Just now
Last week a mole revealed the salaries of Radio 1 DJs, including the £630,000 a year paid to the breakfast DJ Chris Moyles, mid-morning host Jo Whiley’s £250,000 salary and Sara Cox’s £200,000 pay packet for two weekend shows.
I will have no empathy when they bring an end to this unbelievable scam….
Luckily I am 41 and I have never bought a license…
90. Posted by LabourTerminator
on 6 minutes ago
No, you cannot teach empathy to someone, either they have it or they don’t and that is a result of nature and nurture.
For example I can express empathy for those hard left labour voters indoctrinated all their lives, but not for the BBC who think that this is so much more important we comment on it instead of more serious news stories!!!
86. Posted by beammeup
on 17 minutes ago
Those of us who have empathy for the victims families of the massacre in Tunisia and terrorist atrocities world wide would like to see/hear what is being done to stop this madness.
84. Posted by JUANCOLINA
on 28 minutes ago
I will grieve not one jot if the BBC is disappears.
I would have done so once but not anymore – your manipulation of public opinion and refusal to address important topics is pathetic.
BBC you are pitiful to observe.
How gratifying t must be for you in your ivory towers to wield such power.
Nobody gives two hoots about this topic.
You can’t blame the BBC here. They foolishly let people discuss
illegal immigrants last week and got their backsides handed to them. That demonstration of what people really think when not too cowed to talk about it must have been a nasty shock.Thanks for that. I have just given them my two penneth, I see Gresley’s Duck of this parish has also given them a blast 🙂
Anyone else fancy a bash ?
‘Anyone else fancy a bash ?’
Just in.
Silly me.
1. Posted by Moderated in to submission
7 hours ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
164. Posted by paulinhackney
45 minutes ago
So… lasted about 6 hrs; closed 45 mins ago, around 5.15pm
Two top voters I sadly cannot add to:
32. Posted by Pauline Fothergill
I don’t empathise very much with this HYS – it is hardly relevant to today’s news, is it?
Comment number 4. Posted by Binkiehuckaback
I have an awful lot of empathy with those poor souls who lost – or may have lost- loved ones as a result of the henious act in Tunisia. The BBC however, are determined to deny any comment about the event. Why don’t we all boycott HYS starting 30 June for 5 days as a protest?
Nauseating piece by Jeremy Vine on the BBC’s very own president.
An Anglo-kenyan tries to imitate an Afro-American preacher by attempting to sing Amazing Grace. He his so bad at it that it takes ten seconds before his audience even realises that he is trying to sing! Could we see David Cameron doing this? Perhaps he has more respect for other people’s culture?
Despite the faltering start, a gushing Vine wets himself as he tells how ‘Obama nailed it’ and as near as dammit goes on to tell us how ‘dem darkies sho’ got soul’.
Meanwhile the worst US president in living memory is telling us that Greece must stay in the Euro, not that it has anything to do with him or the USA.
I’ve seen a YouTube clip of Obama saying ”He can’t imagine Britain outside the EU”
Try before 1973.
I doubt he can imagine anything except his own beatification.
Britain before 1973- it lives only in my dreams now
The same Obama whose administration calls the Falklands Islands “the Malvinas or whatever you want to call them…”
Fuck off Obama.
I heard that. Vine sounded like he’d messed himself with excitement. Sent me straight to the tuner button in the van.
Unfortunately I also heard the Vine show and Jeremy’s schoolgirl crush on the president was excruciating. Then there was the caller who told us that it was only people of African descent who could “sing” like that. The only patronising racist cliché these ghastly lefties didn’t come out with was Obama’s “natural sense of rhythm.”
Some bloke then called in to tell us that he couldn’t imagine David Cameron, or indeed any British (white) politician “nailing” the song like the great one had.
Am I the only one thinking thank God?
I’d assume that, due to his mixed race heritage, Bazza only 50% nailed it, and the other 50% was racist for even trying it in the first place.
On Radio 5 last week talking about the Obama heckler incident – where the crowd started chanting ‘Obama!’ in his support – some bloke said he couldn’t imagine a crowd chanting for Cameron like that. That bloke was the programme’s presenter.
I had assumed that the frenzied chanting had come from the white house press core (including BBC)
What I couldn’t make out is what the woman was heckling him over -does any on know?
It was reported by ABC News that the heckler was an undocumented and transgender individual shouting about poor conditions for LGBT immigrants in the US
Brilliant – I guessed it would be some form of leftist nonsense ,had it been a disgruntled gun owner or some tea party type ( you know someone who believes in democracy ) Al beeb would have been all over them
A law abiding Tea Party supporter would never be allowed near the President. Obviously an illegal Mexican transgender activist is a different matter. Obama’s people no doubt though the he/she would fall for his bullshit. But it was instructive that when faced with a real, live heckler, Obama froze like a rabbit in the headlights. His eventual put-down was lame in the extreme. He is a dull fellow who cannot think on his feet, and falls apart if the teleprompter fails. But then who is surprised? The MSM make out like he is a latter day Churchill mixed with JFK, but who are you going to believe, the BBC or your lying eyes?
Quite right Rob; when he was at Harvard, he edited the Harvard Law Review. The only editor in its history never to have written an article for that journal; his grades from his Uni days are also hidden from view, maybe that’s because they’re so high? Or then again…
Or because he was on a foreign student scholarship? The only thing you can be certain of is that there is something he is trying to hide. But he’s a Democrat, so the MSM has his back.
BBC to lose Olympic rights?
In May the BBC’s director of sport Barbara Slater warned that the broadcaster could lose Olympics TV rights. Speaking at the Telegraph Business of Sport conference, Slater said: “Having had a number of years’ now flat licence fee, which has resulted in smaller budget for individual divisions such as sport, there is going to come a tipping point at which the BBC does need investment if it is going to continue to compete for, I think, events that people really treasure on the BBC, like the Olympics and some of the major championships.
“And, of course, we’re exploring a multitude of different solutions to that, including sharing with other broadcasters etc. And there is still a very, very significant investment that we’re currently making.
“But to see that on a significantly downward trajectory, I think, would be enormously damaging to the ecology of sports broadcasting.”
Oh dear, how sad, never mind…
Nothing against Mo, but if the BBC lose Olympic rights we might not hear much about him.
Absolutely, had the last Olympics been on Eurosport, we would thankfully be one ‘British’ ‘hero’ less….
He is what the bBC made him.
Spot the difference, the British Olympic Team and the BBC version of it.
Quaint, isn’t it, that ‘a number of years flat licence fee’ is seen as the cause of yet another failure. Perhaps if they were to add up the salaries of all their absurd ‘controllers’ (to highlight just one tier of management) plus the multi-£million ‘going rates’ for all those unique and irreplaceable ‘stars’, the weekly cost of all those copies of the Guardian and the staggering daily cost of taxi fares, the viewing public might get more for what they are forced to pay.
Hold the front page, African women (invader) gives birth to a baby !! calls it ” Gift .” The woman, not the full shilling, tells the interviewer that life in Italy will be better than Nigeria.
”Gift” ? strange that because when I see an effnik ambling down my street, doing the welfare shuffle, that word never enters my head, another word springs to mind like ‘crime wave.’
Alarmist pish! Look at this re-twat by bBC Points West from their weatherman Ian Fergusson.
Using the average for just the 2nd of July 1971 -2000 (c/o National Climate Information Centre) tells us the average for just that day was 21 deg, he then tells us that Tues/Weds will be a staggering 26 -30 deg….
Of course the hard of thinking will instantly jump to the’GLOBAL WARMING’ conclusion. No doubt by this time next week the 7 day average will be about ….21 deg!
If you look at the met Office’s data for that period it shows a 0.3C rise in average temperatures. Alarm! Despondency! What to do etc? Until you read the small print and see that the margin for error is 0.5C
The BBC never mentions the margin of error on anything. Global temperatures, inflation, growth (or otherwise) in the economy. And they still report the discredited ratings agencies with their kindergarten national economics ratings. Oh my God, they say our rating has gone down from A to A minus. Stand in the naughty corner, you bad country.
Yes, it’s almost as if they have had little or no education in statistics beyond repeating them from press hand outs …
I am on my hols, today in Avignon it’s 35C, by Sunday it’s going to be 38 C, normal for Avignon & parts of PACA, June to Sept. I quite like a heatwave. No mention of Global Warming in France. Avignon is twinned with Colchester, but I am not on a freebee. I get on well with the locals, but I am hoping for Grexit & Britex too.,
Never take seriously anyone who cannot spell their own surname, that’s my motto.
It’s in solidarity wiv his American bruvvers innit?
I am getting sick and tired of hearing bleeding heart lefty liberals claiming “if they knew their Quran they wouldn’t be violent.”
Actually, if they knew their Quran, there wouldn’t be many non-Muslims left in the world. Just look at these charming verses:
“…make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.”
“Fight those who do not believe in Allah…nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.”
“…strive hard [Jihad] against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them…”
When confronted with this hard evidence showing that Muslims are indeed called to war by their holy book, the lefty promptly buries their head in the sand and spews forth some jibber-jabber about how it’s an “ancient book” and no longer relevant. Perhaps the lefty should tell the nice people in France, Tunisia and Kuwait that their book is ancient and no longer relevant.
For some reason, they don’t.
“Actually, if they knew their Quran, there wouldn’t be many non-Muslims left in the world. Just look at these charming verses:”
Interestingly I have recently watched an interview with Bosh Fawatin ,graphic novelist and former moslem, who said that any moslem in the west who studied the Koran could not in good conscience remain in the faith
Actually, I’m quite interested in this question. Life’s too short to plough through the Koran, but those who know their stuff may be able to help. Is it stuffed with violent threats, or are these just very selective quotes? After all, if you quoted chunks of the Old Testament, you could make out a good case for it being an incitement to violence too.
The so called prophet Jesus preached peace.
The members of Islamic State and their religious leaders have made a close study of the Koran, and they seem very clear as to its teachings.
Good questions John. I’m not an expert but have read a few books on the subject to try and answer the same questions for myself.
Firstly, a very useful site is this has an English translation of the Koran arranged in chronological order.
The order is important because later verses essentially supercede (abrogate) earlier verses. The peaceful verses in the Koran tend to be earlier on when Mohammed had no power, and the violence dominates the later stages when he was a powerful ruler.
The ordinary Koran has the verses arranged in order of length, utterly unhelpful for anyone trying to understand what it is saying.
So yes, the violent quotes are generally accurate and they appear in the later parts of the Koran.
One other important point I’d like to make, is that the thoroughly understandable attempt to compare the Old Testament with the Koran is not really a valid comparison. The Bible is a set of accounts of events written by men, and it pretends to be nothing else. Although it describes violent events in place never does it openly incite the reader to commit similar violence.
The Koran – in complete contrast – is the direct word of Allah. It cannot be questioned and is not an interpretation of Allah’s actions. It contains numerous direct commands to followers of Islam to commit beheadings, to hate, to despise non-believers etc.
A ‘good’ Muslim is ordered and required to act with extreme violence towards non-believers. These orders come directly from Allah.
So if someone uses the Bible to justify killing they are using their own interpretation, one which would not be shared by many people.
Someone following direct instructions from Allah could kill an infidel and no-one can seriously argue they are not following the religion precisely. A Muslim who does not despise non-believers (for example) would technically be an apostate and could be killed by a good Muslim at any time.
A good introduction to Islam can be read in ‘a self-study course on political Islam’, on Kindle for about £2. I found that quite a good read.
I hope this was helpful.
Very succinct explanation, may I quote it on my blog?
Certainly. What is your blog?
None of these simple facts about Islam are ever heard on the BBC. Surely, the British public deserve to be educated about the rop to justify their constant claims about it?
The reason they don’t, of course, is they realise a factual program about Islam would not support their case at all.
Instead we are treated to lies or obfuscation (like M below who spends most of the comment saying that non-Arab speakers cannot understand the Koran. Of course, Arabic can be translated just like any other language, even if there are nuances that are hard to translate).
A good example comes from this handy guide for Muslims describing how they must treat unbelievers; from verse 96 of the Koran:
89. They long that ye should disbelieve even as they disbelieve, that ye may be upon a level (with them). So choose not friends from them till they forsake their homes in the way of Allah; if they turn back (to enmity) then take them and kill them wherever ye find them, and choose no friend nor helper from among them,
I doubt the Arabic can really be translated as
and if you find an unbeliever make them a cup of tea and have a jolly good chin-wag with them. And if they still don’t believe in Allah let them know that you agree to disagree and ask them to call next time they are passing.
The Koran is a mixture of stuff that’s relatively fluffy in a “turn the other cheek” type way and stuff that is spectacularly violent towards non-adherents. Similar to the Bible really. I think the issue is that theologically in Islam there’s a strong line of thought that the earlier fluffy lines were superseded by the later bits, which reflect a later stage in Mohammad’s journey when he had to fight like hell. Probably the reality is that like the Bible the thing has been patched together from various bits and bobs with different priorities and objectives. The main problem is that if you stick rigidly to the line that it’s the literal word of God there’s limited chance to take a step back and analysing it objectively as, post Enlightenment, Christians have been able to do after centuries of killing each other and others.
It’s clearly very possible to be a Muslim who is perfectly at peace with modern Western society, themselves and their faith by whatever means of interpretation they’ve come up with. I work with loads. The problem is that nobody really seems to be brave enough to write this stuff down and spark a public discussion (or indeed Enlightenment…) A brave thing would be for our governments to sponsor some serious historical work on the origins of Islamic writings. Sure it’s dangerous but so are many other things deemed essential to national security – once you demystify these things it gets a lot easier to pluck out the positives and as Christianity demonstrates it gets a lot harder to start burning people at the stake for having another interpretation of the trinity. Once you disseminate some evidence of the human origins of the Koran and some impassive observations on possible interpretations then the genie is out of the bottle, particularly in the internet age. It’s amazing how once you learn about the spectacular mistranslations and late edits to the English bible as we know it you stop stressing about semantics and start concentrating on spreading a bit of love around.
….there’s a strong line of thought that the earlier fluffy lines were superseded by the later bits, which reflect a later stage in Mohammad’s journey when he had to fight like hell.
Funny, don’t remember Jesus doing that.
In the interests of full disclosure I am a Muslim.
The Quran is in Arabic and Arabic alone. No translation, no matter how good, is the Quran. Having said that I recommend that one use Muhammad Asad’s translation as that is the best one in the English tongue. His rendering is more accurate albeit a more difficult read.
Before drawing conclusions it is vital to study the Quranic verses not in isolation but together with all other verses of the same/similar topic. Without interpreting the whole of the Quran when studying a verse one will be open to misguidance (and those Muslims who dance to the tune of the Anti-Christ are using them as justification for their crimes, e.g ISIS et al).
The Quran was revealed to the Last Prophet and he was sent to teach it and therefore an understanding of the ahadiths are also necessary. Also vital to understanding it is the historical context of revelation.
You must remember that a state of open war existed between the Muslims in Medina and the pagan Meccans. During this war many battles took place and treaties were made, voided & violated. This war commenced after the pagan Meccans persecuted and forced the Muslims to seek refuge from Mecca. It lasted until the Treaty of Hudaybiyah and recommenced when the pagans violated it. This carried on until the Battle of Hunayn (after the Conquest of Mecca).
I have never read the Koran. I have never read Mein Kampf either.
I am quite happy to leave both works unread.
I have read the Koran and the Bible but neither shone the rays of enlightenment upon me.
The first is a very difficult read and one probably needs an understanding of Arab Middle Ages culture to get a true handle on it. I got nothing from it. Allah must not like me very much… 8(
The Bible was not a revelation either but it did reveal a lot of cultural references which I did not know were biblical – thanks to my State education. I must be damned.
As to Mein Kampf, well, like Das Kapital it needs to be read to understand the mind set. It is a horrible mish mash of resentments, distortions, half-truths and lies mixed in with a genuine love of ‘Germany’ and a desire for revenge. If it had been written today it would be lost amongst the Truther conspiracy web-sites (think David Icke meets 9/11 meets ‘the Rothchilds own all the banks’) and similarly derided as laughable nonsense.
Still, all of these books are worth reading as part of an understanding of the doors to Hell they have opened; even if you need a bloody good shower afterwards!
The truly disturbing bit is the toxic mix in much of the Arab world of the Koran and Mein Kampf ! Hitlers dribbling is a best seller !
Full disclosure, I am an atheist.
I have read the Koran, English spelling, in translation.
The Koran is a hilarious collection of unproven assertions created by someone who did not have a full set of marbles. No Allah involved.
The statement that this joke is the only tract in the history
of the earth which resists translation is ridiculous.
The first acts of Muslims were to kill anyone who would not convert. In the 1400 years since very little has changed. The weapons have got better, courtesy of the West.
Many in the West believe that Muslim minds are in the Dark Ages and it would be a bloody good idea to send their bodies to join the minds.
“The first acts of Muslims were to kill anyone who would not convert. In the 1400 years since very little has changed. The weapons have got better, courtesy of the West.”
It was the Pagan Meccans who drew first blood. However during the last 1400 years of history it is very true that Muslim rulers have forced people to convert to Islam BUT this was and is against the teachings of the religion, it is not sanctioned as part of the faith. For if it was it would defeat the whole purpose of God giving human beings the choice to decide which to follow.
Hi M – thanks for your candour.
I would like to ask you a sincere question. It is one I have asked other Muslims before but have yet to receive a reply that ‘ticks the box’.
Can you tell me one thing – just one, that you can find in the Koran that you believe enriches us as human beings beyond any religious or human development teachings that already existed prior to its writing?
If you think of anything, please also tell me in what way you see it as enriching. I can tell you I have so far been unable to find anything.
Teddy Bear
You ask a very important question – was Islam in any way an advance on previous religions.
My overall impression is that Judaism was monotheism, One God, with a set of fairly consistent “commandments” – mostly sensible and just – and this was an advance on paganism and religions with a multiplicity of “gods”.
Christianity can be regarded (by Christians) as a moral advance on Judaism in its core belief of love for one’s neighbour.
By contrast Islam is a retrograde step – preaching hostility and even death to all unbelievers and a mission of conquest. Military conquest, with rape, pillage and slavery..
I have yet to hear any Muslim argue any way in which Islam represents any kind of “advance”.
I agree with you John and hold no expectation that our friend is going to change that view. I ask more for them to see ‘the truth’.
I would say that I have been enriched by many diverse beliefs from our more Western beginnings including Shintoism, Bhuddism – particularly Zen, and Hinduism.
It’s worth looking at those with ‘multiplicity’ of Gods as they offer an alternative way of seeing potential realities, and definitely have a beauty.
But as you say, and from all I can see, Islam is a giant step backwards and offers no inspiration unless one has psychopathic tendencies.
No doubt this is why they threaten to kill whoever is born into it, and after seeing that reality then want to move out and on.
That in itself shows its true nature.
Just to add to the fun the ‘all knowing’ picked an illiterate to record his ‘final’ message to us all.
Never mind, someone else wrote it all down for him. Unfortunately, instead of using “God’s own language” as Al Murray (heck he’s a Muslim too!) would say, they used Arabic, which 90% of Muslims don’t understand. But that doesn’t matter much because having been given this ‘unalterable’ text some genius decided it would all read a lot better if all the verses were re-arranged in order of length!
Just imagine getting instructions for your new Chinese-made washing machine where the text is in Chinglish but arranged in order of longest paragraph in the original Chinese!
You couldn’t make it up. Just keep reciting the mantra, “One of the world’s great religions. It’s a religion of peace”.
What rj said!^
Why not stand back from your article and pick out the bigotry you have inserted into it.
What is a real problem for us Westerners is the notion that the Quran is the literal word of God and therefore eternal and unchangeable and not open to interpretation. That it happens to be in Arabic is incidental.
The New Testament which is the main pillar of our civilisation along with Greek and Roman culture is not like this. The four gospels are accounts that vary of the life of Jesus. They are accounts not literal words of a God. What is the postion then of the Hadiths?
Are they able to be interpreted or set in stone?
Islam is seen by many of us as a complete system that is unchanging and sharia is an aspect of God as much as the Quran.
I cannot see much hope for understanding only co existence which could be peaceful or warlike.
The West has undergone a Reformation which was much more far reaching than we now appreciate and then from the 16th century onwards a revolution in the way we looked at the entire world when we realised that all things were possible. That there were no tablets of stone to restrain us.
So the modern world is the creation of us Westerners however much we sometimes deplore it’s excesses. That is reality.
Islam has to come to terms with this or the consequences for us all will be grave. How to achieve this I have no idea. That is for Muslims to decide but it must happen .Isis are bent it seems on reviving a past age that did not really exist. They are never going to succeed. The West is no longer in an age of faith. That started to end in the 17th century and is not coming back.
Many of us look at Islam and are baffled. This ,I am sure accounts for our leaders refusal to look at the reality of it. They literally cannot understand Islam and never will.
This is a strange world where many things are true at any one time. There is no one truth .
In Islam we have the Word of God – The Quran, then we have the Word of the Prophet – Ahadith, then we have accounts of the Prophetic life by his companions – The Seerah, then we have documentation by various scholars of the past and present, and finally we have stories and fables like Arabian nights etc. All in decreasing order of authenticity. And they are also separate.
The Ahadith take second importance to the Quran. If a hadith is in conflict with the Quran, it is rejected (it is then a fabrication), if it is in conformity it is accepted, if neither then it can be accepted or rejected. Some ahadith are literal and there is little room for interpretation, others are symbolic and are open to wide interpretation. Of course there is more to this than what I have typed but it gives a gist.
Only God is absolute and he ultimately is Sovereign. One does not have to accept the Quran as the word of God but if one does why cannot he accept the Quran to be actually the literal word of God? This is a question one needs to answer for himself.
The Modern World is a creation of the Modern West which itself is a creation of the Anti-Christ and Gog and Magog It was during this time that Christendom (at least in Western Europe) was corrupted, thanks be to God that Russia now is returning to her spiritual roots. But the whole universe is a creation of God and the Gog and Magog Modern West should understand this.
ISIS are the foot soldiers of the Anti-Christ. They are trying to establish a BOGUS Caliphate, their purpose is to create geopolitical scenarios in which Israel can expand her borders to the Biblical ones as part of her messianic mission without looking like a naked aggressor.
ISIS are the foot soldiers of the Anti-Christ. They are trying to establish a BOGUS Caliphate, their purpose is to create geopolitical scenarios in which Israel can expand her borders to the Biblical ones as part of her messianic mission without looking like a naked aggressor.
Yes, yes of course.
And I guess you believe 9/11 was a Jewish conspiracy.
M … the erm “last prophet”? (shakes head 😀 )
care to expand on that nugget?.
“You must remember” etc … on the contrary, not necessary at all, I find your tone typically supremacist.
To any rational person in society today Islam is and has been defined by its actions, especially towards the non muslim.
For 1400 years, and clearly in evidence today, it is a dangerous, violent, totalitarian, political ideology.
The terms religion, and Abrahamic are in my opinion
the tools used to blinker the ignorant, there is no evidence for them …
you know,someone had a dream,
I m sorry it just doesn t qualify as anything.
Breitbart continues to have fun with Sir Tim Hunt’s accuser, and makes the important point: why are, ahem, certain broadcasters, so reluctant to report on the Jeffrey Archer of Jamaica?
Has it been pointed out that she worked for the bBC for 16 years?
“She worked for the BBC for sixteen years. Her production highlights during that time include securing Bill Gates’ first British interview and being invited to produce the 1997 Reith Lectures written by Professor Patricia J Williams”
Has her talent or something else enabled her to rise to the position she has?
DJ & Geoff – thanks for enlightening us:
Surprise, surprise! Nobel winner Tim Hunt’s accuser!
Connections to the establishment left: BBC, Guardian, Rowtree Fellowship !
Dig into almost every news item we hear nowadays and look behind the headlines. Invariably we come right back to the reign of terror 1997-2010.
Another example on tonights news: Janner now rightly going to be prosecuted.
Just who stopped this Labour Lords prosecution going ahead in 2007: Of course it was Labour appointed DPP Ken Macdonald, whose tenure was denounced by Opposition spokesmen as “rampant cronyism” and a “provocative appointment” due to Macdonald’s business relationship with Cherie Booth!
Whether it be the economic legacy, bequeathing the coalition the longest recession ever, the deficit, Iraq and Afghan consequences, ISIS Tunisia, boat refugees, poor non-Muslim girls raped and peedoed by Pakistanis, Trojan Horses, FGM, Halahl meat, housing, school places, NHS shortages due to Labour open borders policy increasing our population by many millions under their watch! The Tax Credits and welfare system, I could go on and on, but you get my drift.
Good post! Yes we can dig back to the 50s or 60s as the begginng of Britain’s decline, but recalling the freedoms of the Britain of 1996 feels like a different nation, if not planet.
I heard Slippery Cameron on R2 news this morning saying we must deal with those in Syria and Iraq who wish to destroy our country.
Why not make a start with those who are in are country and wish to destroy it? Especially in the light of all the prior disastrous military excursions in Muslim lands, which have created far more problems than they’ve solved.
Well said al shubtil. If Cameron was really bothered, he could make a start today by rounding up the hate preachers. However, as im sure we all know, he has no intention of doing anything of the sort. I believe that all of the present”leaders” of Europe’s countries are all in on the same appeasement of islam. I saw a film clip earlier, hidden camera footage taken in paris of Muslim prayer in the street. Cbn I think it was, tells you all you need to know, although I suspect that a lot of people could guess anyway. I shall post a link if I can find it. Goes without saying that the filmaker has received death threats. ROP my shiny white arse
Perhaps I’m being unfair and jumping to conclusions but does anyone else think that BBC One’s Nigel Slater: Eating Together typifies the pretentious, smug and overgrown metro-trendy prat who delights in multiculturalism and contemporary right-on hipness? I’ve never watched it before but just caught around ten minutes or so of an episode and thought: snooty leftie dinner party alert!
The BBC pushes diversity in every sphere of its output; and in my opinion this is quite evident in the pretentious, middle class food programmes.
“Oh, yarrh darling, that’s so expressive and contemporary.. shall I crack the bubbly?”
His “guests” are likely to be the production crew. It speaks volumes about who is making television in Britain these days and why they are a million miles away from the average punter.
You cannot compare these pretentious planks of wood with the likes of Keith Floyd who was real life, in my opinion.
With you there sir.
Floyds recipes are idiot proof, great to eat, and suitably boozy.
Compare and contrast with metrosexual fops like Nigel and Jamie.
Not only that, on one episode of floyd, when he was signing a cask of rum/wine /brandy or some such, his cask happened to be to the right of maggie thatchers. He said “which coincidentally happens to be where I am politically! . Top man floyd
I used to like the two fat ladies – fag in one hand and a glass in the other (Jennifer Paterson) , and wonderfully un-PC (Clarissa Dickson-Wright). However they got to work for the BBC, God only knows.
I’m going to stick up form Jamie Oliver here… his recipes actually work. Always use his lasagne recipe and it is lovely, if I say so myself.
Floyd was the Monty Python of cookery programs – you could never be sure what might happen next. He knew damn well that nobody was going to try to copy his recipes so he just chucked stuff in. Great entertainment. And “Far Flung Floyd” – has there ever been a better title for a cookery show?
Entertaining bloke you’d have a pint with, great recipes, great locations – all to a Stranglers soundtrack. Doesn’t get any better.
He (Nigel Slater) certainly ticks one box, his book Toast was turned into a bBC drama, excerpt of the Telegraph review..
“His departing employment is not without benefit when a friendly walk with the pub owner’s son, training at ballet school, stirs Nigel’s sexual awareness with a kiss and encouragement to take a chance at the world despite being on his own.”
Mrs Essex hates Nigel Slater, as he looks gubby & unkempt, as if he slept in a hedge for a month. She thinks he is gay too, & would not want to eat any of his Guardian/BBC dishes as we might get food poisoning from his grubby hands & clothes. Incidentally Keith Floyd spent his last few years near Avignon.
“Toast” that is certainly what nigel shall be if the bbbc’s beloved Muslims ever get hold of him
Yes! spot on I gave up watching him after the first 2 episodes of his first series as I soon realised what a twat he was and that I couldn’t stand him which is a shame really as he came from a humble background only got an OND in Catering etc. Not like the smug old Etonian turned made-for-TV farmer Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall who I also can’t stand especially when he has his bused-in paid-fore ‘friends over at the end of every episode. It’s as bad as those Lidle ads where ‘the public straight from central casting’ have to write down how much they would pay for the meal.
watch an earlier series of his his bacon sandwich…..get this..just get the pancetta out of the fridge (in a nice notting hill deli wrapping) and garnish with prunes……. FUCK OFF I was a HGV DRIVER Bacon sandwich salted bacon lots of it onion (fried ) as a garnish English mustard hot as well maybe a bit of sauce red/brown …who the fuck has pancetta in the fridge have you seen the price of normal bacon…… on about 19.30 on bbc 1 prime time only audience is the left wing champagne socialists who live in or around the w11 postcode. CUNTS
Heard nothing from the BBC today, except for one snippet about an escaped con in the USA…this was on the 8am news/Today.
Yet even THIS snippet managed to give the idea that the BBC rather liked this scamp-murderer?…well maybe…but what a Shawshank redemption moment for us all?
The BBC are utter bought-up scum…and ,no doubt : the fact that this bloke got shot will end up with charges against the trooper who did it.
That is NOT how Shawshank ended-so the BBC and its New York quislings won`t let this lie.
I see that the BBC are cramming their usual left wing propaganda into their flagship “soap” Eastenders currently, in the guise of how a poor upstanding token Muslim women has been beaten up by nasty Islamophobes but wont make a complaint, as she’s such a shining star of the beloved Ummah…..
Cue the usual leftists lectures from the entire Eastenders “square” about how in this day and age, evil white people are still hating on a religion of peace and their perfectionate adherents….Jeeeez it never ends from the loathsome BBC.
Actually if this was the real East End there wouldn’t be a white in sight and if there were they would be the ones having their heads kicked in.
Coronation Street isn’t any better with upstanding Muslim family and their daughter in love with a non-Muslim white boy which is condoned by her parent. If this was real life she would have been beaten, raped then strangled by her uncles, brother and father and dumped somewhere so that honour is restored
“upstanding Muslim family and their daughter in love with a non-Muslim white boy which is condoned by her parent”
I’m surprised the local bearded pyjama-wearers haven’t been up in arms over such a storyline.
and she got drunk and slept with the local rough trade too!
Well it IS a fantasy after all.
It’s a wonder we’re not reading Urdu subtitles yet, as that’s the real “Eastend” in a modern day nutshell….
Are Al-Beeb the purveyors of “waycism”?
In Urdu with English sub-titles surely?
It’s not often I write this but – well done to the BBC.
A classic episode of “Top Gear” yesterday. It wasn’t perfect, but then a TV programme with three blokes messing about in cars can never attain perfection – but it was close.
Top Gear (in its Clarkson, May and Hammond incarnation) was the most watchable comedy series on the BBC and I’ll retain fond memories of when its jokes worked, and a bitter taste when I remember how the BBC destroyed it.
There was a tweet doing the rounds today that they are about to sign for ITV, fingers crossed, I also hope they schedule it directly against the bBC effort ‘Don’t Forget your thank fuck its top gear at breakfast time’
Love the “reformed” chris evans. Senior ass licker of the bbbc. Obviously they will make the new top gear unwatchable, although, speaking as a car fan the old top gear weren’t much cop either. Whatever happens on the bbbc nowadays will be full on liberal ,so I won’t watch , simple as that
Will be interesting to see the future international sales of Top Gear.
It was a money spinner and helped to keep down increases in BBC Licence Fees…er…oh, no it didn’t.
did you listen to nicky campbells its your shout if your a leftie and a muslim hater of the uk this morning at 9am this morning,it was bad,it it got a lot worse,some visiting to liverpool university from the usa dumb self appointed liberal so called expert on terrorism called dr evan lawrence was one of tricky nickys guests this morning,well,here was her take on why muslims are so radical in the was the typical responce from the liberal left,she blamed,poverty,unemployment for the rise of fascist radical nazi islam in the uk,a load of crap that was,millions of working class young whites live in poverty and are unemployed in the uk and northern ireland and they dont go around beheading and butchering innocents.but it got alot worse i kid you not,she compared the success of ukip to the rise of neo nazism,my god,that woman is so dumb.old tricky nicky sniggered then he said not convincly she was not right to say and the bbc does not approve of them comments that but heh bashing ukip is just a sport at the bbc these days.
The overweight slug seems to be a Salford rent-a-gob of choice
If you scroll on the right you see her fat face again and again
Is she any relation to Abbott-The-Hut ?
plus the majority of white on the dole aren’t driving taxis or running shops or working for their relatives. Even had one Muslim shopkeeper near me selling baby milk that his wife was given free on the NHS with ‘not be be sold’ stickers all over them
Its ALWAYS somebody else’s fault.
I read, on the BBC website, that a minutes silence will be held in the UK for the victims of the attack in Tunisia.
David Cameron has stated. Sorry Dave not by me it won’t.
The minute’s silence on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, is when we remember the dead of two wars.
Two wars in which the predecessors of twats like Dave got Britain involved in events that we should have avoided.
Events which resulted in the deaths of multi-millions of Europeans who should have lived to die in bed at an advanced age.
Events which Cunts of MPs have been re-writing history ever since to justify their mistakes.
Events in which hundreds of thousands of square miles of European territory were given to aliens by Cunts like Dave.
Events which Cunts like Dave have been insisting were “victories” which should be celebrated.
Events which Cunts like Dave have used to justify and excuse the contamination of Europe ever since by exactly those twats who our glorious ancestors died to prevent setting foot on our territory.
Fuck you Dave.
Well said.
My prediction for the minutes silence. BBC to round up moslems in various places for photo shoots doing the silence thing. Maybe a few politicians in the photo with them – are you listening Vaz? Failing that a few unemployed actors from the Salford area.
Yes I bet that’s exactly what will be screened. Glad I’ll be away and drinking beer in some Go Go Bar
More than one Anne around here.
It’s becoming an increasing problem. Best solution – get yourself an avatar. It isn’t foolproof but any imposter would need to spend some time copying it and that’s usually too much trouble. You only have to do it once, but they’d have to do it for each person they impersonate.
They seem to have the time, resources and incentive to disrupt at will.
For the life of me I can’t understand how a registration match between chosen site name and (secret) email address can’t be made.
It’s what the BBC does after all.
And in case of persistent rule breaking, fondly cherished names will be reduced to joining the ranks of the hotmail-cycling Borg box at least.
Roland, how is that done please…getting an avatar, I mean
Go to Gravatar and tie in an image to the email address you use to post here.
This memorial event may do some good if raises public awareness in British people.
By which I mean white people.
To make them aware that.
#1 There is a war going on.
#2 Western Europe is losing this war.
#3 The main reason for this situation is that our “leaders” have been importing millions of enemy soldiers for 50 years, and are still doing so.
#4 That the “leaders” are the same people who have been giving away our national sovereignty for the same period.
#5 That #3 and #4 are acts of treachery which are without equal in history.
#6 It is essential that the UK votes to leave the EU.
I ask everyone who agrees with the above opinions to contact every major news outlet and have this information displayed as prominently as possible as frequently as possible.
Best wishes to you all.
I’m not convinced there IS a war going on. it takes two to make a war, and our side is doing nothing, just waiting for the next demented maniac to use ISIS as an excuse for his murderous and cowardly attack.
That’s not really a war.
Can you imagine that in the Second World War, there would be Britons postulating the view that it was all Britain’s fault and that Germany has been forced to act the way it does?
John C
Thank you for pointing out my error.
Therefore the situation is worse than I described.
You simply cannot make this stuff up. Here’s the new Chamberlain, David Cameron, complaining about the BBC calling IS Islamic State:
David Cameron today called on the BBC not to use the phrase ‘Islamic State’ when referring to the terror group operating in Iraq and Syria.
The Prime Minister – who calls the group ‘ISIL’ – said Muslims would ‘recoil’ at the phrase being used to justify the ‘perversion of a great religion.’
I’m wondering which Muslims Cameron imagines would do the recoiling. Certainly there would be no recoiling by the 25% of young British Muslims who approved of the 7/7 London terror attacks or by Palestinians who danced in the streets on 9/11 or by the thousands flocking to join IS or by the millions across the planet who will rant and rave against cartoons of Mohammed but remain silent when their fellow Muslims carry out the worst Islamic terrorist atrocities.
The Iranians would no doubt recoil, but not for the reasons Cameron, in his ignorance, imagines. They would recoil at being beaten by their Sunni IS rivals in the rush to commit as many atrocities as possible in the shortest possible time.
The most bizarre aspect, however, of Cameron’s blundering statement is his perception of the BBC as somehow being against IS when anyone who has been half awake for the last few decades knows that the BBC is deeply and hopelessly in love with Islam and will do anything possible to minimise and hide the barbarism of so many of the devotees of the ‘Religion of Peace.’
Working link:
Eleven years ago BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner suffered a brutal Islamic terrorist attack which left him wheelchair bound and a colleague dead. He made a conscious decision not to allow his understandable loathing for Islamic terrorism to sway his reporting. Unfortunately he has overcompensated to the extent that he has totally lost the plot.
Yesterday on Outside Source, from about 7 minutes in
he objected strongly to Cameron’s description of IS as “an existential threat:”
This is exactly what they want – someone to big them up…They’re a danger. It’s a horrible, murderous cult…but it’s not an existential threat. Russia’s intercontinental ballistic missiles, if we ever went to war with Russia, God forbid, that’s an existential threat.
Islamic State are a threat to Britain and they are the biggest transnational terrorist threat right now [he’s probably the first BBC hack in years to accurately describe Islamic terrorists, so credit to him for that at least] …sooner or later they will get hold of automatic weapons [huh?] and another outrageous attack will occur…Of course it’s horrific for the victims – I should know – but let’s not exaggerate this
Frank Gardner does not appear to know much about Islamic State. When I last looked they had taken over huge swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria and were selling vast quantities of oil to finance their battles on several fronts, murdering their prisoners with barbaric abandon, attracting hordes of apprentice terrorists to their ranks from all over the planet, establishing IS cells and splinter groups as far away as Nigeria and of course increasing their terrorists attacks on the West. And to top it all there is their driving obsession to establish an Islamic caliphate in which everyone who doesn’t think and look like them will be enslaved or killed.
And Gardner doesn’t think they have automatic weapons (unless of course he meant to say atomic weapons, which would mean he is arguing against himself) and is getting picky about the terminology used to describe the threat?
The most disturbing thing about Gardner’s attitude is that he really believes he is being objective about IS, when he is actually involved in typical BBC obfuscation of Islamic terrorism.
My understanding of Frank Gardner’s words about “automatic weapons” was that he feared a Mumbai-style (Or Tunisia-style, or Westgate-style, or Charlie Hebdo-style – take your pick) attack in the UK.
If the likes of Islamic State get hold of atomic weapons…. doesn’t bear thinking about.
Still, I’m sure Dave has got it all cracked. Just don’t call them “Islamic State” and we’ll have nothing to worry about.
Maybe that’s what they are after in Iraq? They know where Saddam hid his nukes. Wouldn’t that be a turn up for the books – some Western city reduced to ashes by a non existential weapon?
Please let it be London..please let it be London…please let it be London. Does saying it three times make it so just like divorces?
Vile comment.
we live in hope ‘up north’ Get rid of that drain on the rest of Britain once and for all. London is like a cancer to the rest of the UK. It’s not even half decent as a Capital City. I have a new slogan for London.
London a third-rate Capital of a second-rate country
Greatest city in the world – the free market via visitor numbers has voted.
In that case, I suggest you stop voting in crackpot lefty councils, and stop sending the wrong people to Westminster. Rotherham for God’s sake!
London, BTW, attracts more international visitors per year than Paris, and far more than New York. Only Bangkok can compete on this basis. Stick your fish and chips where the sun don’t shine because London can manage without you. And that’s from someone born and bred in Leeds.
A Yorkshireman need I say more?
Ex pat though, by the sound of things.
Stockholm syndrome from Frank ‘don’t shoot me I’m a Muslim’ Gardner. He turned years ago but tries to keep it quiet although he did blurt out he carries a Koran with him everywhere.
I thought Cameron’s use of “existential threat” was quite counter-intuitive. When you face one of those all legal niceties, human rights etc go out the window and you lock down all potential supporters, which I guess in this case would be anyone who is a Sunni Muslim. He hasn’t done this because ISIL isn’t an “existential threat” to the UK.
Correct, ISIL isn’t – just Islam.
BBC sofa dwellers are inordinately indeed childishly excited about warm temperatures today.
One warm summer week and, apparently, it is the best thing since spliced gays.
Now, in a change of Gear – out of Top into bottom(?)… Who likes a good euphemism?
Well read on, as I put on my BBC serious sofa face…
BBC old stager Fergal Keane has reached Tunisia. Think Terry Wogan – without the humour or charm and way too earnest….
He’s got in the bunch of wilting daffs, the grapes, and the bottle of lucozade as he visits an injured Tunisan hotel worker. (I’m guessing there’s a ban – imposed by Matron – on any such sensitive visits to Brits)
Here comes your euphemism of the day – the poor injured lady – through the medium of Fergal – reckons she was spared “because she speaks Arabic”
Back to the studio and as Billy Turnbull takes off his tie do I hear the opening strains of ‘The Stripper’ ?
There’s a new rule: all BBC current affairs shows must have a music act of some sort with them in the studio just off to their right.
I’m turning off before the hen party which is Breakfast BBC really gets going – I think I can safely say I will miss no vital insights as they return for another chat about Greece.
Bill, is that a tenner tucked into the waistband of your pants? – what a way to earn a dollar, I guess he’s just a modern guy
Wherever there’s even the whiff of a future current affairs gong in the offing you’ll be sure to find Fergal Keane hamming it up for all its worth. Keane, as I have mentioned here before, is a tawdry serial awards-chaser. The BBC parachute him into every emergency/disaster/conflict in a desperate effort to get him to try and repeat his earlier glories.
The last thing the Tunisians, or the frightened Brits still trying to their way out of that place, need is the sight of Keane waxing lyrical (whilst simultaneously working the emotional levers for all their worth).
Something truly terrible has happened. Keane should be excluded from going anywhere near the place as a matter of good taste and decency.
I detest that effeminate ponce Turnbull. What a poor excuse for a wet left-wing nonce he is.
My rebuttal to your comment is Bollocks Sir!
Weak Scotty. Up to your usual standards.
(I’m guessing there’s a ban – imposed by Matron – on any such sensitive visits to Brits)
Judging from the appalling lack of coverage by the World Service of the British victims of the Tunisia terror attack, and keeping in mind that the World Service so often mirrors editorial attitudes elsewhere in the BBC, I can only assume that it is BBC policy to devout the absolute minimum of time to those British victims.
Must be the Muslim overlords at the BBC calling the shots.
On the World Service ‘news’ this morning a brief mention of Tunisia terror was way down in the pecking order, even trumped by one new case of Ebola in Liberia.
What a disgusting bunch of propagandists they are, guzzling at the public trough while pandering to the whims of a small minority of those who fill the trough for them.
You do realise that the real victims here are the perp’s family? The BBC narrative always morphs into a “how could he do this to us – his loving family?” schtick. Anyway, according to our rulers – faithfully conveyed, for once, by our national broadcaster – it’s “nothing to do with Islam” whatever “it” is.
Yes – I blame the victims for getting in the way of the bullets and grenades and putting the lone wolf’s family through this terrible ordeal.
No doubt the families of the other lone wolves, from the lone wolf community, will be similarly traumatised.
The BBC narrative always morphs into a “how could he do this to us – his loving family?”
Yes but there are also the frequent character references from friends and family – what a kind, friendly, studious, cheerful person he was.
Nobody is ever reported as saying, “Yes, I thought he would do something like that one day.”
Oh, what larks. The Five Live phone-in is about the National Crime Agency, and spurred by a sudden and slightly bizarre question from Rachel Burden about how difficult it would be for the NCA to do their job if we left the EU I decided to text in to see how quickly they would reply to “I am worried about the implications of losing the European Arrest Warrant if we left the EU.” To increase my chances I thought I would add “Mohammed, Reading.”
Anyway, ninety seconds later… I kid you not… my phone rang and a very bubbly Lancastrian woman was on the line from Five Live. Putting on my best sub-continent accent we began. I was invited to go on air to put my question, but, being due out and not having the time to go on air I decided it would be far more fun to string this lady along for a couple of minutes.
I mentioned how pleased I was that UKIP was compared to the Nazis yesterday by Nicky, and that I wanted to say how important it was that this was said again. She disappears for twenty seconds, then returns.
“Nicky didn’t say UKIP were Nazis, it was an academic.”
“Yes, but is true, and was OK for you to let her say it. You can say again? Is big problem.”
“Yes, I understand” she replied, “but today is about the NCA.”
“Is it because my English no good?” I asked.
“No, not at all.”
“I’m very happy you attack UKIP before election every day.”
“Yes, but can you ask about the Arrest Warrant?”
“Yes, but UKIP big problem. Tomorrow can you do whole day on UKIP are Nazis? Start at six until night time?”
“It depends on the news tomorrow.”
“I think you not want me because you are racist.”
“No, not at all, Mohammed. I want you to go on air.”
“Yes, big, big racist BBC,”
“Mohammed, why don’t we just ask you question for you?”
“Big, big racist. Five Live is racist.”
Given a chance to ask a question about how much easier it might be to keep foreign criminals out of the UK if we left the EU, Five Live’s slant was how difficult it would be if we didn’t.
Five Live has an agenda to its very core and is already busy protecting its EU subsidy. Close it down.
If you have a spare five minutes while sipping your morning coffee I recommend texting them with an opinion they agree with. You’ll be on air in a trice. I bet they have meetings about why they are losing listeners, and I’d put money on them not realising just why.
you should have taped it
I wish I had now.
I’m serious about Five Live being closed. The academic who compared UKIP and the Nazis was Evan Lawrence, and it is inconceivable that she went to air without a short pre-interview.
It is also beyond the realms of reality that someone like her, who according to her Twitter feed is put on air regularly by the BBC is not known for her opinion about UKIP.
I am not a UKIP voter, but yesterday the attack allowed by Five Live on a legally constituted political party was about the worst example of bias I’ve ever heard.
Absolutely brilliant. Much more of this interaction with the appalling BBC is needed. Get them on the line, then reel them in. Full marks, Leamas – glad you came in from the cold!
Glad it makes you smiley… 😉
Another nail in the coffin – I hope
Did anyone catch the BBC survey of yesterday’s Wimbledon at 8:30 pm last evening? Instead of a, more or less, knowledgeable discussion (preferably in the background!) of recordings of actual play, we had mostly trivial chit-chat between our Clare, McInroe and Linsey Davenport. All this taking place in front of a collection of silent – but carefully selected I guess – nonentities masquerading as “the public”. It was exactly like the rubbish spewed by France’s RTF in its carefully staged endless “discussions” where 3 or 4 public “intellectuals” play verbal gymnastics in front of a passive and silent studio audience. In other words, it was all to do with bigging up Clare and friends while dumbing down the coverage. It was awful: a signature display of the BBC’s contempt for its audience.
Yes Wimbledon in the days of Harry Carpenter and Des Lyneham was a civilised and classy event, last night reminded me of chav TV at its best akin to Baddiel and Skinners Fantasy Football.
Neither McEnroe or Davenport looked that comfortable.
Barker and Balding are a poor substitute to the afore mentioned professional presnters, still boxes they do tick!
Watched Wimbledon with one of my grandsons( 6 yrs). Sound firmly off and when he grasped the odd scoring system he was really interested. Switched off whenever the talking heads appeared.
Good article on the BBC from the US.
So true I told my wife when we first moved to the UK we needed a licence to watch TV or we could be jailed, she thought I was taking the piss
On the global warming thingy, here’s an excellent debate from Intelligence Squared U.S., with three panellists for and three against the motion that Global warming is not a crisis:
We will never see a fair debate like this on the BBC, or anything even close to it.
Has anyone seen the film ‘Kingsmen’ ?
I watched it last night and was completely struck by some pertinent points which whilst flying in the face of normal pc thinking, may have some grounding in today’s reality?
1. Baddie (Samuel L Jackson) is black.
2. Barack Obama in collusion with baddie also evil.
3. Global warming used as a con to reduce population.
Could the brainwave technology used in the film to turn normal people into violent psychopaths killing everyone in sight be a euphemism for Islam?
It’s a great film – and funny and stylish, too. I really do recommend it to the regs here. Unashamedly British and mischievous with its subtext, too! A rare cinematic delight.
I saw it a couple of weeks ago, and despite the swearing I rather enjoyed it. It really harked back to the days of the Steed and Emma Peel era Avengers.
On your broader point I sense the era of PC is slowly coming to an end. Bastions remain, of course, particularly at the BBC and the other left wing outfits, but the reality of what is happening can no longer be kept under wraps by usurping the language.
It was announced yesterday that Miles Jupp is replacing Sandy Toksvig on the News Quiz. I like Jupp a lot, and he is certainly far more centrist in his politics.
The last edition of Toksvig’s tenure was a bloody disgrace. I wonder if the BBC is reconsidering some of its output now the Tories are in and the renewal is looming. I certainly hope so. Like many here I don’t want bias from the BBC to either side of the political divide. I want them to straddle that admittedly difiicult line down the middle.
At the moment it is failing dismally. Sorry to go on about it but when a national radio station allows someone on to blithely compare a British political party with the Nazi Party it needs not reform, but closure and reconstituting from scratch.
Maybe they heard In And Out Of The Kitchen and assumed that Miles Jupp has the approved sexuality?
“I like Jupp a lot, and he is certainly far more centrist in his politics. ”
Me too. I hope this move doesn’t contaminate him, I’d hate to have to start loathing him.
I loved it I went straight out and bought a pair of Oxfords and a dapper suite like the guy in the chalet who got sliced in two. Only thing missing is the fit bird I’d screw her legless
Did you notice the person the agent was attempting to rescue before meeting the legless lovely? Mark Hamill, aka Luke Skywalker.
No I didn’t I’m glad he failed
More license (soon to be on the rates) money at work on behalf of big (Arab) oil
I thought it was Russia that had been caught slipping the anti-fracking mob brown paper envelopes?
Attention MSM – we DGAF about the life and times of a mass murdering coackroach.
The British Public.
BBC Online News today.
‘Beach Attack’ and ‘Gunman’.
The Terrorist word is missing in the report.
But the Counter Terrorism exercise today in London has the word ‘Terrorist’ in the below BBC report.
So, actual terrorists are ‘Beach Attackers’ and ‘Gunmen’
Theoretical terrorists in London are terrorists.
But when they actually kill people, they become gunmen.
Confused by BBC double think? I am.
The London “terrorists” will probably be Ukip supporters as far as the BBC is concerned.
Have you seen Shirley Carter? She is a bloke in a dress if ever I saw one.
Whats all this bloody ‘heatwave’ crap we keep getting from the Met Office? When I were a kid this was called a summers day!
The latest is “Met Office upgrades its #HeatWave alert prompting public advice to an keep eye on neighbours”
Jeez most old people I know are cold even on a day like today, the bigger worry around here is that your neighbours are more likely to nick a sausage off your BBQ!
The traitor Cameron and his pack of grasping lying cronies in No10 eh!
He has a yellow streak as long as the (er … proposed ) HS2.
what s after the soundbite Wavy Davey eh?
… another soundbite?, (or maybe a hashtag).
If is wasn t for the ideological obsession with hammering the poorest, most vulnerable, and selling off he wouldn t bloody do anything.
So … Not addressing the
Islamic problem, of the
Islamic State, the thousands of
Islamic adherents rushing to swell its ranks, because they want
Islamic “wet dream” of the
Islamic Calliphate, because it follows most closely
Islamic text and teachings, in the
Islamic so called “holy” book, and
Islamic Sharia
…. no not those problems, but telling others not to say “Islamic” or even what to say about them.
That ll solve it.
Boris tries to competes with the equally senile “not a state and it’s certainly not Islamic”
… Boris …that’s not big, and its not clever,
Sad news, not many BBC types you can say are heroes, but John Noakes must qualify as one, but never afforded the status of the ubiquitous Savile.
He was treated abysmally by the BBC, he wasn’t properly insured for his death defying stunts and after leaving the BBC he wasn’t allowed to use ‘Shep’ to his own advantage.
Anne Robinson also reduced him to tears when tanting him about Shep on The Weakest Link, anyone who has ever owned a Border Collie will know the amazing bond between man and dog.
Lets hope he is found safe and well.
15:00 news The massacre of Britons drops down the news order with Grexit number 1 story. Not like the missing 12 / 3 which stayed at or near the top day after dayafter day after… Move along nothing to see here.
15:30 Here we go it’s been hot for one day so into the over the top what to do when it’s hot obviously this requires one reporter in Brighton and one in central London to tell us that it’s hot. I know it’s hot because it feels hot.
Come come now Dave. Surely you have now realised that it is the function of that unique publicly funded media strain, the BBC, to tell us all what to think and what to do? Soon, they will be telling us all how to wipe our arses without offending someone or even something.
Thunderstorms developing over the Brest Peninsula as I write and tracking North North East. Will there be enough heat in the waters of the Channel to keep them going till they arrive in the South West tonight? That will cool it down somewhat if they do!
For those that might be interested, it looks like East of Dartmoor to the Isle of Weight will catch the showers with some embedded thunderstorms if there is enough heat in the Channel waters when they come ashore.
I seen a Cobra today, however it didn’t have any fangs, phew – lucky huh?
So it looks like BBC3 has gone, or has it? will the move on line actually save that much money? Same presenters, same producers, same trashy low end programs, same diverse ‘news’ readers, where’s the big saving? there’s no saving in selling off the multiplex as BBC1+1 will take its place.
I’d also wager that we will see its crappy programs migrate to the main channels just to keep peddling the message to the young, already the crap that is Don’t Tell The Bride has arrived on BBC1.
It’s a start , anyway.
Did we, especially David Vance, miss this? Perhaps because it was ‘hidden’ in the Northern Ireland section?
Pastor James McConnell prepared to go to jail over Islam sermon
As Soeren Kern noted, Belfast Pastor Faces Prison for “Grossly Offending” Islam James McConnell’s prosecution is one of a growing number of examples in which British authorities — who routinely ignore incendiary speech by Muslim extremists — are using hate speech laws to silence Christians.
BBC s Fatty Nolan, double teaming with George Allahway
(no surprise) over Pastor McConnell
I expect the authorities are in a bind over this. It needs to go to trial .Expect a fudge by the elite soon.
Yet another former R4 Today programme editor describing the same BBC bias that most of us see or hear ..
Roger Mosey, Rod Liddle, who next?
The tv reveiwer from the sun , ally ross , hes got em sussed too…..yeah, I know
Someone somewhere is going to flip at disrepectful shit like this, what are our Government police and councils doing about it? We don’t’ need these scum.
This is the true face of EU membership and immigration, not the fluffy bBC version of it…
7/7 Memorial London Great Britain 2015

Stick a fork in it, I think this country’s done.
Eastern European group using memorial plaque as dinner table
Standard – Tunisia attack: British ‘jihadi bride’ posts sickening blog praising beach massacre which killed up to 30 Brits
A poem written on the site run by Aqsa Mahmood, who left her Glasgow home in November 2013, described Friday’s attacks as “revenge”. The post also described it as “a day that will go down in history”.
Obviously offensive to desecrate a memorial to the victims of terrorism. Expect riots, looting, beheadings and bombings by outraged British people, with articles in the Guardian and BBC reports supporting their action.
More thought control from our unfettered ‘conservative’ government
Still at least they wont put any more on the rates – well not for this ,for wind farm subsidies and to fund the BBC maybe but not for this.
BBC Editorial directions informal notes, w/b 29th June
OK, folks, an important week, lots of ‘influence’ pieces – so.
Tunisia – bags of work here, of course. Shock and grief everywhere please – Brits as victims only: leave out the bits where anyone white was a hero, we don’t want any of that, but if you can find some brave Tunisians who dived in to help, loads of that if you can. Oh, don’t let anyone suggest there were a team of them doing the shooting – it’s ‘lone wolf’ time all the way, please, and if you can do a life-story, tragic influences, inevitable consequences, work in some Islamophobia, all the better? If he’s got a sister or a wife who can claim he was a really nice guy, ‘just another victim’ type of thing? Get Guerin on it, maybe she can work in another pop at the Israelis.. Oh, and do try to blame the Government, can you – just because it’s all tragic doesn’t mean you can’t get one in on something irrelevant, does it?
OK, moving on – Greece, of course. It’s frighteners on for this one: risk of chaos, ‘uncertainty’ always like that word – IF they have the temerity to vote No of course. Make the numbers count on the vox pop stuff please, have to have a few who’ll vote No, just make them mumbling ignorant old folk who remember the Drachma if you can. Make sure you insinuate all the time that even having a referendum is an offense against democracy – remember this is a dress-rehearsal for our own Ref – let’s make sure we pick up ALL the lessons, we don’t want a repeat of the May 7th fiasco. Lots of pics of people going frantic trying to get their dosh from the ATMs, but don’t, whatever you do, let the cat out of the bag that it was’ the ECB wot done it’! Remember who’s paying you all now.
Next – nice little one this, the Millenium Goals, UN thingy. Tell you what, get Michal out to Bangla Desh, she can divert it into a women’s thing. Maybe she can find a Gay Theatre project or something. For G’s sake, don’t get onto the water/food/housing stuff – concentrate on equalities, there’s always grumbles to work up there.
Climate (Change, goes without saying, ho ho!) – going to be a hot few days (about bl*dy time, too), so get the usuals on. Don’t mention Scotland though – it’s been bad enough to rot the b*ll*x of a bear, there apparently. Go Home Counties, get Lord Bummer’s committee on. No nasty questions though – he almost got put on the spot the other day, we can’t have that, can we. And make out the Committee on Climate Change is some sort of official body.
Fracking – all part of the same thing: try to restrain yourselves a bit, it does give the game away. Just make sure you don’t inadvertently talk to the professional guys at Lancashire CC. We’re probably going to have to bury that one when it goes bad on appeal.
Hope the QT audiences are lined up? Tricky one, but you always do so well, I don’t think the Great British Public have tumbled yet, eh?
Damn we’ve run out of time – I wanted to get the Calais one onto the burner, and run the diversion stuff on Boko Haram – ah well, next meeting for those..
Lots to do, plenty of angles, get to it troops.
And whatever you do, concentrate on the poor tunisian tourist trade
What dozy cretin at the Met decided to let the BBC know about its counter-terrorism play re-enactment, as performed at Aldwych tube this morning?
Fancy giving the BBC ANY lead on how the authorities will deal with any incidents?…pretty clear they`ll be onto Anjem via speed dial to keep him “in the loop” about how they`ll mop up the blood, say it was nothing to do with peaceful Islam and that “lessons will be learned” after a suitably long inquiry that`ll feed the lawyers, and let the guilty scoot off to higher jobs or to BBC studios to debate how best to sharpen a Stanley knife with a rear pointing up to Mecca or the moon.
With coppers like this-we really ARE stuffed.
Send for Ali Desai somebody.
The Met probably consulted Anjem in the early stages of preparation, assured him that dogs would not be used in case they cause offence to muslim sensitivities, and that nothing would indicate that they were preparing for an Islamic crime. To this end a few EDL banners were probably put in position.