Quite remarkable really. Another fanatical Islamist called Mohammad murders four US marines and it does not merit a a slot on the BBC Main news page. To get the details you have to jump to the World page and there you will enjoy the BBC doing everything possible to disconnect Mohammad from Islam. The default “Lone Wolf” theory is instantly applied just in case it becomes impossible to keep Islamic fanaticism as the motive of the killer. You will recall the BBC also deployed the “lone wolf” theory to the recent Tunisian killers – until it became apparent that it was a gang. Not so much a lone wolf more a pack.
It is also interesting to contrast the BBC’s seeming disinterest in these murders (apart from telling us how it has saddened Obama, possibly even curtailing his golf) with the obsession on the Dylann Roof murders. In the latter case, his “link” with the Confederate Flag was maximised and it has become demonised ever since. When Mohammad’s link to Islam are established you can be sure the BBC will insist they are of no relevance and if anything “real” Islam is the victim here.
A first surely: Mishal on Today uttered the word Moslem when describing the gunman who perpetrated the Chattanooga shootings. But, it’s OK, the later interview with the guy from the FBI established that the US authorities were to concentrate on whether the perp was a lone wolf or was an ISIL operative. But, frankly, who cares and, anyway, what’s the difference? It bears repeating, incessantly, to our rulers and their stooges, not least the FBI and the Center for Security Policy, that the clue to these outrages is in the word “Moslem”.
Did you notice the difference in Ms Hussein’s style of interviewing between the two guys. One said “these are people who are classed as lone wolves” and the other said “we don’t like people saying this was domestic terrorism or lone gunmen”. I will leave regulars to decide who got what treatment, but one of them was introduced as follows:
“Well, not everyone in the US is willing to take their time before making a judgement about the attack”
Anyone from the FBI will lose his/her job for using the word “muslim” in the context of terrorism in the United States. The word is absolutely verboten, in common with “islam”, “jihad” and any other reference to matters islamic. The inquiry into the Fort Hood massacre of 2009 failed to mention not only the religion and obsession of Nidal Hasan, the murderer, but even avoided mentioning his name.
The FBI, CIA, Pentagon and the laughably named Department of Homeland Security all signed up to agreements with the muslim brotherhood whereby they would eschew “sensitive” (i.e. accurate) ways of referring to muslim terrorists. The result (surprise, surprise) has been that all the Federal agencies with responsibility for stopping terrorist attacks have been failing terribly.
Something to think about, when you next hear Cameron assert that islamic terrorism somehow has nothing to do with muslims.
considering a post by the gunman was all about Jihad and Islamic duty, it is becoming clearer by the day that this attack had absolutely nothing to do with Islam /sarc
The Current Truth for 2015 is
Did the Jihadi shout ” Allahu Akbar”. If he did, then will it be a criminal offence in America for anyone to do the same?
Will ” Allahu Akbar” be removed from any place where it is inscribed.
Will ” Allahu Akbar” be removed from any flag flown in America?
Yet had it been a black man killed in the USA their ‘experts’ would have been wheeled out to demonise whitey.
The drunk squirrel running amok in a pub story is placed higher in significance.
The BBC are jihad enabling scum.
I think the excuse of these murders being by ‘lone wolves’ is wearing a bit thin. When the Beeb first used this excuse, using ‘lone wolf’ meant an oddity, a one off, a ‘don’t worry folks it is just a person with mental health issues and is so rare it won’t happen again’. But it is beginning to mean that this is an ISIL cell and can happen anytime and anyplace – not so reassuring anymore. Watch out for a new description on the Beeb to excuse these murderers.
Islam require Muslims to bring an Infidel nation under sharia law. All Muslims are required to engage in this objective in whatever manner that suits them. Some may do so violently either as members of a group, or individually. It does not matter.
Obviously a single Jihadi, or a couple of Jihadis, are more effective, as they slip under the security screen.
There is no answer to such attacks except removing all Muslims from the country. This is why we will eventually come to a Bosnia moment. Worst case scenrio – Britain becomes Islamic.
Other option – Partition as in Bosnia.
Absolutely correct. The aim of Islam is to firstly destroy the West and then instigate Shariah Law. If we in the West have any doubts whatsover that such staements are fanciful/imaginative, then think again-there are approx 1.5 billion Muslims in the world & 52 plus, already reside in Europe with another half million ready to shove off from the North African coast. Governments & its media must wake up to what is moving fast towards us.
Meant to state 52 million Muslims in Europe.
I think Mark Steyn has now coined the expression “Amalgamated Union of Lone Wolves”, in light of the fact that there are so many of them.
What we are seeing is real fear in our leaders and media. The Chattanooga murders admit of only two possibilities.
The first is a terrorist attack with the same motivation as those committed by Isis , the second is an attack by a madman with no motive.
The authorities will always go for the second explanation as will our media.
There is much danger for us and for the governing elites and their media in doing this.
They will not be believed by the majority.
It also puts us all in danger. as a refusal to face the reality of your enemy is always going to lead to disaster.
What we are going to see is an existential crisis of the liberal world view. It was always based on an unreal attitude to reality and now it cannot cope.
There is a remorseless logic to human affairs and to continue to defy it is all the liberal elite has left.
The common man so ignored by these elites operates under different imperatives. We shall have to see.
governing elites.
Stop calling these ****s, elite.
So as Dylan Roof pictured with Confederate flag means Confederate flag outlawed, does that mean if there is a picture of Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez with a Palestinian flag, that there will be an equal standard of outrage?
Excellent point, but I wouldn’t hold your breath on that one – you would probably die of oxygen starvation.
Good post, DV. I can’t find it on the BBC’s ‘News’ page. It’s just surreptitiously slipped away. However, if this were a white person shooting an ethnic man, we’d never hear the last of it.
Sky still have it on their main news page. BBC up tot heir old damage limitation exercise.
…Muslims fear of backlash… nothing to do with Islam…we just don’t know what made him do it…
The tripe is endless. Doesn’t the BBC have a duty to inform, not a duty to conceal and obfuscate. The term “BBC News” has become an oxymoron.
The Confederate Flag is representative of racism and slavery therefore it is only right and proper that it should be consigned to the dustbin of history.
However, the Koran, which Churchill, in less PC times, compared to Hitler’s Mein Kampf, is kosher. I wonder how the BBC would react to someone suggesting the Koran be similarly banished.
The Koran gives divine sanction from Allah to take slaves, to treat women as less worthy than men, to say gay people are un-Islamic, to force non-Muslims to either convert, pay a ‘protection money’ tax, or to leave the Muslim lands….the other option is to kill non-believers who are ignorant and unclean….and no Believer must befriend a Jew or Christian. And if you want to leave Islam…do so at your own risk.
There is no doubt that that is what the Koran says….there is no ‘context’, the solutions offered by Allah when Muhammed presented him with a sticky problem were to be applied universally, they are timeless, you won’t find any ‘Statute of Limitations’ on the pronouncements in the Koran….it says ‘when this happens do this’. As relevant now as in the 7th century.
The Koran is here and now…it is a binding document for Muslims, the true word of God. You cannot pick and choose what you want from it….the Koran is ‘live’, people live it and its commandments.
Of course we should bare in mind that Allah is merciful and forgiving.
But you have to ask how is all that acceptable when the Confederate Flag, which represents just one of those attitudes, the desire to keep slavery, is not?
Ban the Koran?
Somehow doubt such a plea would get a favourable response.
Slavery is Halal in Islam.
Muhammed kept slaves.
So its no different to the Confederate flag.
17/07/15 1230hrs
bBC asshats still don’t know the motivation of the coackroach coward that shot 4 US Marines.
Lone wolf? I’m extremely disappointed, the BBC hasn’t managed to come up with an unbelievable excuse of mental illness for us to laugh at !
Lone wolves?
Shouldn’t it be “werewolves”.
Case for.
Werewolves, like Jihadis appear human most of the time, but at times unknown, and known, such as the Ramdan fast, Eid, Iftar etc nonsense, or the sighting of the Crescent moon, turn into Jihadi wolves, thirsting to shed Infidel blood.
How does one detect a Jihadi werewolf before he turns into one? It is clear that the authorities have no idea. They need help.
What kind of bullet is effective? Silver, pig fat or ham lubricated?
How does one stop the infection from becoming an epidemic.
“. . .from becoming an epidemic”
Dr Heckler and Dr Koch Extra Strong Ointment.
Apply three times a day until the symptoms have vanished.
Also somewhat buried and forgotten about is this story:
With follow-up:
Don’t all be so cynical it was a lone wolf… part of a very large pack of lone wolves!
I first heard this story on Fox news and the assailant was described as a ‘white man’. Imagine if it were actually a white man committing this crime and the assailant was described as ‘brown’ or ‘black’, there would be shouts of ‘racial stereotyping’ from all quarters. But no we were not told how they got a basic and very important fact wrong.
Why is this Islamoinadequate called a “lone wolf”? It’s way too sexy. If I did what he did I’d be dubbed “angry white male” or perhaps “loner”. It’s so unfair.
‘Friendless, underachiever that struggled to form meaningful relationships.’
He had a meaningful relationship with a 1400 year old crackpot who heard strange voices.
Strange voices which said some of the nastiest things ever said, and some of the silliest.
If you want to know how nasty Muslims really ask a Hindu.
Friendless underachiever…..? I’m lost, who are we talking about, Clegg or Milliaband (minor) ? Shurley not Dez, Omnibus man, or Sxxxx of this parish ?
When terrorists have proven links with known organisations the action is put down to their being “radicalised.” So how come we are meant to be comforted by “lone wolves” who think it up all by themselves?
I think the lone killer meme is trotted out is because if it were to be admitted there was even one other person involved there must clearly have been a conspiracy to commit the acts of terror. In which case, the politicians would have to acknowledge the existence of organised terror groups, they’d have to name the beliefs of the group and then direct our defence against this enemy. By calling these killings unrelated, they can maintain the lie that islam has not declared war against us.
it feels like the bbc has dropped this story like a stone,i expected last night on stephen nolans show to at least have a little slot about this terrorist attack and murder of these 4 white defenceless marines by this isis nazi
fanatic,but not a word from nolan and co at radio 5 live,what is going on here,why is this important story being buried by the bbc,sky news,channel 4 etc covered this story in detail but not the bbc and you have to wonder why.
From a BBC report about the victims :-
“US officials said he had not been known to federal law enforcement before the attacks, though he had been arrested locally earlier this year for driving under the influence of alcohol.”
Drinking alcohol! Obviously not a Muslim at all. Strange that Aunty has not run with this, yet.