The BBC’s admiration from Obama continues with its slabbering reports on his Kenyan tour. The BBC were bigging up Obama’s determination to push the gay rights agenda to Kenya – this seems a matter of great importance to the BBC hacks for some odd reason. When Kenyan President Kenyetta responds by tweeting “There are some things that we must admit we don’t share. It’s very difficult for us to impose on people that which they themselves do not accept. This is why I say for Kenyans today the issue of gay rights is really a non-issue” the BBC responds by relegating this to one bland sentence at the end of the report.
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“It’s very difficult for us to impose on people that which they themselves do not accept.”
Maybe applying that to the majority in this country might just give the BBC some popular support.
I must admit the Ugandans have got the right idea. Can you imagine what would happen if information like this was promulgated in this country? The video is hilarious, I had to laugh in places, but they have the ability to campaign seriously & make it funny as well.
It’s comedy gold, and awfully confusing for the child-like mind of the libtard.
If you disagree, you’re racist but if you agree, you’re homophobic.
will it be too far fetched to conclude that Mr. O will soon be running for UN Secretary General?
He already acts as a world leader as opposed to a national one. US interests do not seem to interest him.
And our dear Auntie Beeb will no doubt be thrilled with this imperialist agenda.
Hussein will become the Prophet, and is already recognised as such by the BBC.
The point that the BBC don’t wish to admit is that different peoples with different cultures and values, don’t see eye to eye, and unless they are tolerant of each others differences and seek compromise , they frequently end up fighting. Basically the whole notion of multi culturalism is built on sand.
The BBC is determined that we Brits do the compromising and the aliens that the left imposed on us , Muslims in particular, don’t compromise. Just look at how many Muslims reacted to the PMs very mild appeal that they do something about the extremists in their midst. They got upset because the PM suggested that they do more to root out these folks who want to force us non Muslims to become Muslims by the book or by the sword. Yet the BBC defends them, gives them a platform to argue that they are the victims not us.
The first blow against the Islamification of the UK would be to destroy the BBC. I know it won’t happen but we can all dream.
Mr Obama is perhaps more astute than his opponents would wish. Saying that gay rights is a ‘non-issue’ for the relationship between the US and Kenya is a comment straight out of Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’: Work with how the world is, not with how you wish it was..
I do find it interesting how his background as community ‘organiser’ costantly informs what he now does as international leader. I think he is more able than those who report his activities. People underestimate him, and they underestimate Hillary Clinton, who is from the same activist stable.
Obama seems to have so much advice for Kenya, perhaps he should become president of Kenya instead. I’m sure US citizens would be relieved to see the back of him, he couldn’t be worse than Jomo Kenyatta.
I suspect that Obama knew what the Kenyan reaction would be to his Gay Rights plea. It doesn’t matter to him. He walks on media water anyway.
But he’s playing to the gallery in the West. Kenyans count for little with the US Left. But his stance will score brownie points with their Left.
As with Blair, he’s looking out for his next career move after his eight years as POTUS is up in November.
What will it be? DG of the BBC? Perhaps DG and Labour leader?
Anything’s possible.
I came across this article before regarding Nigeria and it puts a much more sinister slant on Obama’s African altruism. The meddling and promotion of minority rights is just spreading social engineering all over the world.
History will not be kind to be Mr Obama. That depends on who writes the history of course… But I’d love to see him pay for his treachery one day.