You don’t know whether to laugh or cry when you hear the Beeboids scuttling from the light of a new dawn in the BBC world.
There’s danger ahead for the BBC we were told this morning, by the BBC, on the Today programme (08:43) as they discussed the bleak future of the BBC with Ben Preston from the Radio Times and Tory Jesse Norman, chairman of the culture and media select committee.
Preston told us that the BBC was great value for money….‘one and a half copies of the Guardian newspaper a week…or, dare I say it, 3 Daily Mails….by any reckoning a bargain rate.’
Guardian always first port of call for Beeboid types of course but love that guilty little mention of the Mail…we know they all read it behind the cover of a well thumbed Guardian.
We were told that essentially the licence should be here to stay…no other option to keep the stability of the BBC…and the commercial companies would all hate a subscription funding model as it would compete with them…hmmm…not really…advertising would but not subscription….we already ‘subscribe’…whilst in an armlock….choice might be better for say Sky….I may choose not to buy the BBC and spend what I save on more from Sky.
Norman thinks the BBC does too much entertainment….getting ‘out of whack’ apparently. That however is a large part of the BBC’s remit….and so it should be for it provides ‘entertainment’ to all those who can’t afford commercial providers and would therefore have no ‘entertainment’ if the BBC were to limit that service.
The problem isn’t the structure of the BBC, or rather the concept and the level of ‘education, informing and entertainment’ we get…the problem of course is the content….all too often the popular programmes are used to push a political or social message….ones that are at odds with what the majority of people think.
If the BBC wants to entertain, educate and inform us do so, just don’t peddle ideology as news or entertainment treating the viewer as an idiot, probably racist or otherwise unenlightened, who needs to be educated to think the right thoughts.
Here’s some random entertainment…no charge…
Whittingdale is a paper tiger, and his committee is a joke. Victory has gone to the BBC.
Good articles here from David Keighly.
The bbc currently seem to be doing their impersonation of Violet Elizabeth Bott by the sound of things. I’m looking forward to them carrying out a metaphorical threat of screaming until they are’thick’.
I can’t stand this “good value for money” crap that gets trotted out. I’m sure that if everyone who read a newspaper was forced to buy the Guardian, the price could be brought very low, which would be excellent value for money… for those who wanted the Guardian. For those who didn’t want the Guardian it would be very poor value indeed.
“…I may choose not to buy the BBC and spend what I save on more from Sky.
The absolute logic of that statement is, I’m afraid, verboten within the BBC Politburo. How dare you suggest that forcing people to hand over £145pa under threat of criminal sanction for refusal is anything but philanthropic; a necessary contribution to our national well-being!
Why would anyone want both the Guardian and the BBC? I mean the BBC is full of news repeats from the Guardian in the first place.
Why would anyone want either?
“full of news”
Surely the point is that it is not full of news, it is full of propaganda and lies. If there is any “bad” news it disappears down the Memory Hole to be replaced by more lies.
Sorry I called you Shirley.
Or you can just pick up the London Metro and Evening Standard and get your simpering socialist schtick for nothing courtesy of the ex-KGB Lebedev clan and his coven of Independent (of reality) “journalists”.
The socialist evening standard that supported the conservatives in the election, against a large majority of its readership? Apart from the heavy duty ft and economist the es and the times are about the only staples of our national press that provide a decent range of political views in an intelligent manner. Oh but that the Beeb would follow. Long May they continue…
And what of Ben “dare-I-say-Daily Mail” Preston? A quick trip to Wicki confirmed what I suspected – he is the son of Peter Preston, the well-known lefty favourite of the BBC who was editor of the Grauniad for twenty years. No surprise what side little Ben is on.
arrogant, middle class lefties all out of jobs – please happen!
“when you hear the Beeboids scuttling from the light of a new dawn in the BBC world.”
Is this a simile?
A simile comparing BBC staff to cockroaches?
If so it is in the worst possible taste.
We cockroaches have survived for 300 million years. Years in which we have, for the good of all organisms, cleaned up detritus.
We cockroaches very rarely transmit any diseases to humans.
We cockroaches have humble, free, egalitarian societies.
Contrast our proud record with that of the BBC.
The BBC has only existed for a few decades.
The BBC transmits Marxism to humans, the nastiest disease in recorded human history.
The BBC does not rid the earth of detritus, the BBC produces detritus.
The BBC is not egalitarian, its staff are parasites. Nasty parasites extracting vital fluids from those who they are supposed to serve.
Humility is not a characteristic associated with the BBC. Its staff are conceited, arrogant; their attitude towards others is a condescending, disdain.
Finally the BBC is supposed to serve British People. Which at the time of its charter was white people. Not only are they not serving white people they are traitors against them, they are trying to replace them with other species.
In summary we reject your insulting comparison and demand an immediate apology.
Matilda Cockroach
Eric Cockroach
David Cockroach
Directors, Royal British Cockroach Society.
Of course Ben Preston did not mention that the licence fee payers are contributing one billion pounds to the BBC staff pension scheme which explains the torrent of repeats and cheapo cooking programmes we are told we enjoy.
Remember what Jane Garvey said about the day after the 1997 Labour landslide? The floors of BBC Broadcasting House were littered with empty champagne bottles. All paid for by the licence fee payer of course.
That’s what my house will look like if and when the BBC closes down. Champagne bottles all over the place. Except, of course, I’ll have to buy my own.
You wouldn’t think I used to be one of the BBC’s biggest fans and defenders would you? They have only themselves to blame.
>The problem isn’t the structure of the BBC, or rather the concept and the level of ‘education, informing and entertainment’ we get…the problem of course is the content….<
I beg to differ with this statement. The problem isn’t either of these things. The problem is the funding model, which if changed to anything else would resolve all. If the BBC were truly independent and funded accordingly people wouldn’t really care about content or bias as they could have the choice to make up their own minds and watch whatever they wanted accordingly.
But the BBC surveys have shown them that, given the opportunity, viewers/listeners would desert in their millions and the BBC might be flushed away as it deserves to be.
My previous statement is a guess. But if my guess is correct, the government must be aware of this. So Cameron could insist on internal changes; real changes, not Greek Government changes; or threaten to throw the BBC into the clutches of market forces.
There was a perfect example of the BBC’s attitude last night on R4. Populism in European politics.
Patronising rubbish except for Carswell who did try.
The elite always knows best is what I learned and that does not necessarily mean the politicians. Any kick back against the elite’s so caring guiding is perceived as a populist revolt and thus illegitimate. .
These people are beyond parady. We who have the temerity to want a different Europe are the ‘left behind’ are we? Wait and see you patronising pricks.
Its a weird World for the BBC announcers. On one hand they have this admiration for the communists in Greece who have the backing of Hollande in France (another Communist) and yet they cannot see the irony of the BBC Pro EU stance whilst also mocking ‘Tspiras’ in its quote of the day feature. A quick pointless ‘soundbite’ to appease who I wonder. Greece is no threat to the UK, only to the EU plan of ‘Euro-fication’. The Pro EU BBC are caught between its liberal agenda and its Communist sympathies. Hence mock Greece for leaving the Euro, but five stars for driving the country to bankruptcy (as would be the case in UK – IF – Milliband had ever been voted in office). If Gordon Brown had launched the Euro then in the UK, the BBC would have been ecstatic. And we would all be in far greater debt – far worse than Greece is now. What the BBC is doing is a dress rehearsal for its NEXT political agenda to stop the UK from leaving the EU in any future (Tory) referendum. It’s own ‘status’ is assured (by the EU), a license to pollute (massage) news and ‘mock’ those who are UK patriotic will have the same ‘Greek’ soundbite of the day treatment, the false comedy, the belittling (little Englander) quips, the bigot accusations, the racial stereotype of the English as (despite to all things contrary) that we cannot exist outside the EU. The truth is both Greece and the UK can only exist outside the EU as it veers off into absurdity. Only that truth is not part of the BBC script that the next big defaulter is France itself. French debt is nearly on par with Greece, and rising as they demanding more from the UK to finance the Euro bailout which will include not only France but other struggling countries in the cobbled together ‘Euro’.