After the attack in Tunisia I looked at Donnison’s Twitter feed to see his reaction…nothing. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and thought he must be sleeping off his socialising with the Muslim victims of rampant Australian Islamophobia and would start the same sort of tweeting we are used to when he is constantly telling us of his sympathies for Hamas and the victims of Israeli ‘terrorism and war crimes’.
But no, he has all but ignored the murders in Tunisia…this being his sole tweet…or retweet, he couldn’t even be bothered to write his own…..
Jon Donnison retweeted
‘Frightening? It was unbelievable’. So powerful to hear a child, Bronwen Midgley, talking to John about the Tunisia attacks
It is noticeable that he has succumbed to government pressure and is calling Islamic State ‘Daesh’…never mind that Daesh means Islamic State…..and of course it is in relation to his old mates in Hamas…
Daesh threatens to topple Hamas in
#Gaza. … Hamas & Israel will find common cause and not allow that to happen.
The Guardian report he links to actually calls them ‘Islamic State’…
Islamic State threatens to topple Hamas in Gaza Strip in video statement
Why did he change it?
I don’t have an issue with him changing the name of the terrorist organisation, however, he has completely misrepresented the story which was taken from Reuters.
The actual quote says that Hamas and ISIS/DAESH have common cause against Israel, which is completely different to the narrative he is trying to spin.
It is also the Egyptian government which is most upset with ISIS as they are causing huge issues on the Sinai Peninsula.
Funny that Hamas are having to deny they are working with Israel to suppress ISIS.
Hamas are as much a target of the loons as the Israelis.
But why let reality get in way of prejudice.
In the film ‘Blade’ vampires have sycophants called familiars . In the real world the blood thirsty gay death cult have the bBC.
I also support DAESH over Islamic State. There are several Islamic States — whose constitution is Islam. This is relevant because the Iraqi/Syrian version declare themselves to be the Caliphate i.e. the state of all Muslims replacing all national boundaries. Besides the use of DAESH is said to annoy them.
For more discussion coming from a pro Israel position BTW and
Just a quick one:
The PM says we have to stop saying calling Islamic state .Islamic because it isn’t Islamic and it offends Muslims instead we should call it DAESH. Which is the Arabic acronym for..ISIS
“al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Iraq wa al-Sham”
As its in Arabic the vast majority of people who will fully understand the meaning are…Muslims. so why are we using a meaning that only Muslims will understand, when we are trying to dissociate his group away from…Islam. Could it be , it is simply a sop for Westerns to avoid using ‘Islam’?
Is it possible that Donnison has sufficiently embarrassed the BBC that he was told to stick to his place of banishment in the colonies (Isn’t that the traditional English way of disposing of useless sons?) and not tweet about news he has no way of confirming — not that he did much fact checking while stationed in the Middle East.
I don’t think his attacks on Israel ever embarrassed the BBC hierarchy, his views are the “official” line. What’s more, the BBC have no sense of shame whatsoever otherwise they would have closed themselves down in the 1980s.
So if Islamic Savages do manage to oust Hamas, what chance he’ll suddenly be OK with IDF operations against terrorists in Gaza?
Islamic Savages?…we know now what IS stands for.
There was me thinking it was Islamic Sewage…something that most Muslim countries have yet to be able to control.
I do wonder what his little brain cell is thinking to say when IS and his Hamas mates get into open warfare. There has already been sporadic little fights, full on open fighting will be interesting to watch to see several beeboids reactions and backward flips.