The Guardian is frantically pushing every knob and pulling every string in order to promote the BBC. Losing the BBC, not that that is going to happen, would be a body blow to the vast array of leftist cabals that rely upon it to plug their world view without question.
The Guardian’s phone book is being well thumbed just now as they try to get all and sundry to write something nice about the BBC and raise the alarm about the coming apocalypse as the vengeful Tories target poor old Aunty.
The Guardian does its own bit to fly the flag with articles such as this…Why the BBC’s updated iPlayer Radio app will change your life which is no more than a very obvious bit of cheerleading for the BBC and its services.
The Guardian even admits what it is up to…‘The update of the BBC iPlayer Radio app has arrived just in time to make a valuable contribution to the debate around the licence fee and also improve your summer holiday experience. ‘
The BBC however is not, as we know, standing back from the fight. It is more than happy to use licence payer’s money to defend their entrenched and privileged position and do so not openly but by creating ‘news stories’ that are little more than disguised adverts or exhortations on behalf of the BBC itself…on Sunday I heard the head of British athletics on 5Live saying that the BBC was essential for athletics in this country to prosper…we must have the BBC showing athletics apparently…..I wonder what conversation went on before he went on air and how many more such people will be claiming that the BBC is the only thing between them and a proper job?
Then there is this…
Is public service broadcasting in terminal decline?
Public service broadcasters all over the world are coming under increasing pressure to justify their funding models. So is it inevitable that these broadcasters will lose at least some of their public money, forcing them to adopt more commercial funding structures?
Would that actually be good for anyone?
Of course by ‘in decline’ the BBC means under attack from the vested interests of commercial companies and prejudiced politicians…there is no real justification for questioning the size, funding or scope of the BBC dontcherno… it’s all an anti-BBC plot!!….and nobody wants that the BBC relays to us…
Former World Service presenter Robin Lustig told Newshour Extra: “The great joy of having public service broadcasting is that it’s a form of entertainment, information and education which is not determined by advertisers or government interests. It’s determined, imperfectly, by what viewers and listeners want.”
And the statistics do seem to show that public service broadcasting is what the public wants.
And if the message wasn’t clear the BBC reinforces it at the end with the same old rhetoric…
As the debate continues on at least three different continents, Robin Lustig asks: “Who are the people who want to dilute the influence of public broadcasting?
“They are either commercial rivals who fear they are not making as much money as they would be able to, were it not for the public service broadcasters – or they are governments who want to have more control over what’s being said.”
Once upon a time there was 2LO. That was the BBC, that was it.
Now we have four national TV channels and eight national radio channels, plus what seem to be one for every known language on the planet via the internet, (and others I can be bothered to enumerate).
Then there is all the other internet stuff, the outreach stuff, (free computers for kids, PC history for kids etc.).
And so it goes on.. until the money supply runs out?
The BBC has gone a long, long way from being a ‘public’ broadcaster and short of a major ‘Islamist’ attack on its buildings and people I can’t see any likely changes following charter renewal as being anything more than cosmetic, such as calling the BBC Trust the BBC Foundation or some other PR guff.
I hesitate to correct anyone’s spelling but:
“as the vengeful Tories target poor old Aunty.”
Shouldn’t it be “Anti”, as in the “Anti-British Broadcasting Corporation”?
“The great joy of having public service broadcasting is that it’s a form of entertainment, information and education which is not determined by advertisers or government interests. It’s determined, imperfectly, by what viewers and listeners want.”
Although I’m not from the UK I’ve grown up with and appreciated the BBC since my childhood. I always really liked the fact that it carried no commercials. I remember using that to my advantage as a very young kid to delay bedtime: “just till the next adbreak!” I’d say when there was a movie on — knowing full well the station was tuned to BBC 1 or 2. Obviously, this was the days before remote controls and channel watermarks would have made that impossible.
But I digress. Speaking for myself, and I sense a growing number of viewers and listeners, what I would really like is for the BBC to STOP LYING! If the BBC was as Robin Lustig says, they wouldn’t be fighting for their existence as I’m sure so many wouldn’t have as much trouble with them as they do. Even that statement is a bald lie. Many know the BBC is part of a cabal whose aim seems to be the destruction of the nation states of Europe and the freedom of its citizens. Hardly giving viewers and listeners what they want!
The internet has made a huge difference. We are no longer deferential to our opinion formers. I cannot think of a single BBC talking head who says anything I need to hear.
Their agenda is obvious. They are desperate to keep the BBC as it is and themselves in well paid jobs. Public interest?
Men like Lustig are so transparent.
The BBC has to change or it will go under.
The moment the political class grasps this the BBC is finished.
At present the politicians of all types pay homage to the notion of the BBC but as soon as they realise that the public doesn’t care anymore then watch how it will change.
Channel Four is every bit as bad!
If not substantially worse.
Meanwhile over at the BBCs favourite newspaper the Guardian:
From the Guardian’s Letters to the Editor column.
We must stop the UK’s inhumane treatment of asylum seekers
We implore the government to think again. At the very least we ask that it commissions an independent review of support rates and that the new rates should not come into force until it has reported.
Dr Edie Friedman, Executive director, The Jewish Council for Racial Equality, Rabbi Charley Baginsky, Rabbi Lisa Barrett, Rabbi Dr Barbara Borts, Rabbi Richard Jacobi, Rabbi Natan Levy Jewish Social Action Forum, Rabbi Lea Mühlstein Northwood and Pinner Liberal Synagogue, Rabi Jeffrey Newman, Rabbi Sylvia Rothschild, Rabbi Professor Marc Saperstein, Rabbi Larry Tabick, Rabbi Jackie Tabick, Rabbi Alexandra Wright Senior rabbi, Liberal Jewish Synagogue…asylum-seekers
They do know what religion most asylum seekers are, no? A case of Turkeys voting for Christmas?
There are very important differences between TRUE asylum seekers and illegal immigrants. That newspaper rag and AliBaba TV need to realise that.
‘Illegals’ are jumping the queue before the people in real need – they are illegal invaders and should be treated as such. Simple.
Actually Taffman the line between genuine refugees and cheats is a very blurred one. Lets face it life is tough in the countries all these illegal incursionists come from, and all have reasons to leave, but how many of those lucky enough to be granted refugee status actually ran, in fear for their lives, and were forced to keep running until they reached Britain? Nobody who passed through other safe countries is ‘genuine’.
Absolutely! The main reason for my post.
Thanks Aerfan.
So why are the signatories to the Guardian letter so sympathetic to the invaders?
Perhaps rather like Cohen tricking ‘celebs’ into supporting ‘an open letter’ propagating the threat ( false of course) the BBC is under, the Guardian likewise encouraged Rabbis to sign a letter which would indicate the Jews and Muslims get on just fine and any other view point is a ‘waycccist’ myth, and UKIP propaganda.
“The Guardian is frantically pushing every knob and pulling every string in order to promote the BBC. Losing the BBC … would be a body blow” …. because Aunty is its biggest customer!
“Is public service broadcasting in terminal decline?” From the article:
“In Britain, the debate is over the future of the BBC licence fee – the flat rate payment made by every household owning a television, regardless of income.”
Even the BBC don’t know the rules on Licence Fees and what funds them – merely owning a TV does not require a licence. Unless, of course, this is subtle propaganda to suggest TV ownership requires a licence and rely on public ignorance to maintain their funding.
God, I hate the BBC
I am blissfully TV and licence free.
Further Info on TV Licence Fee Evasion …………………
Thanks for the link – I can also recommend this site:
Australia and New Zealand have abolished the licence fee, due to the embarrassment of inheriting the idea of a state funded monopoly in broadcasting, from the BBC. Canada and the United States never had a licence fee, or compulsory subscription enforced by law. This was because of the idea of a Free Media inherited from the Britain of the 18th and 19th Centuries, when we had a Free Media, independent from a state imposed licence fee.
We all know that those who support the BBC either have a vested interest in its longevity, or are those who have already been brainwashed to accept the corporations leftist views without question and as the UK norm.
All politicos on the left see it as necessary to spread their poison and to attack any other views. The arts types can’t imagine who would fill their income gap if the BBC perished. The celebs would have to look for another trough from which to feast.
Those who want the BBC shut down, or massively reduced in size , value democracy and value their county’s culture and history. This is not a battle for the existence of the BBC. This is a battle for the existence of England’s green and pleasant democracy
Absolutely Doublethinker. The great majority of us on this site do NOT want tinkering round the edges of the BBC but abolition of its current form -split up and sell, subscription only, basic PBS as in the U.S. are some of the options.
We were congratulating DV for getting rid of the Trolls ,but some recent posts have shown a worrying tendency to argue for cosmetic surface changes without ‘root and branch’ culling .This is just the line that I suspect wily Aljabeeba would adopt in its subversion/black ops in future!
Beware Brethren ,the Lizards are still among us.
….’and also improve your summer holiday experience’. You mean people actually watch the BBC on holiday!