OK folks, time for a new Syriza approved one of these. Just say OXI to BBC bias and detail it here. The comrades seem most unhappy with Osborne after his comments on Marr yesterday! Your thoughts?
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The Old Bloke , Timer ,& Goat of this site , should not have to pay for BBC lies & propaganda . We will all get old one day, if you don`t want to pay for the i player , don`t subscribe to it , when its paywalled . Anyhow ,I thought subscription was the way forward for the BBC, that`s what I want to see . The RPI increase in the fee might be after a 10% or more cut to the £145 fee . All will be revealed in due course .
We can hope for the best scenario BUT rest assured we won’t get it.
The licence fee will go up for EVERYONE in order to pay for the iplayer.
It will naturally be assumed that everyone with a computer can get the iplayer. Therefore the only ones exempt will be those without a TV or a computer (or a tablet or a smart phone). Those over 99 or under 2. Job done.
Why do you think the BBC started the iplayer? To be nice to us? I don’t think so. They had this in mind years ago, to catch those nasty people who say they don’t have a TV and only watch catch-up on the PC.
The great anti-British Broadcasting Communists will carry on until the next mile wide asteroid wipes them out, the last living dinosaur, and the rest of us.
The Conservatives have no more say in the matter than aunt Elsie’s cat.
The BBC is really becoming the BEANO of scientific journalism. From bad to a bad joke. (Perhaps that is unfair to the Beano?)
Climate change ‘filler’ for the sheeple.
A N Other taxpayer funded computer model simulation research projectA scientific study shows ” ….’More hot summers’ for parts of UK….”News? Science? I hope those ‘parts of UK’ include my abode.
David Shukman again, obfuscating, propagandising. If you’re up with the science, read it, and weep for truths. If you’re not up with the science, don’t read it. Google ‘wuwt’ instead and start there.
The BBC unbelievably seems to have done a complete U turn on GM foods. Apparently only 15% of people were against GM foods but you would never have guessed it from the BBC’s previous coverage but now we heard on Radio 4 two interviewees before the 8 am news endorsing GM foods ! All I can think of is how much they are being paid to change their stand ??.
Or perhaps the concept of reliable, sustainable crops for the poorest in the world has finally broken through the BBC’s default objection to anything which smacks of corporatism?
I’m all in favour of giving those with the least the best possible chance to grow their own food. GM crops promise to deliver that. It seems immoral to me that anyone could object to that, especially the BBC.
My only issues with it are deliberately making crops that can’t be replanted – i.e. a poor farmer can’t hold back some of his crop for replanting. A failed harvest and you could be in a very bad place.
Also, the GM crop producers appear to be working in tandem with the chemical manufacturers – e.g. making herbicide resistant crops, so that farmers can spray more toxic chemicals on their crops.
This morning Radio 4 and the Today programme, discussing the fear that the chancellor will cut working tax credits. The scene was set, hard working people who rely on the tax credit to survive, don’t know what to do should it be cut etc etc, Fear mongering and doom. Then, right towards the end of the article (I say end because…) the reporter stated that in probability the chancellor will leave things as they are for existing claimants but introduce the abolition of working tax credit to new claimants. Wow! Completely against the tone of the thread and immediately the reporter got unplugged and cut off. Obviously that reporter needs to taken off somewhere for re-training.
We don’t ask for much, just give us back a BBC as it used to be – where a race card was something Clare Balding’s father might have studied and where John Peel presented us with the implausible and convoluted new records and not the Met Office.
It wasn’t all great…
Why is Gaza reconstruction so slow? Yolande Knell straight out lies by ommission. Israel’s policy towards so-called dual use material is part of the problem but not all of it and quite possibly not the largest part.
Knell omits:
1) Hamas commandeers a significant part of construction material for itself and has been reported to have begun to reconstruct fortifications;
2) The Gaza black market distributes most of the remander to the highest bidder;
3) Egypt allows in none;
4) Disputes between Hamas and the P.A. have meant that finance for purchasing materials doesn’t always arrive;
5) Accusations that Hamas is deliberately keeping parts of Gaza unrestructed for propaganda purposes.
The figures Knell uses are also dubious. I have added graphs from Gisha, an NGO not noted for sympathy for Israel. In June an average of 673 trucks arrived in Gaza each day. Not all contained construction material but 171,650 (tons?) of gravel, 2770 of steel and 18822 of cement arrived in Gaza that same month.
If no destroyed homes were rebuilt the real question that Knell dodges is what was done with the material that did arrive?
Not even, as Pounce would say the BBC and half a story. More like the BBC and 1/10th a story.

On a more conceptual level. Hamas (and allies) started a war with Israel; fought it in such a way that increased civilian injury and property damage and lost. Technically, the war is not over. There is a ceasefire in place. Why must Israel have moral responsibility for rebuilding and not Hamas?
I should have added:
6) This week Israel closed Keren Shalom crossing, until further notice, in response to attacks which killed ozens of Egyptian soldiers in Sinai;
7) Israel transferred the entrance point for trucks to Keren Shalom from the much larger and better equipped Karni crossing because of Palestinian attacks on Karni – which left several Israeli soldiers dead – several years ago.
8) Only a fraction of money pledged by the ‘international community’ (notably the Arab world) has materialised:
“The Gulf Arab states in particular pledged high at Cairo: Qatar promised some $1 billion, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) $200 million and Saudi Arabia $500 million ahead of the conference.
“Yet so far they have made only limited payments due to the lack of political change. Said the European official: “There is some disappointment that Arab countries may have made commitments that are not delivering. … It is particularly difficult to get them to commit to actually provide cash which is what is now needed,” as opposed to in-kind donations – providing the required goods and services themselves.”
How unhappy the great and the good are about the reduction in the amount of free money that the BBC are to be gifted.
Poor Diane Coyle, a BBC trustee, is bleating about it over at their sister organisation The Guardian…
One would need a heart of stone not to sympathise.
You can laugh at her here…
How can it be ‘independent’ broadcasting when it fully relies on taxpayer funding? If they want to be ‘independent’ they should be financially independent. Subscription now!
The Guardianisters are bleating , because the BBC makes the PC lefty bollox, that only they want to watch . They want the rest of us, to pay for this propaganda ,which will keep their lefty mates in a job at the BBC .With the demise of Jezza`s Top Gear , there is only a bit of BBC 4 that I want to watch .I do surf other programmes , not to watch, but to see how lefty & PC the production is .
Ms Diane Coyle – would be Chair of the BBC Trust (who didn’t get the job)….otherwise known as Mrs Rory Cellan-Jones; husband, BBC Technology Correspondent.
It’s not as though she has a dog (or two) in the fight!
Caught North West earlier banging on about a “landmark” court case which they have been running on and off as a story for some time. Basically now deceased child had been going into hospital and benefit is reduced after a set period. The parents think the benefit should stay at full rate despite the fact the NHS is providing the care for which the benefit is paid to cover. Last time we had the dodgy camera angles on the “massive” supporting crowd in fact about five people. This morning we were treated to a representative of yet another charity http://www.cafamily.org.uk/ . Who? Although by the 09:00 report they had been cut.
Just tuned to the BBc news channel a few minutes ago hoping to see child tax credits get slashed. Instead it’s Harman in a completely pointless exercise of telling us what Labour wanted to see in the budget.
Well!…..The Beeboid hero Russell Brand has been called out…By British army heroes who are willing to pay for his first class ticket to Syria and act as minders whilst he’s out there…
Looks like I owe the Press Gazette an apology; they have moved beyond concerns about the the BBC’s undue impact on print media to greater issues:
‘It suited the Government to look like it was taking an axe to the BBC finances and it suited the BBC to play the victim.’
As Labour and its broadcast PR division recently found, playing the public for fools with spin and underestimating their ability to see when they are being played can work out poorly.
‘We (the media) swallowed it hook, line and sinker’
Good of them to admit it.
A few noble souls were not fooled, and some since The Future of the BBC ‘recommendations’.
I won’t forget this, and I will let my MP know I won’t, even if it takes a few years to remind him.
The Tories do seem more like abusive relationship partners these days.
‘Despite being a benefit reduction the ‘Bedroom tax’ became the standard title used by the BBC…’
Quite how they think handing the BBC monetary security and even less accountability will see them ‘report’ anything impartially is an impressive leap of faith.
But on that, from David Cameron sideways, they do have form.
What a jolly friendly religion is Mohamidanism. A ramadan running holiday described by a BBC adventurer.
For me, the spirit of Ramadan was embodied at that moment – the shared discipline and effort, the equality of everyone regardless of background or ability or status embarking on the same task, and then the communal celebration and shared pleasure of that task achieved.’
Looking at her blog (on that BBC link, just click her name), it’s clear she’s having a jolly nice time ‘adventuring’ her way around North Africa and the Med – when she’s not grabbing huge grants off EU taxpayers as part of her ‘consultancy’ role.
Why am I not surprised? Another Common Purpose drone, busy, busy…
And vice-versa. From the Mail:
Exaro also understands that Smith’s review will make an acutely embarrassing disclosure from BBC board minutes of more than 40 years ago.
The minutes are said to show that the board formally thanked Savile for acting as a spokesman for the broadcaster in rebutting a story about a BBC photographer who allegedly made sexual advances to young teenagers during a recording of ‘Top of the Pops’.
Savile presented this edition of the programme, which gave a run-down of the pop charts.
The News of the World was pursuing the story, but was headed off by Savile. The story never ran, for which the BBC board was very grateful.
Meanwhile, the BBC also faces accusations that it paid for legal advice for Savile to stop publication of accusations that he was a paedophile.
I’ve no doubt that most of this forums content from now on will be of the Chancellors budget announcements and how the BBC reports them. Well, another report which might get lost, is that from the Met Office today. Their forecast at 2.00pm started off with the fact (as they put it) that this time last week was the hottest July day on record. Well, that would be the unprotected thermometer, based at Heathrow Airport (the busiest in the World) located at the side of 09 Left and only 20 meters from a runway turn off point where the site is known to have jet wash. It was also on a day where a light Easterly flowed over the site bringing in all the hot air from the capital, London. Upwind of London was 3 degrees (at least) cooler. Yup, Met Office, whatever you say, not.
Now compare and contrast. As I suggested this time last week, the North of the country would be experiencing an “arctic blast” and sure enough we are and even the Met Office used the same term. (Anyone would think someone at the Met Office reads this site…..oh..hang on a minute). The Met Office have informed us that the “rural Glens” could well see a frost. Hmm, a frost, you know a real frost of real temperature, no cooling elements like a fridge door being open nearby, the thermometer placed in iced water or next to a heat extractor…nope just plain old clear skies and convection. I wonder if the lowest temp’ ever recorded in July, -2.5 degrees, if beaten, will receive the attention that that Heathrow, allegedly, highest ‘eva’ temperature got?
Answers on a postcard.
Oh, nearly forgot, despite three days of high temperatures in that far eastern side of England, what bets that the U.K. month average of July temperature will be “below average”? Eight days in and looking good for a punt. As Kirsty Squak said, “can’t you just feel the global warming burning down on you”? Nope.
Peston (who else?) on the BBC’s propaganda site front page: “For all my obsession with the probable exit of Greece from the euro and the most important social-security-cutting and tax-reforming UK budget for many years…”
So, no agenda, eh?
Have to say I’m pretty happy with the budget. Another £1000 off my personal tax bill (and more to come) – as a self-employed person this kind of thing makes a difference.
Given the announcement of the new target of a £9ph minimum wage, plus the new inheritance tax allowance, there will be glum faces in the Comintern today…
I’m sure they’ll do their very best to find the ‘bad news’ somehow.
R5 after the tennisathon had an early news, including a vox pop where there was a few comments along the lines of ” I suppose it’s good. Maybe for poor people. But it’s just going to push up inflation ” remarks followed by a studio interview with the owner of a Nursery who bewailed the rise to £9 by saying she couldn’t afford it and would have to pass the cost onto hard pressed parents…….’your caring sharing bbc, where we care for the little guy……..as long as it suits us to’. Who us want higher wages? Yeh,but no, but yeh but no etc etc.
Nice to see a bit of rational behaviour from a once favourite Anger and Protests editor in response to criticism:
However, I share mainly in wondering just how far the tongue was in cheek when this was penned:
‘…it’s for the best that Mason no longer works for the BBC given that his impartiality could now be called into question.’
Jo Coburn’s face on the Budget programme at lunchtime today after Osborne’s speech is my favourite BBC moment
Jo Coburn is partial to a whole lemon or two.
I also enjoyed her ‘face like a smacked arse’ look. Her exaggerated facial expression made me wonder, when did BBC presenters start gurning? Have they been trained in this face twisting art as a means of broadcasting subliminal messages?
Media show today they had a ex BBC senior manager who was shocked by the over 75’s BBC Tax settlement and who incredibly thought that there ought to have been a public consultation as it was potentially reducing the BBC revenue scheme and hence the size and scope of the BBC. Surely the best way for the BBC to have a public consultation would be for it to be a subscription service. The BBC can’t avoid the issue of why they don’t want to be a subscription service if they believe that the public loves them so much! It can only be because they fear that a fair proportion of the public would not wish to pay for the BBC if they had a choice not to do so. So the BBC prefers that people are coerced into paying the BBC Tax .The BBC Tax cannot be justified in age were the technology allowing subscription is well proven, cheap and efficient.
Despite trying, the Tories cannot avoid being at war with the BBC, because the BBC is run by a bunch of left-wing Labour supporters, now showing no restraint in their childish anger at the Tories, at even the suggestion of freeing the plebs from paying a forced fee by compulsion with the threat of criminal prosecution and imprisonment, even if they do not watch the BBC channels due to the left-wing bias. So why do the Tories try to be polite and give in to the demands of these emotionally aggressive grease balls. The U-turn and stone walling from Whittingdale implies that the BBC must have found something on him, It cant be just something about his brother.
Despite trying, the Tories cannot avoid being at war with the BBC, because the BBC is run by a bunch of left-wing Labour supporters, now showing no restraint in their childish anger at the Tories, at even the suggestion of freeing the plebs from paying a forced fee by compulsion with the threat of criminal prosecution and imprisonment, even if they do not watch the BBC channels due to the left-wing bias. So why do the Tories try to be polite and give in to the demands of these emotionally aggressive grease balls. The U-turn and stone walling from Whittingdale implies that the BBC must have found something on him, It cant be just something about his brother.
Hey Bugs voted here yet?
LOL love the Cymru member on news 24 saying of the budget cuts will take half a billion pounds out of the Welsh economy. Well the assembly might like to do something about creating jobs. Where I used to live in North Wales two factories shut and were replaced by…nothing they will build houses on the sites but there will be no jobs for people to buy them
Someone ought to have reminded them about the Anglesey Aluminium works which closed in 2009 with the loss of 400 well paid jobs, caused by the inability to secure a deal for low cost electricity. ” let them build windmills” said Lady Leanne and the rest of her dozy crew.
Possibly something to do with Mandelson and his Russian mates. The same as ALCOA, Swansea. in the early days of his ascent to becoming a multi-millionaire, like his “friend” Bliar.
It was their patriotic duty to get filthy rich.
That was an EU decision. The plant used the off peak over capacity of the nearby nuclear plant. This was deemed to be an ‘unfair subsidy’ by the EU and the plant was forced to close. The aluminium is now smelted abroad using electricity generated by burning fossil fuels. It is that kind of joined up thinking that we’d miss, if we left the EU.
The World Service scouted around for an appropriate person to pump out propaganda about the Religion of Peace on the 10th anniversary of the 7/7 terror attacks. They thought they’d found her in Gill Hicks, who lost two legs in a tube bombing and tells quite an extraordinary story on World Update:
(From 19:50 min. in)
Gill Hicks speaks with great affection about her reception by the Leeds community (read Muslims) she reached out to and the subsequent walk to London. No doubt that is precisely what attracted the BBC to her story.
However, dig a little deeper and one finds that she has not forgiven the terrorist who took her legs, has no desire to meet with his family (wouldn’t that be a coup for the BBC) and is still angry, though she channels that anger into striving for peace.
Her speech at an Australian university is a touching mix of humour and pathos and deep insight into the human condition. Well worth watching:
Of course the BBC would never tell an opposing narrative about 7/7 survival – it just would not be a newsworthy item for left-wing propagandists.
Having regard to the anniversary yesterday of 7/7; the continued hand wringing of our Elite over the followers of this “Religion of Peace” they allow to colonize our country and their wilful blindness to, and inaction against, the fatal toxicity of multiculturalism to our nation.
Here is a quote with which to fill your hearts –
“Militarily, it could be over in 2 weeks if we cared enough to blast our way off the list of endangered civilizations.” Diana West.
Children of the Gaza War?
How about all the children of Israel terrorised by indiscriminate rocket attacks?
Or what about the children of Gaza brainwashed by islamists, propagandised 24/7 by racist television programming, racist “religious teaching”, living in a dictatorship?
F*ck the bbc scum!
Doucet does give the impression this is a BBC/Hamas co-production, and the sad piano music is somewhat over the top.
I haven’t seen all of it, but no child should be put in such a situation, wherever it is born, including Gaza. I have little doubt Doucet will be telling the Hamas leadership just that in a min…
Oh, it’s over.
I am watching the News Channel. What a disgrace.
Asking people about the budget. Guess what, the first person interviewed in Norwich was from UNISON. Blah, blah, blah, cuts, cuts, cuts.
Next we go to Scotland to interview some woman at a single parent centre. Blah, blah, blah, cuts, cuts, cuts.
Absolute disgrace.
That was the rather large woman who bemoaned the rise in pay for working people because councils wouldn’t be able to afford it.
Those Tory bastards. Going around legislating for pay rises for people…
Please Bunny I’ve just eaten my dinner, the thought of you in sexual congress…yech !
Jon Snow dons his two-tone army lite shirt to pose before the plastic palm(Battle of Baghdad Hilton 2003)-to tell us it`s been a whole year since Israel…”began the Gazan conflict”.
Er…you sure Snowboy?
Today is July 8th…the THREE ISRAELI STUDENTS that were abducted were taken on JUNE 12th last year….and were found DEAD on 3oth June.
The 2014 “Gazan conflict” began on June 12th…has it taken a month for Snow to ponce about getting his frequent flyer silver shit Pass then?
Or has he used up his twenty years carbon footprint welly boots stuffed with old Guardians and Pilgers Drivel?
Eyal Yifrach(19),Naftali Frenkel(16)Gilad Shaar(16)…THEY were the reasons for the Israeli action you fuckwit of privilege Snowblow!
Make Channel 4 pay for their own guide dogs-take their money and give free licenses for people between 55 and 75!
But to such as him it’s always Israel’s fault because Occupation. Or apartheid. Or something. Anything to avoid having to admit the truth: that they’re just not that keen on Jews.
Is Robert peston off his meds? Talking about the budget on theten o’clock news ,he said thatcher would clout Osborne with her handbag!
Peston’s been fuming in public all day. Even while Osborne was delivering his Budget speech in the Commons he and N. Robinson were tweeting petulant little snides over the live feed on the BBC News Online site. It was surreal – and yet somehow inevitable.
The BBC, in a nutshell.
Peston’s hair looked even more ragged today – you would think with all their billions the BBC could get a mirror.
Newsnight at it’s best…………..
Tonight I have just heard evan davis (what does he look like? Just looking at him makes me feel uneasy)………..Yes, wait for it……..
Quote: – ‘Today’s budget was a tribute to ed milliband’……………
Only the bbbc newsnight people could dream that one up! Where do they get their ideas from? What kind of world do they live in?
Off button was immediately pressed
Newsnight is bashing the budget, with concerns that Asian baby factories and their litters of children won’t be able to milk the system with every sprog they squeeze out!!!
Moral indignation that immigrants won’t be able to out breed the white indigenous British anymore.
Wait until the Five Live phone-in tomorrow morning. It’s never complete without a raging Marxist Scouser or Pict.
Tristram, Cosmo and Portia will be licking their lips wondering which to put to air first.
Lefty scouser duly surfaced at around 9:30.
As night follows day.
The British Broadcasting Party, In its self-appointed role of Her Majesty’s Opposition, managed to find someone who supported the Budget, though: Peter Lilley. Just for balance amongst the other fifteen voices put to air this morning, of course.
An unusual and rarely seen element of class war reared its head later with a lorry driver bemoaning the possibility that others in his company less skilled than he would soon be earning the same. “S’not fair. I’m pleased for them, obviously.”
Yeah, mate, you sounded pleased.
Poor old Labour don’t know if they are on foot or horseback. They seem broadly to be concerned people might be forced to work for a living and get higher pay, all mandated by the evil Tories.
The left live permanently in a winter of discontent, and they’ll be back soon to make sure we all catch a chill.
Very funny this morning listening to the BBC perform somersaults on the Minimum Wage.. Having had their fox shot, the Left now have to steal the arguments of their opponents in order to perform the ‘opposition of hypocricy'(h/t Stalin, Goebbels) to anything, literally, being uttered by their opponents. Labelling your opponents as oppressors is all they have left now.
Elephant wanders around room – BBC only sort of half notices…
A plug on the BBC website for a program on the BBC’s Racist Asian Network about ‘Honour Crime’ (sic) – see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33424644. This euphemism is used by liberals to describe crimes against women by medieval misogynists; you know the sort of thing – a daughter has shown her ankles so she has to be beaten to death or set on fire else the family will not be able to raise their heads with pride at the benefits office. As is, er, traditional in Britain. Not.
The figures being quoted by the BBC are 11,000 such crimes reported in 5 years (how many prosecutions? The BBC doesn’t say but the answer is one, and that was a highly contrived show trial). The figures were obtained by the Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation – “a charity that provides support to Middle Eastern women living in the UK who are facing ‘honour’ violence”. Does that mean we are talking about crimes against Kurdish and Iranian women then? Possibly, as there will certainly be some instances. But consider the other information provided by the BBC: “The Metropolitan Police recorded the highest number of incidents at 2,188, followed by West Midlands Police with 1,269 and Bedfordshire Police with 1,106 examples recorded. South Yorkshire had 1,009 unconfirmed incidents in 2014 alone while Lancashire Police had 1,049”.
Any clues there as to who and what they are talking about? The elephant, of course, is that these areas have large Pakistani Muslim communities and in some instances large Somali Muslim populations. But the BBC doesn’t want to mention the ‘P’ and ‘M’ words (a slight clue of course is that the programme is going out on the Racist Asian Network). Some unkind souls, lacking in cultural sensitivity and awareness, have suggested that the ‘P’ and ‘M’ communities account for much of this problem.
Now, these crimes may not be unique to certain groups, even if they predominate in them. And there is nothing in Islam that ordains this sort of behaviour – it is tribal behaviour rather than religious. It is also the case that the areas of the world in which female genital mutilation occur – specifically northern Africa and the Middle East – are predominately Muslim but the cultural practices pre-date the arrival of Islam and it is not really a case of cause and effect. But if you are trying to deal with a problem, the first thing you need to do is honestly acknowledge the true nature of the problem. And that is something where the BBC, as ever, is totally lacking because to do so would go against the narrative.
///And there is nothing in Islam that ordains this sort of behaviour – it is tribal behaviour rather than religious.///
I was with you until you said that, Ian. I’d say it has everything to do with Islam.
But then, I am one of those people who doesn’t believe Cameron when he (keeps) telling me that Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.
It certainly facilitates this sort of behaviour in some communities but what I meant was that there is nothing in the Quran that explicitly says chop ’em and burn ’em. In contrast, there is plenty there about terrorising non-believers – including chopping and burning – which is why Cameron’s pronouncements should not be believed.
The problem with these religions from the Middle East is precisely that they were and still are the tribal customs of that region codified forever in writing and, because they proclaim themselves to be the words of a supreme entity, some seem to believe they really are the words of a supreme entity, so ensuring they will continue to be believed and never changed. The BBC obsesses about the tabus and fetishes of Islam, asking us to take seriouusly a prescientific world of incantation and ju-ju . If they were more aware of the custons of the Klamath they would know that many a rained- out Wimbledon could have been prevented if those present had bent over, bared their buttocks in the direction of the impending downpour and, slapping them, shouted “Rains, Rains go away!”.
If Carol Kirkwood did as you suggested then I for one would be glued to the bbc forever…. Probably get their highest viewing figures in their history……!!
Now on the Twilight Zone, Justin Webb berating Osborne for not making ‘cuts’ deeper or quickly enough. No mention of double and triple dip recession. Whatever happened to them?
BBc Breakfast. much to my surprise not as much whingeing about the budget as I expected however I assume there will be a drip drip over time. Mariam Waseem from the British Youth council yes it’s another “charity”. “The British Youth Council was established by the Foreign Office of the British Government in preparation for the first World Assembly of Youth. Its original aim was to unite young people in Britain against the forces of communism amid tense international relations just after World War 2.” from Wikipedia err wonder if that is still the case (wonder how much the CEO gets paid. . Joined by Minazul ? representing ? some other “youth” organisation didn’t catch the full details. Basically the usual. My friends wonder if they can afford to go to university, The end to Automatic right housing benefit to some age groups. Automatic rights means exactly what it says so there will be a list of exceptions to this and just like the list of exemptions to the under occupancy surcharge it’s unlikely the press will focus of these. There message is that they wanted a budget that was better for young people.
Kirkwood is still at Wimbledon today we have the value added scene of her discussing strawberries.
After making a big deal yesterday north west fail to tell me the outcome of the case where claimants want to continue to be paid full benefit for disabled children when the benefit is reduced after a long term stay in hospital where the hospital is in fact caring for the child.
There’s no show without Punch
Or so the old showbiz saying goes. Well Victoria Derbyshire, that brand name synonymous with heroic BBC issue based current affairs reporting, she’s on her hols today – so there’s a stand in.
First up : historic child abuse and everyone from Labour MPs to mighty female Judges they all want to ‘get to the bottom’ of the issue. Awkward phrasing, you might think.
Keithy Vaz warns the Inquiry could take up to 10 years and BBC research (a quick shufti at the web site) reveals this is already costing five grand a day. What was that old joke? ‘What about the historic child abuse bill?… Pay it! came the reply’
Well Lord Vaz of Inevitabilty has told us “It’s a big thing that’s happening”
Twenty-one lawyers on the payroll already – that’s almost two football teams – QCs v Wigs United in their days off, no doubt.
No show without Bunce
Next up folks we’ve a brand new ‘so-called’ for you
‘So-called honour based violence’
7 incidents a day no less, gosh what’s causing that?
‘Asian women’ are suffering, apparently.
Perhaps the BBC is honing in and driving right on toward the nub of the problem. Excitment mounts as our intrepid film crew appropriately led by an ‘Asian’ female reporter head for a ‘safe house’
OK blind folds can come off now, we’ve arrived- careful, can’t let the neighbours spot us – remember, this is an ordinary street in Britain.
Our charity worker guide explains women can be victims of ‘forced marriage and FGM’ – perhaps, at last, we are nearing an explanation of the problem.
It won’t come from BBC reporter lips but the charity worker does pin point the ethnicity of the victims “South Asian, Middle Eastern and North African, backgrounds”
Oh the anticipation, we’re almost there, folks. Closing in on the root cause of the problem. One more push migh do it.
So to the anonymous victim interview, darkened room, hushed tones, woman in black, her face hidden – that may just have been her day clothes?
Drum roll….
“Even if I was out wearing whole Islamic dress, if I smiled, my husband would say I was trying to attract other men”
So, we got there in the end. Not the BBC, not the charity worker – but the victim herself at last lets the cat out of the bag (concumbine out of the harem?) Islam
Lol, the suspense was killing me. And then that ‘surprise’ ending. Very good.
Hope Vikki didn’t go to Tunisia or any other North African holiday venue, I’d miss her in a odd “Punch and Judy” way if she met the full force of “Cultural Enrichment ” on a beach somewhere. What this year is the destination of choice for well to do beeboids ? The US ? Spain ? Italy (well the northern part around Pisa ) ? Australia ?, New Zealand ? All sounds a bit “horribly white” . Hols at home ? How about a little “diversity” in a nice safe Islamic country ?……nah, only joking there arn’t any.
I hear it is still Tuscany. It has the added attraction of visiting the local ‘refugee’ camp, where they can berate the Italian Authorities for being beastly. Then back to the villa for a few glasses of prosecco and a discussion ‘what can be done to help’ those poor souls – short of inviting them to stay at the villa, naturally.
I believe Polly Toynbee had a villa in Tuscany, as alluded to by Richard Littlejohn when they were on Question Time. Enjoy her hypocrisy being exposed here:
Polly’s Wikipedia entry mentions the villa but adds ‘(now sold)’ after it. Now, I wonder who edited that entry and why they left that bit in.
Has anyone noticed how the BBC (Peston and Robinson), somewhat thrown by their inability to characterise the Budget as a bonanza for the rich, are now taking the line that the Tories have stolen the clothes from Labour and the Lib Dems? This fully exposes their left-wing prejudice that the Tories only govern in favour of the rich.
(Why do we actually need all this political analysis and commentary from the BBC? Why not just report the bald facts and allow others to comment? Of course I know why they provide it!)
Did anyone see any mention of this on the BBC yesterday..?
No? Thought not. 4 million UK voters voted for this man in our recent General Election, but the BBC would rather ignore it when he delivers one of his best speeches ever to the EU Parliament.
The BBC will have been particularly dismayed at the applause Nigel Farage MEP received throughout his speech. In fact, the BBC will be incapable of making any sense of it.
Once again Farage shows why he is head and shoulders above Camreron and the rest of the timeserving elile.
Clear and to the point and I have no doubt the Greeks will heed his words.
The BBc report it in full? Dream on they don’t understand plain English. Just listen to Newsnight and reflect just how far down the road to dumbness they have gone.
Brilliant speech by Farage.. No wonder the beeb ignored it.
There are a few comments up above about the Osborne interview this morning, but for me the most amusing part was Webb going for Osborne over the ‘Living Wage’ (although the BBC seem to be reluctant to agree to call it that – perhaps if Osborne called it the Islamic State he would have no problem, they’d have fallen in line immediately!!!).
Webb’s concern seemed to be that the imposition of the ‘Living wage’ would be bad for business and the economy, it would force employers to cut the hours of staff and get rid of them to improve productivity.
Almost in the same breath, the BBC were accusing Osborne of stealing Labour’s clothes…that this was a ‘tribute to Miliband…and this was evidence that ‘Miliband had won the argument’ during the election
If that’s the case, perhaps Webb can provide evidence of an interview, just one interview, where with the same insistent determination, he put it to Weird Ed that HIS proposals to increase the living wage would, as Webb put it to Osborne; ‘force employers to cut the hours of staff and get rid of them to improve productivity’. Just one example will do.
For me the definition of bias is when your prejudices cause you to treat people differently and unfairly. Once again the BBC unfairly hold the Tories to a different set of values or standards than they do, their colleagues in the Labour Party.
‘Once again the BBC unfairly hold the Tories to a different set of values or standards than they do their colleagues in the Labour Party’
It just seems so weird that the Tories, at least such as DC, John Whitt and too many others, seem determined to offer the BBC even greater reward, and opportunity to take them down, and the country with them.
Is there a Syndrome at work, or are they just thick?
A £4Bpa social engineering opposition PR agency is very powerful and not very democratic.
And one day, like EU elections, they BBC will get in who they want and their soulmates will change the rules to prevent ever being got out.
Agreed. That was what was so dispiriting about the announcement earlier this week.
I don’t want, in five years time, the BBC to be ‘in about the same position that it is now’. The BBC is too big, too powerful and a threat to our culture and democracy. I’m happy for there to be a BBC of sorts – less than half the size it is at the moment, but with half of its frequencies handed over to ‘competitors’.
There is insufficient plurality in broadcasting in the UK – this is especially so in radio where at ‘drive time’ the BBC captures 92% of the audience.
In serious speech radio the BBC totally dominate. Although LBC now has a national offering on digital platforms, they too rely on recycled Beeboids for many of their programmes.
“Is there a Syndrome at work, or are they just thick?”
Don’t know, maybe no stomach for a massive fight over a year?
However, the greed may sink the Beeb. We do not know yet the inflation multiplier to be applied to the £145-50. Will it be backdated 7 years? Or start from next year?
If backdated, then a Licence Fee of £180+ is going to be unaffordable for many more people, especially the over 65s. It could be the Beeb find their audience AND their income reducing because of the increase. If the RPI/CPI tie-in starts next year and we have 4 years of -0.5 to 0.5% inflation (unlikely, I know, albeit very much needed) the BBC will have no increase in income anyway and may have the loss in sales of Top Gear if the revised programme is a flop.
Lord Hall needs to have a good restructuring plan in hand with some extra alternatives.
‘Don’t know, maybe no stomach for a massive fight over a year?’
As opposed to all the support they usually get, and have received with a budget that has been reported purely on ideological opposition than anything else?
Hard to see this improving over the next five years as the BBC again seeks to get their political puppets in to push things they way they like even more.
See this and linked URLs:
One can only hope the greed you mention, and the disconnect the Danny Cohens and Lord Halls of this world share with their last great red hope Ed, will run into the reality of an actual public with a choice before they can close the turning bays for their great project.
I forgot to mention what the BBC decide to charge for iPlayer may also be significant. If they ask the full fee, then I’m out and I think many others will be. If they expect to charge only £1/ £2 (or more) a programme/series for TV while providing radio for free then, then I will be highly selective and whatever I buy will have to remain mine. If it is 5p a time for TV and radio, then I will be selective on radio, too, whereas I am not now but will still be very selective in the TV I watch. If others follow my behaviour there, then I think the BBC may find, in total, that the gravy train has had its own form of Beeching cut & is no more.
It could be Lord Hall has been easily suckered into a dead end, a siding (to keep the railway analogy going) where the BBC will reside & rust. He seems to be that sort of guy.
They will have to have the guts to say to the Nortons & Evanses that they have to have substantial pay cuts for the privilege of working at the BBC.
As for immigration, are all these households extant yet? The new Licence Fee houses possibly haven’t been built yet. As far as I know, people are merely doubling up on accommodation elsewhere, while mansions remain empty in Hampstead, Knightsbridge & Kensington. I don’t think it can physically remain at its current levels for much longer without causing severe social problems.
But don’t forget that the BBC gets an increase every year already – through the fast growth in the number of TV households primarily caused by out-of-control immigration.
Following Rita Chakrabati’s fatuous interviews on Brighton (?) beach in yesterday’s BBC1 10:00 pm “news” (the children interviewed, when offered holiday rock in red and blue buckets, opted to take rock from the red bucket- subtle! – and then proceeded to vent their puerile anti-Conservative bile) Today continued the assault. Oddly, during the
LabourToday onslaught, AFAIAA none of the BBC “journalists” mentioned the increase of £1.3 billion in the UK’s contribution to next year’s EU budget. Nor was Britain’s net contribution to the EU budget of £10.4 billion this year (up from a forecast of £9.9 billion in March) mentioned. Nor indeed was our unchangedkeep on spending to keep 3rd world kleptocrats in their Mercedesforeign aid budget discussed. Of course, being generous with OPM is the signature behaviour of all members of our political class, whether in Westminster or Langham Place.As Allister Heath writes in the Telegraph, Osborne has opted for a smaller but far more active state as well as postponing the date for a budget surplus (and thus beginning to pay down our national debt). You’d have thought the BBC would have been delighted. Well they would have been had exactly the same budget been delivered by Labour. Unfortunately (for the BBC) it wasn’t. OTOH I’m sure they will be (very quietly) satisfied with the new BBC licence fee settlement when its’s finalised: Whittingdale is already lining up the usual Cameroon sell-out to Islington and, so far, has delivered a very welcome (to Hall) first instalment.
Yes, Whittingdale obeyed his masters in the BBC. Does the retreat from decriminalising non payment of BBC Tax mean that the courts will now be clogged up with culprits who have not paid the ipod catch up tax, and soon after the over 75s who will not be covered by the taxpayers? Looks like a busy time for the magistrates. I believe that the BBC is rapidly transforming itself from a political party to a state.
In case you had any doubt about Paul Mason’s political leanings: http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/steerpike/2015/07/paul-mason-calls-syriza-critic-a-nazi-collaborator/
The lefties are having quite a spat at the moment over Greece. Am expecting Varoufakis to be denounced soon as an English-style Conservative
I don’t know that you would call it bias, but it’s certainly rank stupidity. England is currently playing Australia in the opening match of an Ashes series but the BBC doesn’t consider this of sufficient importance to even merit a mention – let alone the current score – on the front page of its inappropriately named ‘News’ website. Preference is given to a story about tennis players grunting – and the Tour de France.
Sour grapes i think. The BBC used to think the Tests were always theirs and forever. Wimbledon next to go ? I do hope so.
There is, at least, still TMS.
Has anyone noticed that the BBC news homepage and The Guardians news homepage are virtually identical (as of 1.30pm) with this “Benefits changes to hit 13m families” story? So much for impartiality from the BBC.
I would have thought the Greek situation would be the top story, but what do I know?
Well, just for good measure in complement I just got this ‘breaking news’ email from them:
Benefits freeze ‘to hit 13m families’
13m UK families will lose average of £260 a year due to Budget’s freeze on working-age benefits, says IFS think tank
For more details we want you to learn and nothing that doesn’t suit, see the BBC News website
Don’t panic – it will be.
Only another 24 hours to go and it will be deja vu all over again.
Good, I need my hourly update on the Luton 12.
Doucet in her “Children of Gaza” tragedy last night calls Hamas “the resistance” a title that elicits sympathy & suggests that land around Gaza is occupied. If it is, it is from 1948. Does Doucet expect Israel to disappear?
Doucet mourns how the border between Gaza & Israel is far more of a barrier than when she first came to the region. She doesn’t explain that it’s because at that time Gaza WAS occupied by Israel – so no border fence.
and muslims weren’t blowing up pizza parlours.
I wonder if she takes the same angle with Tunisia’s proposed anti-terror barrier…
Best BBC Radio jokes of the day:
Jeremy Vine on the problems of blind people hearing electric cars – and bikes “they can ring their bells”.
Climate ChangeScience on reducing aircraft engine noise, but what about the numbers of aircraft? “that’s politics, which is outside our remit”.Do they listen to what they say?
With talent like this who needs Hardy, Toxic and Calman?
I have been watching 24 hour BBC news for about an hour now. Why is it that 2 out of every 3 presenters are non white.
It’s uncanny, I’ve watched about 11/12 presenters.
No doubt I’ll be called a name like ‘racist’ for stating this fact by some saddo Liebor /Green brainwashed dopehead.
But it is an accurate observation which is not reflected in British society. Not yet anyway!
Maybe presenters in the Al Beeb are selected via positive discrimination?
It’s called Trevor McDonald / Moira Stewart syndrome, two newsreaders of years gone by who were very good and who incidentally happened to be coloured (as in their ethnicity was irrelevant to their gravitas and professionalism). In the BBC hive mind, there is no-one more trustworthy than a newsreader (don’t giggle) and therefore a coloured newsreader is automatically trustworthy and, by extension all ethnic minorities. Yes, including the ones who want to blow you up or storm across the Channel. Prior to this was the Celtic-Man-Woman syndrome, much favoured for breakfast television, in which there was always one man and woman and one or both had to be Celts (Scottish, Irish, Welsh – didn’t really matter). Keen students will notice the common underlying theme – no white Englishmen allowed to read the news (implication: they are not trustworthy).
Do this test, turn on BBC or SKY and within 5 minutes you’ll see an effnik, reading the news, or reviewing the papers, sport or weather etc etc.
The breaking news that British nationals have been advised to leave Tunisia is not enough to halt the parade of “single parents” on BBC News. They weep at the realisation that having the taxpayer as partner is no more reliable than their absent free riding former mate
Maybe I am cynical but I firmly believe that the Greek debt crisis was resolved several weeks ago and shelved until it is released after a dramatic meeting or two followed by the presentation of a solution which benefits all, and the BBC led media, followed by the BBC’s Government will rejoice in the EU’s ability to resolve all problems.
The day approaches.
“they don’t like it up em” – No mention of “labour’s fox being shot” no mention of Harriette Harman’s rabbit in the headlights performance replying to the budget in the House of Commons. The one person I wanted to hear an interview with was Ian Duncan Smith , but what did we get – the usual labour commentators. Most of yesterday afternoon and continued today, the BBC has done everything it can to shoot holes in George Osbourne’s budget. A phone-in on radio 5 this morning was concerned about the problems a £9 living wage would cause . Another radio 5 headline was “George Osbourne defends his budget” – Only on the BBC and probably in the Guardian.
“they don’t like it up em” – No mention of Harriet Harman’s rabbit in the headlights response to the budget in the House of Commons. The BBC’s coverage has been dishonest to put it mildly, if I were George Osbourne I would be hopping mad. Most of yesterday afternoon and continued today, the BBC has done everything it can to shoot holes in George Osbourne’s budget. A phone-in on radio 5 this morning was concerned about the problems a £9 living wage would cause . Another radio 5 headline was “George Osbourne defends his budget”. The one person I wanted to hear an interview with yesterday was Ian Duncan Smith but all we got was the usual labour moaners and stirrers.
‘The Sun’ headline today re budget:
“The Well Fair State”
The Left hate The Sun.