The BBC’s new Europe editor raised a small storm of protest back in January…
New Europe editor Katya Adler has been criticised over her EU connections
The BBC is facing a bias row over its new Europe editor, Katya Adler, who is replacing the veteran Gavin Hewitt but has yet to start the job because she is on maternity leave.
Eurosceptic Tory MPs are exercised by an entry in her LinkedIn work profile stating that from 1996 “to the present day” she has been “chairing debates, moderating and public speaking – hosting public, corporate and private events including for the EU Commission, the European Space Agency, CERN, London’s Frontline Club and the Austrian government during its EU Presidency”.
Tory MP Andrew Bridgen tells People: “This apparent cosy relationship between the BBC’s new Europe editor and the European Commission is a big cause for concern and calls into question the BBC’s impartiality on the issue of Europe.”
Adler is still available for bookings if you’re interested….next Tory Party conference perhaps?
Regardless of bias she certainly has a unique view of the world.
Yesterday on the Today programme (08:20) she was giving us a Russell Brand lite view of that political world….there is a clash between the old political order and the ‘People’…..
On the one hand, you have the traditional powers that be – bankers, big business and traditional political parties, imposing their will from above.
And on the other are grassroots movements, populist and people-driven, saying a loud NO to the status quo.
So what’s new? Has she never heard of Communists, Marxists, Tony Benn and Arthur Scargill? Funny how the parties she mentions and gives credence to are all left wing… different the BBC’s attitude towards right wing movements such as UK or the Tea party in the US….no ‘warnings from history’ about hard left socialists from the BBC….After all it is the socialists like Hitler, Stalin and Mao who killed millions upon millions of their own citizens…not sure Nigel Farage is in the same league (though some American on 5Live yesterday tried to suggest he was the starting point for the conveyor belt whose end product is the Nazis.)
On the Today programme Adler says that ‘the people feel it emotionally across the Continent….’ and she then makes a remarkable claim….’ this marries in with what is happening in the UK as well where we have high unemployment, a sluggish economy and a deteriorating quality of life for the majority’.
Hang on though…in her web write up she must have had second thoughts and edited out that bit about the UK being like Greece…..because it’s codswallop….
Acute EU dissatisfaction is a syndrome now affecting and infecting the whole continent.
High unemployment, sluggish growth, if any, a deteriorating quality of life for the majority, while the super-affluent minority continues to profit – the call for change, for a new Europe, is widespread.
Pardon me but that ‘Acute EU dissatisfaction syndrome’ in the UK is to do with sovereignty and mass immigration….trying to categorize the anti-EU protests in the UK as about the economy is to miss the pont completely.
She went on to say on ‘Today’ that ‘Pretty much everyone across Europe is calling for change’. We’re all ‘Occupy’ now!
Who needs Russell Brand, now that he’s totally discredited, when you have the BBC’s Katya Adler cheerleading ‘Occupy’?
Adler was back on the Today programme the next day with another gem.(08:58ish)…apparently we have to remember that for all the talk of EU survival this is about people’s lives and jobs!.
Well yes….and that is precisely what the BBC has ignored for many years as it reported favourably on the grand political project without the slightest regard for what people thought or what the actual effect of the lofty EU project was having on them., their lives and their jobs.
And on the subject of Farage I was amused to see this….the trouble with Farage is that he is all too often right about Europe’s problems…and it makes the EU bureaucrats terribly annoyed…yep must be terribly annoying to have to deal with such inconveniences as credible complaints…..sounds familiar…..
Nigel Farage is ‘right too often’ about European Union failings
Nigel Farage is “right too often” about the failings of the European Union, the vice president of the commission has said.
Frans Timmermans, the second most powerful man in Brussels, said he is “terribly annoyed” by how frequently the leader of the UK Independence Party appeared to correctly diagnose the bloc’s failings – particularly its handling of the migration crisis – even when he strongly disagrees with his proposed solutions.
“What I really like about the man is his incredible sense of humour,” he said. “The problem is, I don’t get annoyed when he talks rubbish.
“I get terribly annoyed when he’s right. And on some issues he is right too often. If he criticises the EU for not having a migration policy that is effective he is right. He is absolutely, completely wrong with his solutions. But to start criticising the EU for not dealing in the right way with the migration crisis is right.
To the BBC the EU is like air , it has to be there . Sometimes there is a problem with the air , like some pollution but there still has to be air and you’re mad if you question wether to dispense with air .
The same attitude is given towards the corporation itself .
The essential problem with the BBC employing someone like Katya Adler is that they really don’t see, or want to acknowledge, that it smacks like a non-PC parent of pro-EU bias.
It’s as though, surprise, surprise, they think they really, really do know best and that eventually all those ‘dissenting voices’ will realise the error of their ways and become unquestioning, unresisting (and unattractive) little Europhiles.
Sorry, that’s incoherent for me.
Clearly you have no understanding of plain English. Or you are a left wing liberal twat and have no understanding of the real problems facing the majority of the population of this country. i.e illegal immigrants, muslims who wont integrate, politicians, champagne socialists, EU interference, using the Human Rights Act to give criminals free reign, the so called impartial by charter BBC actively campaigning for the Labour Party for the last 5 years, suppressing the Balen Report at a cost of £ 300,000 of our money as it will show their anti-semitic bias. I could go on and on but why do I have to do this. They are legally supposed to be impartial. Which bit of impartial does the BBC,Cameron, any part of a supposed Conservative Government, BBC Trust ( HaHaHa) not understand. We are so screwed!
They just couldn’t give a stuff about balance or our objections to another liberal ideologue. Why should they? Every party in the Commons with more than one MP has their back and they control everything else with their place men.
I wrote a couple of weeks back (or was it only last week?) of Adler’s odyssey around Europe and her uncanny knack of finding interviewees happy to knife Cameron and Britain for having the temerity to question the European project and happy to portray the country as Billy no mates. Spain, Poland and onward she travelled, forgetting to mention that many of those who she dug out were of the hard / far left.
Adler’s Europhilia is there for all to see, as is her ease (Paul Masonesq) at rubbing should with the weird left.
On the Today programme Adler says that ‘the people feel it emotionally across the Continent….’ and she then makes a remarkable claim….’ this marries in with what is happening in the UK as well where we have high unemployment, a sluggish economy and a deteriorating quality of life for the majority’.
This woman is a serial liar or delusional or both. To say her claims are inaccurate would be an understatement.
What I find truly depressing is the scum at the BBC will go on behaving as they do stealing our money for garbage we don’t watch and nothing will be done about it no matter how much sites like this point it out.
Yes, I blinked at her description of our ‘high unemployment, sluggish economy and deteriorating quality of life for the majority’.
However, I suppose that one could optimistically describe it as a sign of utter desperation that out-and-out lies are now being broadcast. It is a lot less sophisticated than the usual biased insinuation or absence of reporting – I do hope someone in there is panicking at last.
I wonder who these lies are aimed at – is it the domestic audience, potential funding sources, or some other set of people? I am rather mystified.
Katya Adler’s statement on the ‘Today’ programme (I think I heard it too) was “… This marries in with what is happening in the UK as well where we have high unemployment, a sluggish economy and a deteriorating quality of life for the majority “.
The UK has low unemployment (in some areas virtually none), an economy growing faster than its long-term average, and an improved quality of life for the majority. The opposite of what she statwed as ‘fact’. A ‘deteriorating quality of life’ probably applies in inner London (too crowded, polluted air, high prices for housing and travel) and in parts of Birmingham, but not ‘for the majority’.
This shameless false statement ought surely to be punished by removal to another post? Remember Andrew Gillingan’s removal from BBC Today reporter over one erroneous statement over the then Government and Iraq.
Katya Adler was the subject of criticism from the start – she is the wrong person to be ‘European editor’. It is presumably because she speaks a number of languages that she was given the post. But that does not justify keeping her when she has the sort of bias set out in the analysis and readers’ comments here.