BBC TV and Radio stations will be busy today as selected “British Muslims” are invited in to comment on Cameron’s to plan to tackle Islamist extremism, It will be interesting to observe how many VICTIMS of Islamic extremism the BBC chooses to invite. (In the interests of balance, naturally.) For more than a few years the BBC has colluded in the farcical notion that it is somehow “Islamophobic” to dare to criticise an ideology which has brought carnage to our streets at home and to those abroad. Cameron is raising this issue now – better late than never – but I suggest you will see the “Islamophibia” card being played as the day goes on.
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I suppose we should be grateful that any politician at all is prepared to raise the issue; barely a year ago the mere suggestion that there might be a sizeable number of British muslims who tacitly approve of Islam’s most extreme insanity at home or abroad would have instantly invoked the Pavlovian ‘waycist!’ response. Now things do seem to be slowly shifting – especially in the wake of the massacre in Tunisia.
I note that over the weekend the suggestion of ‘boots on the ground’ has again been flagged as a possibility (I’ve always thought it to be an eventual certainty). I’d like to believe that even the dopiest, most closed-minded left liberal progressive will eventually have to confront the ugly truth about Islamic State: that they are an evil who cannot (will not) be reasoned with and that they will ultimately only be stopped at the barrel of a gun, in overwhelming opposing force.
Islamic State are a global fascist aggressor. They will have to be faced-down eventually, one way or another, and the sooner the better – I but I worry greatly that it just won’t be soon enough. The BBC seem happy to make mischief in this respect, continually deflecting, misdirecting and wilfully under-reporting both the brutality of these animals and the level of public revulsion around the free world for what they do.
In my ideal scenario the nations of the free world would unite, pool military resources and expertise and simply blow Islamic State back into the stone Age – back into the filth and the dirt where they belong. Meanwhile, at home our Government needs to be tough and completely uncompromising on anyone who dares to sympathise with, or offer to comfort to this despicable group.
The use of weasel words by anyone – including the BBC – to obfuscate, excuse or ‘explain’ the actions of Islamic State in anything other than a highly critical manner (a bit like excusing the Nazis for Auschwitz because at least they got the trains running on time) should be stamped on without hesitation and any so-called Islamic ‘advocate’ group proselytizing with the use of slippery language in the UK on behalf of ‘oppressed’ muslims should be proscribed and banned with immediate effect.
The war against the evil of Islamic State needs to be fought without flinching, both at home and abroad; it needs to be fought with conviction. Conviction allowed us to defeat the last global evil we faced when we united with the rest of the free world to crush the fascists in Germany. If we can find the will again, we can emphatically crush the fascists of the so-called Islamic State ‘Caliphate’ across Syria and Iraq.
No, the Islamic State will never be defeated by force of arms-Why? Because, if as I have studied the teachings of Islam, no matter what, the teachings of their despotic Ideology will continue & evelove, as it now is throughout the world of 1.2 billion Muslims. Their infiltration has been reaching countries all over the world & with now approx 52 million Muslims residing in Europe, & with hordes more waiting along the coatslines of North Africa, this figure if the spineless Europeans allow them to enter will eventually become so strong as to push many European areas into Shariah Law. The battle is here not in the Middle East.
“…No, the Islamic State will never be defeated by force of arms..”
Yours are the politics of despair. I’m pretty sure the unstoppable march of the Nazis must have looked daunting to say the least back in 1939. It took a while, but in the end we finally punched their lights out for good. We can do it again – we just have to want to, and it’s probably going to take a while to get the job done.
Whilst I distrust Islam in general, I don’t consider all muslims the enemy; those who might silently approve from the sidelines are harmless in the same way Christians who vehemently disapprove of homosexuals, or racists who keep their bigotry to themselves, are harmless – they might be a source of concern, but in general they don’t actually strap on a suicide bomb or grab the nearest Kalashnikov and start killing people.
I reserve my hatred for the machine-gun toting lunatics, mass-murderers, child rapists and kidnappers of militant Islam. It’s worth reminding ourselves that, so far, Islamic State (and their fellow murderers in Boko Haram and suchlike) have murdered far more fellow muslims than not, so if this vile terrorist organisation is to be opposed by anyone I would suggest it should be from ‘ordinary’ muslims themselves who would like to grow their families in a safer world.
What is noticeably lacking is any sort of mass-movement from within Arab (predominantly muslim) nations to kick back militarily against Islamic State in a unified, determined way and that is very worrying and really does need to be addressed.
Ideal scenario: a multi-national Arab-led coalition operating under the UN, backed-up and supported with fighting troops and materiel from all over the world with one overriding mandate: to wipe Islamic State off the face of the Earth in a concerted, immense military push – and not just in Syria and Iraq. Wherever these scum are, let there be no hiding place for them ever again.
Our forefathers defeated pure evil before. Somehow, we have to find the will to do it again. Evil prospers when good men do nothing.
Do subscribe to your comment concerning the intervention from multi-national Arab states-their intervention has for obvious reasons be futile so far- of course also agree that this vile band of desert brigands should have been smothered a long time ago-however they are using the worse elements of their Islamic ideology to put fear not only into regions of the Middle East but in concert with other such extremist groups, to invade throughout the West inc USA. Irrespective of what the West hopes it might achieve in quelling ISL, as long as the teachings of Islam are practised, then the aim to invade, defeat & dominate their enemies (As was nearly achieved at the Gates of Vienna in 1683) the West will have to be continually aware of what the Muslim’s aims are and stop considering them as friends. The teachings of Islam would not allow consideration of friendship as we would know it-perhaps there are exceptions. The Arab Muslim has always had great skills in the ways of medocal matters, engineering, mathmatics and so on, but only in most cases where it gave gain to followers of their ideology. We could discuss this subject all day-I will end-have a good day as they say!
Cameron a 5 year plan,(5 bloody years!!) on extremism/terrorism, that after the soundbite, then another soundbite, then a hashtag. etc.
So Islam is the issue, the root cause Mr Camoron, #watchagonnado ? … deny that it is?
For the sake our children, eh? the probable 1 million victims
of Islamic child gang rape? … is that not erm extreme?
Its the School Holidays Mr Camoron
Honour Crime?
Over 11,000 cases of honour violence were recorded by UK police
100s of Forced marriages?
How hundreds of terrified British victims of the tradition are being failed every year by the services they need most
At least 50 children (50? … come on) dragged off to Somalia for FGM?
FGM is sanctioned by Islamic law:
“Circumcision is obligatory (for every male and female) (by cutting off the piece of skin on the glans of the penis of the male, but circumcision of the female is by cutting out the bazr ‘clitoris’
[this is called khufaadh ‘female circumcision’]).”
— ‘Umdat al-Salik e4.3
Extreme at all? … the vast majority from Islam that’s not
Islamic State … oops apologies Davey
IS … oops apologies Davey
I mean ISIL, no errrrr … Daesh
Camoron, that’s Islam,(one word) … extreme at all.?
and …
That word ‘islamophobia’ literally means ‘one with an intense and irrational fear of Islam’.
Since there is every reason to be fearful of a violent and totalitarian ideology which seeks to force the entire world into submission, the word and its derivatives are actually oxymoronic.
‘Islamophobia’ was coined in the early 1990s by members of the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT), a US-based Muslim Brotherhood front, and some would say, another oxymoronic phrase. Abdur-Rahman Muhammad, a former member, who renounced the group in disgust, was an eyewitness to the word’s creation.
“This loathsome term,” he wrote in 2010 , “is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliché conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating up critics of political Islam.”
David Cameron calls Islam a “Religion of peace” just hours after British tourists were slaughtered by Islamic terrorists in Tunisia, a man was decapitated by an Islamic terrorist in France and 200 were wounded in an Islamic terror attack in Kuwait
What you are forgetting , the PM is not a dictator , its up to the Police to investigate these crimes , & bring the evidence to the CPS , who then take on the case`s. It is the CPS ,who prosecute , & its up to the jury to find them guilty . There is a separation of powers between , the Executive (Government), the Legislative ( Parliament) , the Judiciary , (Courts , legal system).You make not like it, but that`s the unwritten British Constitution . The American one, is based on ours, but written, with more checks & balances .
In theory we have a separation of powers but it is frequently over ridden, as when a nod and a wink from the Home Office or Downing Street signals to the police and magistrates where arrests and punishments are to be avoided or enforced. On a daily basis we see this Government and the previous Government’s commitment to the multicultural experiment echoed in the selective application of laws to the enrichers. Cover ups of child sexual abuse from Rotherham to Westminster are also indicative of an overlap between the powers. The main difference between the UK and US seems to be that we are not angrily demanding that the powers should be separated.
In the interests of full disclosure I am a Muslim.
Have you not realized that those who have (real) power in your countries i.e The Modern West/NATO, are covertly supporting the (pseudo) Islamic State and overtly via client states such as (Zionist) Saudi Arabia?
The (pseudo) Islamic State will be destroyed once it has served its nefarious purpose a bit like the Ottoman Empire and the soon to be Saudi Arabia (if my suspicions regarding the Iran agreement turn out to be correct).
If your forefathers were still alive today, to see what has become of their descendants and nations, they would surely have fought on the side of the N.S Germans.
Yes M, your last paragraph holds much truth. Nevertheless for the past 1400 yrs there has been a continuous striving by Muslims, particularly since the early Crusades to bring about the destruction of the West/Christians. You follow an ideology that has shown us to be, restrictive & destructive, without concession of any kind, reigning in any modern thinking development.
As one whose ancesters have lived in Britain for over 1500 yrs which time it has taken to develop a reasonably decent humane way of life, which makes it almost impossible for us to understand /comprehend, however much we may respect your right to your religious teachings, you must as a Muslim accept the wide differences between Christanity & Islam. In countries where Islam is the way of life, we in the West respect that and would if living or visiting there absolutely respect that countries way of life-so should you (all Muslims) do also in our country. But at present there lies the problems.
In countries where Islam is the way of life, we in the West respect that and would if living or visiting there absolutely respect that countries way of life-so should you (all Muslims) do also in our country. But at present there lies the problems.
I agree wholeheartedly. I do not respect or like the cultural traditions of Islamic countries, but have no interest to change them. As long as Muslms were in Islamic countries and not here trying to impose their life style on us, I would visit Islamic countries, and had cordial relations with Muslims in Islamic countries.
Not anymore. Allowing Muslims into the West, has poisoned the well of good will & felicity on all sides. It is now a downwards spiral that will eventully lead to civil war in Europe. It may even spread to a world war, and the destruction of Islamic countries. We may even be seeing the beginning of the end of Islamic countries as we know them. (Iraq, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia) for a start, where NATO has had a Big Stick operation for the last decade atleast.
“M” has a point. IS is a creature of the West, and will be destroyed once it has served its purpose. What the purpose is, remains to be seen. Hazard a few guesses.
1. Form a new Levant – combination of Lebanon and parts of Syria under NATO/ Israeli tutelage
2. A new Iraq
3. Bringing Saudi Arabia to heel. SA is burning its reserves as the price of oil falls, and the cost of defence escalates.
4. Turkey??
5. Domestic internal use of IS is that it brings out the cuckoos in the West, while providing a big stick to pressure Islam in the West. We see the beginnings of such a policy in the UK. Watch France.
In my opinion the purposes of the (pseudo) Islamic State.
1. To give to Israel (when the time is right) casus belli to engage in wars to expand her borders to the biblical ones.
2. To prevent a reconciliation between Orthodox Christians and Muslims.
3. To replace Saudi Arabia, just like Saudi Arabia did with the Ottoman Empire.
4. To (further) scare the peoples of the Modern West into giving up more of their rights and privacy and to foster strife between the Muslim and Non Muslim.
It was the Ottoman Empire which wrongly tried to destroy the West (although in my opinion it was Orthodox Christianity that was their real target. An often overlooked point is the succor that the Ottomans received from the West in their wars against Orthodox Christian nations).
The Crusades were not really Christian wars. They were an attempt at creating a false Israel against God’s law. Not only this, they were designed to weaken/destroy Orthodox Christianity. If it were not for the Crusades, Constantinople would not have fallen.
Of course grave differences exist, but one great similarity is that both believe in the return of the Son of Mary (PBUH) the Messiah. In fact Orthodox Christianity and Islam are closer than Western Christianity and Islam. Please watch Imran Hosein @
You may respect the Muslim way of life but those who have power in your countries do not. Not only have they invaded and bombed many Muslim countries on the basis of false flag terror operations, they have supported the spreading of poison in the Muslim world with Saudi Arabia, Israel and other such elements (most recently Al-Qaida and ISIS/IS/FSA). Not only this, they who have power in your countries do not respect you! You who have been living in your ancestral lands for 1500 years. Look at the promotion of homosexuality, anti-family feminism, replacement level immigration, deliberately provoked ethnic strife, debt based culture etc.
Your last para, I concur with your synopsis. Present day Israel came about through the design of the Rothschild banking family-they being known as Ashkenazi Jews, `who originated from a country called Khazaria near the balck sea & Caspian sea, now known as Georgia. At the time of around 740 AD, the King of Khazaria converted to the Jewish faith as did his people. Askenazi Jews have always lied to the world with their claims that the land of Israel is their by birthright, which is rubbish. It is claimed that 90% of the people in the world who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars or as they like to known as Ashkenazi Jews. The most wealthy bloodline in the world today bar none & leader of the Askenazi Jews is the Rothschild family. Daresay you know the rest of the story of today’s Israel-they & their influence control America & of course Europe. A great upheaval will have to happen to unseat this cabal.
Yes, I agree with most of what you write. A good book about the Khazars to read is “The Jews of Khazaria” by Kevin Alan Brook @ and the website
Christians of whatever hue, believe that Jesus is not just a messiah but the Son Of God, and part of the everlasting Holy Trinity.
Salvation is not dependent on the law, following the law, or being righteous. Salvation comes from faith and grace in Jesus, and His death and Resurrection. That is, a contrite and humble heart and mind.
This makes Christianity unique, and different from all other religions in a significant manner.
Therefore, there can never be any commonality of Christianity with Islam, or for that matter Judaism or any other faith. However, no matter what type of Christians there may be of all sorts, they share the most important characteristic – Faith in Christ alone.
The precept of “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth”, are annulled in Christianity, but unfortunately, still imperative in Islam.
“M”, you have made some important statements. Good. However, there is this distressing tendency to shift all faults of Islam, and its attrendent culture, on the shoulders of outsiders.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I accept what you say. But there are similarities (& differences) between all religions. Whilst we Muslims do not accept him as the Son of God, we accept him as the Messiah (PBUH) and Christians also accept this (as well as Son of God). Not only this, we are the only two peoples on Earth that believe in the RETURN of the Son of Mary. This is something very SIGNIFICANT!
Surah Al Maida Ayah 82-84 (Translation by Asad)
Thou wilt surely find that, of all people, the most hostile to those who believe [in this divine writ] are the Jews as well as those who are bent on ascribing divinity to aught beside God; and thou wilt surely find that, of all people, they who say, “Behold, we are Christians,” come closest to feeling affection for those who believe [in this divine writ]: this is so because there are priests and monks among them, and because these are not given to arrogance. (5:83)For, when they come to understand what has been bestowed from on high upon this Apostle, thou canst see their eyes overflow with tears, because they recognize something of its truth; [and] they say: “O our Sustainer! We do believe; make us one, then, with all who bear witness to the truth. (5:84) And how could we fail to believe in God and in whatever truth has come unto us, when we so fervently desire that our Sustainer count us among the righteous?”
(Please note this does not mean that ALL Jews are hostile to Muslims or that ALL Christians have affection for Muslims.)
Eurosceptic, Homophobic, Islamophobic.
I am none of the above.
I have no scepticism whatsoever regarding the EU, I am convinced, beyond any conversion, that the EU is a poisonous organisation and the enemy of all Europeans and all European states.
I have no irrational fears of homosexuals, I merely find them disgusting. Homonausea.
I have no irrational fears of Muslims. I have genuine fears of Muslims. Based on nothing but what they believe and how they have acted in defence of these retarded, stupid, puerile beliefs for 1400 years. I suffer from Head-Not-On-Shoulders-Phobia.
Additionally I cannot do anything about my beliefs. I was born this way. Unlike those who had to learn to love the EU, queerdom and Islam, who are discriminating against people who have my views.
I need the protection of the law. Promoting the EU, queerdom and Islam should be a criminal offence.
A capital offence.
pot kettle black i think.thanks for a copy of your CV very revealing.
That’s my fav radio show, scott.
We have a 5th column in our midst in those UK based Muslims who support directly or indirectly ISIL et al . This makes tackling them at home much more difficult. In addition we have a 6th column in the UK PC brigade who try to subvert any efforts made to even discuss the problem, let alone do anything about it. The BBC campaigns on behalf of the latter and often gives a platform and veneer of respectability to the former.
Winning the hearts and minds is impossible if the ‘internationally respected ‘ BBC keeps on indirectly justifying radical Islam.
Winning hearts and minds of Muslims is not possible. Muslims OTH have no wish to win our hearts and minds. They merely wish to implement sharia in the UK. All that is required of us is convert to Islam, or submit and pay the Jizya. The last option is that we will be driven out of our country, just as all Christians are being been driven out in present Islamic countries.
The reality is, that sooner or later there will be a civil war in the UK and Europe, worse then that in Bosnia, followed by partition along Muslim and non-Muslim parts, just as in Bosnia. This has been the usual state once Muslims are allowed in.
Any political leader with even a cursory knowkedge of history should never have put his nation into a situation where its existence is put jeopardy. But that is what European politicians have done. France with its laicite, is in real trouble.
Because of willful stupidity and ignorance of our politicians, many innocents on all sides, are going to die. And for what? So that we can watch ugly burqas, hijabs, men in pajamas, and other offensive and provocative garbs, on our streets. Bear in mind, that the garbs Muslims wear, are designed to be provocative.
May subscribe to your 2nd para, but remain hopeful if the UK can rid itself of the EU whose fascist founders & present bureaucrats are destroying by their greed & utter duplicity the whole of Europe. Also support your last para. We will not defeat ISL as its heinous development continues, already reaching throughout the world, each day bringing from the 1.2billion Muslims more to its fold. I have very little to add as to how the teachings of Islam could be quelled, probably not-one thing the West must do right now & that is to close all of its borders to any from N/Africa & the Middle East no matter what, otherwise it will die-too many are already inside the gates.
Political Correctness is a technique to make you live your life on a system of lies. If a society is made to do this, that society will be defeated or die of its on accord, without a shot being fired
Refuse to live your life on the basis of lies. Refuse to accept accept any statement if it is a lie. It may cause hurt, and you may be shunned, but reject the lie with contempt added.
Make the liars feel that they are without honour. Say NO to anything that is not truthful. Challenge falsehoods and lies, and PC will die.
The tragedy is that such an obvious statement needs to be stated.
Absolutely correct. That is why the USSR collapsed. The lies became too much .
Solzhenitsyn- Let the lie come into the world but not through me.
Which is one reason why Russia despite it’s travails is still a reason for hope for us Europeans.
This country has produced exactly who to rival Solzhenitsyn?
In days past perhaps but not now .
Agree-however there is another technique that is controlling our lives agaisnt a another pack of lies-the leading banking dynasties with their complicit & paid for politicians, have globally used a financial debt creating mechansim along with their excessive use of usuary, to put nations, communities and families into unsustainable levels of unlawful debt.
You can bet any new “legislation” against groups will actually be directed at white folks.
I’m a bit worried. Did they say they would prosecute anyone who said Muslims can’t live alongside, er, ‘normal’ people?
As I understand it, they are saying that if you oppose gay marriage, then you are a potential terrorist. So then a new law would mean that there would be lots and lots of white folk arrested after raids on Catholic Churches.
‘BINGO’ hegemon de facto classim segregation. It’s the requirement of the operation of a feudalism(socialism). Trustees obligated by civil servant status. Divide and conquer the servants, while the hegemon gains economic wealth.
Oh for a politician with the guts to say, “While you are free to believe anything that you want, the practice of Islam is totally unacceptable in the modern world”.
There is a never ending list of other things that the media/political class find “totally unacceptable”, so why not this curse that holds down a third of the world’s peoples and threatens the lives of ALL of them?
I forgot, Islam is better at fundraising, (and claiming back tax?), than the IRA, so what’s not to like David Cameron?
Oh for a politician with the guts to say, “While you are free to believe anything that you want, the practice of Islam is totally unacceptable in the modern world”.
I like that. Study and read Islam – fine. Practice ? No. Just as it is fine for me to study Nazism but not to gas Jews.
The likelihood is that the beebyanka, all government departments, most councils and every police force in the realm have been well and truly infiltrated by the muslim brotherhood by now. Both the beebyanka and the government slavishly handed over their muslim policy to brotherhood fronts straight after the 11th September atrocities. The brotherhood will be in a position to vet both broadcasts and recruitment, entrenching its position both ways. As in the disastrous “intelligence” agencies in Washington DC, any hint of dissatisfaction with the prevailing islamophile ideology must lead to career oblivion.
Yes, quite. I mean, look at this from the vile Guardian, the BBC in print:
Even a mention of the problems and the Guardian is wheeling out those all too ready to criticise. Can’t upset those old ‘community relations’ now can we? There only ever seems to be a problem with a particular community. I think it is right that David Cameron brings this up, but in reality I don’t have a clue how he’s going to even begin to implement policy. Major troubles ahead, and we could with out the lefties at the Guardian causing trouble. I mean, whose side are they on?
I like the references to Dave’s “nuanced” approach and “nuanced” comments. This means his comments are so obscure and so filled with clichee and mealy-mouthed platitude that no one can underdstand them. He should invite Geert Wilders over for some plain speaking about the ROP . But ,of course, he is persona non grata as he hasn’t butchered dozens of British citizens and might anger “moderate” Muslims who support those Muslims who have and will.
I didn’t hear it, but I gather on the R5 Breakfast show this morning, the presenter Rachel Burden tried a few times to feed one such British Muslim (my wife thought he may have been an MP or MEP) with inflammatory suggestions about Cameron’s proposals – which he, bless him, batted away. I didn’t hear it as I rarely give the BBC – apart form sports – more air time than the news takes. That one is not surprised by such behaviours shows how far the BBC has sunk. I’m still reeling from the moronic bint on R5 one morning before Christmas who wanted to know “whether Christianity is an essential part of the Nativity play?” Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Another point. It would be good if the BBC would tell us WHO elected the many “community leaders” they like to interview. Lee Jasper springs to mind in this context… self-appointment seems to be the standard election method.
Nothing will change. So Cameron is just wasting words on the wind.
Those young men and women joining Isis will continue to do so.
The media will continue to lie by omission through by now a genuine sense of fear.
The native non Muslim population will stay silent largely because they have been intimidated by the liberal elite.
White flight from London and other towns will gather pace.
The government will try by force to ‘integrate’ schools and some neighbourhoods. It will fail.
The BBC is a major factor in denying an open debate about the way we want this land to be and will continue to deny debate because it cannot face up to reality now.
Gradually all visits to Musllim majority lands will cease ( by the non Muslims) This will be deplored by the elites but it will happen and is a natural human response to a possible danger.
There is a clash of civilisations and it is happening mainly because the liberal world view denied the possibility and made is a certainty. The history of Islam and the West made it inevitable
The Western liberals have to answer for their mistakes. Maybe not this year but answer they will .
A true conservative would never have allowed such a situation to develop. Knowing his history and the reality of human nature he would always have erred on the side of caution and the need for stability both here in the West and in other lands.
Cameron is a real lightweight and not fit for his job.
There is a clash of civilisations and it is happening mainly because the liberal world view denied the possibility and made is a certainty. The history of Islam and the West made it inevitable
The Western liberals have to answer for their mistakes. Maybe not this year but answer they will .
Have said so for decades. Allowing Muslims into the West is an error of monumental proportions. It is a mistake that has the potential to destroy Western civilisation, accompanied by much slaughter of innocents on all sides.
God have mercy on us.
In the interests of full disclosure I am a Muslim.
It was not a mistake. They who have power are pushing for a clash. By the way Modern Western Civilization will end up committing suicide – in fact it has already started. Promotion of homosexuality, anti-family feminism with low birth rates, replacement level immigration etc etc
If you want to know what is happening read the bible.
Spot on-the pre-exilic prophets at present…or end up under Chaldean evils?
IS are the Assyrian hordes made real, the northern locusts of Hoseas worst imaginings.
Don`t tell the BBC though-they`ll find an advocacy group for locust rights or trans-locust/hornet exotica to “champeen”…as Jimmy Savile used to say.
The end of Savilisation as we know it?…the BBC have got to go.
Only the BBC could go around the nation only two months after the voters wanted an end to Islam, to the BBC and to immigration…and only find Islamo suckups, license fee quislings and open doors immigration quangocrats…as well as the five or six genuine victims of welfare shake ups(as opposed to the serial abusers of same, who the BBC never seem to be able to locate).
The BBC really has got to go, before IS reckon that we`re worth the bother because the BBC have their rears up in the air, and offering our kids throats to them all.
Lord Hall?-more like Lord Hall-Hall!
Oh my!
I am so distraught, my boyfriend has left for Syria and I am so beyond myself. He says he wants to become a Suicide bummer.
“Over the last 1400 years Jihad (Fighting in Allah’s Cause) has killed 270,000,000 people. Jihad is to cease only when every kaffir submits. Mohammed’s last breath: ‘Let there be neither Christian or Jew left in Arabia.'” Bill Warner
How can the elites in the West, be so noncommittal concerning those who adhere to a religious ideology; which has proven itself down the ages, to be so lethally dangerous?
1.5 billion Moon God worshipers in the world.
= 750,000,000 males.
x 72 = 54,000,000,000 virgins.
And they say Moh the murderer told the truth!!
Because they [the left] are the elite – in their own minds there is no doubt. They know what’s best for us poor, downtrodden, racist masses; so we should just shut up and listen to our betters.
So sure are they of their superiority over us they will willingly destroy our culture (the one that has allowed them the luxury of free thought they abuse) just to prove how right they are to the plebs.
So what if a few million of us racists die? We are the expendable fodder who can only watch in awe as the master race of the left brings the world to a brave new utopia. I’d guess lasting about a thousand years.
Sound familiar?
Oh. How strange. BBC Newsnight interviewing Muslims and ‘community’ leaders most of whom (apart from an inspiring and brave Muslim lady from Africa who told it how it is and called for a stop to this infantile tendency of many Muslims who try to play the victim card) are shouting Islamaphobia and the charge that Muslims are being singled out and alienated; the victimhood narrative. Isn’t it time that some Muslims realise that there is a huge and growing fundamentalist problem within the religion rather than being defensive and blaming the west? Or is there something more sinister going here? Sinister in the shape of a significant proportion who support an extremist Islamic society that is at odds with western liberal culture. There is real trouble ahead I worry.
Corbyn one of the first interviewed – concerned about his ISIS mates in Syria getting bombed.
Dave will appease, so look out if you dare to criticise Islam, hold demonstrations protesting muslim grooming gangs, or put on exhibitions which offend.
but its always the same,muslims voices always get heard over the majority in the uk.look at yesterday,david cameron announces new proposals to tackle islamic terrorism and as night follows day the usual outrage from the muslim community and there leaders is voiced over the air on the bbc,channel 4 news,sky etc who played the muslim victimhood card as usual,did you once hear yesterday the bbc and the rest of the media stick a microphone in non muslims faces and ask them what they thought about camerons new crackdown on the islamists and the supporters living in the uk,nope,it was just the usual bleating muslim moaning sharia law lobby groaning about muslim victimhood.lets get one thing straight about this word islamaphobia,all non muslims are islamaphobic and rightly so because we fear being blown up in are shopping centres,fear being beheaded or shot to death while on holiday,fear sharia being imposed on us,that is the true meaning to that world islamaphobia and all of should plead guilty to that accusation and reclaim the word islamaphobia from those who want to destroy are freedoms and democrasy in the name of islam.