BBC Radio Four Today doesn’t like the idea that Donald Trump may become a contender for the GOP nomination in the US Presidential race. So, around 6.45am this morning, Jon Sopel tried to do a demolition piece on Trump based on the fact that he had – deep intake of breath – DARED to criticise Saint John McCain. Now McCain is the sort of Republican that the BBC like – namely a political loser – and when you contrast his limp views on immigration with those of Trump – the BBC reacts badly! In fact, Sopel went on to suggest that Trump was “a Nigel Farage” figure.
One thing Sopel said that was right was that the GOP “establishment” do not want a Trump in the race. Nor do the BBC. For that reason alone, I hope he does well.
Lol, heard him jump through hoops to sneer at Farage. What about his ‘male, pale and stale’ comment. I’d probably be prosecuted for saying, ‘slack, black and addicted to crack’. Doh!! I just said it, didn’t I?
It’s ok to make anti white statements, under the mysterious rules of political correctness it doesn’t count !!
Sopel is a racist. Anyone who moans about people who are “male, pale and stale” is a sexist racist. The greatest social, economic and technological changes which have benefited humanity over the last few hundred years, have been implemented by the “male, pale and stale” I find the liberal’s condemnation of people on the grounds of gender and race to be a prejudice beyond reason.
Personally, I hope that the last three contenders for Republican nomination are Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Donald Trump.
John McCain is the Manchurian candidate, that’s why liberals like him.
I am still trying to figure out the line – ‘It would not be Donald Trump if he wasn’t saying outrageous things and didn’t have a mop of blond hair, they go together’. Anyone else in mind?
What a surprise Vance is backing Trump. Both are cowards.
Trump was rich enough to avoid VietNam.
Vance could easily have stayed in Ulster after graduation and joined the Army, UDR or Police Reserve to defend us against terrorists. He didn’t of course. He ran off.
Vance only returned when the Troubles were over and his bravery wouldn’t be put to the test.
So next time this inadequate starts going on about attacking people, defending our values, sending young men and women to die, remember that when he had his chance he ran away.
To be fair to Sopel, Trump denigrated to the service record of a bona fide American hero, a man who fought for his country in an unpopular war, was shot down and captured, badly wounded and then tortured for years. During that time he was offered the opportunity to be released early (due to his father being the US Navy commander in theatre at the time), and refused it, as it would be unfair to men captured before him. Trump on the other hand made lots of money and has a ridiculous hairdo. I know who I will take the side of: McCain is an honourable and courageous man who has served his country for more than fifty years. Trump’s a punchline, who is doing the Republican party no favours with his panto shlock.
Sopel is an annoying twunt, but even a broken clock is right twice a day
McCain is all for open borders, mass immigration.
Take a look at Mark Steyn on McCain.
Trump scares GOP as much as The Democrats
Trump is an asbestos boob – his best service in all this is forcing people to think a bit and look at the alternatives as Donald jerks back and forth in the shit magnet duck shoot gallery.
Not the Donald
I get the impression that, albeit for different reasons, the Republicans and the BBC are horrified about Trump’s current position in the polls and put him under a microscope in the hope he would slip up.
For the Republicans they see Trump as the candidate who could lose the election they feel they have won.
For the BBC they see Trump as representing everything they despise about America: brash capitalism, celebrity politicians, lack of manners, oversimplification and rule by old, straight, white guys (the haircut doesn’t help either). They never put Obama under that scrutiny and he has plenty of verbal gaffs in his resume and won’t put Mrs. Clinton, either.
The BBC doesn’t respect British war heroes. Why should they really care about American ones?
On channel 4 news last night they had a piece on Trump and it was painting the picture of him being a jester and as pathetic as his comments on what he thinks a war hero to be were, the reporter sounded like he said he ate babies for breakfast when it mentioned he wants to build a wall to keep out illegals.
Keeping out illegals is the worst you can do it seems so I just hope a few are given the spare rooms in these well off reporters houses and then watch their opinions change
Trump criticised McCain’s war hero record in RESPONSE to McCain insulting people who like Donald as ” crazies.” What does that remind you of ? David Camoron calling people who vote UKIP ”fruitcakes.”
I thought Trump made a very good point, but didn’t articulate it very well. From memory, he said something roughly along the lines of ‘he might be a hero, but not through being captured’.
The word ‘hero’ is much overused; the tabloids here are guilty of this. I’ve always believed that you become a hero by actually doing something, not by having something done to you. Simply getting yourself captured or killed is not instrinsically heroic, there has to be something else involved.
I understand that McCain stood up to torture. That could well have been heroic, but simply getting captured was not.
It’s often pointed out, quite correctly, how modest the survivors of D-Day, the Battle of Britain etc are. They tend not to use the word at all.