Pay packets of highest paid stars are up by a fifth and the workforce hits 18,900 – but BBC bosses still insist they’re saving money! The BBC now employs at least 74 bosses who earn more than David Cameron’s salary of £142,500. The total wage bill for presenters on more than £1 million rose a fifth to £5.1 million. Those on more than £1million a year included Graham Norton, Gary Lineker and Jeremy Clarkson – before his recent departure.
Oh the austerity of it all! The BBC can only afford this because of the way it pickpockets £3bn+ per annum from anybody who owns a TV set. It’s time this anachronism went the way of the Dodo. Thoughts?
Don’t forget the wage bill does not include the group of presenters / actors who are not on the permanent wage bill (e.g. self-employed etc.).
The permanent wage bill.
Does this include :-
Staff re-hired after a most generous redundancy settlement, by which I mean staff who were paid far more than their entitlement.
Staff paid as consultants after a most generous redundancy settlement.
Staff paid indirectly through offshore tax avoidance schemes.
Staff who move seamlessly between the BBC and certain “charities”.
Staff who are apparently paid by both the BBC and the Guardian.
Staff whose employment is so onerous that they write for every newspaper in the universe.
Staff like George Entwhistle who resign before their seat has got warm and say “gimmee, gimmee”.
Staff whose employment is so onerous that they find the time to research and write books.
Staff whose employment is so onerous that to relieve the boredom they spend most of the time having same sex affairs.
Staff whose employment is so onerous that they are on permanent, advanced “look at me” courses.
Staff who are just ****s.
You will never find a poor socialist. Like the “celebs” coming out in support of the bbc – they obviously want it to stay because it is guaranteed income for them.
If the BBC is so loved by the public as they all spout then it won’t matter if it goes subscription will it as everyone will love it enough to pay!
Quite right,
I never understand the point of these letter writing stunts, the only people who will agree with them are the viewers who believe the BBC is great value and a national treasure.
This type of tactic is a beloved strategy employed by the Guardian who get some of their chums to rustle up a letter attacking the government in the sure knowledge that the BBC will give it wall to wall coverage.
Yes, I might have been more impressed if the actors had been unemployed ones.
From the Independent; “But the corporation’s director-general warned the government that it should not meddle in the BBC’s creative output, saying “it will be hard to support any proposal that stops us finding the next Strictly, the next Bake Off, or – dare I say it – the next Top Gear.”
(Any political enterprise that stops cookery and reality shows has my vote Comrade.)
“After all, the last time politicians tried to be creative, we ended up with the Millennium Dome,” he added.
(Indeed, and once the Dome was sold off to private enterprise as the O2, it became a far more popular and commercially successful venue.)
A particularly poor example from the BBC DG?
“After all, the last time politicians tried to be creative, we ended up with the Millennium Dome,” he added.
That was the same, “creative”, “politician” who imported one million Muslims into the UK. To vote Labour. Or was it three million?
Name of Blair, God knows how many millions of British people will have to die to reverse that “creativity”.
Yet ten million ****s still voted for them!
As a New Labour Project, the Dome was massively bigged up by Mandelson & the BBC. The Queen had to attend a grotesque New Years Eve, New Labour Auld Lang. A Thone, holding hands with the Wicked Witch.As the. O2 it is a fantastic venue now.
I always thought there should have been a pair of them (Domes, that is). With little red lamps on top. That might have worked.
‘Pay packets of highest paid stars are up by a fifth and the workforce hits 18,900 – but BBC bosses still insist they’re saving money!’
The disconnect between what the BBC tells often enough (especially its named market raters*) and what actually happens is getting beyond a joke.
Only £4Bpa market dominance could allow such propaganda to take hold, such that thick pols in all parties actually seem to believe it is true.
then the censorship of CECUTT and FOI exemptions ensures that they cannot be called out on it.
*The likes of Lord Hall Hall, Purnell, etc venture out on record rarely, but their outright lies will one day damn them.
What i can’t figure is the tolerance of all other media for the majority BBC ‘spokesdroid’ anonymity that essentially wraps up any story so it cannot be pursued… ‘no names no pack drill’.
Especially the negative BBC stories, which these days are daily.
the other media must know who is speaking on behalf of the BBC, be they a ‘person’, ‘man’, or ‘woman’, and also the seniority they speak from.
THESE PEOPLE SHOULD BE NAMED, and held to proper account.
That they remain in the shadows blows further holes in the BBC trust and transparency lie.