I reckon they’re playing a dangerous game. They seem to be pushing for the licence fee to cover streaming, such as the iPlayer, on the grounds that too many are getting out of the licence fee that way. But it’s also making it clear to people that avoiding the licence fee that way really hits home at the BBC and may perhaps encourage many more to do just that.
The TV will be a feature of most homes for the next few years – the period covered by the review. I think it would be a bold Government that tried to extend the scope of the licence fee, whatever the BBC may ask for.
The real case is for subscription – with maybe a sharply reduced and tapering licence fee for a transitional period. (So the Tories can hold out a hope for a cut in the tax to, say, £70 per annum for the basic BBC 1 and 2 service and a couple of radio channels, everything else being for the private sector unless the BBC can raise subscriptions for specific or bundled services. And making it clear that the BBC is far too large, doing too many things, to the detriment of other market players or potential entrants.
But with this spineless Government and a wet-sounding Whittingdale I rather doubt this so far. They will have to issue a Green Paper for consultation soon, then we will see which way the wind is blowing.
£70 is too much. As a Licence Fee it should range between £25-£35 in my view.
If they try to bring iPlayer within the charge, then I will probably still not pay it. I can view alternatives to the BBC via boxed sets, documentary hire & free internet programming. If they bring radio back within the scope of the Licence Fee, especially Radio 4, then it might be a slightly more difficult decision.
But there are still alternatives out there.
As I posted yesterday, the BBC has to really get in touch with current trends: ‘The dear ol’ Beeb needs to get up to date with its own industry sector!’. The young are turning away from TV & discovering that ‘radio goes round corners’ as Lord Reith once observed. If you are keeping one eye on Facebook or Twitter while computer gaming or watching music videos on PC, then radio can be a non-distracting background. TV comes a poor second to radio in those circumstances and if the content is dreary or unappealing …
Older people are finding there is plenty more to do in life as they are fitter, healthier & thus, longer living. Those in between those extremes perhaps spend a good bit of each working day now in front of screen, something less common twenty years ago when the Licence Fee was really hiked upward. I can imagine that they, too, find being away from a screen either necessary or an attractive or pleasant alternative.
More likely they, particularly the young, don’t watch TV, particularly live TV. I lived abroad in several countries when I was younger (Europe and the US) where the TV was definitely poorer than the BBC at the time. I didn’t watch foreign TV (did listen to the radio) and neither did most of the ex-pats I knew.
I amused my self by goading the Guardian readers saying…
It is heartbreaking to think of the BBC getting rid of some staff.
Let’s hope it is not any of the senior management or “talent” – surely some low-grade ancillary staff functions could be out-sourced.
I caught a bit of Radio 4 while driving on Thursday. They were saying that it was dangerous of the BBC to draw attention to the ‘loophole’, but necessary because they need it closing.
They’re on the run. Just make sure you and your friends email your MP before any vote to extend the Licence Fee to broadband/general taxation. If we can ‘do a Syria’ (put the wind up MPs) then the BBC will be history.
The fact that the Licence fee must be paid even if the BBC is not watched, makes it a tax of course, and also means that an individual must obtain the State’s permission to receive broadcast news. It would be inequitable to extend any of this to ‘catch-up’ programmes.
This is a restriction on the freedom of the individual and must be ended. The BBC began in the era of the Soviet Union and many here at that time were admirers.
I understand the BBC makes billions of (£) in sales and profit of its programmes overseas; the making of these programmes is of course subsidised by the Licence tax – why is this income not returned to the taxpayer?
If there is deemed to be a need for a public service broadcaster it should be on a minimal basis and paid for out of general taxation, anything else in the BBC should be sold off if it has value, or closed if not.
Does watching the 25th repeat of an episode of Dads Army count as live TV? Can you get a discount as there are now only two main cast actors still alive?
25 odd years ago as a young whippersnapper I used to work for Comet in Lancashire, back then ‘family’s’ even streets would all buy the same product under the same surnames, be it TV, fridge, washing machine etc but only one extended 5 year warranty would be purchased (costly back then).
When it came to the products going faulty the service department would get called out to often a different address to that on the policy, claiming they had moved and suddenly losing the ability to speak English, the serial numbers would also strangely be erased.
The pure hell and ‘confusion’ that would let loose, along with accusations if it was ever questioned were not worth the aggro, the service manager would just let it go.
I digress, but I’m guessing similar happens with the TV licence?
Years ago when I was “between jobs” I wasn’t prepared to accept dole money without putting something back so did voluntarily advice work at a branch of a well-known “advice bureau” in a northern town.
One day a senior TV licensing manager (area manager?) came in for an appointment with the bureau manager. He wondered if we had any ideas about how to reduce the high rate of non-TV licence payment in areas which were almost exclusively Asian in the town – 80% plus with no license. Our manager queried why they didn’t go down the prosecution route,. The answer was it was ‘politically and practically difficult’ but didn’t elaborate.
Our manager suggested that TV licensing have a word with some of the senior figures at the local mosques. I bet they shooed him away laughing their heads off.
Now there’s a story that needs to be better known. Shades of Rotherham and the authorities too PC to enforce the law. Or too scared of the reaction if they did.
I was listening to You and Yours the other day which had an item about the wicked Tories and how they were not providing enough money for poor students to live on. They had a long interview with a student called ‘Audrey’. Before the interview started, I thought how unusual for a young woman to be called ‘Audrey’. I should have known. She was not British born. We had a long tale of woe explaining that she was not in contact with her parents and they were not paying towards her education. We were not told when the fall out happened or why – but it is always very convenient to fall out with your parents if it means extra money from the tax payers in your pocket. The interview went on for some time, as Audrey explained that she had to pay £450 per month in rent which only left her with £100 per week for food, clothes and books. Then she explained she had a part time job…cue interviewer asking how she had time for that, what with her studying and all. (I thought many students have part time jobs if they can). But then suddenly Audrey’s husband was mentioned. He too is a student. Now suddenly things in my mind became more complicated but never explained by the programme. For example, the rent on the room £450 each or shared by husband and wife? What was his income – we were not told? So we had a long interview where we were only told partial facts and where the Beeb couldn’t even find a good example to illustrate their line to take. This was followed by an interview will Les Ebdon who is the czar responsible for fair access (and appointed by Vince Cable). So this was obviously a story fed to the Beeb without the facts to back it up.
Typical BBC. If their narrative is in danger of getting blown they steer clear of any awkward questions. So for example they never, ever ask the fracking protesters ‘So what shall we do for energy when the wind isn’t blowing?’ even though it is the most obvious, most fundamental question a national broadcaster acting in the public ineterest should ask these fanatical advocates of ‘renewables’.
That does not matter to them. Their concern is that any economic benefit that fracking brought to the country might be attributed to the Conservative Government.
If it was san envionmental concern as they claim then they would be against all these windfarms that ruin environments by their existence, don’t cut much in the way of carbon emissions and those sited at sea tend ot be sited in the paths of bird migration. Thousands of migrant birds are slaughtered by these ugly white elephants every year.
As a white elephant I must complain – I may have trampled a few plantations, or got a bit off hand with a snake or two when out on the lash with me trunk, but I have never slaughtered any migrant birds.
Also, I’ll have you know, I’ve been complimented – quite often – on the flap of m’ears, and the penetrating qualities of the hoot. Ugly? Only in a fight, matey.
That’s elephantist, that is; or pachydermophobic..
‘I’m an introverted, elephocentric hypochondriac; and I’ll stick in the elephant nursing home, till I get me memory back.‘ Flanders & Swann, I thank you.
I never fail to be frustrated by “news” or “investigative” programmes (and to be fair, it’s not just the Beeb, though they are very weak here) which set out to present some “injustice”, usually involving loss of or inadequate benefits, and NEVER tells the whole story. You never get a clear and honest picture of the total benefits that someone is enjoying- council tax paid, work credits, child benefit, housing benefit, free this that and the other. All that we are told is the base figure, which usually sounds woeful, but the whole picture can be very different.
Lack of a good Editor & Producer, perhaps? No critical examination of their own output.
But if there are layers & layers of management, programme makers can then appeal over the heads of someone asking ‘quality control questions’ and another manager – who may want a quiet life or who is really busy – then bats it up to the next level. At this point, the people questioning the quality of the programme start to fear for their careers and let the inadequate broadcast out after concocting some small alterations.
To be fair, it is not just the BBC that can be like that. I can believe other large businesses in the UK & elsewhere are just like that. On the other hand, it is different for them as ultimately the have a fixed income, irrespective of quality of product. They never have to win a sale in the UK.
“I was listening to You and Yours the other day which had an item about the wicked Tories…”
There was no mention of the Tories/Conservatives.
“I should have known. She was not British born”
What is your evidence for that statement? She said she’d been getting a “Maintenance Loan” – which is only available to British students.
“We were not told when the fall out happened or why…”
What makes you think that’s in any way relevant?
“…but it is always very convenient to fall out with your parents if it means extra money from the tax payers in your pocket”
Parents’ income is taken into account on the assumption that they will help with living costs. If (for whatever reason) they decide not to help; then you will not get any “extra” money from the government.
So not “very convenient” then.
“Audrey explained that she had to pay £450 per month in rent which only left her with £100 per week for food, clothes and books”
It was £100 per month.
“Then she explained she had a part time job…cue interviewer asking how she had time for that, what with her studying and all”
The interviewer said no such thing.
“But then suddenly Audrey’s husband was mentioned. He too is a student. Now suddenly things in my mind became more complicated but never explained by the programme”
No. It’s quite clear that the “things in your mind” are quite simple: From the start; the report was bogus; she was a liar; and nothing was ever going to convince you otherwise.
Hence, the requirement to fill out your post with misinformation, innuendo, imaginary quotes, or whatever it takes to fit your pre-formed opinions.
”Maintenance Loan” – which is only available to British students.”
The term ” British ” is worthless, it now means, according to the Left, the entire World’s black and muslim population.
I didn’t see the programme but I will take your account of events with a pinch of salt, dez, after you accused me of lying over a quote on the Today programme when, in fact, I had it correct and you were the one rewriting the script.
Still waiting for that apology, by the way. It’s beginning to look like you’re not man enough.
So as a bit of advice to b-BBC contributors, when dez comes back at you with what looks like a comprehensive rebuttal, examine it closely for ‘errors’ and respond accordingly.
“I didn’t see the programme but I will take your account of events with a pinch of salt, dez…”
You’d have a hard time trying to “see the programme” since it was on the radio, but never mind.
“Still waiting for that apology, by the way. It’s beginning to look like you’re not man enough”
As you well know, I’ve already apologised for my mistake. So when you are you going to apologise for repeatedly saying that I haven’t apologised? Perhaps while you’re at it you could also apologise for saying that I supported Hamas and “the destruction of all Jews”.
Come on johnnythefish, this is your big chance to show what measure of man you are…
Dez, I normally just scroll past your comments…. but to start with it was obvious that she was not British born because of her accent.
And Dez, Audrey’s rent, was she paying the rent for her husband and herself – or was he paying half? It all makes rather a difference to the story – not least what she has to live on.
Whichever way you choose to look at it, Deborah, your point regarding the BBC’s reluctance to tease out the full financial details of her case still stands, thus leaving less wary listeners with a deliberately misleading impression.
My very close friend Colin (now deceased from brain tumour) got a full grant to study medicine back in 1996. His parents had split up and the official line was that he was living with his mum. In reality, his parents had ‘split’ but were still on good terms and his dad was contributing towards the family. To be honest, I don’t really have a problem with that. They’d paid their taxes and Colin was studying (and passed) a very worthwhile course. Why should the feckless always hit the jackpot, while the rest of us pay?
Some bloody horse’s arse on Feedback now, ‘You shouldn’t ever call immigrants illegal. They may have arrived by [I]unorthodox[I] methods but that doesn’t make them illegal’.
And what do you know, he’s a ‘professor’ of journalism who assists, er, illegal immigrants in his spare time.
I could cry for the future of this country.
Before I clicked, on the link, I assumed it would be due to the ‘chicks for free’ lyrics. I never even picked up on the ‘faggot’ line. Who cares? It’s a great tune. I seriously doubt any of the gay people I know would even care.
If memory serves, the single version referred to queenies. Even that seems too much now. If the song is ever on the radio the entire verse has gone now. But a great tune as you say.
It reminds me of the time when BBC Radio 4 had a comic poem by Pam Ayres censored when it was repeated the following week. She had mentioned strongly how her husband hated Yasser Arafat but the line was very much part of the poem and taking it out spoilt the rhythm.
I saw the light on the night that I passed by her window
It was a 100 watt bulb of the kind that the EU has banned
She was my woman
She had the heating on full and the windows were all wide and grand
My my my Delilah
Turn it off Delilah
I could see, that girl’s not PC like me
But I’m a BBC slave that no man can ever free
At break of day when she drove away in a gas-guzzling monster
I walked up the street, till she was back then she opened the door
She stood there laughing
She clearly don’t watch BBC comedy no more
My my my Delilah
We’ll retrain you Delilah
So before they come to break down your door
Believe me Delilah you must watch the Beeb a lot more
She stood there laughing
I pressed the remote in my hand and she laughed no more
My my my Delilah
Why do you cry Delilah
Now you watch the BBC all the time
We’ve retrained you Delilah because free thinking’s a crime
The BBC seems to be pushing a new narrative on the NHS – or at least allowing certain vested interests a platform without challenge.
It is the ‘We are doctors, not businessmen’ line being taken by the increasingly militant BMA over the obviously hellish pay and conditions they have to endure in running their surgeries.
Not content with the massive pay hikes they enjoyed under Blair and Co., and being allowed to choose whether or not they provided an out-of-hours service (90% decided they wouldn’t, leaving A & E to pick up the pieces) they then railed against recovering any NHS charges incurred by foreign visitors, one BMA representative objecting on the grounds he didn’t want to ‘Act as the government’s border police’ (no agenda there, then).
Now they seem to object to the whole idea of any kind of ‘business’ responsibility, even though for most if not all of them a GP practice is precisely that – a business – with some joker on the other day suggesting he should just be able to prescribe what’s best for the patient without having to worry about any restrictions imposed on him by NICE.
It will come as no surprise that this medical, gold-plated version of hardline trade unionism gets a free ride on the BBC for, as with any other taxpayer-funded service (including their own), they show not the slightest clue that business principles still need to be applied to deliver value for money.
Very well said, Johnny. The hypocrisy of the medical profession – particularly those self-employed superannuated GPs – is gobsmacking. The BBC, predictably, always provides them with the necessary cheerleading.
As is so common in the UK’s establishment, the medical profession has been the subject of a very serious bout of entryism that no antibiotic seems able to shift.
While normal people who want to get on with their chosen task in life concentrate on their careers, those whose prime motivation is political, quietly take over the governing bodies, trade associations and so on.
It’s not just a factor in medicine and the law, of course – the NUJ is a shining example of the subversive process at work.
Exactly. Labour are absolute hypocrites with their NHS negative misinformation campaign and outbursts as that video posted by Geoff above shows!
I found myself at A&E last year with a life threatening heart problem and I can tell you that the service coped brilliantly and basically saved my life and the after care has been nothing less than superb.
The BBC of course is quite a lot to blame, by deliberately leading their news so often, (especially running up to the election), on the negative NHS Labour spin and outright misinformation.
Rarely do the BBC mention the enormous pressures on the NHS, other than an ageing populous, is nearly all Labour induced like the deceitful Labour supporting Doctor in the video above and:
The elephant in the room they never mention is that of the 5 millions increase to the population, through the Labour open doors immigration policy Blair introduced, without compensating infrastructure including GPs and NHS facilities, schools, transport, housing etc.
Labour and the BBC are hopefully now well on their way to being yesterday, since the electorate has finally cottoned on to the Labour and BBC con merchants, showed by the Conservative lead in the polls had been maintained at 12% since the May election.
Ms Gerada is to known to Richard Littlejohn, this is what he had to say about her
“It wouldn’t make any difference to Clare if Cameron shovelled another £800 billion into the NHS. It still wouldn’t be enough money for the noble Lady Wessely and her shroud-waving Guardianista sidekicks”
#Walktogether? … hmm
I really hoped it wasn t more of that usual “all faiths and none” palava.
#Walktogether is a new initiative supported by us, Faiths Forum for London, Hope Not Hate, Islamic Society of Britain, Faith Matters, The Big Iftar, British Humanist Association, St John Ambulance, New Horizons in British Islam
Do they really believe the line that they are fed and then feed others: that the Muslim community is still looking for answers as to how those three murderers were radicalised to commit the 7/7 atrocities?
The Muslim community knew very well from the start how the murderers were radicalised, but we are still being fed crap with the stamp of BBC approval on said excrement.
There is less crap deposited in a year by a herd of African elephants than in this one article.
There’s no such thing as ‘radicalisation’. The children of Muslim parents are instilled with the basics of Islam from infancy. The Imams and religious tutors in the mosques and madrasas may describe themselves as ‘moderate’ but the text of the Koran and Hadith is the same for children as it is for the followers of ISIS. They are already taught that it is virtuous to die as a martyr for Allah and the Gardens of Paradise await them after martyrdom. If these kids grow up to actually BELIEVE they are doing Allah’s work, then it’s a very short step to strapping on a suicide bomber jacket, or sawing the heads off non-believers.
Look east interviews the local imans , marking a minute silence for the Tunisia victim’s. Seems to me that some of these imans get a sort of call up to say what the people want to hear. From watching the interviews, I felt as if they were just reading from a script”love, peace etc for fellow humans, stop the hatred etc. Still , not to worry, sunset tonight is at 2131, so lets all order a turkey bacon pizza with halal chicken wings and try our best to understand Ramadan, it’s so enriching!
BBC 6 o’Clock News report from Tunisia and, somehow, they have managed to find a Tunisian businessman who speaks directly to camera and says something akin to ‘Let’s turn this into a message of love and hope.’ Same script and same motive it would appear and I don’t think love forms any part of it.
Personally, I think the time for love and hope has passed and our cess-pool political class and the BBC are directly to blame.
I’d LOVE to see our political leaders grow a spine and call out extreme Islam as the menace it is, but I have little HOPE that they will. Keep voting UKIP.
I think we need to face the fact that ‘you can’t be friends with everybody’. Some people just don’t like you. Nothing you do or say will change that. The UK establishment seems to think that if we’re just a bit more tolerant and a bit more accommodating then psycho muslims will become moderate muslims and we’ll all live happily ever after. They don’t understand that these people have no desire to be our friends.
Look east interviews the local imans , marking a minute silence for the Tunisia victim’s. Seems to me that some of these imans get a sort of call up to say what the people want to hear. From watching the interviews, I felt as if they were just reading from a script”love, peace etc for fellow humans, stop the hatred etc. Still , not to worry, sunset tonight is at 2131,feed yourselves silly after one of the hottest july days evva
I’m sick of these ‘commemorations’ and ‘minutes of silence’. They’re nothing more than an establishment distraction attempting to divert the people from the actual problem – just like the media’s focus on the ‘angels’ that spoke to Lee Rigby’s killers.
They focus on them, rather than the fact the government can’t, and has no intention of, protecting us.
I am afraid you are correct, this government is synonymous with the appeasing government under Neville Chamberlain that ran this nation just before WW2.
Delilah must be banned for offences it caused
Professors making sexist jokes must be outlawed.
ISIS, sweet ISIS as Kenneth Connor once said
Must have its name changed – but Daesh won’t lose its street cred.
Some Israelis are banned from speaking at Unis,
But only Jews; all others welcomed by loonies.
The Beeb backs the hate merchants so ugly and red
But they lie about UKIP and truths that they’ve said.
BBC’s campaign to outlaw decency, truth,
Honesty and Endeavour is so lacking ruth.
We know what they’re doing but they don’t care at all,
They control the whole story, brainwashing the fools.
But now is the time; – let the fightback begin
For the sake of our future we must fight and win.
Ban Deliliah?
For inciting violence against women?
Well, the Rev Richard Coles show this morning said that Sally Phillips-one of the women in “Smack the Pony” way back- was going to be interviewed.
“Smack the Pony”?
Animal abuse-incitement to cruelty and , as apony-I`m mad as hell, and would like a spot on the BBC or a good job with the RSPCA as a campaigner against violence to me and my fetlocked friends.
Who is anyone to dare say I`m NOT a pony either-for I identify with all those godawful showponies who appear on the BBC, like Camilla, Owen and Bonnie.
Tomorrow, I`ll be a bandwagon-maybe a flagship next week-so no jokes or abuse towards them either.
Vehicles have rights too you know!
The BC and liberals seem cheesed off that the old copper didn`t get found guilty of shooting ” suspected armed robber, Azelle Rodney”.
Now BBC-was he an armed robber or not?…and how does somebody not be a threat by only having a gun in his car…as opposed to holding it in his hand?
Expect no light from the BBC-who see a Mark Duggan, when we see a druggie thug and armed robber-suspected to be so, confirmed by twelve jurors good and true.
Oh if only the Guardian and BBC could become panellists and replace jurors eh?
To be fair, his mum was clear and lucid, failing to rise to Channel 4s bait repeatedly earlier this evening…so that`s hopeful.
But the liberals don`t want her home truths-they want flags flying,and a rubber justice system for themselves.
How much of the Greek debt is up under Camillas marquee smock?…and how come no obesity warriors are taking the floral blimp to task for being a terrible example of lack of will power to our most challenging children?
A minute’s silence for the victims of Tunisia. BBC reports how moslems observed the silence. Wonder if any other religious denominations participated? Nice one BBC, get a plug in for the Birmingham Central mosque. Ram the Koran down our throats.
‘A number of mosques observed the silence, including at Birmingham’s Central Mosque where more than 6,000 people took part.
Chairman Mohammad Afzal said: “In the Quran it says killing an individual is like killing the whole of humanity. These innocent holidaymakers have committed no sin, had done nothing wrong and their lives were as precious as any other.”
Qari Asim, an imam in Leeds, said his mosque wanted to show solidarity with the victims’ families, as well as paying “our tribute to the survivors, whose courage and determination still continues to inspire us”.
When something horrific like Tunisia happens this site is all “And I don’t see the Mooslims protesting or condemning it?” And when they do then it’s “Ram the Koran down our throats”. Any chance you can see this might be a little bit inconsistent? Just a glimmer of self awareness?
Could have knocked me down with a feather. Amid the endless crap the BBC feeds us about Islam, here’s a sharp, probing evaluation of Islamic State by Andrew Neil and guests:
Yes, very good. Though I was disappointed that Nawaz had to draw equivalence with the Crusades. Whatever the Crusades eventually became, they began as a response to exactly the sort of thing that is happening now; and they ultimately failed because Christendom just couldn’t coordinate and fully get behind its effort properly. Again, much like now…
True, he sometimes falls into the moral equivalence trap. But having said that, the Crusades were bloody gruesome, with thousands of innocents slaughtered.
Here’s the irrepressible Nigel Farage with Neil on the same subject:
“But having said that, the Crusades were bloody gruesome, with thousands of innocents slaughtered.”
True, but war in general was like that then. The Black Prince’s chevauche to Limoges springs to mind. I make no special pleading for the Crusades being ‘righteous’, but nor will I beat my breast and lament, overcome with guilt at the injustice of an unprovoked religiously inspired attack on peace-loving Muslims in peaceful Muslim countries by evil slavering barbarous Christians, which seems to be the prevailing leftie/Mohammedan narrative.
Whatever happened in the past, the West and Israel follow rules of combat and rules relating to prisoners of war that have the Jihadis rolling on the ground of their Caliphate-to-be in helpless mirth at such humanitarian concern for one’s enemies.
We do what we need to do. It isn’t always honourable.
Unless we’re willing to do what needs to be done, we need to stay out of it – damage limitation, quarantine of the Middle East (Islam), no more 1st cousin marriage, no right for the under thirties to bring a spouse to the UK. We need to force integration. Multiculturalism will kill us all.
RJ, you are absolutely right! Initiated by a Catholic Pope who could not tolerate that part of the world worshipping under an Eastern Orthodox brand of Christianity, so what was left of the Byzantine Empire had to go. There wasn’t room for two kinds of Christian worship in the world at that time. Religion is such a wonderful thing!
How can you even begin to try to compare today with something which happened over 1000 years ago ?
This is obviously a fallacious comparison, but it is the only one the Fascist left is able to dredge up, so the BBC allows ite repetition countless times.
An understanding of the Crusades is a prequisite to understanding something of the complexity of today’s Islamic world and the ongoing centuries of civil wars which rage between the many different expressions of Islam. A friend suggested I read the Oxford shorter history of the Crusades. I got a copy from the library and couldn’t put it down. It’s a cracking good read and the situations described are amazingly contemporary e.g. the selling of the latest armour piercing arrows by a Christian country to the Muslims resulting in many deaths to the crusaders.
The soldier called Islam a “great religion”. Now I think that there are two meanings for this. Firstly, as in “Great” Britain it refers to a size and geographical idea or significance historically as a civilisation category. Secondly, it refers to approval of it as a religion qua religion. The former is objective and reasonable to say. The latter is appropriate for somebody who is a Muslim. I can understand that they think their religion great. I have a different “great” religion, so I couldn’t possibly agree. So why should this soldier pander to Muslims? The problem of our establishment is this constant steam of flattery of Islam. I’ve chatted to Muslims and they have nothing but contempt for what they think is two-faced talk. I agree with them. It is noticeable that people flattering Islam would be seen dead talking of “great” Christianity. Quite the reverse. Pathetic appeasers.
Yes that jarred me as well. He was making a lot of sense till he got to that weird observation.
I really would like to know what’s great about Islam. In my opinion, Muslims have yet to demonstrate that greatness. He may imagine, along with Cameron, that by harping on about how wonderful Islam is, they will influence the ‘moderates’ to ally themselves with Western society and interests.
“Well done IS…don’t blow the shrines up…kill kafir for wat they’ve done.”
“Best thing for the Kafir is to **** off out of Muslim countries…theres plenty of humanitarian Muslims to help in Muslim countries…the”
If some one white had said just one of those things they would not only have lost their job, but been in prison now, and the BBC would be broadcasting non stop about it too!
As it is there are Islamophiles out there who seem to think that Jihad will just go away given 5 years, and people like this will be safe to teach children !!
The other issue which bothers me is that happens to this Jihadi now? Is someone keeping a very close eye on her and her family, and what steps are being taken to ‘de-radicalise’ her (if that’s even a realistic possibity).
The BBC’s chart of expenditure fails to mention the hundreds of million currently being spent from licence fees propping up the BBC Staff Pension scheme.
On BBC 4 tonight `Rock around the Clock` , everyone , Hideously White , Fantastic . Although , I do like Chuck Berry`s guitar playing from that era , he is not in the movie ,
The Platters were also quite brilliant – a rare treat to see them on film. Apart from them, the best part of the movie was the hilariously clunky dialogue – and the reminder that Bill Haley always looked like someone’s sports reporter Dad!
I listened to The Eddie Mair Show this afternoon; it had a piece about the acquittal of the Met Police firearms officer, who was charged with the murder of an unarmed robber; killed during the hard stop of a car he was travelling in.
The thrust of the Beeb narrative was that the dead man was unarmed (though the policeman believed him to be) however in the course of the report, it was revealed that weapons were found in the car – so in fact he had access to weapons and so in a sense wasn’t unarmed at all.
The fools were on their way to rob Columbian drug dealers. Eight rounds from a police carbine was a quick way to go, compared with what the Columbians would have done to them.
I had a friend in the army that explained the rules of engagement :
* If somebody is holding a grenade and pulls their arm back to through it, you can’t shoot- they might change their mind, i.e. shooting is murder
* If somebody is actively about to throw a grenade and their arm is moving forward, but is still ‘behind’ the shoulder line, you can shoot – shooting might prevent the grenade coming towards you and it might be manslaughter.
* If their arm is past the shoulder line, then shooting them won’t prevent the grenade moving towards you, so there is no point shooting – i.e. shooting is murder
* If the grenade has left their hand, then they’re no longer a threat – i.e. shooting is murder.
He told his men to shoot anybody holding a grenade.
Yuk yuk!
Yet the fact that we remember Dez and young scott does show us that we`re smug, inclusive, patronising, condescending -and we “DO take their concerns on board, and seriously”-do we not?
How nice to sound like Roger Bolton!
Bless `em !
The BBC wants us to build, build, build over England’s green and pleasant land.
More housing, more immigration, more licence fees – win win situation.
How do I know?
I have drawn attention this before, and the BBC keep doing it…
Whenever the issue of housing comes up the BBC speed dial the National Housing Federation. Straight to air Mr David Orr their cheif executive.
Sounds reasonable on the face of it.
This morning we have Cameron and Osborne announcing a package of measures – the BBC focus on the inhertance tax issue (an editorial decision to highlight that aspect and it is one that plays well with the left – but hey, what do we expect?)
‘There is no shortage of land. None, zero, anywhere”: the National Housing Federation’s David Orr ‘
“I think it is the big issue we are facing at the moment,” David Orr tells me. You can practically hear the italics. “People think immigration and the health service are the big issues – but actually, if you want to reduce people’s perception of the impact of immigration, you have to deal with housing.”
It’s all about perception folks: you’ve got it wrong, they know better. Cement and immgrants coming to a green field near you.
Remember the old “Great Britain”? Eh? Jobs, manufacturing, production, growing economy, profitable agriculture? Remember that?
What have you benefited from in its place? A Former UK, mulit-culit, multi-“faith” (except Christianity, of course), no-go areas for young white girls, wind turbines everywhere, ghettoes – and more to be built, decimation of the white, ethnic British population, destruction of the English language, the English culture, and just about everything else.
OG I got on the tube last night and the station announcer at Kings Cross seemed to having trouble with he’s engleeesh and then the over ground train driver out of Kings cross he wasn’t to clever either had an awful job with his tenses and adding s to everything. I had to chuckle to myself thought am I really in London capital city of England
Last weekend I made a very rare trip into the South East. Kent and East Sussex. The roads of all types were very busy and everywhere you can see the pressure on what was once a very fine and beautiful collection of towns, villages and countryside.
Quite a shock for a man from the west.
It will be a long time before I go that way again. Really it is so sad. This was once a harmonious and beautiful part of this country and now ? Hopelessly ugly and going rapidly into a place no sane person wants to go to anymore.
The problem is less the number of immigrants flooding directly into, say, Kent and East Sussex, , but the pressure their numbers have put on Greater London. In a phrase – white flight.
This is putting an intolerable burden on villages and towns as they are forced by a bullying government to expand whether they want to or not.
If the UK had a politically independent broadcasting media, someone would investigate this and show what it was doing to the nature of England and to people’s lives. But we haven’t and they won’t.
Leftist and Islamic Policymakers Outlaw the Truth By Sonia Bailley
American Thinker at http://tinyurl.com/nkruofm
No need to worry, the recent Ramadan triple slaughter fest in Tunisia, France and Kuwait has nothing to do with Islam. There is no linkage between Islam and terrorism, and the word Islamic need not be used to describe the terrorists because their murderous and barbaric ideology has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is, after all, a religion of peace that is being hijacked, perverted and distorted by only a small percentage of savage extremists.
Welcome to the false narrative that Western leaders, mainstream media outlets, and academic elites are enforcing on civil society to help shape the public’s perception of Islam so that it is always presented in a positive light. Any form of expression that reflects badly on Islam is in violation of Islamic law, which forbids any criticism of Islam, even what that criticism expresses the truth. Stories that are reported according to this narrative need not have anything to do with factual accuracy or truth. Both the 2009 Fort Hood massacre in Texas and the beheading in Vaughan Foods in Oklahoma last September were reported as workplace violence and not Islamic terrorism.
Only problem with this narrative is, the public can see straight through it. Same as the labour bull*hit they served up during the election. Keep the faith in the UK ,after all, we are tolerant, but keep pushing and see what happens. GREAT Britain for a reason!
As poverty and lack of education causes terrorism? … primary school teacher has been banned from the classroom for life after praising Isil for beheading aid worker Alan Henning in string of offensive social media posts.
The Muslim teacher, Nargs Bibi, put up forty offensive and malicious messages immediately after the tragic Briton’s murder by ‘Jihadi John’ urging Isil to kill all non believers.
Lack of education, poverty causes terrorism again …BBC?
Education such an important part of the solution etc etc.
Barrister dishing out extremist views to muslim women
More “Islam part of the solution” agenda?
BBC South Today investigation has revealed attempts by a speaker to influence Muslim women in Hampshire with a rhetoric that’s been called ‘dangerous’ and ‘destructive’
What was odd about this is the chinless wonder who wished to disabuse the Muslim about Prevent, said effectively that it’s not about Islam. He said it is challenging all “extremism”. Now this is a straight out lie. And how could it not be a lie? Well, the absence of death and destruction – sticks and stones – from other sectors of the population. Of course, he may be going for the “right” who have sprung up in response to that destruction and perceived threat (“perceived”? I know,,,) So he does presumably dislike their expression. Fortunately, there is no danger from that source. It does make you wonder. When they go into the Muslim “community” my guess is that they try to get onside with them by pandering to the “islamaphobia” narrative. I’m sure they’ll agree with that. I dare say the Prevent team would fail to notice that the “victim complex” that she was spouting needs that “islamaphobia” meme. So Prevent, according to chinless, presumably will be agreeing with the extreme Muslims. Well that’s a result. Of course, the Muslims will laugh at the stupidity of this attempt to pull th swoop over their eyes. They do talk and chuckle at the stupidity but also get annoyed with the assumption that they are thought of as stupid enough to fall for this guff. They think it disrespectful. They actually like straight talk because that accords with reality and they could do with some support against the Muslim establishment and its extremism. .
Not on the BBC yet, my feeling, it won t be long
EU’s foreign affairs and security chief: “Islam is a victim…Political Islam should be part of the picture” in Europe
“The idea of a clash between Islam and “the West” – a word in which everything is put together and confused – has misled our policies and our narratives.
Islam holds a place in our Western societies. Islam belongs in Europe. It holds a place in Europe’s history, in our culture, in our food and
– what matters most – in Europe’s present and future.”
“Some people are now trying to convince us that a Muslim cannot be a good European citizen, that more Muslims in Europe will be the end of Europe.
These people are not just mistaken about Muslims: these people are mistaken about Europe, they have no clue what Europe and the European identity are.”
“The so-called Islamic State is putting forward an unprecedented attempt to pervert Islam for justifying a wicked political and strategic project”
“”I am not afraid to say that political Islam should be part of the picture. Religion plays a role in politics – not always for good, not always for bad. Religion can be part of the process. What makes the difference is whether the process is democratic or not.”
Oops forgot, he can’t be because the EU in unelected and unaccountable !
Without a Caliphate Muslims cannot fight offensive Jihad, which means that they can only fight ‘defensive Jihad’ so well done to the idiot EU ‘security’ chief for handing victim status to Islam in Europe and for giving Jihadis the excuse they need to fight for their warped religion !
This is a problem which needs to be hammered into the thick blinkered heads of the Fascist left, the more they accord victim status to Islam, the more Jihad they will get in return.
BBC South more than happy to pussyfoot around this “solicitor”.
The read her statement at face value at the end-and it drips with taqqiya doublespeak, much as Islam has drummed into the unthinking reflex enemy within.
And all paid for by Hazel Blears, Prevent and Southampton City Council….and the current crop of pink Tories who collude in “The Project”.
What a descent for this great city-like Portsmouth, these citadels are falling quicker than anybody could dared have expect a few years back.
These people need statues not of Tom Paine but of Terry…and Portsmouth surely has its sons of Pompey who won`t take this Muslim crap much longer-will they?
Well-only one week after wondering whether the BBC would wish to support the “Children of the Revolution”-Syriza…or stick with “The man and His EU project”-the BBC have opted for the Eurovision option.
Former glamour gods like Varoufakup and Tipsy are now being touted as irresponsible-for being fundamentally Greek-and having some romantic notions about words like “democracy”…as if they knew what that Esperanto-derived word actually means.
No matter HOW the Greeks vote-at least the EU were not quick enough to boot them out and replace them with Commissar Kinnock, as they did to Greece(and Italy) in late 2011.
And a sunhat tip to Syriza-who actually can`t be blamed for the economic crisis-only six months after all, and who are prepared to truth their people, rather than the 2Dash Programme for their support.
Even though Humph has some retsina at risk, Syriza have shown the EU where to go-thanks lads!
I always attend or watch the service of remembrance on the 11th of November, and observe the two minute silence marking what was a truly epic loss of life in several major conflicts. Some of relatives lost their lives in the First World War, so the remembrances mean something to me personally.
However, the current fashion for one minute silences over rather minor events (however awful) seems to me unnecessary and, well, largely bogus. It seems more to do with giving politicians and others a warm glow of fake empathy. These imposed mini-silences also diminish what are truly major catastrophic conflicts. Terrible though islamic massacres are (and how terrible the monstrous religion that inspires them), I cannot honestly say I feel particular grief for those who lost family members, since I do not know any of them personally. For me, then, a minute’s silence is inappropriate, and I did not observe the current one. It is alarming to find myself in agreement with that über-narcissist and ignoramus Russel Brand, but in this instance I consider him correct. Am I heartless, and alone in my view?
No, far from it. I posted this at Breitbart, yesterday:
“…At the risk of being shot down in flames, I only have this to say about the “silence”
I was listening to Smooth radio, today, at the appointed time (as some goats do…), and it was announced that this minute’s “silence” was about to begin.
What “silence”? I could detect no difference. It was just white noise of traffic, etc. Utterly pointless.
Look, I know it was very sad that these unfortunate folk lost their lives, doing nothing but holidaying, but sad, vicious and stupid though the incident was, they are not heroes. This could happen at any time to one person, or more at the same time, anywhere. Does that mean that everything comes to a shuddering halt, every time, in ‘remembrance’? We’ve got so mawkish, so soppy, more noticeably since Princess Diana’s demise – surely we’re made of sterner stuff?
Thank you, Old Goat. I am of the age when I will not shrink from expressing my opinion, however unfashionable or un-PC (ugh!). I know the difference between right and wrong, and sensible and nonsensical, as understood in the pre-1960s period. I was initially shocked (for ten minutes) and somewhat saddened by Princess Diana’s untimely demise, but was then straightaway appalled by the ghastly ensuing flower-fest and fake, vicarious grief on prominent display. Anyway, the Diana mourning was largely a C and D event (how’s that for un-PC!).
I can see the point of Remembrance Sunday, having its origins in events that, at the time, affected every family in the land. It has a place and a time where those that want to can join together.
I detest the fascist British Legion for imposing an 11/11 ‘silence’ on us all – this is the sort of thing that the ‘fallen’ were supposed to be fighting against.
I don’t understand at all the manufactured shared ‘grief’ over relatively small numbers of people who the vast majority of us never knew. Meanwhile other ‘ordinary’ people just get on with dying in the usual way but get ne’er a mention. <i.Their relatives are forced to take part in the media/politico imposed gesture over-shadowing their own personal tragedy.
Oh, I learn from the Vine Show that we can’t talk about a ‘tragic event‘ because ‘it is life changing for those affected’. So for a few people related to the unfortunate Tunisian holidaymakers it is ‘life changing’, for a few million it is a cause of great celebration and for 7 billion it is of no concern whatsoever, yet out language must be dictated by a minority of minorities.
These holiday makers may not have died if the government and the MSM, had warned people that travelling to any Muslim country is dangerous to life, limb and neck. This is particularly so in the holy month of Ramadan.
As it is, if the authorities and the MSM continue with “this has nothing to do with Islam”, more people are going to die , and worse, they and their relatives will not know why.
The ‘faux’ greif kicked circa 1997 (coinsidence?) with the death of Diana.
Since then we now have candles being lit, tacky toys, ghost bikes, flowers at the roadside, Chinese lanterns and now minutes silence at the unfortunate, sad and untimely deaths of inviduals.
Culturally it ain’t Britain the land of the stiff upper lip and ploughing on against all adversity. This is no coinsidence.
Were I a family member of those killed in Tunisia, I would much rather Cameron were actually doing something about the ‘problem’ rather than such hollow gestures and appeasement of the perpetrators.
Here in France, fatal road accident sites are often marked by a bunch of plastic flowers plonked in one of the crash-barrier support brackets, near the skid marks…
And who can forget the four/five minutes silence that the EU expected us all to observe in March 2004?
I remember it well-because my Job Seekers Allowance interview occurred at the time when we were all supposed to be silent.
Boy, I asked a fair few questions throughout,and i was expansive on my needs to work and my mitigating factors-they normally like that.
Not that time though.
The embarrassing silences and shamed looks of my poor poppet as her bosses scowled at us both ensured my £53.25 was a well-earned reward for arsing the liberals about.
Wonder when the BBCs Five Years Silence over the Balen Report will end-reckon they need to move on from their grief at all those poor Jews killed by Muslims, as well as the BBCs role as quisling in chief for said murders.
What concerns me is the amount of jihadi/Syrian holidaymaker/allua ahkbar types being exposed after the event through ‘activity’ on their facebook/twitter/instagram accounts. There appears to be a level of islamic tolerance on behalf of these organisations with regard to beheading/jihad/murder videos, and yet I suspect that any kind of EDL/Britain First/UKOK videos with respect to our cultural identity or exposure of the muslim paedo gangs will be removed immediately……………..
Thinking about the referendum outcome?
Remember the Greek government is composed of Trotskyists whose strategy is to wind up minorities until they break from the system or create so much of a crisis amongst the majority of citizens that the system itself breaks up.
They even create the contradictions such as getting the people to vote against a proposal they are tabling!
The only other near certainty is that the majority rarely votes for economic chaos but in Greece the people now believe in their own victimhood not to mention the false statistics and obvious shroud waving so beloved by BBC journalists and the Syriza enthusiast on Channel 4 News, Paul Mason.
He seems to have been living in Athens for a year now purveying the Trot line of imminent capitalist collapse.
Have you ever seen a definitive BBC analysis of one Athenian unpaid for months or suddenly devoid of income?
It would be beyond their training to even ask to look at their payslips or benefit books.
In truth, Athens looks remarkably prosperous still and why not as the euros will be pouring in for some time to come.
Thanks I’m up to date now BBC
One of our women tennis players lost is one of the biggest stories and the Luton 12 are still on their holidays. It could get to 30 degrees at Heathrow if we take the thermometer reading just after an A380 has put some jet wash on the weather station.
Which of the following headlines do you think the BBC went with?
‘Government to change Inheritance Tax rule’
‘Chancellor to change Inheritance Tax rule’
‘Tories to change Inheritance Tax rule’
I liked Charlie and Nana this morning ‘…. well not many people live in million pound houses’ to the housing minister if I was him I would have said well you two do for a start
Lyse Doucet has got her mournful head on in the trailer for a “Children of Gaza” BBC2 (Wed 21:00) spectacular. We know it is going to be impartial, but unfortunate that the trailer has homed in on scenes like:-
1) Downtrodden child peers through barricade fencing to say “That’s where the people are who want to kill us “. The child could be an Israeli – but I don’t think they are stupid enough to expose themselves at the frontier
2) Following shots of destroyed buildings, a Gazan(?) child complains that their schools are destroyed even whilst they are in them.
Also remind the sanctimonious, condescending and disdainful Scott that (in his own words) he found Boston bomber, who let us remember murdered three innocents (one of whom was a child) erh “hot”. Horrible.
BBC and other networks gleefully stating that Bubba Watson (he who can knock balls in to holes) will paint over the Confederate Flag on his Dukes of Hazard Car. It was a lame-brained BBC aired series but to do this is equally for the lame-brained.
An Isis-lite act of vandalism for the Wests liberals. In itself nothing but believe me its just the start.
One of the things that marks out ‘this’ car against all the others of its mas- produced companions is its distinctive roof markings, so to paint it over is the height of stupidity.
Mind one would have to be pretty stupid to buy the car anyway as, according to Wikipedia
“Although the estimated number of General Lees used varies from different sources, according to Ben Jones (“Cooter” in the show), as well as builders involved with the show, 320 General Lees were used to film the series. Others claim about 255 were used in the series. Approximately 17 still exist in various states of repair. On average, more than one General Lee was used up per show.”
‘Some say’ that the flag is a symbol of racism and nine died in Charleston so best get rid of it. i wonder how many have died with the ‘Stars and Stripes” emblazoned behind the killer’s gun?
‘..very interested to learn about the potential for outside influence on BBC editorial decisions’
Of course it’s possible that renowned BBC integrity, trust and transparency will be to the fore, but doubts must remain.
Amazing how many ex-BBC staff end up in roles pursuing rather predictable avenues, especially having been assigned to sensitive parts of the world to be impartial.
We can only imagine where Jon Donnison, Jeremy Bowen, etc will pitch up next, doing what?
Apologies if this has already been spotted but I notice that the official Wimbledon web site refers to Ladies’ Singles yet BBC Sport’s web site refers to Women’s Singles. Regardless of what the PC Club at the BBC think, and don’t we know it, surely the obligation is to use the organiser’s official title.
R4 afternoon drama for the masses. Intelligent British Asians, helped by a Somali immigrant lawyer, lead the diverse community to preserve “a little bit of England” against the ravages of the evil American developer who employs the local, racist, white English builder. Forward comrades …. (honestly I’m not making this up!) http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01qgr4f
I switched off after two minutes. It was suggesting nasty things that could be done to immigrants in the opening ‘music’. Have wondered about complaining to the BBC about its racism.
R4 Any Answers and a caller is introduced as someone who lived in Greece for 25 years. You know this is going to go badly as the beeboid is confronted with evidence. Sure enough the familiar account of affluent Greeks ignoring taxes is unwelcome.
You’d think that that old stalwart of R2, Friday Night is Music Night, would be bias free. But raving metrosexual Paul Gambacini fits in a snide dig at the politics of Patrick Moore. Well the old duffer was sceptical of the value of immigration, so maybe Gamb took it personally. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05qys2c#t=1h30m18s
Complaint submitted;
“At http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05qys2c#t=1h30m18s the presenter says of Patrick Moore, ‘forget his xylophones and politics’ clearly implying that Patrick Moore’s political views were extreme. They were not and are still shared by millions.
When I want left wing political bias I can tune into R4 Today, The News Quiz or The Now Show. I do not now want it infesting R2 Friday Night Is Music Night.”
If it goes out under the BBC logo it will inevitably be infested with leftist bias no matter what the programme is about. It comes with the LF as part of the package.
Re the naming or otherwise of the Muslim Murderers who kill in the name of their “so-called faith”..why don`t we split the difference between Islamic State and Dash-let`s call them Islamic Dash.
For that is what they represent-a dash to ram Islam up any available orifices presented to them by gays, women, children and -yes, liberal talking heads too.
All day long the BBC has given the main headline slot to the family of 12 ‘British’ Bangladeshi Muslims who have travelled from Bangladesh to Syria to Join Islamic state.
It’s the top story on the BBCs England web page too: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33393628
Whilst this might be a story worthy of reporting, it does not merit the top slot, over riding every other story. Unless of course you’re a hand wringing liberal leftie, distraught at the loss of 12 brown eyed boys & girls, and the thought that there’ll be no NHS social services, or hate crime laws to protect them.
I’m surprised the BBC weren’t playing violins – Oh no wait that might be offensive to Muslims, perhaps a Muezzins call?
What the 12 Bangladeshis resident in Britain did, was very good. They cared not for their comfort, or free NHS, free education and Benefits, but went off to the Daesh, to live and die in the caliphate, as truly devout Muslims.
The 12 thus sacrificed their comfort in Britain for a glorious eternal life in paradise. This is what all good Muslims should do.
All should watch an informative documentary on the politics of Global Warming censored by the BBC: TruTV, Freeview Channel 68, 10pm, Sunday 5th July. Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, 38th governor of Minnesota. Ventura was independent of and highly critical of both the Democrats and Republicans, and is now planning to run for President in 2016 as an Independent. The Documentary has the MIT Atmospheric Physicist, Professor Richard Lindzen saying that its “a disgrace to the Scientific Community and the Environmental movement”. They also talk to investigative Journalist, Lord Christopher Monckton, one of the few competent Journalists, capable of in-depth investigation into the IPCC. Something the BBC is incapable of due to the unbelievably poor and irrelevant qualifications of its Journalists. Either that or deliberate censorship by the BBC. Monckton seems to have followed up on an investigation into the IPCC by scientist Zbigniew Jaworowski who was a principal investigator of four research projects of the International Atomic Energy Agency. He too pointed to Maurice Strong as the originator of this multi-billion pound manmade Global Warming lunacy, which limps on despite the wheels falling off. The only other competent investigative Journalist doing journalism on this subject that I know, is Donna Laframboise, who’s book “The Delinquent Teenager” is worth a read. I know that scientists are now saying that they will now have to start to do the journalism, but Monckton and Laframboise prove that there are Journalists doing Journalism. But it seems that the cause of this may be to do with the Unions of the Journalist Trade, providing lunatic advise to their own members not to do Journalism.
“Delinquent Teenager” IS a good book – I highly recommend it.
Also recently purchased “Climate Change – the Facts” a very good book, too, with chapters by all the regular sceptics, including Richard Lindzen, Delingpole, Bob Carter, and others.
We are being cheated – screwed, whatever, and this will culminate in Paris, where they have to win, or shut the fuck up – and they know it.
Both LaFramboise’s book and Delingpole’s (‘Watermelons’) lay bare the unpalatable (for the BBC) truth about the IPCC and ‘the consensus’. Also, Lord Lawson’s ‘An Appeal to Reason’ draws a contrast between the detail in the IPCC’s AR reports (cuatious in their predictions) and the eco-politically motivated ‘Summary for Policymakers’ i.e. the only part journalists can bother themselves with.
Delingpole also joins the dots between politicians, environmentalists (e.g Greenpeace), bent scientists, the UN and subversive pseudo-political (but totalitarian in their outlook) groups such as The Club of Rome. In global warming, the latter found the ‘common enemy to unite mankind’ and boy, are they not going to let go of it in a hurry when they can see themselves running an unelected eco-socialist world government (individual carbon allowances and baby licences, anyone?). God knows who they’d have in mind for their world broadcaster.
It’s a rare beast, so intermittently spotted that it may be almost extinct.
I speak, of course, of BBC Newswatch. You know, that show where a few poor Joe or Josephine Schmoe- licence payers get to quibble with BBC News on BBC-chosen ground and a corporation suit or hairdo tells them the error of their ways and how right the BBC are.
Well a brave soul was taking on the greased-up BBC prize fighter over their coverage of the recent Tunisia thingamejig perpetrated by one of those whats-their-names, a member of whatcha-ma-call-it, who apparently all worship whats-his-face (but for all our sakes don’t draw his face).
Well among several specific criticisms this fine lady viewer made the interesting point that the BBC were milking the mobile phone footage and this might perhaps glorify the bad thing that was done.
Naturally the BBC let her blow off this steam and are going to go on just as before.
The viewer then made the excellent statement that BBC news should report fact not emotion.
There was an obvious cut in the recording.
I would have gladly given 40p a day to see the unedited response.
Post cut the BBC suit muttered something along the lines of ‘we got it about right’ and the show ended.
That must have hit home. BBC News without emoting? Not on your telly.
Having once or twice signed petitions on 38degrees , I am now constantly bombarded with invitations to sign more- nearly all of them start with the premise that the Tories are all moustache twirling Victorian villains (some non political organisation ) and are looking to screw more money from the taxpayer – its worth watching how the fauxcialist mind works though
their latest missive (now we get to the BBC bit) includes this https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/page/m/74c07ac8/2d1a1b2f/7abd4f83/46315da1/752764380/VEsF/
I advice my learned friends to scroll to the bottom
Go on have your say
(I also suggested their should be a moratorium on immigration until a full and open debate was had)
BBC news earlier about the shirty dozen who have emigrated into ISIL . BBC say A World Away In Luton there is shock etc .
Luton ? ! There’s more difference between Cumbria and Luton than ISIL and Luton .
i watched part of the ‘Alamo’ this afternoon. The John Wayne. Lawrence Harvey version.
It could never get made today. I can imagine BBC Tv script conferences exploding into rage and indignation . Same with most TV and film companies.
There is a wonderful line by Davy Crockett (( John Wayne) when first meeting Colonel Travis ( Harvey)
From memory it goes
‘These men are from Tennessee’
Travis is talking about free men and freedom and Wayne by way of explanation why such talk is not necessary to his men says that line.
Once they would have said it about an Englishman.He is from Devon or he is from Sussex. Freedom was always part of us then. It was never necessary to talk about it.
I apologise in advance to those liberals offended by this but then you would not understand what I am talking about would you ?
Looks like the BBC will have to pay for the over 75`s TV licences soon , & if they don`t ,the Government can say its the BBC`s kutz , not ours . Ha ,ha what a brilliant move . Serve`s the bastards right for their PC evilness & bias ,day in day out .
One Sunday newspaper front page suggests they will be allowed/encouraged to charge for iPlayer in return for that.
I was on Gardeners Question Time site the other day and I find it appears that their archive has to be paid for now.
I seem to recall that there was a project to put increasing amounts of the BBC Radio past broadcasts into an on-line Library for free access. The large hikes in the Licence Fee in the late-90s/early-00s were in part excused by saying they were for projects like that.
Am I imagining that? Or are the BBC reneging on a former commitment? Anyone know?
Why should the over 75s get free TV? What happens if they’re one of a household of 16 living together and earning, while the single 68 year old next door pays full whack?
The Sky Press Preview says that according to the Sunday Express the BBC face an £800 million funding squeeze to pay for free TV licences for over 75s.
Hehe. They’ll go ballistic.
Sky News chap says the cuts will have to come from news and current affairs. Good. At the next election Labour will have to find other sources to disseminate their message instead of the Dimbleby brothers and Five Live.
That is incorrect. Recent publications (Culture, Media and Sport review ?) indicate that payment for “free licences” is actually paid by central Government.
That is incorrect. Recent publications (Culture, Media and Sport review ?) indicate that payment for “free licences” is actually paid by central Government.
I suppose closing Radio 1, BBC3, sundry ‘popular’ music and ‘ethnik’ networks, and a substantial reduction of management layers (including Danny Cohen – I wish) might just pay for it.
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MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
The BBC’s news reporting on its job cuts because of the reduction in TV licences being bought have been interesting.
Apparently people are ‘claiming not to watch live TV’ and ‘saying they don’t need a licence’.
The BBC’s appalling lack of trust in the UK people is obvious from this approach.
I reckon they’re playing a dangerous game. They seem to be pushing for the licence fee to cover streaming, such as the iPlayer, on the grounds that too many are getting out of the licence fee that way. But it’s also making it clear to people that avoiding the licence fee that way really hits home at the BBC and may perhaps encourage many more to do just that.
The TV will be a feature of most homes for the next few years – the period covered by the review. I think it would be a bold Government that tried to extend the scope of the licence fee, whatever the BBC may ask for.
The real case is for subscription – with maybe a sharply reduced and tapering licence fee for a transitional period. (So the Tories can hold out a hope for a cut in the tax to, say, £70 per annum for the basic BBC 1 and 2 service and a couple of radio channels, everything else being for the private sector unless the BBC can raise subscriptions for specific or bundled services. And making it clear that the BBC is far too large, doing too many things, to the detriment of other market players or potential entrants.
But with this spineless Government and a wet-sounding Whittingdale I rather doubt this so far. They will have to issue a Green Paper for consultation soon, then we will see which way the wind is blowing.
£70 is too much. As a Licence Fee it should range between £25-£35 in my view.
If they try to bring iPlayer within the charge, then I will probably still not pay it. I can view alternatives to the BBC via boxed sets, documentary hire & free internet programming. If they bring radio back within the scope of the Licence Fee, especially Radio 4, then it might be a slightly more difficult decision.
But there are still alternatives out there.
As I posted yesterday, the BBC has to really get in touch with current trends: ‘The dear ol’ Beeb needs to get up to date with its own industry sector!’. The young are turning away from TV & discovering that ‘radio goes round corners’ as Lord Reith once observed. If you are keeping one eye on Facebook or Twitter while computer gaming or watching music videos on PC, then radio can be a non-distracting background. TV comes a poor second to radio in those circumstances and if the content is dreary or unappealing …
Older people are finding there is plenty more to do in life as they are fitter, healthier & thus, longer living. Those in between those extremes perhaps spend a good bit of each working day now in front of screen, something less common twenty years ago when the Licence Fee was really hiked upward. I can imagine that they, too, find being away from a screen either necessary or an attractive or pleasant alternative.
Who predicted that ‘TV will eat itself.’ ?
I’d be quite happy with a licence fee of £70, paid to me by standing order for the licence they exercise in putting on so much biased c**p.
Maybe it’s all the new arrivals in this country that don’t want to pay?
Yes you are right, but no doubt legislation will be introduced to provide us to pay for them.
More likely they, particularly the young, don’t watch TV, particularly live TV. I lived abroad in several countries when I was younger (Europe and the US) where the TV was definitely poorer than the BBC at the time. I didn’t watch foreign TV (did listen to the radio) and neither did most of the ex-pats I knew.
I amused my self by goading the Guardian readers saying…
They weren’t too enthusiastic in their support.
Some BBC departments have 10 layers of management. Sounds like they need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 1980s let alone 2015.
I caught a bit of Radio 4 while driving on Thursday. They were saying that it was dangerous of the BBC to draw attention to the ‘loophole’, but necessary because they need it closing.
They’re on the run. Just make sure you and your friends email your MP before any vote to extend the Licence Fee to broadband/general taxation. If we can ‘do a Syria’ (put the wind up MPs) then the BBC will be history.
It’s not a ‘loohople’, it’s the law. The BBC is quite happy when the same law makes a TV owner pay the BBC even if they don’t watch the BBC.
The fact that the Licence fee must be paid even if the BBC is not watched, makes it a tax of course, and also means that an individual must obtain the State’s permission to receive broadcast news. It would be inequitable to extend any of this to ‘catch-up’ programmes.
This is a restriction on the freedom of the individual and must be ended. The BBC began in the era of the Soviet Union and many here at that time were admirers.
I understand the BBC makes billions of (£) in sales and profit of its programmes overseas; the making of these programmes is of course subsidised by the Licence tax – why is this income not returned to the taxpayer?
If there is deemed to be a need for a public service broadcaster it should be on a minimal basis and paid for out of general taxation, anything else in the BBC should be sold off if it has value, or closed if not.
Simple answer, start here ………………………
Does watching the 25th repeat of an episode of Dads Army count as live TV? Can you get a discount as there are now only two main cast actors still alive?
I’m surprised Muslims haven’t claimed the BBC license fee offends their religion yet.
I am sure they are exempt.
25 odd years ago as a young whippersnapper I used to work for Comet in Lancashire, back then ‘family’s’ even streets would all buy the same product under the same surnames, be it TV, fridge, washing machine etc but only one extended 5 year warranty would be purchased (costly back then).
When it came to the products going faulty the service department would get called out to often a different address to that on the policy, claiming they had moved and suddenly losing the ability to speak English, the serial numbers would also strangely be erased.
The pure hell and ‘confusion’ that would let loose, along with accusations if it was ever questioned were not worth the aggro, the service manager would just let it go.
I digress, but I’m guessing similar happens with the TV licence?
No, they will all have an 80 year old granny living with them so they won’t have to pay.
They do Jizya, the BBC does the licence fee. Both equally offensive in their own way.
What and lose the funding for all that positive reporting not to mention the many many jobs provided to Muslims by the BBC.
White man knocks on door and speaks English. Woman in veil claims to not speak English and closes door. Man walks away. The end.
Years ago when I was “between jobs” I wasn’t prepared to accept dole money without putting something back so did voluntarily advice work at a branch of a well-known “advice bureau” in a northern town.
One day a senior TV licensing manager (area manager?) came in for an appointment with the bureau manager. He wondered if we had any ideas about how to reduce the high rate of non-TV licence payment in areas which were almost exclusively Asian in the town – 80% plus with no license. Our manager queried why they didn’t go down the prosecution route,. The answer was it was ‘politically and practically difficult’ but didn’t elaborate.
Our manager suggested that TV licensing have a word with some of the senior figures at the local mosques. I bet they shooed him away laughing their heads off.
Now there’s a story that needs to be better known. Shades of Rotherham and the authorities too PC to enforce the law. Or too scared of the reaction if they did.
I was listening to You and Yours the other day which had an item about the wicked Tories and how they were not providing enough money for poor students to live on. They had a long interview with a student called ‘Audrey’. Before the interview started, I thought how unusual for a young woman to be called ‘Audrey’. I should have known. She was not British born. We had a long tale of woe explaining that she was not in contact with her parents and they were not paying towards her education. We were not told when the fall out happened or why – but it is always very convenient to fall out with your parents if it means extra money from the tax payers in your pocket. The interview went on for some time, as Audrey explained that she had to pay £450 per month in rent which only left her with £100 per week for food, clothes and books. Then she explained she had a part time job…cue interviewer asking how she had time for that, what with her studying and all. (I thought many students have part time jobs if they can). But then suddenly Audrey’s husband was mentioned. He too is a student. Now suddenly things in my mind became more complicated but never explained by the programme. For example, the rent on the room £450 each or shared by husband and wife? What was his income – we were not told? So we had a long interview where we were only told partial facts and where the Beeb couldn’t even find a good example to illustrate their line to take. This was followed by an interview will Les Ebdon who is the czar responsible for fair access (and appointed by Vince Cable). So this was obviously a story fed to the Beeb without the facts to back it up.
So, someone with no money has pitched up here from abroad to study? And the UK taxpayer is expected to support her because….?
Typical BBC. If their narrative is in danger of getting blown they steer clear of any awkward questions. So for example they never, ever ask the fracking protesters ‘So what shall we do for energy when the wind isn’t blowing?’ even though it is the most obvious, most fundamental question a national broadcaster acting in the public ineterest should ask these fanatical advocates of ‘renewables’.
That does not matter to them. Their concern is that any economic benefit that fracking brought to the country might be attributed to the Conservative Government.
If it was san envionmental concern as they claim then they would be against all these windfarms that ruin environments by their existence, don’t cut much in the way of carbon emissions and those sited at sea tend ot be sited in the paths of bird migration. Thousands of migrant birds are slaughtered by these ugly white elephants every year.
As a white elephant I must complain – I may have trampled a few plantations, or got a bit off hand with a snake or two when out on the lash with me trunk, but I have never slaughtered any migrant birds.
Also, I’ll have you know, I’ve been complimented – quite often – on the flap of m’ears, and the penetrating qualities of the hoot. Ugly? Only in a fight, matey.
That’s elephantist, that is; or pachydermophobic..
‘I’m an introverted, elephocentric hypochondriac; and I’ll stick in the elephant nursing home, till I get me memory back.‘ Flanders & Swann, I thank you.
I never fail to be frustrated by “news” or “investigative” programmes (and to be fair, it’s not just the Beeb, though they are very weak here) which set out to present some “injustice”, usually involving loss of or inadequate benefits, and NEVER tells the whole story. You never get a clear and honest picture of the total benefits that someone is enjoying- council tax paid, work credits, child benefit, housing benefit, free this that and the other. All that we are told is the base figure, which usually sounds woeful, but the whole picture can be very different.
Lack of a good Editor & Producer, perhaps? No critical examination of their own output.
But if there are layers & layers of management, programme makers can then appeal over the heads of someone asking ‘quality control questions’ and another manager – who may want a quiet life or who is really busy – then bats it up to the next level. At this point, the people questioning the quality of the programme start to fear for their careers and let the inadequate broadcast out after concocting some small alterations.
To be fair, it is not just the BBC that can be like that. I can believe other large businesses in the UK & elsewhere are just like that. On the other hand, it is different for them as ultimately the have a fixed income, irrespective of quality of product. They never have to win a sale in the UK.
Partial fact reports are what the BBc does best it makes the stories fit the agenda better.
“I was listening to You and Yours the other day which had an item about the wicked Tories…”
There was no mention of the Tories/Conservatives.
“I should have known. She was not British born”
What is your evidence for that statement? She said she’d been getting a “Maintenance Loan” – which is only available to British students.
“We were not told when the fall out happened or why…”
What makes you think that’s in any way relevant?
“…but it is always very convenient to fall out with your parents if it means extra money from the tax payers in your pocket”
Parents’ income is taken into account on the assumption that they will help with living costs. If (for whatever reason) they decide not to help; then you will not get any “extra” money from the government.
So not “very convenient” then.
“Audrey explained that she had to pay £450 per month in rent which only left her with £100 per week for food, clothes and books”
It was £100 per month.
“Then she explained she had a part time job…cue interviewer asking how she had time for that, what with her studying and all”
The interviewer said no such thing.
“But then suddenly Audrey’s husband was mentioned. He too is a student. Now suddenly things in my mind became more complicated but never explained by the programme”
No. It’s quite clear that the “things in your mind” are quite simple: From the start; the report was bogus; she was a liar; and nothing was ever going to convince you otherwise.
Hence, the requirement to fill out your post with misinformation, innuendo, imaginary quotes, or whatever it takes to fit your pre-formed opinions.
”Maintenance Loan” – which is only available to British students.”
The term ” British ” is worthless, it now means, according to the Left, the entire World’s black and muslim population.
I didn’t see the programme but I will take your account of events with a pinch of salt, dez, after you accused me of lying over a quote on the Today programme when, in fact, I had it correct and you were the one rewriting the script.
Still waiting for that apology, by the way. It’s beginning to look like you’re not man enough.
So as a bit of advice to b-BBC contributors, when dez comes back at you with what looks like a comprehensive rebuttal, examine it closely for ‘errors’ and respond accordingly.
“I didn’t see the programme but I will take your account of events with a pinch of salt, dez…”
You’d have a hard time trying to “see the programme” since it was on the radio, but never mind.
“Still waiting for that apology, by the way. It’s beginning to look like you’re not man enough”
As you well know, I’ve already apologised for my mistake. So when you are you going to apologise for repeatedly saying that I haven’t apologised? Perhaps while you’re at it you could also apologise for saying that I supported Hamas and “the destruction of all Jews”.
Come on johnnythefish, this is your big chance to show what measure of man you are…
Dez, I normally just scroll past your comments…. but to start with it was obvious that she was not British born because of her accent.
And Dez, Audrey’s rent, was she paying the rent for her husband and herself – or was he paying half? It all makes rather a difference to the story – not least what she has to live on.
Whichever way you choose to look at it, Deborah, your point regarding the BBC’s reluctance to tease out the full financial details of her case still stands, thus leaving less wary listeners with a deliberately misleading impression.
“…but to start with it was obvious that she was not British born because of her accent”
So you have no evidence that she wasn’t “British born”, you’re just guessing. And no it’s not obvious.
Thanks for clearing that up.
My very close friend Colin (now deceased from brain tumour) got a full grant to study medicine back in 1996. His parents had split up and the official line was that he was living with his mum. In reality, his parents had ‘split’ but were still on good terms and his dad was contributing towards the family. To be honest, I don’t really have a problem with that. They’d paid their taxes and Colin was studying (and passed) a very worthwhile course. Why should the feckless always hit the jackpot, while the rest of us pay?
Some bloody horse’s arse on Feedback now, ‘You shouldn’t ever call immigrants illegal. They may have arrived by [I]unorthodox[I] methods but that doesn’t make them illegal’.
And what do you know, he’s a ‘professor’ of journalism who assists, er, illegal immigrants in his spare time.
I could cry for the future of this country.
If I was to hit him with a bat. take his car, and empty his bank account would that be illegal? Or just high spirits on my part?
No, that would just be unorthodox behaviour on your part.
Isthebbcbiased points out that unbeknownst to listeners, this prof is a former high grade BBC man.
And now Mzzz Something wants to ban Delilah by Tom Jones because it trivialises violence against women, (meh, meh, meh)
‘They’ wanted to ban The Pogues Fairy-tail of New York because it included the word ‘faggot’, but failed miserably.
(Sorry if I’ve stirred our resident troll…)
Before I clicked, on the link, I assumed it would be due to the ‘chicks for free’ lyrics. I never even picked up on the ‘faggot’ line. Who cares? It’s a great tune. I seriously doubt any of the gay people I know would even care.
If memory serves, the single version referred to queenies. Even that seems too much now. If the song is ever on the radio the entire verse has gone now. But a great tune as you say.
It reminds me of the time when BBC Radio 4 had a comic poem by Pam Ayres censored when it was repeated the following week. She had mentioned strongly how her husband hated Yasser Arafat but the line was very much part of the poem and taking it out spoilt the rhythm.
That’s been doing the rounds for a while, now.
They want to ban Delilah? 😯
Why, why, why?
Because she was using a 100w incandescent bulb banned by the EU?
(I saw the light on the night that I passed by her window)
Also she stood there laughing, so was obviously not watching BBC comedy. She needs to be retrained.
…and she laughed no more.
Putting it all together:
I saw the light on the night that I passed by her window
It was a 100 watt bulb of the kind that the EU has banned
She was my woman
She had the heating on full and the windows were all wide and grand
My my my Delilah
Turn it off Delilah
I could see, that girl’s not PC like me
But I’m a BBC slave that no man can ever free
At break of day when she drove away in a gas-guzzling monster
I walked up the street, till she was back then she opened the door
She stood there laughing
She clearly don’t watch BBC comedy no more
My my my Delilah
We’ll retrain you Delilah
So before they come to break down your door
Believe me Delilah you must watch the Beeb a lot more
She stood there laughing
I pressed the remote in my hand and she laughed no more
My my my Delilah
Why do you cry Delilah
Now you watch the BBC all the time
We’ve retrained you Delilah because free thinking’s a crime
Good work!
Late to this, but thanks, all, made I laugh !
Its not unusual…
I’m sure this feminist will also be taking issue with Olivia Newton-John’s Banks Of The Ohio. Won’t she?
The BBC seems to be pushing a new narrative on the NHS – or at least allowing certain vested interests a platform without challenge.
It is the ‘We are doctors, not businessmen’ line being taken by the increasingly militant BMA over the obviously hellish pay and conditions they have to endure in running their surgeries.
Not content with the massive pay hikes they enjoyed under Blair and Co., and being allowed to choose whether or not they provided an out-of-hours service (90% decided they wouldn’t, leaving A & E to pick up the pieces) they then railed against recovering any NHS charges incurred by foreign visitors, one BMA representative objecting on the grounds he didn’t want to ‘Act as the government’s border police’ (no agenda there, then).
Now they seem to object to the whole idea of any kind of ‘business’ responsibility, even though for most if not all of them a GP practice is precisely that – a business – with some joker on the other day suggesting he should just be able to prescribe what’s best for the patient without having to worry about any restrictions imposed on him by NICE.
It will come as no surprise that this medical, gold-plated version of hardline trade unionism gets a free ride on the BBC for, as with any other taxpayer-funded service (including their own), they show not the slightest clue that business principles still need to be applied to deliver value for money.
Very well said, Johnny. The hypocrisy of the medical profession – particularly those self-employed superannuated GPs – is gobsmacking. The BBC, predictably, always provides them with the necessary cheerleading.
Dr Clare Gerada militant Labour supporting doctor.
As is so common in the UK’s establishment, the medical profession has been the subject of a very serious bout of entryism that no antibiotic seems able to shift.
While normal people who want to get on with their chosen task in life concentrate on their careers, those whose prime motivation is political, quietly take over the governing bodies, trade associations and so on.
It’s not just a factor in medicine and the law, of course – the NUJ is a shining example of the subversive process at work.
I love what she has done with her hair.
Yea but the Legoman wants it back…
Good to see she makes a real effort not to be distractingly sexy so that we can concentrate on her words.
Exactly. Labour are absolute hypocrites with their NHS negative misinformation campaign and outbursts as that video posted by Geoff above shows!
I found myself at A&E last year with a life threatening heart problem and I can tell you that the service coped brilliantly and basically saved my life and the after care has been nothing less than superb.
The BBC of course is quite a lot to blame, by deliberately leading their news so often, (especially running up to the election), on the negative NHS Labour spin and outright misinformation.
Rarely do the BBC mention the enormous pressures on the NHS, other than an ageing populous, is nearly all Labour induced like the deceitful Labour supporting Doctor in the video above and:
The elephant in the room they never mention is that of the 5 millions increase to the population, through the Labour open doors immigration policy Blair introduced, without compensating infrastructure including GPs and NHS facilities, schools, transport, housing etc.
Labour and the BBC are hopefully now well on their way to being yesterday, since the electorate has finally cottoned on to the Labour and BBC con merchants, showed by the Conservative lead in the polls had been maintained at 12% since the May election.
Ms Gerada is to known to Richard Littlejohn, this is what he had to say about her
“It wouldn’t make any difference to Clare if Cameron shovelled another £800 billion into the NHS. It still wouldn’t be enough money for the noble Lady Wessely and her shroud-waving Guardianista sidekicks”
Full piece here
I wonder if John Inverdale might give us an opinion on her looks. That would be good.
Wasn’t she last seen trying to hand an apple to Hansel & Gretel?
Oh well, y’know what they say, “An apple a day keeps the militant, Labour supporting doctor away….”
Caught a BBC snippet about the Islamic 7/7 bombers families
are going to walk on 7 July to commemorate “their” loss?
Well as the BBC has already trumpeted, “their still in shock”
#Walktogether? … hmm
I really hoped it wasn t more of that usual “all faiths and none” palava.
#Walktogether is a new initiative supported by us, Faiths Forum for London, Hope Not Hate, Islamic Society of Britain, Faith Matters, The Big Iftar, British Humanist Association, St John Ambulance, New Horizons in British Islam
BBC crapologists at work again, sanitising Islam.
Do they really believe the line that they are fed and then feed others: that the Muslim community is still looking for answers as to how those three murderers were radicalised to commit the 7/7 atrocities?
The Muslim community knew very well from the start how the murderers were radicalised, but we are still being fed crap with the stamp of BBC approval on said excrement.
There is less crap deposited in a year by a herd of African elephants than in this one article.
There’s no such thing as ‘radicalisation’. The children of Muslim parents are instilled with the basics of Islam from infancy. The Imams and religious tutors in the mosques and madrasas may describe themselves as ‘moderate’ but the text of the Koran and Hadith is the same for children as it is for the followers of ISIS. They are already taught that it is virtuous to die as a martyr for Allah and the Gardens of Paradise await them after martyrdom. If these kids grow up to actually BELIEVE they are doing Allah’s work, then it’s a very short step to strapping on a suicide bomber jacket, or sawing the heads off non-believers.
Thank you – at last, a report that is fair to elephants.
Hope they won’t be bringing any rucksacks with them.
There must be large number of Shocked Muslims in the world. Shocked, shocked ..
Look east interviews the local imans , marking a minute silence for the Tunisia victim’s. Seems to me that some of these imans get a sort of call up to say what the people want to hear. From watching the interviews, I felt as if they were just reading from a script”love, peace etc for fellow humans, stop the hatred etc. Still , not to worry, sunset tonight is at 2131, so lets all order a turkey bacon pizza with halal chicken wings and try our best to understand Ramadan, it’s so enriching!
BBC 6 o’Clock News report from Tunisia and, somehow, they have managed to find a Tunisian businessman who speaks directly to camera and says something akin to ‘Let’s turn this into a message of love and hope.’ Same script and same motive it would appear and I don’t think love forms any part of it.
Personally, I think the time for love and hope has passed and our cess-pool political class and the BBC are directly to blame.
I’d LOVE to see our political leaders grow a spine and call out extreme Islam as the menace it is, but I have little HOPE that they will. Keep voting UKIP.
Unfortunately for us and Muslims, there is no such thing as extreme Islam. Islam IS Islam.
This means that because our leaders allowed tens of millions of Muslims into Europe, we are all locked into a future of strife.
I think we need to face the fact that ‘you can’t be friends with everybody’. Some people just don’t like you. Nothing you do or say will change that. The UK establishment seems to think that if we’re just a bit more tolerant and a bit more accommodating then psycho muslims will become moderate muslims and we’ll all live happily ever after. They don’t understand that these people have no desire to be our friends.
I would hazard that a lot of Muslims feels the way this young “British” girl feels
Look east interviews the local imans , marking a minute silence for the Tunisia victim’s. Seems to me that some of these imans get a sort of call up to say what the people want to hear. From watching the interviews, I felt as if they were just reading from a script”love, peace etc for fellow humans, stop the hatred etc. Still , not to worry, sunset tonight is at 2131,feed yourselves silly after one of the hottest july days evva
I’m sick of these ‘commemorations’ and ‘minutes of silence’. They’re nothing more than an establishment distraction attempting to divert the people from the actual problem – just like the media’s focus on the ‘angels’ that spoke to Lee Rigby’s killers.
They focus on them, rather than the fact the government can’t, and has no intention of, protecting us.
I am afraid you are correct, this government is synonymous with the appeasing government under Neville Chamberlain that ran this nation just before WW2.
Delilah must be banned for offences it caused
Professors making sexist jokes must be outlawed.
ISIS, sweet ISIS as Kenneth Connor once said
Must have its name changed – but Daesh won’t lose its street cred.
Some Israelis are banned from speaking at Unis,
But only Jews; all others welcomed by loonies.
The Beeb backs the hate merchants so ugly and red
But they lie about UKIP and truths that they’ve said.
BBC’s campaign to outlaw decency, truth,
Honesty and Endeavour is so lacking ruth.
We know what they’re doing but they don’t care at all,
They control the whole story, brainwashing the fools.
But now is the time; – let the fightback begin
For the sake of our future we must fight and win.
Ban Delilah now
Like Bouncing Bomb Gibson’s dog
And all history!
That was intended as a BBC haiku, not my opinion.
Ban Deliliah?
For inciting violence against women?
Well, the Rev Richard Coles show this morning said that Sally Phillips-one of the women in “Smack the Pony” way back- was going to be interviewed.
“Smack the Pony”?
Animal abuse-incitement to cruelty and , as apony-I`m mad as hell, and would like a spot on the BBC or a good job with the RSPCA as a campaigner against violence to me and my fetlocked friends.
Who is anyone to dare say I`m NOT a pony either-for I identify with all those godawful showponies who appear on the BBC, like Camilla, Owen and Bonnie.
Tomorrow, I`ll be a bandwagon-maybe a flagship next week-so no jokes or abuse towards them either.
Vehicles have rights too you know!
The BC and liberals seem cheesed off that the old copper didn`t get found guilty of shooting ” suspected armed robber, Azelle Rodney”.
Now BBC-was he an armed robber or not?…and how does somebody not be a threat by only having a gun in his car…as opposed to holding it in his hand?
Expect no light from the BBC-who see a Mark Duggan, when we see a druggie thug and armed robber-suspected to be so, confirmed by twelve jurors good and true.
Oh if only the Guardian and BBC could become panellists and replace jurors eh?
To be fair, his mum was clear and lucid, failing to rise to Channel 4s bait repeatedly earlier this evening…so that`s hopeful.
But the liberals don`t want her home truths-they want flags flying,and a rubber justice system for themselves.
How much of the Greek debt is up under Camillas marquee smock?…and how come no obesity warriors are taking the floral blimp to task for being a terrible example of lack of will power to our most challenging children?
A minute’s silence for the victims of Tunisia. BBC reports how moslems observed the silence. Wonder if any other religious denominations participated? Nice one BBC, get a plug in for the Birmingham Central mosque. Ram the Koran down our throats.
‘A number of mosques observed the silence, including at Birmingham’s Central Mosque where more than 6,000 people took part.
Chairman Mohammad Afzal said: “In the Quran it says killing an individual is like killing the whole of humanity. These innocent holidaymakers have committed no sin, had done nothing wrong and their lives were as precious as any other.”
Qari Asim, an imam in Leeds, said his mosque wanted to show solidarity with the victims’ families, as well as paying “our tribute to the survivors, whose courage and determination still continues to inspire us”.
The Tunisian massacre had nothing to do with Islam.
The BBC visit to that mosque was just a random choice of UK place of worship.
When something horrific like Tunisia happens this site is all “And I don’t see the Mooslims protesting or condemning it?” And when they do then it’s “Ram the Koran down our throats”. Any chance you can see this might be a little bit inconsistent? Just a glimmer of self awareness?
Taqqiya, Taqqiya, all is Taqqiya.
More likely, this is how they feel
Could have knocked me down with a feather. Amid the endless crap the BBC feeds us about Islam, here’s a sharp, probing evaluation of Islamic State by Andrew Neil and guests:
Yes, very good. Though I was disappointed that Nawaz had to draw equivalence with the Crusades. Whatever the Crusades eventually became, they began as a response to exactly the sort of thing that is happening now; and they ultimately failed because Christendom just couldn’t coordinate and fully get behind its effort properly. Again, much like now…
True, he sometimes falls into the moral equivalence trap. But having said that, the Crusades were bloody gruesome, with thousands of innocents slaughtered.
Here’s the irrepressible Nigel Farage with Neil on the same subject:
“But having said that, the Crusades were bloody gruesome, with thousands of innocents slaughtered.”
True, but war in general was like that then. The Black Prince’s chevauche to Limoges springs to mind. I make no special pleading for the Crusades being ‘righteous’, but nor will I beat my breast and lament, overcome with guilt at the injustice of an unprovoked religiously inspired attack on peace-loving Muslims in peaceful Muslim countries by evil slavering barbarous Christians, which seems to be the prevailing leftie/Mohammedan narrative.
Whatever happened in the past, the West and Israel follow rules of combat and rules relating to prisoners of war that have the Jihadis rolling on the ground of their Caliphate-to-be in helpless mirth at such humanitarian concern for one’s enemies.
It’s a fundamental, unbridgeable divide.
Indeed. There is, unfortunately, only one language that these barbarians understand, and it’s not contained in the Geneva Conventions.
We do what we need to do. It isn’t always honourable.
Unless we’re willing to do what needs to be done, we need to stay out of it – damage limitation, quarantine of the Middle East (Islam), no more 1st cousin marriage, no right for the under thirties to bring a spouse to the UK. We need to force integration. Multiculturalism will kill us all.
Hadda, I agree, and to be pedantic – the Fourth Crusade sacked Constantinople, which was a Christian city. No Muslims involved.
RJ, you are absolutely right! Initiated by a Catholic Pope who could not tolerate that part of the world worshipping under an Eastern Orthodox brand of Christianity, so what was left of the Byzantine Empire had to go. There wasn’t room for two kinds of Christian worship in the world at that time. Religion is such a wonderful thing!
How can you even begin to try to compare today with something which happened over 1000 years ago ?
This is obviously a fallacious comparison, but it is the only one the Fascist left is able to dredge up, so the BBC allows ite repetition countless times.
An understanding of the Crusades is a prequisite to understanding something of the complexity of today’s Islamic world and the ongoing centuries of civil wars which rage between the many different expressions of Islam. A friend suggested I read the Oxford shorter history of the Crusades. I got a copy from the library and couldn’t put it down. It’s a cracking good read and the situations described are amazingly contemporary e.g. the selling of the latest armour piercing arrows by a Christian country to the Muslims resulting in many deaths to the crusaders.
Quite right. The Crusades were a belated response to continuous Islamic attacks on Christian lands.
They became increasingly gruesome as the Crusaders responded to headchopping and crucifixions.
If we dont watch it, what is happeneing in the ME will be visited on us – headchopping, crucifixions etc .
Pardon. Whats that? Really?
The soldier called Islam a “great religion”. Now I think that there are two meanings for this. Firstly, as in “Great” Britain it refers to a size and geographical idea or significance historically as a civilisation category. Secondly, it refers to approval of it as a religion qua religion. The former is objective and reasonable to say. The latter is appropriate for somebody who is a Muslim. I can understand that they think their religion great. I have a different “great” religion, so I couldn’t possibly agree. So why should this soldier pander to Muslims? The problem of our establishment is this constant steam of flattery of Islam. I’ve chatted to Muslims and they have nothing but contempt for what they think is two-faced talk. I agree with them. It is noticeable that people flattering Islam would be seen dead talking of “great” Christianity. Quite the reverse. Pathetic appeasers.
The soldier called Islam a “great religion”.
Yes that jarred me as well. He was making a lot of sense till he got to that weird observation.
I really would like to know what’s great about Islam. In my opinion, Muslims have yet to demonstrate that greatness. He may imagine, along with Cameron, that by harping on about how wonderful Islam is, they will influence the ‘moderates’ to ally themselves with Western society and interests.
They couldn’t be more wrong.
And the debate continues for a while here from 17 minutes in:
Sums it all up :
This story is all over the media, except for the BBC who know it exists, because they have links to it when you search the name, Nargs Bibi.
Phrases such as :
“Any Kafir **** wishing Eid Mubarak to muslims…**** off is the returning greeting…then celebrate the praises of ur Lord.”
“Kafir doctor, journalist, teacher, cleaner…kill. Straightforward verse.”
“Well done IS…don’t blow the shrines up…kill kafir for wat they’ve done.”
“Best thing for the Kafir is to **** off out of Muslim countries…theres plenty of humanitarian Muslims to help in Muslim countries…the”
If some one white had said just one of those things they would not only have lost their job, but been in prison now, and the BBC would be broadcasting non stop about it too!
As it is there are Islamophiles out there who seem to think that Jihad will just go away given 5 years, and people like this will be safe to teach children !!
The other issue which bothers me is that happens to this Jihadi now? Is someone keeping a very close eye on her and her family, and what steps are being taken to ‘de-radicalise’ her (if that’s even a realistic possibity).
“theres plenty of humanitarian Muslims to help in Muslim countries”
Yeah, the evidence is there for all to see…
The BBC’s chart of expenditure fails to mention the hundreds of million currently being spent from licence fees propping up the BBC Staff Pension scheme.
They should show a breakdown on the bill of where the money goes, like the Council Tax.
On BBC 4 tonight `Rock around the Clock` , everyone , Hideously White , Fantastic . Although , I do like Chuck Berry`s guitar playing from that era , he is not in the movie ,
IIRC one of the featured groups in “Rock around the Clock” was “The Platters” who were certainly black
The Platters were also quite brilliant – a rare treat to see them on film. Apart from them, the best part of the movie was the hilariously clunky dialogue – and the reminder that Bill Haley always looked like someone’s sports reporter Dad!
I listened to The Eddie Mair Show this afternoon; it had a piece about the acquittal of the Met Police firearms officer, who was charged with the murder of an unarmed robber; killed during the hard stop of a car he was travelling in.
The thrust of the Beeb narrative was that the dead man was unarmed (though the policeman believed him to be) however in the course of the report, it was revealed that weapons were found in the car – so in fact he had access to weapons and so in a sense wasn’t unarmed at all.
Good old BBC, always ready with a drumhead court if the legal system doesn’t give ’em the result they want. They should be done for contempt.
The fools were on their way to rob Columbian drug dealers. Eight rounds from a police carbine was a quick way to go, compared with what the Columbians would have done to them.
I had a friend in the army that explained the rules of engagement :
* If somebody is holding a grenade and pulls their arm back to through it, you can’t shoot- they might change their mind, i.e. shooting is murder
* If somebody is actively about to throw a grenade and their arm is moving forward, but is still ‘behind’ the shoulder line, you can shoot – shooting might prevent the grenade coming towards you and it might be manslaughter.
* If their arm is past the shoulder line, then shooting them won’t prevent the grenade moving towards you, so there is no point shooting – i.e. shooting is murder
* If the grenade has left their hand, then they’re no longer a threat – i.e. shooting is murder.
He told his men to shoot anybody holding a grenade.
I would give the army 3 rules of engagement.
1) Do it first
2) Do it fast
3) Do it dirty
I hate the spell check on this tablet, every time I type ‘tit’ it changes it to Dez….
Yuk yuk!
Yet the fact that we remember Dez and young scott does show us that we`re smug, inclusive, patronising, condescending -and we “DO take their concerns on board, and seriously”-do we not?
How nice to sound like Roger Bolton!
Bless `em !
The BBC wants us to build, build, build over England’s green and pleasant land.
More housing, more immigration, more licence fees – win win situation.
How do I know?
I have drawn attention this before, and the BBC keep doing it…
Whenever the issue of housing comes up the BBC speed dial the National Housing Federation. Straight to air Mr David Orr their cheif executive.
Sounds reasonable on the face of it.
This morning we have Cameron and Osborne announcing a package of measures – the BBC focus on the inhertance tax issue (an editorial decision to highlight that aspect and it is one that plays well with the left – but hey, what do we expect?)
Up comes David Orr. But what is his NHF?
“The voice of Housing Associations”
They are a trades union for the public/social housing sector.
So when it comes to people owning their own homes – that’s not really his or his organisation’s bag.
So what is it that the BBC are keen for us to hear from Mr Orr?
‘There is no shortage of land. None, zero, anywhere”: the National Housing Federation’s David Orr ‘
“I think it is the big issue we are facing at the moment,” David Orr tells me. You can practically hear the italics. “People think immigration and the health service are the big issues – but actually, if you want to reduce people’s perception of the impact of immigration, you have to deal with housing.”
It’s all about perception folks: you’ve got it wrong, they know better. Cement and immgrants coming to a green field near you.
Remember the old “Great Britain”? Eh? Jobs, manufacturing, production, growing economy, profitable agriculture? Remember that?
What have you benefited from in its place? A Former UK, mulit-culit, multi-“faith” (except Christianity, of course), no-go areas for young white girls, wind turbines everywhere, ghettoes – and more to be built, decimation of the white, ethnic British population, destruction of the English language, the English culture, and just about everything else.
Ain’t “progress” grand?
EU/BBC/leftist/wibbly-wobbly Dave – all seem to have coalesced in their support for a policy of Cement and Immigrants
We can recall Bismarck’s Blood and Iron as a prescription for Germany’s future. We know how that turned out.
A broader sample of his speach is telling:
“Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided….. but by iron and blood”
So don’t expect a vote on these great issues, folks
Cement and Immigration – that’s your great british european future
OG I got on the tube last night and the station announcer at Kings Cross seemed to having trouble with he’s engleeesh and then the over ground train driver out of Kings cross he wasn’t to clever either had an awful job with his tenses and adding s to everything. I had to chuckle to myself thought am I really in London capital city of England
Last weekend I made a very rare trip into the South East. Kent and East Sussex. The roads of all types were very busy and everywhere you can see the pressure on what was once a very fine and beautiful collection of towns, villages and countryside.
Quite a shock for a man from the west.
It will be a long time before I go that way again. Really it is so sad. This was once a harmonious and beautiful part of this country and now ? Hopelessly ugly and going rapidly into a place no sane person wants to go to anymore.
The problem is less the number of immigrants flooding directly into, say, Kent and East Sussex, , but the pressure their numbers have put on Greater London. In a phrase – white flight.
This is putting an intolerable burden on villages and towns as they are forced by a bullying government to expand whether they want to or not.
If the UK had a politically independent broadcasting media, someone would investigate this and show what it was doing to the nature of England and to people’s lives. But we haven’t and they won’t.
Leftist and Islamic Policymakers Outlaw the Truth By Sonia Bailley
American Thinker at http://tinyurl.com/nkruofm
No need to worry, the recent Ramadan triple slaughter fest in Tunisia, France and Kuwait has nothing to do with Islam. There is no linkage between Islam and terrorism, and the word Islamic need not be used to describe the terrorists because their murderous and barbaric ideology has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is, after all, a religion of peace that is being hijacked, perverted and distorted by only a small percentage of savage extremists.
Welcome to the false narrative that Western leaders, mainstream media outlets, and academic elites are enforcing on civil society to help shape the public’s perception of Islam so that it is always presented in a positive light. Any form of expression that reflects badly on Islam is in violation of Islamic law, which forbids any criticism of Islam, even what that criticism expresses the truth. Stories that are reported according to this narrative need not have anything to do with factual accuracy or truth. Both the 2009 Fort Hood massacre in Texas and the beheading in Vaughan Foods in Oklahoma last September were reported as workplace violence and not Islamic terrorism.
Good post jacked. We should all send your post to our MP’s.
Only problem with this narrative is, the public can see straight through it. Same as the labour bull*hit they served up during the election. Keep the faith in the UK ,after all, we are tolerant, but keep pushing and see what happens. GREAT Britain for a reason!
Message to “Moderate” Muslims
As poverty and lack of education causes terrorism? … primary school teacher has been banned from the classroom for life after praising Isil for beheading aid worker Alan Henning in string of offensive social media posts.
The Muslim teacher, Nargs Bibi, put up forty offensive and malicious messages immediately after the tragic Briton’s murder by ‘Jihadi John’ urging Isil to kill all non believers.
Lack of education, poverty causes terrorism again …BBC?
Education such an important part of the solution etc etc.
Barrister dishing out extremist views to muslim women
More “Islam part of the solution” agenda?
BBC South Today investigation has revealed attempts by a speaker to influence Muslim women in Hampshire with a rhetoric that’s been called ‘dangerous’ and ‘destructive’
What was odd about this is the chinless wonder who wished to disabuse the Muslim about Prevent, said effectively that it’s not about Islam. He said it is challenging all “extremism”. Now this is a straight out lie. And how could it not be a lie? Well, the absence of death and destruction – sticks and stones – from other sectors of the population. Of course, he may be going for the “right” who have sprung up in response to that destruction and perceived threat (“perceived”? I know,,,) So he does presumably dislike their expression. Fortunately, there is no danger from that source. It does make you wonder. When they go into the Muslim “community” my guess is that they try to get onside with them by pandering to the “islamaphobia” narrative. I’m sure they’ll agree with that. I dare say the Prevent team would fail to notice that the “victim complex” that she was spouting needs that “islamaphobia” meme. So Prevent, according to chinless, presumably will be agreeing with the extreme Muslims. Well that’s a result. Of course, the Muslims will laugh at the stupidity of this attempt to pull th swoop over their eyes. They do talk and chuckle at the stupidity but also get annoyed with the assumption that they are thought of as stupid enough to fall for this guff. They think it disrespectful. They actually like straight talk because that accords with reality and they could do with some support against the Muslim establishment and its extremism. .
Not on the BBC yet, my feeling, it won t be long
EU’s foreign affairs and security chief: “Islam is a victim…Political Islam should be part of the picture” in Europe
“The idea of a clash between Islam and “the West” – a word in which everything is put together and confused – has misled our policies and our narratives.
Islam holds a place in our Western societies. Islam belongs in Europe. It holds a place in Europe’s history, in our culture, in our food and
– what matters most – in Europe’s present and future.”
“Some people are now trying to convince us that a Muslim cannot be a good European citizen, that more Muslims in Europe will be the end of Europe.
These people are not just mistaken about Muslims: these people are mistaken about Europe, they have no clue what Europe and the European identity are.”
“The so-called Islamic State is putting forward an unprecedented attempt to pervert Islam for justifying a wicked political and strategic project”
“”I am not afraid to say that political Islam should be part of the picture. Religion plays a role in politics – not always for good, not always for bad. Religion can be part of the process. What makes the difference is whether the process is democratic or not.”
The EUs security chief needs to be sacked !
Oops forgot, he can’t be because the EU in unelected and unaccountable !
Without a Caliphate Muslims cannot fight offensive Jihad, which means that they can only fight ‘defensive Jihad’ so well done to the idiot EU ‘security’ chief for handing victim status to Islam in Europe and for giving Jihadis the excuse they need to fight for their warped religion !
This is a problem which needs to be hammered into the thick blinkered heads of the Fascist left, the more they accord victim status to Islam, the more Jihad they will get in return.
BBC South more than happy to pussyfoot around this “solicitor”.
The read her statement at face value at the end-and it drips with taqqiya doublespeak, much as Islam has drummed into the unthinking reflex enemy within.
And all paid for by Hazel Blears, Prevent and Southampton City Council….and the current crop of pink Tories who collude in “The Project”.
What a descent for this great city-like Portsmouth, these citadels are falling quicker than anybody could dared have expect a few years back.
These people need statues not of Tom Paine but of Terry…and Portsmouth surely has its sons of Pompey who won`t take this Muslim crap much longer-will they?
Well-only one week after wondering whether the BBC would wish to support the “Children of the Revolution”-Syriza…or stick with “The man and His EU project”-the BBC have opted for the Eurovision option.
Former glamour gods like Varoufakup and Tipsy are now being touted as irresponsible-for being fundamentally Greek-and having some romantic notions about words like “democracy”…as if they knew what that Esperanto-derived word actually means.
No matter HOW the Greeks vote-at least the EU were not quick enough to boot them out and replace them with Commissar Kinnock, as they did to Greece(and Italy) in late 2011.
And a sunhat tip to Syriza-who actually can`t be blamed for the economic crisis-only six months after all, and who are prepared to truth their people, rather than the 2Dash Programme for their support.
Even though Humph has some retsina at risk, Syriza have shown the EU where to go-thanks lads!
I always attend or watch the service of remembrance on the 11th of November, and observe the two minute silence marking what was a truly epic loss of life in several major conflicts. Some of relatives lost their lives in the First World War, so the remembrances mean something to me personally.
However, the current fashion for one minute silences over rather minor events (however awful) seems to me unnecessary and, well, largely bogus. It seems more to do with giving politicians and others a warm glow of fake empathy. These imposed mini-silences also diminish what are truly major catastrophic conflicts. Terrible though islamic massacres are (and how terrible the monstrous religion that inspires them), I cannot honestly say I feel particular grief for those who lost family members, since I do not know any of them personally. For me, then, a minute’s silence is inappropriate, and I did not observe the current one. It is alarming to find myself in agreement with that über-narcissist and ignoramus Russel Brand, but in this instance I consider him correct. Am I heartless, and alone in my view?
No, far from it. I posted this at Breitbart, yesterday:
“…At the risk of being shot down in flames, I only have this to say about the “silence”
I was listening to Smooth radio, today, at the appointed time (as some goats do…), and it was announced that this minute’s “silence” was about to begin.
What “silence”? I could detect no difference. It was just white noise of traffic, etc. Utterly pointless.
Look, I know it was very sad that these unfortunate folk lost their lives, doing nothing but holidaying, but sad, vicious and stupid though the incident was, they are not heroes. This could happen at any time to one person, or more at the same time, anywhere. Does that mean that everything comes to a shuddering halt, every time, in ‘remembrance’? We’ve got so mawkish, so soppy, more noticeably since Princess Diana’s demise – surely we’re made of sterner stuff?
Just my 2 cents’ worth…”
Thank you, Old Goat. I am of the age when I will not shrink from expressing my opinion, however unfashionable or un-PC (ugh!). I know the difference between right and wrong, and sensible and nonsensical, as understood in the pre-1960s period. I was initially shocked (for ten minutes) and somewhat saddened by Princess Diana’s untimely demise, but was then straightaway appalled by the ghastly ensuing flower-fest and fake, vicarious grief on prominent display. Anyway, the Diana mourning was largely a C and D event (how’s that for un-PC!).
I can see the point of Remembrance Sunday, having its origins in events that, at the time, affected every family in the land. It has a place and a time where those that want to can join together.
I detest the fascist British Legion for imposing an 11/11 ‘silence’ on us all – this is the sort of thing that the ‘fallen’ were supposed to be fighting against.
I don’t understand at all the manufactured shared ‘grief’ over relatively small numbers of people who the vast majority of us never knew. Meanwhile other ‘ordinary’ people just get on with dying in the usual way but get ne’er a mention. <i.Their relatives are forced to take part in the media/politico imposed gesture over-shadowing their own personal tragedy.
Oh, I learn from the Vine Show that we can’t talk about a ‘tragic event‘ because ‘it is life changing for those affected’. So for a few people related to the unfortunate Tunisian holidaymakers it is ‘life changing’, for a few million it is a cause of great celebration and for 7 billion it is of no concern whatsoever, yet out language must be dictated by a minority of minorities.
These holiday makers may not have died if the government and the MSM, had warned people that travelling to any Muslim country is dangerous to life, limb and neck. This is particularly so in the holy month of Ramadan.
As it is, if the authorities and the MSM continue with “this has nothing to do with Islam”, more people are going to die , and worse, they and their relatives will not know why.
The ‘faux’ greif kicked circa 1997 (coinsidence?) with the death of Diana.
Since then we now have candles being lit, tacky toys, ghost bikes, flowers at the roadside, Chinese lanterns and now minutes silence at the unfortunate, sad and untimely deaths of inviduals.
Culturally it ain’t Britain the land of the stiff upper lip and ploughing on against all adversity. This is no coinsidence.
Were I a family member of those killed in Tunisia, I would much rather Cameron were actually doing something about the ‘problem’ rather than such hollow gestures and appeasement of the perpetrators.
Here in France, fatal road accident sites are often marked by a bunch of plastic flowers plonked in one of the crash-barrier support brackets, near the skid marks…
And who can forget the four/five minutes silence that the EU expected us all to observe in March 2004?
I remember it well-because my Job Seekers Allowance interview occurred at the time when we were all supposed to be silent.
Boy, I asked a fair few questions throughout,and i was expansive on my needs to work and my mitigating factors-they normally like that.
Not that time though.
The embarrassing silences and shamed looks of my poor poppet as her bosses scowled at us both ensured my £53.25 was a well-earned reward for arsing the liberals about.
Wonder when the BBCs Five Years Silence over the Balen Report will end-reckon they need to move on from their grief at all those poor Jews killed by Muslims, as well as the BBCs role as quisling in chief for said murders.
What concerns me is the amount of jihadi/Syrian holidaymaker/allua ahkbar types being exposed after the event through ‘activity’ on their facebook/twitter/instagram accounts. There appears to be a level of islamic tolerance on behalf of these organisations with regard to beheading/jihad/murder videos, and yet I suspect that any kind of EDL/Britain First/UKOK videos with respect to our cultural identity or exposure of the muslim paedo gangs will be removed immediately……………..
Thinking about the referendum outcome?
Remember the Greek government is composed of Trotskyists whose strategy is to wind up minorities until they break from the system or create so much of a crisis amongst the majority of citizens that the system itself breaks up.
They even create the contradictions such as getting the people to vote against a proposal they are tabling!
The only other near certainty is that the majority rarely votes for economic chaos but in Greece the people now believe in their own victimhood not to mention the false statistics and obvious shroud waving so beloved by BBC journalists and the Syriza enthusiast on Channel 4 News, Paul Mason.
He seems to have been living in Athens for a year now purveying the Trot line of imminent capitalist collapse.
Have you ever seen a definitive BBC analysis of one Athenian unpaid for months or suddenly devoid of income?
It would be beyond their training to even ask to look at their payslips or benefit books.
In truth, Athens looks remarkably prosperous still and why not as the euros will be pouring in for some time to come.
Thanks I’m up to date now BBC
One of our women tennis players lost is one of the biggest stories and the Luton 12 are still on their holidays. It could get to 30 degrees at Heathrow if we take the thermometer reading just after an A380 has put some jet wash on the weather station.
Which of the following headlines do you think the BBC went with?
‘Government to change Inheritance Tax rule’
‘Chancellor to change Inheritance Tax rule’
‘Tories to change Inheritance Tax rule’
No prizes.
I liked Charlie and Nana this morning ‘…. well not many people live in million pound houses’ to the housing minister if I was him I would have said well you two do for a start
I’ve cheated & looked at the BBC website. “Tories” it is- evidently they’re not respectable enough to be a “government”
Sadly, the same is true of Sky News.
Both organisations are a disgrace.
True. I wondered why it didn’t say “Government.” It said “Tories.”
But it’s to do with “money” and therefore insinuates the Tories as being greedy and interested only in filthy lucre.
Maybe they are…but should the greedy BBC be insinuating anything?
As any change will require parliamentary approval it should read ‘Government proposes’ then ‘parliament approves’, shouldn’t it?
But then the BBC never gets the democracy bit does it.
Lyse Doucet has got her mournful head on in the trailer for a “Children of Gaza” BBC2 (Wed 21:00) spectacular. We know it is going to be impartial, but unfortunate that the trailer has homed in on scenes like:-
1) Downtrodden child peers through barricade fencing to say “That’s where the people are who want to kill us “. The child could be an Israeli – but I don’t think they are stupid enough to expose themselves at the frontier
2) Following shots of destroyed buildings, a Gazan(?) child complains that their schools are destroyed even whilst they are in them.
Nobody does misery quite like Orla.
Orla ‘they came in their thousands’ Guerin.
Orla ‘Grim Reaper’ Guerin.
She’s spooky, man.
One can only advise but I suggest that in future when Dez or Scott post here we reply “We note your views but we think we got it about right”.
Also remind the sanctimonious, condescending and disdainful Scott that (in his own words) he found Boston bomber, who let us remember murdered three innocents (one of whom was a child) erh “hot”. Horrible.
I’m sure he’ll be here soon to correct you in that it was the ‘would be’ Time Sq. bomber, Faisal Shahzad, that was “kinda hot”.
Oops. I’m mixing up my terrorists. Quite right LVD.
BBC and other networks gleefully stating that Bubba Watson (he who can knock balls in to holes) will paint over the Confederate Flag on his Dukes of Hazard Car. It was a lame-brained BBC aired series but to do this is equally for the lame-brained.
An Isis-lite act of vandalism for the Wests liberals. In itself nothing but believe me its just the start.
One of the things that marks out ‘this’ car against all the others of its mas- produced companions is its distinctive roof markings, so to paint it over is the height of stupidity.
Mind one would have to be pretty stupid to buy the car anyway as, according to Wikipedia
“Although the estimated number of General Lees used varies from different sources, according to Ben Jones (“Cooter” in the show), as well as builders involved with the show, 320 General Lees were used to film the series. Others claim about 255 were used in the series. Approximately 17 still exist in various states of repair. On average, more than one General Lee was used up per show.”
‘Some say’ that the flag is a symbol of racism and nine died in Charleston so best get rid of it. i wonder how many have died with the ‘Stars and Stripes” emblazoned behind the killer’s gun?
Surely he’ll have to rename it as well.
How come the Confederate flag didn’t seem to bother him when he bought the General Lee? It looks more like gesture politics from a bandwagon hopper.
This is the point. Where does it stop?
With a boot crushing a human face.
‘..very interested to learn about the potential for outside influence on BBC editorial decisions’
Of course it’s possible that renowned BBC integrity, trust and transparency will be to the fore, but doubts must remain.
Amazing how many ex-BBC staff end up in roles pursuing rather predictable avenues, especially having been assigned to sensitive parts of the world to be impartial.
We can only imagine where Jon Donnison, Jeremy Bowen, etc will pitch up next, doing what?
Apologies if this has already been spotted but I notice that the official Wimbledon web site refers to Ladies’ Singles yet BBC Sport’s web site refers to Women’s Singles. Regardless of what the PC Club at the BBC think, and don’t we know it, surely the obligation is to use the organiser’s official title.
R4 afternoon drama for the masses. Intelligent British Asians, helped by a Somali immigrant lawyer, lead the diverse community to preserve “a little bit of England” against the ravages of the evil American developer who employs the local, racist, white English builder. Forward comrades …. (honestly I’m not making this up!)
I switched off after two minutes. It was suggesting nasty things that could be done to immigrants in the opening ‘music’. Have wondered about complaining to the BBC about its racism.
R4 Any Answers and a caller is introduced as someone who lived in Greece for 25 years. You know this is going to go badly as the beeboid is confronted with evidence. Sure enough the familiar account of affluent Greeks ignoring taxes is unwelcome.
You’d think that that old stalwart of R2, Friday Night is Music Night, would be bias free. But raving metrosexual Paul Gambacini fits in a snide dig at the politics of Patrick Moore. Well the old duffer was sceptical of the value of immigration, so maybe Gamb took it personally.
Complaint submitted;
“At http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05qys2c#t=1h30m18s the presenter says of Patrick Moore, ‘forget his xylophones and politics’ clearly implying that Patrick Moore’s political views were extreme. They were not and are still shared by millions.
When I want left wing political bias I can tune into R4 Today, The News Quiz or The Now Show. I do not now want it infesting R2 Friday Night Is Music Night.”
If it goes out under the BBC logo it will inevitably be infested with leftist bias no matter what the programme is about. It comes with the LF as part of the package.
Re the naming or otherwise of the Muslim Murderers who kill in the name of their “so-called faith”..why don`t we split the difference between Islamic State and Dash-let`s call them Islamic Dash.
For that is what they represent-a dash to ram Islam up any available orifices presented to them by gays, women, children and -yes, liberal talking heads too.
All day long the BBC has given the main headline slot to the family of 12 ‘British’ Bangladeshi Muslims who have travelled from Bangladesh to Syria to Join Islamic state.
It’s the top story on the BBCs England web page too:
Whilst this might be a story worthy of reporting, it does not merit the top slot, over riding every other story. Unless of course you’re a hand wringing liberal leftie, distraught at the loss of 12 brown eyed boys & girls, and the thought that there’ll be no NHS social services, or hate crime laws to protect them.
I’m surprised the BBC weren’t playing violins – Oh no wait that might be offensive to Muslims, perhaps a Muezzins call?
Is there no way of ‘repatriating’ all Muslims and other scroungers to Syria? Drop them out of planes with a chute that they had to pack?
And that is why this amateur site needs some better security !
What the 12 Bangladeshis resident in Britain did, was very good. They cared not for their comfort, or free NHS, free education and Benefits, but went off to the Daesh, to live and die in the caliphate, as truly devout Muslims.
The 12 thus sacrificed their comfort in Britain for a glorious eternal life in paradise. This is what all good Muslims should do.
All should watch an informative documentary on the politics of Global Warming censored by the BBC: TruTV, Freeview Channel 68, 10pm, Sunday 5th July. Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, 38th governor of Minnesota. Ventura was independent of and highly critical of both the Democrats and Republicans, and is now planning to run for President in 2016 as an Independent. The Documentary has the MIT Atmospheric Physicist, Professor Richard Lindzen saying that its “a disgrace to the Scientific Community and the Environmental movement”. They also talk to investigative Journalist, Lord Christopher Monckton, one of the few competent Journalists, capable of in-depth investigation into the IPCC. Something the BBC is incapable of due to the unbelievably poor and irrelevant qualifications of its Journalists. Either that or deliberate censorship by the BBC. Monckton seems to have followed up on an investigation into the IPCC by scientist Zbigniew Jaworowski who was a principal investigator of four research projects of the International Atomic Energy Agency. He too pointed to Maurice Strong as the originator of this multi-billion pound manmade Global Warming lunacy, which limps on despite the wheels falling off. The only other competent investigative Journalist doing journalism on this subject that I know, is Donna Laframboise, who’s book “The Delinquent Teenager” is worth a read. I know that scientists are now saying that they will now have to start to do the journalism, but Monckton and Laframboise prove that there are Journalists doing Journalism. But it seems that the cause of this may be to do with the Unions of the Journalist Trade, providing lunatic advise to their own members not to do Journalism.
“Delinquent Teenager” IS a good book – I highly recommend it.
Also recently purchased “Climate Change – the Facts” a very good book, too, with chapters by all the regular sceptics, including Richard Lindzen, Delingpole, Bob Carter, and others.
We are being cheated – screwed, whatever, and this will culminate in Paris, where they have to win, or shut the fuck up – and they know it.
Both LaFramboise’s book and Delingpole’s (‘Watermelons’) lay bare the unpalatable (for the BBC) truth about the IPCC and ‘the consensus’. Also, Lord Lawson’s ‘An Appeal to Reason’ draws a contrast between the detail in the IPCC’s AR reports (cuatious in their predictions) and the eco-politically motivated ‘Summary for Policymakers’ i.e. the only part journalists can bother themselves with.
Delingpole also joins the dots between politicians, environmentalists (e.g Greenpeace), bent scientists, the UN and subversive pseudo-political (but totalitarian in their outlook) groups such as The Club of Rome. In global warming, the latter found the ‘common enemy to unite mankind’ and boy, are they not going to let go of it in a hurry when they can see themselves running an unelected eco-socialist world government (individual carbon allowances and baby licences, anyone?). God knows who they’d have in mind for their world broadcaster.
Not on your telly
It’s a rare beast, so intermittently spotted that it may be almost extinct.
I speak, of course, of BBC Newswatch. You know, that show where a few poor Joe or Josephine Schmoe- licence payers get to quibble with BBC News on BBC-chosen ground and a corporation suit or hairdo tells them the error of their ways and how right the BBC are.
Well a brave soul was taking on the greased-up BBC prize fighter over their coverage of the recent Tunisia thingamejig perpetrated by one of those whats-their-names, a member of whatcha-ma-call-it, who apparently all worship whats-his-face (but for all our sakes don’t draw his face).
Well among several specific criticisms this fine lady viewer made the interesting point that the BBC were milking the mobile phone footage and this might perhaps glorify the bad thing that was done.
Naturally the BBC let her blow off this steam and are going to go on just as before.
The viewer then made the excellent statement that BBC news should report fact not emotion.
There was an obvious cut in the recording.
I would have gladly given 40p a day to see the unedited response.
Post cut the BBC suit muttered something along the lines of ‘we got it about right’ and the show ended.
That must have hit home. BBC News without emoting? Not on your telly.
Our BBC suit here was Gavin Allen Controller of BBC Daily News Programmes – or should that be so-called Controller?
(History, Cambridge)
Discussion from c3.40 and awkward moment at c9.00
Having once or twice signed petitions on 38degrees , I am now constantly bombarded with invitations to sign more- nearly all of them start with the premise that the Tories are all moustache twirling Victorian villains (some non political organisation ) and are looking to screw more money from the taxpayer – its worth watching how the fauxcialist mind works though
their latest missive (now we get to the BBC bit) includes this
I advice my learned friends to scroll to the bottom
Go on have your say
(I also suggested their should be a moratorium on immigration until a full and open debate was had)
I told them to **** off and stop begging for money.
Sweet Jesus, is nothing sacred? No doubt though given today’s Fascism is ‘progressing’ nothing is a surprise !
Chris Booker on form today:
BBC news earlier about the shirty dozen who have emigrated into ISIL . BBC say A World Away In Luton there is shock etc .
Luton ? ! There’s more difference between Cumbria and Luton than ISIL and Luton .
i watched part of the ‘Alamo’ this afternoon. The John Wayne. Lawrence Harvey version.
It could never get made today. I can imagine BBC Tv script conferences exploding into rage and indignation . Same with most TV and film companies.
There is a wonderful line by Davy Crockett (( John Wayne) when first meeting Colonel Travis ( Harvey)
From memory it goes
‘These men are from Tennessee’
Travis is talking about free men and freedom and Wayne by way of explanation why such talk is not necessary to his men says that line.
Once they would have said it about an Englishman.He is from Devon or he is from Sussex. Freedom was always part of us then. It was never necessary to talk about it.
I apologise in advance to those liberals offended by this but then you would not understand what I am talking about would you ?
True Liberals would . LibDims don’t but then infatuation with Something like the EU would turn anyone a bit doollaly, as the BBC shows .
Looks like the BBC will have to pay for the over 75`s TV licences soon , & if they don`t ,the Government can say its the BBC`s kutz , not ours . Ha ,ha what a brilliant move . Serve`s the bastards right for their PC evilness & bias ,day in day out .
Aah, but …
One Sunday newspaper front page suggests they will be allowed/encouraged to charge for iPlayer in return for that.
I was on Gardeners Question Time site the other day and I find it appears that their archive has to be paid for now.
I seem to recall that there was a project to put increasing amounts of the BBC Radio past broadcasts into an on-line Library for free access. The large hikes in the Licence Fee in the late-90s/early-00s were in part excused by saying they were for projects like that.
Am I imagining that? Or are the BBC reneging on a former commitment? Anyone know?
Why should the over 75s get free TV? What happens if they’re one of a household of 16 living together and earning, while the single 68 year old next door pays full whack?
The Sky Press Preview says that according to the Sunday Express the BBC face an £800 million funding squeeze to pay for free TV licences for over 75s.
Hehe. They’ll go ballistic.
Sky News chap says the cuts will have to come from news and current affairs. Good. At the next election Labour will have to find other sources to disseminate their message instead of the Dimbleby brothers and Five Live.
That is incorrect. Recent publications (Culture, Media and Sport review ?) indicate that payment for “free licences” is actually paid by central Government.
That is incorrect. Recent publications (Culture, Media and Sport review ?) indicate that payment for “free licences” is actually paid by central Government.
My memory restored; This was uncovered in the investigation by the lady driving the “End the BBC Licence Fee”. You can sign her petition at:https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-the-bbc-licence-fee
I suppose closing Radio 1, BBC3, sundry ‘popular’ music and ‘ethnik’ networks, and a substantial reduction of management layers (including Danny Cohen – I wish) might just pay for it.