BBC 4 tonight 9pm ”The Secret Files” Penelope Keith uncovers the secrets behind some of the BBC’s greatest artists and programmes as she delves into the corporation’s written archives. They recruited Guy Burgess.
I refer, of course, to the BBC and David Walliams. Their new Agatha Christie adaptation is everything one might expect from BBC drama these days.
The peculiar Walliams may not be many viewers’ idea of the hero, but it seems he’s well thought of at the BBC.
Afterall BBC drama prefers effete and ineffectual male heros to contrast with their feisty and bright females. It’s the agenda, you see. Ask Danny Cohen.
BBC designed post-war London is, naturally, rather more multi-ethnic than history might have dictated – but hey, at least we didn’t get a reference to global warming . Any bets on how long before we enter the realms of gaydom? Perhaps they can hold off until episode three?
“…BBC designed post-war London is, naturally, rather more multi-ethnic than history might have dictated…”
Boxes need to be ticked before any programme gets a green light on the BBC. If that means some shifty historical revisionism…well, who cares about such piffling detail? I guess you could always complain to the BBC… then again, maybe not.
David Walliams doesn’t quite do it for me, I have to say. He doesn’t seem right for a role which is based around wartime Britain.
Its not that I think he is a good or bad actor/ comedian, its just that he tries to introduce some kind of sexual innuendo into every role he undertakes, and if I consider my grandoarents who would have been active in the same era I cannot imagine them using similar innuendo. Whilst I don’t know for sure of course, I just don’t think people did that kind of thing in those days?
Wasn’t it the 60’s that changed everyone’s perspective, after all?
”Wasn’t it the 60’s that changed everyone’s perspective, after all? ” The ”swinging 60s” happened in one square mile radius of Carnaby Street. Go to Yorkshire or Cornwall, it wasn’t swinging.
I’m afraid i think Walliams looks a bit of a pervert to me, his demeanor, speech, screams either gay or sexual deviant……perfect for the BBC, as was Saville.
Just what I was thinking. The wholesale re-purposing of drama and comedy for other ends continues apace. I first really noticed it with Doctor Who when the eponymous hero became sidelined in his own drama in favour of female protagonists. It seems that the only male characters permitted these days, are either (a) gay, (b) ethnic, (c) emotionally contorted or (d) elderly, and therefore parental and ineffectual in a ‘Werther’s’ sense. Oh, and the bad guys, always the bad guys. [Not forgetting ITV’s entertaining but risible The Bletchley Circle of course – it’s not just the Beeb who are up to this.]
I thought it hilarious that they even had to have Tuppence being the one ordering the drinks in the bar. In reality, at that time, in the early 50’s there was really only one kind of woman who would be that forward, just as it was rare and significant to see a woman drinking on her own..
I do wonder what the real purpose of all this is – is it just trying to stick pins in the opposition? Or is it to keep up the morale of troops, by erecting a comfortable historical fantasy which they can connect to, as opposed to historical reality, which would so very definitely have rejected their tendencies, in the same way they would have lambasted someone who pretended to be sophisticated but couldn’t do basic arithmetic?
On the one hand they enjoy ridiculing British culture of the past – it’s ‘racism’, ‘sexism’, ‘homophobia’, ‘jingoism’ etc etc – in order to demonstrate how much more civilised and enlightened we are now as a result of ‘progressive’ left-liberal policies that the BBC have done little to hide their support for.
At the same time they are stuck in a Tourette’s-like mindset where they just can’t help themselves from socially-engineering their programmes as a means of pushing favoured agendas.
Result: they make themselves look a right bunch of tossers.
Me and the old Man found this adaptation so bad we won’t be watching again. I like a bit of Agatha Christie on a Sunday night but this was woeful. And shoe horning ethnic minorities into a story is both tedious and a tad patronising. I’m waiting for the day they get a short, ginger Scotsman to play Othello, but I won’t be holding my breath.
Agatha Christie wrote the stories between 1922 and 1973 and featured stories from before Tommy and Tuppence were married to them in old age with grown up children. It was decided to set the series in the 1950s in the context of the Cold War which would suit the stories that had already been written by Agatha Christie. The two stories chosen “The Secret Adversary” and “N or M” would be made into three hours each over six episodes.
The question is, do you believe them that this is the reason for the series to be set in this time period? Apparently, the characters aged as Christie wrote the stories … she wrote her last Tommy/Tuppence story in the 70’s. The last attempt at these stories (ignoring that ITV used a few T/T stories for Marple) was back in the early 80’s starring James Warwick and the divine Francesca Annis. This was firmly set in the 20’s, flapper girls and all that.
My feeling is, that to satisfy the quotas we all know exist, the series was moved forward to a post Windrush time to include black and ethnic minorities.
Like Shell, I love bit of Agatha on a Sunday but I fully expect the bBBC to make a hash of it … ballsy, laddish women, emasculated, feminised men and a 2015 London transposed to the 1950’s are a turn off. However, I’ll give it a go and report back.
From Your Own Correspondent had a piece on Saturday by Petroc Trelawney, the Radio 3 presenter of soft soppy music, going to Africa to find the grave of David Livingstone’s widow. A totally boring piece of nil educational, informative or entertainment value.
But hey – that get’s Petroc a holiday in Africa, a couple of days on the trip to the grave and then the time is his own ?
Fake or Fortune on BBC1 on a Sunday night has the same “disease”. Last night Fiona Bruce was able to swan off to the South of France for a few days looking into the authenticity of a Winston Churchill painting.
Last week it was Venice. As you say, I wonder who signs off? Also, Ms Bruce’s time doesn’t come cheap, being as she is allegedly on a service contract worth hundred’s of thousands per annum.
The programme itself, I find, is surreal in places. Unquestionable jumping to conclusions in places to arrive at an end-point which fits a particular narrative or line of thought is quite commonplace. The improbably named Bendor Grosvenor is quite an expert at this.
I disagree. Never seen any program, on any channel, that gives such information on the art world….especially the science to check the paintings. Also the politics and in-fighting between the various institutions. I hate the BBC generally but sometimes you have to acknowledge when they actually do “educate and inform”.
‘The information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and will not be doing so on this occasion.
That state broadcaster decides to send all 20,000 staff to Bali for a morale-booster, and so long as a couple file a story on rice field climate change, that’s all you’ll ever know.
If they had any honour they would reply on an enquiry’s merit; after all they lecture and censure others when lack of openness and clarity is thought by them to have occurred.
I would argue that it is a matter of public interest. But they negotiated this ‘opt out’, so that they could keep excesses and waste secret. I doubt that they are justified in using this excuse to hide travel expenses.
The irony is that arabs in London will have no interest in what the BBC say.
It’s a BBC tick-box for producers to advertise their community cohesion strategies and awareness.
As we enter into a crucial period in our history, the article below is worth reading.
To Chaos and Beyond — Faye, on Fate and Futurism
by Seneca III
“Are these the last days of Europe?”
— Walter Laqueur, from The Last Days of Europe: Epitaph for an Old Continent, New York St. Martin’s Griffin, 2009.
This series of three essays explores the ongoing destruction of the West, of the origins of this debacle and of its enablers, both the deliberately misinformed and the malignant peddlers of Euro-ethnic cleansing. It also looks into a deeply perplexing future, mainly through the eyes and thought processes of one particular philosopher and political scientist, the French scholar Guillaume Faye.
Last week’s Radio 4 Feedback was heavily loaded with listeners concerned that the BBC will vanish.
This week’s continued the campaign, rounding up overseas listeners that would ‘willing pay’ for the BBC’s streamed output. We then had a host of listeners complaining that there was ‘too much’ consultation, (the BBC tells us what to think, why do they need to ask us?). There was a half-hearted attempt at combating the ignorant opinion that the wicked government hadn’t told us yet what they proposed to do, (maybe the first stage is to assemble a range of options?), but overall the message was ‘Warning!: The BBC is under attack! Rally round!’.
I thought Feedback was supposed to be comments about the BBC output. As such I would have expected to have heard lots of complaints about all these “Isn’t the BBC wonderful!” adverts that are all-of-a-sudden popping up in the strangest places.
As with so many of the BBC’s ‘themes’ one is left wondering whether this is one more campaign directed from the top or whether it is ‘group-think’ from a non-diverse, unrepresentative, self-confirming ‘independent’ body?
Later on I heard Money Box. An all-girl special on ‘Buy-to-Let’. Towards the end a few males were allowed to join in to tell how they had suffered as mere tenants or failed landlords, (‘half the central heating was missing and they used the conservatory for firewood’). Men know your place; women are experts; women excel.
‘I would have expected to have heard lots of complaints…’
The mystery of what the BBc ‘features’ in complaint matches that of the editorial that often inspires those that don’t make the cut.
For instance, who might imagine the country is currently most gripped by…
21 JULY 2015
Golf: The Open, 20 July 2015 We received a range of feedback from viewers about how we covered the extra day’s play at The Open. Some would have preferred more coverage of the golf, while others were disappointed with the disruption to the television schedules.
It clearly is not down to volume, as the BBC has a cunning wheeze to filter these out, as outlined here (from a post back here, which it complements well):
‘…that means that anyone (outside the BBC) wanting to know how many people complained about any high-profile, biased piece of BBC reporting regarding Israel will never be able to find out.’
Just how the BBC likes to ensure things are.
How’s that trust and transparency thing working out, Tone, Danny, Rona, Helen, Mary, James, James…?
The interview with Clare Short by Peter Hennessy this morning on R4, gave some intriguing glimpses of what Blair’s leadership was like; in particular some of the details about the lead up to the Iraq War were extraordinary.
I must say that although I detest her politics, it was refreshing to hear an interview where the interviewee was allowed to fully answer the questions they were asked; without needless interruptions or interrogative questions put to try and shape the favoured narrative of the interviewer.
It would be marvellous for Nigel Farage to be given such an opportunity, though I shan’t hold my breath waiting for that one.
Oh dear. Country File yesterday didn’t satisfy the diversity quotas. It was from Kent Agricultural Show and it was all hideously white (apart from Anita Rani the presenter, of course). I think we did manage one close up of somebody almost black but the crowds had obviously not read the Beeb’s diversity manual – and heads will probably roll on the production team for allowing the whole programme to come from such an event.
The sad thing is that the Beeb’s efforts are so obvious. The fact that Mishal Hussein was hailed as a successful appointment on the Today programme for being a female Muslim, that Anita Rani is the new Country File presenter (black female), that the endless appointments on local news are with rare exceptions black females and white male sports reporters must have been forbidden. It would be delightful to think that all these people were appointed on merit but the Beeb’s publicity (eg Lord Hall re Mishal) demeans the appointment.
Such is the positive affirmation policy at the BBC, I now take all appointments of non-White personnel as non-merit appointments. It is unfortunate, but it forces one to view these people as below-par, and not worth listening to.
You’re quite correct NCBBC, there is a black, female news reader on Look North who often does the Saturday late afternoon shift. There is no way, if she had been white (or even worse white and male!) that she would have been given the job. She is truly dire; which is saying something if you’ve ever watched Look North and seen the standard of most of its reporters and news anchors.
Look North Leeds. I’ve had the misfortune to see this young lady trying to read an autocue – it’s painful to watch.. It’s obvious she wasn’t employed on merit, she’s terrible.
Guess what arrived in my inbox this week?
Dear Old Timer, Renew your TV Licence now, then sit back and enjoy a year’s worth of TV.
They go on to say… “Please note that it’s TV Licensing’s policy to visit some addresses to check that the occupants don’t need a TV Licence. This is because when we visit and make contact, we find almost one in five people that tell us they don’t need a TV Licence actually do need one. If we find that you’re watching TV illegally you could risk prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000″.
This is the unique way the BBC is funded…… BY COERCION. “Coercion is the practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner by use of intimidation or threats or some other form of pressure or force”.
In other words….. We know where you live, so pay up, or we’ll get you, and bankrupt you, and send you to prison.
Let’s be clear; If you do not earn enough to pay income tax you don’t need to. If you don’t earn enough to pay the TV tax you go to jail.
The BBC is without conscience. They lock up men and women, especially women, if they do not pay for the BBC output of “So Called” Entertainment and “News” that they may not want or watch. Then who suffers? Children, young innocent children. The children may end up in “so called” care, and we know what happens to thousands of children in care. Do the BBC or their million pound employees send money to help the children that are in care because of their greed. NO. They rely on the public with the Children in Need Show. So we pay again.
Old Timer, Mafia ?
Surely you mean the Gestapo.
Quotes from them ………”Watching TV without a valid licence is a criminal offence. This can lead to prosecution, a court appearance and a fine of up to £1,000 (not including legal costs). ”
“We have various ways of checking if you’re covered by a valid licence or not.”
Along with AlBaba TV, you can take a bet that they will be viewing this site from time to time
“We have various ways of checking if you’re covered by a valid licence or not.”
There is an absolutely vital difference between them knowing whether you HAVE ” a valid licence” and whether (legally) you NEED TO HAVE “a valid licence”.
You could try a referral to the Police under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. The Act provides:
‘ “A person must not pursue a course of conduct
“(a) which amounts to harassment of another, and
“(b) which he knows or ought to know amounts to harassment of the other.” ‘
Wiki has more information on the Act if needed. I reckon the combination of e-mails and letters with the possible addition of a visit amounts to a breach but am not a qualified lawyer and am also well removed in years from the little study & examination that I had to do on the subject.
Comments anyone?
Might be fun to see the Beeb or Capita up before the Beak for a change.
As the law stands, Capita/BBC/TVL have a valid legal defence that they are detecting a crime, but this is a big reason why the BBC opposes decriminalisation of license fee evasion – their harassment and threatening letters would have to stop.
Information on how to stop the letters and any potential visits from TVL is available on this site
Pity more people aren’t familiar with it and empowering themselves.
“We are assuming that the complaints to which you refer pertain to BBC Local Radio output. The information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.”
Standard BBC reply, yet the more they fob people off with this, the less they are trusted. Such is their arrogance and hubris, they don’t recognise this.
BBC World Service has 2 quest commentators on the early Sunday morning news programme. Yesterday that was BBC’s go to gal for all things race’n’left, Bonnie Greer & an Al-Jazeera correspondent. Both of them agreed that the authorities were right to demand the removal of a banner from outside a Scottish chippy. The banner was a blue plaque stand in marking the origin of the deep fried mars bar. These 2 wanted the banner down because banners promote obesity.
Greer however, perhaps trying to be less authoritarian, had a Marie Antoinette moment. She thought that folk could still be guided to this important site by its inclusion in an app. Perhaps poor folk can avoid obesity by spending their dinner money on a smartphone.
In its continuing quest to inform the public of the travel arrangements of foreign heads of state, the BBC advises that someone called Obama has travelled to Ethiopia.
They have allowed comments. Not for long, I’d suggest, as the adoring public don’t seem too enamoured. For instance, the second-highest rated:
“34. Posted by Soothseeker
People who complain about BBC’s saturation coverage of Obama clearly don’t understand the political agenda of BBC’s News editors. For them, Obama ticks all their ideological boxes:
He’s a Democrat
He’s black
He visits Africa
He dislikes the UK.
He wants the UK to stay in the EU.
Perfect for awed reverence, fawning journalism, and blanket coverage. We can expect a lot more of the same.”
And the top-rated seems to have struck a nerve:
“22. Posted by ByeByeLefties
This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain“
The number of removals and referrals on that thread has reached epidemic proportions. So much so that I posted earlier: This comment was removed because it broke the house rules
Just thought I’d save everyone the time.
It’s been “referred”, along with the moderators’ sense of humour.
Before it too gets banned, I will share:
“330. Posted by Andy
So, I have to pay a licence fee so that the BBC can tell the Americans where their president is on a daily basis because….?“
Some are acquiring quite the collection of ‘we have no policy of when we close threads (but if it goes South plugs get pulled from on high)’ responses from CECUTT, I hear.
They must surely be squirming just a tad by now at being shown to be lying through their rotten, exempted, unaccountable teeth on a daily basis.
Just checked back to see if it has re-opened (they do pull this stunt too). No, still closed.
Have to say the final page is pretty unique (well, not for the BBC):
338. Posted by thor
1 hour ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
Comment number 337. Posted by Addicks maximus
1 hour ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
Comment number 336. Posted by FishOnTwoWheels
1 hour ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
Comment number 335. Posted by Fishermans_Enemy
1 hour ago
This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain
Comment number 334. Posted by seemskerfuddled
1 hour ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
Comment number 333. Posted by Jeremy Sockit
1 hour ago
This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain
Comment number 332. Posted by hawklord
1 hour ago
Another day if his presidency wasted, mind you he can’t do anything back in the USA either.
So might as well go to Africa and visit some TPLAN’s as Jim Hacker called them.
After this a few days on the golf course may be required so as to rest from these heavy political sessions.
Comment number 331. Posted by JonH
1 hour ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
Comment number 330. Posted by Andy
1 hour ago
So, I have to pay a licence fee so that the BBC can tell the Americans where their president is on a daily basis because….?
Comment number 329. Posted by Addicks maximus
1 hour ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
The comments against that article provided one of the most enjoyable reads in a long time. Even someone as thick as a BBC journo-moderator must realise they are out of step with genuine public opinion. Then again…
Looks like I missed the opportunity for a bit of immortality there, the only Post among the referred & removed.
Have had a couple removed recently & where I’ve been quick enough have just changed the order of the sentences on one occasion and toned down ‘the knife in the Beeb ribs’ on the other and the replacements survived.
Easy time given to the universities spokeswoman this morning about the benefits of being in the EU .
No questions asked whether we might as well give the universities the money direct rather than some of it siphoned off via the EU .
Another question that should have been asked was ;
Are you saying that if other EU countries universities were pooling resources to find the cure for cancer , for example , they wouldn’t allow input from British universities because we would not be in the EU ?
Why do they claim that? I assume that Spain must have expelled all its residents from outside the EU like from Africa, the Middle East or even the United States.
Nope, didn’t think they had – we can therefore assume that yet another EUphile is lying through his/her back-teeth.
When contemplating important world issues, especially those likely to have a significant impact on the UK, I often try and make sense of them by wondering what Owen Jones would think. How fortunate then that the BBC has him on speed-dial making him available at a moments notice to give us all the benefit of his wisdom. Today he helped me see through the complex issue that is the referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU.
There is no topic that resides outwith the broad spectrum of Master Jones’ seemingly infinite wisdom making him the ideal first port of call for the BBC.
Yes, the young chappie has a truly awesome grasp on events and all the issues of the day. No wonder he is now in the top 1% of paid workers, his brilliance astounds.
I think we should ask him to reflect on our concerns for us, right here on this forum. He could be so helpful, I’m sure I would be less confused and happier.
I did try putting my head in the oven, but it was electric and just burned my ears.
I hear from the BBC that those nasty Tories are at it again … or at least their supporters are.
On Five Live this morning there was a lot of hand wringing, claiming that #Toriesforcorbyn were infiltrating the Labour leadership election for their own ends.
It was only on the third reading of the story that the BBC, seemingly as a footnote, mentioned that there might also be some from the hard left that were signing up to back their new white (well, red) hope.
There are plenty on the far and extreme left actively backing Corbyn; TUSC and SWP types (Gameshow greeted the old TUSCer, Dave Nellist like a long lost friend this morning, the sort of welcome he usually reserves for his SWP mate, Charlie Kimber) and the BBC’s favourite ultra leftie luvvie, Maxine Peake – her of the ‘gritty (clichéd ) left wing BBC dramas’ like ‘The Village’.
Look at this revealing quote I took from the last section in this article:
“Perhaps they are seeking what Mr Cameron said was needed to deter radicalisation – a sense of “belonging”. A sense of being somewhere where young people feel confident that they will fit in and where they will be safe in their identity.”
Here’s the full text of the article – pay particular attention to the last section ‘Muslim schools’:
This quote and the section ‘Muslim schools’ could easily be interpreted as an apologist perspective espousing self-imposed Muslim segregation. But how hypocritical is this stance from the BBC in light of calls for British to do more to integrate? It would seem apparent from some views within the BBC and others on the Left that Muslims and ethnic minorities are now seemingly exempt from having to integrate; in other words it is up to us to integrate with them. Does this sense of ‘belonging’ not apply to those English whose communities have been destroyed by immigration?
None, but Cameron has killed a lot of Muslims, but sadly, only those in Libya, Afghanistan, the Iraq bit of Islamic State and his secretly imbedded agents in the Syrian bit of Islamic State. Not Bradford or Leicester. But now, not for the first time, Cameron has found himself thinking that it is upper class twits from Eton who need to integrate more with the Islamic way of life, not the other way around. So Cameron seems to be having schizophrenic thoughts about converting to Islam.
I’m sure that the BBC must have given huge prominence to the downside of the “Living Wage” every time that Labour mentioned it. It’s just that no such occurences spring to mind.
However, once the Tories effectively bring it in, a warning by the Home Care market can suddenly become the main story on the BBC’s main page.
Exactly! Well spotted. The BBC are now in political opposition along with the Labour Party.
What was a good idea when Labour supported it, is now a bad idea because the Tories enact it.
Oh, the honour and integrity of both Labour and the BBC…..!!
Thanks for posting:
An extract:
“According to the Le Monde poll, carried out with marketing firm IFOP, 68 per cent of French and 75 per cent of Germans believe Muslims are ‘not well integrated into society”
Imagine the world reaction if five white Christian teenage girls had beaten up a muslim woman for wearing a burka. Instant victimhood.
The photos in this article tell us what the BBC refuse to discuss in any depth: that uncontrolled immigration is behind the explosive birth rates in this country that are putting so much strain on our forlorn public services…
No, don’t understand this. It’s a report about the population explosion in Britain but they’ve illustrated it with photos taken at a school in the West Indies or South Africa? Can someone please explain?
“Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus virus or MERS has claimed four more victims, making the global total of deaths to over thirty, most of them in Saudi Arabia. This new virus, spreads from person to person, and seems to be more deadly than SARS. Research published this week looking at its genetics sheds light on where it might have come from. The thinking is it is sporadically transmitting from animals to humans.”
So a new virus which would spread like wildfire in a place where human beings were in close proximity like – Mecca perhaps?
If this did turn out to be the case, what do readers think the chances of our appeasing government banning travel for all our safety would be?
Absolutely none, because the rights of Muslims over rides the rights of all the rest of us, even the right to life.
Inform Entertain Educate ? seems that only those overseas got to be educated !
Thank God we have an ‘International’ Health Service?
Successive governments have been under pressure with a shortage of beds and places in hospitals and A and E and they have not attended to the ‘Elephant in the room’, none more so than the present incumbent government. Something AliBaba TV does not mention or highlight.
I thought I’d gone to sleep and woken in the morning but travelled back in time as well. 19:00 and it’s Matt Allwright (allwright at the front, allwright at the back) with cheapo “Housing enforcers”. Already shown in the mornings obviously such a towering TV event it’s moved to the evening. Gabba gabba we accept you one of us.
“Sorry I haven’t a Clue” just finished and I caught the 7.00pm news. Item about Lord Sewell – “The senior peer…..”. Now why do I think that in other circumstances it WOULD be “The senior Conservative peer….”
That is because he is in fact a cross bench peer who although being a Labour party member and an ex MP he has not taken the Labour whip in the Lords.
It would be incorrect to call him a Labour peer.
If you do a quick google search with his name and cross bench you will find almost all the mainstream media referring to him this way.
In simply calling him a ‘peer’ the BBC has caused a deal of confusion, which could have easily been avoided by clarifying that he is in fact a cross bencher, as every other serious media outlet has.
Strange, that kind of hair-splitting didn’t stop the BBC headlining the independent MEP convicted of expenses fraud as a “UKIP MEP jailed for £500M fraud”. (the headline was subsequently changed after the damage was done). I wonder why? Surely it couldn’t be that our impartial state broadcaster is biased against UKIP and in favour of Labour? Surely not.
Racist Gang attack on a singleton white guy in London. Sorry, BBC, I must have missed this on your Good Morning/AM programme.
Has there been wall to wall coverage of this attack, after all, “White lives matter”, obviously not enough for the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Not a hate crime, not a race crime, just an attack by men. A token request for witnesses and the cops can return to monitoring Twitter for anything deemed Islamophobic.
Interesting to hear American pollster Frank Luntz on Fox’s Media Buzz yesterday. He told them he thought the BBC ideological. No more invites to conduct those popularity polls from Newsnight methinks. Oh for a programme like Media Buzz over here. They absolutely slaughter the mainstream media in the US.
Just watching the story on the News at Ten regarding people traffickers and the girls & women driven round the country to be abused by groups of men. Very coy when it came to telling us anything about the “men” carrying out this abuse, but we can all have a good guess.
I am really posting about my local news. But before I do, Mr Burnham was in my area, and Peter Levy on the local news spent several minutes interviewing him. It was a fairly easy interview but I couldn’t help but admire Mr Burnham’s blue eye shadow.
But before the Labour Party political broadcast we had a long item about research being done on rising sea levels due to climate change and it was explained how difficult it is to forecast 40 or 50 years hence. No mention of the near frosts forecast for a couple of days time. I am afraid at just thought about all these people wasting their time. It is amazing how many times climate change and rising sea levels can be said in one piece, just to reinforce the message.
“…It is amazing how many times climate change and rising sea levels can be said in one piece, just to reinforce the message.”
It’s true. But then when you consider that words like ‘climate change’ are as meaningful (when used by eco-zealots) as words like ‘fairy’, ‘rainbow’ and ‘unicorn’ then you begin to understand why that say them.
They’re magic words. They don’t mean anything. They’re just short-hand for all the things they really mean – like Agenda 21 and the political project behind the invention of ‘climate change’ as a mechanism for societal change on a global scale.
They’re talking nonsense and they know it (because the science is against them), but they’ll keep saying it because nobody in the msm – and definitely not in the BBC – will ever ask them to explain themselves.
I see the Great “British” Bake-off contestants have been announced. As per standard BBC practice less than half are recognisably British and one of those is a ‘child welfare officer’ from Bradford so must surely qualify as an honourary foreigner.
I’m detecting quite a pro-EU flavor in this year’s line up: with the pretty Lithuania and the Granny who moved to Paris 30 yrs ago. No doubt they’ll ratchet up the head-bag quotient once the EU referendum is out of the way.
Have never watched this mind numbing dross, but Mrs G has, but already after seeing the oft repeated crass trailer for the show she has already made up her mind not to watch.
This programming is typical of the complete lack of imagination of the bBC, they get a lukewarm idea for a show, maybe the first series is OK then they peddle it to death, Dragons Den, The Apprentice, Come Dancing, Masterchef etc, not to mention the celeb and Children In Need editions as well.
It wouldn’t be so bad but its our money paying for such sh1t. ‘New’ Top Gear will prove to be yet another program that has jumped the shark, and will still be on air in 2020 because of the ‘unique way the bBC is funded’
It would appear that a huge percentage of the viewing public have suffered a frontal lobotomy to keep consuming this drivel.
People are not watching. I suspect the viewing figures are massaged .
The shows you mention must rate as some of the worst rubbish of all time including East Enders and DR Who and Sherlock and the rest of it.
The BBC has lost it and knows it.
She has marshalled quite the factual case, but good luck getting that under the character limit the BBC imposes to ensure they control the attrition to grind any complaint away on their terms.
At the very least there are serious questions of the BBC they need to answer professionally, so it remains to be seen whether they do, or either ignore or retreat behind blather or exemptions they would not allow any they seek to take to task.
Thanks for this link – this is a wonderfully comprehensive article (two, actually) that Ms Mensch has compiled, and it should be seen by as many people as possible.
I complained to the BBC as advised within the article. I hadn’t realised just how corralled you are in this process, how you are required to literally ‘submit’ to their organisational view of things, simply in contacting them, at least via the browser interface.
Anyway, I included the link back to her article and said I wholly concurred with what it stated, as must many others.. I must say, after doing this, I am not expecting much – I am even a little apprehensive of being criticised by them for being unreasonable and unhelpful in complaining at all!
It is one thing to ‘talk among friends’ but it is a little different to stick your neck out with a giant corporation that routinely bends the truth to defend both its own interests and the interests of those with whom it is sunken deep in Faustian pacts. A bit like saying Boo! to the Soviet Union..
Despite the clear factual basis that has highlighted what transpired, and clearly enough to raise concerns with any who believe in accuracy, objectivity and integrity in BBC ‘reporting’, there appears a chance they have yet another unique ‘get out’ on the basis protest is coordinated in some way.
This is of course ridiculous, and sets a precedent that would neuter their news gathering and presentation were the BBC not a bunch of raving hypocrites.
It will be interesting how you and others fare, if shared. I rather suspect that, at best, a BBC dismissal template is being drafted.
It is interesting to read the comments, of which there is but one in ‘defence’ of the BBC:
professord · 16 Hours Ago
Dear Loiuse – I guess you won’t be happy until you see the BBC abolished so that the competition (you know, the newspapers that hack murdered girl’s phones for profit and largely get away with it) provide the pure truth we all crave.
Rather typically, it makes no attempt to address any of the facts. And if the best they can manage is a weak attempt at trying to invoke the Murdoch bogeyman, they are truly in desperate straits.
“Nursing experts fear that shortages could be fuelled in the coming years by retirement among the baby-boomer generation, and limits on the number of skilled workers from outside the EU who are allowed into the UK”.
It’s those age-terrorists again. Taking up resources. No mention of immigration….sorry, migration. Are Elephants in a room very, very small these days?
And what’s a ‘nursing expert’ ?
And I thought the BBC supported foreign nurses? Where would the NHS be without them etc. etc. ?
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them”.
If only we had nurses like them.
Never mind, keep importing people who will in turn also age, needing more imports to nurse them.
Keep borrowing more money to pay the debts on the money we borrowed before.
A BBC weather forecast this morning bemoans the fact that:
‘temperatures across Scotland’s central belt are 10 to 11 degrees, the average for this time of year SHOULD be 19’
My emphasis highlights the word SHOULD, but the BBC should not have that word there at all – the BBC’s weather forcasters consistently appear to misunderstand the concept of an average and misrepresent fluctuations around the average as some kind of weird phenomenon requiring explanation.
A chilly summer in Scotland – frankly the Scot, Carol Kirkwood, should know better than to think that is an existentially odd event.
Firstly there’s the problem that modern BBC weather forecasters emphasise temperatures far more than they used to – they once understood that hours of sunshine or cloud cover were the factors important to the public.
Compounding this temperature obsession, again and again the forecaster introduces the comparison with average in a way which introduces the thought that deviation from average is highly unusual.
As if that were not bad enough, often in comes the moral imperative the forecaster almost invoking Immanuel Kant to tell us what the temperature ‘ought to be’.
AsISeeIt, I have been warning the members of this forum for quite some time now, that the Met Office, in their transmissions through the BBC have been using “strange language” when it comes to the weather forecast bulletins. The met Office are fully aware that the so called “Global Warming” temperatures are not so warming after all, and considering ‘they’ have promoted the notion of “global warming” so heavily in the past, are now doing whatever they can by hiding the actual decline in temperatures (at least here in the U.K.) by what ever measures they see fit. The simplest method is to use a deflective language such as “chilly” when it is close to freezing or “wintriness” when you are deep in the white stuff in the middle of summer. Like I have recently said, on average this July across the U.K. is approx’ 4 degrees cooler than the average. “Global Warming” but not as we know it Jim. I can’t wait to hear how they will disguise the “frostiness” that we in the U.K. are about to get. And if you think you might be safe from them in the South (of Birmingham) don’t count your chickens. Those summer BBQ’s will be lit to keep us all warm when we sit in our gardens on a barmy summer evening trying to chip the ice off our burgers.
I heard a weather expert say , that this year the North Atlantic was a few degrees cooler this July . This will play havoc with the BBC narrative , that NW Passage will be `ice free`in the summer from now on . Lies ,Lies all the time .
Two interesting articles here, one from the left admits how very bad the left are at electoral politics and the second from the right warns how very clever the left are at still getting their own way.
‘At a recent Gay Pride march, Burnham wore a T-shirt proclaiming that he’d “never kissed a Tory”. Well, if he wants to win the next election he’s going to have to do a bit more than kiss some Tories. He’s going to have to convince them to vote Labour’
‘…adoption by the Tories [measures on the environment, gender and homosexual rights] show not only the huge success the Metropolitan Liberal-Left have had at driving the political agenda, largely through establishing dominant media narratives, but also that it is sometimes easier to get your supposed enemies rather than your friends to implement your desires.’
The need for the right to somehow reform the BBC into honestly reflecting majority conservative views is obvious.
Mo Farah has never – as I am repeatedly told, taken any kind of performance enhancing drugs. BBC poster boy of Somalian honesty and integrity.
Froome however is not getting the same pass from these BBC c*unts – wonder why?
But no mention on the BBC website. Strange that no?
I mean we do have;
“Police may not attend burglaries” (boo to the Police) and
“What drives women to terrorist acts” (must be oppressed right?) and
“The message from America” (with a lovely picture of Hilary Clinton alongside) and even
“San Francisco tries anti pee paint” (Eh?)
But no mention of the gang attack – how peculiar?
Then again, perhaps reporting it might not be so good for community cohesion innit?
What claims? yep! … that ll be the ones that the BBC totally ignored, failed to report … before falling over themselves to report this erm … denial.
The BBC has form on this issue, but even they had to report this
‘Disturbing’ findings from Trojan horse inquiry – BBC
how about this
“great deal that is true,
some of which had not previously been in the public domain”
Peter Clarke on the authenticity of the Trojan horse letter
After spending the past five and a half years Camoron, and the rest of his inept No10 traitors to our nation, have been systematically turning London into the money laundering capital of the world,
So that now we have.
Tax amnesties turn HMRC into ‘biggest money-laundering operation in history’ 2011 … more?
London’s Laundry Business – The New York Times
London property boom built on dirty money – The Independent
‘Britain awash with dirty money,’ says anti-corruption think tank
London has become the money laundering capital of the world with City firms helping corrupt officials and criminals from across the globe hide trillions of dollars of their ill-gotten gains, according to one of Russia s most prominent businessmen
BBC this morning, reports that Camoron, the erm … “global statesman” (shakes head) … in Hong Kong 😀 no less
has some thoughts, has concerns about some, “dirty money” in the capital.
Noggin the Nog , this has been going on for years , especially under the Blair /Brown Junta .I guess you expected Nigel Farage or Comrade Corbyn to stop it , they would be getting their cut too .
Why does it surprise you? Cameron is in love with money and its acquisition, to the extent he would sell not only his kids but everyone else’s if the price was right, and for Cameron, the love of money means that price is not very high.
Someone with boundless greed is an easy target for corruption and open to bribery. I wonder just how much Cameron’s price has been for the Islamisation of the UK.
Time will tell.
Turned on the telly and inadvertently found myself watching the VD show on BBC2 for a moment. The news item she was reporting on was yet another use of Operation Stack as a result of “Migrant activity” having closed the Euro Tunnel. VD was not happy about the use of the weasel words “migrant activity” saying they were “impersonal”.
She and I might agree “migrant activity” does not do what is happening in Calais justice; but I am certain that she and I would not agree on what should replace them.
Difficult to believe this programme is still on the air.
Said to the Doc today told him I had a bad case of VD,what should I do?.
He replied ” Turn it Off then my dear Chap,and go for a walk”.
Asked about VD he said she should go for a walk too, over a cliff i think he said.
“..please explain how the BBC arrived at the decision that not reporting on Rona Fairhead’s attendance at the secretive Bilderberg meeting… during your coverage of the event was in the UK public interest?”
The information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and will not be doing so on this occasion.”
Anyone not keen on answering BBC investigative questions please note. Doesn’t look good, mind.
I think there is a case for having a permanent item on this site, near the top, where people can record every single complaint they have made which receives this reply.
Not a comment or discussion thread, just a documentation listing so that the item ‘response count’ is a count of the complaints rejected in this procedural, rather than honest, way.
VC: What about Daddy Warbucks?
Team: Little Orphan Annie.
VC: That’s right, Little Orphan Annie, the film Annie, he appears as a character but in the cartoon strip he was killed off by the creator Harold Grey in protest at Roosevelt’s New Deal … he sounds like a nice guy … and then when Roosevelt died, in celebration, he brought Daddy Warbucks back again.
Now, I must admit I don’t know an awful lot about The New Deal or Daddy Warbucks but I do know that, ‘he sounds like a nice guy’, is the opinion of the presenter who has never met him. It’s perfectly acceptable for people to disagree with the New Deal (I probably would have supported it if I’d been around at the time) but in BBC la la land, it’s not.
Weeble Coren has form for this too … she’s made comments about Russia and Putin before. Just tell us the fucking questions and answers and leave it at that. I couldn’t give a shit what you think about things.
Another annoying Guardian columnist come Beeboid regular, much like hubby Mitchell.
To me she typify s everything that I hate about today’s type of bBC employee, smug, lacking in empathy, devoid of what life is like for most outside of their Hampstead bubble and butt ugly to boot…
Nice tits though. She’s just a female version of Mitchell … it’s no wonder they’re married as they’re ideally suited to one another … almost like brother and sister. Imagine them at the breakfast table trying to be really clever and talking over one another. Expect a really weird child.
Jezza vine today-im speechless. Should we be offering black Americans asylum here?!? Should lord sewell resign, because after all tory lord archer didn’t, etc etc.
I too heard the Vine show and was shocked by it’s content. The part I heard was about giving “black and brown” people from the USA asylum in the UK to stop them being murdered and persecuted by white people.
Vine left objectivity at the door by telling the story of an unarmed black man shot dead by a white policeman. The two guests and the callers were pro black and vehemently anti white.
Google, if you need to, the US statistics on black on black and black on white crimes of violence in the states.
Meanwhile in London, a man gets attacked by a gang of Asians for no other reason apparently other than his race and the BBC does not feel the need to report the facts.
The BBC charter does not have to be reviewed, it needs to be got rid of along with its marxist management and so called ‘ celebrities.
They could always seek asylum in Liberia, which was created for that very purpose. But for some reason these ‘African-Americans’ don’t seem to find the idea of moving back their ‘ancestral homelands’ very appealing. I wonder why not.
Tell a lie often enough and some idiot will believe! This particular idiot hadn’t even been to the USA because he was ‘scared of being killed’, so presumably we have the BBC to thank for his ‘education’.
I can see why the BBC like the idea though, 40 million non-whites, that should give a good audience for Radio 1Extra! Mind, if they are anything like the good township folk in South Africa they will have a devil of a job getting them to pay for it under the new charter settlement!
I heard this too & thought I had been transported to a `Parallel Universe`. Where do they find these fucking people? However during the Evil Blair /Brown Junta , I spent a lot of time visiting the USA . At the time I thought of applying for Political Asylum in the USA too .
Something I’ve often wondered, do they actively pursue ‘travelers’ ? They always seem to have an aerial or dish stuck on their caravan roof, or are they exempt as they are not only a minority but also somewhat ‘guarded’ when allowing access to their property….
Israeli High Court approves clearance of Palestinian shanty town the legality of whose construction is questionable, Yolande Knell’s on the case, onions at the ready:
Supreme Court orders the demolition of illegally built structures in Jewish West Bank settlement of Beit El, Israeli police encouter rather robust resistance, none of the BBC’s overmanned Middle East Bureau in sight:
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Rob in CheshireMar 31, 19:56 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Democracy is a system whereby the citizens can vote for anyone their betters allow them to.
BBC 4 tonight 9pm ”The Secret Files” Penelope Keith uncovers the secrets behind some of the BBC’s greatest artists and programmes as she delves into the corporation’s written archives. They recruited Guy Burgess.
Partners in Crime
I refer, of course, to the BBC and David Walliams. Their new Agatha Christie adaptation is everything one might expect from BBC drama these days.
The peculiar Walliams may not be many viewers’ idea of the hero, but it seems he’s well thought of at the BBC.
Afterall BBC drama prefers effete and ineffectual male heros to contrast with their feisty and bright females. It’s the agenda, you see. Ask Danny Cohen.
BBC designed post-war London is, naturally, rather more multi-ethnic than history might have dictated – but hey, at least we didn’t get a reference to global warming . Any bets on how long before we enter the realms of gaydom? Perhaps they can hold off until episode three?
“…BBC designed post-war London is, naturally, rather more multi-ethnic than history might have dictated…”
Boxes need to be ticked before any programme gets a green light on the BBC. If that means some shifty historical revisionism…well, who cares about such piffling detail? I guess you could always complain to the BBC… then again, maybe not.
David Walliams doesn’t quite do it for me, I have to say. He doesn’t seem right for a role which is based around wartime Britain.
Its not that I think he is a good or bad actor/ comedian, its just that he tries to introduce some kind of sexual innuendo into every role he undertakes, and if I consider my grandoarents who would have been active in the same era I cannot imagine them using similar innuendo. Whilst I don’t know for sure of course, I just don’t think people did that kind of thing in those days?
Wasn’t it the 60’s that changed everyone’s perspective, after all?
”Wasn’t it the 60’s that changed everyone’s perspective, after all? ” The ”swinging 60s” happened in one square mile radius of Carnaby Street. Go to Yorkshire or Cornwall, it wasn’t swinging.
“Wasn’t it the 60’s that changed everyone’s perspective, after all?”
Yep and the bBC played a bloody big part in it….
“I just don’t think people did that kind of thing in those days?”
Hmm. Max Miller?
Max Miller on a misspelt word: ” I see F, you see K”
I’m afraid i think Walliams looks a bit of a pervert to me, his demeanor, speech, screams either gay or sexual deviant……perfect for the BBC, as was Saville.
“I’m afraid i think Walliams looks a bit of a pervert”
But he’s a character actor darling. And that’s his character
Just what I was thinking. The wholesale re-purposing of drama and comedy for other ends continues apace. I first really noticed it with Doctor Who when the eponymous hero became sidelined in his own drama in favour of female protagonists. It seems that the only male characters permitted these days, are either (a) gay, (b) ethnic, (c) emotionally contorted or (d) elderly, and therefore parental and ineffectual in a ‘Werther’s’ sense. Oh, and the bad guys, always the bad guys. [Not forgetting ITV’s entertaining but risible The Bletchley Circle of course – it’s not just the Beeb who are up to this.]
I thought it hilarious that they even had to have Tuppence being the one ordering the drinks in the bar. In reality, at that time, in the early 50’s there was really only one kind of woman who would be that forward, just as it was rare and significant to see a woman drinking on her own..
I do wonder what the real purpose of all this is – is it just trying to stick pins in the opposition? Or is it to keep up the morale of troops, by erecting a comfortable historical fantasy which they can connect to, as opposed to historical reality, which would so very definitely have rejected their tendencies, in the same way they would have lambasted someone who pretended to be sophisticated but couldn’t do basic arithmetic?
The BBC want it both ways on this.
On the one hand they enjoy ridiculing British culture of the past – it’s ‘racism’, ‘sexism’, ‘homophobia’, ‘jingoism’ etc etc – in order to demonstrate how much more civilised and enlightened we are now as a result of ‘progressive’ left-liberal policies that the BBC have done little to hide their support for.
At the same time they are stuck in a Tourette’s-like mindset where they just can’t help themselves from socially-engineering their programmes as a means of pushing favoured agendas.
Result: they make themselves look a right bunch of tossers.
Me and the old Man found this adaptation so bad we won’t be watching again. I like a bit of Agatha Christie on a Sunday night but this was woeful. And shoe horning ethnic minorities into a story is both tedious and a tad patronising. I’m waiting for the day they get a short, ginger Scotsman to play Othello, but I won’t be holding my breath.
From Wikipedia … the BBC series.
Agatha Christie wrote the stories between 1922 and 1973 and featured stories from before Tommy and Tuppence were married to them in old age with grown up children. It was decided to set the series in the 1950s in the context of the Cold War which would suit the stories that had already been written by Agatha Christie. The two stories chosen “The Secret Adversary” and “N or M” would be made into three hours each over six episodes.
The question is, do you believe them that this is the reason for the series to be set in this time period? Apparently, the characters aged as Christie wrote the stories … she wrote her last Tommy/Tuppence story in the 70’s. The last attempt at these stories (ignoring that ITV used a few T/T stories for Marple) was back in the early 80’s starring James Warwick and the divine Francesca Annis. This was firmly set in the 20’s, flapper girls and all that.
My feeling is, that to satisfy the quotas we all know exist, the series was moved forward to a post Windrush time to include black and ethnic minorities.
Like Shell, I love bit of Agatha on a Sunday but I fully expect the bBBC to make a hash of it … ballsy, laddish women, emasculated, feminised men and a 2015 London transposed to the 1950’s are a turn off. However, I’ll give it a go and report back.
Just stumbled across another odd commitment of BBC Jolly funds and staff on obscure topics, via FaceBook:
“The city already seems so much calmer”
Smitten much, guys? Glad the hotel is comfy.
From Your Own Correspondent had a piece on Saturday by Petroc Trelawney, the Radio 3 presenter of soft soppy music, going to Africa to find the grave of David Livingstone’s widow. A totally boring piece of nil educational, informative or entertainment value.
But hey – that get’s Petroc a holiday in Africa, a couple of days on the trip to the grave and then the time is his own ?
So who pays ? And how much ? £2000 ?
The application to line producer and accounts for approval on such trips would make an interesting read.
Especially any relationship between who signs off and who gets to go with.
But likely a BBC ‘our little secret’.
Fake or Fortune on BBC1 on a Sunday night has the same “disease”. Last night Fiona Bruce was able to swan off to the South of France for a few days looking into the authenticity of a Winston Churchill painting.
Last week it was Venice. As you say, I wonder who signs off? Also, Ms Bruce’s time doesn’t come cheap, being as she is allegedly on a service contract worth hundred’s of thousands per annum.
The programme itself, I find, is surreal in places. Unquestionable jumping to conclusions in places to arrive at an end-point which fits a particular narrative or line of thought is quite commonplace. The improbably named Bendor Grosvenor is quite an expert at this.
I disagree. Never seen any program, on any channel, that gives such information on the art world….especially the science to check the paintings. Also the politics and in-fighting between the various institutions. I hate the BBC generally but sometimes you have to acknowledge when they actually do “educate and inform”.
‘The information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and will not be doing so on this occasion.
That state broadcaster decides to send all 20,000 staff to Bali for a morale-booster, and so long as a couple file a story on rice field climate change, that’s all you’ll ever know.
Sorry, they don’t even need to file the story.
‘Not Obliged’.
If they had any honour they would reply on an enquiry’s merit; after all they lecture and censure others when lack of openness and clarity is thought by them to have occurred.
I would argue that it is a matter of public interest. But they negotiated this ‘opt out’, so that they could keep excesses and waste secret. I doubt that they are justified in using this excuse to hide travel expenses.
Drum roll…. much bated breath, among Licence Payers for….
‘A sneak peek of BBC Arabic Festival 2015’
‘…obviously there’s a huge Arabic community in London that’s hungry for access to cultural happenings, and current affairs from the Arab World’
Maybe? I’m inclined to say – let them watch Al Jazeera and spend the Licence Fee on something British – obviously there’s a hugh British audience?
PS. I think when the BBC say ‘Arabic’ they really mean the ‘M-word’
I wonder if the BBC will be celebrating the wonderful diversity of Arab Christians in the ME.
The irony is that arabs in London will have no interest in what the BBC say.
It’s a BBC tick-box for producers to advertise their community cohesion strategies and awareness.
Can anyone remember the last time the BBC did a programme that catered specifically for the English?
Cue troll response ‘How do you define English when England is such a multicultural society?’ How I miss them.
Well Top Gear was the last programme , to be made for Hideously White English Males , & some stuff on BBC 4 ,that`s all I can think of .
As we enter into a crucial period in our history, the article below is worth reading.
To Chaos and Beyond — Faye, on Fate and Futurism
by Seneca III
“Are these the last days of Europe?”
— Walter Laqueur, from The Last Days of Europe: Epitaph for an Old Continent, New York St. Martin’s Griffin, 2009.
This series of three essays explores the ongoing destruction of the West, of the origins of this debacle and of its enablers, both the deliberately misinformed and the malignant peddlers of Euro-ethnic cleansing. It also looks into a deeply perplexing future, mainly through the eyes and thought processes of one particular philosopher and political scientist, the French scholar Guillaume Faye.
Which side will the BBC be on? Britain and theWest, or its Islamist bedfellows?
“Which side will the BBC be on? Britain and the West, or its Islamist bedfellows?”
I assume that’s a rhetorical question. The BBC chose its side a long time ago – and it isn’t ours.
Last week’s Radio 4 Feedback was heavily loaded with listeners concerned that the BBC will vanish.
This week’s continued the campaign, rounding up overseas listeners that would ‘willing pay’ for the BBC’s streamed output. We then had a host of listeners complaining that there was ‘too much’ consultation, (the BBC tells us what to think, why do they need to ask us?). There was a half-hearted attempt at combating the ignorant opinion that the wicked government hadn’t told us yet what they proposed to do, (maybe the first stage is to assemble a range of options?), but overall the message was ‘Warning!: The BBC is under attack! Rally round!’.
I thought Feedback was supposed to be comments about the BBC output. As such I would have expected to have heard lots of complaints about all these “Isn’t the BBC wonderful!” adverts that are all-of-a-sudden popping up in the strangest places.
As with so many of the BBC’s ‘themes’ one is left wondering whether this is one more campaign directed from the top or whether it is ‘group-think’ from a non-diverse, unrepresentative, self-confirming ‘independent’ body?
Later on I heard Money Box. An all-girl special on ‘Buy-to-Let’. Towards the end a few males were allowed to join in to tell how they had suffered as mere tenants or failed landlords, (‘half the central heating was missing and they used the conservatory for firewood’). Men know your place; women are experts; women excel.
‘I would have expected to have heard lots of complaints…’
The mystery of what the BBc ‘features’ in complaint matches that of the editorial that often inspires those that don’t make the cut.
For instance, who might imagine the country is currently most gripped by…
21 JULY 2015
Golf: The Open, 20 July 2015
We received a range of feedback from viewers about how we covered the extra day’s play at The Open. Some would have preferred more coverage of the golf, while others were disappointed with the disruption to the television schedules.
It clearly is not down to volume, as the BBC has a cunning wheeze to filter these out, as outlined here (from a post back here, which it complements well):
‘…that means that anyone (outside the BBC) wanting to know how many people complained about any high-profile, biased piece of BBC reporting regarding Israel will never be able to find out.’
Just how the BBC likes to ensure things are.
How’s that trust and transparency thing working out, Tone, Danny, Rona, Helen, Mary, James, James…?
Oh, and speaking of complements:
Also benefits from further insights into the BBC’s unique way of addressing complaints:
‘This programme is complied by Radio 4’s Head of Compliance both for its script and the final edited programme. ‘
So BBC staff oversee BBC staff on the topic of… the BBC… to ensure [insert BBC fiction vs. reality here].
The interview with Clare Short by Peter Hennessy this morning on R4, gave some intriguing glimpses of what Blair’s leadership was like; in particular some of the details about the lead up to the Iraq War were extraordinary.
I must say that although I detest her politics, it was refreshing to hear an interview where the interviewee was allowed to fully answer the questions they were asked; without needless interruptions or interrogative questions put to try and shape the favoured narrative of the interviewer.
It would be marvellous for Nigel Farage to be given such an opportunity, though I shan’t hold my breath waiting for that one.
Oh dear. Country File yesterday didn’t satisfy the diversity quotas. It was from Kent Agricultural Show and it was all hideously white (apart from Anita Rani the presenter, of course). I think we did manage one close up of somebody almost black but the crowds had obviously not read the Beeb’s diversity manual – and heads will probably roll on the production team for allowing the whole programme to come from such an event.
The sad thing is that the Beeb’s efforts are so obvious. The fact that Mishal Hussein was hailed as a successful appointment on the Today programme for being a female Muslim, that Anita Rani is the new Country File presenter (black female), that the endless appointments on local news are with rare exceptions black females and white male sports reporters must have been forbidden. It would be delightful to think that all these people were appointed on merit but the Beeb’s publicity (eg Lord Hall re Mishal) demeans the appointment.
Such is the positive affirmation policy at the BBC, I now take all appointments of non-White personnel as non-merit appointments. It is unfortunate, but it forces one to view these people as below-par, and not worth listening to.
You’re quite correct NCBBC, there is a black, female news reader on Look North who often does the Saturday late afternoon shift. There is no way, if she had been white (or even worse white and male!) that she would have been given the job. She is truly dire; which is saying something if you’ve ever watched Look North and seen the standard of most of its reporters and news anchors.
Which , Look North , Leeds or Newcastle ? We can all have a look at this injustice too .
Look North Leeds. I’ve had the misfortune to see this young lady trying to read an autocue – it’s painful to watch.. It’s obvious she wasn’t employed on merit, she’s terrible.
Guess what arrived in my inbox this week?
Dear Old Timer, Renew your TV Licence now, then sit back and enjoy a year’s worth of TV.
They go on to say… “Please note that it’s TV Licensing’s policy to visit some addresses to check that the occupants don’t need a TV Licence. This is because when we visit and make contact, we find almost one in five people that tell us they don’t need a TV Licence actually do need one. If we find that you’re watching TV illegally you could risk prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000″.
This is the unique way the BBC is funded…… BY COERCION. “Coercion is the practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner by use of intimidation or threats or some other form of pressure or force”.
In other words….. We know where you live, so pay up, or we’ll get you, and bankrupt you, and send you to prison.
Let’s be clear; If you do not earn enough to pay income tax you don’t need to. If you don’t earn enough to pay the TV tax you go to jail.
The BBC is without conscience. They lock up men and women, especially women, if they do not pay for the BBC output of “So Called” Entertainment and “News” that they may not want or watch. Then who suffers? Children, young innocent children. The children may end up in “so called” care, and we know what happens to thousands of children in care. Do the BBC or their million pound employees send money to help the children that are in care because of their greed. NO. They rely on the public with the Children in Need Show. So we pay again.
The BBC is no better than the Mafia.
Old Timer, Mafia ?
Surely you mean the Gestapo.
Quotes from them ………”Watching TV without a valid licence is a criminal offence. This can lead to prosecution, a court appearance and a fine of up to £1,000 (not including legal costs). ”
“We have various ways of checking if you’re covered by a valid licence or not.”
Along with AlBaba TV, you can take a bet that they will be viewing this site from time to time
“We have various ways of checking if you’re covered by a valid licence or not.”
There is an absolutely vital difference between them knowing whether you HAVE ” a valid licence” and whether (legally) you NEED TO HAVE “a valid licence”.
Capitals for emphasis, not shouting.
You could try a referral to the Police under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. The Act provides:
‘ “A person must not pursue a course of conduct
“(a) which amounts to harassment of another, and
“(b) which he knows or ought to know amounts to harassment of the other.” ‘
Wiki has more information on the Act if needed. I reckon the combination of e-mails and letters with the possible addition of a visit amounts to a breach but am not a qualified lawyer and am also well removed in years from the little study & examination that I had to do on the subject.
Comments anyone?
Might be fun to see the Beeb or Capita up before the Beak for a change.
As the law stands, Capita/BBC/TVL have a valid legal defence that they are detecting a crime, but this is a big reason why the BBC opposes decriminalisation of license fee evasion – their harassment and threatening letters would have to stop.
Information on how to stop the letters and any potential visits from TVL is available on this site
Pity more people aren’t familiar with it and empowering themselves.
Wishing Mr. (I wonder how the BBc knows this) Hemmings well in his efforts.
“We are assuming that the complaints to which you refer pertain to BBC Local Radio output. The information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.”
Standard BBC reply, yet the more they fob people off with this, the less they are trusted. Such is their arrogance and hubris, they don’t recognise this.
BBC World Service has 2 quest commentators on the early Sunday morning news programme. Yesterday that was BBC’s go to gal for all things race’n’left, Bonnie Greer & an Al-Jazeera correspondent. Both of them agreed that the authorities were right to demand the removal of a banner from outside a Scottish chippy. The banner was a blue plaque stand in marking the origin of the deep fried mars bar. These 2 wanted the banner down because banners promote obesity.
Greer however, perhaps trying to be less authoritarian, had a Marie Antoinette moment. She thought that folk could still be guided to this important site by its inclusion in an app. Perhaps poor folk can avoid obesity by spending their dinner money on a smartphone.
In its continuing quest to inform the public of the travel arrangements of foreign heads of state, the BBC advises that someone called Obama has travelled to Ethiopia.
They have allowed comments. Not for long, I’d suggest, as the adoring public don’t seem too enamoured. For instance, the second-highest rated:
“34. Posted by Soothseeker
People who complain about BBC’s saturation coverage of Obama clearly don’t understand the political agenda of BBC’s News editors. For them, Obama ticks all their ideological boxes:
He’s a Democrat
He’s black
He visits Africa
He dislikes the UK.
He wants the UK to stay in the EU.
Perfect for awed reverence, fawning journalism, and blanket coverage. We can expect a lot more of the same.”
And the top-rated seems to have struck a nerve:
“22. Posted by ByeByeLefties
This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain“
The number of removals and referrals on that thread has reached epidemic proportions. So much so that I posted earlier:
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules
Just thought I’d save everyone the time.
It’s been “referred”, along with the moderators’ sense of humour.
Before it too gets banned, I will share:
“330. Posted by Andy
So, I have to pay a licence fee so that the BBC can tell the Americans where their president is on a daily basis because….?“
The adoring public for whom the BBC assures all they speak do mess with the narrative, don’t they?
And that’s during work hours.
Imagine if any currently not within easy access of a daytime PC/connection got home to chip in?
Be interesting to see how long this one lasts…. oh, dear… just checked and it’s… toast already.
FIRST – 1. Posted by DaveM
6 hours ago
LAST – 338. Posted by thor
14 minutes ago
They are getting rather predictable, but it does amaze that they even open these things up.
Is it possible they really have no clue that what causes warm fuzzies in a WIA nether region may not inspire the rest of the country?
15:25: This entry is now closed for comments.
It’s closed. So, unless you’re like me and misusing office equipment, the BBC doesn’t want to hear from the working public.
Pipped! You win:)
Some are acquiring quite the collection of ‘we have no policy of when we close threads (but if it goes South plugs get pulled from on high)’ responses from CECUTT, I hear.
They must surely be squirming just a tad by now at being shown to be lying through their rotten, exempted, unaccountable teeth on a daily basis.
Just checked back to see if it has re-opened (they do pull this stunt too). No, still closed.
Have to say the final page is pretty unique (well, not for the BBC):
338. Posted by thor
1 hour ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
Comment number 337. Posted by Addicks maximus
1 hour ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
Comment number 336. Posted by FishOnTwoWheels
1 hour ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
Comment number 335. Posted by Fishermans_Enemy
1 hour ago
This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain
Comment number 334. Posted by seemskerfuddled
1 hour ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
Comment number 333. Posted by Jeremy Sockit
1 hour ago
This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain
Comment number 332. Posted by hawklord
1 hour ago
Another day if his presidency wasted, mind you he can’t do anything back in the USA either.
So might as well go to Africa and visit some TPLAN’s as Jim Hacker called them.
After this a few days on the golf course may be required so as to rest from these heavy political sessions.
Comment number 331. Posted by JonH
1 hour ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
Comment number 330. Posted by Andy
1 hour ago
So, I have to pay a licence fee so that the BBC can tell the Americans where their president is on a daily basis because….?
Comment number 329. Posted by Addicks maximus
1 hour ago
This comment was removed because it broke the house rules. Explain
The comments against that article provided one of the most enjoyable reads in a long time. Even someone as thick as a BBC journo-moderator must realise they are out of step with genuine public opinion. Then again…
Looks like I missed the opportunity for a bit of immortality there, the only Post among the referred & removed.
Have had a couple removed recently & where I’ve been quick enough have just changed the order of the sentences on one occasion and toned down ‘the knife in the Beeb ribs’ on the other and the replacements survived.
Funny old game.
Easy time given to the universities spokeswoman this morning about the benefits of being in the EU .
No questions asked whether we might as well give the universities the money direct rather than some of it siphoned off via the EU .
Another question that should have been asked was ;
Are you saying that if other EU countries universities were pooling resources to find the cure for cancer , for example , they wouldn’t allow input from British universities because we would not be in the EU ?
They even tried the line that UK retirees living in France and Spain would face deputation if the country regained it’s freedom .
Why do they claim that? I assume that Spain must have expelled all its residents from outside the EU like from Africa, the Middle East or even the United States.
Nope, didn’t think they had – we can therefore assume that yet another EUphile is lying through his/her back-teeth.
When contemplating important world issues, especially those likely to have a significant impact on the UK, I often try and make sense of them by wondering what Owen Jones would think. How fortunate then that the BBC has him on speed-dial making him available at a moments notice to give us all the benefit of his wisdom. Today he helped me see through the complex issue that is the referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU.
There is no topic that resides outwith the broad spectrum of Master Jones’ seemingly infinite wisdom making him the ideal first port of call for the BBC.
Yes, the young chappie has a truly awesome grasp on events and all the issues of the day. No wonder he is now in the top 1% of paid workers, his brilliance astounds.
I think we should ask him to reflect on our concerns for us, right here on this forum. He could be so helpful, I’m sure I would be less confused and happier.
I did try putting my head in the oven, but it was electric and just burned my ears.
My less angry ‘friend’ UKIP Haiku, wrote a haiku about Owen Jones in his ‘Guardianistas’ series:
Guardianista #1 “OJ”
Marxist Owen Jones,
Aged Thirty Three and Two Thirds,
Writes fantasy pulp.
The BBC wants to sell you the programmes you have already paid for.
I didn’t pay the first time round. so I won’t be paying again…
Where’s Pounce ??
Haven’t heard from him for a while !
I miss Bunny
Bugs Bunny, The one with the infatuation for Nigel Farage ?
And George R?
What happened to Martin ?
I hear from the BBC that those nasty Tories are at it again … or at least their supporters are.
On Five Live this morning there was a lot of hand wringing, claiming that #Toriesforcorbyn were infiltrating the Labour leadership election for their own ends.
It was only on the third reading of the story that the BBC, seemingly as a footnote, mentioned that there might also be some from the hard left that were signing up to back their new white (well, red) hope.
There are plenty on the far and extreme left actively backing Corbyn; TUSC and SWP types (Gameshow greeted the old TUSCer, Dave Nellist like a long lost friend this morning, the sort of welcome he usually reserves for his SWP mate, Charlie Kimber) and the BBC’s favourite ultra leftie luvvie, Maxine Peake – her of the ‘gritty (clichéd ) left wing BBC dramas’ like ‘The Village’.
The BBC don’t seem to want to share that with us.
Dave Nellist?!?!?! Now there’s a blast from the past. You mean he’s still alive?
If it was his brother Piers Corbyn I’d pay my £3 and vote for him.
Look at this revealing quote I took from the last section in this article:
“Perhaps they are seeking what Mr Cameron said was needed to deter radicalisation – a sense of “belonging”. A sense of being somewhere where young people feel confident that they will fit in and where they will be safe in their identity.”
Here’s the full text of the article – pay particular attention to the last section ‘Muslim schools’:
This quote and the section ‘Muslim schools’ could easily be interpreted as an apologist perspective espousing self-imposed Muslim segregation. But how hypocritical is this stance from the BBC in light of calls for British to do more to integrate? It would seem apparent from some views within the BBC and others on the Left that Muslims and ethnic minorities are now seemingly exempt from having to integrate; in other words it is up to us to integrate with them. Does this sense of ‘belonging’ not apply to those English whose communities have been destroyed by immigration?
Is that the same David Cameron who said this in the BBC’S newspaper:
“Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around” ( see
Just asking.
So as well as being a minority in my own neighbourhood, you want me to learn to speak bloody Urdu as well?
Cameron said that Muslim Extremists are the same as the BNP. How does he justify that comparison?
Does the BBC think the same?
How many people have the BNP killed ?
None, but Cameron has killed a lot of Muslims, but sadly, only those in Libya, Afghanistan, the Iraq bit of Islamic State and his secretly imbedded agents in the Syrian bit of Islamic State. Not Bradford or Leicester. But now, not for the first time, Cameron has found himself thinking that it is upper class twits from Eton who need to integrate more with the Islamic way of life, not the other way around. So Cameron seems to be having schizophrenic thoughts about converting to Islam.
I’m sure that the BBC must have given huge prominence to the downside of the “Living Wage” every time that Labour mentioned it. It’s just that no such occurences spring to mind.
However, once the Tories effectively bring it in, a warning by the Home Care market can suddenly become the main story on the BBC’s main page.
Exactly! Well spotted. The BBC are now in political opposition along with the Labour Party.
What was a good idea when Labour supported it, is now a bad idea because the Tories enact it.
Oh, the honour and integrity of both Labour and the BBC…..!!
What’s the chances of this being reported on Al-beeb?
Thanks for posting:
An extract:
“According to the Le Monde poll, carried out with marketing firm IFOP, 68 per cent of French and 75 per cent of Germans believe Muslims are ‘not well integrated into society”
Imagine the world reaction if five white Christian teenage girls had beaten up a muslim woman for wearing a burka. Instant victimhood.
The photos in this article tell us what the BBC refuse to discuss in any depth: that uncontrolled immigration is behind the explosive birth rates in this country that are putting so much strain on our forlorn public services…
Thanks for posting the link.
This quote shows that the population exploded after the 1990’s when birth rates were low or falling:-
“The rise follows years of falling rolls due to low birth rates in the 1990s”
What happened in 1997? Blair won the GE and opened the doors to immigration. Sorry, migration…
Most of the existing problems in the UK were caused by Blair, Brown and the BBC. (Not just unrestricted immigration and BBC support).
No, don’t understand this. It’s a report about the population explosion in Britain but they’ve illustrated it with photos taken at a school in the West Indies or South Africa? Can someone please explain?
Wonderful Own Goal by the BBC.
Oh the joys of diversity, the enrichment! the vibrancy!
Ever heard of this?
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
Because it’s shut the A&E department at Manchesters most central hospital.
The BBC has done a piece on this, as it appeared to only affect Saudi, but it was a World service broadcast and not broadcast here in the UK
“Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus virus or MERS has claimed four more victims, making the global total of deaths to over thirty, most of them in Saudi Arabia. This new virus, spreads from person to person, and seems to be more deadly than SARS. Research published this week looking at its genetics sheds light on where it might have come from. The thinking is it is sporadically transmitting from animals to humans.”
So a new virus which would spread like wildfire in a place where human beings were in close proximity like – Mecca perhaps?
If this did turn out to be the case, what do readers think the chances of our appeasing government banning travel for all our safety would be?
Absolutely none, because the rights of Muslims over rides the rights of all the rest of us, even the right to life.
Inform Entertain Educate ? seems that only those overseas got to be educated !
Covered on North West sort of they did say it’s normally connected with people in proximity to camels. Also the muslim burial ground in the Ribble valley
On the program the interviewed spokesperson brings up rascist comments on social media. Who would have thought that would have come up in the interview?
Thank God we have an ‘International’ Health Service?
Successive governments have been under pressure with a shortage of beds and places in hospitals and A and E and they have not attended to the ‘Elephant in the room’, none more so than the present incumbent government. Something AliBaba TV does not mention or highlight.
I thought I’d gone to sleep and woken in the morning but travelled back in time as well. 19:00 and it’s Matt Allwright (allwright at the front, allwright at the back) with cheapo “Housing enforcers”. Already shown in the mornings obviously such a towering TV event it’s moved to the evening. Gabba gabba we accept you one of us.
“Sorry I haven’t a Clue” just finished and I caught the 7.00pm news. Item about Lord Sewell – “The senior peer…..”. Now why do I think that in other circumstances it WOULD be “The senior Conservative peer….”
You mean as in Andrew Marr circumstances?
That is because he is in fact a cross bench peer who although being a Labour party member and an ex MP he has not taken the Labour whip in the Lords.
It would be incorrect to call him a Labour peer.
If you do a quick google search with his name and cross bench you will find almost all the mainstream media referring to him this way.
In simply calling him a ‘peer’ the BBC has caused a deal of confusion, which could have easily been avoided by clarifying that he is in fact a cross bencher, as every other serious media outlet has.
Strange, that kind of hair-splitting didn’t stop the BBC headlining the independent MEP convicted of expenses fraud as a “UKIP MEP jailed for £500M fraud”. (the headline was subsequently changed after the damage was done). I wonder why? Surely it couldn’t be that our impartial state broadcaster is biased against UKIP and in favour of Labour? Surely not.
And he never even sat as a UKIP MEP, unlike Sewer who did sit as a Labour peer.
How about using the more accurate description of ‘former Liebore M P and appointee in Bliar’s govinmint??
Thought not.
Racist Gang attack on a singleton white guy in London. Sorry, BBC, I must have missed this on your Good Morning/AM programme.
Has there been wall to wall coverage of this attack, after all, “White lives matter”, obviously not enough for the British Broadcasting Corporation.
I doubt if the guy’s mother will be elevated to the House of Lords.
Not a hate crime, not a race crime, just an attack by men. A token request for witnesses and the cops can return to monitoring Twitter for anything deemed Islamophobic.
Interesting to hear American pollster Frank Luntz on Fox’s Media Buzz yesterday. He told them he thought the BBC ideological. No more invites to conduct those popularity polls from Newsnight methinks. Oh for a programme like Media Buzz over here. They absolutely slaughter the mainstream media in the US.
Bill Turnbull says the C word
Just watching the story on the News at Ten regarding people traffickers and the girls & women driven round the country to be abused by groups of men. Very coy when it came to telling us anything about the “men” carrying out this abuse, but we can all have a good guess.
I am really posting about my local news. But before I do, Mr Burnham was in my area, and Peter Levy on the local news spent several minutes interviewing him. It was a fairly easy interview but I couldn’t help but admire Mr Burnham’s blue eye shadow.
But before the Labour Party political broadcast we had a long item about research being done on rising sea levels due to climate change and it was explained how difficult it is to forecast 40 or 50 years hence. No mention of the near frosts forecast for a couple of days time. I am afraid at just thought about all these people wasting their time. It is amazing how many times climate change and rising sea levels can be said in one piece, just to reinforce the message.
I don’t think it’s a case of rising sea levels – more a case of the land sinking under the weight of immigrants.
“…It is amazing how many times climate change and rising sea levels can be said in one piece, just to reinforce the message.”
It’s true. But then when you consider that words like ‘climate change’ are as meaningful (when used by eco-zealots) as words like ‘fairy’, ‘rainbow’ and ‘unicorn’ then you begin to understand why that say them.
They’re magic words. They don’t mean anything. They’re just short-hand for all the things they really mean – like Agenda 21 and the political project behind the invention of ‘climate change’ as a mechanism for societal change on a global scale.
They’re talking nonsense and they know it (because the science is against them), but they’ll keep saying it because nobody in the msm – and definitely not in the BBC – will ever ask them to explain themselves.
I see the Great “British” Bake-off contestants have been announced. As per standard BBC practice less than half are recognisably British and one of those is a ‘child welfare officer’ from Bradford so must surely qualify as an honourary foreigner.
I see what you mean, no Chinese of course, in the BBC world they don’t exist. Those who squeal the loudest gets the most attention. Shouldn’t it be the Great Foreign Bake Off?
I’m detecting quite a pro-EU flavor in this year’s line up: with the pretty Lithuania and the Granny who moved to Paris 30 yrs ago. No doubt they’ll ratchet up the head-bag quotient once the EU referendum is out of the way.
Have never watched this mind numbing dross, but Mrs G has, but already after seeing the oft repeated crass trailer for the show she has already made up her mind not to watch.
This programming is typical of the complete lack of imagination of the bBC, they get a lukewarm idea for a show, maybe the first series is OK then they peddle it to death, Dragons Den, The Apprentice, Come Dancing, Masterchef etc, not to mention the celeb and Children In Need editions as well.
It wouldn’t be so bad but its our money paying for such sh1t. ‘New’ Top Gear will prove to be yet another program that has jumped the shark, and will still be on air in 2020 because of the ‘unique way the bBC is funded’
It would appear that a huge percentage of the viewing public have suffered a frontal lobotomy to keep consuming this drivel.
People are not watching. I suspect the viewing figures are massaged .
The shows you mention must rate as some of the worst rubbish of all time including East Enders and DR Who and Sherlock and the rest of it.
The BBC has lost it and knows it.
”OK then they peddle it to death, Dragons Den, The Apprentice, Come Dancing, Masterchef etc.” You missed out ”The Best British Sewer” competition !!
I have just seen the line-up in the Mail.
I notice that the one in the hijab (natch!) is described as a full time mother – I thought they all were.
I loved this reader’s comment –
Neil, Leicester, United Kingdom, 2 minutes ago
“Ends in off. Doesn’t begin with bake!”
Beyond BBC editorial integrity, the subject of BBC Complaints to answer when this fails often comes up.
The outcome of this may be sadly predictable, but still interesting:
She has marshalled quite the factual case, but good luck getting that under the character limit the BBC imposes to ensure they control the attrition to grind any complaint away on their terms.
At the very least there are serious questions of the BBC they need to answer professionally, so it remains to be seen whether they do, or either ignore or retreat behind blather or exemptions they would not allow any they seek to take to task.
Thanks for this link – this is a wonderfully comprehensive article (two, actually) that Ms Mensch has compiled, and it should be seen by as many people as possible.
I complained to the BBC as advised within the article. I hadn’t realised just how corralled you are in this process, how you are required to literally ‘submit’ to their organisational view of things, simply in contacting them, at least via the browser interface.
Anyway, I included the link back to her article and said I wholly concurred with what it stated, as must many others.. I must say, after doing this, I am not expecting much – I am even a little apprehensive of being criticised by them for being unreasonable and unhelpful in complaining at all!
It is one thing to ‘talk among friends’ but it is a little different to stick your neck out with a giant corporation that routinely bends the truth to defend both its own interests and the interests of those with whom it is sunken deep in Faustian pacts. A bit like saying Boo! to the Soviet Union..
You are welcome. And well done for entering the dark labyrinth that is BBC complaints.
However, there is a fly in the ointment I should share, as described here, referencing back to a post here:
Despite the clear factual basis that has highlighted what transpired, and clearly enough to raise concerns with any who believe in accuracy, objectivity and integrity in BBC ‘reporting’, there appears a chance they have yet another unique ‘get out’ on the basis protest is coordinated in some way.
This is of course ridiculous, and sets a precedent that would neuter their news gathering and presentation were the BBC not a bunch of raving hypocrites.
It will be interesting how you and others fare, if shared. I rather suspect that, at best, a BBC dismissal template is being drafted.
Oh dear – I did say in my complaint that I didn’t expect them to hide behind a procedural device..
Does this mean they will dismiss co-ordinated complaints from the likes of UAF, HnH and sundry others?
I’ll keep you posted.
It is interesting to read the comments, of which there is but one in ‘defence’ of the BBC:
professord · 16 Hours Ago
Dear Loiuse – I guess you won’t be happy until you see the BBC abolished so that the competition (you know, the newspapers that hack murdered girl’s phones for profit and largely get away with it) provide the pure truth we all crave.
Rather typically, it makes no attempt to address any of the facts. And if the best they can manage is a weak attempt at trying to invoke the Murdoch bogeyman, they are truly in desperate straits.
BBC News Website.
“Nursing experts fear that shortages could be fuelled in the coming years by retirement among the baby-boomer generation, and limits on the number of skilled workers from outside the EU who are allowed into the UK”.
It’s those age-terrorists again. Taking up resources. No mention of immigration….sorry, migration. Are Elephants in a room very, very small these days?
And what’s a ‘nursing expert’ ?
And I thought the BBC supported foreign nurses? Where would the NHS be without them etc. etc. ?
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them”.
If only we had nurses like them.
Never mind, keep importing people who will in turn also age, needing more imports to nurse them.
Keep borrowing more money to pay the debts on the money we borrowed before.
Blinkered BBC. We see no crisis.
Moral imperative in the weather
A BBC weather forecast this morning bemoans the fact that:
‘temperatures across Scotland’s central belt are 10 to 11 degrees, the average for this time of year SHOULD be 19’
My emphasis highlights the word SHOULD, but the BBC should not have that word there at all – the BBC’s weather forcasters consistently appear to misunderstand the concept of an average and misrepresent fluctuations around the average as some kind of weird phenomenon requiring explanation.
A chilly summer in Scotland – frankly the Scot, Carol Kirkwood, should know better than to think that is an existentially odd event.
Firstly there’s the problem that modern BBC weather forecasters emphasise temperatures far more than they used to – they once understood that hours of sunshine or cloud cover were the factors important to the public.
Compounding this temperature obsession, again and again the forecaster introduces the comparison with average in a way which introduces the thought that deviation from average is highly unusual.
As if that were not bad enough, often in comes the moral imperative the forecaster almost invoking Immanuel Kant to tell us what the temperature ‘ought to be’.
AsISeeIt, I have been warning the members of this forum for quite some time now, that the Met Office, in their transmissions through the BBC have been using “strange language” when it comes to the weather forecast bulletins. The met Office are fully aware that the so called “Global Warming” temperatures are not so warming after all, and considering ‘they’ have promoted the notion of “global warming” so heavily in the past, are now doing whatever they can by hiding the actual decline in temperatures (at least here in the U.K.) by what ever measures they see fit. The simplest method is to use a deflective language such as “chilly” when it is close to freezing or “wintriness” when you are deep in the white stuff in the middle of summer. Like I have recently said, on average this July across the U.K. is approx’ 4 degrees cooler than the average. “Global Warming” but not as we know it Jim. I can’t wait to hear how they will disguise the “frostiness” that we in the U.K. are about to get. And if you think you might be safe from them in the South (of Birmingham) don’t count your chickens. Those summer BBQ’s will be lit to keep us all warm when we sit in our gardens on a barmy summer evening trying to chip the ice off our burgers.
I heard a weather expert say , that this year the North Atlantic was a few degrees cooler this July . This will play havoc with the BBC narrative , that NW Passage will be `ice free`in the summer from now on . Lies ,Lies all the time .
Separated at birth?
Alastair Leithead and Giles Fraser.
So who is this bBC presenter ‘Catherine’ that Sewel proports to have had sex with before appearing together on TV?
Once again the perversion of our elites once again beats a trail to the bBC, not to mention Labour connections….
Perhaps it was a Channel 4 person…
Two interesting articles here, one from the left admits how very bad the left are at electoral politics and the second from the right warns how very clever the left are at still getting their own way.
‘At a recent Gay Pride march, Burnham wore a T-shirt proclaiming that he’d “never kissed a Tory”. Well, if he wants to win the next election he’s going to have to do a bit more than kiss some Tories. He’s going to have to convince them to vote Labour’
‘…adoption by the Tories [measures on the environment, gender and homosexual rights] show not only the huge success the Metropolitan Liberal-Left have had at driving the political agenda, largely through establishing dominant media narratives, but also that it is sometimes easier to get your supposed enemies rather than your friends to implement your desires.’
The need for the right to somehow reform the BBC into honestly reflecting majority conservative views is obvious.
Mo Farah has never – as I am repeatedly told, taken any kind of performance enhancing drugs. BBC poster boy of Somalian honesty and integrity.
Froome however is not getting the same pass from these BBC c*unts – wonder why?
Does Khat count?
It’s bias against the African.
More likely the Beeb’s innuendo against Froome is because he was part of Sky’s cycling team ( and therefore associated with that devil Murdoch).
Today we are allowed to talk about:
Undercover policing inquiry: Why it matters
What’s putting the brakes on driverless cars?
Plese feel free to add your tuppence worth, keeping within the House Rules, of course. Both said and unsaid Rules.
You can also comment on this FaceBook post:
BBC Pop Up
Filming around Nairobi on matatus, which are graffiti-covered Kenyan minibuses with very intense sound systems.
Thing is, despite being up for a while, no one has. It has attracted almost double digit likes, though.
Which really justifies the UK licence fee payer flying a group of BBC young things to giggle round Africa when ratings don’t matter.
Interestingly, these two are still open for business.
Now I wonder what has seen them remain free to comment upon when certain topics usually see the BBC pulling the plug in the middle of the afternoon?
When the truth begins to hurt they “pull the plug”.
So we have a gang of “Asian” men from East London in an unprovoked assault on an innocent man.
The Mail tells us;
As does the Telegraph;
But no mention on the BBC website. Strange that no?
I mean we do have;
“Police may not attend burglaries” (boo to the Police) and
“What drives women to terrorist acts” (must be oppressed right?) and
“The message from America” (with a lovely picture of Hilary Clinton alongside) and even
“San Francisco tries anti pee paint” (Eh?)
But no mention of the gang attack – how peculiar?
Then again, perhaps reporting it might not be so good for community cohesion innit?
… and this nugget.
‘Trojan Horse’ school Park View denies staff claims
even has a picture of Tahir Alam remember him (shakes head).
What claims? yep! … that ll be the ones that the BBC totally ignored, failed to report … before falling over themselves to report this erm … denial.
The BBC has form on this issue, but even they had to report this
‘Disturbing’ findings from Trojan horse inquiry – BBC
how about this
“great deal that is true,
some of which had not previously been in the public domain”
Peter Clarke on the authenticity of the Trojan horse letter
After spending the past five and a half years Camoron, and the rest of his inept No10 traitors to our nation, have been systematically turning London into the money laundering capital of the world,
So that now we have.
Tax amnesties turn HMRC into ‘biggest money-laundering operation in history’ 2011 … more?
London’s Laundry Business – The New York Times
London property boom built on dirty money – The Independent
‘Britain awash with dirty money,’ says anti-corruption think tank
London has become the money laundering capital of the world with City firms helping corrupt officials and criminals from across the globe hide trillions of dollars of their ill-gotten gains, according to one of Russia s most prominent businessmen
BBC this morning, reports that Camoron, the erm … “global statesman” (shakes head) … in Hong Kong 😀 no less
has some thoughts, has concerns about some, “dirty money” in the capital.
“global statesman” ROFL …
Noggin the Nog , this has been going on for years , especially under the Blair /Brown Junta .I guess you expected Nigel Farage or Comrade Corbyn to stop it , they would be getting their cut too .
Why does it surprise you? Cameron is in love with money and its acquisition, to the extent he would sell not only his kids but everyone else’s if the price was right, and for Cameron, the love of money means that price is not very high.
Someone with boundless greed is an easy target for corruption and open to bribery. I wonder just how much Cameron’s price has been for the Islamisation of the UK.
Time will tell.
Turned on the telly and inadvertently found myself watching the VD show on BBC2 for a moment. The news item she was reporting on was yet another use of Operation Stack as a result of “Migrant activity” having closed the Euro Tunnel. VD was not happy about the use of the weasel words “migrant activity” saying they were “impersonal”.
She and I might agree “migrant activity” does not do what is happening in Calais justice; but I am certain that she and I would not agree on what should replace them.
Difficult to believe this programme is still on the air.
Said to the Doc today told him I had a bad case of VD,what should I do?.
He replied ” Turn it Off then my dear Chap,and go for a walk”.
Asked about VD he said she should go for a walk too, over a cliff i think he said.
“..please explain how the BBC arrived at the decision that not reporting on Rona Fairhead’s attendance at the secretive Bilderberg meeting… during your coverage of the event was in the UK public interest?”
The information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and will not be doing so on this occasion.”
Anyone not keen on answering BBC investigative questions please note. Doesn’t look good, mind.
And more popcorn ordered…
I think there is a case for having a permanent item on this site, near the top, where people can record every single complaint they have made which receives this reply.
Not a comment or discussion thread, just a documentation listing so that the item ‘response count’ is a count of the complaints rejected in this procedural, rather than honest, way.
Funny you should say that. Some others have had the same idea.
The BBC really doesn’t like the spotlight. Especially when reflected by a mirror.
Often their own words can be the most damning of all.
I love a bit of fatso Coren on a Monday …
VC: What about Daddy Warbucks?
Team: Little Orphan Annie.
VC: That’s right, Little Orphan Annie, the film Annie, he appears as a character but in the cartoon strip he was killed off by the creator Harold Grey in protest at Roosevelt’s New Deal … he sounds like a nice guy … and then when Roosevelt died, in celebration, he brought Daddy Warbucks back again.
Now, I must admit I don’t know an awful lot about The New Deal or Daddy Warbucks but I do know that, ‘he sounds like a nice guy’, is the opinion of the presenter who has never met him. It’s perfectly acceptable for people to disagree with the New Deal (I probably would have supported it if I’d been around at the time) but in BBC la la land, it’s not.
Weeble Coren has form for this too … she’s made comments about Russia and Putin before. Just tell us the fucking questions and answers and leave it at that. I couldn’t give a shit what you think about things.
Another annoying Guardian columnist come Beeboid regular, much like hubby Mitchell.
To me she typify s everything that I hate about today’s type of bBC employee, smug, lacking in empathy, devoid of what life is like for most outside of their Hampstead bubble and butt ugly to boot…
Nice tits though. She’s just a female version of Mitchell … it’s no wonder they’re married as they’re ideally suited to one another … almost like brother and sister. Imagine them at the breakfast table trying to be really clever and talking over one another. Expect a really weird child.
Jezza vine today-im speechless. Should we be offering black Americans asylum here?!? Should lord sewell resign, because after all tory lord archer didn’t, etc etc.
Well at least Vine inadvertently implies that Sewel is not a Tory !
Archer however did go to jail, and wasn’t responsible for enforcing ethical standards in the Lords. Perhaps Janner is a better comparison?
I’ve posted here before about Vine’s nonsense – complete numpty.
I too heard the Vine show and was shocked by it’s content. The part I heard was about giving “black and brown” people from the USA asylum in the UK to stop them being murdered and persecuted by white people.
Vine left objectivity at the door by telling the story of an unarmed black man shot dead by a white policeman. The two guests and the callers were pro black and vehemently anti white.
Google, if you need to, the US statistics on black on black and black on white crimes of violence in the states.
Meanwhile in London, a man gets attacked by a gang of Asians for no other reason apparently other than his race and the BBC does not feel the need to report the facts.
The BBC charter does not have to be reviewed, it needs to be got rid of along with its marxist management and so called ‘ celebrities.
They could always seek asylum in Liberia, which was created for that very purpose. But for some reason these ‘African-Americans’ don’t seem to find the idea of moving back their ‘ancestral homelands’ very appealing. I wonder why not.
Tell a lie often enough and some idiot will believe! This particular idiot hadn’t even been to the USA because he was ‘scared of being killed’, so presumably we have the BBC to thank for his ‘education’.
I can see why the BBC like the idea though, 40 million non-whites, that should give a good audience for Radio 1Extra! Mind, if they are anything like the good township folk in South Africa they will have a devil of a job getting them to pay for it under the new charter settlement!
I heard this too & thought I had been transported to a `Parallel Universe`. Where do they find these fucking people? However during the Evil Blair /Brown Junta , I spent a lot of time visiting the USA . At the time I thought of applying for Political Asylum in the USA too .
‘Labour kept very quiet about it at the time’
What was odd (no, not really) was who else suddenly went dark on it all too.
In a trusted and transparent manner of course.
This week on the TV Licensing Blog:
– The BBC’s revenue generation bullies threaten residential boat owners.
Something I’ve often wondered, do they actively pursue ‘travelers’ ? They always seem to have an aerial or dish stuck on their caravan roof, or are they exempt as they are not only a minority but also somewhat ‘guarded’ when allowing access to their property….
Will the BBC not campaign for this child who is clearly being radicalised by extremists linked to terrorism. Do his parents know?
I refuse to ‘like’ this post as I cannot stand the horrid little Marxist snot stain…..sorry.
He seems to be coping poorly in defending himself, moving from denial he said something to excuses as to why he said it.
Classic BBC SOP.
Compare and contrast:
Israeli High Court approves clearance of Palestinian shanty town the legality of whose construction is questionable, Yolande Knell’s on the case, onions at the ready:
Supreme Court orders the demolition of illegally built structures in Jewish West Bank settlement of Beit El, Israeli police encouter rather robust resistance, none of the BBC’s overmanned Middle East Bureau in sight:
As Jon Snow/Donniston would put it: ‘Says it all.’