‘The fear that religious terror brings, the lies it makes people tell and concessions it forces them to make are as familiar here as on the subcontinent.’ Nick Cohen
Mishal Husain was in Bangladesh this week….she was curious as to why there is a rise in fanaticism in Bangladesh as liberal/atheist bloggers get murdered for their ‘blasphemous’ sins. Could it be the Bangladeshis’ foreign policy, their invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, their ‘carving up of the Middle East’, their support for evil dictators? Or is it just some people with an ideology that they want to impose upon all others and do so at the point of a gun inspired as they are by an ancient, dusty and dangerous old book?
Remind me also where the Mannan family say that the West’s foreign policy is to blame for their escape to freedom and nirvanna? They in fact declare their hatred of Western society as the reason for their migration…
We release this statement to confirm that, indeed we are in the Islamic State. A land that is free from the corruption and oppression of man made law and is governed by the shariah, the perfect and just laws of Allah subhanAllah wa Ta’la.
Yes, all 12 of us and why should this number be shocking, when there are thousands and thousands of Muslims from all corners of the world that are crossing over land and sea everyday to come to the Islamic State? That are willingly leaving the so called freedom and democracy that was forced down our throat in the attempt to brainwash Muslims to forget about their powerful and glorious past and now present.
Or is it shocking that those attempts have clearly failed? That regardless of being born and bred in the west, the epitome of democracy, our Islam was not washed away? And despite the totalitarian rules that are in place, Muslims are still awaking to their obligations?
The BBC have the strange and foolish title for their report on this…Missing UK family ‘safer than ever with Islamic State’.
Why use a title that gives even a chance of an ‘edge’ to the Islamists in the propaganda war?
And note that the BBC doesn’t quote all the disparaging remarks about the West….just a few words that give a passsing idea of what they might be thinking….can’t have you knowing that they hate the West and it has nothing to do with foreign policy and all to do with our society, culture and democracy…
The statement, passed to the BBC by a Briton fighting with IS, said the family had arrived in a land that was “free from corruption and oppression” and had not been “commanded” to join by a single person but by the “Khalifah of the Muslims”.
Oh hang on…the BBC does quote in full a ‘friend’ who says that it’s all definitely rubbish anyway…
Nazrull Ali, a school friend of 19-year-old Mohammed Toufique Hussain, who is said to be among the 12, said he did not believe the statement.
“That doesn’t seem right to be honest. I don’t think they would say stuff like that,” he said.
“I don’t know but I heard they [IS] could make you say whatever they want, obviously if someone puts a gun to your head what would you say?” he said.
“He would have said bye to all of us properly and I’m telling you, he did not know that he was going to Syria. I know it wasn’t him, I think he’s got tricked into it. It wasn’t his idea, definitely.”
Remind me also why the BBC fought so hard to get Moazzam Begg released from Guantanamo and now fawns over him even as he balatantly supports Al Qaeda?
Arguably the most credible voices against IS have been Islamic clerics traditionally associated with Al-Qaeda. These include Jordanian scholars Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi and Abu Qatada.
The only ones who can successfully challenge the IS narrative, however, are the only ones the government will not engage with.
Remind me why the BBC still has on members of MPACUK as credible commentators on how to respond to radicalisation when they themselves are well known as extremists who support Jihad?
In islam, only muslims are permitted to discuss koranic text, or the contents of the hadiths. From anyone else, even a completely neutral, uncontroversial statement about islamic doctrine is considered blasphemous.
I am quite sure that, in line with this mentality, the Obama administration has subcontracted all analysis of matters islamic to muslims, as exemplified by Hillary Clinton, during her stint at the State Department, abetted by her confidante, Huma Abedin, who has solid muslim brotherhood connections. I am pretty certain that the beebyanka has done the same thing, which is why Mishal Husain and Zeinab Badawi seem always to be chosen for these assignments and why the same tedious, predictable, sectarian talking-heads are so routinely paraded.
I suspect that Whitehall has followed the same path. Cameron’s endlessly infuriating line that islam is the “religion of peace” has to be fed to him. I know he is, by nature, intellectually incurious (not a great advertisement for either Eton, or Oxford), but, on this subject in particular, he does give the impression of consciously avoiding making up his own mind and, rather, choosing to repeat what he is told.
Love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection (“I love my mother”) to pleasure (“I loved that meal”). It can refer …
In economics, a good is a material that satisfies human wants and provides utility, for example, to a consumer making a purchase. A common distinction is made .
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3150089/Man-parading-ISIS-flag-outside-Big-Ben.html…now we know the truth behind who is radicalising muslim children.it was there parents all the time !!!
I am coming around to the idea of a full recognised IS that exists in the former Iraq and Syria. There would be many advantages, a clear path for all Muslims who currently inhabit Europe to find a better place to live in their own construction. Rather than fester in a ‘democratic hell hole’. It would allow us to start removing their populations as their continued presence would bring endless terrorism and internal conflict. By removing the sea then the murderous killers would have no place to hide, as the population decreases then their attacks would decrease. The indigenous population of Europe would quickly demand their removal to their promised land. Once there they can do as they will, Europe’s contact with them can be reduced to a minimum, a soft wall could be built, sell them a few cars and drugs, in return some oil and Dates.
An accommodation could be reached whereby we would not attack them in return for no terrorism. Let them build what they want, I have no interest, let them return to the seventh century, fine by me and most others. All of us and them would be happy, it’s just how to get there which is going to be hard to arrange, but it can be done.