1ST July and a new month beckons! Here is a new Open Thread. Please detail the bias here. Can I also request civility in the comment threads? I am aware of some impersonation that has been going on here and a plan is in place to permanently stop this. I also wanted to say that the credibility of the site with you – our excellent readers. Please be careful that you choose links with care and that you don’t accidentally damage the site by saying or linking to lunatic sites (right or left!) Many thanks.
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“The BBC is to cut a 1,000 jobs because of a £150m budget gap in its licence fee income.
An unexpected increase in the number of households saying they do not watch live TV so do not pay for a licence has been blamed for the shortfall.
Yeah, heard that on the radio in a taxieee.
While I’m sorry for the 1,000 low-level shmucks who will be fired, it’s a welcome development in overall ‘Die-BBC-Die’ terms.
A million fewer households with a TV, eh. Maybe TV’s relentless dumbing down/headlong nosedive in quality wasn’t such a whizbang idea after all.
And I can only imagine the level of bloat and waste in the BBC, despite the talk of savings. A key area is apparently management: “Cutting out management layers, reducing management levels from up to 10 in places to seven”
Words fail.
It’s not actually a “million fewer” because the number of licenses has gone up, but it is a million fewer than it would have been if everybody was forced to buy a license. The BBC’s budget actually has a shortfall because the number of licenses hasn’t gone up by as much as they had hoped (although total number of licenses and thus total license fee revenue has increased). Meanwhile the number of hours in the day and the number of channels hasn’t changed, and they cut staff numbers so there is more gravy for the ones that are left.
That’s about a million households, and according to the ONS, as of January 2015, there are only 26.7 million households in the country.
Get busman, chippy, scott, dez, et al off to the fucking jobcentre
“Larocka”, sounds a bit err foreign, should you be on this site ?
Imposter alert!
I’ll believe it when I see it!
Tori Kutz hits the BBC. Expect Owen Jones and the People’s Assembly to lead another couple of million ( give or take a few) anti austerity demonstrators in support of the state broadcaster
If they actually do make cuts, here’s some suggestions on where to start:
1000 managements jobs?
that’s the Glastonbury “Jolly” PR team under threat
They say less families are watching live broadcasts. Yet the population is increasing due to large scale immigration . Are these immigrants not watching television?
Semi-nudity, sex (films, dramas, reality TV) alcohol consumption (dramas, food & cookery) cooking & consumption of pork & other meats (endless cookery) & females in positions of authority (politics, presentation, depicted in drama., etc) could well make UK TV viewing off limits for some, perhaps many, of the UK population. Seems to me that leaves documentaries, property and antiques programmes (quite a lot of which is repeated endlessly) plus football & cricket. And the BBC doesn’t do cricket TV.
Why bother?
The BBC R4 regularly tell us how ‘the out of date Royal Mail is losing business because everyone uses e-mail these days’ (despite letter volumes holding up well until the recent price increases) but appear to overlook the fact that potential TV viewers now have two other relatively new visual devices to occupy their attention plus boxed sets & streaming alternatives while at the same time they are telling us – in conjunction with the health ‘scaristas’ – that we should be getting off our backsides and out running or walking for an hour per day! Who has time for television these days?
The dear ol’ Beeb needs to get up to date with its own industry sector!
Switched on the BBC News at Six the other day. On it was some BBC Bot reporting from East Pakistan (Bangladesh). She was bragging how British tax payers had spent £200 million to put up a plastic sign on a door of a garage.
This is not news but propaganda. Funny how the BBC has the resources to send one of their Bots to East Pakistan. Yet don’t have the money to cover the corruption in London East Pakistan (Tower Hamlets). Just sayin.
How dare you call her ‘some BBC Bot’!: that was the Blessed Mishal Husain, well-known Muslim newsreader, sent to Muslim Bangladesh to tell us how well the Muslims are using our money.
Nearly fell off my chair. Just ten minutes or so ago on Outside Source, hosted by apprentice propagandist Chloe Tilley, BBC correspondent Jonathan Marcus spoke of the terrorist attack in Tunisia.
Not a good career move at the BBC.
Quote from bBC News web page.
“An unexpected increase in the number of households saying they do not watch live TV so do not pay for a licence has been blamed for the shortfall.”
The use of the word ‘unexpected’ shows just how blase they are about the licence fee, with an overriding sense of entitlement.
They still don’t get it and the latest Wimbledon and Top Gear fiascos are typical of their Auntie Knows Best Attitude and you’ll get what your’re given (even though you do pay).
At last people are seeing through their endless PC minority rights, immigrants and mooslims are fab, the British are trash, warmest/coldest day since.., here’s more Evans, Balding and Fry crap, we’ve had enough, but still they don’t see, just force feeding us more.
Were it possible to view just the independent channels and a token monthly payment to Netflix or Now TV, the licence fee revenue would be almost zero, with just the likes of the Liberal Metrosexuals, Scott, Dez and Busman stupidly willing to pay, they’re welcome to it.
Ha Ha Ha, Thank God.
BBC is yesterday.
I’m neither a Conservative nor a woman, but I’m liking this site more and more
I do read it myself and would thoroughly recommend it. I did like the last sentence about is it not time to take Owen Jones on the books for his opinions rather than pay him fat fees.
Jeremy Vine chatting to a stranded lorry driver asking him how he survived yesterday as [quote] “it was the hottest day since the middle ages”
So wrong on so many counts, housewife thinks wow! this global warming thing must be real, drip, drip, drip….
Down to 19C today where I live. It was hot yesterday. End of story and so what.
Do I suspect that the Guardian HR team are about to be inundated with CVs?
BBC bleating about losing licence tax payers – but they never mention that there have been enormous increases in BBC revenues through immigration – the population has increased, there have been many more new households formed, and virtually every household has to pay the tax.
That is – the BBC has a direct revenue incentive to support grossly excessive immigration.
“there have been many more new households formed, and virtually every household has to pay the tax.”
But do they?
Its probably unenforceable with some households, ie a lack of a common language one could cry ignorance, accusations might fly if they persist….
But my earlier point remains true – the BBC hides the growth in the number of UK households. It used to be about 22 million households, it is now over 26 million. So even if a million households avoid paying the tax, that is still a 15% increase in paying-households over just a few short years.
3 million new licence-tax-paying households is about half a billion more cash for the BBC each year. Which they don’t tell us about, all they do is bleat about “Cuts” from their bloated and wasteful budget for mostly crap programming.
Would they argue that the period over which the 3 million rise has happened the licence fee has been frozen, so with costs rising they have ‘stood still’ ?
This could be an urban legend, but I’m sure I read something or someone told me that the BBC get virtually no licence fees from Scotland or Northern Ireland.
I agree with DV about civility on threads. This site should not show us anti-BBC types as beyond the pale nutters.
Even though we have a wishy-washy ‘conservative’ government it’s great news that they have lost revenue from Licencing refuseniks.
They are on the back foot, keep up the pressure,don’t give them ammunition.
The amount of people now refusing to pay the bbc tax is very encouraging, people are starting to get the message and it’s thanks to sites like this and many others like it, we don’t need the bbc.
The more people refuse the harder it will be for the bbc to prosecute people, how many centrica thugs can they employ and how many houses can they visit?
Don’t feel sorry for the employees losing their jobs though, they’ll get a nice pay off and many will come back as ‘consultants’ on a better wage…just like the NHS, no wonder it’s in a mess.
I think you mean Capita, but agree with everything you say.
Some sad news for many on here , if correct.
Wikipedia indicates that Polly Toynbee has sold her villa in Tuscany.
Does that unfortunately mean she will be more available to the BBC when it requires the approved line from an “outside” social affairs commentator?
According to Wiki, she still has a house in that grim, post industrial, highly diverse, working class shithole of Lewes.
Probably getting a bit too close to all that “diversity ” that keeps landing in Italy. They keep moving up the from the Heel to the Boot and then onto the Thigh of Italy, come on nobody wants to see a black hand on Polly’s thigh do they ?
Just listened to Crispin Jeremy Rupert Blunt, pontificating on how we and our allies Saudi Arabia have to get together to stop the terror the horror of the Islamic State? Allies?
Another abjectly clueless Tory knob.
Islamic State? … hmm Saudi Arabia, pretty Islamic to me.
maybe its the beheadings then? oops better not mention that
maybe its the abhorrent Sharia Law?, oops better not mention that
treatment of women?. oops better not mention that
treatment non muslims oops better not mention that
Its method it indoctrinates ? UH OH! better not mention that
Is it “good” muslim – “bad” muslim Crispin Jeremy Rupert Blunt?
shockingly incoherent drivel
No doubt fear is driving Saudi policy. If anything Saudi Arabia is very vulnerable to Isis precisely because it is as it is . I would not bet on Saudi military forces in a straight fight with Isis.
Quite honestly I would not want to back either side if a fight broke out. I suggest that Allah should sort it out.
The House of Saud don’t trust their army 100%, which is why their National Guard is about equal to it in size and its materiel; and is also comprised mainly of the very tough Bedou desert dwellers, not town Arabs.
I wouldn’t back ISIS in a straight fight with the Saudis in their own country, it’s the same size as Western Europe for starters!
Having worked with Saudi military forces, I wouldn’t bet on them in a straight fight with the Brownies.
In the interests of full disclosure I am a Muslim.
ISIS is to Saudi Arabia what Saudi Arabia was to the Ottoman Empire.
Of course Saudi Arabia is an ally to the Modern West. It was Britain who was instrumental in creating that Zionist entity just like she did with Imposter Israel. Pax Britainnia gave way to Pax Americana and the USA greatly succored that Zionist entity to further spread poison in the Muslim World. Now the writing is on the wall for Saudi Arabia. Read Imran Hosein! http://imranhosein.org/books/126-the-caliphate-the-hijaz-and-the-saudi-wahabi-nation-state.html
What makes you think that the Modern West sincerely cares for oppressed minorities or oppressed women in Saudi Arabia and other client states? As long as the client state serves a strategic aim the Modern West cares not for human rights!
Just give us the oil and p**s off. Without the oil Saudi is just another muslim sh1thole.
Anyone who describes Saudi Arabia as a “Zionist entity” is barking mad. And that applies to a lot of the believers in Islam, it is a barking mad religion for the most part. Pre-medieval – virtually cave-age, intolerant, bloodthirsty and untruthful, Now becoming a scourge far wider than we should have allowed.
I cannot agree that Saudi Arabia is a ‘Zionist entitiy’
A creation of the Versailles treaty yes and that is surely down to the Arabists in our government of the time.
As regards Western strategic aims they seem to have been pretty stupid in the last 20 years or so. More an absence of sense and strategic thinking.
You say Zionist and I say wahabist
you say Yemen and I say ISIS
Persia -Iran
Mahdi – Imam
Lets call the whole thing off
Not available on the BBC at any cost
Apparently all Greece needs to do to become prosperous is to ‘fully accept’ the European Union. So says the BBC, which chooses to highlight one village, which it says is the one of the most prosperous farming villages in Southern Europe (rather a lot of qualifiers there!!
What they don’t mention is that the population is only 500 people
And basically they milked so much money from the EU that if this model was repeated everywhere then the EU would be as bust as Greece is.
I wonder how much Mr. Tsoukalas made from the ‘project’? Or maybe, like a true socialist, he did it out of the goodness of his heart…for the benefit of his home village, family and friends of course. He has played the EU project to a T and whilst his village has prospered the people who pay for it? Well, who cares?
Basically what he has done is akin to any immigrant in this country going from bank to bank with the ‘correct paperwork’ and securing lots of credit to spend as he pleases without ever paying it back…not that that has ever happened of course! Wasn’t that a big part of the problem that caused the global crash?
The bbc even managed to squeeze an immigrant story into this pile of shit as well, out of a village of a few hundred they managed to find an immigrant, who’d have guessed!!
So, all the data from yesterday’s “record day” of temperature at Heathrow is in and the newspapers and the BBC are climaxing over the “fact” that it was the hottest July day ever. Well, try ten years and was it really? At the same time as Heathrow peaked, London City airport was showing 3 degrees cooler. How strange? Well the word out on the street is that it was cooler because it was upwind of the Urban Heat of London itself. When the wind blew, which was from the East to the West, all the hot air over London which was blown westwards, plus the localised hot air from jet engines plus increased tarmac and concrete at Heathrow gave the so called “record” temperature. Further west and only by a few miles also showed that temperatures were cooler as heat was dissipated the further from London you got. So, it would appear that only that area on the West side of London, downwind of the Urban Heat Island suffered with “Global Warming” yesterday. Incredible localised “Global Warming”, but enough to get the juices flowing at the BBC and wet the pants of the “warmists”. And for Mannon (if he has recovered from yesterdays heat stroke), Europe is having a summer, we might have just had ours. Frost in Scotland next week anybody?
There’s a lot of hot air in London, much of it emanating from The House of Commons and Dave’s gob.
He speaks through his mouth? Who knew?
Paul Homewood shafts the “impartial” BBC by giving all (or more than the BBC anyway) the facts behind this month’s “record” temperatures using data from . . . . the Met Office. He also notes in passing that the Met has . . er . . fiddled its records by dropping some “normal” sites and linking them to a convenient hotspot (usually an airport). He instances the dropping of Hampstead (North London – residential) and linking it to Northolt (West London – airport).
Actually, in the Paul Homewood quoted blog, he shafted the Telegraph which only goes to show that the paper press is as gullible, incompetent and, in this instance, crooked as the BBC. However, I’m not compelled to buy the Telegraph . . . . .
I did a quick Google search – BBC Balding Wimbledon – yes, the new Wimbledon2Day format is being strongly criticised all over the place. Whether or not everyone wants John Inverdale back, people want a proper round-up of the day’s tennis, not the sort of froth that Balding is fronting.
But the BBC line after this disaster, this insult to the viewers, is the usual complacent “We like the new format, it is working well”. They are not even claiming the audience likes it – they are just saying the BBC likes it.
(But I do feel it is a bit umfair to describe Balding as a Desperate Dan lookalike.)
“(But I do feel it is a bit umfair to describe Balding as a Desperate Dan lookalike.) ”
I think that is one of the most disgraceful comments I have ever read on here.
Desperate Dan will be heartbroken.
She looks a bit like a cow pie without the pie bit.
Before going out this morning, the nogwife has the news on …
10 minutes of brainnumbing breathless tosh about
is it?, isn t it?, does any body know?, anyone on the sofa?
can you text in? … is that a pineapple on the Wimbledon cup?
utter pap
Funny how it’s “impartiality” doesn’t always seem to extend in certain other issues. Is the BBc indulging in some kind of irony? Put them on a commercial basis now and they can be as “impartial” as they think they are being without those who think they are not impartial having to pay for the privilege if we don’t want to.
For once I agree with the BBC. Isis is correct. BUT and this is the real issue. I know Isis to be an implacable enemy of us in the West and have no interest in being fair to it. It is absurd to say as did the BBC- a duty of fairness? Idiots.
For us realists caught between a governing class in denial and a media class mostly insane and adhering to a doctrine of the absurd this is a serious matter.
Our children and grandchildren will face a horrendous future unless reality is restored and these fools now in charge leave the stage forever.
From article
“Mr Christi said that referring to Isil as a Islamic State gave the organisation legitimacy and offended British Muslims, who do not consider the group to be Islamic. ”
What of ‘British’ Moslems who do consider it to be Islamic ,will they not be offended if we don’t refer to it as such?
The debate over what to call the Islamist terrorists – ISIS, ISIL, DAESH and all – might appear as a superfiial discussion about words when innocent lives are being taken. But for Cameron and much of the left it is not. It is about finding a way of present this war in such a way that Moslems, and their fellow travelers, are presented as innocent bystanders.
But whatever is decided in conflicts across the world, in Europe, Africa, USA and the ME, there is a war being waged by Moslems. And this is what Cameron and the fellow travellers are trying to conceal.
Well put GWF.
Raining and currently 15 deg in the car, 35 deg this time yesterday, that makes an average of umm 25 deg. Normal summer service has been resumed…
Let’s keep it ” BBC BIAS ” Ladies. If we want a weather check we can go to ” a weather site” , thank you.
bbc says religion is bad but hey, have you looked at islam recently???
Are any of the tards in the bbc aware of Stockholm Syndrome or do they already suffer from it and now want to infect the rest of us?
Has anyone else noticed the prependerance of beards amongst white men all of a sudden? And that many schools now forbid girls to wear skirts? And that all Christians are homo hating weirdos but muzzies are homo h… can do as they please? Ever seen a muslim labour party husting that isn’t segregated? You know, the labour party, that bastion of equality.
Have the bBC reported yet that the Austrians have forced a debate in their parliament to leave the EU?
Oxford English needs updating: Grexit, Brexit and now Auxit:
If Finland decide to leave that will Fixit.
I’ll get me coat ………
If the Basques go it will be Basxit , If Exmoor goes it would be Exit , which wouldn’t be much of a play on words .
Parliament might consider changing its mind about bombing Syria, but what about our ‘Britons’ there, all those families stopping off on their way home, or visiting their brothers? Think of the children!
Just dozed off and had a rather feverish dream – Nicky Campbell was asking the question : If it is logical to bomb ISIL in Syria as well as in Iraq, then how about bombing them in Dewsbury, Luton and Rotherham?
Phew, too much BBC can rot your brain.
For two days running now, the BBC have been “trumpeting” a leaked document as a news exclusive for their 2dA Show(Today Show in trend-speek!).
Yesterdays was the Heathrow one,, todays was some pre-election internal Tory memo about options for JSA/ESA/disability payments.
How do the BBC get these-and is that legal?
Would Leveson sanction this dubious use of money, greasing palms and copyright theft-or liberal shit stirring as it`s better described?
The BBC are of course a law unto themselves-but neither of these leaks is a matter of urgency-just a bat up the nightie, a shot across the Tory bows…and we think its OK?
PS-was that Howard Davies I saw advising us all on whether Heathrow needs that third terminal or not?
Wasn`t he the gaffe prone head of the FSA under labour?…or suchlike.
Was he also the LSE oaf who gave Gadhaffis boy his degree before deciding that the lad had some questions to answer, but not before dad stumped up a lot of oil money for selfsame Centre of Excellence?
The dumb critter DID have the shame to walk the plank-but took to aeroplanes after a quick dunk in the harbour.
Hence the current berth at Airports…you know that civil servant, money link when attached to Libyan oil, Higher Education and now runways and aeronautical specs?
is there no start to this mans talents-and how come this chinless mekon hops from lilypad to frangipange without any expertise, any abilities and any track record,
Except for being a Labour shill, and inoffensive bland mediocrity.
Today’s edition of BBCs ‘Immigration is Good For Us’ is brought to you by…..The Jeremy Vine Show
Today Mr Vine has an eloquent intelligent Danish business woman who proudly wears a #proudtobeanimmigrant T shirt, no problem here, the sort of immigrant we want. But why do we never get memorial desecrating Romanians, unemployed Somalians or people trafficking Eastern Europeans etc as beacons of the success of immigration?
After the friendly chat we get just three callers, but amazingly in that three, we do get a rabid anti UKIP type who didn’t say much, but was allowed to call UKIP ‘Brown Shirts’ ‘a cult’ and ‘motley crew’ which Vine allowed to go unchallenged.
I’m sure bBC production crews have these ‘callers’ on speed dial
Like all the kids in care, the disabled getting screwed re their benefits?
The BBC either employ actors or have hotlines to the hundred genuinely-hard done by cases that still exist like petunias in the onion patch.
All the disability charioteers, the Roma card creamers and drug addled nasties who get most of the nations cutpurse moolah seem NEVER to be invited to justify THEIR benefits, THEIR lifestyles of criminality and deviance.
Because pieces of sh!t like that can’t justify it.
Loved the bit from Carl in Manchester [53:00] that the pictures of immigrants eating off the 7/7 memorial were ‘probably in The Sun or the ‘Mail’ and not true. Even Vine stuttered at that one! We have our own homeless so immigrant homeless, what’s the problem?
All free advertising for Bronte Aurell and her business and the promotion of the EU ‘no nationality’ European unit of consumption.
Are the Tories REALLY going to run with that narrative about “waiting for Labours leadership to emerge” before deciding on whether to bomb Izal into the future-or forward time travel as they`d see it.
FFS Cameron-put Izal to the torch and do exactly the opposite of what Campbell or Benn Minor would have you do.
No lessons needed from those khaki-dodging peaceniks who spew dodgy dossiers and spongiform stem death.
We voted to banish labour for life two months back-don`t even THINK of giving these cancerous cretins any say whatsoever in matters of national security.
And don`t even let the BBC imply that this will happen.
The Tories are this thick?
wot would maggie do??
So Englands “so-called Lionesses” self destructed much as the blokes do when a nose bleed beckons at a prospect of succeeding?
Hari-Kiri followed by dumb cliches and platitudes from Shearers sock locker?
Thanks ladies-you are truly British…gender neutral excuses and giddy failure being what England does so well.
And a price worth paying as the BBC snivels in its dead bunting and miles of VT on how the girls do this thing so much better than those blokes they`ve trailed too long.
Can`t wait for the third place battle royal…come on girls, lose to the Germans on penalties…and PROVE you`re true English roses!
The BBC and Channel 4 scoff at the police and how crap they are in finding child abuse.
Have they learned NOTHING from the BBC?
Who-after Savile have led the world in how best to deal with abuse.
Hound Nick Griffin, stop UKIP supporters adopting or fostering, but make Abduls Kebab Kornucopian Copoff a compulsory assessment centre for the Hicks/Wyatt dilation techniques of 1987/8?
Yup-who else but the BBC could so firmly screws its sorry tail to the Paedos pedalo, and mock those plods who won`t cruise with them to diversity?
Do the BBC know what hypocritical creeps and lying corkscrews they are-Plod might be crap but they never made Savile a Bottom Inspector like the BBC did?…and on their premises and in their mobile vans?
Nadal was beaten by a chap called Brown at Wimbledon today, indeed the chap called Brown was very indeed, I did snigger a bit when the caption beside his name referred to him as German.. However I found it disconcerting that he lifted his shirt and patted his skin. I took this to refer to his colour, and wondered if it wasn’t a racist supremacist gesture was it in breach of Wimbledon protocol?
Any other tennis fans not happy with BBC2’s forced-trendy revamp of Today At Wimbledon – now renamed ‘Wimbledon 2Day’ (see what they did there)?
You’re not the only one…
But the new format prompted an immediate backlash with Alison Graham, the TV critic of the Radio Times, calling it “a mess, a giddy mix of inane tweets, snippets of matches (let’s not forget actual tennis is being played, something, presumably we all want to see, which is why we’ve tuned in) and a bit of chat. All marshalled by a panicky looking Clare Balding”.
The BBC respondent was characteristically understanding…
“We acknowledge that new formats can take some time to bed in with audiences, but we’re very pleased with the show and look forward to seeing it grow over the Championship.”
I think that means they’ll revert next year.
This made me laugh. BBC outnumber Lib Dem MPs at their party conference. I was thinking of the camera sweeping along the audience of BBC hacks applauding the new leader making its first speech.
Here’s an amusing story.
In 2007 the BBC made This prediction i.e. that the arctic would be free of ice by 2013.
You can check on the amount of sea ice coverage On this site.
At the moment there is MORE sea ice coverage than in 2007.
Wait. Do you understand that graph? Can you see it’s still below average? That is has so far been below even 2012?
The BBC isn’t claiming anything just reporting from a conference. The report notes that other academics say ice free might not occur till 2040 or later.
It may be the 2013 ice free claim was out. But look at the trend and the coverage. Try and understand what’s going on at least.
The BBC “reporting”? You’re clearly having a laugh. The BBC don’t “report” in terms of anything concerning climate change – it’s all invention, based on their own agenda. Like everything else they “report” on.
The last thing I’d ever credit the BBC with would be honesty and accuracy.
There is a US Navy report in 2013 saying that the arctic could be ice-free in 2016 (still waiting for that one).
And if you go back to 2006 you will see something odd at the end of the year – almost as if the methodology of working out the area covered by ice was gradually changed – There is no evidence of anything similar ever having happened in the 30 years before.
So yes! I do look at the trend – currently the figure is the 6th lowest on record.
You can almost see the apocalyptic headlines had this occurred.
“Never before seen”
“The end is nigh”
etc. – etc.
What about 1958/59?
Anyone see the coverage today of the Beeb’s £150m “shortfall” which is (so sad) leading to their having to rein in their profligacy a little.
There was no explanation of what constitutes a “shortfall” when you have a guaranteed income but supposedly they estimated that the TV serfs would have stumped up more than they actually did.
Talk about entitlement culture.
Got me to thinking that the whole claim made that the £150+ py telly tax is allegedly good value compared to (say) Sky who may charge a lot more. But actually this is comparing apples & oranges. Sky has an income that is severely restricted by the simple fact that they must get us to volunteer to buy it hence charges are inevitably higher for those who do so.
But Al Beeb’s income is extorted by force from most households in the country hence the overall cost is naturally going to be less per person. ..so isn’t the real question how much Sky would charge if they had the same coercive form of income-generation?
I’m guessing a lot less…at least until the entitlement culture set in.
or itv who dont use either method
BBC have been trailering The Report about a proclivity they favour and I heard five minutes of it . It seems to be an activity in London, in a part of London, in the south side of London , in a part of the South side of London , in a few streets in London . I reckon 400 people at most indulging in an illegal activity that they could stop doing if they wanted to but the BBC thinks it’s so important that they said it could affect us all .
The Beeboids have been trumping on about this programme for about a week . If they are out of ideas here’s a few they could spend time wisely on ;
The senior civil servants and the governance of the country
Criminals not being punished
How immigration will need new infrastructure and who pays ?
Do we really need to have ” influence” in Europe and the world , or is it just for the politicians and civil servants grandstanding ?
Why is populism frowned on in a democracy ?
And plenty of others .
Another Labour plant in the QT audience
Does anyone else think that this looks like Scott in drag?
Big thumbs up to Andrew Neale for the first report tonight on This Week with guest Tom Holland talking about what to call IS and what they are all about, interesting, informative, thoughtful. Why do we have to wait until midnight to see suchlike on the bbc ? Why is not such a programme not on at a time when most can see it instead of the brain dead overpaid fluff and yes I mean you Balding.
Well it’s been hot for 3 days so after a quiet period you knew it was coming. Yes global warming acidity in the ocean blah blah blah. Kirkwood is still at Wimbledon as she tells Naga how much she has enjoyed being there.
So, BBC, I get the strong impression that you don’t like this thing you call austerity
Then please tell, what’s the opposite of austerity?
Government spending largesse? Presumably funded by borrowing and debt…. or heavy taxes on the productive sector of the economy? Isn’t that a sure recipe for economic stagnation?
Because BBC, I hate to break it to your so-called economic experts but… there is no magic money tree! Unless you really have got that Mr Norrell and Jonathan Strange working some form of legerdemain for you all that lovely spending cash will have to come from somewhere.
Oh wait, I’ve just had a thought… perhaps it’s just that you don’t like spending restrictions in the public broadcasting sector?
July is normally the hottest month in the U.K. so no surprises when we hear “hottest” eva being posted across the media in July, but the latest “hottest eva” really takes the biscuit, when that temperature was recorded at the busiest airport in the World and that just a few miles up and down the road it was at least three degrees cooler. But hey, the thermometer said what the thermometer said. But, this brief spell of African Air is now slipping away to the South East and once more a Northerly slips in to replace it. Now, by Friday next week it will be another arctic blast of air that could well see the U.K. July record low temperature of minus 2.5 (at or below 500 meters) broken. I’ll be monitoring the sites where these record low temperatures occurred, funnily enough, in years where the sun spot activity was the same as what we have today.
Now, if there are record lows, what chance the BBC, The Met Office and the media telling us?
June was the coldest June for 24 years, official.
With Heathrow (London) temperatures it should be borne in mind that recently, London is regularly clocking a reading that is one, two or three (usually three) degrees hotter than elsewhere in the south-east.
This information being relayed by none other than BBC weatherpersons.
What about the temperatures in Haverfordwest, Hereford, Henley, Hornchurch, Herne Bay and other places where ‘urricanes ‘ardly ‘appen around the UK?
I think we should be told.
Oh and I forgot to add, what were the chances that during a three day seminar in Birmingham, concerning Climate, organised by the Royal Meteorlogical Society for students, (1st – 3rd July) that a record temperature in the U.K. would be forthcoming? Anyone would think I was a conspiracy theorist.
The RMetS, another charity that will not bite the hands that feed it.
‘I’m the fat beggar’
Oh dear, me
Looks as though another BBC favourite raised up before us and worshiped like some philanthropic demi-god has been revealed to have feet of clay.
‘Kids Company’s Camila Batmanghelidjh asked to step down by government’
Of course Kid’s Company are putting on a brave face
‘Since the beginning of this year, Kids Company has received fewer philanthropic and public donations. At the same time the charity has continued to meet the practical and emotional needs of an increasing number of high-risk vulnerable children, young people and families, who are not being supported by the statutory system. This has led to an unprecedented financial strain.
Camila Batmanghelidjh, the founder and Chief Executive of Kids Company will not be leaving the organisation and will assume an advocacy and clinical role after the appointment of a new Chief Executive.’
And, not surprisingly, she seems to be coming out fighting in the Guardian (pass the frittata)
‘Campaigner says ‘I am being silenced’ over cuts in government funding for her charity that would leave traumatised children ‘largely unprotected’’
The BBC, to give them their credit here, do provide a little balance
‘In March, Dominic Cummings, a former Department for Education adviser, revealed that officials from the department had questioned the financial management of the charity, and said “they did not think taxpayers’ money should be given to it”.’
Why’s that, you ask dear taxpayer?
‘In February, Miles Goslett, a freelance journalist, also reported the case of an elderly donor who sold her house in order to donate to the charity, but was not given details about how the money was spent, and ended up complaining to the Charities Commission about it. Mr Goslett wrote: “What is perhaps most bizarre about this tale is that [the donor] has no idea what has become of her money. The charity has never informed her how it has been or will be used.” ‘
So what do we reckon happens to the cash?
‘Harriet Sergeant, an author on gangs, wrote in 2012 how the staff at an unnamed charity “handed out cash in envelopes ranging from £50 to £200”.’
‘Genevieve Maitland Hudson, a former employee, wrote earlier this year that after she joined in the summer of 2008, “little packages of cash were handed out to every young person through a small window in reception [each Friday]. It was always tense. There were tears. There was shouting. There were threats. There were fights.”’
What was that line from a Phil Collins song so beloved of Lefties?
Something like….’Oh think twice, it’s another day for you and me in paradise’
Heard a report of this on Radio 4. Thought it quite balanced. The government’s and Spectator’s case put well with no interruptions. The BBC did no favours to the Kids Company by having on that ghastly PIE lady Harman trying to defend it.
It struck me, while listening to the fluent and unchallenged effluent spewed by Sir Peter Fahy, chief constable of Greater Manchester Police & National Policing lead on Prevent, that “Prevent” should be renamed “Encourage”. “Encourage” should be given the remit of returning those of our Moslem co-citizens prone to supporting terrorism to their countries of origin or Syria (their choice!). Fahy gave the whole game away by stating triumphantly, at the end of his “interview”, that Moslems had more faith in the police than the indigenous population.
Here’s the headline from the Daily Mail:
“Family of 12 from Luton – including a baby and two grandparents who are suffering from diabetes and cancer – feared to have joined ISIS ”
It undoubtedly says something about me that my first reaction upon reading the story was: yay – result! That’s saved us all quite a few bob, no? Carry on like this and we might clear the national debt.
Rod Liddle on the Speccie.
The other day a guy set up a crowd-sourcing funding site to try to raise money to help with the Greek debt, he raised £200,000 within a day or so.
So how much might a crowd-source funding site to aid in the purchase of flights etc for disaffected “British” people raise ?
Looking at the family in question, it looks like a win-win situation. They get the paradise they desire, we lose a big burden. The baby may not like it – but the women don’t look exactly charmed with life in Luton. The notion of “all women are innocent, none of them have nothing to do with Islamist extremism” has been shot to pieces by now.
Here’s another good article from ConservativeWomen by David Keighley, ex-BBC – pointing out the dangers of the BBC marching in lockstep with the pro-EU-CBI.
Thanks for that – an excellent article which neatly exposes the BBC’s incestuous relationship with the Corporatists’ trade union, the CBI.
Extra plaudits are due to Conservativewoman, which is proving to be one of the more intelligent sites in the UK blogosphere.
Classic interview on Vine at 12.15pm – when he doesn’t get the correct response, he harangues and speaks over the guest. Tried to insult Intelligence Chief Of Staff and implied he didn’t know his job. Classic BBC bias.
Roger Harrabollocks at it again:
The scorn poured on Harrabin’s empty nonsense by Bishop Hill’s (largely scientifically literate) readership is a joy to behold.