The question of whether or not the UK should remain in the EU is politically contentious, and there’s going to be a national referendum to decide it. Therefore the BBC must, by the terms of its Royal Charter, be impartial. Yet your item on Monday about the possibility of the UK leaving the EU was completely one-sided; in fact the bias was blatant and bare-faced. It was like watching a Party Political Broadcast for the pro-EU Party, if such a party existed. Arguable statements were given the status of unchallengeable fact. For instance the presenters gravely introduced the piece with the words:
“If we leave the EU . . . our food will cost more”
“If Britain decides to leave the UK [migrant workers] won’t be available.”
There was absurd scaremongering about food supplies: “Shelves could run bare.”
Point after point was made about the benefits of EU membership (and the benefits of uncontrolled immigration) and there was not a single word about the disadvantages of either. Not a single word: I challenge you to find one.
Can you tell me when a balancing broadcast of equal length will be made, in which we would be given the other side of the EU question? Just like your pro-EU item it would of course need to be totally biased and with no chance for the other side to comment. I very much hope you will show such an item, as this would go some way in restoring my faith in the impartiality of our beloved BBC. It would also correct what is, as it stands, a clear breach of the terms of the Royal Charter.
They did the same down here in the South West Fred.
The local BBC Bristol telly hauled in a UKIP bloke to explain away why some EU Front organisation called “Business West” had come up with survey results that wanted businesses to stay in the EU-and stop using the issue as a “political football”.
Our UKIP bloke knew it was a set up from EU funded CBI stiffies-and told our gormless BBC presenter all this…a fine implosion ensued, yet the shameless shits continue to do the same.
Time to bin local BBC output-as rabid and stupid as Big Auntie in London.
According to Breitbart London, on Monday French police foiled a Muslim plot to capture and behead a French general. They also report that France is ‘burning’ as Muslim yoofs riot in the streets (even more than they usually do).
I see from the BBC that the Tour de France is under way again, though…
I bet the BBC are struggling with the Open. One of the few sporting events left to them, yet one upon which they can’t easily foist their populist and diverse values. I haven’t looked but one assumes that there’s not going to be a “St Andrew’s 2Day”.
Don`t know how , Mr T Woods is doing , but I bet the camera / director only have eyes for him . Incidentally ,is the Open also being shown on Sky Sports ,like the other golf the BBC has shared `rights` too?
The statement on the Government Green paper on the BBC Charter was delivered by Mr Whittingdale during which he acknowledged that a subscription service was probably the best way to fund the BBC IN THE FUTURE but that as most homes didn’t have a set top box it wasn’t practical at present and therefore could be kicked into touch for this charter renewal.
Surely if you think that subscription is the best way to fund the BBC , and many on this site agree, ( closure not being a realistic political option folks no matter how much we would like to attend the BBC’s wake) then start the process of equipping homes with boxes asap. The BBC would of course have to pay a proportion of the cost from their LF income. I am sure that SKY would be happy for those who currently take Sky to be able to pay for the BBC as an option for only a modest fee. This would certainly make the process of providing boxes quicker and cheaper. In fact Sky may well wish to join in the project to ‘box up’ the UK provided the boxes gave people the option of taking the Sky service for a fee as well as the BBC. Additionally, you could ask people if they intended to take out a BBC subscription and if they said no, there would be no need to provide them with a box. I am sure that the whole project could be completed within a few years, allowing the BBC to become subscription based by the end of this parliament. Mr Whittingdale should also make sure that the I Player service is fully subscription based and clearly differentiated from the standard TV LF.
Mr Whittingdale has many options for ‘dealing ‘ with the BBC at his disposal but he needs to attack the problem with gusto and ignore the inevitable screams of outrage of those with a vested interest in keeping the leftist foghorn funded by a universal taxation, whether this be the current LF or another form of tax.
The BBC didn’t give a “£$% when it rail roaded the public on to digital and passed on it’s costs so i have nothing but contempt for their bleating now !
BBC is reaping exactly what it has sown with the majority public negative response to its relentless liberal, left leaning political bias expressed subtly through politics, EU and current affairs output. The many BBC bias sites on line confirm exactly which way this bias is flowing. Example: BBC appointed Muslim head religious programmes – yet we are 2 millenia Christian heritage nation?
So it is ‘very traditional’ … to entice children into
sexual activity?,
sexual slavery?
plying them with cigarettes, and alcohol?,
forcing them into child prostitution?
forcing them to have underage abortions?
beating them, threatening their families with violence?
getting them hooked on drugs?
And only white, read non Islamic children at that?
It is ‘very traditional’ for the ‘community’ – read Islamic,
to turn a blind eye to such depravity because its not Islamic children, therefore ok?
What a utterly abhorrent, retarded, dangerous and deplorable “community” – read Islamic.
This ‘community’ – read Islamic … has no place whatsoever in our or ANY civilised society or country.
Labour? for crying out loud wake up … the issue is Islamic
councillors … infiltrating politics at local level, infiltrating the police,
as MPs. local government, health services, any position that, they can abuse power, or pervert influence, to them there is one politic ISLAM.
Health services in Rotherham still have a “lack of understanding” about who should be dealing with child abuse, a new report has said. Sue McMillan, of the Care Quality Commission (CQC), said communication between different parts of the health service was a clear problem.
Yep! still navel gazing, it is our greatest national scandal period.
The self serving traitor Cameron is grooming one right now for high office.
They are all as culpable
In Rotherham its still going on, they are still active, its the norm in large cities, these lying, corrupt political traitors, have been in office for over 5 years, they have pandered and made special accommodation, denied the glaring reality, denied the root cause of the issue … and are still doing so.
Likewise the BBC.
Today the BBC has a headline … ” Trojan Horse schools letter was no hoax”
A letter outlining a plot by Muslims to take over schools in Birmingham was “no hoax”, according to the city’s education commissioner Sir Mike Tomlinson.
No sh-t shylock! …
remember the BBC giving Sucre to every squealing Islamic apologist going over this issue, highlighting “I wouldn t believe it”
in its reports?.
They are ALL culpable
Interview on “Today” with a woman from the Institute of British Architects about buildings that had been nominated for the Stirling Prize for architecture. Never mind what the buildings looked like; Mishal Hussain was only interested in the effects the “recession” on the buildings. In fact the word cropped up like a mantra during the interview. Now I know that the economic recovery is patchy but technically I thought the country had been out of recession for the last five years?????
On Toady this morning – Obama will be the first sitting American President to visit a Federal Prison; we were told the U.S. locks up more people than any other western country and that a “disproportionate number of them are black”.
That is because blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime in the U.S. – however R4 missed that bit out.
Eddie Izzard on Al Beeb.
Born in Aden, blaming the current mess there on Great Britain?
He really needs to look up his history and see why we left the place .
If this country is such a bad country why is all the world, and its relatives trying to get in here ?
I cant see them queuing to get in to N Korea .
Sorry if someone’s already made this point – I haven’t checked – but here we have a public sector organisation devoting what are after all public sector resources in defending the interests of the organisation, its senior management and its staff. Does this not come pretty close to criminal corruption?
Anyone listen to vine today. Talking about the charter renewal, well guess what, most of the callers wanted to keep it as it is. Jezza kept saying” honestly, im reading these msgs as they come” and im sure everyone can guess what he was reading-auntie does a marvellous job, tories are evil etc. Obviously, they are treating the paying public with contempt ,just like liebour, I just hope it bites them on the arse, just like liebour!
If the Daily Mail is correct and the BBC employs 200 people just to deal with Twitter accounts – I dread to think how many are employed to deal with PR as a whole. I suspect that many are called upon to place comments on the DM website in support of the Beeb as required; and it is equally possible that the PR department email in to Radio 2 shows if needs must.
A bit early for the eagle eyed hacks at the BBC, but in the wake of recent terrorist attacks in Tunisia and France, the government is keeping its promise to crack down on extremism. Tommy Robinson former leader of the EDL is recalled to prison. Dare I suggest it is an act of appeasement?
They just have in their less than professional ‘Outside Source’ program, unbelievably the presenter seems more worried as to ‘the circumstances of his (the perpetrators) death’
Seriously who gives an ess aitch one tea as long as it was slow and painful…
We have a state media that despises us, a Prime Minister who betrays us and a political class that do not serve us. I reached for Kipling.
by Rudyard Kipling
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
Regards that shooting in the US. Here is what the bBC is reporting: Four US Marines have been killed in shootings at two US Navy buildings in Chattanooga, Tennessee.The district lawyer said the two incidents were being investigated as an “act of domestic terrorism”.
Yes the multi billion pound bBC is quick to report these killings as a domestic incident. Yet it isn’t here is the news which the bBC doesn’t bring you:
BREAKING NEWS: Chattanooga shooting suspect identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, believed to be originally from Kuwait. NBC— Breaking News Feed (@PzFeed) July 16, 2015
Possibly because it could be really dangerous for the future peace & well-being of the UK to keep doing so.
Apart from the fact it fools no-one who knows a little about the history of Islam (and possibly many other people as well), if the false mantra ‘RoP’ ‘Religion of Peace’ is continually chanted, maybe at some point, after sufficient provocation by ‘events’, retribution might be taken against people who are peaceful & law-abiding which would be wrong & horrific.
What people, from PM & Home Secretary down, should be saying is that the vast majority of Muslims in the UK are peaceful. [To which I would add a heartfelt “Thank God” while adding a prayer that all will continue to be so!]
Sad to say, whenever there`s a mass murder of soldiers, or indeed any group of artists, tourists etc-let alone childrens homes staff or kids-the reflex response is that it`ll be Muslims again…killing in the name of Islam-again.
So it is in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
4 Marine killed-“domestic terrorist incident”…with the internet, it` s easy enough to find our murderer being called Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez…
Need I say more?…so now Obama`s out of his prison tour, and smugly pleased at setting Israels cause back 50 years-maybe he could revisit that big issue he lives with.
Yup-whether to ban the Confederate flag-the one good ole boy Abdulazeez no doubt besmirched with his racist workplace violence.
Liberals are thick and nasty pigshit aren`t they?
I myself will be playing Lynard Skynard yet again tonight.
Wonder how long and how low down the bulletin will the BBC go in naming our Mo as ” a potential suspect”?
BBc 22:00 news. Do we know anything about the motivation for the attack (or words to that effect) asks Hugh…..” Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez ” starts the report ….
I assume if this story involved an unarmed American criminal it might have been the lead story instead of interest rates might go up next year.
BBc runs a sob story on Afghan “boys” being deported. Cuts no ice here. One of them says he doesn’t like it in Afghanistan. Oh dear, how sad never mind. To round it out North West weather “reporter” Eno has obviously been practicing how to say bweeezy.
In my younger years I had never really realised just how biased the bBC was, happily consuming their programs obliviously and naively.
This week The Drama Channel has started showing repeats of Goodnight Sweetheart, today’s episode was from late ’93 and contained the line ‘you’re about believable as the Conservative party manifesto’ Not the first example I’ve heard since the series started its rerun on Monday.
The bloody corperation has been doing it for years, could you imagine such a thing being said of the Labour party manifestos? For starters 1983 was a bloody joke!
The bBC is still living on past glory’s, which in truth (with just a few exceptions) are a falicy….
It was your suggestion – put it on yourself, if it keeps you in your job.
You still haven’t answered my question …………
“Why should poor people be jailed for not paying the TV Licence even if they don’t listen to The Archers? ”
In the meantime sign this petition it will save you some money ………
That one is called Logan and is over 21 – kill him!
The BBC/UN campaign against older people continues. This article on the BBC’s website asks “Do people become more prejudiced as they grow older?”. Do you know the answer? Here’s a clue – it’s not necessary to read the article, just the headline. The article is also part of the BBC’s shameless campaign to promote the new Harper Lee novel, Go Set a Watchman. For anyone who doesn’t know why they are pushing this novel from 89 year old Harper Lee – who presumably isn’t old and prejudiced as she writes about “racial injustice” – Lee also “addresses issues of class, courage, compassion, and gender roles in the American Deep South”.
So, what can be done about all these old people, with prejudiced views and who are consuming the Earth’s resources? Why should the BBC waste money on paying their TV tax if they are over 75? Should they be denied the vote, maybe, because how can they exercise proper judgement? Could some of them be re-educated in some sort of camps, perhaps where they could be concentrated together? Should they just be killed off, I mean, it would be a kindness wouldn’t it?
Compare and contrast this growing campaign against older citizens with what went on in Germany in the 1930s. To prepare the way for the extermination of Jews, the disabled and other ‘undesirables’, the regime ran a campaign to dehumanise them, portraying them as sub-humans or untermenschen. Once this has been done, it is infinitely easier for the rest of the population to support or at least turn a blind eye to what follows. Far fetched? Are you sure?
Typical, the BBC drops its guard and lets majority discontent about a minority break through and the minority leaps to The Guardian to get it close the debate down and replace it with full-on Drama, Comedy and ‘News’ all telling us how ‘moderate’ and ‘peaceful’ the owners of these 19th century anachronisms are.
Maybe the The Guardian hasn’t got the oppressed minority message either. Just got to love their picture of dead donkeys on the pavements and donkeys to the left, right and anywhere they can stray! Make the roads safe for cyclists! Ban The Bike!
If you’re one of those people whose world has been knocked out of kilter by the shock revelation that Atticus Finch just became a racist, then worry no more, help is at hand – brought to you, care of the BBC.
We have been talking about how the bBC could go subscription. Interesting video here that states its was the bBC (Greg Dyke) that blocked conditional access on Freeview boxes in return for bailing out ITV who were the instigators of Freeview.
Dyke knew full well that to have such conditional access would mean it would be much easier for the bBC to go subscription only. This is something that I have been bleating on about, they know full well that the public are going to be up in arms when they are told that they will need to replace all their STBs and PVRs should they wish to continue to watch the bBC. The bBCs hope is of course in view of such public outcry that the status quo remains.
John Humphries this morning interviewing Tim Farron, makes a sneering attack on Christianity.
I’m sure nearly every listener would have picked up on this because Tim Farron certainly did.
Question from Humphries: “If you had a big decision to make such as going to war with Iraq, would you consult God as to whether you should”?
If Farron had answered this in the affirmative Humphries would have made him appear as a crank, There is no way Humphries would have asked this if Farron had talked about a ‘period of quiet reflection (the atheist response) and he certainly would never have been so disrespectful as to ask this sneering question of a Muslim.
Just yet more anti Christian liberalism from the BBC.
THe wheel of news on BBc continues to turn. After sugary drinks wqe are back to obesity. Charlie gets almost aggressive asking if he can buy a “pasta sauce that doesn’t have too much sugar”. Sally “has she had her hair done” Nugent does with “it all starts with what we eat. Weather bloke is looking for butterflies. Kirkwood I assume is off after a fortnight at Wimbledon. Sir David Attenborough turns up the conversation turns to the decline of butterflies. Sally then asks Sir David about his meeting with Obama the discussion then turns to climate change. The discussion then turns to what Sir David thinks about any proposed changes to the BBc. Lead story interest rates might go up next year.
BBC Today Programe is now telling us to leave the Beeb alone as the review commences. In its own unbiased way of course. Its epitome of PC, roving reporter Sima Kotecha, makes it as far as London’s East End and tells us what an (extended?) muslim family thinks. They all like the BBC and don’t have a word of criticism other than that Eastenders should have far more muslims on it. I’m sure the rest of the country would really appreciate that. We are told by one of the interviewees that the BBC is unbiased.
Thats it then. All settled. Why bother with this review?
Radio 4 Today program interviewing David Attenborough who is launching a campaign to halt the decline in British Butterflies “and is also a signatory of a letter to David Cameron calling for a stronger BBC”.
Absolute pure propaganda which should be beneath contempt.
“and where did the idea to sign this letter come from”?
And … don t forget the stunning performance on Al BBC1 Breakfast.
Where in 5 minutes, we have pretty butterflies, swiftly followed
by the great man Obama … remarkable man … grave concerns over climate change, and why the BBC is priceless.
Followed by 10 minutes of why kids coming out of nursery should have a “cap n gown” event complete with rolled up silk bowed qualifications.
How spending a small fortune on a school “prom” with limousine’s or going in a private helicopter so affluent parents
can gloat … is such a wonderful idea.
… there was a passing reference to some shooting? … US or something?
Then on to pretty flowers the weather forecast, and some cretin
waffling for ten minutes about there s rain in St Andrews.
Rain? … in Scotland? … stop the presses.
Interview with Sir David Attenborough. (Are the BBC intent on interviewing all who signed the letter?)
Climate Change- Set in a butterfly sanctuary. Butterflies can tell us a lot about climate change. Numbers falling year after year.
Obama- Met him in the USA recently. A remarkable and kind man who is a supporter of climate change.
BBC Future- (Almost word for word here).
Question. You were a controller of BBC and you signed a recent letter with a number of high-profile names. What are your thoughts on the changes that might be coming?
Answer. I very much hope that the BBC position as a major broadcaster in this country is protected.
Question. How would you protect the BBC?
Answer. It certainly has to change because the broadcasting landscape has changed. But the BBC is a public service organisation and it’s aim is to get the best possible public service to the public and that’s what it will be striving to do.
Question. Are the frustrations still the same as when you were a controller of a channel?
Answer. The BBC occupies a very central position in our society. Everybody cares about it. The BBC does it’s best to fulfil these obligations as a public service. There are always people in government who wish to change the BBC to suit there own particular purposes. The BBC has to take a stand about it’s place in British society.
Question. Delightful to talk to you. I’ll count butterflies later in my garden.
Question. Always lovely to hear from Sir David Attenborough.
Just returning to last night’s Newsnight, briefly (which I mentioned earlier in this thread, above)… Newsnight wheeled on James Purnell (‘Director of Strategy and Digital, BBC’) to defend the BBC’s position in the face of the current BBC Review. Purnell was a gobby gobsh*te from the off, hardly letting the second guest (Stephen Glover, Daily Mail) get a word in edgeways (helped in this by Evan Davis, who dutifully let his BBC colleague rant on (and on, and on)).
Purnell, aggressive, speed-talking and typically belligerent, ‘defended’ the ‘luvvies letter’ by claiming that the BBC is ‘constantly’ contacted by concerned ‘stars’ wishing to offer their services in defence of the Corporation. Davis asked Purnell if the letter, far from being a spontaneous article, had in fact originated from within the BBC?
Purnell blustered, he obfuscated, he insisted that although the BBC ‘might have assisted’ in the creation the letter it really was the ‘stars themselves’ who had created it. Davis reminded Purnell that both Dame Judi Dench and Michael Palin had clearly revealed the BBC had come to them asking for a signature. Purnell blustered some more.
Sadly, the man from the Mail was ineffective against the aggressive posturing from Purnell and the complicit deference Davis showed to his BBC comrade. Even when – rarely – Davis actually asked Mr Glover if he thought the Mail’s main objection to the BBC might be ‘political’ Mr Glover failed spectacularly to take the opportunity to score a direct hit, although he did state several times that the BBC was in his view ‘left of centre’ in its outlook.
Until informed, fearless critics of the BBC, able to articulate themselves and their arguments as aggressively as those of their opponents, take to the airwaves the BBC will continue to walk all over any criticism of the Corporation. Glover was a damp squib in the face of both Purnell’s aggression and Davis’s slippery questioning.
Perhaps the BBC doesn’t have the courage to take on a genuine heavyweight intellectual such as Melanie Phillips, I dunno. But so far (and with Whittingdale looking less effective by the day), I suspect the BBC will continue to hammer down its opponents (and make them look stupid in the process) until it is faced-off by a genuinely informed, confident opponent on air.
Kuwaiti national, Chattanooga shooting suspect identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, believed to be originally from Kuwait – NBC
BBC radio reports his neighbours said how nice he was …
His High School – Senior Yearbook quote:
“My name causes national security alerts
… What does yours do?
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JohnCMar 1, 08:35 Weekend 1st March 2025 I haven’t seen anyone described as ‘right wing’ on the BBC for a long time now. They are always far-Right.…
DeborahMar 1, 08:32 Weekend 1st March 2025 It was very obvious 3 years ago that the whole European rabble and NATO officials had thought that there would…
DeborahMar 1, 08:26 Weekend 1st March 2025 We didn’t really realise the agenda when the term *far right’ started to be used that there was probably a…
Fedup2Mar 1, 08:13 Weekend 1st March 2025 JohnC And I noticed that the whole ‘interaction ‘ took place in front of the bust of Winston Churchill -who…
JohnCMar 1, 08:07 Weekend 1st March 2025 The end result of this is to make Putin start to think he can win this war now. I could…
AsISeeItMar 1, 08:07 Weekend 1st March 2025 It’s something of a red letter day today – Yaki dah, to all our lovable Welsh choir boys hereabouts, by…
JohnCMar 1, 08:04 Weekend 1st March 2025 The Nazi card is being used more an dmore by the Left to create a false equivalence between Hitler and…
ZephirMar 1, 07:56 Weekend 1st March 2025 You’re not much wrong Debs, there is / was a democratically elected president of Ukrain, now in exile, He refused…
DoublethinkerMar 1, 07:46 Weekend 1st March 2025 Agree Deborah. I’m very confused. If there were such large differences in the opinions both sides why have a public…
Letter to Look North
Dear Sirs,
Look North Leeds, Mon 13th July
The question of whether or not the UK should remain in the EU is politically contentious, and there’s going to be a national referendum to decide it. Therefore the BBC must, by the terms of its Royal Charter, be impartial. Yet your item on Monday about the possibility of the UK leaving the EU was completely one-sided; in fact the bias was blatant and bare-faced. It was like watching a Party Political Broadcast for the pro-EU Party, if such a party existed. Arguable statements were given the status of unchallengeable fact. For instance the presenters gravely introduced the piece with the words:
“If we leave the EU . . . our food will cost more”
“If Britain decides to leave the UK [migrant workers] won’t be available.”
There was absurd scaremongering about food supplies: “Shelves could run bare.”
Point after point was made about the benefits of EU membership (and the benefits of uncontrolled immigration) and there was not a single word about the disadvantages of either. Not a single word: I challenge you to find one.
Can you tell me when a balancing broadcast of equal length will be made, in which we would be given the other side of the EU question? Just like your pro-EU item it would of course need to be totally biased and with no chance for the other side to comment. I very much hope you will show such an item, as this would go some way in restoring my faith in the impartiality of our beloved BBC. It would also correct what is, as it stands, a clear breach of the terms of the Royal Charter.
Fred Stubber
Well spotted one sided pro-EU views. Excellent points, well made.
Excellent letter/post, Fred
I watched that Fred and couldn’t believe the parti pris, but then again Al Beebus is what it is.
They did the same down here in the South West Fred.
The local BBC Bristol telly hauled in a UKIP bloke to explain away why some EU Front organisation called “Business West” had come up with survey results that wanted businesses to stay in the EU-and stop using the issue as a “political football”.
Our UKIP bloke knew it was a set up from EU funded CBI stiffies-and told our gormless BBC presenter all this…a fine implosion ensued, yet the shameless shits continue to do the same.
Time to bin local BBC output-as rabid and stupid as Big Auntie in London.
According to Breitbart London, on Monday French police foiled a Muslim plot to capture and behead a French general. They also report that France is ‘burning’ as Muslim yoofs riot in the streets (even more than they usually do).
I see from the BBC that the Tour de France is under way again, though…
… and drawing less crowd year on year
meanwhile Ramadan car burnings, violence, and Eid parties?.
I bet the BBC are struggling with the Open. One of the few sporting events left to them, yet one upon which they can’t easily foist their populist and diverse values. I haven’t looked but one assumes that there’s not going to be a “St Andrew’s 2Day”.
Don`t know how , Mr T Woods is doing , but I bet the camera / director only have eyes for him . Incidentally ,is the Open also being shown on Sky Sports ,like the other golf the BBC has shared `rights` too?
Is Claire Boring doing a St. Andrews 2day programme?
The statement on the Government Green paper on the BBC Charter was delivered by Mr Whittingdale during which he acknowledged that a subscription service was probably the best way to fund the BBC IN THE FUTURE but that as most homes didn’t have a set top box it wasn’t practical at present and therefore could be kicked into touch for this charter renewal.
Surely if you think that subscription is the best way to fund the BBC , and many on this site agree, ( closure not being a realistic political option folks no matter how much we would like to attend the BBC’s wake) then start the process of equipping homes with boxes asap. The BBC would of course have to pay a proportion of the cost from their LF income. I am sure that SKY would be happy for those who currently take Sky to be able to pay for the BBC as an option for only a modest fee. This would certainly make the process of providing boxes quicker and cheaper. In fact Sky may well wish to join in the project to ‘box up’ the UK provided the boxes gave people the option of taking the Sky service for a fee as well as the BBC. Additionally, you could ask people if they intended to take out a BBC subscription and if they said no, there would be no need to provide them with a box. I am sure that the whole project could be completed within a few years, allowing the BBC to become subscription based by the end of this parliament. Mr Whittingdale should also make sure that the I Player service is fully subscription based and clearly differentiated from the standard TV LF.
Mr Whittingdale has many options for ‘dealing ‘ with the BBC at his disposal but he needs to attack the problem with gusto and ignore the inevitable screams of outrage of those with a vested interest in keeping the leftist foghorn funded by a universal taxation, whether this be the current LF or another form of tax.
There are significant holes in the subscription idea – not least car and portable radios.
Frankly, I don’t see it being workable.
Since 1971, a licence has not been required to listen to the radio for any station including the BBC.
Yes, but that isn’t likely to remain the case once the license fee is scrapped, is it? They will be looking to fund BBC radio too.
Yes but bBC radio still has to be funded.
You don’t watch TV in a car?!
I can!
That’s a lot of dishes, not all would want a dish stuck on their house, not all are able and they’re pretty ugly things
Terrestrial encryption also has to happen, new boxes for all (again), or free with a years subscription to the bBC maybe.
We can get a small space probe to fly past Pluto but we can’t devise a subscription scheme for the BBC to take effect in, say, a year’s time?
Of course we can, but the bBC know full well that its going to be costly and the end user will probably bear the cost in the form of decoder STBs.
The BBC didn’t give a “£$% when it rail roaded the public on to digital and passed on it’s costs so i have nothing but contempt for their bleating now !
Added my comment:
BBC is reaping exactly what it has sown with the majority public negative response to its relentless liberal, left leaning political bias expressed subtly through politics, EU and current affairs output. The many BBC bias sites on line confirm exactly which way this bias is flowing. Example: BBC appointed Muslim head religious programmes – yet we are 2 millenia Christian heritage nation?
“Their traditions and relationships, these were not sophisticated, they were very traditional.”
So it is ‘very traditional’ … to entice children into
sexual activity?,
sexual slavery?
plying them with cigarettes, and alcohol?,
forcing them into child prostitution?
forcing them to have underage abortions?
beating them, threatening their families with violence?
getting them hooked on drugs?
And only white, read non Islamic children at that?
It is ‘very traditional’ for the ‘community’ – read Islamic,
to turn a blind eye to such depravity because its not Islamic children, therefore ok?
What a utterly abhorrent, retarded, dangerous and deplorable “community” – read Islamic.
This ‘community’ – read Islamic … has no place whatsoever in our or ANY civilised society or country.
Labour? for crying out loud wake up … the issue is Islamic
councillors … infiltrating politics at local level, infiltrating the police,
as MPs. local government, health services, any position that, they can abuse power, or pervert influence, to them there is one politic ISLAM.
BBC – Over the that Jay report.
Health services in Rotherham still have a “lack of understanding” about who should be dealing with child abuse, a new report has said. Sue McMillan, of the Care Quality Commission (CQC), said communication between different parts of the health service was a clear problem.
Yep! still navel gazing, it is our greatest national scandal period.
The self serving traitor Cameron is grooming one right now for high office.
They are all as culpable
In Rotherham its still going on, they are still active, its the norm in large cities, these lying, corrupt political traitors, have been in office for over 5 years, they have pandered and made special accommodation, denied the glaring reality, denied the root cause of the issue … and are still doing so.
Likewise the BBC.
Today the BBC has a headline … ” Trojan Horse schools letter was no hoax”
A letter outlining a plot by Muslims to take over schools in Birmingham was “no hoax”, according to the city’s education commissioner Sir Mike Tomlinson.
No sh-t shylock! …
remember the BBC giving Sucre to every squealing Islamic apologist going over this issue, highlighting “I wouldn t believe it”
in its reports?.
They are ALL culpable
That is very well put Noggin, great post. It truly is one of the foulest scandals of our time.
Agreed completely. Why is nothing being done. If this is swept under, god knows what next?
Interview on “Today” with a woman from the Institute of British Architects about buildings that had been nominated for the Stirling Prize for architecture. Never mind what the buildings looked like; Mishal Hussain was only interested in the effects the “recession” on the buildings. In fact the word cropped up like a mantra during the interview. Now I know that the economic recovery is patchy but technically I thought the country had been out of recession for the last five years?????
The irony of this piece will be lost on most at the BBC:
Replace BT with BBC and it almost reads the same.
BBC World News on FaceBook just now…
‘Israeli commandos’ killed top Syrian official
And then….
BBC World News
Israeli commandos were responsible for the assassination of a Syrian military official in 2008, a leaked US intelligence file says.
The comments are, shall we say, in keeping with the water-calming efforts of the headline.
Saw this at Guido
found this in comments
signed straight away.
Tempted… but like Ed M, I think Danny is doing a perfect job just where he is.
I may have a different notion of what a ‘perfect job’ involves, mind.
On Toady this morning – Obama will be the first sitting American President to visit a Federal Prison; we were told the U.S. locks up more people than any other western country and that a “disproportionate number of them are black”.
That is because blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime in the U.S. – however R4 missed that bit out.
Not just in the US
Eddie Izzard on Al Beeb.
Born in Aden, blaming the current mess there on Great Britain?
He really needs to look up his history and see why we left the place .
If this country is such a bad country why is all the world, and its relatives trying to get in here ?
I cant see them queuing to get in to N Korea .
Sorry if someone’s already made this point – I haven’t checked – but here we have a public sector organisation devoting what are after all public sector resources in defending the interests of the organisation, its senior management and its staff. Does this not come pretty close to criminal corruption?
Anyone listen to vine today. Talking about the charter renewal, well guess what, most of the callers wanted to keep it as it is. Jezza kept saying” honestly, im reading these msgs as they come” and im sure everyone can guess what he was reading-auntie does a marvellous job, tories are evil etc. Obviously, they are treating the paying public with contempt ,just like liebour, I just hope it bites them on the arse, just like liebour!
If the Daily Mail is correct and the BBC employs 200 people just to deal with Twitter accounts – I dread to think how many are employed to deal with PR as a whole. I suspect that many are called upon to place comments on the DM website in support of the Beeb as required; and it is equally possible that the PR department email in to Radio 2 shows if needs must.
Deborah, many of them on here as well. Waste of Poll-tax payers’ money.
A bit early for the eagle eyed hacks at the BBC, but in the wake of recent terrorist attacks in Tunisia and France, the government is keeping its promise to crack down on extremism. Tommy Robinson former leader of the EDL is recalled to prison. Dare I suggest it is an act of appeasement?
I wonder whether the BBC will be reporting on this farcical incident:
Still think Teresa May et al are worthy of that 10pc pay rise?
How many of these are IS Terrorists ?
Sky have just named the Islamic gunman in Chattanooga, how long before BBC News 24 does the same?
They just have in their less than professional ‘Outside Source’ program, unbelievably the presenter seems more worried as to ‘the circumstances of his (the perpetrators) death’
Seriously who gives an ess aitch one tea as long as it was slow and painful…
BBC report the shooter as white. Phew. That is OK then.
But other sources say:
‘The Chattanooga shooting suspect has been identifed as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Kuwait’.
We have a state media that despises us, a Prime Minister who betrays us and a political class that do not serve us. I reached for Kipling.
by Rudyard Kipling
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
A debate on freedom of feligion is happening now on bbc parliament
Regards that shooting in the US. Here is what the bBC is reporting:
Four US Marines have been killed in shootings at two US Navy buildings in Chattanooga, Tennessee.The district lawyer said the two incidents were being investigated as an “act of domestic terrorism”.
Yes the multi billion pound bBC is quick to report these killings as a domestic incident. Yet it isn’t here is the news which the bBC doesn’t bring you:
Anybody else noticed how the bBC no longer refers to Islam as the religion of peace. Anybody know why?
Possibly because it could be really dangerous for the future peace & well-being of the UK to keep doing so.
Apart from the fact it fools no-one who knows a little about the history of Islam (and possibly many other people as well), if the false mantra ‘RoP’ ‘Religion of Peace’ is continually chanted, maybe at some point, after sufficient provocation by ‘events’, retribution might be taken against people who are peaceful & law-abiding which would be wrong & horrific.
What people, from PM & Home Secretary down, should be saying is that the vast majority of Muslims in the UK are peaceful. [To which I would add a heartfelt “Thank God” while adding a prayer that all will continue to be so!]
They will be peaceful as long as it serves them to be; demography is destiny: and Britain’s doesn’t look very pleasant.
Labour’s Lord Harrison just admitted that Labour are God’s opposition
Sad to say, whenever there`s a mass murder of soldiers, or indeed any group of artists, tourists etc-let alone childrens homes staff or kids-the reflex response is that it`ll be Muslims again…killing in the name of Islam-again.
So it is in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
4 Marine killed-“domestic terrorist incident”…with the internet, it` s easy enough to find our murderer being called Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez…
Need I say more?…so now Obama`s out of his prison tour, and smugly pleased at setting Israels cause back 50 years-maybe he could revisit that big issue he lives with.
Yup-whether to ban the Confederate flag-the one good ole boy Abdulazeez no doubt besmirched with his racist workplace violence.
Liberals are thick and nasty pigshit aren`t they?
I myself will be playing Lynard Skynard yet again tonight.
Wonder how long and how low down the bulletin will the BBC go in naming our Mo as ” a potential suspect”?
BBc 22:00 news. Do we know anything about the motivation for the attack (or words to that effect) asks Hugh…..” Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez ” starts the report ….
I assume if this story involved an unarmed American criminal it might have been the lead story instead of interest rates might go up next year.
BBc runs a sob story on Afghan “boys” being deported. Cuts no ice here. One of them says he doesn’t like it in Afghanistan. Oh dear, how sad never mind. To round it out North West weather “reporter” Eno has obviously been practicing how to say bweeezy.
Newsnight tonight: More navel-gazing into the Labour leadership non-event (this is the top story), and more navel-gazing into the BBC review.
Your license fee at work, folks.
Polar bears fail to adapt to lack of food in warmer Arctic
Are there more polar bears. less or about the same? Why?
Are there more seals. less or about the same? Why?
Is there more Arctic sea ice. less or about the same? Why?
The answer seems to be maybe. Global population of polar bears has increased by 2,650-5,700 since 2001
Polar bears, eh? Latin name Ursus maritimus, meaning sea bear. Not ice bear. No wonder that poor Mr David Attenborough has to visit the zoo to film them. See
In my younger years I had never really realised just how biased the bBC was, happily consuming their programs obliviously and naively.
This week The Drama Channel has started showing repeats of Goodnight Sweetheart, today’s episode was from late ’93 and contained the line ‘you’re about believable as the Conservative party manifesto’ Not the first example I’ve heard since the series started its rerun on Monday.
The bloody corperation has been doing it for years, could you imagine such a thing being said of the Labour party manifestos? For starters 1983 was a bloody joke!
The bBC is still living on past glory’s, which in truth (with just a few exceptions) are a falicy….
This ‘so called’ comedian supports Al Beeb – Why ?
Answers on a postcard………….
Hey Smerched! How’s your “Put adverts on The Archers” petition going? Is it as “simple” as you said it would be?
It was your suggestion – put it on yourself, if it keeps you in your job.
You still haven’t answered my question …………
“Why should poor people be jailed for not paying the TV Licence even if they don’t listen to The Archers? ”
In the meantime sign this petition it will save you some money ………
That one is called Logan and is over 21 – kill him!
The BBC/UN campaign against older people continues. This article on the BBC’s website asks “Do people become more prejudiced as they grow older?”. Do you know the answer? Here’s a clue – it’s not necessary to read the article, just the headline. The article is also part of the BBC’s shameless campaign to promote the new Harper Lee novel, Go Set a Watchman. For anyone who doesn’t know why they are pushing this novel from 89 year old Harper Lee – who presumably isn’t old and prejudiced as she writes about “racial injustice” – Lee also “addresses issues of class, courage, compassion, and gender roles in the American Deep South”.
So, what can be done about all these old people, with prejudiced views and who are consuming the Earth’s resources? Why should the BBC waste money on paying their TV tax if they are over 75? Should they be denied the vote, maybe, because how can they exercise proper judgement? Could some of them be re-educated in some sort of camps, perhaps where they could be concentrated together? Should they just be killed off, I mean, it would be a kindness wouldn’t it?
Compare and contrast this growing campaign against older citizens with what went on in Germany in the 1930s. To prepare the way for the extermination of Jews, the disabled and other ‘undesirables’, the regime ran a campaign to dehumanise them, portraying them as sub-humans or untermenschen. Once this has been done, it is infinitely easier for the rest of the population to support or at least turn a blind eye to what follows. Far fetched? Are you sure?
See and
Sounds like a job for Stuart Hughes.
In passing, the notion of the BBC not wanting to talk about stuff crops up a lot these days, doesn’t it?
Typical, the BBC drops its guard and lets majority discontent about a minority break through and the minority leaps to The Guardian to get it close the debate down and replace it with full-on Drama, Comedy and ‘News’ all telling us how ‘moderate’ and ‘peaceful’ the owners of these 19th century anachronisms are.
Maybe the The Guardian hasn’t got the oppressed minority message either. Just got to love their picture of dead donkeys on the pavements and donkeys to the left, right and anywhere they can stray! Make the roads safe for cyclists! Ban The Bike!
To kill two mockingbirds with one stone
If you’re one of those people whose world has been knocked out of kilter by the shock revelation that Atticus Finch just became a racist, then worry no more, help is at hand – brought to you, care of the BBC.
‘…psychologist William von Hippel says it should not necessarily be a surprise’
This needs to be good….
‘…he argues that it’s not unusual for people to become more prejudiced as they get older. ‘
Bang, back of the net! The liberal conscience absolved combined with a snide poke at older people. Serves them right for getting free TV Licences.
‘This article contains language that some readers might find offensive.’
So, accusing older people in your headline blurb of being ‘racist’ ain’t ‘offensive’?
We have been talking about how the bBC could go subscription. Interesting video here that states its was the bBC (Greg Dyke) that blocked conditional access on Freeview boxes in return for bailing out ITV who were the instigators of Freeview.
Dyke knew full well that to have such conditional access would mean it would be much easier for the bBC to go subscription only. This is something that I have been bleating on about, they know full well that the public are going to be up in arms when they are told that they will need to replace all their STBs and PVRs should they wish to continue to watch the bBC. The bBCs hope is of course in view of such public outcry that the status quo remains.
John Humphries this morning interviewing Tim Farron, makes a sneering attack on Christianity.
I’m sure nearly every listener would have picked up on this because Tim Farron certainly did.
Question from Humphries: “If you had a big decision to make such as going to war with Iraq, would you consult God as to whether you should”?
If Farron had answered this in the affirmative Humphries would have made him appear as a crank, There is no way Humphries would have asked this if Farron had talked about a ‘period of quiet reflection (the atheist response) and he certainly would never have been so disrespectful as to ask this sneering question of a Muslim.
Just yet more anti Christian liberalism from the BBC.
THe wheel of news on BBc continues to turn. After sugary drinks wqe are back to obesity. Charlie gets almost aggressive asking if he can buy a “pasta sauce that doesn’t have too much sugar”. Sally “has she had her hair done” Nugent does with “it all starts with what we eat. Weather bloke is looking for butterflies. Kirkwood I assume is off after a fortnight at Wimbledon. Sir David Attenborough turns up the conversation turns to the decline of butterflies. Sally then asks Sir David about his meeting with Obama the discussion then turns to climate change. The discussion then turns to what Sir David thinks about any proposed changes to the BBc. Lead story interest rates might go up next year.
BBC Today Programe is now telling us to leave the Beeb alone as the review commences. In its own unbiased way of course. Its epitome of PC, roving reporter Sima Kotecha, makes it as far as London’s East End and tells us what an (extended?) muslim family thinks. They all like the BBC and don’t have a word of criticism other than that Eastenders should have far more muslims on it. I’m sure the rest of the country would really appreciate that. We are told by one of the interviewees that the BBC is unbiased.
Thats it then. All settled. Why bother with this review?
Radio 4 Today program interviewing David Attenborough who is launching a campaign to halt the decline in British Butterflies “and is also a signatory of a letter to David Cameron calling for a stronger BBC”.
Absolute pure propaganda which should be beneath contempt.
“and where did the idea to sign this letter come from”?
Attenborough “it came by email”
“and were you asked by the BBC to sign it”
Attenborough “yes” !
Silence for a long time !
And … don t forget the stunning performance on Al BBC1 Breakfast.
Where in 5 minutes, we have pretty butterflies, swiftly followed
by the great man Obama … remarkable man … grave concerns over climate change, and why the BBC is priceless.
Followed by 10 minutes of why kids coming out of nursery should have a “cap n gown” event complete with rolled up silk bowed qualifications.
How spending a small fortune on a school “prom” with limousine’s or going in a private helicopter so affluent parents
can gloat … is such a wonderful idea.
… there was a passing reference to some shooting? … US or something?
Then on to pretty flowers the weather forecast, and some cretin
waffling for ten minutes about there s rain in St Andrews.
Rain? … in Scotland? … stop the presses.
BBC1 News this morning. 08.20
Interview with Sir David Attenborough. (Are the BBC intent on interviewing all who signed the letter?)
Climate Change- Set in a butterfly sanctuary. Butterflies can tell us a lot about climate change. Numbers falling year after year.
Obama- Met him in the USA recently. A remarkable and kind man who is a supporter of climate change.
BBC Future- (Almost word for word here).
Question. You were a controller of BBC and you signed a recent letter with a number of high-profile names. What are your thoughts on the changes that might be coming?
Answer. I very much hope that the BBC position as a major broadcaster in this country is protected.
Question. How would you protect the BBC?
Answer. It certainly has to change because the broadcasting landscape has changed. But the BBC is a public service organisation and it’s aim is to get the best possible public service to the public and that’s what it will be striving to do.
Question. Are the frustrations still the same as when you were a controller of a channel?
Answer. The BBC occupies a very central position in our society. Everybody cares about it. The BBC does it’s best to fulfil these obligations as a public service. There are always people in government who wish to change the BBC to suit there own particular purposes. The BBC has to take a stand about it’s place in British society.
Question. Delightful to talk to you. I’ll count butterflies later in my garden.
Question. Always lovely to hear from Sir David Attenborough.
Just returning to last night’s Newsnight, briefly (which I mentioned earlier in this thread, above)… Newsnight wheeled on James Purnell (‘Director of Strategy and Digital, BBC’) to defend the BBC’s position in the face of the current BBC Review. Purnell was a gobby gobsh*te from the off, hardly letting the second guest (Stephen Glover, Daily Mail) get a word in edgeways (helped in this by Evan Davis, who dutifully let his BBC colleague rant on (and on, and on)).
Purnell, aggressive, speed-talking and typically belligerent, ‘defended’ the ‘luvvies letter’ by claiming that the BBC is ‘constantly’ contacted by concerned ‘stars’ wishing to offer their services in defence of the Corporation. Davis asked Purnell if the letter, far from being a spontaneous article, had in fact originated from within the BBC?
Purnell blustered, he obfuscated, he insisted that although the BBC ‘might have assisted’ in the creation the letter it really was the ‘stars themselves’ who had created it. Davis reminded Purnell that both Dame Judi Dench and Michael Palin had clearly revealed the BBC had come to them asking for a signature. Purnell blustered some more.
Sadly, the man from the Mail was ineffective against the aggressive posturing from Purnell and the complicit deference Davis showed to his BBC comrade. Even when – rarely – Davis actually asked Mr Glover if he thought the Mail’s main objection to the BBC might be ‘political’ Mr Glover failed spectacularly to take the opportunity to score a direct hit, although he did state several times that the BBC was in his view ‘left of centre’ in its outlook.
Until informed, fearless critics of the BBC, able to articulate themselves and their arguments as aggressively as those of their opponents, take to the airwaves the BBC will continue to walk all over any criticism of the Corporation. Glover was a damp squib in the face of both Purnell’s aggression and Davis’s slippery questioning.
Perhaps the BBC doesn’t have the courage to take on a genuine heavyweight intellectual such as Melanie Phillips, I dunno. But so far (and with Whittingdale looking less effective by the day), I suspect the BBC will continue to hammer down its opponents (and make them look stupid in the process) until it is faced-off by a genuinely informed, confident opponent on air.
Kuwaiti national, Chattanooga shooting suspect identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, believed to be originally from Kuwait – NBC
BBC radio reports his neighbours said how nice he was …
His High School – Senior Yearbook quote:
“My name causes national security alerts
… What does yours do?
… “beautiful young man”, obviously
Here’s some weather from Sydney Australia that the BBC and their “warmest” friends will be in no hurry to report..