Four US Marines in America have been killed by a ‘Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez’ who has his supporters in ISIS apparently …via Pamela Geller..not sure the time stamp is correct…possibly tweeted after the shooting…
However the account(Now suspended) does make some threats for similar action in London, Berlin and Amsterdam.
Wonder if the coppers will still be passing by as people wonder around with ISIS flags wrapped around them.
If any thing should happen in the UK what casual excuse will the BBC make for the attackers, whilst naturally expressing sympathy and outrage at any casualties any doubt that there will be one of those big ‘but’s…….the attackers were unemployed/low paid/disenfranchised/discriminated against, angry about Israel/the West’s foreign policy/angry about not being able to live completely and totally as a Muslim in the UK? Amazing how the BBC can, and does, excuse mass murder on the basis that someone is in a low paid job….‘on the margins of society’ is the phrase.
Let’s have a look at one of the BBC’s latest recruits who peddles the same line…the person they thought it was a good idea to send to Srebrenica to give us a ‘warning from history’ that was supposed to alert us to a coming Muslim holocaust…Muslims being under siege….Myriam Francois-Cerrah….a fanatical Muslim convert.
Just what is she saying about these young fellows out to kill the Kufaar?.…..
These kids are our kids – they are products of Western culture, and we owe it to ourselves to ask what it is about our current culture which makes the appeal of joining a nihilistic anti-Western guerilla group a more attractive prospect than remaining in the UK
“The reality about the guerrilla group that arrogates the term “Islamic State” is, if you take away the word “Islamic”, what you have are young, disillusioned Europeans entranced by the concept of an idealised state, a utopia to rival the hollow claims of a system that has failed them.”
For many young people who may have good reason to feel disillusioned with the current state of affairs, the oppressive mantra that liberal democracy somehow represents “the end of history” – something even Francis Fukuyama, author of the book of that title, has mitigated – engenders of a sense of a helplessness and apathy.
If this is as good as it gets, and we are not permitted to think beyond, then why bother? Or, as some clearly conclude, perhaps the system itself is the problem.
It’s all our fault and yep, you can see all those disenchanted young Brits streaming towards Syria…..or can you? One thing she misses out of course…all the recruits are Muslim. Kind of a crucial element in the radicalisation and recruitment process. Amazing how she can explain away mass murder, extremely brutal beheadings, rape and ethnic cleansing because ‘our kids’ feel a touch disillusioned with life.
On a lighter note……Nice to see that a contemporary, modern ISIS is keeping up with the latest trending hashtags on Twitter…as is the BBC…
What’s it like to grow up black, white, Mexican, Nigerian, Bengali….
How about #GrowingUpFrench?…….
Presumably this is a relative of his…..
Curious how they hate the West and all it’s ways but find a great deal of time to use the West’s toys such as Twitter and Facebook ? Can someone explain why they are allowed such liberties ? Can not these social groups be switched off in the Middle East and to hell with what the locals think.
For “possibly tweeted after shooting” read “definitely tweeted after shooting”
What’s missing from most of this report? Hint: a certain word.
Already the BBC are trying to peddle the ‘lone gunman’ crap which has been proven wrong time and time again. Perhaps I’m being unfair but I’ve sensed all day that the BBC have been trying their hardest to let this terrible atrocity quietly slip away.
20 years on… BBC staff are locked in Broadcasting House, shivering with fright at the prospect that shortly awaits them. Some are crying, some are reading free promotional copies of novels by Harper Lee, others have opened the drinks cabinets and are finishing off the champagne, knowing that their own time for being finished off is approaching. Beneath them, in the street, the massed phalanxes of 10,000 armed and co-ordinated lone wolves dressed in black, carrying the flags of British Islamic State and shouting ‘Allahu Akhbar’ menacingly approach…
Unfortunately on this occasion using the term ‘lone gunman’ they are right.
There was only one man with a gun, ergo, a lone gunman.
The offending phrase which has been used continually by the BBC is ‘lone wolf’ or ‘self radicalised’ trying to deflect the blame purely onto a dead man. It is a criminally negligent philosophy to suggest that a terrorist had absolutely zero social contact with others and everyone in contact with him played no part at all.
It doesn’t wash, and it never has.
The Qur’an is written in classical Arabic, and Muslims learn to read it that way, the vast majority do not understand what they are reading and require someone else to tell them what the Qur’an actually says. (The Imam).
It is cloud cuckoo land to believe that someone just decides one day to go looking at ISIS videos which are not exactly easy to find. We can only hope that this is a message that the US Police are giving to the public, not actually believing it themselves, otherwise it’s going to happen again – and again.
Koran is how it is spelt in English.
The Katalogue Of Rubbish And Nonsense.
Get it right in future.
The BBC and media are happy with the narrative that society is collectively responsible in other areas. Crazy guy shoots people in a church? It will be those Confederate flags and that legacy of slavery That All White People Are Responsible For (copyright BBC & Southern Poverty Law Center). But when it comes to a little incident of “domestic terrorism” or “workplace violence” (Fort Hood), why that’s definitely a lone gunman or a lone wolf or even a lone wolfman. Anything to prevent proper discussion.
Bingo Ian
Please put this on as many BBC HYS as possible.
I would do it myself, if I wasn’t banned.
Another example of liberal hypocrisy: the BBC’s “partner”, SPLC, has made its money by establishing the legal principle in the US that an organisation has responsibility for the actions of its members. So, suppose they want to shut down an anti-immigration group they pursue one of their members who is out of line then sue the group for its funds, thereby putting it out of action. However, if a BBC employee says something he or she shouldn’t e.g. something virulently anti-semitic in regards to Israel and the Palestinians, then guess what? Yep, the employee is merely expressing a ‘personal opinion’ and it’s absolutely nothing to do with the BBC.
Whats missing so far is “Allahu Ackbar”
Nothing to see here, folks, move right along now …
POTUS says,
“President Barack Obama said the attack was “heartbreaking” and said the suspect appeared to be a “lone gunman”.
OK – you see that! This was a lone gunman! No racial stuff, no terrorism stuff. LONE GUNMAN! OK!
Now – the BBC seems to have already completely understood that so let’s all just follow the BBC for the next few hours. OK?
Signing off – POTUS
It must have been disillusioned doctors at Glasgow airport then. Oh and the massive car bombs discovered outside London night clubs they that had driven down there.
Eh Myriam ?
“The reality about the guerrilla group that arrogates the term “Islamic State” is, if you take away the word “Islamic”, what you have are young, disillusioned Europeans entranced by the concept of an idealised state, a utopia to rival the hollow claims of a system that has failed them.”
So what Myriam Francois-Cerrah is saying is that basically they are just like ‘Occupy’, the SWP or the Green Party, or UKIP, (maybe not!), which is why the BBC loves them so!
The marines were shot at work so I think it will turn out to be ‘work-place violence’. I wonder if any of the dead could have a son of the Messiah, or has he run out of relatives, most of whom are apparently in prison?
Sky News have invented a new excuse; its all another mass murder due to weak gun laws. No Islamic motivation just gun crime.
The British Government were quick to act in anticipation of such outbreaks: they put Tommy Robinson, former leader of the EDL, back in jail. See ISIS – we can deal with your enemies, don’t attack us, pretty please.
So no “Je Suis Tommy” liberati movement then.
The convert Myrian Francois Cerrah is wrong . Growing up in the West does not mean accepting the history and premises of our culture at all.
It is time to face reality. There has always been a divide between the Christian West ( yes it is that whatever the liberal says) and the Islamic world. A realist will say that this divide is unbridgeable. The best that can be hoped for is peaceful co existence.
The young Muslim is at liberty to choose and that choice is his not ours to make or enforce.
if he or she chooses the way of Isis then so be it. A choice has been made and then there are consequences. Either live here at peace or become our enemy.
There is nothing we in the West can do to affect these decisions. Nothing at all.
If the choice is enmity then we must accept this and make it clear that there can be no compromise or turning back.
At least then we can give such an implacable enemy the recognition that he or she is our enemy and then act accordingly.
There is no longer time for liberal waffling and hopey hopey words.
From Kipling. People will one have enough of this shit
The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon by Rudyard Kipling.
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy – willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
but do you know what,no big fuss and countless phone ins on radio 5 live about this brown muslim isis fascist gunning down what i guess was 4 white marines,correct me if i am wrong there,but here is the thing,you remember a few weeks ago when that gunman with mental health and drug problems gunned down them 12 black churchgoers,yes there was 24 blanket coverage and countless phone in on the bbc about the colour of this white gunman skin,why no mention of this guys skin colour and racist motives for these killings,typical double standards and hypocrisy from the media again.
The Religion of Peace trumps all.
Besides, the current truth for 2015 is
I really feel for these poor muzzers, cerrah’s excuses..sorry, profound diagnosis of the problems muzzers have with life in the UK, sound oh so familiar, they are the same excuses used by the left for our ‘disillusioned yoof’ who have a riot every now and again when they can’t get the latest mobile or trainers!
It’s never their fault, always someone else’s, oh these poor unfortunates, they just can’t fit we have to think about what we are doing so wrong that makes their life so hard??
You see, these muzzers are struggling with the tenets of islam and the way of life in the west…they can’t grasp that paedophilia is odious to us (well, apart from the bbc that is).
They can’t grasp that we in the UK have mostly seen through religious indoctrination and live a freer life and don’t want another ‘religion’ forced upon us.
They can’t grasp that turning everything they touch into a lawless venture, such as insurance fraud on a mass scale, just isn’t cricket.
They can’t grasp that they are supposed to integrate with us and not the other way round, that women looking like post boxes just isn’t what Pankhurst fought for.
For me the two worlds will never get on, the ideal situation would be for the muzzers to move to the caliphate and rediscover what they really need, live their way of life and leave us to live ours, that way we can start to sort this country out from bottom to top starting with the bbc.