I came across this tweet from comedy writer Armando Iannucci.
Could those complaining to me about ‘left-wing’ bias in the BBC point me to specific examples? Otherwise it’s difficult to respond.
— Armando Iannucci (@Aiannucci) July 1, 2015
I have invited him to read this site where we have around some 10,000 examples of such. You may wish to tweet him in order to help inform his better?
Couldn’t we also point to him?
“…Could those complaining to me about ‘left-wing’ bias in the BBC point me to specific examples? Otherwise it’s difficult to respond.”
Mr Iannucci asks the question in the usual crafty, slippery way. Be careful. It’s a trap.
He knows that it’s practically impossible for anyone to find clear, unambiguous examples of blatant left wing bias in either the broadcasts or the online pages of the BBC (although as this site has proven time and again it might be easier to stumble across such examples of bias in the less than self-aware, unguarded Tweets of many a self obsessed BBC twatterati).
I have been through endless battles on another forum around this issue. I have been moderated, insulted and ultimately banned for failing to provide ‘actual proof’ of left wing progressive pro-CAGW, pro-EU, BBC bias in either the Corporation’s broadcasts or on its website.
Iannucci is just playing that game. He knows that we know the BBC plays fast and loose with its ‘impartiality’ and almost always ‘nudges’ things towards the left (its preferred narratives on issues such as the EU, immigration, Islamic nutjobs, climate change, etc. etc), and that it does so across all of its output (from drama, documentary, history and comedy to current affairs and beyond) in a subtle, sly subterfuge – never directly; more of a continuous background tone that is just slippery enough to avoid being isolated and pinned-down.
The BBC have been playing that game for the past 40 years, perhaps longer still. Mr Iannucci knows this – of course he does. That’s why he asks the question, feigning a faux naivety to mask the sneer behind it.
Don’t fall for it.
Phil Ford,
“Mr Iannucci asks the question in the usual crafty, slippery way”
Gosh, yes, asking for specific examples; what a dirty, rotten trick.
“He knows that it’s practically impossible for anyone to find clear, unambiguous examples of blatant left wing bias in either the broadcasts or the online pages of the BBC”
Funny that isn’t it?
Dez, why do you contribute to this site ? Its not for you .
Can you give specific examples that the Soviet Union under Stalin did not have based in law the The implementation of the Holodmodor?
Bitter Armando probably was banking on a peerage, had his beloved Labour Party won.
Here`s example #1001 of BBC bias.
This morning in the run up to the 7am news on 2Day, our “Economics correspondent” told us the position that the “charities had come up with overnight”.
Now either
a) Islington Oxfam is now a 24 hours a day operation-naturally with all those poor asylum seekers and Highgate bin scavengers, it really needs to be now surely?
b) Our BBC reporters “significant life partners of all shades of gender identifications and none” must have had their ears bent(and worse) by assorted chemsex quango queens who man/woman the CAB 24 hour helplines or Terence Higgins-who told them that the Tories were really unfair, and why isn`t Labour in power?
Or -and this is my opinion
c) the whole conspiracy against the taxpayer by Hamas Relief UK, TB Restoration Trusts-and other state funded lavender mobs like UNHCR,Oxfam and Barnardos was rang around to create that virtuous circle that only people with new signeage and fat contracts via DFID can come up with.
The Charity suckups take no other position than
1)The Need is infinite
2) Only THEY can fill it, and give `em the fookin` money
3) Shut up you UKIP racist if you`re not opening a vein and letting them leach off you.
Barnardos?…soon to be Armandos…with a cerise logo rebrand and Camila on £250,000 worth of bandanas and matching multicoloured loin cloths.
The BBC-one long bitchfesting charity appeal for the dead liberals-who seek new blood from the life of those who voted for sense on May 7th.
Burn the leaches off!
I suspect you’re not took keen on the bbc…. Well said and agree wholeheartedly!
If its not left wing as Armando claims, I suppose the BBC must be right wing then and would he work for such a dreadul right wing organisation ?
David Brims,
“If its not left wing as Armando claims, I suppose the BBC must be right wing then”
Of course David; either your bucket of Buckfast is full, or it’s empty. It’s never in-between – that much is obvious.
It is completely stupid to engage with the man. it must be rule number one. Never argue with them .
The hive is the hive and it knows who are hive and who are not. Guardian is hive so are most charities and quangos.The wretched shire people on their land and in their shops and small businesses are not hive and never will be. The whole liberal left project is fraudulent and defies reality. It is unravelling now and the hive is disturbed and out buzzing around and looking to preserve it’s queen. -in this case the taxpayers bounty that flows in to the BBC and the quangos.
Laugh at him. it really annoys liberals when you laugh at them.
Not with them but at them,
Resolve to say something that a hive member will find outrageous or unhelpful ( dreadful hive word ) .Watch the hiver get angry . Their sting is sometimes hurtful but rarely dangerous.
Arguing with an idiot just leads to two idiots arguing!
How about since the budget allegedly 13 million ‘families’ are worse off… not ’13 million individuals or 36 million individuals’, who are far more easy to calculate as a tax payer unit
or benefit receiving unit, and thus far easier to calculate as a unit of ‘income benefit or loss’? How can you calculate in a few hours after the budget the size of a family the working or non working numbers in that family and how much they earn or claim in that family?
Ah… but ‘families’ is such a heart wrenching word to use in the propaganda war against the heartless ‘rich tory ******ds …. that ironically by the way Mr and Mrs average voted for, may be just may be, the ‘poor’ really are of such small numbers and importance that they really are irrelevant in modern Britain.. the BBC and left wingers of course an exception to that possibility of thought, and long may they subscribe to the delusion of poverty in Britain as a life in political exile is all that awaits them!
Well there’s Robin Aitkins book .
Aitkins book is not alone either. But for those who may wonder what that BIAS actually meant need look no further than Biased BBC page of shame here for a potted version of Aitkins book. There is also the ongoing inquiry into establihment (BBC inspired) child paedophilia which Saville (who was not working alone) over a very long time to perform (abusing both boys and Girls) which was often ‘covered up’ by those in the BBC who denied any knowledge of it, and denied that any ‘bias’ (sexual or otherwise) existed. Now we know and and it is so serious that we cannot TRUST our former politicians with Children or anyone connected to the BBC. That denial of the truth is the Bias. Who can we trust, Trust not the BBC.
David Vance,
“I have invited him to read this site where we have around some 10,000 examples of such”
Yeah, course you do; you just can’t think of any right now…
It’s revealing that you can’t argue for yourself, but would rather that;
David “uppity nigger” Brims, Glen “Pakistanis are the rats of the human race”, John in Cheshire “you fucking wog shit”, My Site “Filthy stinking picky scum”, and Pounce “I hope to god that Mosques get burnt down”
…all speak on your behalf.
You sounded particularly bitter last night/this morning, Dezzie.
Wouldn’t your grinder date ‘put out’?
Whatever, you’ve proved yet again that posting after a night on the lash isn’t a very good idea.
If Iannucci isgoing to be slippery as predicted, the first step, to expose a pseudo-intellectual such as this, is to throw the parcel back at him. Pin him down, he has no choice but to respond.
“Just to make sure that we don’t waste your time with examples that do not satisfy your requirements, please define the word ‘bias’ as you will be interpreting it”
Can you hear those pips? It’s the thirteen o’clock news from the BBC…
‘Good evening, and in a shock statement today Armando Iannucchi insists BBC comedy is not leftist…’
Well, Mr Iannucchi is leftist. This in incontrovertable. As I pointed out here previously, immediately after after the General Election he tweeted his opposition to the Tories attempting to rally his followers behind an anti-government campaign.
I’m inclined to think this denial of BBC bias is by way of a spoof.
I enjoy much of his work and have nothing against him per se.
But really, BBC comedy not biased to the left? – pull the other one.
One tiny example: John Cleese was interviewed recently on BBC Breakfast and the presenter confidently remarked: “….Monty Python was satirical…”
Cleese quickly corrected this unthinking assumption. “No, people were becoming tired of satire at that time”
You see how the modern BBC blindly assumes that all comedy needs to be campainging, satirical, leftist?
Iannucci cannot see the wood for the trees. His twitter account has a left-wing pro-BBC, pro-Guardian bias. Iannucci’s twitter account is very anti-Tory. I cannot find any pro-UKIP or pro-Tory bias from Iannucci on his twitter account, to provide any balance. He thinks the Tories will destroy the BBC, and the BBC would have to close down, if the Tories FREE the BBC from its Charter obligations by removing the left-wing ideological Statist method of a “state enforced compulsory subscription fee” for broadcasting.
I would need Armando Iannucci’s email to provide the left-wing bias. Most of it is in the form of Mensa members complaints about the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate. But as with others at the BBC, I don’t think Iannucci has the brains to work out how immoral the BBC’s left-wing bias has become, as evidently he has proven that he cannot see the wood for the trees. Is there really any hope that he may notice that maybe there really is a pro-Labour/Socialist, pro-Guardian/Independent, anti-Tory/UKIP, anti-Mail/Express bias at the BBC.
Jimmy Savile was a Mensa member too. Did you know him, Richard? Did he believe in global warming?
“Jimmy Savile was a Mensa member too. Did you know him, Richard? Did he believe in global warming? ”
So what. Hitler was a non-smoking vegetarian. Are we to dismiss non-smoking vegetarians because Hitler was one? [BTW – I claim Godwin’s Law skinchies.]
Quite sad really when the likes of Coogan/Ianucchi…to who we owe a whole brilliant genre of comedy in Alan Partridge/The Day Today…turn out to fail in following up on the logic of their early genius and promise-and become the very Establishment licketyspittles that would once have skewered the likes of themselves post-Leveson, post Milton etc.
Turns out that they were only joking , jesters and house-trained revue artistes. Comedy actors and writing to a template to become the very grandees they used to feign in despising.
Guess satire dies when you earn far more than those you might once have mocked or pilloried-and rely on the state-supping BBC for your backsheesh.
Tragic-yet what a story of the age…but I note there is no humour about it all unless you try it for Labour Party political broadcasts.