‘Jihad is a basic requirement of Islam and living in Britain or having British nationality by birth or naturalisation does not absolve the Muslim from his or her duty to participate in jihad: this participation can be active service in armed struggle abroad and/or the provision of material and moral support to those engaged in such struggle anywhere in the world.’ Muslim Parliament
The Guardian has printed a ‘Muslim woman’s’ response to David Cameron’s speech on radicalisation. She, Siema Iqbal, doesn’t like it, and, nor do most of the Muslim community it would seem.
Not the first time she has been involved in attacking anti-radicalisation moves by the government…
Muslim community rejects the State’s criminalisation of Islam and condemns moves to silence legitimate critique and dissent
This joint statement expresses a position with respect to the ongoing demonisation of Muslims in Britain, their values as well as prominent scholars, speakers and organisations.
We, the undersigned Imams, sheikhs, advocates, activists, community leaders, community organisations and student bodies of the Muslim community, make the following points in this regard.
One thing that is notable is the drive to blame Islamophobia for the radicalisation of Muslims, and that they seek to silence the critics of Islam…and yet at the same time complain of Muslim extremists and radicals being censored…apparently it is vital to hear their voices….well the Guardian and BBC seem to agree with that.
She tells us that ‘I used to hear the term “Muslim community” and think of a peaceful hard-working community who settled in the UK to create a better future for generations to come. Now I hear that and it paints a picture of a misunderstood, frightened community under attack and feeling the need to continually apologise and defend its religious beliefs.’
What the Guardian, nor the BBC that interviewed her, tells us is that she is an organiser and spokesperson for the islamist organisation ‘Mend’.
Issues she wants to press upon the politicians and the media?...’THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO RAISE MUSLIM ISSUES WITH ALL OF THEM – Hijab, Nikab, Halal slaughter, Islamophobia, Terrorism laws, Palestine, Kashmir etc.’
You get the picture.
The BBC were pumping this Mend propaganda out on one of their Asian network stations…
Here is what Andrew Gilligan said about Mend and the Islam Channel..
At first glance, it looks admirable: two closely connected campaigns, called YouElect and Mend (Muslim Engagement and Development), to get British Muslims involved and voting in this year’s general election.
Both Mend and YouElect are clever fronts to win political access and influence for Islamists holding extreme and anti-democratic views.
Mend has its prescription for a better Britain as revealed in its Muslim Manifesto…
Government policy continues to conflate religion with extremism, casually linking it to British Muslims. This is dangerous for social cohesion and feeds into myths popularised by the far-right about Muslims.
This manifesto has been developed to encourage British Muslim participation in the general election by making policy initiatives and their impact more amenable to Muslim voters.
Commit to curbing the encroachment of counter-terrorism policies on civil liberties.Commit to support for an independent Palestine and end of Israeli occupation by December 2017.
Commit to furthering Turkey’s progress on the path to eventual EU membership
Commit to fostering social cohesion and community resilience to all forms of extremism; support de-radicalisation programmes that work with Muslim communities not against them.
Commit to supporting faith school provisions in the state sector for Muslim pupils and parents; support ‘twinning’ of faith and non-faith schools to encourage cultural exchange between pupils of different racial, religious, ethnic and other backgrounds.
Commit to developing teaching materials to educate young people on Islamophobia, racism and anti-Semitism; to fund projects to promote educational programmes on Islam awareness; to prioritise religious education in the national curriculum to prepare young people for life in a religiously plural society.
Commit to a review of the 2006 Racial and Religious Hatred Act as advised by the Law Commission’s Hate crime.
Essentially an Islamists dream ticket…pushing everything that would increase the influence, presence and power of Islam.
Here is another Muslim Manifesto…this time from a well known, popular ‘moderate’ Muslim in Pakistan…
The Islamic Manifesto
(A Declaration of War against the Present World)This manifesto is, in fact, a declaration of war against the existing state of affairs. The objective behind its implementation is the manifestation of the actual truth so that the hollow concepts of law and politics, economics and sociology fashioned by the west be rendered meaningless.
It should be very clearly written down in the constitution of our country that the Qur’an and Sunnah shall be the supreme law of state to which the parliament and constitution itself must submit.
Here is yet another Muslim Manifesto, this time from the Muslim Parliament in Britain in 1990. It illustrates how that mindset of Muslim superiority and the requirement to be separate from the Kufaar was always present…
It is a matter of deep regret that the Government, all political parties and the mass media in Britain are now engaged in a relentless campaign to reduce Muslim citizens of this country to the status of a disparaged and oppressed minority. We have no alternative but to resist this invidious campaign.
This manifesto attempts to provide a common text defining the Muslim situation in Britain. It also seeks to provide a framework for the healthy growth of all parts of the community as well as a common Muslim identity and purpose.
Of all the major religions of the world, Islam is the most “politicised”. At its inception Islam created a political platform from which Muslims were to launch themselves on a global role as founders of great States, empires and a world civilisation and culture. Political and cultural subservience goes against their grain. Yet in Britain today Muslims are being asked to accept subservience and the total disintegration of their identity, culture and religion, as the only real options open to them.
This manifesto is based on the following assumptions: 1. that Muslims in Britain have to accept neither subservience as their inevitable and permanent condition nor the disintegration of their identity, culture and religion; 2. that, despite being a minority, Muslims here can define and pursue goals compatible with the goals of the global Ummah, the world community of Muslims, of which they are an integral part.
That the option of “integration” and/or “assimilation” that is on offer as official policy in Britain must be firmly resisted and rejected.
Maxim: Muslims must develop their own identity and culture within Britain and as part of a global Muslim community, the Ummah
Maxim: We are Muslims first and last.
Jihad is a basic requirement of Islam and living in Britain or having British nationality by birth or naturalisation does not absolve the Muslim from his or her duty to participate in jihad: this participation can be active service in armed struggle abroad and/or the provision of material and moral support to those engaged in such struggle anywhere in the world …. Survival within Islam is the only form of survival that has any meaning. If we protect Islam, Islam will protect us. If we weaken our links with Islam we shall be swallowed up.
Maxim: Only Islam can protect Muslims
Let’s hope no one takes Siema Iqbal seriously….hmmm…too late.
I grow so nauseous of the perennially offended and ever-growing group of Muslims who shout and scream and throw their rattles out of the pram when anyone tries to criticise their abject intolerance. I’m sick of it. I remember in the eighties and nineties we never had this nonsense and curtailing of free speech; think of it, we now pretend that we have free speech but an intolerant, noisy and supremacist proportion within a religion has made it publicly taboo to say anything that might offend its followers. So, in light of this aggression the right-on lefty progressives pick on easy targets like Christians and so-called right-wing ‘fascists’, instead, to make it seem that they are fighting for social equality; in fact they’re just spineless, useful idiots. But think about the big picture for a minute; a religious minority have restricted free speech to this extent. Just imagine what it will be like if the Muslim population ever becomes the majority!
Every time I hear the expression ‘Muslim Community’ I am reminded of a community that is separate from mainstream Britain, with its own (unelected?) community leaders and a moral code that is hostile to the moral and legal code that has developed over centuries in Britain. The expression ‘I am a member of the Muslim Community’ is a clue to the nature of segregation that has been fostered by exponents of the multiculture.
Not ‘if’ Alex, it will be ‘when’.
The population could change the future but it seems that apathy rules.
The one hope we have is that more are finding out the truth on the Internet.
And lets be honest, they shall become the majority. Its what tony the liar kicked off. Time for white flight methinks
Correct abour Blair, leader of the Nasty Party, Labour.
Flight? you must be kidding.
Time for white fight, to move these organisms thousands of miles away in space, and ten thousand years ago in time.
Curtis LeMay had the right idea, bomb them back into the stone age. Preferably the Palaeolithic.
No, Brett, no……what sort of human are you….you stay and fight these bastards, every step of the way…start by not going for curries, going to Test matches and booing every stroke by Pakistan, dare i say, defacing mosques, stuff them, they burn our churches down elsewhere, and vandalize those here….do not desert your country, it’s all you have.
Subscribe to your comments-indeed there is no way for those that follow the teachings of Islam can ever live in harmony with those that follow the teachings of Christianity-their rise to over 1.2 billion Muslims in the world has since their inception been mostly built on slavery-since AD 632 the one war has never ceased, the war that the Islamic ideology has conducted against the rest of the world. Historically Islam is estimated to have killed is a pprox 60 million Christians-the slaughter still continues today. Their one aim as tried once in 1683 at the Gates of Vienna, is to once again endeavour to destroy the West. BUT those that claim responsibility for organising & running our society remain with their eyes closed to the dark cloak that will descend upon us all-unless….
Do wish you’d stop worrying about these side issues, Alan.
Andrew Marr’s finger is absolutely on the nation’s pulse this morning as his newspaper reviewers concentrate on the Labour leadership and his in-depth interview with that great statesman Alex Salmond allows us to share in his awesome ability to analyse our politics for us. And then, in a scoop to set the media buzzing in desperate attempts to catch up, another, even deeper in -depth assessment of Jeremy Corbyn’s equally awesome grasp of what we need to put the nation, in all its multicultural majesty, back on its feet.
Counting blessings springs to mind.
Alex Salmond and the rest of the SNP now have the ability to increase tax in Scotland. So if they don’t like austerity they can tax Scottish people more and increase public spending so ending austerity.
I wait for the BBC interview in which the SNP are questioned relentlessly about why, if they so hate austerity, they don’t use the powers that they now have , indeed have had for several years, to do something about it. I have watched at least a dozen BBC interviews where the SNP politician is allowed to brush the question aside and not answer. Is it that the BBC are in collusion with the socialist SNP to avoid linking ending austerity with paying higher taxes? I feel sure that if the SNP did increase taxes in Scotland their huge poll lead would evaporate. Basically, the Scots socialists are living of English money. Why not, if the English are so stupid as to allow this to continue decade after decade!
England needs an English Parliament and preferably for the money grabbing Scots to achieve independence, not that I think they really want it now the oil revenues have collapsed. I strongly suspect that this is the reason that SNP now keep on talking about a federal UK. Well if do see an federal UK we should insist on an end to the unfair Barnet formula.
Well said, Andrew Marr’s lame and weak performance today was a disgrace! He let Salmond away with murder! I want to see an English parliament asap; but I also believe in the union as I know and work with many wonderful Scots who detest the vile SNP as much as the English. I , myself, really do loathe them with a passion; they are scum.
Scotland are going to have to set an income tax rate next year. The Government is reducing the rate to 10p – so if they want the same as the rest of the UK they will have to set a 10p rate themselves.
Well put Beltane. One numpty’s spurious conducting with a lot of other numpty’s inability to see past their self congratulatory pose.
‘I used to hear the term “Muslim community” and think of a peaceful hard-working community who settled in the UK to create a better future for generations to come.’
Blimey, I must’ve blinked and missed it.
Brilliant- indeed most have been fast asleep, & those few of us that have been wide awake can see clearly the path before us, to run away! BUT where to? 52 million Muslims residing in Europe, clearly far too many to deport.