The Twitterati is losing it over the potrayal of sainted liberal hero Atticus Finch. The follow-up of To Kill a Mockingbird (which was a white middle-class liberal fantasy – the enlightened lawyer trying to save the poor black man from the ugly, redneck racist mob) is more “nuanced” to say the least. Needless to say, those who hero-worshipped Atticus Finch are not happy.
Harper Lee, God bless her, getting on a bit and not in great health but doing an amazing job of trolling lefties.
Saw this topic come up on the newspaper review on BBC News Channel yesterday morning. A quick bit of research seemed to show that the ‘original’ book, “To Kill a Mockingbird” was only an extended small extract from the recently released ‘new’ book, “Go Set a Watchman”.
Quotes from some reviews I read talked of lots of people feeling that the ‘new’ book just retroactively ‘destroyed their childhood’, that some would just stamp their feet and refuse to read the ‘new’ book, their feelings were so hurt etc., etc. Sheesh, give me a break – it’s just a book !
Both of the reviewers invited by the BBC were of, shall we say, a ‘left-leaning’ persuasion, with the journalist from ‘The Independent ‘ (James Granton I think he was called) eulogising that great US civil rights campaigner (or ‘race hustler’ as most know him) Al Sharpton. But the thing that hacked me off, however, was the comment from the dilly female newspaper reviewer, Shyana Pereira, to the effect that “…one of the unpleasant truths of life is that we start on the ‘left’ and move to the ‘right’…..” – i.e. the older and more experienced (and perhaps wiser ?) people got, the less they supported those with her political viewpoint. An ‘unpleasant truth, eh ? Nothing like dismissing the half of the population as an ‘unpleasant truth’.
But of course, no rebuttal at all from the older, white, male Beeboid chairing the discussion – he knew his place.
Been away on business for three weeks, so didn’t catch the BBC, Guardian and Sky’s (no doubt) infuriating sanitisation of the Tunisia attack. However, what I have sensed from just under 48 hours of being back in the UK is what I consider to be nothing other than a loathsome attempt by the BBC and the left to somehow turn what was a horrific terrorist attack by yet another Islamic lunatic into a sob story of how the loss to Tunisian tourism (due to those nasty Tories ordering UK citizens back home) will deprive already hard-pressed Tunisians of jobs and, thus, churn out more Jihadi maniacs hellbent on killing innocent people. Wow, what warped logic. A Muslim madman machine guns people on a beach but YET AGAIN the leftie-saturated media (intentionally) turns the focus away from the Islamic link. They even manage to get criticism of the Tories in there; unbelievable bias.
Yep, the bBC think this 53 year old guy, who in his spare time dresses as a 16 year old (scruffy on screen as well) is the right man to present its supposedly serious flagship news program. The world must be laughing!
And to boot recompense him with a high six figure salary, courtesy of, umm us….
Eurozone leaders have agreed to offer Greece a third bailout, after marathon talks in Brussels. Measures to include streamlining pensions, raising tax revenue and liberalising the labour market.
Says the BBC website.
“After a tough battle, Greece had secured debt restructuring and a growth package”,
said Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.
“The road will be long, and judging by the negotiations tonight, difficult,”
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said.
The new owners of Greece look forward to enjoying the fruits of their crooked endeavours.
Said the EU Commission, the IMF, The European Central Bank and the German Finance Minister.
It’s utterly immoral. Greece has no chance of paying back its debts and there has to be a reckoning somewhere along the line. By which time matters will be even worse, but the EU doesn’t care as long as it can plaster over the cracks.
The EU has been can-kicking on this subject for years now, and they just can’t stop themselves. And if anyone thinks that this is THE solution – think again.
Greece has been promising to sort itself out for years and years, and continually scrounging for financial help to do it, and having been loaned the money, has done almost damn-all about any of its deep-rooted structural and fiscal issues.
Nothing is likely to change in that country – all of its politicians, of whatever political stripe, are so deeply mired in troughing and cronyism that I think it must actually be in the job description. Syriza is no different.
Because the EU hierarchy are terrified of biting the bullet, Germany might have done Greece the biggest favour possible, by setting such a stringent set of conditions for the bailout that Greece just explodes, and leaves the Eurozone, and has to face up to, and manage, its own destiny.
However, just in case that doesn’t occur, let’s just remember that the EU is seeking to fund a significant chunk of the new Greek bail-out with EU funds, not just Eurozone funds, so we in the UK need some future protection of our contributions to this fiasco.
The only mistake the Greeks made was accepting the poisoned chalice of the Euro. The east Germans were just as eager to enjoy the extra spending power the deutsche Mark would give them when the Wall came down. The real exchange rate was probably conservatively 10 Ostmark for 1DM. What the Ossis forgot to take into account was the tenfold increase in the price of their products when 1 Ostmark became 1 DM. No one in their right mind was willing to buy communist tat for 10 times its previous price. For nationalistic reasons, West Germans were more or less willing to make colossal transfer payments to the East to prevent industrial collapse. They are less willing to make the same vast unconditional payouts to the Greeks as they are not Germans. The British had the same experience with the “currency snake” and ERM. The attempt to pretend the pound was the DM pushed interest rates up to 16% pa. A catastrophe for those with mortgages. The Germans want to recreate the Eurozone in their own image so that when the Eurozone becomes the German Eurostate any transfer payments will be manageable. Imagine if London taxpayers demanded interest on and repayment of all the cash transferred to economically weak areas of the UK. The Euro madness continues, Greece is eliminated as an independent nation. Who will be next? At least UK can vote to leave the EU in the near future
But look at it from the German and French pesrpective and the EU elite as well. If Greece does leave the Euro it will almost certainly write off all its debts or convert them into Drachma which will then depreciate at an enormous rate. This will force the French and German governments to write off their Greek debts. I know that the debt is already worthless in reality ,but as long as Greece stays in the Euro the French and German governments can technically keep the debt on their books. If the Greeks leave then those governments have to own up to the fact that they are in much more debt then they currently appear to be and whilst Germany can stand it, France can’t as its debt ration will go well over 100% of GDP.
What is amazing is the extent to which politicians think they can ‘hide’ these facts from their electorates. Of course their respective electorates see right through their pathetic cover up. The EU is becoming more and more of a laughing stock with each episode of the Greek farce. But the elite are so insulated from the people that they think they can do this without the whole of Europe laughing at them. Eventually the people will put an end to this charade and kick these idiots out.
The German public is well aware that it is owed lots of money, Sections of the CDU/CSU claim to be unhappy with sending more cash to Greece. However for Merkel the Euro Project trumps all. Greek misery counts for nothing and German Euro fanatics seem to think hundreds of billions of Euros is a price worth paying to keep Germany as the main driving force and shaper, and also principal beneficiary, of the future Euro State.
Merkel is scared witless to call a halt – it would mean the MASSIVE Greek debts which are being held up by EU political magic would suddenly become a write-off of many many billions which German taxpayers would gave to suffer. It is called crystalising the debt. Merkel would be swept out of office if this happened,
So – let;s inflict more and more pain on the Greeks.
Despicable – but anything to keep the EURO nightmare going.
So, unless I am mistaken, the EU has agreed to lend Greece more money because the Greeks have promised yet again to buck their ideas up. One of the measures suggested involves longer shop opening hours. Who would have thought that making kebabs available 24/7 could drag an economy back into the green.
Still, holidays to Greece seem to be getting cheaper.
I think the financial problems that keep developing within the EU do so, because its core purpose is an ever closer political union not an economic one.
Al Beeb reporting that the eurozone agreed to offer Greece a third bailout. How many billions of pounds are British tax payers going to fork out to keep the European dream afloat?
How this British money could benefit our own country.
Time to think about voting UKIP.
Thank goodness Wimbledon is over, one gets the impression its all about the BBC promoting itself and not about the tennis, The constant giggling of Sue Barker, the inane supercilious banter from Andrew Castle, Gary Richardson ” There’s Royalty in the box, David Beckham’s there !!” The constant camera zooming into the Royal Box to see some D list ‘celebrity’ every 5 minutes. Clare ” its all jolly hockey sticks ” Balding cutting off John McEnroe in mid sentence to shriek ” Oh look, JK Rowling has scribbled a comment on twitter !!”
Not much detailed coverage of Mid-Staffs Burnham and his sotto voce mea culpa about ZaNuLaB’s deficit pre the ‘global financial crisis’.
Here is what they publish, quietly –
“Labour leadership candidate Andy Burnham has apologised for the first time for the previous Labour administration’s “mistake” in allowing the deficit to get “that high”.
He was speaking during a special edition of the Victoria Derbyshire programme in which all four contenders outlined their views on issues, including controversial Budget cuts to child tax credits.
“Don’t believe all the myths,” he continued, “We did a lot of things to repair the fabric of this country. We ran a strong economy with good living standards for people between 97 and 2007.”
Here is Guido Fawkes’ excellent, as ever, transcript –
“Andy Burnham, Chief Secretary to the Treasury under Alistair Darling, eventually – and very quietly – says the magic word:
AB: “The deficit was too high when the crash came. I know that because I was Chief Secretary to the Treasury in 2007…”
VD: “You were still borrowing when the economy was growing. Why?!”
AB: “If you’re honest about your mistakes, then I think people begin to listen to you…”
VD: “Do you want to apologise for that then? Do you want to apologise?”
AB: “Well, we were running a strong economy from 1997-2007… But the deficit was too high in 2007.”
Audience member: “Just say sorry!”
AB: “Sorry, it was a mistake, we shouldn’t have allowed the deficit to get that high.”
On letting hundreds of thousands of Muslims to vote Labour.
What about the tens of thousands of young girls brutally raped by Muslims, while the authorities turned a blind eye . As this huge crime was happening all over England and ignored, there can hardly be any doubt that it happened under political direction.
If we had a sane country, the above would be judged to be a war crime of the worst sort. What makes it worse then a war crime, if there is uch a thing, is that it was done in peacetime by the authorities to their own kith and kin.
Newsnight ran an upsetting piece this evening, about young girls who were subjected to repeated gang rape by Muslim men. Obviously, the girls were Yazidis from Iraq. No need to mention Oldham, Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford, Birmingham, Slough etc etc etc. Nothing to see here, please move along.
It should certainly have been the final nail in the coffin of the odious “Labour” party. The fact that it wasn’t and that some continue to support the scvm shows how low this country has sunk.
Hang on a mo, what’s that I see in the bottom left-hand corner? “Ex-UKIP MEP jailed for £500K fraud”.
However, going to the article itself (which only refers to him as “Former MEP”), we see way way down at the bottom a quote from Nigel Farage.
“I found out very quickly and thought he was a wrong ‘un so I kicked him out of the party, and this will be his second prison sentence so there you are.
“He never took his seat as a UKIP MEP. He was a member of UKIP, who was elected and I kicked him out even before he took his seat.”
So, he can’t be an ex-UKIP MEP because he never was one. Technically, it’s not wrong because he’s both ex-UKIP and ex-MEP. But the BBC is, as has often been shown, so much more keen to show party affiliation for some parties than for others.
I should, however, add that the Daily Mail is even worse, with this:
“The married father-of-two was a Ukip MEP for the South East of England from 2004 to 2009”
Before going on, with a touching disregard for consistency, to announce:
“Mote was elected as a Ukip MEP for South East England in 2004, but shortly before he took up his seat he was thrown out of Nigel Farage’s party“
The BBC does seem to be obsessed with celebrities, in the 19th century British heroes were engineers, scientists, explorers, now in the 21st century its footballers, actors, pop singers and if they’re effnik even better, what a come down. I wish SKY would buy the rights to Wimbledon, the only downside is the ads, you’d have to put up with seeing Sir Lenny Henry in a bed or Idris Elba jumping up and down on a sofa, arseing about, he seems to be the flavour of the month at the moment.
That was then;
“Two million people are said to have benefited from the measure, which gives most people over the age of 21 a minimum of £3.60 per hour.
The Tories had argued the new wage would price workers out of jobs.”
This is now;
“Councils in England and Wales have warned the national living wage could cost them an extra £1bn a year by 2020.”
“Ministers have said a growing economy can sustain a living wage but there are warnings up to 60,000 jobs may be lost.”
Armando Iannucci on Twitter ” So sad to see the Government’s demonising of the BBC. Best in the world at what it does, the BBC is a British success story. ” As a protection racket, getting money out of the elderly, the disabled, the poor, then I suppose it is.
Armando Iannucci ” BBC. Best in the world at what it does,” Oh dear, bit racist that. Do African, Arab countries or India not make good TV programmes ?
” So sad to see the Government’s demonising of the BBC ,my pension and future cash payments to my tax efficient company. I am the Best in the world at what I does, the BBC is a British horror story. ”
Farage yet again talking unmittaged sense, as always, but probably the most noteworthy thing about this clip is the appalling intro given to him by scumbag beeboid Wilcox. If he really doesn’t know who the leader of UKIP is, he shouldn’t be doing the job, but of course he’s only feigning forgetfulness.
Not sure if its just this clip, but there also seems to be more sound gremlins at about 4.15 onwards.
With the first sentence of the interviewer we can see that this will be an anti UKIP – and anti the 4,000,000 voters who voted for them in the last election – interview. Cannot imagine any labour politician being interviewed in this way by the BBC.
Actually, the video doesn’t show that, at all. The shooting is not in frame. What it does is provide strong evidence that the shooting was not in self defence; that the officer and the soldier under his command was in breach of IDF ‘open fire’ regulations and that they did not give aid after the man had been neutralised, again in breach of regulations.
It will not be of use at the officer’s court martial but look who he shot.
Most will be aware that the government, who previously funded the licence fee for over 75’s in the UK, have now told the BBC that they will have to bear the cost of this themselves.
According to this chart published by the Guardian in 2012 based on national census figures, the projection for the number of UK’s over 75s in 2015 is 5,319,000.
Now if the government had paid £145.50 for each of these elderly citizens the total would amount to a fraction under £774M.
But this figure assumes that each one of these elderly citizens have their own separate household. That they do not live with another family member also over 75, nor are they resident in any old people’s or care home. Because according to the BBC only 336,769 of these over 75s do not require a licence fee.
So I look onto the Age UK website, and admittedly their figures are from 1996 but they give some indication of what the real figures should be.
At that time 4,192,000 of our population were over 75. Almost two-thirds of these were women: 2,734,000 women compared to 1,458,000 men.
Here’s what they have about the number living alone: Living alone
(GB) In 1996, 31% of men and 58% of women aged 75 and over lived alone.
So we can deduce that 451,980 men lived alone and 1,585,720 women lived alone, totalling 2,037.700 or under half of the total figure, and that is all who would require a TV licence.
So approximately for the current number of over 75’s, those living alone would be around 2,500,000, and if each had to pay £145.50 the cost would be £363,750,000.
It’s a long way from £725M, – just about half that figure.
Typical BBC accuracy!
I’ve just realised that I haven’t allowed for those couples over 75 who would share a licence, but still even allowing for those it’s a long way from double the figure the BBC would have us believe.
I wonder if the BBC, with the connivance of a friendly Labour Government, have been conning the tax-payers for years by ignoring this, now obvious, ‘anomaly’.
Yes I know it’s not BBC bias, but most of us recognise that large international corporations legally exploiting the world tax systems to pay zero tax is unsustainable in the medium term.
It means that the rest of us and smaller businesses have to make up the shortfall in higher taxes.
“McDonald’s is being investigated for allegedly dodging over a billion euros in taxes. But it’s not just McDonald’s who are lovin’ tax avoidance. Pepsi, Amazon, Apple, Starbucks, IKEA — practically every major global company has been accused of playing the same game, denying at least £65bn per year to developing countries!”
Together we can stop them. Governments are meeting right now to rewrite global financial rules and there’s a no-brainer plan gathering steam.
Developing countries are pushing for an independent international tax body that would keep corporations like McDonald’s from shorting the world’s poor. But the UK is blocking this brilliant idea, and that’s where we come in!
The Conservative manifesto promised to “lead international efforts to ensure global companies pay their fair share in tax”. Let’s remind them of their pledge with a giant outcry urging the PM and Chancellor to stop lovin’ dodgers and help close the tax havens! Sign now, and we’ll deliver our message at the summit.
Far be it from me to be a mite sceptical but where does this organisation get the “£65 billion” figure from? Probably its collective a****. Is this the same outfit which is enabling the opening up of Europe to unlimited immigration from Africa and the Middle East and which claims there are “5 months to save the world” (you know, until that Paris meeting which will stop “Climate Change” in its tracks and, not uncoincidentally ruin the West) etc etc. It’s not, as you write, BBC bias but it’s the same species of lefty cant and carefully selected imagined evidence.
Yes I’m aware that they are a bunch of left wing dreamers, but occasionally they ask for support on issues which do need our attention.
I’m not asking you to support these issues, just the tax avoidance one, and if Cameron is as they claim set to veto any international agreement then I believe that he should be opposed.
Who cares , I am against any aid to third world countries , & if any taxes are due it should only be on profits they make in England , not the rest of the world .
I am sick to death of seeing the third world hand continually outstretched – via the BBC and it’s cringe inducing red nose day (or whatever it is called) or the parade of little black babies or water carrying six year olds shown in the adverts on the commercial channels. My money goes to the donkey rescuers.
But given the climate in Africa and the amount of sunshine, could the sun not power their economies for free and the vast lands used for farming crops?
I questioned where this £65 billion figure comes from. I suspect it’s purely made-up much like the – what is it this week? – £550 billion “subsidy” for fossil fuels. £65 billion is a big figure. So big that – so the argument goes – even if it’s not exactly correct, big business must be shafting all of us. Unfortunately for Avaaz, “avoidance” is in reality the practice of paying what is legally due in tax.
In the scheme of things McDonalds and Starbucks use the money they don’t pay in tax rather better than the governments who don’t receive what isn’t due to them. After all McDonalds and Starbucks pay out the money retained in higher wages and dividends (and hence back to the saving public) and new investment. Obviously – per Avaaz and statists everywhere – that’s terrible and it would be far better that the money retained by big corporate should be wasted on crapola like overseas aid, the “struggle” against climate change, funding charity scams and keeping EU – and other national and supranational – bureaucrats in undeserved but generously paid non-jobs.
Does being forced to pay for something that you don’t want on pain of prison, contravene the Human Rights Act?
Example from the Act:
•The right to liberty and freedom – you have the right to be free and the state can only imprison you with very good reason – for example, if you are convicted of a crime.
BBc run leader candidates turn on Harriet as some of them will oppose welfare reforms. You lost the election irrelevant.
Oh here we go again how much sugar is in drinks. How much sugar should we take. Blah blah blah they have expanded this non story since breakfast.
Must watch TV on channel4 news at 7.25pm or channel 4 + 1 at 8.25.
Jeremy Corbyn loosing it.
Conviction Politics without media training. Suddenly it gets interesting. Oh for more of this from both the left and the right!
This interview is a classic case of what is wrong with the media. The interviewer is not interested in extracting Corbyn’s views – ridiculous as they may be – but in selling his own somewhat limited political beliefs. Was he recruited from the SWP student union debating society? And dear me – the Andrew Neil technique of repeating the question and making it obvious that he was not interested in the extended reply. As in the question regarding Corbyn being a friend of Hamas. These third rate interviewers have no idea how to let a politician dig his own grave.
Watch bogeyman Donald Trump handle these rather limited interviewers in the US. See why he is generating support. Love to see him wipe these asshole interviewers here.
(Voice-over by a Sean Bean sound-alike to make it gritty).
Aging population will bring the NHS to it’s knees in 5 years. Every one knows that the NHS can’t cope.
Many monochrome film clips of a decaying Liverpool. Sea-gulls on roof tops.
Doctor Simon Bowles of a Liverpool practice voiced his opinion to confirm the above. Walking amongst the crunchy glass of a long derelict hospital. Collar up and no tie. Scouser accent to give street cred?
Here he is:
He may be a Thatcher supporter. Or may be not?
No mention at all of massive recent immigration.
Sounded like a Labour Party political broadcast. Remember when the BBC and Labour were trashing the NHS in the run up to the General Election? Have they failed to accept who lost the election and why?
‘Georgian migrant worked illegally in 7 hospitals after stealing Brit’s identity’
‘Fake doctor Abdul Pirzada jailed over CV lies – BBC News’
‘Fake Australian doctor conned top UK medical school’
“Extraordinary” lapses in checks on locum NHS doctors ‘
‘Fake doctor drugged and raped 100 women after tricking’
‘Nigerian doctor who used fake identity documents to work in NHS’
Just a small sample of the vermin who are destroying the NHS thanks to the lefty ideology of not giving a f*** as long as the cult of multi gets a chance.
That’s not to mention the Thai scumbag who killed off his ageing patients…no doubt a hero to the left who, as we all know, would like of kill off those pesky hardworking tax paying old people, after all it would save the bbc subsidising their license fee!
The NHS management also has a Political Correct mental block when it comes to planning for a mass immigration rate of half a million per year. Political correctness means that they can only blame the elderly, because there is no Politically correct mental block when it comes to blaming the elderly. But a left-wing mental block means that there is something else that is not been seen by the authorities. A Politically Correct left-wing mental block also covers other issues such as the housing problem. Only people with superior minds seem to be free from this mental block, which is why four million people with superior minds could only vote UKIP in the last election.
Don’t you also think it odd that diseases which have been eradicated from Britain for decades, TB, Scarlet Fever etc, have re-appeared here over the last ten years or so.
I wonder whether virtually unchecked immigration, from second and third world countries; might possibly have played a tiny role in their re-emergence?
BBC makes it’s second main news ‘headline’ the completely irrelevant Labour leadership tussle. The Corporation just cannot get over the general election result, so – on behalf of the nation, of course – it chooses to wallow in Labour navel gazing on the license fee tab.
Accidentally caught a bit of Just a Minute on 4Extra just now. Barely had Susan Calman opened her gob than she got in the obligatory mention of her ‘wife’. You could run a sweep on how many seconds it takes her.
It’s a crying shame to see just how far a once mighty programme has fallen.
If you had stayed ‘tuned’ you would have heard her try again on her next turn.
I didn’t wait to hear if she was picked up for ‘deviation’ or, of course, ‘repetition’! This bunch rears it’s ugly head again. The 22:00 news has a comment from someone from action on sugar. No doubt alcohol will be back on the agenda soon. But on the bright side hopefully you don’t get many sugary drinks down at the food bank.
INBBC Points West, main story ‘Bristol Schoolgirls given accounts of ‘so called’ Islamic State brutality’
Bristol schoolgirls is an inclusive term, all Bristol schoolgirls? do they have a yer but, no but ‘Gert lush’ accent? No, just those from the one same school that one was ‘lured away’ last year.
The amount of time this program gives to a tiny community in the West Country of mainly Somalians is off kilter, although not surprising (it is the bBC after all), last year we had to suffer continual beatings over the banning of Khat.
I really don’t want to be continually bombarded with images of individuals wearing c4th century fashions, we (the majority) of licence payers really DGAF.
Not BBC bias but quite entertaining all the same as it gives us a glimpse into the behaviour of hard Marxist leftists when under scrutiny. I mean, what a complete prat, though all too typical of the aggressive demeanour displayed by militant far leftists who are at the root of the Labour party. Let’s hope this complete imbecile is elected Liebour leader; it would surely spell the end of the Labour party’s chances of ever being elected again.
The Labour Party is completely out of touch are not listening to the ordinary people of the country. That’s why they lost the last election and that’s why the grass roots are turning to UKIP, the party that is listening.
Strangely although he claims ‘everyone in the peace process’ is his friend, (Hamas, Hezbollah,etc) I suspect Israel would not be be his ‘friend’. He stinks to high heaven of Anti-Semitism.
Nice one from the ‘thinking man’s crumpet’. Why not remove the compulsory licence from everyone and give us all a chance to voluntarily support the BBC?
BBc breakfast it’s suggested that parents should brush their kids teeth up until 14 by the Royal college of surgeons. Run video complete with mother who doesn’t speak English. Still nice run on from sugary drinks story yesterday.
The BBC have been nagging on and on this week about children’s tooth decay. Gavin Esler even promoted the story in the paper review. Well, to be fair, it did give him the excuse not to cover the Jihadi bride story on the front page of the Mail.
Well, apparently, it is putting a strain on the NHS. The tooth decay that is. Funny, it’s usually the oldies who get the blame – but this week it’s the kiddies.
This morning we’re told parents ought to be supervising their children as they use their tooth brush up to the age of 14. Presumably, judging by liberal social standards, that leaves off at 14 when the kids can start to collect their birth control. Makes a sort of sense.
Louise Michin and Billy Turnball warn squeemish viewers should look away now as we venture into a Sheffield Hospital to see where our tax payer money is being spent.
Luckily a translator is on hand so we can communicate with little Johnny’s parents. And I’m not suggesting their Yorkshire accent might offend the RP BBC – oh no, it’s hardly last of the summer wine as these people are what we tend to term migrants, in seach of a better life.
Translation services paid by the NHS or the BBC on this special occasion, we wonder?
Then there’s the male/ female pay gap. A nice little statistical trick that would mean were Tony Hall to have an entirely, 100% all- female BBC under him then his higher pay level would still put him foul of this new bullying feminazi initiative.
No quibbles from the BBC though. How come? Well, ‘Labour support’ this tosh. So who are the BBC to say boo to the goose?
BBC Radio 4 Today program with a piece about high street fashion for Muslims. 08:55
A truly ridiculous piece that is attempting to change fashion trends for non Muslims, to force women to dress more conservatively. According to their guest Fascist (so called expert) the high street is ‘missing a trick’ by not offering fashion to Muslims.
The reality of course is that Muslims will continue to dress in shapeless black bags regardless of what the high street offers them, and Al Beeb is attempting to force women to dress in a way which will not offend Muslim values.
Shami (easy on the make up luv) banging on about how to kill a mocking bird. Would it surprise anyone this book doesn’t feature in the 666 library & I’ve never read it so for me much ado about nothing.
The Islamic broadcasting carries on at 09:30 with “One to One”
Selina Scott is intrigued and fascinated by the ghost stories she hears living in a rural community. She thinks she has her own ghost in her kitchen,an old 15th century farmhouse in North Yorkshire.
In the second of her three programmes for One to One, Selina talks to spiritual healer, Yasmin Ishaq who doesn’t believe in ghosts but in Jinn, supernatural creatures in Islamic tradition. She explains this phenomena to Selina and the devastating impact it can have on Muslim communities.
Then a 10:00 Moaners Hour has:
“Sara Khan, number 10 on the Woman’s Hour Power List influencers for 2015, talks to Jane about her work empowering women to challenge extremism and gender inequality.”
To balance this lot out would require a 30 program starring Nick Griffin !
Just caught the end of that programmes & thought not a bad idea to shed some light on aspects of folk Islam & the hold it has on adherents. Ministers & MPs should be made to listen (if it was any good) as well as read books on the subject of Islam as a whole.
And just before this fairy crap from some Muslim woman came the last piece on Today.
A Muslim airheaded bimbo(with the same idiotic upward inflection of the Neighbours Generation) was boasting of how many equally-challenged girlies were embracing gaily colured hijabs…deals with the media perceptions of Islam apparently.
Some multiculti prof(woman natch) backed her up-=oh, the veil can be so empowering, but the media will dwell on the “unpleasantness” of assorted sistas who choose to be GI Brides for Abdul.
Sarah cooed on-oh, how radical,hon!
We paid for this shite…and half an hour later, a Muslimella tells us the believing in bad fairies is NOT a sign of mental illness-but a healthy sign that our Muslim nutta is being delivered of the nasties-as long as Stephen Fry doles out the smarties at SOME stage of her “consultations”.
Being Islamic IS as clear a sign of psychosis as we know these days-but as long as the hijab is in something other than the (admittedly slimming) black…then all`s well in chop-shop square or the back of the Rotherham hostel.
Radio Al Beeb in Wales this morning, down at the mosque extolling the virtues of the place and its people . The presenter’s was ‘fawning’ about the place and its ideals for most of the time that I listened .
Now there is nothing wrong with the idea of a visit, but this programme was really OTT!
Off switch.
“Figure 9 shows gender pay differences by age group. The gap is relatively small up to, and including, the 30-39 age group (with the exception of the 16-17 age group). In fact, the gap is negative for the 22-29 and 30-39 age groups, meaning that women earn on average more than men. Thereafter, there is a relatively large positive gap. This is likely to be connected with the fact that many women have children and take time out of the labour market [my bold].
Oddly I didn’t hear this mentioned – certainly not emphasised if it was – on all the “discussion” on Today this morning (or ever!). Frankly that says it all about both the “pay gap” and the BBC’s “impartial” treatment of it.
Free speech is now conditional on exactly who gets to hear it. Any perceived offence negates the right to free speech. This is how the liberal wants it.
Time to redefine the old and fine word – freedom. Liberals do not understand it and neither do most of our dumb and useless leaders and media clowns.
This is another marker on the road to civilisational decline and oblivion. It is sad to live in these times and think of our grandchildren’s future.
I am getting old so what can they do to me and people like me? Hope we die soon and then get at our children and grandchildren.
The liberal needs to crush the human individual spirit and the freeman.
We are the enemy now and don’t any of you forget it.
I am deeply offended by that comment. ‘PoliceScotland’, whoever that is, sounds like an institutional troll to me, and should be reported and investigated. In particular, the ‘Scottish’ bit sounds like a far-right nationalist, interested in wearing uniform and having fun, GSOH.
OTOH, why stop at ‘monitoring’ social media – why not ‘monitor’ everyone in their front rooms, or make them wear those things that the courts use, ankle monitors or something. Why should utterances only be ‘monitored’ if they’ve been typed out and digitised. Shouting in the street, or even whispering in bed, should be subject to investigation too. There’s far too much of this stuff going on, under the very thin pretext of exercising ‘freedom of expression’. Time it was stopped. Pass me the Guardian.
‘Guido would FoI how much licence fee payers’ money was spent on this waffle, but transparency isn’t Auntie’s strong point.’
Thing is, I hope he/they do, as the UK public should know how much the trusted and transparent UK public broadcaster spends on propaganda to the UK public… or the lengths they will go to ensure the UK public is kept in the dark.
Tony hall States majority are happy with paying licence. Survey done for thence report states 48 percent support licence, 29 percent favour advertising and 20 percent favour subscription. That makes the majority against retaining the licence. It appears Mr hall cannot add up. No surprise there then.
“The great majority are happy to pay the licence fee.”
Seems to depend on who is doing the poll, and who asked.
‘The BBC belongs to this country. The public are our shareholders.”
Utter tripe. Every financial and governance move has been self-interested. I don’t like or believe in a company any more, be it management incompetence, bad products or poor service… I can sell up and get out.
Meanwhile, the Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, Chris Bryant, will set out Labour’s vision for the future of the BBC… He will also pledge to save Strictly Come Dancing and The Voice.
“The BBC is our nation’s cultural NHS and the golden thread through it all is that it provides something for everyone.”
Vital stuff. Now, why would a Labour ShadCab be championing the BBC, using sofa sloth addict catnip?
Cultural NHS, indeed. If making such a stupid analogy, it’s the Burnham Mid-Staffs version.
“…Now, why would a Labour ShadCab be championing the BBC, using sofa sloth addict catnip?”
Smoke and mirrors, innit? Besides, Bryant can’t have failed to notice how deep in permanent mourning for Labour the Politburo are since the General Election disaster, which saw their over-confidently anticipated sunlit uplands (under a beneficent and grateful Labour Administration) unexpectedly engulfed, instead, by a Tory majority.
Lol. Honestly, the best comedy on the BBC at the moment is to be found in the grieving pieces to camera by endless BBC ‘news’ gathering worker drones pining for the Once and Future King of the Labour Victory That Never Was.
Thought I’d pull an ‘Iannuchi’ so I got in with my comment:
“…I’m still not clear why I am forced (by law and threat of sanction) to pay for the BBC if I really don’t want it. If I don’t want Sky I don’t pay for it – the difference being that Sky won’t then won’t drag me through the criminal courts for choosing not to sign up for their service. The BBC bullies me into paying for a service that I don’t want. How is this fair? Can someone explain?
I had a look at the comments and added my own. There were 400 plus comments and I reckon that well over 50% ( ordinary arithmetic not Lord Hall’s), perhaps two thirds were critical of the BBC . If the Tories really do want to torpedo the BBC without upsetting the public ( not the usually highly vocal leftists who will scream blue murder whatever happens) they need to point out very clearly that a) a subscription service need cost the public no more than the current BBC Tax, and b), that the subscription service , run of course on a NOT FOR PROFIT basis, wouldn’t need any adverts. With that re-assurance I think the public will shed few tears for the BBC losing its state funding.
“…the subscription service , run of course on a NOT FOR PROFIT basis, wouldn’t need any adverts…”
You know, I’ve never considered that before. It’s a perfect solution, isn’t it, to all the lefties who defend their propaganda channel by hiding behind the ‘but it’s got no adverts!’ (non)argument. I shall henceforth incorporate the ‘not-for-profit’ bit into my future arguments for BBC subscription!
Thinking further about the banning of the Confederate flag and treating like the nazi swastika, but allowing hammer and sickle emblems to flourish a couple more thoughts have crossed my mind:-
1. A fantastic bit of film from the Beeb archived Old Grey Whistle Test featured Lynnerd Skynnerd performing Free Bird, all done with a Confederate Flag backdrop. Will the BBC now a) Never Show it again, b) fiddle about with the film to erase evidence of the flag, or c) show it with a warning about “The film you are about to see contains…” yada yada yada, followed by a discussion of how evil Ronnie van Zant was and the plane crash was a lesson to to all Southern Boys. (For music lovers who haven’t yet seen it try to see if it’s on youtube. It’s worth it.)
2. As mentioned above, there is still no plan to eradicate the most murderous symbol of all (hammer and sickle). But what about the IS flag, is that not more racist – after all it supports slavery based on race as well as murdering thousands of innocents. And the French tricolour – always to be associated with the reign of terror of the revolution and Napoleon’s brutal conquests of Europe and North Africa. What about China’s flag? Not only the symbol of repression of billions of Chinese but also the brutal invasion and occupation of Tibet. The Zimbabwe flag of Mugabe etc. As evil as the American slavery was, the list of evil flags and symbols is long and many represent even worse than the Confederate one. If you wonder why the BBC concentrate on this one alone then you will understand it is agenda driven.
Just to clarify, I am not a fan of the Confederate flag nor do I support the evil of slavery. All I’m getting at is the double standards of the left – after all the communists and socialists are the most evil and corrupt governments in the history of mankind. And they all believe in forms of slavery by other names.
My understanding is that Ronnie Van Zandt and Neil Young both had their tongues in cheek when ‘Southern Man’ and ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ were written. In Young’s case, the free publicity couldn’t be a bad thing and it certainly didn’t stop them from hanging out for drinks with each other.
I’m still not convinced about the ‘banning’ of the Confederate flag. Will the Democrat party flag follow suit?
Just heard Al BBC gushing all over the Obama Iran “Deal”
The deal appears to show that Iran will be given the right to veto the “anywhere, anytime” inspections of Iranian nuclear sites?
Can Tehran continue to go on obfuscating its nuclear work and continue working on the bomb in secret?
It seems they ll get better centrifuges to boot.
Oh and Israel? … safety and security of Israel is apparently foremost
… I have here in my hand, a piece of paper signed by …
eh, Mr Buraq Hussein Obama
I must be mistaken – I thought I understood that there is no civilian use for enriched uranium? I must have got it wrong, perhaps it’s to do with enrichment past a certain point? Certainly no good at all expecting the BBC to enlighten us on this or indeed any of the other substantial issues here. They appear to have the wit and mentality of civil servants, who believe economics is a ‘science’, that science can ever be ‘settled’, and that understanding any kind of technical detail is (a) simple, and (b) therefore something that can be left to other, less well paid, people to sort out.
Arrogance, ignorance and privilege cavorting hand in hand across a landscape which is not theirs, but might as well be.
Rather supporting my notion they are going for a ‘too big to fail/to expensive to fire’ scenario.
Might work. The government could not cope with 20,000 unemployable Beeboids to be demanding the full whack that HR gave away like sweeties, plus bear the cost of the pension pots until the last one pops, without the rest of the country being forced to prop the pyramid up.
Gary Linaeker earns £5m pa!? Is it a late Aprils Fools ? I mean what on earth do they pay him anything like as much. Its just a crazy waste of our money.
Because he’s a well qualified Beeboid who thinks Nigel Farage is a ‘dick’ and Chris Evans Walks on water, the bBC more than look after their own and vice versa…
Congratulations @achrisevans on being the #TopGear host. And to the BBC on a great appointment. One of the finest broadcasters of our time.
Is Gary taking the piss calling carrot head ” one of the finest broadcasters of our time “? He cannot be serious man !
Time to get back to leading the line for Spurs, “one of the best teams of our time” says Gary………..
Complete change of subject .Outrageous misinformation on BBC World Service news needs to be corrected by as many as possible. In answer to the Israeli foreign minister it was said .
” But you’re not under threat by Iran. Nobody in Iran has threatened you for a very long time. You’re harking back to a time when President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened Israel directly”.
As the article points out, using specific recent threats to destroy Israel, the BBC interviewer shows breathtaking ignorance.
Or maybe bias. Or maybe both ?
This is an issue where the BBC can play up its applause for Obama and John Kerry, criticism of Israel for being meanies. and appeasement of Iran as a source of international terrorism. The very idea that the BBC might go against all this drivel is impossible.
Don’t forget – the BBC under Lord Reith blocked years of Churchill’s warnings about Hitler from the airwaves, and fully backed Baldwin and then Chamberlain in appeasing the dictator.
And wasn`t it only a few weeks ago that Cameron was described as “trumpeting” a new deal between his government and Brussels.
This for having the nerve to talk to the cameras after leaving some summit or other.
Yet these BBC sneers and smears are never applied to Obama-even when, like this disastrous “deal” he`s got with Iran-it`s catastrophic, stupid and brings WW3 that little bit nearer.
No-according to the BBC , the great statesman has secured his legacy by bringing us all “peace in our time”-no trumpeting vainglorious asinine posturing HERE.
No sirree.
The BBC have been examining Obamas rectum for so long, they`ve probably forgotten that they once used to check the facts, and watch for bullshit from grandstanding oafs like Barak Obama.
All the same junk in all the same places-the Left side of Hades.
I like this explanation of the Greek bail out by the ECB and EU…….
It is a slow day in a little Greek Village. The rain is beating down and the streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit.
On this particular day a rich German tourist is driving through the village, stops at the local hotel and lays a €100 note on the desk, telling the hotel owner he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one to spend the night. The owner gives him some keys and, as soon as the visitor has walked upstairs, the hotelier grabs the €100 note and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher.
The butcher takes the €100 note and runs down the street to repay his debt to the pig farmer. The pig farmer takes the €100 note and heads off to pay his bill at the supplier of feed and fuel. The guy at the Farmers’ Co-op takes the €100 note and runs to pay his drinks bill at the taverna.
The publican slips the money along to the local prostitute drinking at the bar, who has also been facing hard times and has had to offer him “services” on credit. The hooker then rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill to the hotel owner with the €100 note.
The hotel proprietor then places the €100 note back on the counter so the rich traveller will not suspect anything. At that moment the traveller comes down the stairs, picks up the €100 note, states that the rooms are not satisfactory, pockets the money, and leaves town.
No one produced anything. No one earned anything. However, the whole village is now out of debt and looking to the future with a lot more optimism. And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how the Greek bailout package works
Except the Greeks are not in debt to each other they are in debt to the Germans, the French, the IMF, the ECB etc. and it has to be paid back with interest. It won’t go round in a circle unfortunately. It just goes out. Or as has been agreed now, the Greek assets have been pawned off and will never to be returned to Greek ownership.
The only way out is to bring back the Drachma and exchange one Drachma for one Euro. The Drachma will fall in value, probably by 90% and the debt to the money lenders is reduced to one tenth that it is now. Printing more Drachmas (Quantitative easing} will pay off the rest inside a year.
The left wing Greek Prime Minister has no economic sense and no courage or he would do it as Farage so eloquently told him to this week. He did after all have a mandate from his people.
It will happen eventually but in the meantime we have to put up with this being the main news by the media for another year. There will also be the small matter of starving Greeks. No industry, no tourist trade = no bread. The German guest will in fact be able to buy the hotel for his 100 Euros. As well as the baker the butcher, the candlestick maker and the tart.
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tomoMar 1, 13:42 Weekend 1st March 2025 I needed a chuckle
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tomoMar 1, 13:36 Weekend 1st March 2025 Pretty quiet now about the real estate property portfolio that Vladmir and chums have built up overseas …
You guys all seen this?
The Twitterati is losing it over the potrayal of sainted liberal hero Atticus Finch. The follow-up of To Kill a Mockingbird (which was a white middle-class liberal fantasy – the enlightened lawyer trying to save the poor black man from the ugly, redneck racist mob) is more “nuanced” to say the least. Needless to say, those who hero-worshipped Atticus Finch are not happy.
Harper Lee, God bless her, getting on a bit and not in great health but doing an amazing job of trolling lefties.
Saw this topic come up on the newspaper review on BBC News Channel yesterday morning. A quick bit of research seemed to show that the ‘original’ book, “To Kill a Mockingbird” was only an extended small extract from the recently released ‘new’ book, “Go Set a Watchman”.
Quotes from some reviews I read talked of lots of people feeling that the ‘new’ book just retroactively ‘destroyed their childhood’, that some would just stamp their feet and refuse to read the ‘new’ book, their feelings were so hurt etc., etc. Sheesh, give me a break – it’s just a book !
Both of the reviewers invited by the BBC were of, shall we say, a ‘left-leaning’ persuasion, with the journalist from ‘The Independent ‘ (James Granton I think he was called) eulogising that great US civil rights campaigner (or ‘race hustler’ as most know him) Al Sharpton. But the thing that hacked me off, however, was the comment from the dilly female newspaper reviewer, Shyana Pereira, to the effect that “…one of the unpleasant truths of life is that we start on the ‘left’ and move to the ‘right’…..” – i.e. the older and more experienced (and perhaps wiser ?) people got, the less they supported those with her political viewpoint. An ‘unpleasant truth, eh ? Nothing like dismissing the half of the population as an ‘unpleasant truth’.
But of course, no rebuttal at all from the older, white, male Beeboid chairing the discussion – he knew his place.
Been away on business for three weeks, so didn’t catch the BBC, Guardian and Sky’s (no doubt) infuriating sanitisation of the Tunisia attack. However, what I have sensed from just under 48 hours of being back in the UK is what I consider to be nothing other than a loathsome attempt by the BBC and the left to somehow turn what was a horrific terrorist attack by yet another Islamic lunatic into a sob story of how the loss to Tunisian tourism (due to those nasty Tories ordering UK citizens back home) will deprive already hard-pressed Tunisians of jobs and, thus, churn out more Jihadi maniacs hellbent on killing innocent people. Wow, what warped logic. A Muslim madman machine guns people on a beach but YET AGAIN the leftie-saturated media (intentionally) turns the focus away from the Islamic link. They even manage to get criticism of the Tories in there; unbelievable bias.
please watch the following video in its entirety, and then tell me you dont believe in the greatness of the BBC and our reporters
Trust us, we’re the metropolitan elite and we know whats best for you
That is one hell of an ‘Albert’ chain that Evan ‘Albert’ Davis is sporting there!
Evan’s still annoyed the paps snapped him on his way to a fancy dress party.
Yep, the bBC think this 53 year old guy, who in his spare time dresses as a 16 year old (scruffy on screen as well) is the right man to present its supposedly serious flagship news program. The world must be laughing!
And to boot recompense him with a high six figure salary, courtesy of, umm us….
Eurozone leaders have agreed to offer Greece a third bailout, after marathon talks in Brussels. Measures to include streamlining pensions, raising tax revenue and liberalising the labour market.
Says the BBC website.
“After a tough battle, Greece had secured debt restructuring and a growth package”,
said Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.
“The road will be long, and judging by the negotiations tonight, difficult,”
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said.
The new owners of Greece look forward to enjoying the fruits of their crooked endeavours.
Said the EU Commission, the IMF, The European Central Bank and the German Finance Minister.
We are phukd.
Said the Greek people.
It’s utterly immoral. Greece has no chance of paying back its debts and there has to be a reckoning somewhere along the line. By which time matters will be even worse, but the EU doesn’t care as long as it can plaster over the cracks.
We’ll be back here again before too long.
The EU has been can-kicking on this subject for years now, and they just can’t stop themselves. And if anyone thinks that this is THE solution – think again.
Greece has been promising to sort itself out for years and years, and continually scrounging for financial help to do it, and having been loaned the money, has done almost damn-all about any of its deep-rooted structural and fiscal issues.
Nothing is likely to change in that country – all of its politicians, of whatever political stripe, are so deeply mired in troughing and cronyism that I think it must actually be in the job description. Syriza is no different.
Because the EU hierarchy are terrified of biting the bullet, Germany might have done Greece the biggest favour possible, by setting such a stringent set of conditions for the bailout that Greece just explodes, and leaves the Eurozone, and has to face up to, and manage, its own destiny.
However, just in case that doesn’t occur, let’s just remember that the EU is seeking to fund a significant chunk of the new Greek bail-out with EU funds, not just Eurozone funds, so we in the UK need some future protection of our contributions to this fiasco.
The only mistake the Greeks made was accepting the poisoned chalice of the Euro. The east Germans were just as eager to enjoy the extra spending power the deutsche Mark would give them when the Wall came down. The real exchange rate was probably conservatively 10 Ostmark for 1DM. What the Ossis forgot to take into account was the tenfold increase in the price of their products when 1 Ostmark became 1 DM. No one in their right mind was willing to buy communist tat for 10 times its previous price. For nationalistic reasons, West Germans were more or less willing to make colossal transfer payments to the East to prevent industrial collapse. They are less willing to make the same vast unconditional payouts to the Greeks as they are not Germans. The British had the same experience with the “currency snake” and ERM. The attempt to pretend the pound was the DM pushed interest rates up to 16% pa. A catastrophe for those with mortgages. The Germans want to recreate the Eurozone in their own image so that when the Eurozone becomes the German Eurostate any transfer payments will be manageable. Imagine if London taxpayers demanded interest on and repayment of all the cash transferred to economically weak areas of the UK. The Euro madness continues, Greece is eliminated as an independent nation. Who will be next? At least UK can vote to leave the EU in the near future
But look at it from the German and French pesrpective and the EU elite as well. If Greece does leave the Euro it will almost certainly write off all its debts or convert them into Drachma which will then depreciate at an enormous rate. This will force the French and German governments to write off their Greek debts. I know that the debt is already worthless in reality ,but as long as Greece stays in the Euro the French and German governments can technically keep the debt on their books. If the Greeks leave then those governments have to own up to the fact that they are in much more debt then they currently appear to be and whilst Germany can stand it, France can’t as its debt ration will go well over 100% of GDP.
What is amazing is the extent to which politicians think they can ‘hide’ these facts from their electorates. Of course their respective electorates see right through their pathetic cover up. The EU is becoming more and more of a laughing stock with each episode of the Greek farce. But the elite are so insulated from the people that they think they can do this without the whole of Europe laughing at them. Eventually the people will put an end to this charade and kick these idiots out.
The German public is well aware that it is owed lots of money, Sections of the CDU/CSU claim to be unhappy with sending more cash to Greece. However for Merkel the Euro Project trumps all. Greek misery counts for nothing and German Euro fanatics seem to think hundreds of billions of Euros is a price worth paying to keep Germany as the main driving force and shaper, and also principal beneficiary, of the future Euro State.
You are exactly right.
Merkel is scared witless to call a halt – it would mean the MASSIVE Greek debts which are being held up by EU political magic would suddenly become a write-off of many many billions which German taxpayers would gave to suffer. It is called crystalising the debt. Merkel would be swept out of office if this happened,
So – let;s inflict more and more pain on the Greeks.
Despicable – but anything to keep the EURO nightmare going.
So, unless I am mistaken, the EU has agreed to lend Greece more money because the Greeks have promised yet again to buck their ideas up. One of the measures suggested involves longer shop opening hours. Who would have thought that making kebabs available 24/7 could drag an economy back into the green.
Still, holidays to Greece seem to be getting cheaper.
I think the financial problems that keep developing within the EU do so, because its core purpose is an ever closer political union not an economic one.
Spot on. Nothing can be allowed to de-rail the anti-democratic European experiment.
This is a good article on Greece and the EU –
Al Beeb reporting that the eurozone agreed to offer Greece a third bailout. How many billions of pounds are British tax payers going to fork out to keep the European dream afloat?
How this British money could benefit our own country.
Time to think about voting UKIP.
Thank goodness Wimbledon is over, one gets the impression its all about the BBC promoting itself and not about the tennis, The constant giggling of Sue Barker, the inane supercilious banter from Andrew Castle, Gary Richardson ” There’s Royalty in the box, David Beckham’s there !!” The constant camera zooming into the Royal Box to see some D list ‘celebrity’ every 5 minutes. Clare ” its all jolly hockey sticks ” Balding cutting off John McEnroe in mid sentence to shriek ” Oh look, JK Rowling has scribbled a comment on twitter !!”
Oh we all know why you hated Wimbledon David. One of the winners a bit “uppity” for you?
So you’re saying that if said ‘uppity’ character had not worked her way through to the final and won David would have not ‘hated’ the event?
You’re talking shite, it was the bBC presentation that had us all switching off.
Fiddy, why are you on this site – are you of the opinion that the BBC is not biased?
Waaaycism waaycism!
Not much detailed coverage of Mid-Staffs Burnham and his sotto voce mea culpa about ZaNuLaB’s deficit pre the ‘global financial crisis’.
Here is what they publish, quietly –
“Labour leadership candidate Andy Burnham has apologised for the first time for the previous Labour administration’s “mistake” in allowing the deficit to get “that high”.
He was speaking during a special edition of the Victoria Derbyshire programme in which all four contenders outlined their views on issues, including controversial Budget cuts to child tax credits.
“Don’t believe all the myths,” he continued, “We did a lot of things to repair the fabric of this country. We ran a strong economy with good living standards for people between 97 and 2007.”
Here is Guido Fawkes’ excellent, as ever, transcript –
“Andy Burnham, Chief Secretary to the Treasury under Alistair Darling, eventually – and very quietly – says the magic word:
AB: “The deficit was too high when the crash came. I know that because I was Chief Secretary to the Treasury in 2007…”
VD: “You were still borrowing when the economy was growing. Why?!”
AB: “If you’re honest about your mistakes, then I think people begin to listen to you…”
VD: “Do you want to apologise for that then? Do you want to apologise?”
AB: “Well, we were running a strong economy from 1997-2007… But the deficit was too high in 2007.”
Audience member: “Just say sorry!”
AB: “Sorry, it was a mistake, we shouldn’t have allowed the deficit to get that high.”
On letting hundreds of thousands of Muslims to vote Labour.
What about the tens of thousands of young girls brutally raped by Muslims, while the authorities turned a blind eye . As this huge crime was happening all over England and ignored, there can hardly be any doubt that it happened under political direction.
If we had a sane country, the above would be judged to be a war crime of the worst sort. What makes it worse then a war crime, if there is uch a thing, is that it was done in peacetime by the authorities to their own kith and kin.
Never has this occured in any nation, ever.
Newsnight ran an upsetting piece this evening, about young girls who were subjected to repeated gang rape by Muslim men. Obviously, the girls were Yazidis from Iraq. No need to mention Oldham, Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford, Birmingham, Slough etc etc etc. Nothing to see here, please move along.
It should certainly have been the final nail in the coffin of the odious “Labour” party. The fact that it wasn’t and that some continue to support the scvm shows how low this country has sunk.
Who won the election? Still, at least UKIP get a mention.
As the picture is a bit small, just to point out that 5 of the 6 video clips are about Labour.
Hang on a mo, what’s that I see in the bottom left-hand corner? “Ex-UKIP MEP jailed for £500K fraud”.
However, going to the article itself (which only refers to him as “Former MEP”), we see way way down at the bottom a quote from Nigel Farage.
“I found out very quickly and thought he was a wrong ‘un so I kicked him out of the party, and this will be his second prison sentence so there you are.
“He never took his seat as a UKIP MEP. He was a member of UKIP, who was elected and I kicked him out even before he took his seat.”
So, he can’t be an ex-UKIP MEP because he never was one. Technically, it’s not wrong because he’s both ex-UKIP and ex-MEP. But the BBC is, as has often been shown, so much more keen to show party affiliation for some parties than for others.
I should, however, add that the Daily Mail is even worse, with this:
“The married father-of-two was a Ukip MEP for the South East of England from 2004 to 2009”
Before going on, with a touching disregard for consistency, to announce:
“Mote was elected as a Ukip MEP for South East England in 2004, but shortly before he took up his seat he was thrown out of Nigel Farage’s party“
The BBC does seem to be obsessed with celebrities, in the 19th century British heroes were engineers, scientists, explorers, now in the 21st century its footballers, actors, pop singers and if they’re effnik even better, what a come down. I wish SKY would buy the rights to Wimbledon, the only downside is the ads, you’d have to put up with seeing Sir Lenny Henry in a bed or Idris Elba jumping up and down on a sofa, arseing about, he seems to be the flavour of the month at the moment.
Yes they certainly do seem to worship at the altar of the effnik.
That was then;
“Two million people are said to have benefited from the measure, which gives most people over the age of 21 a minimum of £3.60 per hour.
The Tories had argued the new wage would price workers out of jobs.”
This is now;
“Councils in England and Wales have warned the national living wage could cost them an extra £1bn a year by 2020.”
“Ministers have said a growing economy can sustain a living wage but there are warnings up to 60,000 jobs may be lost.”
Armando Iannucci on Twitter ” So sad to see the Government’s demonising of the BBC. Best in the world at what it does, the BBC is a British success story. ” As a protection racket, getting money out of the elderly, the disabled, the poor, then I suppose it is.
Armando Iannucci ” BBC. Best in the world at what it does,” Oh dear, bit racist that. Do African, Arab countries or India not make good TV programmes ?
” So sad to see the Government’s demonising of the BBC ,my pension and future cash payments to my tax efficient company. I am the Best in the world at what I does, the BBC is a British horror story. ”
Envy of the world education and information you can trust.
Or else.
And John Whittingdale thinks we need this needs loading unavoidably on our council tax or ISP fees?
Farage yet again talking unmittaged sense, as always, but probably the most noteworthy thing about this clip is the appalling intro given to him by scumbag beeboid Wilcox. If he really doesn’t know who the leader of UKIP is, he shouldn’t be doing the job, but of course he’s only feigning forgetfulness.
Not sure if its just this clip, but there also seems to be more sound gremlins at about 4.15 onwards.
With the first sentence of the interviewer we can see that this will be an anti UKIP – and anti the 4,000,000 voters who voted for them in the last election – interview. Cannot imagine any labour politician being interviewed in this way by the BBC.
The opening question by that BBC punk showed the visceral BBC hostility to UKIP. “Are you still the leader of UKIP”
What an ignorant prat – and we are paying his wages.
Bias – what bias ?
Do you see on that B Bc report how they mysteriously lose the ‘synching’ when Nigel started to speak (but not when Wilcox speaks).
Load of absolute c***s.
As I mentioned, also note that he goes into ‘Darth Vader’ sound mode from about 4.15 on.
Video ‘shows Israeli officer shoot fleeing Palestinian’
Actually, the video doesn’t show that, at all. The shooting is not in frame. What it does is provide strong evidence that the shooting was not in self defence; that the officer and the soldier under his command was in breach of IDF ‘open fire’ regulations and that they did not give aid after the man had been neutralised, again in breach of regulations.
It will not be of use at the officer’s court martial but look who he shot.
Promising young footballer and pillar of the community, by chance?
Always intrigued that throwing of rocks, and not stopping if warned, is deemed somehow without chance of lethality, especially with persistence.
History, even in the UK, suggests otherwise. Ask the family of David Wilkie.
Best get Mishal in full proportionality flounce mode and over there asap.
Not exactly emaciated, is he? I’m surprised he was able to run away, carrying all that blubber.
Look he has got an Obama gun.
See how scientists have created ‘Semantic Paint’. It allows computers to recognise, identify and ‘paint’ objects
Sounded more like what BBC CECUTT sprays around if cornered.
Just remember folks ,the attack by 3 ‘men’ on a Paris Primark store is……………………….NTDWI.
How Very Dare You for even thinking that it might be!
Most will be aware that the government, who previously funded the licence fee for over 75’s in the UK, have now told the BBC that they will have to bear the cost of this themselves.
The BBC have been wailing and claim that this amounts to a cut in the licence fee of £725M per annum. They are now begging the over 75s who can afford it to voluntarily pay the £145.50 licence fee.
But just how do they arrive at this £725M?
According to this chart published by the Guardian in 2012 based on national census figures, the projection for the number of UK’s over 75s in 2015 is 5,319,000.
Now if the government had paid £145.50 for each of these elderly citizens the total would amount to a fraction under £774M.
But this figure assumes that each one of these elderly citizens have their own separate household. That they do not live with another family member also over 75, nor are they resident in any old people’s or care home. Because according to the BBC only 336,769 of these over 75s do not require a licence fee.
So I look onto the Age UK website, and admittedly their figures are from 1996 but they give some indication of what the real figures should be.
At that time 4,192,000 of our population were over 75. Almost two-thirds of these were women: 2,734,000 women compared to 1,458,000 men.
Here’s what they have about the number living alone:
Living alone
(GB) In 1996, 31% of men and 58% of women aged 75 and over lived alone.
So we can deduce that 451,980 men lived alone and 1,585,720 women lived alone, totalling 2,037.700 or under half of the total figure, and that is all who would require a TV licence.
So approximately for the current number of over 75’s, those living alone would be around 2,500,000, and if each had to pay £145.50 the cost would be £363,750,000.
It’s a long way from £725M, – just about half that figure.
Typical BBC accuracy!
I’ve just realised that I haven’t allowed for those couples over 75 who would share a licence, but still even allowing for those it’s a long way from double the figure the BBC would have us believe.
I wonder if the BBC, with the connivance of a friendly Labour Government, have been conning the tax-payers for years by ignoring this, now obvious, ‘anomaly’.
Why should we think we can trust your figures?
Because when you made a mistake, you told us so.
That’s real transparency, and anyone can practice it, just by being honest. Thank you.
Look this free for the over 75s was one of Blair’s policies. So the BBC should be all for it.
Yes I know it’s not BBC bias, but most of us recognise that large international corporations legally exploiting the world tax systems to pay zero tax is unsustainable in the medium term.
It means that the rest of us and smaller businesses have to make up the shortfall in higher taxes.
“McDonald’s is being investigated for allegedly dodging over a billion euros in taxes. But it’s not just McDonald’s who are lovin’ tax avoidance. Pepsi, Amazon, Apple, Starbucks, IKEA — practically every major global company has been accused of playing the same game, denying at least £65bn per year to developing countries!”
Together we can stop them. Governments are meeting right now to rewrite global financial rules and there’s a no-brainer plan gathering steam.
Developing countries are pushing for an independent international tax body that would keep corporations like McDonald’s from shorting the world’s poor. But the UK is blocking this brilliant idea, and that’s where we come in!
The Conservative manifesto promised to “lead international efforts to ensure global companies pay their fair share in tax”. Let’s remind them of their pledge with a giant outcry urging the PM and Chancellor to stop lovin’ dodgers and help close the tax havens! Sign now, and we’ll deliver our message at the summit.
Far be it from me to be a mite sceptical but where does this organisation get the “£65 billion” figure from? Probably its collective a****. Is this the same outfit which is enabling the opening up of Europe to unlimited immigration from Africa and the Middle East and which claims there are “5 months to save the world” (you know, until that Paris meeting which will stop “Climate Change” in its tracks and, not uncoincidentally ruin the West) etc etc. It’s not, as you write, BBC bias but it’s the same species of lefty cant and carefully
selectedimagined evidence.Yes I’m aware that they are a bunch of left wing dreamers, but occasionally they ask for support on issues which do need our attention.
I’m not asking you to support these issues, just the tax avoidance one, and if Cameron is as they claim set to veto any international agreement then I believe that he should be opposed.
Who cares , I am against any aid to third world countries , & if any taxes are due it should only be on profits they make in England , not the rest of the world .
I am sick to death of seeing the third world hand continually outstretched – via the BBC and it’s cringe inducing red nose day (or whatever it is called) or the parade of little black babies or water carrying six year olds shown in the adverts on the commercial channels. My money goes to the donkey rescuers.
But given the climate in Africa and the amount of sunshine, could the sun not power their economies for free and the vast lands used for farming crops?
I questioned where this £65 billion figure comes from. I suspect it’s purely made-up much like the – what is it this week? – £550 billion “subsidy” for fossil fuels. £65 billion is a big figure. So big that – so the argument goes – even if it’s not exactly correct, big business must be shafting all of us. Unfortunately for Avaaz, “avoidance” is in reality the practice of paying what is legally due in tax.
In the scheme of things McDonalds and Starbucks use the money they don’t pay in tax rather better than the governments who don’t receive what isn’t due to them. After all McDonalds and Starbucks pay out the money retained in higher wages and dividends (and hence back to the saving public) and new investment. Obviously – per Avaaz and statists everywhere – that’s terrible and it would be far better that the money retained by big corporate should be wasted on crapola like overseas aid, the “struggle” against climate change, funding charity scams and keeping EU – and other national and supranational – bureaucrats in undeserved but generously paid non-jobs.
The Human Rights Act.
Does being forced to pay for something that you don’t want on pain of prison, contravene the Human Rights Act?
Example from the Act:
•The right to liberty and freedom – you have the right to be free and the state can only imprison you with very good reason – for example, if you are convicted of a crime.
BBc run leader candidates turn on Harriet as some of them will oppose welfare reforms. You lost the election irrelevant.
Oh here we go again how much sugar is in drinks. How much sugar should we take. Blah blah blah they have expanded this non story since breakfast.
Must watch TV on channel4 news at 7.25pm or channel 4 + 1 at 8.25.
Jeremy Corbyn loosing it.
Conviction Politics without media training. Suddenly it gets interesting. Oh for more of this from both the left and the right!
here is the link to Corbyn mini meltdown.
Ah when lefties fight.
Guru Murphy didn’t like it when Corbyn mentioned tabloid television, must have hit a raw nerve.
This interview is a classic case of what is wrong with the media. The interviewer is not interested in extracting Corbyn’s views – ridiculous as they may be – but in selling his own somewhat limited political beliefs. Was he recruited from the SWP student union debating society? And dear me – the Andrew Neil technique of repeating the question and making it obvious that he was not interested in the extended reply. As in the question regarding Corbyn being a friend of Hamas. These third rate interviewers have no idea how to let a politician dig his own grave.
Watch bogeyman Donald Trump handle these rather limited interviewers in the US. See why he is generating support. Love to see him wipe these asshole interviewers here.
Guru Murphy firing a lot of gotcha questions, not in the slightest bit interested in LISTENING to the answer, the same thing happened to Farage.
Talking of Donald Trump, here’s an interview he did with a dumb blonde, a Leg Crosser as Michael Savage calls them. Ramzpaul provides the link.
the interview.
Grrr, C4 have blocked it. Guido still has it:
That link has been taken down. Try this one
Please Labour morons, vote Corbyn. An unelectable Labour Party would be great for Britain and the British people.
BBC Panorama tonight.
‘NHS. A Perfect Storm’
(Voice-over by a Sean Bean sound-alike to make it gritty).
Aging population will bring the NHS to it’s knees in 5 years. Every one knows that the NHS can’t cope.
Many monochrome film clips of a decaying Liverpool. Sea-gulls on roof tops.
Doctor Simon Bowles of a Liverpool practice voiced his opinion to confirm the above. Walking amongst the crunchy glass of a long derelict hospital. Collar up and no tie. Scouser accent to give street cred?
Here he is:
He may be a Thatcher supporter. Or may be not?
No mention at all of massive recent immigration.
Sounded like a Labour Party political broadcast. Remember when the BBC and Labour were trashing the NHS in the run up to the General Election? Have they failed to accept who lost the election and why?
I switched OFF after 10 minutes.
And from his Twitter, he’s very anti-austerity:
‘Georgian migrant worked illegally in 7 hospitals after stealing Brit’s identity’
‘Fake doctor Abdul Pirzada jailed over CV lies – BBC News’
‘Fake Australian doctor conned top UK medical school’
“Extraordinary” lapses in checks on locum NHS doctors ‘
‘Fake doctor drugged and raped 100 women after tricking’
‘Nigerian doctor who used fake identity documents to work in NHS’
Just a small sample of the vermin who are destroying the NHS thanks to the lefty ideology of not giving a f*** as long as the cult of multi gets a chance.
That’s not to mention the Thai scumbag who killed off his ageing patients…no doubt a hero to the left who, as we all know, would like of kill off those pesky hardworking tax paying old people, after all it would save the bbc subsidising their license fee!
Ssshhh, we can’t hear the truth though, can we?
The NHS management also has a Political Correct mental block when it comes to planning for a mass immigration rate of half a million per year. Political correctness means that they can only blame the elderly, because there is no Politically correct mental block when it comes to blaming the elderly. But a left-wing mental block means that there is something else that is not been seen by the authorities. A Politically Correct left-wing mental block also covers other issues such as the housing problem. Only people with superior minds seem to be free from this mental block, which is why four million people with superior minds could only vote UKIP in the last election.
Don’t you also think it odd that diseases which have been eradicated from Britain for decades, TB, Scarlet Fever etc, have re-appeared here over the last ten years or so.
I wonder whether virtually unchecked immigration, from second and third world countries; might possibly have played a tiny role in their re-emergence?
A Perfect Storm?
More like An Absolute Shower.
BBC makes it’s second main news ‘headline’ the completely irrelevant Labour leadership tussle. The Corporation just cannot get over the general election result, so – on behalf of the nation, of course – it chooses to wallow in Labour navel gazing on the license fee tab.
Earth to BBC: NOBODY GIVES A F**K! (But you.)
Accidentally caught a bit of Just a Minute on 4Extra just now. Barely had Susan Calman opened her gob than she got in the obligatory mention of her ‘wife’. You could run a sweep on how many seconds it takes her.
It’s a crying shame to see just how far a once mighty programme has fallen.
If you had stayed ‘tuned’ you would have heard her try again on her next turn.
I didn’t wait to hear if she was picked up for ‘deviation’ or, of course, ‘repetition’! This bunch rears it’s ugly head again. The 22:00 news has a comment from someone from action on sugar. No doubt alcohol will be back on the agenda soon. But on the bright side hopefully you don’t get many sugary drinks down at the food bank.
INBBC Points West, main story ‘Bristol Schoolgirls given accounts of ‘so called’ Islamic State brutality’
Bristol schoolgirls is an inclusive term, all Bristol schoolgirls? do they have a yer but, no but ‘Gert lush’ accent? No, just those from the one same school that one was ‘lured away’ last year.
The amount of time this program gives to a tiny community in the West Country of mainly Somalians is off kilter, although not surprising (it is the bBC after all), last year we had to suffer continual beatings over the banning of Khat.
I really don’t want to be continually bombarded with images of individuals wearing c4th century fashions, we (the majority) of licence payers really DGAF.
Off switch…
Al beeb’s trolls are out in force tonight – the pressure is on.
They suspect their end is nigh .
Not BBC bias but quite entertaining all the same as it gives us a glimpse into the behaviour of hard Marxist leftists when under scrutiny. I mean, what a complete prat, though all too typical of the aggressive demeanour displayed by militant far leftists who are at the root of the Labour party. Let’s hope this complete imbecile is elected Liebour leader; it would surely spell the end of the Labour party’s chances of ever being elected again.
The Labour Party is completely out of touch are not listening to the ordinary people of the country. That’s why they lost the last election and that’s why the grass roots are turning to UKIP, the party that is listening.
Strangely although he claims ‘everyone in the peace process’ is his friend, (Hamas, Hezbollah,etc) I suspect Israel would not be be his ‘friend’. He stinks to high heaven of Anti-Semitism.
What happened to that article about the first test, and the analysis of the BBC website coverage of Joe Root vs Moeen Ali? It was on here on Saturday.
I was away, what was the content of it?
The non-magic of BBC Clare Balding v Wimbledon:
The ‘format’ is not going down well….
Shocked I tell you. Shocked!
Comments going well, too.
Meanwhile, the Indy has what things ‘might look’ like…–how-the-bbc-might-look-in-2025-if-the-tories-get-their-way-10385664.html
Which seems a bit desperate, too.
Nice one from the ‘thinking man’s crumpet’. Why not remove the compulsory licence from everyone and give us all a chance to voluntarily support the BBC?
BBc breakfast it’s suggested that parents should brush their kids teeth up until 14 by the Royal college of surgeons. Run video complete with mother who doesn’t speak English. Still nice run on from sugary drinks story yesterday.
The BBC have been nagging on and on this week about children’s tooth decay. Gavin Esler even promoted the story in the paper review. Well, to be fair, it did give him the excuse not to cover the Jihadi bride story on the front page of the Mail.
Well, apparently, it is putting a strain on the NHS. The tooth decay that is. Funny, it’s usually the oldies who get the blame – but this week it’s the kiddies.
This morning we’re told parents ought to be supervising their children as they use their tooth brush up to the age of 14. Presumably, judging by liberal social standards, that leaves off at 14 when the kids can start to collect their birth control. Makes a sort of sense.
Louise Michin and Billy Turnball warn squeemish viewers should look away now as we venture into a Sheffield Hospital to see where our tax payer money is being spent.
Luckily a translator is on hand so we can communicate with little Johnny’s parents. And I’m not suggesting their Yorkshire accent might offend the RP BBC – oh no, it’s hardly last of the summer wine as these people are what we tend to term migrants, in seach of a better life.
Translation services paid by the NHS or the BBC on this special occasion, we wonder?
Then there’s the male/ female pay gap. A nice little statistical trick that would mean were Tony Hall to have an entirely, 100% all- female BBC under him then his higher pay level would still put him foul of this new bullying feminazi initiative.
No quibbles from the BBC though. How come? Well, ‘Labour support’ this tosh. So who are the BBC to say boo to the goose?
BBC Radio 4 Today program with a piece about high street fashion for Muslims. 08:55
A truly ridiculous piece that is attempting to change fashion trends for non Muslims, to force women to dress more conservatively. According to their guest Fascist (so called expert) the high street is ‘missing a trick’ by not offering fashion to Muslims.
The reality of course is that Muslims will continue to dress in shapeless black bags regardless of what the high street offers them, and Al Beeb is attempting to force women to dress in a way which will not offend Muslim values.
Jesus H Christ. The importance of Jihadi fashion now. 1 binbag looks the same as another to me.
Shami (easy on the make up luv) banging on about how to kill a mocking bird. Would it surprise anyone this book doesn’t feature in the 666 library & I’ve never read it so for me much ado about nothing.
X posts there, thoughtful. You put things much better than I did. I think anger clouded my judgement. 😉
The Islamic broadcasting carries on at 09:30 with “One to One”
Selina Scott is intrigued and fascinated by the ghost stories she hears living in a rural community. She thinks she has her own ghost in her kitchen,an old 15th century farmhouse in North Yorkshire.
In the second of her three programmes for One to One, Selina talks to spiritual healer, Yasmin Ishaq who doesn’t believe in ghosts but in Jinn, supernatural creatures in Islamic tradition. She explains this phenomena to Selina and the devastating impact it can have on Muslim communities.
Then a 10:00 Moaners Hour has:
“Sara Khan, number 10 on the Woman’s Hour Power List influencers for 2015, talks to Jane about her work empowering women to challenge extremism and gender inequality.”
To balance this lot out would require a 30 program starring Nick Griffin !
Just caught the end of that programmes & thought not a bad idea to shed some light on aspects of folk Islam & the hold it has on adherents. Ministers & MPs should be made to listen (if it was any good) as well as read books on the subject of Islam as a whole.
And just before this fairy crap from some Muslim woman came the last piece on Today.
A Muslim airheaded bimbo(with the same idiotic upward inflection of the Neighbours Generation) was boasting of how many equally-challenged girlies were embracing gaily colured hijabs…deals with the media perceptions of Islam apparently.
Some multiculti prof(woman natch) backed her up-=oh, the veil can be so empowering, but the media will dwell on the “unpleasantness” of assorted sistas who choose to be GI Brides for Abdul.
Sarah cooed on-oh, how radical,hon!
We paid for this shite…and half an hour later, a Muslimella tells us the believing in bad fairies is NOT a sign of mental illness-but a healthy sign that our Muslim nutta is being delivered of the nasties-as long as Stephen Fry doles out the smarties at SOME stage of her “consultations”.
Being Islamic IS as clear a sign of psychosis as we know these days-but as long as the hijab is in something other than the (admittedly slimming) black…then all`s well in chop-shop square or the back of the Rotherham hostel.
Radio Al Beeb in Wales this morning, down at the mosque extolling the virtues of the place and its people . The presenter’s was ‘fawning’ about the place and its ideals for most of the time that I listened .
Now there is nothing wrong with the idea of a visit, but this programme was really OTT!
Off switch.
Wimmin’s pay is less on average than men’s because wimmin have time off for child birth.
AS these data from the ONS last year demonstrate, and as the comment highlights:
“Figure 9 shows gender pay differences by age group. The gap is relatively small up to, and including, the 30-39 age group (with the exception of the 16-17 age group). In fact, the gap is negative for the 22-29 and 30-39 age groups, meaning that women earn on average more than men. Thereafter, there is a relatively large positive gap. This is likely to be connected with the fact that many women have children and take time out of the labour market [my bold].
Oddly I didn’t hear this mentioned – certainly not emphasised if it was – on all the “discussion” on Today this morning (or ever!). Frankly that says it all about both the “pay gap” and the BBC’s “impartial” treatment of it.….free speech under attack again.
Free speech is now conditional on exactly who gets to hear it. Any perceived offence negates the right to free speech. This is how the liberal wants it.
Time to redefine the old and fine word – freedom. Liberals do not understand it and neither do most of our dumb and useless leaders and media clowns.
This is another marker on the road to civilisational decline and oblivion. It is sad to live in these times and think of our grandchildren’s future.
I am getting old so what can they do to me and people like me? Hope we die soon and then get at our children and grandchildren.
The liberal needs to crush the human individual spirit and the freeman.
We are the enemy now and don’t any of you forget it.
You have been warned!
. . . but we will continue to slough off any responsibility for allowing a road accident victim to die. Certainly no resignations or sackings will be considered.
Have to give Scottish Police credit on this. The Stasi did exactly the same thing but they didn’t warn people.
So if the knock comes in the middle of the night, don’t say you weren’t warned.
I hope they will read this in the spirit in which it’s meant and won’t find it offensive.
I am deeply offended by that comment. ‘PoliceScotland’, whoever that is, sounds like an institutional troll to me, and should be reported and investigated. In particular, the ‘Scottish’ bit sounds like a far-right nationalist, interested in wearing uniform and having fun, GSOH.
OTOH, why stop at ‘monitoring’ social media – why not ‘monitor’ everyone in their front rooms, or make them wear those things that the courts use, ankle monitors or something. Why should utterances only be ‘monitored’ if they’ve been typed out and digitised. Shouting in the street, or even whispering in bed, should be subject to investigation too. There’s far too much of this stuff going on, under the very thin pretext of exercising ‘freedom of expression’. Time it was stopped. Pass me the Guardian.
And today’s award for understatement goes to…
‘Guido would FoI how much licence fee payers’ money was spent on this waffle, but transparency isn’t Auntie’s strong point.’
Thing is, I hope he/they do, as the UK public should know how much the trusted and transparent UK public broadcaster spends on propaganda to the UK public… or the lengths they will go to ensure the UK public is kept in the dark.
Tony hall States majority are happy with paying licence. Survey done for thence report states 48 percent support licence, 29 percent favour advertising and 20 percent favour subscription. That makes the majority against retaining the licence. It appears Mr hall cannot add up. No surprise there then.
Just opened for comments.
Get in early.
Comments going well so far.
‘a duty to “inform, educate and entertain”.’
One they fail on consistently.
“The great majority are happy to pay the licence fee.”
Seems to depend on who is doing the poll, and who asked.
‘The BBC belongs to this country. The public are our shareholders.”
Utter tripe. Every financial and governance move has been self-interested. I don’t like or believe in a company any more, be it management incompetence, bad products or poor service… I can sell up and get out.
Meanwhile, the Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, Chris Bryant, will set out Labour’s vision for the future of the BBC… He will also pledge to save Strictly Come Dancing and The Voice.
“The BBC is our nation’s cultural NHS and the golden thread through it all is that it provides something for everyone.”
Vital stuff. Now, why would a Labour ShadCab be championing the BBC, using sofa sloth addict catnip?
Cultural NHS, indeed. If making such a stupid analogy, it’s the Burnham Mid-Staffs version.
“…Now, why would a Labour ShadCab be championing the BBC, using sofa sloth addict catnip?”
Smoke and mirrors, innit? Besides, Bryant can’t have failed to notice how deep in permanent mourning for Labour the Politburo are since the General Election disaster, which saw their over-confidently anticipated sunlit uplands (under a beneficent and grateful Labour Administration) unexpectedly engulfed, instead, by a Tory majority.
Lol. Honestly, the best comedy on the BBC at the moment is to be found in the grieving pieces to camera by endless BBC ‘news’ gathering worker drones pining for the Once and Future King of the Labour Victory That Never Was.
‘a duty to “inform, educate and entertain”.’
As all the Marxists at the BBC know, that should read, ‘Re-educate’.
Thought I’d pull an ‘Iannuchi’ so I got in with my comment:
“…I’m still not clear why I am forced (by law and threat of sanction) to pay for the BBC if I really don’t want it. If I don’t want Sky I don’t pay for it – the difference being that Sky won’t then won’t drag me through the criminal courts for choosing not to sign up for their service. The BBC bullies me into paying for a service that I don’t want. How is this fair? Can someone explain?
I had a look at the comments and added my own. There were 400 plus comments and I reckon that well over 50% ( ordinary arithmetic not Lord Hall’s), perhaps two thirds were critical of the BBC . If the Tories really do want to torpedo the BBC without upsetting the public ( not the usually highly vocal leftists who will scream blue murder whatever happens) they need to point out very clearly that a) a subscription service need cost the public no more than the current BBC Tax, and b), that the subscription service , run of course on a NOT FOR PROFIT basis, wouldn’t need any adverts. With that re-assurance I think the public will shed few tears for the BBC losing its state funding.
“…the subscription service , run of course on a NOT FOR PROFIT basis, wouldn’t need any adverts…”
You know, I’ve never considered that before. It’s a perfect solution, isn’t it, to all the lefties who defend their propaganda channel by hiding behind the ‘but it’s got no adverts!’ (non)argument. I shall henceforth incorporate the ‘not-for-profit’ bit into my future arguments for BBC subscription!
Thinking further about the banning of the Confederate flag and treating like the nazi swastika, but allowing hammer and sickle emblems to flourish a couple more thoughts have crossed my mind:-
1. A fantastic bit of film from the Beeb archived Old Grey Whistle Test featured Lynnerd Skynnerd performing Free Bird, all done with a Confederate Flag backdrop. Will the BBC now a) Never Show it again, b) fiddle about with the film to erase evidence of the flag, or c) show it with a warning about “The film you are about to see contains…” yada yada yada, followed by a discussion of how evil Ronnie van Zant was and the plane crash was a lesson to to all Southern Boys. (For music lovers who haven’t yet seen it try to see if it’s on youtube. It’s worth it.)
2. As mentioned above, there is still no plan to eradicate the most murderous symbol of all (hammer and sickle). But what about the IS flag, is that not more racist – after all it supports slavery based on race as well as murdering thousands of innocents. And the French tricolour – always to be associated with the reign of terror of the revolution and Napoleon’s brutal conquests of Europe and North Africa. What about China’s flag? Not only the symbol of repression of billions of Chinese but also the brutal invasion and occupation of Tibet. The Zimbabwe flag of Mugabe etc. As evil as the American slavery was, the list of evil flags and symbols is long and many represent even worse than the Confederate one. If you wonder why the BBC concentrate on this one alone then you will understand it is agenda driven.
Just to clarify, I am not a fan of the Confederate flag nor do I support the evil of slavery. All I’m getting at is the double standards of the left – after all the communists and socialists are the most evil and corrupt governments in the history of mankind. And they all believe in forms of slavery by other names.
Here’s the Youtube link with the Confederate Flag displayed by the BBC as you mention:
Thanks Dover Sentry, I know it’s only my opinion but I think that clip is amazing.
Of course, the BBC might do a documentary called “Lynyrd Skynyrd – a warning from history”.
Presented by the terminally dreary Neil ‘Southern Man’ Young, no doubt.
My understanding is that Ronnie Van Zandt and Neil Young both had their tongues in cheek when ‘Southern Man’ and ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ were written. In Young’s case, the free publicity couldn’t be a bad thing and it certainly didn’t stop them from hanging out for drinks with each other.
I’m still not convinced about the ‘banning’ of the Confederate flag. Will the Democrat party flag follow suit?
Excellent post……….Who was it that said flares never went out of fashion?
Just heard Al BBC gushing all over the Obama Iran “Deal”
The deal appears to show that Iran will be given the right to veto the “anywhere, anytime” inspections of Iranian nuclear sites?
Can Tehran continue to go on obfuscating its nuclear work and continue working on the bomb in secret?
It seems they ll get better centrifuges to boot.
Oh and Israel? … safety and security of Israel is apparently foremost
… I have here in my hand, a piece of paper signed by …
eh, Mr Buraq Hussein Obama
I must be mistaken – I thought I understood that there is no civilian use for enriched uranium? I must have got it wrong, perhaps it’s to do with enrichment past a certain point? Certainly no good at all expecting the BBC to enlighten us on this or indeed any of the other substantial issues here. They appear to have the wit and mentality of civil servants, who believe economics is a ‘science’, that science can ever be ‘settled’, and that understanding any kind of technical detail is (a) simple, and (b) therefore something that can be left to other, less well paid, people to sort out.
Arrogance, ignorance and privilege cavorting hand in hand across a landscape which is not theirs, but might as well be.
‘Nukes in our time.’, as our latter day Chamberlain meant to say?
Rather supporting my notion they are going for a ‘too big to fail/to expensive to fire’ scenario.
Might work. The government could not cope with 20,000 unemployable Beeboids to be demanding the full whack that HR gave away like sweeties, plus bear the cost of the pension pots until the last one pops, without the rest of the country being forced to prop the pyramid up.
Gary Linaeker earns £5m pa!? Is it a late Aprils Fools ? I mean what on earth do they pay him anything like as much. Its just a crazy waste of our money.
Because he’s a well qualified Beeboid who thinks Nigel Farage is a ‘dick’ and Chris Evans Walks on water, the bBC more than look after their own and vice versa…
Is Gary taking the piss calling carrot head ” one of the finest broadcasters of our time “? He cannot be serious man !
Time to get back to leading the line for Spurs, “one of the best teams of our time” says Gary………..
Complete change of subject .Outrageous misinformation on BBC World Service news needs to be corrected by as many as possible. In answer to the Israeli foreign minister it was said .
” But you’re not under threat by Iran. Nobody in Iran has threatened you for a very long time. You’re harking back to a time when President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened Israel directly”.
As the article points out, using specific recent threats to destroy Israel, the BBC interviewer shows breathtaking ignorance.
Or maybe bias. Or maybe both ?
This is an issue where the BBC can play up its applause for Obama and John Kerry, criticism of Israel for being meanies. and appeasement of Iran as a source of international terrorism. The very idea that the BBC might go against all this drivel is impossible.
Don’t forget – the BBC under Lord Reith blocked years of Churchill’s warnings about Hitler from the airwaves, and fully backed Baldwin and then Chamberlain in appeasing the dictator.
It is in the BBC’s DNA.
And wasn`t it only a few weeks ago that Cameron was described as “trumpeting” a new deal between his government and Brussels.
This for having the nerve to talk to the cameras after leaving some summit or other.
Yet these BBC sneers and smears are never applied to Obama-even when, like this disastrous “deal” he`s got with Iran-it`s catastrophic, stupid and brings WW3 that little bit nearer.
No-according to the BBC , the great statesman has secured his legacy by bringing us all “peace in our time”-no trumpeting vainglorious asinine posturing HERE.
No sirree.
The BBC have been examining Obamas rectum for so long, they`ve probably forgotten that they once used to check the facts, and watch for bullshit from grandstanding oafs like Barak Obama.
All the same junk in all the same places-the Left side of Hades.
Yes. The BBC looking very much the swivel-eyed ones here..
I like this explanation of the Greek bail out by the ECB and EU…….
It is a slow day in a little Greek Village. The rain is beating down and the streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit.
On this particular day a rich German tourist is driving through the village, stops at the local hotel and lays a €100 note on the desk, telling the hotel owner he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one to spend the night. The owner gives him some keys and, as soon as the visitor has walked upstairs, the hotelier grabs the €100 note and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher.
The butcher takes the €100 note and runs down the street to repay his debt to the pig farmer. The pig farmer takes the €100 note and heads off to pay his bill at the supplier of feed and fuel. The guy at the Farmers’ Co-op takes the €100 note and runs to pay his drinks bill at the taverna.
The publican slips the money along to the local prostitute drinking at the bar, who has also been facing hard times and has had to offer him “services” on credit. The hooker then rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill to the hotel owner with the €100 note.
The hotel proprietor then places the €100 note back on the counter so the rich traveller will not suspect anything. At that moment the traveller comes down the stairs, picks up the €100 note, states that the rooms are not satisfactory, pockets the money, and leaves town.
No one produced anything. No one earned anything. However, the whole village is now out of debt and looking to the future with a lot more optimism. And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how the Greek bailout package works
Except the Greeks are not in debt to each other they are in debt to the Germans, the French, the IMF, the ECB etc. and it has to be paid back with interest. It won’t go round in a circle unfortunately. It just goes out. Or as has been agreed now, the Greek assets have been pawned off and will never to be returned to Greek ownership.
The only way out is to bring back the Drachma and exchange one Drachma for one Euro. The Drachma will fall in value, probably by 90% and the debt to the money lenders is reduced to one tenth that it is now. Printing more Drachmas (Quantitative easing} will pay off the rest inside a year.
The left wing Greek Prime Minister has no economic sense and no courage or he would do it as Farage so eloquently told him to this week. He did after all have a mandate from his people.
It will happen eventually but in the meantime we have to put up with this being the main news by the media for another year. There will also be the small matter of starving Greeks. No industry, no tourist trade = no bread. The German guest will in fact be able to buy the hotel for his 100 Euros. As well as the baker the butcher, the candlestick maker and the tart.