Noticed how coke-snorting prostitute loving Lord Sewel seems to have arrived in the House of Lords without any political assignation? Or at least that’s what BBC headlines would lead you to believe. Rather than point out that Sewel is a LABOUR peer, instead the comrades try to turn this into a moral victory for Labour by running the line “Labour MP John Mann said the 69-year-old should resign from the Lords voluntarily before he was expelled.” Put it this way. Imagine for a moment that Sewel was a UKIP Peer – the headline from the BBC would scream his political roots but when it comes to Labour……
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On the Andrew Marr show yesterday during the newspaper review, Marr actually referred to Sewel as a Conservative peer.
Marr seems to never ever miss an opportunity to attempt to smear the Tories as was his ‘fox hunting’ attack on Cameron prior to the 2015 elections.
I doubt whether he will apologise for this latest ‘mistake’.
Glad to see the “Tory” smear/mis-speak [delete as inapplicable] has been highlighted by Guido.
Like the ‘don’t tweet anything stupid’ classic from a Labour MP based on BBC (mis)information, shared in the comments.
But he was on holiday, which explains all. Apparently.
The BBC was doubtless just joking. Apparently. Again.
It will be passed off as a slip of the tongue ,but the subliminal damage will have been done particularly with the venom with which the words were spat out !
Maybe they could get Jim ‘Hunt’ Naughtie or Andrew ‘My hand slipped’ Marr to clarify, in that special, unidirectional way senior BBC staff seem to manage?
I hate playing devil’s advocate with this one but they are ALL the same. This one just happens to have picked the wrong prostitutes this time around who spotted the opportunity for a quick few tens of thousands from the NewsCorp accounts. Beats beating off a disgusting toad I guess and I stress that I don’t harbour any ill will towards the ladies who almost certainly are reasonable human beings who are as disgusted with the faecal matter posing as human as the rest of us are.
In the theatre of one’s mind there is the deepest wish that there will be a true Robespierresque-like accounting.
Hmm..well it’s a nice fantasy to play with anyway.
I feel sure the powers that be are very aware indeed of the fury that quietly abounds.
Sewel can spend as much of his own money on coke and hookers as he likes. When it’s MY money which keeps this parasite in his chosen vices I get really pissed off.
Peter Grimes
Money extorted from you keeps AliBaba TV going .
Well it seems Lord Sewer is to be a Lord no more.
He has offered his resignation from the Lords so I guess that other than the inevitable golden handshake he won’t be getting any more of my money.
Good riddance!
Very well put boohanna-a reckoning by the Ordinary People would do for this Labour/LiberalElite scum.
Our Robespierre would have to be a very great man indeed.
This behaviour is but a symptom of the Virus that has infected our country.
I believe that the distorted (non-) values of the LiberalElite harbour this Virus and we are doomed unless these infected people are destroyed , one way or another.
Scumbag James O’b ,as usual, seeking to minimise and excuse this ‘minor’ lapse-when will the populace see this mob for what they are and what their distorted values really mean??
‘they are ALL the same’
Maybe but they are not treated the same are they, Janner gets a free pass no matter how guilty and Mc Alpine gets the full smear no matter how innocent, of the 2 Hunts in parliament only one has his name used as a ‘misspeak ‘ joke guess which party he is from hmmm and as for UKIP they are not even treated as the same species as us even though fatty Labour drug peers and sexual creeps are top of the BBC’s evolutionary tree !!
As I listened to the Radio 4 News headlines very late last night, the bulletin began with the announcer helpfully making it clear that the coke-snorting Peer was ‘not affiliated to any political party’.
Thankfully, the reporter who then took up the story reminded us all that Lord Sewel had served as a Labour Peer under Tony Blair’s Government.
Why must the BBC indulge such idiotic half-truths and misdirection?
I heard that too – and laughed out loud (as they say).
It was one of the more shameless interjections by the ‘famously impartial’ BBC.
Reading AliBaba TV’s Red Spot Service this morning at 09:30, still no political assignation.
The only assignation given is to the Labour’ MP John Mann, who is calling for the senior peer to resign. A brownie point for the labour party and another nail in the coffin for the House of Lords.
If this had been a UKIP Peer it would have been spread over the biased broadcasters programmes, comedies and news items like strawberry jam on a piece of toast. Get rid of the TV licence.
PS . Where is Scott on all this ?
Trolls have been squashed.
“Trolls have been squashed.”
Presumably this means that they have been banned for unacceptable behaviour.
If they have actually been squashed please show us the pictures, a few million photographs of dead BBC employees, BBC supporters and Labour supporters, looking like dead meat enriched by ISIS would be most welcome.
What has happened may remain with the admin. guys, which is only fair as the BBC would expect, and do no less.
As it seems most folk, even new ones, have engaged no problem under the new system (not unlike the one the BBC uses), maybe the absence of trolls so far is they can’t think of anything to write that’s on topic or without ad homs or false flagging or name-hijacking, or are in a huddle trying to figure out a way around their usual posting habits that won’t see things traced back closer to home than was comfortable before?
I do miss a healthy exchange with any seeking sensible debate, but the ‘regulars’ were simply rehashing trite one-liners to disrupt the flow, alternating with spoilers oddly present for them to tag-team with.
If they choose to self-empty chair because they can’t abuse the forum on their terms, not really missed.
I always imagined the trolling operation as being rather like a call centre. You sit in front of a screen, the software picks your next target, presents you with the comment for you to respond to, and a form to fill. You zap it off, the software selects a trolled id from a pool, and submits it. Bob is your uncle, but Dez is your monicker.
Frankly, if the BBC is doing any less than this, then they are being unprofessional in combatting the menace that is BBBC, and perhaps a FoI would succeed in embarrassing them into upping their game. After all, it isn’t ‘journalism, art or literature‘ is it, so they should be delighted to reveal all, so to speak.
DV. In the words of the bBC…. “I think you got it about right.”
Stop Press, Red Button amended ” Lord Sewel has been suspended by Labour and urged to resign from the House of Lords ….”
Viewed at 12:06
Labour are now mentioned ?
How can Labour suspend a cross-bencher? Surely being a member of the Labour Party must mean you’re a Labour peer, otherwise the terms are meaningless? Another instance of lefties masquerading as impartial, and the BBC trying to pass it off as such.
Cross bencher… cross dresser more like!
Which is more than you can say for ZaNuLaB’s print arm, the Guardian. To which party would you think Baron Sewer owes his ennoblement when reading this?
“David Cameron endorses Sewel’s decision to resign from Lords role”
I looked at Al Beeb’s news site last night to see if they had corrected Pandy Marr’s ‘Tory peer’ mistake/deliberate slur. It described Baron Sewel as a cross bench peer despite the history of his ‘ennoblement’ (hollow laugh) at Bliar’s behest and Sewel’s subsequent service in Bliar’s government.
I hope that our Culture Secretary will take this up with Al Beeb or perhaps use it to beat them further!
BBC refer to Sewell as Crossbencher? WTF?
But BBC Mar refers to him as Tory yesterday.
Could one imagine if he had been nominated by UKIP to the Lords?,
8,000 reporters on staff, (more than the combined total of Fleet Street), so they must be deliberately spinning this one to their own agenda. No other reason could be possible for them to want to mislead us.
Oops links above gone wrong:,_Baron_Sewel
You can see when the BBC changed the article to include the Labour connection here.
Took them 5 hours from the original article and it was the third revision for them to decide there was no way to avoid it.
Worth comparing the most recent revision shown here, which emphasises him as more of an independent than Labour peer.
BBC 1 News at 6. BBC at last refer to Sewel as Labour. Mind you , you have to hand it to him. 69, coke and 2 whores, what a man ! But not really a fit and proper person to be in the House of Lords .
Had Sewel been a former Tory he would have been referred to as such by the BBC – every time – without any reference at all to his current ‘politically unassigned’ status.
Maybe someone can have a list of Labour peers to hand ,& when another does wrong , quickly remind those 8000 journo`s, from the Evil BBC ,what party he represent`s.
Anyone picked up something interesting in the SUN Newspaper about an AliBaba TV presenter and the above ?
Oh dear! On this occasion David you are incorrect.
Lord Sewel is indeed a cross bench peer, as he hasn’t taken the Labour whip in the House of Lords.
Most if not all of the mainstream media have reported his position thus.
The BBC in simply calling him a ‘peer’ have caused a great deal of confusion when they might have simply used the words ‘cross bencher’.
He is still a Labour party member and that party has the right to suspend him.
I think the BBC has been disingenuous over this, some might say that they have lied by omission, but they haven’t done what they are accused of in the header of this thread.
Then he could be considered a ‘cross bencher’ and a ‘cross dresser’ ?
Oh dear, not very Thoughtful, a most disingenuous attempt to divert, one worthy of a Beeboid or a Leftoid, and done just on the stroke of midnight when decent men and women are abed!
Classic third-column tactics not to show your colours, but Sewer was ennobled at Bliar’s behest and served in his misgovernment. You can aver what you like about his being a cross bench peer but his historic ZaNuLaB links are there for all (but the wilfully blind) to see.
Perhaps you might therefore like to take issue with the following who did accurately describe him as a cross bench peer.
The Times
The Daily Telegraph
The Financial Times
The Guardian
The Daily Mail
The Mirror
The Huffington Post
The Daily Record
That’s quite a list and I would content proof that he is NOT a ‘Labour’ peer.
The fact he was ennobled by BLiar and served in his government is not relevant, people can and do change their political views, especially left wing ones when they recover from their insanity !
The point is that the BBC didn’t even manage to report that he was a crossbench peer, whereas all the others did. Yes he retained his Labour party membership, but many people keep party memberships for various different reasons.
I didn’t realise that there were special time windows when dissenting posts could be uploaded? Perhaps you could explain how, in the real world this actually matters?
More diversion!
Methinks he doth protest too much!!!
Read the OP – the initial beef was that Al Beeb’s useful idiot Marr called him a TORY peer despite the enormous resources they must lay at Marr’s feet. They continued to omit any reference to his antecedents until it became clear they could not be hidden any longer. His position as Deputy Speaker of the Lords meant that he was OBLIGED to sit as a cross-bencher thereafter.
BBC website reports that Sewel has resigned from the Lords but no mention of his Labour connection or whether he has resigned from the Labour Party. The bias with which the BBC has handled this all the way through has been blatant.
BBC TV News at, 1 just now, reported the latest news about Sewel without mentioning the word “Labour” once. In fact, they ended by saying that Cameron is still pressing on with his plan to appoint new peers, leaving the impression that Sewel is a Conservative. Job done !
No mention of the “L” word either on ITV News just now , but at least they said Sewel was appointed to the Lords by Tony Blair. Neither BBC nor ITV pointing out that Sewel was a Labour Government minister.
Compare this story to the story of disgraced Ashley Mote a UKIP MEP who made headlines with UKIP being emblazoned all over him….There was only one slight error in the reporting, he was never a UKIP MEP (IND), and to boot he was only ever involved in UKIP some 15 years ago before being kicked out which was never mentioned.
I haven’t really followed the story about Sewel but it took me four days to realize he was a Labour peer.