David Dimbleby presents tonight’s show from Grays in Essex. On the panel are Conservative MP Jeremy Hunt, Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn, journalist and hero Douglas Murray of the Spectator, Anne McElvoy of The Economist and alleged comedian Shappi Khorsandi. That’s right, a grand total of two actual politicians.
Kick off Thursday at 10.35 pm
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What? No SNP?
For Grays – In Essex?
They’ll be rioting in English streets, at this missed opportunity to lecture us all on all encompassing Scottish demands and opinions..
I know, I was shocked and disgusted. I know how hugely popular they are down on the English south coast.
Grays is on the Thames Estuary , South Coast is Deal to Lands End , including Brighton ( for Scott) & for us hetrosexuals Bournemouth . For all you Millitary experts , ( Royal Navy ) that includes Pompy & Devonport. If I have missed out any other South Coast bases please add it . Thanks . I have a Geography `A `level too .
What has Single Nucleotide Polymorphism got to do with it anyway?
Can’t think of anything else of any consequence.
Not an English A-level though judging by your posts.
No , I have not got an English Lit or Lan `A` level , have you Mr `D` ?
It’s Pompey not Pompy geography man.
Surely it’s now highly racist to not be including SNP in English Question Times?!
Fewer politicians the better in my view
I wonder if John Whittingdale has recently been invited as a guest,more of a wish than a thought. Might even get a right wing audience for such a special occasion in order to get him onside.
With regards to this QT programme right wingers Douglas Murray and Jeremy Hunt should wipe the floor with the Mao Tse Corbyn of ‘Lets give the Falklands to the Argies’ fame.
I suspect the SWP will probably turn up.
douglas murray,the only panelist tonight who unlike the rest of the apologists and excuse makers for radical violent islam wont tread on politacaly correct eggshells when the topic of these islamic murderers and beheaders of innocent men,women and children,yes, the leftie socalist audience will booo and hiss at douglas murray every time he makes a sensible point,but when the future leader of the labour party and good mate of the ira man gerry adams jeremey corbyn opens his mouth and makes excuses up and blames the west for all this islamic terrorism there will by whoops and wild clapping from the left wing screaming biased question time audience.
Yes Stuart.
But if you use conventional English.
English using punctuation, upper case letters, sentences, it makes your contribution both easier to read and more difficult to dismiss.
Perhaps he’s trying to demonstrate why punctuation etc matter, in which case he’s successful.
Stuart is the e e cummings of bBBC.
I read Stuart with ease, and defy anyone to compare him unfavorably with members of tonight’s carefully selected Question Time audience.
Whoop,whoop,whoop,whoop,whoop,whoop,whoop,whoop,whooooooop, whooooopp!
A lefty stating approval. Funny species! Usually female, often just left sixth form/university, with a desire to cure the entire world with no idea as to the consequences of such a move.
For example, let all the illegals in they shriek, including ISIL, and then these terrorists promptly go and machine gun the local neighbourhood in the name of Allah. Good old multiculturalism and tolerance, how it has benefited us. NOT.
You’re right, of course: the QT audience seems always to consist of a bussed-in majority Socialist Worker contingent, all of whom are pre-prepped to provide applause on cue to their left wing comrades on the panel, regardless of the utter drivel and nonsense they might spout.
However, and here’s the kicker: Douglas Murray is on tonight’s QT! This man gives excellent voice to the vast majority of the population who see nothing ‘peaceful’ or even mildly respectful about the RoP and, more importantly, he’s always more than willing to spell it out very clearly.
Murray is a hero – a genuinely courageous voice for freedom of thought and expression. Hats off to the BBC for having him on tonight’s QT. I think I’d best get the popcorn in.
Yes, you can predict the audience reaction ….i really hope Douglas has some suitable nasty put-downs for the audience up his sleeve, but fear he is too polite, and always looks terribly hurt when heckled. We really need a searing, loathing type that goes to the audience’s throats and tears them out, but i fear there is no-one i can think of that could carry it out. Really insult them, make them scream with indignation and just laugh at them…….oh bliss….
Can you put Alan Spartridge on one of these again. His real life persona is even more funny than his comic creations.
Who the f%^k is Shappi Khorsandi?
She is an Iranian born muslim funny girl who owes much of her career in comedy to the good old bbc, that purveyor of brilliant muslim comedy such as…erm…errr…well, a typical example escapes me right now but you get the picture and you know whose side she’ll be on.
What she can offer to the debates on the Tunisian/France/Kuwait/Syria atrocities, the disaster that is the EUSSR, the romanian scum sleeping and defecating on the July bombing memorial and the UK’s impending doom from climate change after one day of hot weather is anyone’s guess.
We should start a sweep on how long it will take and who will be the first to state…’nothing to do with islam’!! I’m going for Hunt after 3:30.
It won’t be Murray.
Of course, it has everything to do with Islam, this was endorsed by the leader of Quillam over the weekend, the Koran reference is the verse of the swords.
Spineless Cameron and the other pathetic politicians of all parties are frightened to upset the Muslims with the truth. It’s a dodgy religion with aggression, child abuse and referring to women as being valued half that of a man. People are prepared to die for these beliefs. Dumb or what!! Especially when we all know that women are only worth a third of the value of a man!!!
The Koran needs radical reform, but there again I’d ban all religion, it’s all fantasy in my book. I feel a cartoon coming from my hand.
I hope Murray makes reference to the aforementioned verses on the swords..
ISIS has as much to do with Islam as Ethanol has to do with Alcohol. Caliph Al Baghdadi is as Islamic as the Pope is Catholic.
She’s like all the other “comedians” that endlessly appear on the bbc newspaper reviews, panel shows etc, people from within the magic circle of the M25 who the majority of the population have never heard of and who the majority of the population find as funny as cancer.
She just made me laugh, being asked her opinion on the state of Greece she said ” it’s not in her area of expertise” blimey! An honest bbc “comedian” who admits to not being a fountain of knowledge, whatever next ?
‘…being asked her opinion on the state of Greece she said โ itโs not in her area of expertiseโ
Why was she on the programme if unable to comment on arguably the hot topic of the day? It’s not rocket science, anyway, this stuff about borrowing and spending too much and expecting the state to fund your early retirement even though you refuse to pay your taxes, and joining the euro as a ticket to eternal economic salvation even though everyone knows (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) you’ve nowhere near met the convergence criteria.
Why do we have to have ‘comedians’ or other celebrities on QT? A couple of months ago Brian May made a fool of himself with predictable lefty conspiracy theories. He can play the guitar, but his opinions of politics are just about as excruciating as If I was asked to play the electric guitar! Problem is the gullible public go along with the claptrap of their ‘heroes’.
โIf you have one total outsider, who is free to say whatever he likes, who sounds totally human, much more convincing and all of the others restricted within the normal rules of politics and they sound a bit sort of lockjaw, fixed, it makes them sound stiffer, itโs a bit like having a loose horse jumping all the jumps ahead in the middle of the Grand National – it doesnโt necessarily help decide between the serious runnersโ
– Quote from Polly Toynbee June 2015
@by loony left,could not give a monkeys about what you think about my poor spelling etc,i make no apologys for that,if you have nothing to contribute to the topic in this blog, i suggest you go back to your hiding behind your little computer trolling and insulting people who no doubt you would not have the guts to do to there faces,got it.
You mean “apologies” and “their faces”, Stuart.
Correcting grammatical errors is considered elitist and oppressive by the Left. The Left are wrong. Grammar matters. It helps others understand what you are saying.
Whilst I agree that grammar matters, correcting Stuart’s grammar is condescending. We all have our educational history be it successful or not. Stuart expresses himself succinctly and I am always impressed about how clearly he makes his point despite his approach to punctuation and grammar.
The expression of opinion should not be limited to those who have a full command of the rules of grammar and punctuation.
I’ve been pulled up on another website about punctuation and it was right for them to do so . It was explained that my posts would be easier , so that means pleasanter, to read .
I don’t read Stuart’s posts because they look like rantings . The fact that they are not is his loss , my loss and everyone’s loss .
We must do the courtesy to make our posts as clearly and legible as possible .
Whilst I agree that correcting grammar is considered elitist by the left, it is important to consider how and when to do it. In debates correcting speech or grammar can be seen as a way of deflecting a damaging point. Or a put down. I would go to great lengths to encourage respect for grammar among students, and penalize those who persist with errors.
However I do recall an article in the early days of the journal Radical Philosophy which argued that teaching children to read and placing emphasis on grammar, was a means that capitalists employed to control their thought patterns. The article must have been edited, and was well researched with detailed references to texts by Marx, Engels, Lenin and all.
Whilst I am sure Stuart can speak for himself (or post), I am sure that Stuart has in the past explained that he is dyslexic – and I can understand his posts perfectly well. I usually just skip past the posts of Scott and the man on public transport. I really, really don’t like the use of certain swear words on the site and I never click ‘like’ when they are used however much I agree with the rest of their content.
Well said Deborah, Stuart posts are not exactly unintelligible are they. Kudos to him for posting I say.
Hear, Hear Deborah. These are public forums and I am interested in what people have to say, and not particularly in exactly how they say it.
I do agree it comes across as a little rude and certainly unnecessary when people offer grammatical/spelling corrections to other posts. I wish people wouldn’t do it.
Good on yer Stuart! I imagine that many folk, like myself, look forward to reading your comments. Your style is so inimitable that all of us could spot a a fraud “Stuart” immediately without difficulty.
Should we expect rapturous applause for every Corbyn utterance?
Just unreal, two minutes in and the Tunisians get a round of applause, why is that people like corbyn can visit Tunisia twice and not get a mozzie bite yet innocent people are slaughtered? How many Tunisians have gone to fight for ISIS?
Lets protect islam again.
Pakistani child minder? Oh dear!
Now we know why she is on, Pakistani childminder, probably can’t trust a white person as she thinks they are all paedophiles, oh the irony, relative killed in July 7 murders, muslim comedian..she’s got it all!
Can’t watch it! I’m in France & struggling with the FilmOn app to watch but it keeps buffering.
Why do we who have paid a years TV licence have to put up with this crummy service?
Please, please, please Labour elect this rancid old Bolshevik tw@t as your leader.
What a pathetic, hollow and transparent gesture from Hunt wearing a NHS pin badge.
Who is this ‘we’ you talk of foreign lady?
Let face it ,they’re not fifty year olds, well shappi what about the family of twelve from Luton, including the grandparents in their seventies
Two boxes ticked there I think!
McElvoy incentivise people who turn up for an appointment.
What happened to personal responsibility. She is so naiive.
If you miss an appointment make ’em pay. If they don’t pay, name and shame them in the local paper, photographs included. Put it on their Facebook account for employers to see how sad they are. If they abuse it and are repeated offenders go down the community service route.
comment on my comments by all means,but attacking and nitpicking about my poor spelling,grammar etc. is just class snobbery in its crudest form.its getting boring now and this blog is about bbc politacal bias and not me !!!!! get over it.
Doesn’t bother me, mines not brill, its all about the quality of the comment.
Your poor spelling and grammar is one thing (actually it is not so poor ) but you can easily improve your punctuation and know when to use capitals .
It’s up to you to show consideration for your readers .
Stuart, don’t worry, fella. ‘Grammar Nazis’ infest internet forums and see it as their mission to troll and make a fuss every time they consider someone is at fault. As others have said: your message is more important to the vast majority.
Stuart mate, I am the official troll of this site but you do have my utmost respect, forget the gramma snobs, you hit the spot time after time, you and ChrisH, respect.
Corbyn offers no solutions on any topic.
Greece gets into incredible debt, Goldman Sachs lies about its financial credibility,- (they need to be investigated).Greece unprepared to change enough to pay their way.
They probably need to leave the EU, I hope we soon follow.
Shappi is a wasted seat on the panel.
Agree completely. Also, love the way dumbleby keeps interrupting the right sided panelists as usual.
Chatbot thing has packed up. I enjoyed the QT with Brian May.
He started out with a preconceived dislike of UKIP but ended up eating out of Nigel Farage’s hand.
Foreign lady I referred to busted, audience plant again!
Well found. ๐
Good spot Goeff, she a ‘red’ in every sense.
Sack the QT researchers I say.
I see that she is a chess champion, check mate me lady in red.
Al Beeba researchers too lazy to look on Twatter for the outlawed professional politicians. Jobsworth.
Can’t take the credit, someone else’s hard work. It’s just important that we get it out there, retweet if you tweet!
Confirms my theory that people in ‘red’ wear it to advise Dimbleby that they are going to be on message. But perhaps Ella Vine overdid it and brought herself to the attention of all.
They were only following orders
did you listen to jeremy corbyns fake crocodile tears and lack of empathy for the 30 british victims of the islamic sunni muslim state(isms) mass murder in tunisia.typical responce by leftists like him who blame the west rather than the islamists for there act of mass murder in the name of islam,people like him on the left in the labour party will always appease those who hate and despise us because many of them are there core block voters who keep them in power.
oddly possibly for the first time, on r5 qt extra a listener called “SAJ” a muslim phoned in to suggest ISIS are a threat to humanity of all creeds and everyones armed forces should be trying to wipe them out at all costs, its simply a war we must win and persecute with resolve.
If his anti ISIS voice didnt sound quite so lonely in this country everything would be much better.
Probably just a Shiite, DD, I’m afraid.
question time last night was a load of old daesh.
How come Dimbleby introduced Douglas Murray as a “neocon” when he`s unrelated to anything that would bring that Wolfowitz kind of American to mind?
Yet Jeremy Corbyn does NOT get introduced as a far left extremist member of the Labour Party-which he is?
Typical BBC smears and false flags as ever.
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Julio has joined the chat!
Julio: hello
ChatBot: Woohoo ! The Lord has joined the chat!
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Mustapha has joined the chat!
Mustapha: Evening all!
Julio: Hello The, Mustapha
Julio: commie
Mustapha: Perhaps because of Scott or the trolls, I’ve been unable to post on Biased BBC for several months. Any ideas why?
Julio: no, I don’t have much to do with how the site is run, just this chat
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Logiebored has joined the chat!
Julio: get in touch with TheEye or DV to find out why
Julio: hello Logie
ChatBot: Woohoo ! glennellis23@googlemail.com has joined the chat!
Logiebored: Good evening Julio and all
Mustapha: Thanks Julio, I did but it worked only once and I was soon blocked again, though not when I’m away from home (i.e. different IP address, I presume)
glennellis23@googlemail.com: Corbyn for Labour Leader
Julio: i’m indifferent to who the labour leader is
glennellis23@googlemail.com: They won’t win with him
Mustapha: Bring back Michael Foot (from the grave!)
Julio: but then Cameron can get away with being utterly shit
Julio: Frank Field would be a good labour leader
glennellis23@googlemail.com: Oh fuck off
glennellis23@googlemail.com: Excuses, excuses
Logiebored: My child minder is a devout muslim from Pakistan too. He drives a taxi.
Julio: lol
Julio: no, I wouldn’t go to a muslim country for a holiday
The Lord: I wouldn’t go to a foreign country.
glennellis23@googlemail.com: Bussed in audience, again!
glennellis23@googlemail.com: Bussed in audience, again!
Julio: looks like it.
Julio: bussed in from Calais
glennellis23@googlemail.com: Beadie arse
The Lord: corbyn invited the Taliban for tea at the HoC.
ChatBot: Woohoo ! tommy atkins has joined the chat!
Mustapha: Good point: Luxor 1996.
Julio: it’s about time a politician said that
Julio: and Buenos Aires in 1994
tommy atkins: if this so-called shat gets too shat, outside on the very low northern horizon Venus and Jupiter are lined up. Nerd porn.
Julio: hello Tommy, didn’t see you come in
Julio: Jupiter is good to look at if you can see the moons
tommy atkins: good evening, my name fits tonight!
Julio: yep, I fixed that bug
Julio: ๐
Mustapha: Io, Euopa, Ganymede and Calisto = big moons of Jove.
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Logiebored has joined the chat!
Julio: and the ””””””””’ bug as well
tommy atkins: well done!
Julio: ๐
Mustapha: Europa (correction)
Julio: good point
Julio: a coal mine in Yorkshire closes this week because coal can’t pay it’s way apparently
Julio: over 400 jobs lost
The Lord: Who’s got the thickest Hunt. Labour or Cons?
Julio: but green energy carries on regardless
Julio: Lab
Julio: I bet she could kick corbin’s arse
tommy atkins: I’ve paid my £3 to vote for Big JC
tommy atkins: such larks, we shall have
Julio: I think she could take on a crocodile
glennellis23@googlemail.com: Us, you cheeky cow.
tommy atkins: Russian?
Julio: scandinavian
glennellis23@googlemail.com: Dago
Julio: she talked a bit like Bjork
glennellis23@googlemail.com: What about the accent
The Lord: She’s right. Cameron is a jelly-fish, lol.
Logiebored: Let loose the J
Julio: yes
Julio: and they should be able to summarily deport them
tommy atkins: The Big JC is a Radical
glennellis23@googlemail.com: Shut the fuck up you mozzie cow
Mustapha: Why does the lovely Shappi blink so much?
tommy atkins: @glennellis, according to Wiki, she’s an atheist
Julio: flies?
tommy atkins: ….escaped from Iran and is now Patron of the Humanist Society
Logiebored: Spending time and money to STOP them going? Shurely shome mishtake
Julio: free one way tickets are the ticket
Mustapha: Yes Logie, let’s pay ’em to go!
The Lord: They’ll be reporting future EDL members.
tommy atkins: with a "knock yourselves out medal"
Mustapha: But it’s ok for teachers to report "racism" (sic) …
glennellis23@googlemail.com: PLANT!!!!!!
The Lord: Big word, if.
Julio: yes
Julio: if they didn’t know
Julio: but maybe they did
tommy atkins: vote for the Big JC here, for just £3 https://supporters.labour.org.uk/leadership/1
tommy atkins: Such Larks
tommy atkins: we shall have
Julio: well Shappi has been a big disappointment
Julio: I haven’t laughed even once
The Lord: not even at Corbyn?
Julio: yes, but Corbyn isn’t the comedian
The Lord: My mistake.
tommy atkins: how the fuck has this country got to the point where Teachers by law have to do this ?
Julio: more than half way, Dimbo
Mustapha: Britishness = anyone who lives here.
Julio: oh no!
tommy atkins: try searching for the "beheading of King Charles l" at School these days. Bells and Alarms go off in the staff room.
Julio: what if they search for Ukip?
Mustapha: (Parliamentary) Guillotine ?!
tommy atkins: In my day, bells and alarms went off in the staff room when someone brought a packet of condoms in the Cricketers Arms
Julio: lol
The Lord: ^And that was just the headmaster.
tommy atkins: presumably searching anything EDL related gets the full staff lynch mob bear down on one.
tommy atkins: @Mustapha – very good!
tommy atkins: fuck off you daft bint
Logiebored: Socialist healthcare. It’ll have to change. It ain’t the envy of the world.
tommy atkins: (hope you ALL like the use of the Arabic word "bint" there)
Mustapha: Pharma companies do have big R & D costs …
Julio: yep
tommy atkins: I’m very diverse
Julio: and they are private companies not public servants
Mustapha: When things come off patent and go generic rather than brand-named, the price drops.
tommy atkins: which prescription med makes you fall asleep for 20 hours?
Julio: Question Time?
Mustapha: Toksvig
glennellis23@googlemail.com: Suddenly I fancy bannana
Mustapha: Most of us are in NZ. Wtf?
Mustapha: Up Shit Greek without a paddle!
glennellis23@googlemail.com: Greece was not down to the banks
Mustapha: Up Sh*t Greek without a paddle!
ChatBot: Woohoo ! Mustapha has joined the chat!
tommy atkins: 15 years ago the BBC/FT/Guardian made us Euro-Sceptics out to be their Intellectual and Moral Inferiors. If it wasn’t for the Idjit Gordon Brown, the Idjit Blair would have signed us up for the Euro and the UK would have the Germans marching up Whithall dictating terms. Right bleedin now.
Mustapha: The criteria were fiddled for Greece, Italy, etc, in the usual filthy EU way.
tommy atkins: and "The Economist"
Julio: well said
Julio: yes it is
Mustapha: Beware of Greeks cadging gifts.
Julio: no answers to the EU question
tommy atkins: close her off.
tommy atkins: FFS
Logiebored: Woohoo. Out of EU NOW.
Mustapha: They kept voting for PASOK who opposed Ne Dimokratia’s attempts at austerity.
Julio: another early night for me but stick around if you want
Julio: I’m off to bed, see you next week and thanks for coming
Mustapha: Nea Dim’ (correction)
Mustapha: Thanks Julio.
tommy atkins: thanks julio
Logiebored: Thanks Julio.
The Lord: is this working now? Night all. ๐
ChatBot: Woohoo ! The Lord has joined the chat!
The Lord: It broke. ๐ just logged back on to say Goodnight All.