The BBC has different narratives for different religions…..Whilst they insist that Islam is a religion of peace despite wars around the world in the name of that religion the BBC, in order to defend Islam, tries to paint other religions as violent in nature thereby trying to make Islam appear no more strange and dangerous than say Christianity or Buddhism…..
‘Historically, Buddhism has been no more a religion of peace than Christianity.’
The problem is that neither Christianity nor Buddhism are inherently violent, neither of their sacred texts demand their followers kill non-believers whereas the Islamic Koran does demand that Muslims fight and kill non-believers and those who threaten Islam’s dominance.
Anyone who has followed the BBC’s reporting closely about events concerning Muslims knows that the BBC plays down, or completely denies, any connection with violence to the Islamic religion. The BBC does not want you knowing that there is a problem with Islam because once you know that you might start asking for a solution to that problem.
An example of the BBC’s narrative of violence from other religions with Muslims as innocent victims is their reporting of events in Burma….as linked to above where they tell us that Buddhism is a religion of violence.
Here is another report from Burma that perfectly illustrates the BBC mind at work as the reporter turns Muslims into victims at the hands of Buddhist war mongers…..’Buddhist mobs’ as the reporter suggests.
It’s a very one sided tale…the Buddhist claims of Muslim violence dismissed as rumour and misinformation…
‘Rakhine Buddhists have a different story to tell. They repeat the accounts spread by word of mouth or through internet sites of gruesome Muslim atrocities, and occasionally bring out blurry photographs of mutilated corpses.’
What the reporter fails to emphasise is that the Muslims have been fighting a Jihad against the Burmese for over 70 years in order to annex this part of Burma to create a Muslim state, and indeed proclaimed one in 2012. He alludes to a massacre in 1942 but fails to be more explicit and explain that the Muslims killed 20,000 Buddhists in one attack and have been on that Jihad ever since….we know that the Muslims have been linking up with the Taliban and that outside Muslims have come to Burma to fight the Buddhists….
‘The long decades of isolation and chronic injustice imposed by Burma’s military rulers have left prejudice and resentment in Rakhine state to ferment into a poisonous climate of mistrust and misinformation.
Some Rakhine hark back to massacres in 1942, amid the chaos of the British withdrawal from the advancing Japanese imperial army. Back then Buddhist men often supported the Japanese-sponsored militia forces, while Rohingyas backed the British. Some go back even further, to the glorified memory of a powerful, independent Buddhist kingdom in Rakhine from the 15th to the 18th Century.’
It is an interesting exercise to compare the BBC’s reporting of the conflict in Burma where we have an ‘interloper’ Muslim minority surrounded by the majority Buddhist native population with that between Israel and the Muslims surrounding them.
In Burma the British colonialists imported Bengali Muslims to work in Burma and many came as illegal immigrants….the Burmese Buddhists have never recognised the immigrants as citizens. The Muslims are now fighting that ‘Jihad’ to establish their own state by annexing part of Burma.
The BBC’s reporting is very definitely a one sided bit of cheerleading for the Muslim ‘victims’.
Contrast that with Israel where once again the Muslims are considered the victims…once again the British were involved giving the nod to a Jewish homeland, subsequently endorsed and legitimated by the UN. The Muslims in Burma have no such legitimate claim to a state.
Israel has not been attacking but has been under attack for 70 years by the majority Muslim population surrounding it, not just the Palestinians.
However, whilst Israel’s and the Burmese Muslim positions might seem to bare some comparison the BBC sides with the Muslims in this conflict with Israel….on that basis the BBC should be supporting the Buddhists as they defend their land against a group of religiously inspired insurgents (Muslim Zionists?) who want to take over part of Burma….will the Muslim jihadists in Burma claim to be the new Jews of Asia as they claim to be the new Jews of Europe whilst ironically they persecute those same Jews?
It seems that whatever the circumstances the BBC’s default position is to promote the Muslim narrative of being the victims whereas in both cases it is the Muslims who are attacking….you may say that Israel has imposed itself upon ‘Palestinian’ land but firstly, as stated, the UN created Israel and the Bengali Mulsims have no historic claim to Burma as the Jews might to some of Palestine; and secondly, the UN at the same time also set up Pakistan as a Muslim state, annexing part of India in a move that resulted in a million deaths and millions of people being expelled from what is now ‘Pakistan’. If you object to Israel then you must object to Pakistan…a state which is a sponsor of terrorism, a state that has 300 terrorist training camps inside its borders, a state that set up the Taliban and used them to try and annex Afghanistan….never mind Pakistan’s own internal religious persecution of its minorities….and what of Jordan carved out of Palestinian land just as Israel was? Where are the objections to that State?
Just as the BBC has ignored the Muslim massacre of orthodox Christians in Bosnia just before the massacre at Srebrenica it ignores the jihad being fought by the Muslim ‘immigrants’ in Burma. Both crucial bits of history that put a different perspective on the narratives being peddled by those with an axe to grind about Muslim ‘victimhood’.
That claimed ‘victimhood’ is a valuable currency…it puts pressure on the media, on politicians and on the public, it gains the Muslim community enormous political influence and money to rectify that ‘victim’ status and the second objective of this tactic is to silence the critics of Islamic practices by claiming that this criticism leads to Islamophobia, hate crimes and racism and yet more of that ‘victimhood’.
That’s why its important to challenge the claims that Muslims are under siege or being demonised and marginalised….all false claims but ones made for political, social and cultural advantage, ones that they know few politicians will ignore because they always have to look like they are doing ‘something’….or ironically face claims of ignoring and marginalising the Muslim community. They also know that elements of the Media will give them enormous amounts of supportive and favourable commentary which is designed to back up their line.
And that’s where we come in.
Thank you for taking a step back from the usual items which necessarily respond to specific outputs as and when they appear on the BBC.
The bias in regard to Islam now seems so wholesale and extreme as to qualify, not just as pro-Islam but actually Islamist. Everyone here is aware of the relentless skewing of the viewpoint in that direction, just as in other areas, notably the Labour Party, the EU and Climate Change, but also in other ‘controversial’ subjects (to coin a phrase).
That the Corporation is institutionally corrupt seems to be fairly clear from the evidence of many different people, observing from multiple viewpoints – observers who would not necessarily agree among themselves on domestic or international politics, or any other of the salient issues.
What interests me from your item here is why the bias exists, why it is so extreme, and why it is denied so absolutely. I know there are partial explanations in terms of entryism, hidden self-interest, organisational ‘bloat and rot’, and perhaps the history of the BBC’s relationship with government of all kinds. I would still like to know if there is a core reason for the bias – there must surely be one, a key motivation for all this disservice to its ostensible customers and ‘owners’? Something that links the bias in all those different areas?
It may be that, like the Soviet Union and its satellites before it, the BBC will only be properly understood after its demise, or utter transmogrification. Perhaps it will be a task for historians of the future, rather than strategic analysts of today, to comprehend how such a monster could have taken root in one of the most truly liberal societies in the world. I would still like to have some inkling now.
Really very interesting and to the point. It does seem bizarre to an observer this BBC mindset.
There is a viewpoint that it is in some way akin to Gnosticism .That the sufferer ( I do think of them that way) thinks he has direct knowlege of how the world really is meant to be and then strives to make it fit this.
In politics and the affairs of men this is disastrous. We have endured agonies from it since 1789 and the madness that gripped France after the French Revolution. What started as political reform ended by creating madmen like Robespierre and St Just.
The BBC is a hive but part of the same hive that encompasses the universities and the liberal arts, the professions notably law and teaching.
The hive mind is everywhere but I am sure it is beginning to panic and lose it’s grip on individuals and society.
Key rules for those who oppose are
1. Never argue on their terms.
2. Laugh at them.
3. Never be afraid to outrage their sensibilities.
4. Do not let them define words and meanings..
5. Keep faith with reality and be wary of human nature.
6. Try and counter their influence on the children.
Like all wounded creatures they are now at the most dangerous and the modern liberal is one to be wary of. These Twitter storms of mass condemnation are just the start.
They genuinely are unable to understand counter viewpoints and will resort to violence and oppression in the end.
I think it was St Just when asked why he was killing so many opponents of the French Revolution replied that he was actually merciful by removing them from the world he wished to create.
The modern liberal is like this but for now lacks the will . Give him time.
Key rules for those who oppose are
1. Never argue on their terms.
2. Laugh at them.
3. Never be afraid to outrage their sensibilities.
4. Do not let them define words and meanings..
5. Keep faith with reality and be wary of human nature.
6. Try and counter their influence on the children.
Agreed. In short, do not live by the code of lies, known euphemistically as Political Correctness or as I now call it, Quantitative Truth.
Good comment and insights Stuart, you already understand a lot about it. Here’s some of my take on the BBC bias and their attitude towards Islam. If you accept the premise that the BBC has been corrupted and is biased, the obvious question is how and why. Luckily a lot of people have cogent and quite verifiable theories as to why this is and this site and others can help you have more understanding.
Many believe that the BBC has been affected by, broadly speaking, “the left” and therefore heavily infected with Marxism. And it’s not just the BBC, but pretty much all the mainstream media in the West, due to infiltration, entryism and a general hiring policy of only like-minded people. The ongoing gag is that the BBC will only place recruiting ads in the Guardian and this paper litters the corridors and offices of the beeb.
Furthermore, the strand of Marxism we have today was designed to destroy the culture and facilitate a revolution of sorts into some kind of socialist utopia. The BBC and general media is only part of this, the propaganda arm. It is perhaps pejoratively known as Cultural Marxism and was apparently invented by a group of philosophers known as the Frankfurt School in the years following World War I. They invented things like critical thinking, political correctness and multiculturism. The story is that if the worldwide socialist revolution wasn’t going to occur by using the class system and working class, it would occur through the minorities and other disaffected people; they would be the new vanguard. This is why today it is so politically incorrect to be racist, mysogynist or homophobic et al. No jokes, nothing. These thinkers and other assorted communists have infiltrated Western Institutions for decades and Marxist thinking was taught for years and years unopposed in all places of learning and has been broadcast almost incessentantly in the media and entertainment. Top Gear was one of the last bastions of non-PC in BBC land and, as we have seen, Jeremy Clarkson has now been expunged.
If you accept all this, the BBC’s (and other’s) approach to Islam falls neatly into place. Using the Marxist paradigm of oppression, Islam is therefore oppressed and must be protected and promoted at the expense of whoever oppresses or opposes it, or more accurately, it opposes — which in the case of that wonderful and tolerant belief system, is everything that is non-Islamic. This is all very ironic when one considers that Islam as an idealogy, has been the biggest and cruelest oppressor of women, minorities and gays in recorded history, not to mention: everyone else, and that includes Muslims themselves.
This is why you are quite correct to suggest that the BBC (cheerfully known by some as al Beeb or Islamic Broadcasting Corporation) is now Islamist. It is not neutral, but is helping Islam’s march to power and conquest. Islam itself is promoted and cherished and anything negative about it is obscured or ignored. I reckon many of the useful idiots at the beeb and elsewhere don’t realise they’re doing this. And this is why the Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs are consistently referred to as “Asian” and many myriad other crimes committed by Muslims are glossed over. Palestine is championed, the Koran and Mohammad are fantastic and so on and so on.
And the Marxist theory holds well, when you see the other tropes the BBC relentlessly promotes, at the moment I see a lot about White Racism in the states and elsewhere in the media. You can’t help but notice the constant one-sided reporting of white on black violence, with no perspective or objectivity offered and no mention of the statistical evidence pointing out that, in America, the crimes committed by Blacks on Whites far exceeds the proportion of their percentage of the population. It doesn’t fit the “narrative”; people with black skin are oppressed and protected. Also, the BBC’s stance on Immigration and the EU: both are undeniably good things in their eyes and the people opposing it be damned as the evil right-wingers they are. Climate Change is another trope. All this is never news, but mere propaganda designed to bring down Free Western Nation States and Civilisation.
This has been a bit of an essay, but hopefully it will make things clearer to you. There’s a wealth of information online to help you understand the Islamist/Islamic agenda and how they’re protected by and collude with, the fifth column lying (in both senses of the word) in our midst. I might suggest which documents the ongoing violent Jihad and the doctrinal reasons for it, but also other methods used by Islamists to influence and control Western state appartuses, media organs and institutions.
There’s also a recent talk I can recommend by an ex-intelligence US military officer about this. If you type “Stephen Coughlin Red Pill Briefing” into YouTube, you’ll learn about how the Muslim Brotherhood and also the Islamic World, have used the left to do much of their lifting for them, to help their own takeover of the West. You can learn why the MB invented the term Islamophobia in the 80s among other things. Likewise the left find Islam very useful, as Muslims help sow division and help dilute Western society and culture. I’ve posted it here a few times, it’s very illuminating.
It’s all pretty grim stuff, but it’s really important to inform yourself if you wish to help preserve this society and culture. Good luck!
‘the BBC has been affected by, broadly speaking, “the left” and therefore heavily infected with Marxism’. Agree-‘Furthermore, the strand of Marxism we have today was designed to destroy the culture and facilitate a revolution of sorts into some kind of socialist utopia.’ It was indeed designed for this very purpose. And yes agree with very much all of what you have said as I have found from my own research. Well worth reading Stephen Coughlin’s understanding of the teachings of Islam. With over 52 million Muslims now residing in Europe, they are well on their way to achieving their goal of destroying the west as is and introducing Shariah Law. As long as those that currently control Europe & Britain take no action to defuse this dangerous issue then Islam will march on forward to its aims.
I would like to mention that the essays of Takuan Seiyo to be found on the archive are ,to my mind, key essays on the problems we face from cultural Marxism.
‘From Meccania to Atlantis’ are a series to be found on the Brussels Journal and his later work is on the GOV site.
None of these would ever get a hearing on the BBC neither would the author.
They are important works.
Good comments by all the above
The late Laurence Auster believed this apparant death wish to be a consequence of liberalism. Here are four of his laws.
Auster’s First Law of Majority-Minority Relations in Liberal Society
“The worse any designated minority or alien group behaves in a liberal society, the bigger become the lies of Political Correctness in covering up for that group.” (source) A “restate[ment]” of the First Law.
“The more egregiously any non-Western or non-white group behaves, the more evil whites are made to appear for noticing and drawing rational conclusions about that group’s bad behavior.” (source) Stated as the “First Corollary” to the First Law.
“Once the equality of all human groups is accepted as a given, any facts that make a minority or foreign group seem worse than the majority native group must be either covered up or blamed on the majority.” (source) This may be the original statement of the First Law.
“The more illegitimate and dangerous you are, the easier it is for you [to immigrate to the West], and the more legitimate and productive you are, the harder it is for you.” (source) A “variation” on the First Law.
The third one is the most important. The more Muslims behave in a violent manner, the more the BBC will do its best to either hide the violence, or exaggerate minor violence by Whites, even when it is self-defence. Thus when EDL protested that it was their daughters that were being gang raped by Muslims, the BBC made the EDL out to be Nazi savages, while totally ignoring the mass gang rapes of White working class girls by Muslims.
Now the matter of ads right across the TV spectrum. One notices how intelligent and innovative Blacks and women are. Invariably, it is the White male who is clueless on some technical matter, and a Black or woman condescendigly sets him right.
The fact that science/physics and engineering was invented by White men, is ignored, and continues to this day. I cant think of any significant Black scientist, engineer, or mathematician, male or female. The province is of White men, and to some extent Asian men. But overbetide any professional male to point it out – he will be hounded out of his job, Nobel prize or not. Galileo would be stunned at such a development.
“Once the equality of all human groups is accepted as a given, any facts that make a minority or foreign group seem worse than the majority native group must be either covered up or blamed on the majority.”
This is accepted as a given. We then have the US constitution’s dictum
‘We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.’
Which then explains why the liberal MSM does everything to hide or minimise the bad behaviour, or lack of achievement of minority groups, while disparaging Whites, and White men in particular.
What follows in the declaration is that government ( and the liberal MSM), should do everything in its power to uphold the prime dictum, or make it come about, if not so.
‘We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.’
Liberalism goes along with this. However, one maybe born equal, but that does not mean that all can be wealthy, smart, beautiful etc. Equality can never be achieved, even if freedom is sacrificed.
That leaves liberals with just the option of equalising success. Thus minor achievements by Blacks and some other selected minorities, such as Muslims, will be lavished with continuous praise. Significant achievements by Whites, particularly White males, Chinese and Japaneses males, will not be reported, or very little.
Seems to me that we are of the same opinion on the Islamic matter-
simply incredulous that a multi media operation whose very beginings were absolutely British should have allowed itself to be swamped with such Socialistic/Marxist directions & supported intentions. What has happened in the last 30yrs or so? Utter duplicity all round-but they fool only some not all & for how long.
Yes it is interesting that the left have come to totally dominate the BBC.
It seems to me that the left tend to gravitate naturally towards the media industry, probably in all liberal countries. Partly, I guess, because of the religious zeal they maintain in their politics – and I don’t mean that as a compliment. Maintaining a religious belief requires a suspension of critical faculties in order to believe something regardless of the presence, or lack, of evidence.
The more ‘religious’ a belief, the more intolerant to criticism the believer becomes, and the more likely that they will entrench with only people of their own faith, even deliberately avoiding contact with non-believers as they are scared their faith will be challenged.
We see this in ordinary religions too, especially so when the believers are insecure in their beliefs, such as with a certain religion of peace. Any criticism of their faith is met with anger and/or violence.
Because the left feel they are morally superior to the plebs, they naturally feel that it is for the best that only themselves should dominate the airwaves – to try and spread the correct views around the world, which they see as full of threats to their viewpoints.
Because of the ‘unique’ way the BBC is funded, this has helped to completely engender this attitude amongst the staff over many years until they literally cannot see another way. The complete lack of commercial pressure has crucially placed no natural break on the apparent pure narcissism of the organisation, and allowed it to grow.
Naturally these people only encourage or employ people of their own persuassion – to do otherwise would threaten their belief system.
There was a time when Malcolm Muggeridge would get a hearing on the BBC. I wonder if he ever managed to get part of this from 1979 on the BBC?
“The process of death wishing, in the guise of liberalism, has been eroding the civilization of the West for a century and more, and now would seem to be about to reach its apogee.The Liberal mind, effective everywhere, whether in power or in opposition, has provided the perfect instrument. Systematically, stage by stage, dismantling our Western way of life, depreciating and deprecating all its values so that the whole social structure is now tumbling down, dethroning its God, undermining all its certainties. And all this, wonderfully enough, in the name of the health, wealth and happiness of all mankind. Previous civilizations have been overthrown from without by the incursion of barbarian hordes; ours has dreamed up its own dissolution in the minds of its own intellectual elite. Not Bolshevism, which Stalin liquidated along with all the old Bolsheviks; not Nazism, which perished with Hitler in his Berlin bunker; not Fascism, which was left hanging upside down from a lamp-post along with Mussolini and his mistress – none of these, history will record, was responsible for bringing down the darkness of our civilization, but Liberalism. A solvent rather than a precipitate, a sedative rather than a stimulant, a slough rather than a precipice; blurring the edges of truth, the definition of virtue, the shape of beauty; a cracked bell, a mist, a death wish…”
Clearly people have been aware of the BBC ‘s ‘plan’ for a long time.
Of course, Muggeridge wrote in those heady days before these same liberals embraced the religion of truth and peace with such indecent enthusiasm. Even our revered king and climatologist in waiting made it clear to those interested – and we should all have been interested, much more so and vocal too, with hindsight – that Islam only needed a higher level of appreciation to provide a new purpose and direction for the English-speaking peoples.
How the priapic old sod must be spinning in his grave today, to find his doom-laden prognosis so fully complete, and all with the added catalyst of the physical and psychological damage a proper proselytising religious movement would be adding to the mix.
Malcolm Muggeridge – brillaint as ever.
And another brilliant person, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and the demise of the West
“Men Have Forgotten God” – The Templeon Address
The failings of human consciousness, deprived of its divine dimension, have been a determining factor in all the major crimes of this century. The first of these was World War I, and much of our present predicament can be traced back to it. It was a war (the memory of which seems to be fading) when Europe, bursting with health and abundance, fell into a rage of self-mutilation which could not but sap its strength for a century or more, and perhaps forever
The free people of the West could reasonably have been expected to realize that they are beset · by numerous freely nurtured falsehoods, and not to allow lies to be foisted upon them so easily.(Political Correctness)
Very glad to see Solzhenitsyn mentioned. How we miss him now. Also an earlier mention of the late Lawrence Auster another clear thinking voice gone from us.
Yes, great quote from Solzhenitsyn:
“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. “One word of truth outweighs the world.”
Test post
Sorry to sound like an 8 track, again.
For those under 300 who do not know what an 8 track was, find out for yourself.
The religion with the WDRPA (worst death record per annum) is Marxism, this religion killed more people in a shorter time than any other in the historical record. Marxism had a saviour, Marx; a holy book, Das Capital, and a few thousand Zealots. Their end justified the means, with results that are probably unknown to most people. Unknown because Al-Beeb and many similar parasitic organisms use silence to erase these facts from their version of history.
The religion with the second WDRPA is Islam. The Islamic ***ts have been killing non Muslims since its inception. In accordance with the iron laws of its founder Biffo the Bear; and the blessing of their God Desparate Dan, as written in their holy BeanoDandy.
Muslims are lower than Aneurin Bevan, whilst possessing the same lack of insight. War-farin is the correct treatment for the scaly tailed.
Natural world 2015-07-23 .
About bears.
Well not actually about bears.
“Wildlife documentary. In the vast Canadian wilderness, there lives a very special bear family. Just out of hibernation, two black cubs have a pure white mother.”
The BBC do not support Christianity.
Their Head of Religion is a muslim and of Pakistani Heritage.
Islam in the BBC’s view helps undermine and destroy Christianity.
The BBC view Christianity as being supported by the elderly white British. This has no place in the BBC Utopia of the ‘atheist Left’.
Another word now in the Newspeak Dictionary.
Good point about Bosnia.
My uncle who was on the Malta convoys was livid at the West’s actions. He compared it to if Britain attacked the Maltese people during WW2 for having the audacity to stand up to the Nazis.
The West is going to pay a heavy price for it’s dhimmitude as we see the enemies of humanity already amassing on the Balkan borders.
Have the BBC ever referred to Muslims as the new Jews of anywhere? Just wondering because Googling does provide an answer.
Sorry that would be Googling does not provide an answer.
Just re-visiting this item, and I’d like to say thanks to everyone posting here.
Far too much to comment on, but I will be reading assiduously (again), and following the links you kindly supplied. What an interesting discussion!