Is anyone else missing Scotty, Dez, Bunny Boiler and The Man With The Clap On The Omnibus? It just doesn’t seem the same somehow. There’s nobody to take the piss out of anymore.
I agree, although I did resent their grandstanding which often simply derailed threads, of course.
Perhaps the BBC could be invited to ‘officially’ join in? Send them a ready-made ‘DezScoBunClap’ id and say, ‘Come on, have a go, give us a view from the Pit! We miss you, honest..’
Of course, it might be that ‘DezScoBunClap’, although plainly acting for the BBC, aren’t actually on the payroll – in that case, maybe the invitation could be cc’d to the mailboxes of all those other cognates and stand-ins too..
BBC Radio 4 are now pushing House of Lords reform – this is something we should all resist in my opinion.
If politicians want it, then they have to have an ulterior motive, and anyone who trusts a politician or party without looking for these hidden motives is a fool.
Here are the disadvantages of an elected house as I see them.
Party whipping.
Members would be forced to vote government business through on the nod, or alternatively oppose it. The consequence would be a house that either rubber stamps or blocks. There is little point in such a house, we might as well just rely on the House of Commons and save the expense.
Loss of expertise & independence.
Those peers appointed on the basis of position can add an insight to debates which politicos in the Westminster village simply don’t have.
More Politicians !
Because what this country needs is another trough for politicians to get their snouts into!
Party political voting.
Something wrong with hereditary peers? Well lets replace them with some politicos in seats which will ALWAYS vote Labour or Tory etc and no matter how they behave will never vote for anything else. It’s not an election, it’s just the same as an appointment and they will go to the parties most loyal lieutenants.
I cannot think of a worse solution to the House of Lords, than elected house! It should be a chamber of people who are experts in their field, able to give the benefit of their experience to the chamber and to critique Government business.
I believe the BBC supports this, because they see a way to get left wing lunacy onto the statute book without opposition. In their rose tinted blinkered vision, they have not even considered that the Tories might control the upper house, and reject everything !
Assuming a revised House of Lords, structured to your pattern, then I agree with you.
It could and probably should be revised to ‘our’ pattern, that is the one the whole population wants and agrees to. There is no good reason why it should not be entirely non-partisan, with former MPs barred from sitting there.
I am sure the House of Commons would wish to maintain control over the Lords, but it needs to be pointed out that both Houses do not really belong to them at all. They are held in a sacred trust between the Monarch and her subjects and it is now probably a good time for the people to remind their MPs of that fact.
Someone called Tim, I think, from LibDumbs, something like that, was given space to call for reform.
How ‘reforming’ the house will make any difference to members snorting or whoring beats me – the commons is hardly full of saints is it?
Perhaps if the house was made up of people who follow a strict religious code, who pray (prey?) five times a day, who fast and who have full-marks on the Cameronian approval scale then we wouldn’t have this sort of bad behaviour?
One of the most real facts of life and funniest religious clips I ever saw was Marcus Brigstock about 3 Muhammad s – Jewish – Christian and the other one.
Is he still as funny, or has he joined the left Bias now like most of the others on the BBC?
Right-wing and Intelligent BBC Staff are only thought to exist amongst middle aged white male technical staff, but they are obviously looking forward to retirement. In fact the top technical man at the BBC, pushed out by Lord Hall, was known to be a Mensa member. Internally, the BBC’s equality and proportionality policy would inflict most damaging to the technical side of the BBC. And then the BBC would be heavily reliant on outside help from private consultancy firms.
Curfew for halal chicken offensive sticker protester
The old “offence” industry strikes again, ably assisted by the Al BBC.
A man who attached offensive stickers to halal chicken in a supermarket has been given a four-week curfew. Liam Edwards, 29, admitted racially aggravated criminal damage.
Holly Holden, prosecuting, “The point about animal slaughter can be expressed in a different way without suggesting halal and terrorism is linked.”
… but it is, Sally Holden
Britain’s top vet has called for the religious slaughter of animals to be banned
“John Blackwell, president-elect of the British Veterinary Association, said the religious slaughter of poultry, sheep and cattle caused unnecessary suffering to animals.
He said: “The Danish unilateral banning [was done] purely for animal welfare reasons, which is right.”
… caused unnecessary suffering to animals – ie unnecessarily barbaric?. Sally Holden
“29-year-old was arrested by police after being spotted carrying out his one-man protest on the store’s CCTV cameras. He has since branded Britain’s legal system a “joke” and suggested his sentence was disproportionately harsh compared to Islamist hate preachers, who often go unpunished”
Not reading this obviously …
From Bham s Central Mosque
Support Non-Stunned Halal Meat
12 February 2015
Please Support Non-Stunned Halal Meat ,
Please sign this important petition
with its own video
“As Britain rushes to suicide, the black comedy continues:
“He maintained he wasn’t motivated by any racial prejudice he just wanted to highlight the cruelty involved.”
What race is halal meat?
What race is Islam?
Does the fact that most Muslim in Britain today are non-white mean that halal meat is not barbaric and doesn’t fund terrorism?”
R Spencer
bBC Points West making their own headlines tonight, a ten minute headlining report on the shortage of donor organs for BME patients.
What makes this report ‘special’ is that it just happens to be Points West very own presenter Sabet Choudry that the report revolves around, giving one of his own kidneys to his mother.
Of course its a wonderful gift to give and very noble, but one can’t help think that there are thousands suffering in silence waiting for transplants, not lucky enough to have their plight highlighted by the bBC.
Apparently there is a full documentary on the subject Thursday.
As if to rub our noses in even more diversity, the 2nd story is of the murder of a pregnant Somalian immigrant in Bristol and the 4th story, a local Muslim and former government advisor appearing in court on multiple charges including rape….
The interest in this story is, as always, in the presentation. The issue as told was that there was a ‘shortage of organs for the BAME population’, ie an issue of victimhood.
It could easily have been presented from the other side, ie a ‘shortage of organs FROM the BAME population’.
Not victimhood, really, or at least not discrimination, whether deliberate or inadvertent..
Was his Mum passported in? Does she live on her own, perhaps the recipient of HB as so many elderly Asians seem to be according to a recent Migration watch study?
I guess the route is son/daughter get permission for parents/s to come to UK based on needing no state support, son/daughter have more children, family home overcrowded so accommodation provided for aged parents and income/pension support tap turned on.
The production team from “Making History” are going to be in trouble with the BBC management.
This afternoon’s programme started well for them, with a long item about how the Tory cuts are destroying the county councils’ archaeology services. But the last item undid all the good work.
The piece was about the history of Dartmoor, and in particular the construction of stone circles. At the end the interviewer asked the expert how it was that Bronze Age people had been able to farm on such an inhospitable place as Dartmoor. The answer (perfectly correct) was that it had been warmer then than it is now. The expert even used the dread word “Optimum”.
The interviewer had asked the obvious question, but the editor and producer will have some explaining to do as to why the question and answer on it being warmer in the past than it is now were broadcast. Or perhaps next week’s programme will be about the climate problems caused the the Bronze Age SUVs.
For years we were told of the benefits of polyunsaturates, and that frying with oil was better than lard. Now it turns out that it’s the reverse that’s the truth.
How many programs did the BBC run on this back in the day? encouraging people down the wrong path as it now turns out.
I see this as a forerunner to what will happen with global warming / climate change.
A lot of ‘scientists’ made themselves wealthy on the polyunsaturates bandwagon, the same with climate change.
I wonder how long it will be before the BBC comes along with a new meme, and whether they will simply forget the position they have taken, because they certainly seem to have done with saturated fats.
Great ‘British’ Bake off is apparently making a come back as yet more soma for the masses.
Yet take a look at the first publicity shot, where in the interests of political correctness they have placed the rather sheepish Bangladeshi woman centre front, and the black woman immediately to her right !
You wouldn’t mind but in the ‘British’ cake off two of the contestants aren’t even British at all! One is from Paris France, the other from Lithuania.
No surprise the BBC is broadcasting this is there?
I wonder just how China or Japan would deal with these invaders? It is what we pay a government for amongst other things – to keep our borders secure.
These people are not migrants.
This morning (Wednesday) the Today programme reported 1,000 people trying to get to Britain from Calais; the Daily Mail reports 2,000. Who do I believe?
OT a bit. But the doctor asked my mate, Buster, how many pints of beer he drank?
Buster, ‘uhh, I don’t know, about 40′
Doctor shakes head, ’40 pints a week? That’s far too much!’
Buster, ‘A week? I meant 40 pints a night’
We are being invaded by ‘desperate’ terrorists , nothing more, nothing less.
It has been going on for twenty years or more and the French have done nothing about it but to turn a blind eye in the hope that we will take the illegals.
Our Home Secretary has lost control of our borders, she is a complete failure and has put the security of our nation at risk from terrorism. She should resign along with Cameron who promised to reduce immigration. Its a bloody fiasco.
Tory voters should have voted UKIP in the last election – they were too chicken.
The trouble is that if we had voted Ukip we would have got MiniMili acting as glove puppet PM on behalf of cruel Mistress Kranky Sturgeon. Where would that have got us when the centre right don’t have the propensity to strike/riot/violence of the left?
“…Tory voters should have voted UKIP in the last election..”
I think as time goes on and this ‘migrant’ problem develops into a full-blown national emergency (and it will) UKIP will stand alone as possibly the only viable democratic choice for worried voters. None of the other parties seem prepared to do anything more than posture meaninglessly; UKIP might actually have the guts to take action.
If that means sending in the Army to protect the nation’s borders, then so be it. It’s already too late to prevent the damage done internally to the nation (the hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of ‘migrants’ who are already in and here to stay and who will get busy multiplying as fast as possible), but we can at least take meaningful action to halt the influx – but only with a party like UKIP who would, one hopes, have the conviction to actually do something radical to halt the crisis.
A huge part of the problem remains the BBC and, it has to be admitted, most of its fellow-travellers in the msm. These liberal progressives will continue to paint the ‘migrants’ as ‘victims’ in an ever more desperate attempt to keep their dreams of a ‘borderless’ Europe alive, in the face of an overwhelming assault from North African/Middle Eastern immigrants trying to steal their way in, either in the backs of lorries or with the help of an EU passport helpfully passed out like cookies by the Italians, Greeks and French, etc.
The fact that so many of these ‘migrants’ have a clear mission to get to Britain above all else should have been setting alarm bells ringing long ago. What began as a small, containable fire in a back room somewhere now threatens to become a blaze engulfing the whole building…
‘Over 2,000 people tried to get into the terminal on Monday night. ….Speaking in Singapore, the prime minister said Home Secretary Theresa May would chair a meeting of the government’s emergency committee, Cobra’
Gosh, I’m impressed. Cobra meeting, no less. That will mean the hobnobs are locked away and our Downing Street parish council will have to make do with plain digestives as they waffle on and make much ado about nothing.
The clue to Britain’s impotence is here: ‘David Cameron [pledged] that the UK government will do everything it can to combat the crisis.’
And while we’re governed from Brussels, it can do naff all.
These are criminal invaders and that is what they are.
They are only heading for the tunnel because they know they have some chance of getting through. How many have got in here illegally, no one knows? Successive governments have done little about the security of our borders and the French have been happy to let the problem exist at our borders in the hope that we let these invaders in. It is almost as if the French are encouraging the activity.
The British Government will be calling on the French to give these invaders asylum in France, and ‘Bob’s your uncle’, they will have EU Passports and quietly come in without any fuss. The British government will burden British tax payers with the cost of increasing security because Cameron is afraid to upset the French.
Worst of all, we have AliBabaTV, a national TV broadcaster, whose prime objective should be to broadcast in the interested of our nation, pumping out propaganda to brainwash the ‘liberals’ and ‘do gooders’ of Britain that these criminal invaders are ‘desperate’ victims and are only coming here to enrich our ‘multikulti’ way of life.
Can you ‘Conservatives’ imagine all this this happening under Margaret Thatcher or Nigel Farage?
Anybody else noticed how the BBC and SKY with reference to the trials in Iraq of Husseins henchmen refer to the period culminating in his death as a ‘revolution’ now? What happened to the ‘Arab spring’?…Did something go awry with it and the supportive media now want to distance themselves from it….or do I have the mid week ‘cynicals’!
Exploratory digging has unearthed this BBC report on the archeology of early English settlement in America. Tests show it has been carefully edited to comply with Politically Correct phraseology
I see now that Jenson Button is being linked to the ‘new’ Top Gear, I like Jenson, born in the same county, but to link up with Evans and the BBC has to be a bad career move and you can bet he won’t come cheap, current salary = £8m, still its our money…
Also losing Jenson from F1 would mean the only Brit left to cheer on would be bBC darling and ‘fashion icon’ Lewis Hamilton, bye bye F1 for me!
Fedup2Feb 27, 23:13 Midweek 26th February 2025 Stuff – by accident – design – co incidence – whatever – Israel has released a report on the intelligence…
SluffFeb 27, 22:53 Midweek 26th February 2025 The BBC. Biased? Lets take a look BBC review finds ‘serious flaws’ over Gaza documentary The BBC has apologised and…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiFeb 27, 22:28 Midweek 26th February 2025 Is this serious about Zia? His third name doesn’t look too good!
Guest WhoFeb 27, 22:21 Midweek 26th February 2025 Sopes analyses. He’s a tough negotiator. He’s worked really hard. He’s earned whatever the hell he’s paid. Who’d have…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiFeb 27, 22:20 Midweek 26th February 2025 The following game may well be fake but readers will enjoy it: Rachel J. Reeves v Boris V. Spassky, Leeds…
JohnCFeb 27, 22:15 Midweek 26th February 2025 BBC front page headline for the Starmer visit: ‘After a meeting in the White House, Trump calls Starmer a ‘tough…
Fedup2Feb 27, 22:12 Midweek 26th February 2025 This was raised in the Trump / starmer press conference – with a direct reference to the biased Hamas BbC…
Fedup2Feb 27, 22:10 Midweek 26th February 2025 Picture of the year – they always have a clip board or similar … has that creature been fixed yet…
Fedup2Feb 27, 22:09 Midweek 26th February 2025 The last hope lost – I suppose sniffing around Trump has disconnected Farage and Reform from what the white British…
Lucy PevenseyFeb 27, 22:01 Midweek 26th February 2025 Yes Nigel Farage claims that British Muslims are just as concerned, if not more, by the threat of Islamist extremism.…
Is anyone else missing Scotty, Dez, Bunny Boiler and The Man With The Clap On The Omnibus? It just doesn’t seem the same somehow. There’s nobody to take the piss out of anymore.
I agree, debating with Scott and his merry band of trolls is a bit like taking candy off a baby.
I always scrolled down past them without reading their posts, but I miss them!
Deborah……’but I miss them!’ Noooooo, please!
I agree, although I did resent their grandstanding which often simply derailed threads, of course.
Perhaps the BBC could be invited to ‘officially’ join in? Send them a ready-made ‘DezScoBunClap’ id and say, ‘Come on, have a go, give us a view from the Pit! We miss you, honest..’
Of course, it might be that ‘DezScoBunClap’, although plainly acting for the BBC, aren’t actually on the payroll – in that case, maybe the invitation could be cc’d to the mailboxes of all those other cognates and stand-ins too..
Do you think the schools breaking up for their hols might have something to do with it? 😉
I have now considered, separately, the possibility of them being (a) kids, (b) teachers, (c) parents.
I cannot make up my mind which is the most likely (or the most amusing).
BBC Radio 4 are now pushing House of Lords reform – this is something we should all resist in my opinion.
If politicians want it, then they have to have an ulterior motive, and anyone who trusts a politician or party without looking for these hidden motives is a fool.
Here are the disadvantages of an elected house as I see them.
Party whipping.
Members would be forced to vote government business through on the nod, or alternatively oppose it. The consequence would be a house that either rubber stamps or blocks. There is little point in such a house, we might as well just rely on the House of Commons and save the expense.
Loss of expertise & independence.
Those peers appointed on the basis of position can add an insight to debates which politicos in the Westminster village simply don’t have.
More Politicians !
Because what this country needs is another trough for politicians to get their snouts into!
Party political voting.
Something wrong with hereditary peers? Well lets replace them with some politicos in seats which will ALWAYS vote Labour or Tory etc and no matter how they behave will never vote for anything else. It’s not an election, it’s just the same as an appointment and they will go to the parties most loyal lieutenants.
I cannot think of a worse solution to the House of Lords, than elected house! It should be a chamber of people who are experts in their field, able to give the benefit of their experience to the chamber and to critique Government business.
I believe the BBC supports this, because they see a way to get left wing lunacy onto the statute book without opposition. In their rose tinted blinkered vision, they have not even considered that the Tories might control the upper house, and reject everything !
12.6 percent of the newly chosen Lords should be approved by UKIP.
Don`t say that or the BBC & ROP will demand a say too .
Assuming a revised House of Lords, structured to your pattern, then I agree with you.
It could and probably should be revised to ‘our’ pattern, that is the one the whole population wants and agrees to. There is no good reason why it should not be entirely non-partisan, with former MPs barred from sitting there.
I am sure the House of Commons would wish to maintain control over the Lords, but it needs to be pointed out that both Houses do not really belong to them at all. They are held in a sacred trust between the Monarch and her subjects and it is now probably a good time for the people to remind their MPs of that fact.
Someone called Tim, I think, from LibDumbs, something like that, was given space to call for reform.
How ‘reforming’ the house will make any difference to members snorting or whoring beats me – the commons is hardly full of saints is it?
Perhaps if the house was made up of people who follow a strict religious code, who pray (prey?) five times a day, who fast and who have full-marks on the Cameronian approval scale then we wouldn’t have this sort of bad behaviour?
One of the most real facts of life and funniest religious clips I ever saw was Marcus Brigstock about 3 Muhammad s – Jewish – Christian and the other one.
Is he still as funny, or has he joined the left Bias now like most of the others on the BBC?
No, he’s still not funny, at least not in the amusing sense of the word.
I don’t think Scotty and Dez and Clapman et al were interested in a debate. Their purpose was to derail threads and thankfully they’re gone.
Anyway, has anyone found a BBC employee with a right-wing background yet? All the online CVs I’ve read so far have the classic Left-wing backgrounds.
This could be the perpetuating source of Left-wing bias?
Right-wing and Intelligent BBC Staff are only thought to exist amongst middle aged white male technical staff, but they are obviously looking forward to retirement. In fact the top technical man at the BBC, pushed out by Lord Hall, was known to be a Mensa member. Internally, the BBC’s equality and proportionality policy would inflict most damaging to the technical side of the BBC. And then the BBC would be heavily reliant on outside help from private consultancy firms.
Curfew for halal chicken offensive sticker protester
The old “offence” industry strikes again, ably assisted by the Al BBC.
A man who attached offensive stickers to halal chicken in a supermarket has been given a four-week curfew. Liam Edwards, 29, admitted racially aggravated criminal damage.
‘Beware! Halal is barbaric and funds terrorism – #BanHalal”.
Simple re iteration of fact?, it definitely is?, it definitely does?
well no, its causing racially or religiously aggravated criminal damage
… so go on trial at the magistrates’ court on July 23.
Holly Holden, prosecuting, “The point about animal slaughter can be expressed in a different way without suggesting halal and terrorism is linked.”
… but it is, Sally Holden
Britain’s top vet has called for the religious slaughter of animals to be banned
“John Blackwell, president-elect of the British Veterinary Association, said the religious slaughter of poultry, sheep and cattle caused unnecessary suffering to animals.
He said: “The Danish unilateral banning [was done] purely for animal welfare reasons, which is right.”
… caused unnecessary suffering to animals – ie unnecessarily barbaric?. Sally Holden
“29-year-old was arrested by police after being spotted carrying out his one-man protest on the store’s CCTV cameras. He has since branded Britain’s legal system a “joke” and suggested his sentence was disproportionately harsh compared to Islamist hate preachers, who often go unpunished”
… Talking of animals, its a bloody kangaroo court
Where are the highly funded RSPCA and the Animal Rights Protesters ?
Exactly! Where are the Animal Rights Protesters?
In a room called ‘Quandary’, probably.
Not reading this obviously …
From Bham s Central Mosque
Support Non-Stunned Halal Meat
12 February 2015
Please Support Non-Stunned Halal Meat ,
Please sign this important petition
with its own video
Association of Non Stun Abattoirs
Taffman – They are in the same place as the Feminazis who ignore the Muslim rape gangs yet campaign for Page 3 to be banned.
Additional …
“As Britain rushes to suicide, the black comedy continues:
“He maintained he wasn’t motivated by any racial prejudice he just wanted to highlight the cruelty involved.”
What race is halal meat?
What race is Islam?
Does the fact that most Muslim in Britain today are non-white mean that halal meat is not barbaric and doesn’t fund terrorism?”
R Spencer
bBC Points West making their own headlines tonight, a ten minute headlining report on the shortage of donor organs for BME patients.
What makes this report ‘special’ is that it just happens to be Points West very own presenter Sabet Choudry that the report revolves around, giving one of his own kidneys to his mother.
Of course its a wonderful gift to give and very noble, but one can’t help think that there are thousands suffering in silence waiting for transplants, not lucky enough to have their plight highlighted by the bBC.
Apparently there is a full documentary on the subject Thursday.
As if to rub our noses in even more diversity, the 2nd story is of the murder of a pregnant Somalian immigrant in Bristol and the 4th story, a local Muslim and former government advisor appearing in court on multiple charges including rape….
Arghhhh enough!!!!!,
The interest in this story is, as always, in the presentation. The issue as told was that there was a ‘shortage of organs for the BAME population’, ie an issue of victimhood.
It could easily have been presented from the other side, ie a ‘shortage of organs FROM the BAME population’.
Not victimhood, really, or at least not discrimination, whether deliberate or inadvertent..
Was his Mum passported in? Does she live on her own, perhaps the recipient of HB as so many elderly Asians seem to be according to a recent Migration watch study?
I guess the route is son/daughter get permission for parents/s to come to UK based on needing no state support, son/daughter have more children, family home overcrowded so accommodation provided for aged parents and income/pension support tap turned on.
Good game!
The production team from “Making History” are going to be in trouble with the BBC management.
This afternoon’s programme started well for them, with a long item about how the Tory cuts are destroying the county councils’ archaeology services. But the last item undid all the good work.
The piece was about the history of Dartmoor, and in particular the construction of stone circles. At the end the interviewer asked the expert how it was that Bronze Age people had been able to farm on such an inhospitable place as Dartmoor. The answer (perfectly correct) was that it had been warmer then than it is now. The expert even used the dread word “Optimum”.
The interviewer had asked the obvious question, but the editor and producer will have some explaining to do as to why the question and answer on it being warmer in the past than it is now were broadcast. Or perhaps next week’s programme will be about the climate problems caused the the Bronze Age SUVs.
For years we were told of the benefits of polyunsaturates, and that frying with oil was better than lard. Now it turns out that it’s the reverse that’s the truth.
How many programs did the BBC run on this back in the day? encouraging people down the wrong path as it now turns out.
I see this as a forerunner to what will happen with global warming / climate change.
A lot of ‘scientists’ made themselves wealthy on the polyunsaturates bandwagon, the same with climate change.
I wonder how long it will be before the BBC comes along with a new meme, and whether they will simply forget the position they have taken, because they certainly seem to have done with saturated fats.
Great ‘British’ Bake off is apparently making a come back as yet more soma for the masses.
Yet take a look at the first publicity shot, where in the interests of political correctness they have placed the rather sheepish Bangladeshi woman centre front, and the black woman immediately to her right !
You wouldn’t mind but in the ‘British’ cake off two of the contestants aren’t even British at all! One is from Paris France, the other from Lithuania.
No surprise the BBC is broadcasting this is there?
Newsnight’s top story tonight? Yep, the Labour leadership. Evan has a nice, cosy chat With Andy.
Your license fee at work, folks.
Channel Tunnel:’2,000 migrants’, tried to enter.
Someone who climbs/breaks through a security barrier is an invader. A migrant is someone who presents a passport at immigration control.
The BBC will be calling them latent Britons next.
In America they call Mexican illegal immigrants, ”undocumented migrants.”
Er, I thought they call them “maids” and “gardeners”?
I wonder just how China or Japan would deal with these invaders? It is what we pay a government for amongst other things – to keep our borders secure.
These people are not migrants.
This morning (Wednesday) the Today programme reported 1,000 people trying to get to Britain from Calais; the Daily Mail reports 2,000. Who do I believe?
I think the Times has it as 3,000. Either way, an awful lot. More like a civil front, in fact.
BBC Maths.
A bit like when the doc asks you how many units you drink, they’ll double the estimate you believe sounds best, to arrive at the truth.
The converse with the BBC operates here. I’m surprised they didn’t find a ‘source’ to quote going for tens of hundreds.
OT a bit. But the doctor asked my mate, Buster, how many pints of beer he drank?
Buster, ‘uhh, I don’t know, about 40′
Doctor shakes head, ’40 pints a week? That’s far too much!’
Buster, ‘A week? I meant 40 pints a night’
And he wasn’t exaggerating either.
They get counted twice, or more. The gendarmerie load them into buses and dump them down the road, then they make their way back, and try again.
”Who do I believe? ” Think of a number, then triple it !
We are being invaded by ‘desperate’ terrorists , nothing more, nothing less.
It has been going on for twenty years or more and the French have done nothing about it but to turn a blind eye in the hope that we will take the illegals.
Our Home Secretary has lost control of our borders, she is a complete failure and has put the security of our nation at risk from terrorism. She should resign along with Cameron who promised to reduce immigration. Its a bloody fiasco.
Tory voters should have voted UKIP in the last election – they were too chicken.
The trouble is that if we had voted Ukip we would have got MiniMili acting as glove puppet PM on behalf of cruel Mistress Kranky Sturgeon. Where would that have got us when the centre right don’t have the propensity to strike/riot/violence of the left?
“…Tory voters should have voted UKIP in the last election..”
I think as time goes on and this ‘migrant’ problem develops into a full-blown national emergency (and it will) UKIP will stand alone as possibly the only viable democratic choice for worried voters. None of the other parties seem prepared to do anything more than posture meaninglessly; UKIP might actually have the guts to take action.
If that means sending in the Army to protect the nation’s borders, then so be it. It’s already too late to prevent the damage done internally to the nation (the hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of ‘migrants’ who are already in and here to stay and who will get busy multiplying as fast as possible), but we can at least take meaningful action to halt the influx – but only with a party like UKIP who would, one hopes, have the conviction to actually do something radical to halt the crisis.
A huge part of the problem remains the BBC and, it has to be admitted, most of its fellow-travellers in the msm. These liberal progressives will continue to paint the ‘migrants’ as ‘victims’ in an ever more desperate attempt to keep their dreams of a ‘borderless’ Europe alive, in the face of an overwhelming assault from North African/Middle Eastern immigrants trying to steal their way in, either in the backs of lorries or with the help of an EU passport helpfully passed out like cookies by the Italians, Greeks and French, etc.
The fact that so many of these ‘migrants’ have a clear mission to get to Britain above all else should have been setting alarm bells ringing long ago. What began as a small, containable fire in a back room somewhere now threatens to become a blaze engulfing the whole building…
‘Over 2,000 people tried to get into the terminal on Monday night. ….Speaking in Singapore, the prime minister said Home Secretary Theresa May would chair a meeting of the government’s emergency committee, Cobra’
Gosh, I’m impressed. Cobra meeting, no less. That will mean the hobnobs are locked away and our Downing Street parish council will have to make do with plain digestives as they waffle on and make much ado about nothing.
The clue to Britain’s impotence is here: ‘David Cameron [pledged] that the UK government will do everything it can to combat the crisis.’
And while we’re governed from Brussels, it can do naff all.
The key phrase “…the UK Government will do everything it can”
As in, everything it’s allowed to do by Brussels.
These are criminal invaders and that is what they are.
They are only heading for the tunnel because they know they have some chance of getting through. How many have got in here illegally, no one knows? Successive governments have done little about the security of our borders and the French have been happy to let the problem exist at our borders in the hope that we let these invaders in. It is almost as if the French are encouraging the activity.
The British Government will be calling on the French to give these invaders asylum in France, and ‘Bob’s your uncle’, they will have EU Passports and quietly come in without any fuss. The British government will burden British tax payers with the cost of increasing security because Cameron is afraid to upset the French.
Worst of all, we have AliBabaTV, a national TV broadcaster, whose prime objective should be to broadcast in the interested of our nation, pumping out propaganda to brainwash the ‘liberals’ and ‘do gooders’ of Britain that these criminal invaders are ‘desperate’ victims and are only coming here to enrich our ‘multikulti’ way of life.
Can you ‘Conservatives’ imagine all this this happening under Margaret Thatcher or Nigel Farage?
Anybody else noticed how the BBC and SKY with reference to the trials in Iraq of Husseins henchmen refer to the period culminating in his death as a ‘revolution’ now? What happened to the ‘Arab spring’?…Did something go awry with it and the supportive media now want to distance themselves from it….or do I have the mid week ‘cynicals’!
Jerry Owen
The ‘Arab Spring’ went the same way as ‘Global Warming’,
The archeology of phraseology
Exploratory digging has unearthed this BBC report on the archeology of early English settlement in America. Tests show it has been carefully edited to comply with Politically Correct phraseology
Version 0
‘He was killed by Indians near the location of present-day Richmond.’
Version 1
‘He was killed by Native Americans near the location of present-day Richmond.’
One commentator pointed out how this just goes to show how very scupulous the BBC can be when it comes to avoiding offending leftist sensibilities.
I see now that Jenson Button is being linked to the ‘new’ Top Gear, I like Jenson, born in the same county, but to link up with Evans and the BBC has to be a bad career move and you can bet he won’t come cheap, current salary = £8m, still its our money…
Also losing Jenson from F1 would mean the only Brit left to cheer on would be bBC darling and ‘fashion icon’ Lewis Hamilton, bye bye F1 for me!