The BBC thinks much of the problem with the Public is that they are ignorant and prejudiced. The BBC sees it as its job to educate you, to enlighten you, to help you think the right thoughts.
Think the EU is a bad idea or that mass immigration is somehow detrimental to the interests of the UK? Think again, the BBC is here to tell you why you must love the EU…
Why is EU free movement so important?
“The founding fathers of the European Community wanted it to be a construct that also had a political integration and for that you needed people to move because the minute people crossed boundaries and borders, you had deeper integration… So it was both a social as well as an economic aim.
“If you wish to create a structure which would stop Germany and France ever going to war again, which was at the heart of the original principle,” says Gisela Stuart, the Bavarian-born Labour MP for Birmingham Egbaston, “you did require a movement of the people in that area which would simply mean brother would never take up arms against brother again. And that has been achieved.”
Really? The forced mingling of different populations, different races and different religions is a recipe for peace?
It has always been an excuse for war….Hitler was a fine example of the use of a German population in another country as an excuse to invade in order to ‘save’ them…look at Yugoslavia….and look at Ukraine and the Crimea now….look all around the world, look in the UK…look in Burma, look in the Middle East, look at Christians being persecuted everywhere by Muslims as the Guardian tells us.…’Christians are facing growing persecution around the world, fuelled mainly by Islamic extremism and repressive governments, leading the pope to warn of “a form of genocide” and for campaigners to speak of “religio-ethnic cleansing”.‘
The unwanted mingling of populations nearly always ends badly.
Just look how quickly the Greeks were ready to turn on the Germans with old hatreds.
The BBC knows where to point the finger of blame…..We have all been led up the garden path by Nigel Farage, he has ‘seized’ on, and presumably vastly and falsely inflated, the concerns about immigration and generated, all by himself, the idea that the EU is an undemocratic tyranny with too much power over us…..
It was this new wave of migration after 2004 that generated a sense of public unease about impacts on jobs and services. Nigel Farage, the leader of UKIP, has seized on these public concerns, arguing that high levels of migration from the rest of Europe have effectively been imposed on Britain by the European Union. He’s used it to bring to life the idea too much power has been transferred to Brussels.
Yep…I’d never come to that conclusion all by myself.
Good job the BBC is here to inform, educate and enthrall me with its insights…or “Ideological Sheepdip” (H/T More Like The Soviet Bloc Every Day)
The usual liberal claptrap. Or neo marxist claptrap. Or neocon claptrap.
The propaganda will increase as Dave Cameron starts to get desperate. He has to deliver us all stiched up in the EU blue flag.
Did you know that if we leave the EU the sky will fall in and the rivers run dry ? No I thought not.
Do we really need the EU ?………………..
“The UK is the most popular destination in Europe for Chinese investment with more Chinese investment into the United Kingdom in the last eighteen months than the whole of the last thirty years combined.”
I’ve never trusted the EU, but I was prepared to give it a chance, or I didn’t believe it was as malignant as it has revealed itself to be. It seems many others are realising that too, hence this silly defence by BBC. I skimmed through that article and I wonder: are the people who write these things aware of what they’re promoting or what they’re claiming? Are they just naive? The posts and comments on this blog completely explore the possible reasons. It can still be somewhat baffling.
The German Udo Ulfkotte claims he did lie in the past as a journalist, on behalf of the EU, the CIA and others.
An interesting character, he was Muslim for a while and in this interview uploaded 4 years ago, he predicts that Muslims won’t win against the West, that there’ll be an uprising from Europeans. We can only hope he’s right.
The assertions in that article could be easily destroyed, by anyone who knows a bit of history not to mention the economic facts:
Btw, I’m very glad places like this blog exist, and I hope it finds many interested readers.
One can hear more about the BBC’s position on Analysis – Free Movement:Britain’s Burning EU Debate.
What the BBC doesn’t tell us is that back in 1975, when we were joining ‘the six’, the government white paper told us that essentially there was NO free movement within the ‘the six’ and there was no expectation that this would change.
Of course in those days why would anyone want to move? France, Germany, Belgium or Netherlands, all much the same. A bit like Kensington and Chelsea really, before the railways came and gave a cheap route for the Scousers and Scots.
And that is exactly what has happened in the EU; the ‘six’ has become the ‘twenty-eight’ and most of that ‘twenty-eight’ look at the ‘six’ and us like urchins outside Harrod’s, with noses pressed against the window, who have just been given free store cards!
Just wait for when Turkey gets its card!
But of course its just ‘us’ xenophobic’ Brits, (not Clegg’s New Britons), who don’t get the ‘Ode to Joy’. (Rumour has it that the maire de Calais and the people of Sicily aren’t too keen on ‘free movement’ either but the BBC never did do ‘man in the boulevard’ opinion, preferring Black Man in the White House instead).
” Founding fathers ” ! God help us !
Going back to the “Patronised” part of this post…
After years of the BBC refusing to spell out in black and white the difference between debt and deficit (especially in the run up to the election), they quite freely talk of the difference now that Labour have been truly dumped by the electorate.
Honestly, it’s as if the BBC News channel has become CBBC News 24 – they have to explain everything in user-friendly terms in order to highlight the economic failures of today’s government whilst delivering good news in adult-only form.
Bad News:
The truth is that Britain still has a huge deficit – that’s the shortfall between the money raised through taxes and the money needed to pay the interest on our national debt of 1.5 trillion pounds. (You can visit our website for notes to copy into your Bijou Jotter.)
It’s such a shame the BBC (and Gordon “No More Boom And Bust” Brown) took so long to figure out that debt and deficit are different things that cannot work together successfully.
Good News:
“Despite all the good news on the economy business analysts are warning that trends could nose-dive due to a collapse in Asian markets.”
The BBC sees it as its job to educate you, to enlighten you, to help you think the right thoughts.
The reality is the reverse.
When David Dimbleby, their top intellect is a 3 class from Oxford – which in reality is a fail, it is the BBC that needs to be educated. Most of their employees are graduates are on non-subjects such as media studies. Their science journos by mandate have to be E. Litt graduates. This allows them to pontificate on Climate Science.
When coupled with the fact that the BBC’s positive affirmation policies require it to employ people who are endowed with such “desirable qualities” of a proper race, religion, or sexual inclination, it is the BBC that is in need of an education that makes no distinction of race, religion or sexual inclination.
Well, yes, you’re right – it is indeed the BBC that is in need of ‘educating and informing‘. Both collectively and individually.
However, I don’t think that we need to ‘entertain‘ them.