According to Simon Bates on BBC Radio Devon this morning (yes, we have ended up with him) ‘our hearts should go out to all these poor people’. A little later…’our hearts should go out to all the lorry drivers and holiday makers as well of course’.
I’m heartbroken by what is being done to the country I love.
Perhaps Simon Bates could add: ‘Our hearts should go out to the British people and culture presently being destroyed by the BBC, Cameron and the other noses in the trough (or elsewhere).’
No, didn’t think so …
The Prime Ministers conduct throughout the Calais fiasco is a good example of things to come and shows just how ‘strong’ he will be when negotiating Britain’s deal with the European Union.
Both he and the Home Secretary are scared of the French.
And all the BBC and their progressive liberal acolytes can do is complain about Cameron’s entirely accurate definition of the illegal immigrants as a “swarm”…
They do not offer a damn thing by way of solution to these criminals. These overt law-breakers. Every single one of those immigrants that ends up in the UK is a criminal, as they have failed to seek asylum in the first safe country they arrived in…
Either that or they are claiming that none of the other 27 EU member states is safe enough to claim asylum in, in which case, why the hell are we still in a political union with them???
NONE of those migrants are a genuine refugee, or asylum seeker. If they were, then they would have sought asylum in the first safe country they arrived in, as is their legal obligation, in order to qualify as an asylum seeker.
And of course once they had been granted refugee status in France or Italy they would enjoy the right to live and work in Britain!
Clealry they either
i) Know they havent a cat in hells chance of qualifying for asylum in either of these countries
2) They have already been fingerprinted and turned down and intend living illegally in Britain. I suspect for most it is the latter.
Cameron is in Singapore. They seem to have quite an effective method of preventing people breaking into the border rail terminus and other strategic assets. They fence them off, cover the fencing with razor wire and put up triangular warning signs. The signs have a drawing of a man firing a gun and below it in multiple languages is a message saying this is a high security area where trespassers may be fired upon.
I was wrong (and joking) about the 5 mins, but at almost 1800 in 4 hrs and looking at the top rated, letting the UK working stiffs get a crack after 6.30pm may not be high on the BBC ‘we speak for the nation’ agenda.
Actually that’s not a bad survey of the entitlements immigrants – legal and illegal – receive once here. It even notes that (in 2009) illegals constituted from 600,000 (per Boris) to 1.1 million (per Migration Watch) of our rapidly expanding population – God knows what it is now. Of course, and here’s the problem, once here – legally or otherwise – the benefits (financial and other) kick in. For instance, although, in theory, illegals have to pay for NHS care, I wonder how many do. And, if they do, where does the moolah come from? From benefits legally or illegally claimed or crime? Who knows? Meanwhile the person charged with limiting illegal immigration – Ms May – spends more time and effort choosing her shoes than dealing with the illegals (here and abroad).
And our national broadcaster? Well it’s “cry me a river” on the illegals front. Apropos of “cry me a river” the BBC 10:00pm News last night, continued its series on people trafficking. The perps and the victims shown last night were from Nigeria. Really, what is the point – except for some spurious “authenticity” – of showing a shadowy figure being interviewed and responding through an actor’s voice? To paraphrase an old TV programme – just give us the facts. Don’t overlay (or ignore – this is the BBC after all) the facts through the hackneyed dramatics of hand-held/hidden camera footage.
Then continuing its endless “new Britons” theme, London Local News (“news where you are”) also featured problems connected with African immigrants. I know I’m part of a put-upon minority in London but surely there must be some news of interest to indigenous whites (apart from highlighting our dedication to racism and our ancestors’ practice of slave-trading).
The BBC News peace on people trafficking is not, technically. news. It is not portrayed as news, it is not presented as news and it doesn’t come across as news.
What it is is campaigning, presented as analysis and dressed up as news.
Completely different. Just imagine if the 10 O’clock news simply presented news without all the puff that gets presented with it. It would just be so much better.
Whereas what they really mean to say is: “Would businesses in need of cheap, compliant workers and Labour MPs seeking new voters” be better off with them in the UK?
Five Live phone in this morning all about Calais. Being hosted by panto dame Campbell it was all hushed and reverential tones about suffering and plight and fleeing persecution.
When a caller mentioned that if they were genuine asylum seekers and not economic migrants why not stay in the first country of safety the Dame moved things swiftly along. Nothing to see here – we have an agenda to follow dontcha know?
Dame Nicky also managed to squeeze in a line about how the problem is only going to get worse with “climate change” (science is settled you see).
And a sanctimonious dig at a UKIP supporter when he said Farage was the only politician speaking sense about the situation.
I used to see Campbell on Watchdog and assumed he was just another of those strangely effete, snake-hipped, Nivea slathered, chestnut hair dyed almost men the BBC seem to buy off the production line.
The truth is more sinister. Campbell is a ruthless, ambitious, cynical and dangerous individual. When occasionally challenged on-air that the phone-in is just there to whip up anger and resentment he agrees and laughs.
He is the living embodiment of the BBC. A despicable 32″ waisted enemy of the state. A Stepford husband. An enemy of every tradition and belief the United Kingdom was founded upon.
On the 2nd of July there was a very strange call to Your Call on Five Live from an SNP supporter. It started off quite normally but then went into a bizarre rant about the English and “their” Empire. Some of you might have noticed this revision of history employed by the outer edges of the SNP before the referendum to wash their hands of the Scots pivotal role in Britain’s Imperial ambitions. They do it, I assume to perpetuate the lie that the Scots are an oppressed nation yearning to be free of the wicked English.
This morning’s Dial-A-Marxist was on the subject of the chaos in Calais. Lo and behold, a very similar sounding caller was allowed on air to make the self-same rant about the “English” empire. Now, I know from my recent fake call to Five Live it isn’t too easy to get on-air unless you meet certain criteria, the foremost being do you meet the bias they wish to reflect, so my guess is another attack on the English is far from a coincidence, and is far more likely to reflect the views of the editorial team.
Twice in just under a month might not sound a lot, but the vast majority of subjects tackled by this programme these days are lifestyle topics, not political. Looking at the last few weeks of phone-ins on iPlayer there are no more than three or four days when such a point could shoe-horned in, yet twice it gets to air virtually unchallenged.
Few who heard Five Live’s coverage of the referendum can doubt which side of the argument they favoured. Their pro-SNP bias culminated in Campbell accusing Alastair Darling of sounding “manic” live on air three days before the vote. I’m trying to think of a time when it is acceptable to accuse anyone of mental aberration on air, let alone the leader of one side or another seventy-two hours before a vote. Similarly their simpering love affair with Nicola Sturgeon continues undimmed by reality or hint of even-handedness to this day.
I tweeted Campbell on the first occasion the SNP anti-English rant made it air and asking if we can have a whole hour attacking the English. He replied equally sarcastically “We’re working on it.” I have no doubt they are. No doubt at all.
A major factor behind the Acts of Union 1707 that finally joined England and Scotland together was Scotland’s failed attempt at establishing its own empire. Specifically the attempt to colonise Panama, which resulted in Scotland’s bankruptcy in the 1690’s (the ‘Darien scheme’). Hey, Andy Murray wore that Panama t-shirt for a reason you know!
It’s also very noticeable in movies and TV dramas about the British Empire that oafish, ignorant, hypocritical English types predominate, whilst the handful of Scots are portrayed as clever, canny and principled (e.g. ‘Indian Summers’ earlier this year). In reality, Scots made up nearly 50% of the administrators in British India and one rather suspects that good and bad qualities were distributed somewhat more evenly.
Its ironic really, the SNP want more immigrants and independence, yet want to give up their sovereignty and throw their hand in with the EU. Have the people of Scotland been brainwashed by AliBaba Telly? Well they sure had its support.
The BBC Breakfast team were all at sea this morning, obviously they would prefer not to focus too much on the illegal immigrant crisis, even though one of them was killed while 2000 of them were trying to batter their way into England last night.
Thankfully they could focus on the shooting of Cecil the Lion and Joanna Lumley when discussing the papers. Oh and here is Carol with the weather emphasising how hot it is in Southern Europe (in July fancy that), hoping to mitigate the unfortunate coldness we are experiencing in Britain at the moment.
At least Sky news had the decency to read out a tweet asking why the fence at Calais can’t be electrified.
Offenbach’s opinion of French law and order still seems correct today
We’re public guardians bold yet wary
And of ourselves we take good care
To risk our precious lives we’re chary
When danger threatens we’re not there
But when we see a helpless woman
Or little boys who do no harm…
We run them in, we run them in
We run them in, we run them in
To show them we’re the bold gendarmes
When young men like to make a riot
And jumo on passing trains at night
We are disposed to keep it quiet
Provided that they make it right
But if they do not seem to see it
Or give to us our proper alms..
We run them in, we run them in
We run them in, we run them in
To show them we’re the bold gendarmes
Why is this story about Cecil the lion getting so much attention? PM have spent the last two evenings banging on about it and this morning Today was at it too.
Had anyone heard of this creature before? Are there no worse things happening in Zimbabwe now under Robert Mugabe? Or has the US dentist done something to be targeted by the world’s media.
I just get the feeling this is a front for a much bigger agenda.
It was/is massive on twitter, which as we all know is how the buds in the cubicle gardens get their ‘news’ to repost.
A bit like the Mum who was mistreated in a store, only turning out to be a grasping chav nutjob.
Or the the BBC contributor who set out destroy Prof Hunt.
Frankly getting rehashed outraged ‘news’ for £145.50pa via a free US-based aggregator with BBC salaries, expenses, Glasto trips and pensions bolted on seems like poor value.
Expect ‘Magazine’, ‘Pop-up’, ‘Trending’ and all the other BBC jobcentre creations to be sending da kidz from the audience of seven outlets out there for a bit of chillin’ & reportin’ on safari.
If the BBC were really concerned about wildlife in the former Rhodesia they might want to investigate the wholesale export of animals to China involving members of the Zimbabwean and Chinese governments and dodgy Italian middlemen. No, thought not.
Yes, it seems to be all over the airwaves. That said what kind of sick bastard can kill a creature as beautiful as a lion when it posed no threat to them? Send him to Calais.
I’m far from a liberal, but there are animals on this planet whose relative scarcity demands we protect them, while we still have them to protect. There is little point being the most sophisticated creature on the planet if we cannot do well by our fellow species.
If this guy was my dentist I’d have moved practice already. It’s all a bit too Marathon Man for my liking, I’d be worried he’d put me under and I’d wake up with my boxers on backwards.
Indeed I feel quite disgusted by the Dentists antics, he seems a rum cove. But I feel Cecil’s sad demise is a convenient distraction from the more serious issues of the day, namely the role of climate change in the radicalisation of young “Britains” (surely its only a matter of time before the beeb makes that connection)
After reading up on the “trophy hunters” in Africa, I was shocked to learn that without them, much of the wildlife of Africa would have become extinct long ago. The unfortunate and shameful fact is that the vast sums of money such hunters pay to shoot the occasional animal is put into conservation and it protects a hell of a lot more animals than are hunted.
If liberals really cared about these animals, they should be funding the conservation of them, instead of leaving it to the hunters to be the heroes. Liberals should be ashamed of themselves for doing nothing but spread ill-informed, ignorant hatred all over the net, instead of actually helping to protect rare species.
It is just one of an entire series of ‘stories’ which are being deployed as pure deflection/distraction. It’s getting pretty desperate at HQ now, and I suspect that if they succeed in stopping any actual news reaching the public, they will at some point far in the future meet up at a suitable London gentlemen’s club and swap war stories about ‘How the Truth Nearly Got Out’.
R4’s Today certainly plumbed new depths this morning giving the Emir of the Caliphate of Brent North airtime to whine about a “22 year old young man” going off to Syria. The family, as usual, is distraught. No doubt, as usual, the family had no idea what was going on. He was a good, quiet boy, always at the mosque! The police have done nothing!
What I am beginning to find more and more galling is people like Emir Barry Gardiner, Labour MP referring to a potential mass murderer of people who really are British citizens as “Our citizen”. If only Labour apparatchiks had been so punctilious in enforcing the letter of the law in places like Rotheram and Bolton. Of course, maybe they were, but not English law.
Barry is, of course, highly concerned about “harm reduction”. The young man might do himself a mischief while martyring himself or cut his thumb while beheading some unfortunate with a knife that does not meet EU safety standards. These are the high moral concerns of “our” elected representatives.
Perhaps Barry should be helping our, true born, British Muslim terrorists to plan and execute their operations more effectively. After all, too much failure could lead to “self esteem” issues and Muslims with low self-esteen will become alienated and hate Britain even more so turning them into terrorists.
This is Labour logic the indigenous population should simply slit their own throats in a halal fashion and all this nonsense would be avoided.
Good point ,ID.
Self destruction by the indigenes would make Liebore’s job SO much easier……..unfortunately ,the English people appear to have tumbled them ,and only the brain-dead now vote for them.
Time for some more imaginative voter fraud ,I think.
Unfortunately they still vote for a Conservative party which wants us to remain in the E.U. as such there is little difference between them and Labour on immigration.
Camoron has done nothing to halt the flow from the EU or the Third World from what I can tell.
He has done a few things to slow the legal flow from the Third World, but not very much, not half of what he could have quite easilly done and not a fraction of what he should have done IF he was actually interested in Conserving.
Total immigration is up but so are the pressures, the Romagarians have invaded, Greeks are also moving here, and the boat people swarms are increasing. He has reduced the numbers of TThird Worlders allowed to come here legally. The trend is a rising one, but Cameron is doing more to slow the rise than Labour or LibDems ever would have.
Meirion Jones, the producer of the suppressed Panorama documentary speaks out, it would appear that, everyone who was on the right side of the Savile argument has been forced out of the BBC….
David Camoron on SKY news ” 2000 illegal immigrants have come into Britain and we’re going to spend £ 9 million on security.” The reality is 9 million illegal immigrants have come into Britain and Camoron is going to spend £2000 quid on security,
Why is the corporate media calling what’s happening at Calais a ” Crisis” ? If a thief breaks into your house and robs it, does the police call it a ”Crisis” ?
It is a civil front. It is the true successor to guerilla warfare, and it is not possible to counter it with either a standing armed force or civil policing.
An effective response has not yet been developed. Chillingly, it may only become a possibility elsewhere, and after the EU, and the UK along with it, have been irretrievably damaged to the point of being culturally, politically and economically overwhelmed.
Perhaps but declaring martial law at our ports and closing the tunnel and ports in the Calais region would be a start. Suspension of all human rights acts and removing any right of appeal or asylum .All these things are possible. Also a concerted attack on the Libyan people smugglers and their infrastructure.
Drastic methods no doubt and with some serious side effects on us all . Economic ones mostly.
Sometimes swift and forceful action is the only way.
What you have said illustrates my point. What you are suggesting is a local suspension of civil society, against what would be a political background of quite vociferous opposition to any lessening of the porosity of our national borders. This would likely materialise civil conflict in other areas, particularly in locations of poorly integrated immigrant guest cultures, but also from partnerships of the Left. I imagine some planning has already taken place among both these groups to counter any sign of effective control being asserted. This is the dilemma facing our government. We must not forget the role of the EU in all this, which as has been endlessly argued elsewhere, is hoist on its own petard of ‘free movement’, not only of labour, but of all, within its borders.
No, what we are seeing here is the inevitable result of the erosion of national sovereignty, not just of the UK but of every nation within the EU. This brings me on to the BBC.
I have thought for some time that the issue of funding for the BBC is a red herring. The Corporation is increasingly funded from the EU, and if there are financial pressures on it caused by a ‘local’ UK restriction of its funding, it seems likely that the EU will take up the slack, and more. In the past, as Dr Redwood has pointed out, the EU has consistently reached out over the heads of its constituent nations, to promote ‘regions’ within those nations as a direct attempt to undermine the residual sovereignty of those nations. As he says, it has now got a tiger by the tail, and is rowing back somewhat on this.
However, being a bureaucratic centralist empire, it is not about to relinquish control back to national level. It appears to me to be concentrating on broadcasting and media now, in an attempt to ‘control the narrative’ in a really big way. It is reaching out in a way that means that the BBC could truly become an arm of EU policy and priorities, rather than serving UK interests. It could easily become essentially a ‘foreign-owned corporation’, no less than some of our utilities, manufacturers and banks are now. The issue with the BBC is not so much funding, as control. If the BBC were to become a subscription service, even, it would still be vulnerable to supra-national control, unless its charter is revised to explicitly prevent it from seeking or receiving funding from such sources. I imagine that the BBC is actively exploring ways of becoming a closer partner for the EU, bypassing any national attempts to control it on the part of the UK government. It coverage of and influence on the upcoming referendum will be an important litmus test for the EU as to whether it can deliver their agenda.
So the issue with the BBC is not primarily one of funding, but essentially one of re-asserting control.
Just heard on the R4 TWaO programme a representative of the UNHCR describe ALL the ‘migrants’ in Calais as ‘refugees’. That’s ALL of them.
Absolutely outrageous. He offered no evidence for this claim, nor was he challenged to by the BBC interviewer.
This is a UN agenda to flood Europe with so-called ‘refugees’. When they operate from a mindset that dictates all illegal immigrants are, de facto, ‘refugees’ they reveal their duplicity.
Close the Channel Tunnel once and for all and let’s be done with the entire problem.
It should never have been built; an engineering marvel – yes, but it has also effectively created a land border with the Continent – something we have long, historical, cause to be thankful for NOT having.
Just seen transcripts of the type being sent to Whittingdales Review group.
(1) Channel 5 News: (an Interview with two Journalists, a few weeks ago) “The BBC spend a billion pounds per year on wages” “last year the BBC said that they are going to reduce staff numbers, but the staff numbers this year have risen” “The BBC is a bloated really badly run organisation” “The BBC needs saving from itself, its addicted to a form of funding which has no future” “The BBC employees 90 people who are paid more than the Prime Minister”
(2) RT UK: (An Interview with the deputy leader of UKIP, Paul Nuttall, yesterday) Complains about the BBC’s use of the 225 Monnet Professors Group, without pointing out to the viewer, the Groups Pro-EU remit and EU funding, or even inviting anyone from the Anti-EU side, to provide a balanced debate. The “Jean Monnet Project” named after the chief architect of the EU and first “Honorary Citizen of Europe”, has tentacles in virtually all universities in Europe to “promote European integration propaganda” This has created 225 Jean Monnet Professorships in British Universities. The Pro-EU lobby is almost exclusively funded by the taxpayer, most of who are now Anti-EU. Also talks about the fact that the BBC has taken 22 million pounds from the EU, in the last decade, without declaring this in the BBC accounts. The BBC refuses to answer these questions from RT UK, or Nuttall.
Radio ‘5 live’ on the Calais crisis, the usual lefty luvvies went unchallenged on everything they
‘The migrants are desperate to leave their homelands due to torture etc’.
Q. where are the women and children then?
‘We have to discuss this in an adult way and not a tabloid way’.
Q. Does a tabloid way mean a ‘public opinion way’
‘We started these problems by going into these countries’.
Answer. Very few countries did we go into and this ‘migrant’ issue started well before the much publicised self blame nonsense.
‘We need to take responsibility for these people take them in and look after them’.
Answer. No we bl***y don’t!
‘We need to make sure Africa is a settled and productive nation’. Answer. Ditto above!
More of the same claptrap continued that I suspect we have all heard before.
However the icing on the cake and what made me laugh instead of throwing the radio across the room was the Welsh Cymru bint that said ‘ immigration was needed in Wales and more GP’s would be very welcome’! I kid ye not, how many of those illegal migrants are qualified GP’s ? None absolutely none.
I have wondered for many years if the left believed their spoutings about immigration or if they were just mad. I had my answer this morning, although it could be just a Welsh thing!
The Welsh ‘Bint’ above should be afraid, very afraid, as UKIP made great inroads in Wale in the last election . There are a lot of angry Welshmen who are against immigration .
Properly qualified doctors can easily get jobs and visas to come to the UK legally. They don’t have to risk their lives as illegals. In any case the illegals will have destroyed all their documents anyway. Mind you, some of them may be rugby players !
And why should Wales take more GPs from areas of Africa where health care is basic at best? Surely the need is greater there. I call it rapacious colonial exploitation.
This authentic drama takes us inside the intelligence agency GCHQ, where agents are tracking three young British Muslims as they head for Syria.
Henry Morcombe, an experienced GCHQ analyst, is tasked with establishing whether they intend to deliver humanitarian aid or join the armed conflict. He realises that there is more to this case than meets the eye when the team discovers the boys’ true purpose in Syria.
How to protect the public while keeping within legal and ethical boundaries is far from straightforward, and tensions emerge as the team responds to unfolding events.
GCHQ (Government Communications Head Quarters) has come under closer scrutiny in recent years and yet little is known about the operations of this highly secretive, but strategically essential, spy agency. The production team gained access to GCHQ during the making of the drama. The story and the characters presented here are fictional.
What they don’t tell you there is that there is complications with a Pakistani Muslim staff member whom the ‘good guy’ GCHQ analyst trusts, and the bad ones who don’t trust him.
Needless to say he becomes the saviour of lives and the hero of the hour. No chance is missed to trot out every single propaganda meme about moderate Muslims and extremists, and ISIS not really being Islamic, whilst all the time avoiding any real facts about Islam or verses from the Qur’an.
Sounds like a standard BBC ‘nudging’ operation – mask the message behind a drama (or documentary, or comedy or even the weather) and the ‘nudging’ takes care of itself. Almost all BBC output emanating from the poisoned well carries this messaging, be it pro-EU, pro-CAGW, pro-multiculturalism propaganda. It’s always there, hiding just below the surface.
The BBC is, in effect, unfit for purpose and in almost constant breach of its Charter. Abolish the license fee now – the BBC is a bloody disgrace.
This kind of contemporary drama is th emost insideous propaganda of all because they tell any old lies they like masquerading as a kind of moral truth.
On he previou sopen thread I commentetd on the BBC’s differnt approach towards stories relating to Susiya and Beit El.
BBCWatch has more detail, revealing the Yolande Knell must surely be guilty either of reprehensible ‘bias by omission’, or of journalistic incompetence.
On the previous open thread I commented on the BBC’s different approach towards stories relating to Susiya and Beit El.
BBCWatch has more detail, revealing that Yolande Knell must surely be guilty either of reprehensible ‘bias by omission’, or of journalistic incompetence.
Tulip Mazumdar, ‘Global health reporter’ – no, me neither – wants us to ‘imagine’ what it’s like to be in a third-world cesspit surrounded by Ebola. If you are suffering from Ebola fatigue, imagine what it’s like for the millions of people living alongside this invisible killer, which appears to have made itself quite comfortable in West Africa.
This was our team filming on a road in Gueckedou in south east Guinea where the outbreak started, imagine trying to get a desperately sick person to a hospital in that.
No thanks, Tulip, it’s bad enough imagining what this country will be like when all the economic migrants invade through the Channel tunnel.
She is one of the original cubicle kinder-gardeners, and flitted about a bit trying to find her niche, but seems to have settled on this role for now, imagining away, and inviting others to imagine with her.
Her actual ‘reporting’ in the past has left a fair bit to be desired.
Just goes to show how out of touch the BBC and the Guardian are with the public; all day the two Left-wing news organisations have been banging on about the welfare of the illegal immigrants (who, they seem to conveniently forget, are aggressively trying to invade our country via Calais). So, they don’t seem to give a damn about the often violent behaviour of these undesirables towards lorry drivers and holiday makers, who are basically petrified sitting ducks stuck in Calais traffic jams. Rather, these rug-knitting, incense candle lighting, yoghurt eaters inflate their own egos through sanctimonious ‘save-the-world’ immature drivel. I tell you what: let’s send the hoards of enrichers around to their pads to celebrate diversity!
The British public (apart from Labour voters, the Scottish Nazi Party underlings, student socialists and overgrown commies) simply want this invasion to stop – but no. The BBC seem to have an endless supply of sandal-wearing human rights lawyers on their BBC 24 only too willing to spout their vomitous equality and diversity garbage.
Another bit of tripe filler from the BBC on FaceBook (if not elsewhere):
BBC News
Tattoo artist offers free anti-racism inkings
People in Europe “largely positive” but there is hostility to the campaign
Have to say that ‘largely positive’ is a desperate punt in the Adams mould, especially when most comments are asking if this is the BBC’s slowest news day yet.
Too many staff with too much space to fill and not enough to fill it with (especially between the ears).
Latest Al BBC, “nothing to do with Islam” Muslim wants enough ricin to kill 1400 people, appears that its not even to do with terror either.
erm … Breaking Bad fan ricin plot
“Bolton-born Ali wanted ricin for a “peaceful purpose”
“The court heard Ali had made a to-do list on his computer which included the entries “paid ricin guy” and “get pets to murder”.
He had also made a series of internet searches for chinchillas, animal rescue centres, rabbits and “pocket-sized pets”.
Why would an Islamic adherent want ricin?
Why want to practice with ricin?,
Practice murder?
Practice murdering animals? … any ideas?
Mohammed Ali, 31, was convicted at the Old Bailey of attempting to possess a chemical weapon after around five and a half hours of deliberations by a jury. Ali, from Liverpool, struck a deal with a supplier in January to buy 500mg of ricin powder
… enough to kill 1,400 people.
Heard that on the Radio 2 3pm news, in fact the top three UK stories were all immigration/terrorism related, maybe the irony of the ‘immigration is good, lets be diverse, mantra continually trotted out by the bBC is lost on them?
Calais crisis: Illegal immigrants arrested at Dover – Express
Britain to set up steel fence to control illegal immigration – Star
Travel chaos at Calais as illegal immigrants, etc – Mirror
British hauliers on frontline against illegal immigrants – Telegraph
Caught on camera illegal immigrants climb into lorries – Sun
Illegal immigrants pose threat to Channel Tunnel – forcing all services to stop – Telegraph
Footage shows migrants scaling Channel Tunnel fence
Calais migrants: Theresa May says ‘urgent work’ agreed
Calais migrant crisis: How people enter tunnel site
Calais migrant crisis: Man dies as Channel Tunnel targeted
Yes, absolutely spot on with those notable headlines………..but where is camoron?
Why isn’t he showing his ‘leadership’ abilities?
Why is he not defending his country from an invasion (that’s what this is)?
The last I heard he had said he was ‘concerned’……….I wonder if he will travel back to the UK through the tunnel?
As usual France have proved how ‘reliable’ they are with their TOTAL lack of action and, of course don’t forget the Italians quietly dishing out EU passports like confetti
Does England not matter any more to these alleged statesmen?
There is nothing to do except close the tunnel, come out of Europe and then we can depend upon our merchant seamen and the Royal Navy can provide coastal patrols not float around the southern med picking these people out of the sea……
Not about the bias on bbbc really but I needed to post………lool
Yes, English Gent. Cameron will leave no stone unturned, his heart and thoughts at this time are with those who are there or somewhere near and will listen harder whilst learning lessons that have been learnt whilst going forward this day and presenting a robust response to show that no stone has been unturned…
The whole Calais débâcle highlights the useless EU and its failure to secure its own borders. It also exposes the supine Tory government caught with its pants down failing to see the elephant in the room and the namby pamby AliBaba Telly’s propaganda.
On a positive note, it will get more votes for UKIP and the ‘End the TV licence campaign’.
But where is Camoron? … probably a champagne reception
Why isn’t he showing his ‘leadership’ abilities? … he hasn t got any
Why is he not defending his country? … he s a self server, and all the inept, grasping national traitors in No10 are.
He cares about himself and his cronies, and every one else can whistle, he d sell the country off if it lined his own pockets, in fact he s trying hard to do it, bit by bit
Breaking news: Public services union Unison says it will nominate Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour Party leadership contest
In other bBBC ‘news’:
The Pope is rumoured to be a devout Catholic
Research shows that bears tend to defecate in the forest
One can almost sense Lyse Doucet’s gushing admiration for this former Taliban leader. Personally, I’m not quite sure why this waste of web space even merits inclusion on a publicly funded British news site.
Here’s a wee snippet of Doucet’s fascination with the former Taliban leader…
“The legitimacy conveyed by the mythical Mullah Omar was always regarded as essential even if the reclusive leader had long ceased to be involved in the day-to-day running of the movement.
Now the issue of who can replace such a powerful figurehead is emerging as one of the most significant challenges to its survival as a cohesive political and military force.”
From the article you linked to, Doucet does not appear to be deeply in love with either the Taliban or IS, which she refers to as the so-called Islamic State. She does, however, appear to be deeply in love with Iran – as David indicates in It’s good to be back, which is supported by other examples of Doucet’s ‘reporting’ on Iran – so it’s likely that she has converted, or is about to convert, to Shia Islam and is distancing herself from Sunni IS and Sunni Taliban.
I guess we are soon going to have to refer to the barbaric Sunni-Shia conflict to fathom the bias of BBC staff and understand where their sympathies lie.
The BBC rarely admit to the conflict between Sunnis and Shias, or the fact that it kills more Muslims than the West ever has, as their narrative is to put the blame for all the violence, death and destruction in the Middle East on……..the West, and in particular the Iraq war.
B BC trailing their latest lot of over-the-top tripe named ‘Ripper Street’.Looks absolutely laughable with comic-book characters that make old Westerns look moderate.
In a spirit of perversity, I followed the Beeb’s advice and paid my £3 to become a registered supporter of the Liebore Party.I gave the reason as ‘to put the L abour Party on its proper path’.
Unfortunately , my pen ran out of ink before I could complete the sentence with…………..’TO OBLIVION’!!!!
The hand wringing and wailing over the “migrants” at Calais by Al Beebus and their near total self-imposed isolation, from the majority view of the autochthonous inhabitants of this country regarding these Third World people; would be laughable if the stakes were not so high. The future of out nation: it really is that simple.
Why should we be forced to continually take these dregs into our country?
“There is a reason why ethnic groups and races have survived for thousands of years. It’s part of nature. To enforce one race upon another is not part of that plan. It leads to conflict, strife and violence.”
An Israeli visiting a zoo in London sees a little girl standing close to the African lion’s cage.
Suddenly the lion grabs her arm and starts to pull her into the cage.
The Israeli runs up and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch.
The lion lets go of the girl and the Israeli hands her back to her frantic parents, who shower him with thanks.
A BBC reporter who has watched the whole event says to the Israeli, “Sir, that was the bravest thing I’ve seen a man do in my whole life. We’ll have this as the lead story on BBC News tomorrow. Can you tell me something about yourself?”
The Israeli says, “I’m a captain in the IDF and a member of Netanyahu’s Likud Party.”
The next day he turns on the news to see how they’ve reported the story.
The newsreader says: “Israeli occupier assaults jailed African immigrant and steals his lunch.”
Not exactly BBC bias, but thermometers are now showing single figures across a lot of the U.K. and a frost at dawn beckons for some. Also, the swifts that are normally here on Dartmoor until mid September have just buggered off. Do they know something? Maybe the BBC’s “Country File” programme could inform us all why they have left for warmer climes so early?
I was just looking at my weather notes, and it might be that this year we will have a “frost day” in every month in the U.K., now that really is something to shout about what with all the BBC “Global Warming” going on.
That’s interesting (and a little worrying). Here (the still just rural SE) we have had a lot of geese flying around -at least a month earlier than usual.
I was going to make a remark about birds coming home to roost, but thought better of it.
You’ll not be pleased to hear then, taffman, that the BBC Met Chart is showing a ‘right on’ 18deg and sunshine in the south-east. I might have to put a pully on though if it doesn’t get up another degree and I daren’t open the patio doors yet.
The question that comes to mind with every weather forecast I hear on R4: London is now pretty much consistently three degrees warmer than anywhere else in the UK, even in the south-east. (It used to be more like two, 20 years ago, and before that I never thought to notice.) It ought to raise questions in the minds of the AGW/CC scientists & IPCC economists.
Why is a growing mass of brick, breeze block, concrete, composites, steel and glass (CO2 emissions apart) consistently warmer than anywhere else?
Up2snuff, now don’t tell me!………
they measured the temperature indoors (only joking). But seriously the measurement I observed was made in the early hours of the morning, and I must add it was cold for July. In ‘AlbBaba Telly speak’ – cool.
I can add that we have lots of heavy industry around here.
The west coast UK seems to be getting the rough stuff this year, taffman. IIRC, Southend and its surroundings and Margate and its surroundings at times vie for the driest spot in the UK. Probably due to Wales & Western Scotland having used up most of the rain (& cold) first. 😉 but that will be no comfort either! Have some sympathy from the sunny south east. Actually, it was cold & dull for several hours here before a glorious clear sky dusk. Guess we’ll be shivering too tomorrow morning.
Doubt your heavy industry covers an area of Greater London. The thing the environmentalists & others (Beeb incl.) miss is that giant night storage radiators on earth (a.k.a. cities) are, pretty much like the infernal combustion engine, a 20th & 21st century thing. Various observations (a basic way of doing science) ought to be making the BBC at least – with all those expensive science correspondents, editors & contributors – question whether the received wisdom that Global Warming is caused almost only by CO2 is correct. The second question that ought to be entering their minds in view of the present coolness, is whether Earth’s ecosystem is compensating for all the various causes of warming.
Cant argue with that.
The West generally gets the the rain due to the prevailing winds (SW ) and the mountains, before the stuff goes East.
Just for info., the temp here at present 7 Deg C .
(taken at 00 0:10 AM )
Great. Maybe the swifts will come over to the south-east. They have been in short supply over the last couple of years.
Probably a lack of insects down your way due to the cold. If I was small, frail & delicate, esp. when first out of the egg or cocoon or whatever, I think I’d want a placid day with 20degs on the clock before I poked my nose outside.
According to a recent report from ‘climate scientists’ the long hot summers we should have been having by now may not start to appear until around the year 2100.
Not only have they got the brass balls to call this jiggery-pokery science, they also keep telling us it’s ‘settled’.
Good job we’ve got the BBC to hold them to account.
“Freital (a small German town) has seen increasingly heated anti-refugee demonstrations and outbreaks of violence in recent months, since it was announced that 280 refugees would be housed in a former hotel in the town”.
But the posters are the work of one man. He’s described as anti-racist and pro-immigration. He’s anti far-right groups and refuses to be identified for fear of reprisals from the far-right.
He’s anti big corporations and wants to ‘reclaim the streets’. He also defaces posters he doesn’t like.
His posters lasted one day in one small German town.
But the BBC gave it online time and effort. Several posters in a village for a day? Is this News?
Why? Because it suits exactly the BBC’s Left wing agenda regarding immigration.
BBC Trending is but one of a growing collection of sub-sites that confuse presumption and projection that appeals to the cubicle kinder gardeners with reality.
There are 8,000 of them, and growing, apparently.
Before long they will be one on one with the activist sources whose PR they run, and the audiences they actually appeal to.
But thanks to the unique way the BBC is funded, they really could care less.
The German state seems intent on destroying Germany
Freital is just one example of the craziness of the so called Willkommenskultur. It is supposedly every German’s duty to welcome joyously as a friend any thirdworlder who turns up. At present, there are so many ” asylum seekers” that they are having to set up camps around Hamburg to accomodate new arrivals and local government is being forced to spend a fortune on renovating disused govrrnment buildings to hotel quality accommodation. Long term rental deals are also made with hotels with spare capacity. The conscientiouness of these burocrats in ensuring full implementation of the law is amazing.
I’ve no idea why the German taxpayer does not object to its cash being frittered away in this manner. The Nazikeule can always be used to blackmail the citizen into accepting the official halo-polishing universal love approach to incomers. But as in the last 6 months 200 attacks have been made on asylum reception centres, ordinary Germans do not seem thar keen on the enrichment and rejuvenation. Ma Merkel always claims that mass immigration is essential as there is population decline and skill shortages, yet she criticises Britain for not accepting their “fair share” of refugees. Shouldn’t she be grateful for the noble, sacrifice of the British who are forgoing this immense pool of talent for the benefit of her people?
BBc drag out another never heard of them charity
Yet another student costs story.
Bonus never heard of charity “asylum aid” bint comes on (I can’t get their website up) and goes through her speech, any one to put a counter to some of her remarks. No way.
“Do you remember, a couple of weeks ago, when it was really hot?”
BBC Breakfast’s Naga Munchetty prompts weather presenter Carol Kirkwood to leave her current chilly forecast for the British Isles and talk instead about ‘hot air’ and ‘sweaty nights in the Azores’.
This BBC reminiscing about one hot day is getting embarrassing
Did our Naga then glance somewhat sheepishly at the production team as though acknowledging she had completed her instruction?
We had a Global Warming summer, right! Got thet viewers? Even if was just one day at Heathrow runway 2.
Anyway, so much for that agenda, there’s a young lady from ‘Asylum Aid’ waiting in the wings ready to use the BBC platform for some dodgy statistics (“I’m not very good at maths” she admits) and quickly moving on to firmer ground for her free hit at Nigel Farage with a quick chorus of ‘Don’t worry, be happy’
Asleet. When it was really hot due to a 747 spooling up it’s engines at Heathrow. Did you notice they started to bang on about climate change. Now we are back to a normal summer rainy and often not that warm the subject appears to have been dropped.
BBC World Service reporter at the Channel tunnel terminal in Calais informs us that overnight French riot police were deployed but no sign of pepper spray or batons, “too many cameras about”. He speaks as if his audience shares his position of total sympathy with the would be invading horde
From what I’ve seen of French riot police, and their immigration enforcers, they wouldn’t even need pepper spray or batons, there’s no way I’d even make an off-colour joke, let alone get into a ‘scuffle’ with ’em!
Jeremy Vine seems to have become a fully paid-up member of the BBC anti-Tory brigade.
He was interviewing Liz Kendall on his lunchtime show, Weds 29th July and pretty much allowed her an unchallenged platform to give a party political speech.
At one point he asked her if she was a Blairite and whether she admired him, to which she replied that he’d won three elections.
Jeremy then said “Yes, but Tony Blair presents a similar problem to that of Margaret Thatcher, Blair being disliked and toxic within the labour party just as Margaret Thatcher was within the country”
I think he needs to go and spend more time with his tax avoidance and less time doing the work of the labour party……or maybe they go hand in hand?
“I think he needs to go and spend more time with his tax avoidance and less time doing the work of the labour party……or maybe they go hand in hand?”
‘Twould appear that way …..
Funny thing, in all the BBC R4 coverage of the Labour Leadership election and the hand-wringing over the loss of the General Election, I don’t think I’ve heard one highly paid presenter or journalist ask a prominent Labour MP or even one of the candidates “Was it revelations of tax avoidance by senior Labour MPs that cost you the Election?”
These presenters & journalists pride themselves for being good at their jobs (& commanding such high salaries), being well-briefed, prepared to ask penetrating questions, but there’s no sign of the really tough question from them on subjects the listening public might expect or wish to be covered.
BBC Radio 4 this morning in full anti white racist death to America mode.
A piece on paedophilia in the US and the attempts the authorities are making at countering it.
We all know that in Pakistan and other Muslim countries (Britain?) paedophilia is endemic, and the authorities are doing nothing about it at all!
Neither is the BBC! Their attacks on the great Satan have to come first. It’s as if they’ve gone to some Muslim Jihadist for instruction!
We know that the BBC are anti-Semitic, but their racism comes in many contradictory forms. They expect much higher standards of behaviour from white people than from non-whites. For me, that is racism.
Demon, yes and, of course the lower expectations are because the non-whites are subject to racism, persecution, colonialism, Hollywood, KFC…….. blah, blah , blah !!!!
No ‘we’ do not ‘know the BBC are anti-semitic’ , being pro Muslim does not equate with beign anti-Semtic. If they were there would not be so many jewish people working at the BBC. The idea is nonsense.
The real irony is the number of Jews who are themselves pro Muslim!
From the Guardian: We view with alarm proposals to introduce a flat rate of support for all asylum seekers, including children (Report, 17 July). This would mean a reduction in support to children of £16 per week which, the Children’s Society has pointed out, would push some families 60% below the poverty line. Asylum seekers of whatever age have suffered enough. Why must they have to endure this added hardship?
We implore the government to think again. At the very least we ask that it commissions an independent review of support rates and that the new rates should not come into force until it has reported.
Dr Edie Friedman, Executive director, The Jewish Council for Racial Equality, Rabbi Charley Baginsky, Rabbi Lisa Barrett, Rabbi Dr Barbara Borts, Rabbi Richard Jacobi, Rabbi Natan Levy Jewish Social Action Forum, Rabbi Lea Mühlstein Northwood and Pinner Liberal Synagogue, Rabi Jeffrey Newman, Rabbi Sylvia Rothschild, Rabbi Professor Marc Saperstein, Rabbi Larry Tabick, Rabbi Jackie Tabick, Rabbi Alexandra Wright Senior rabbi, Liberal Jewish Synagogue
The very same ‘asylum seekers’ aka ‘invaders’ who are mostly Muslims.
One of the things that has been commented on is that most of the, erm, “migrants” at Calais are male. Yet in this morning’s Today report speaking to them, I counted 3 or 4 people they spoke to. Two were women, one of whom was only 16 (and, naturally, pregnant).
The offspring of these women (if they manage to enter the U.K. and give birth) become what is known in the U.S. as “anchor babies”; which would make it virtually impossible to deport them.
Sharp rise in anti Semitic attacks in Britain, particularly in Greater Manchester.
But who could possibly behind these attacks? it’s a mystery! Which is odd because whenever there’s an attack on a Muslim or their property the BBC are lightening fast to blame whitey, even when there’s no evidence, or when it turns out that an attack never even happened!
Economic growth for the last quarter 0.7 %. Zero inflation, real incomes highest ever, high employment, low interest rates, strong pound. But the BBC manage to find flies in the ointment. Recovery is unbalanced between services and manufacturing, better growth means future rises in interest rates, strong pound hits exports. One Beeboid , I think it was the wonderfully named Jonty Bloom, said “this is probably as good as it will get “.
BBC news is reporting some far leftist pro immigration group has criticised David Cameron for calling the hoard of migrants at Calais a ‘swarm’, because in their opinion it ‘dehumanises them’.
What utter crap! Yet the BBC CHOOSES to broadcast it, and then hides behind the excuse that they are just reporting what someone else has said.
Funny that because when what someone else says doesn’t accord with their left wing views, they simply don’t report it at all! Bias by omission again.
Why anyone takes anything from BBC news is beyond me.
VD was in full hand wringing mode this morning to some UN geezer who was suggesting that Britain didn’t take anywhere near enough so called “migrants” compared to say Germany. I was only half listening but I am sure I heard him say that 50% of the so called “migrants” were asylum seekers. It occurred to me that means that 50% of them aren’t and have no legal right to enter. the same thoughts didn’t pass through VD’s head though as she nodded sagely.
Anyway it was next on to a trucker from Cornwall who was stuck in France. He described the problems he was facing but his views were somewhat off message for VD. After one of his responses didn’t follow the BBC line she pulled the sort of disapproving face that a Teacher might give to a student that had just broken wind in the classroom. The camera quickly cut away and went to full screen shots of so called “migrants” vandalising the fences at Calais and “swarming” all over the tracks of the Eurotunnel. She then pressed the truck driver on what he thought the solution to the problem was. He initially stated he wasn’t a politician but after more goading by VD he said that he didn’t think any of the “migrants” ought to be let through. That was the end of that as far as VD was concerned and it was on to the next article with a very dismissive attitude.
I agree with James Harding when he says that the VD show has (despite achieving less viewers than reruns of Knots Landing) far exceeded expectations. It is perhaps the ultimate distillation of the BBC’s world view.
NONE of the illegal immigrants in Calais are legitimate asylum seekers. If they were genuine, they would have claimed asylum long before they reached Calais.
The BBCs reporter in Calais today was almost sobbing when he described how he had seen a ‘boy’ who had broken both legs. This was apparently jumping off a train. he had asked his alleged ‘father’ how old he was and the ‘father’ had, apparently, held up ten fingers then one. Hmmm, what very odd behaviour, if he understood the question he could surely count in English, one of the first thing one learns in a foreign language.
Anyone really believe that a man was accompanie dbut his little eleven year old son on such an expensive and perilous journey? Chances are the ‘boy’ was at least sixteen. Chances are the man wasnt even his father.
9:45 Book of the week
The poet Hannah Lowe reads from her memoir about her Jamaican father and her relationship with him during her childhood in Essex.
10:00 Moaners Hour
With Harriet Harman
10:45 15 minute ‘drama’
Tanika Gupta’s Letters from a Young Indian Revolutionary set in 1930’s
11:00 Crossing continents
A Mediterranean rescue In one of the largest operations of its kind, thousands of migrants, mostly from sub-Saharan Africa, were pulled off cramped, unseaworthy boats in the Mediterranean in June. Gabriel Gatehouse has had rare access to the operation. He follows two young men as they try to find a new home in Europe, from the moment they board a privately-funded search and rescue ship, to their attempts to evade the Italian police.
11:30 A Cold War Dance
Dancers and crew of the Martha Graham Dance Company bring to life their US State Department sponsored tour of Southeast Asia in 1974.
13:45 The New Economy Does caring mean sharing?
Tim Samuels explores the sharing economy. In this fourth programme, he looks at energy services.
14:15 The Good Listener
Yet another GCHQ ‘drama’ which if yesterday was anything to go by will carry a left wing subliminal message.
And then they wonder why people like us accuse them of bias! I wonder how with a schedule like that they can actually defend their falsehood of impartiality?
No doubt they will say that they are allowed to have bias in one particular program so long as a subsequent program corrects that bias.
Perhaps someone might like to point out which programs actually do this?
I’m so glad to see this post – it touches on something I have been complaining about about for years. The BBC’s biases are often dismissed with a ‘show me’ challenge, soliciting evidence that the BBC is biased along party lines.
It undoubtedly is, but the real bias of the BBC is shown in its programming choices, in the selection of subjects and presenters and the storylines of its fiction, every bit as much as in its handling of interviews with politicians.
This is where the deep cultural engineering takes place. People listen with one ear, unknowingly absorbing the subliminal messages (as Umbongo points out in his post elsewhere about the documentary on Stowe) without being aware of it.
It is dirty and subversive work and the BBC is ceaseless with it, trying to reshape Britain into becoming the country it wants it to be, rather than reflecting the country that it is.
GCooper, It gets worse.
Any one who has to work night shifts and has the misfortune to listen to AlBaba World Service, which takes over from AliBaba Wales about 01:00 AM., will find that it is a broadcasting service that extols the ‘Multikulti’ virtues of the outside world to the UK. It should be the other way round. A case of the ‘tail wagging the dog’ no less .
Not yet BBC bias but given their track record……..
It would appear that the missing MalayAir MH370, you know, the one that vanished 17 months ago, might now be showing itself. A part of an aircraft has been washed up on Reunion Island and it carries a part number which comes from a Boeing 777, a part of the Flaperon which is part of the wing. Investigators are on their way to the area as it is now expected other debris will also be found. In view of the fact that the aircraft reversed course mid flight and all electronics turned off, it could have come to a catastrophic end in flight or was deliberately downed.
You can’t turn ‘all’ the electronic off on an airbus, only some of them. It’s a fly by wire control system, and if a pilot could turn that off the plane would be instantly uncontrollable.
Suitcase now found in same place as the debris. I find it a little odd that the BBC and Sky are not all over this story considering the scale of coverage given back in 2014.
Apparently 90% of immigrants are electrical engineers, which is a bit strange since I don’t think Eritrea is connected up to the Grid, unless Apple has made a computer that you can plug into a tree.
It’s funny that you posted the WWZ video. Whilst watching the usual pro-migrant propaganda from the Bolshevik Broadcasting Comintern the other night I started mentally substituting the word ‘zombie’ for ‘migrant’ – spiced up the story no end, and it actually works!
Click ‘like’ if you’re getting sick, tired and enraged by the BBC wheeling out every sodding equality and human rights’ lawyer/spokesperson/expert to explain why the invaders should be let in. Look, the BBC spoke to one Syrian migrant this morning and he had a bloody Manchester accent; come on, he’s just come back from Syria jihad for goodness sakes! But the naive reporter was almost playing the violin alongside this migrant’s corny sob story.
I’m not sure how much more blood pressure I can take with all these sandal wearing moral crusaders chucking their handbags a Cameron for saying ‘swarm of migrants’. What a pathetic country we’ve become. I’d despair if I wasn’t too busy laughing!
13:00 news sob story on some one from the muslim brotherhood, (“As of 2014, the organization has been declared a terrorist group both in Egypt and by its erstwhile ally Saudi Arabia”) the reporter appears to be on the side of the swarms of migrants. Never heard of them charity gets another plug. Their website won’t load but they have a twit (ter) page yea right! Perhaps they could ship those water cannon that Boris can’t use across the channel.
Yes, good point Dave. I caught that report, too, and thought to myself: Hang on a minute. Isn’t the Muslim Brotherhood an extremist and terrorist organisation? Classic BBC subtle indoctrination for you.
Nice to see the Top Gear boys have found a new home together on Amazon Prime (along with their old BBC producer) to present an as-yet un-named show. They’ve signed a three-series deal.
Two fingers to the BBC!
The new Chris Evans-fronted Top Gear, meanwhile is going to be grizzly celebration of all those liberal progressive traits that conspired to kill off the last iteration. It’s going to be great to watch it fail so spectacularly.
Of course the BBC want the law changed so that you would have to have pay a license fee to watch a non-BBC internet only show, even if you didn’t watch any over the air or satellite broadcasts.
Lucy PevenseyFeb 28, 22:58 Midweek 26th February 2025 Guess who else is at it?
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiFeb 28, 22:23 Midweek 26th February 2025 “Today, it became clear that the free world needs a new leader.” I might simply change one thing, crossing out…
JohnCFeb 28, 22:19 Midweek 26th February 2025 Fed, I think the EU got to Zelensky first and convinced him THEY will carry the war to Russia. Hence…
JohnCFeb 28, 22:14 Midweek 26th February 2025 One event missing from the thread header Fed: ‘EU top diplomat says ‘free world needs new leader’ after Trump-Zelensky clash’…
Lucy PevenseyFeb 28, 21:58 Midweek 26th February 2025 He really has his finger on the oulse of the nation
taffmanFeb 28, 21:42 Weekend 1st March 2025 ‘Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus’, Happy Saint David’s Day to you all !
NiborFeb 28, 21:32 Weekend 1st March 2025 In re: the Hamas child documentary. Theres a couple of words to describe the (in) actions of the BBC and…
wwfcFeb 28, 21:29 Weekend 1st March 2025 [img][/img]
pugnaziousFeb 28, 21:14 Midweek 26th February 2025 Hilarious….you’d think it was a satirical piss-take of po-faced, self-important BBC reporters who over-analyse and fabricate a trembling tower of…
BBC Website. ” Would Calais migrants really be better off in the UK ? ” You couldn’t make it up !
I don’t give a shit whether they would. I don’t want them here.
According to Simon Bates on BBC Radio Devon this morning (yes, we have ended up with him) ‘our hearts should go out to all these poor people’. A little later…’our hearts should go out to all the lorry drivers and holiday makers as well of course’.
I’m heartbroken by what is being done to the country I love.
Perhaps Simon Bates could add: ‘Our hearts should go out to the British people and culture presently being destroyed by the BBC, Cameron and the other noses in the trough (or elsewhere).’
No, didn’t think so …
The Prime Ministers conduct throughout the Calais fiasco is a good example of things to come and shows just how ‘strong’ he will be when negotiating Britain’s deal with the European Union.
Both he and the Home Secretary are scared of the French.
And all the BBC and their progressive liberal acolytes can do is complain about Cameron’s entirely accurate definition of the illegal immigrants as a “swarm”…
They do not offer a damn thing by way of solution to these criminals. These overt law-breakers. Every single one of those immigrants that ends up in the UK is a criminal, as they have failed to seek asylum in the first safe country they arrived in…
Either that or they are claiming that none of the other 27 EU member states is safe enough to claim asylum in, in which case, why the hell are we still in a political union with them???
NONE of those migrants are a genuine refugee, or asylum seeker. If they were, then they would have sought asylum in the first safe country they arrived in, as is their legal obligation, in order to qualify as an asylum seeker.
And of course once they had been granted refugee status in France or Italy they would enjoy the right to live and work in Britain!
Clealry they either
i) Know they havent a cat in hells chance of qualifying for asylum in either of these countries
2) They have already been fingerprinted and turned down and intend living illegally in Britain. I suspect for most it is the latter.
Oops, just accidentally reported your comment, Pat. Sorry.
They seem to be working on a self-delusional ‘ask it often enough’ mission.
This is FaceBook:
BBC News
What should be done to prevent further deaths?
Migrant dies as 1,500 try to enter Channel Tunnel
He was killed near the Calais entrance on Tuesday night.
Let’s just say the answers they are getting and most liked, are not perhaps from those the BBC claims to speak for.
I wonder if they may be seduced into a HYS?
it would last about 5 minutes before being pulled.
Cameron is in Singapore. They seem to have quite an effective method of preventing people breaking into the border rail terminus and other strategic assets. They fence them off, cover the fencing with razor wire and put up triangular warning signs. The signs have a drawing of a man firing a gun and below it in multiple languages is a message saying this is a high security area where trespassers may be fired upon.
You should see (oddly images hard to come by) the defences and warnings around the state broadcaster compound.
You mess with their policy-supporting soaps at your peril.
Maybe we could find a few American dentists looking for a new challenge. They might even pay for the priviledge making it self-financing.
Don’t give them any ideas.
With dung beetles masquerading as leaders in this country the signs would read :-
No whites
No Christians
No Jews
No climate change deniers
No right wing voters
”Migrant dies as 1,500 try to enter Channel Tunnel,” I suspect if he’d lived he would’ve been one of those pwomising football, basketball players.
“I wonder if they may be seduced into a HYS?”
Wonder no longer. They have. It started about three hours ago and there’s more than 1300 comments already.
It’s safe to say I don’t see it lasting much past going home time.
Blimey, they are gluttons.
I was wrong (and joking) about the 5 mins, but at almost 1800 in 4 hrs and looking at the top rated, letting the UK working stiffs get a crack after 6.30pm may not be high on the BBC ‘we speak for the nation’ agenda.
Closed now.
Now, there’s a surprise.
Actually that’s not a bad survey of the entitlements immigrants – legal and illegal – receive once here. It even notes that (in 2009) illegals constituted from 600,000 (per Boris) to 1.1 million (per Migration Watch) of our rapidly expanding population – God knows what it is now. Of course, and here’s the problem, once here – legally or otherwise – the benefits (financial and other) kick in. For instance, although, in theory, illegals have to pay for NHS care, I wonder how many do. And, if they do, where does the moolah come from? From benefits legally or illegally claimed or crime? Who knows? Meanwhile the person charged with limiting illegal immigration – Ms May – spends more time and effort choosing her shoes than dealing with the illegals (here and abroad).
And our national broadcaster? Well it’s “cry me a river” on the illegals front. Apropos of “cry me a river” the BBC 10:00pm News last night, continued its series on people trafficking. The perps and the victims shown last night were from Nigeria. Really, what is the point – except for some spurious “authenticity” – of showing a shadowy figure being interviewed and responding through an actor’s voice? To paraphrase an old TV programme – just give us the facts. Don’t overlay (or ignore – this is the BBC after all) the facts through the hackneyed dramatics of hand-held/hidden camera footage.
Then continuing its endless “new Britons” theme, London Local News (“news where you are”) also featured problems connected with African immigrants. I know I’m part of a put-upon minority in London but surely there must be some news of interest to indigenous whites (apart from highlighting our dedication to racism and our ancestors’ practice of slave-trading).
The BBC News peace on people trafficking is not, technically. news. It is not portrayed as news, it is not presented as news and it doesn’t come across as news.
What it is is campaigning, presented as analysis and dressed up as news.
Completely different. Just imagine if the 10 O’clock news simply presented news without all the puff that gets presented with it. It would just be so much better.
Whereas what they really mean to say is: “Would businesses in need of cheap, compliant workers and Labour MPs seeking new voters” be better off with them in the UK?
Five Live phone in this morning all about Calais. Being hosted by panto dame Campbell it was all hushed and reverential tones about suffering and plight and fleeing persecution.
When a caller mentioned that if they were genuine asylum seekers and not economic migrants why not stay in the first country of safety the Dame moved things swiftly along. Nothing to see here – we have an agenda to follow dontcha know?
Dame Nicky also managed to squeeze in a line about how the problem is only going to get worse with “climate change” (science is settled you see).
And a sanctimonious dig at a UKIP supporter when he said Farage was the only politician speaking sense about the situation.
Campbell truly personifies the term utter wanker.
I used to see Campbell on Watchdog and assumed he was just another of those strangely effete, snake-hipped, Nivea slathered, chestnut hair dyed almost men the BBC seem to buy off the production line.
The truth is more sinister. Campbell is a ruthless, ambitious, cynical and dangerous individual. When occasionally challenged on-air that the phone-in is just there to whip up anger and resentment he agrees and laughs.
He is the living embodiment of the BBC. A despicable 32″ waisted enemy of the state. A Stepford husband. An enemy of every tradition and belief the United Kingdom was founded upon.
On the 2nd of July there was a very strange call to Your Call on Five Live from an SNP supporter. It started off quite normally but then went into a bizarre rant about the English and “their” Empire. Some of you might have noticed this revision of history employed by the outer edges of the SNP before the referendum to wash their hands of the Scots pivotal role in Britain’s Imperial ambitions. They do it, I assume to perpetuate the lie that the Scots are an oppressed nation yearning to be free of the wicked English.
This morning’s Dial-A-Marxist was on the subject of the chaos in Calais. Lo and behold, a very similar sounding caller was allowed on air to make the self-same rant about the “English” empire. Now, I know from my recent fake call to Five Live it isn’t too easy to get on-air unless you meet certain criteria, the foremost being do you meet the bias they wish to reflect, so my guess is another attack on the English is far from a coincidence, and is far more likely to reflect the views of the editorial team.
Twice in just under a month might not sound a lot, but the vast majority of subjects tackled by this programme these days are lifestyle topics, not political. Looking at the last few weeks of phone-ins on iPlayer there are no more than three or four days when such a point could shoe-horned in, yet twice it gets to air virtually unchallenged.
Few who heard Five Live’s coverage of the referendum can doubt which side of the argument they favoured. Their pro-SNP bias culminated in Campbell accusing Alastair Darling of sounding “manic” live on air three days before the vote. I’m trying to think of a time when it is acceptable to accuse anyone of mental aberration on air, let alone the leader of one side or another seventy-two hours before a vote. Similarly their simpering love affair with Nicola Sturgeon continues undimmed by reality or hint of even-handedness to this day.
I tweeted Campbell on the first occasion the SNP anti-English rant made it air and asking if we can have a whole hour attacking the English. He replied equally sarcastically “We’re working on it.” I have no doubt they are. No doubt at all.
Close Five Live.
My mind boggles at the thought of a “manic” Alistair Darling !
A major factor behind the Acts of Union 1707 that finally joined England and Scotland together was Scotland’s failed attempt at establishing its own empire. Specifically the attempt to colonise Panama, which resulted in Scotland’s bankruptcy in the 1690’s (the ‘Darien scheme’). Hey, Andy Murray wore that Panama t-shirt for a reason you know!
It’s also very noticeable in movies and TV dramas about the British Empire that oafish, ignorant, hypocritical English types predominate, whilst the handful of Scots are portrayed as clever, canny and principled (e.g. ‘Indian Summers’ earlier this year). In reality, Scots made up nearly 50% of the administrators in British India and one rather suspects that good and bad qualities were distributed somewhat more evenly.
Its ironic really, the SNP want more immigrants and independence, yet want to give up their sovereignty and throw their hand in with the EU. Have the people of Scotland been brainwashed by AliBaba Telly? Well they sure had its support.
I see on the VD show,the ‘comments’ are pro those poor migrants,time to build The great wall of Calais !!
The BBC Breakfast team were all at sea this morning, obviously they would prefer not to focus too much on the illegal immigrant crisis, even though one of them was killed while 2000 of them were trying to batter their way into England last night.
Thankfully they could focus on the shooting of Cecil the Lion and Joanna Lumley when discussing the papers. Oh and here is Carol with the weather emphasising how hot it is in Southern Europe (in July fancy that), hoping to mitigate the unfortunate coldness we are experiencing in Britain at the moment.
At least Sky news had the decency to read out a tweet asking why the fence at Calais can’t be electrified.
Electrification won’t work. 90% of the immigrants are electrical engineers who presumably can get round this sort of thing.
And the other 10% are doctors who can treat them if they get electrocuted.
Offenbach’s opinion of French law and order still seems correct today
We’re public guardians bold yet wary
And of ourselves we take good care
To risk our precious lives we’re chary
When danger threatens we’re not there
But when we see a helpless woman
Or little boys who do no harm…
We run them in, we run them in
We run them in, we run them in
To show them we’re the bold gendarmes
When young men like to make a riot
And jumo on passing trains at night
We are disposed to keep it quiet
Provided that they make it right
But if they do not seem to see it
Or give to us our proper alms..
We run them in, we run them in
We run them in, we run them in
To show them we’re the bold gendarmes
And just think of the CO2 emissions from electrifying that fence? Oh the horror!!!
Why is this story about Cecil the lion getting so much attention? PM have spent the last two evenings banging on about it and this morning Today was at it too.
Had anyone heard of this creature before? Are there no worse things happening in Zimbabwe now under Robert Mugabe? Or has the US dentist done something to be targeted by the world’s media.
I just get the feeling this is a front for a much bigger agenda.
It is “Dentism” , pure and simple.
You’re and anti-Dentite. 🙂
It was/is massive on twitter, which as we all know is how the buds in the cubicle gardens get their ‘news’ to repost.
A bit like the Mum who was mistreated in a store, only turning out to be a grasping chav nutjob.
Or the the BBC contributor who set out destroy Prof Hunt.
Frankly getting rehashed outraged ‘news’ for £145.50pa via a free US-based aggregator with BBC salaries, expenses, Glasto trips and pensions bolted on seems like poor value.
Expect ‘Magazine’, ‘Pop-up’, ‘Trending’ and all the other BBC jobcentre creations to be sending da kidz from the audience of seven outlets out there for a bit of chillin’ & reportin’ on safari.
If the BBC were really concerned about wildlife in the former Rhodesia they might want to investigate the wholesale export of animals to China involving members of the Zimbabwean and Chinese governments and dodgy Italian middlemen. No, thought not.
Yes, it seems to be all over the airwaves. That said what kind of sick bastard can kill a creature as beautiful as a lion when it posed no threat to them? Send him to Calais.
I’m far from a liberal, but there are animals on this planet whose relative scarcity demands we protect them, while we still have them to protect. There is little point being the most sophisticated creature on the planet if we cannot do well by our fellow species.
If this guy was my dentist I’d have moved practice already. It’s all a bit too Marathon Man for my liking, I’d be worried he’d put me under and I’d wake up with my boxers on backwards.
Indeed I feel quite disgusted by the Dentists antics, he seems a rum cove. But I feel Cecil’s sad demise is a convenient distraction from the more serious issues of the day, namely the role of climate change in the radicalisation of young “Britains” (surely its only a matter of time before the beeb makes that connection)
After reading up on the “trophy hunters” in Africa, I was shocked to learn that without them, much of the wildlife of Africa would have become extinct long ago. The unfortunate and shameful fact is that the vast sums of money such hunters pay to shoot the occasional animal is put into conservation and it protects a hell of a lot more animals than are hunted.
If liberals really cared about these animals, they should be funding the conservation of them, instead of leaving it to the hunters to be the heroes. Liberals should be ashamed of themselves for doing nothing but spread ill-informed, ignorant hatred all over the net, instead of actually helping to protect rare species.
Do not expect that inconvenient truth on the BBC
It is just one of an entire series of ‘stories’ which are being deployed as pure deflection/distraction. It’s getting pretty desperate at HQ now, and I suspect that if they succeed in stopping any actual news reaching the public, they will at some point far in the future meet up at a suitable London gentlemen’s club and swap war stories about ‘How the Truth Nearly Got Out’.
Or maybe it’ll be at the Comedy Store.
Invasion ? what invasion? Look at that dead squirrel (lion) over there….
Its part of the anti gun lobbying. Show what horrible nasty people those who keep guns for shooting purposes are.
It was a cross-bow.
Yes but the lion was eventually shot with a gun. The killer was a gun shooter.
R4’s Today certainly plumbed new depths this morning giving the Emir of the Caliphate of Brent North airtime to whine about a “22 year old young man” going off to Syria. The family, as usual, is distraught. No doubt, as usual, the family had no idea what was going on. He was a good, quiet boy, always at the mosque! The police have done nothing!
What I am beginning to find more and more galling is people like Emir Barry Gardiner, Labour MP referring to a potential mass murderer of people who really are British citizens as “Our citizen”. If only Labour apparatchiks had been so punctilious in enforcing the letter of the law in places like Rotheram and Bolton. Of course, maybe they were, but not English law.
Barry is, of course, highly concerned about “harm reduction”. The young man might do himself a mischief while martyring himself or cut his thumb while beheading some unfortunate with a knife that does not meet EU safety standards. These are the high moral concerns of “our” elected representatives.
Perhaps Barry should be helping our, true born, British Muslim terrorists to plan and execute their operations more effectively. After all, too much failure could lead to “self esteem” issues and Muslims with low self-esteen will become alienated and hate Britain even more so turning them into terrorists.
This is Labour logic the indigenous population should simply slit their own throats in a halal fashion and all this nonsense would be avoided.
Good point ,ID.
Self destruction by the indigenes would make Liebore’s job SO much easier……..unfortunately ,the English people appear to have tumbled them ,and only the brain-dead now vote for them.
Time for some more imaginative voter fraud ,I think.
Unfortunately they still vote for a Conservative party which wants us to remain in the E.U. as such there is little difference between them and Labour on immigration.
Camoron has done nothing to halt the flow from the EU or the Third World from what I can tell.
He has done a few things to slow the legal flow from the Third World, but not very much, not half of what he could have quite easilly done and not a fraction of what he should have done IF he was actually interested in Conserving.
In short, he has done sweet FA.
Immigration is up . Simple.
Up??? It’s nearly effing virtical.
Total immigration is up but so are the pressures, the Romagarians have invaded, Greeks are also moving here, and the boat people swarms are increasing. He has reduced the numbers of TThird Worlders allowed to come here legally. The trend is a rising one, but Cameron is doing more to slow the rise than Labour or LibDems ever would have.
Meirion Jones, the producer of the suppressed Panorama documentary speaks out, it would appear that, everyone who was on the right side of the Savile argument has been forced out of the BBC….
‘… everyone who was on the right side of the Savile argument has been forced out of the BBC’
Leaving only those on which side now?
Jones says ” The BBC is quite happy to pay people to do nothing ” !
David Camoron on SKY news ” 2000 illegal immigrants have come into Britain and we’re going to spend £ 9 million on security.” The reality is 9 million illegal immigrants have come into Britain and Camoron is going to spend £2000 quid on security,
Social Security ?
Why is the corporate media calling what’s happening at Calais a ” Crisis” ? If a thief breaks into your house and robs it, does the police call it a ”Crisis” ?
Its a bloody ‘crisis’ for Britain, the enemy is at our door and our government is compliant.
It’s not a crisis, it’s an invasion.
It’s the beginning of the end of western civilisation, as we know it.
Don’t you mean civilisation period?
These invaders ain’t civilised!
It is a civil front. It is the true successor to guerilla warfare, and it is not possible to counter it with either a standing armed force or civil policing.
An effective response has not yet been developed. Chillingly, it may only become a possibility elsewhere, and after the EU, and the UK along with it, have been irretrievably damaged to the point of being culturally, politically and economically overwhelmed.
Perhaps but declaring martial law at our ports and closing the tunnel and ports in the Calais region would be a start. Suspension of all human rights acts and removing any right of appeal or asylum .All these things are possible. Also a concerted attack on the Libyan people smugglers and their infrastructure.
Drastic methods no doubt and with some serious side effects on us all . Economic ones mostly.
Sometimes swift and forceful action is the only way.
What you have said illustrates my point. What you are suggesting is a local suspension of civil society, against what would be a political background of quite vociferous opposition to any lessening of the porosity of our national borders. This would likely materialise civil conflict in other areas, particularly in locations of poorly integrated immigrant guest cultures, but also from partnerships of the Left. I imagine some planning has already taken place among both these groups to counter any sign of effective control being asserted. This is the dilemma facing our government. We must not forget the role of the EU in all this, which as has been endlessly argued elsewhere, is hoist on its own petard of ‘free movement’, not only of labour, but of all, within its borders.
No, what we are seeing here is the inevitable result of the erosion of national sovereignty, not just of the UK but of every nation within the EU. This brings me on to the BBC.
I have thought for some time that the issue of funding for the BBC is a red herring. The Corporation is increasingly funded from the EU, and if there are financial pressures on it caused by a ‘local’ UK restriction of its funding, it seems likely that the EU will take up the slack, and more. In the past, as Dr Redwood has pointed out, the EU has consistently reached out over the heads of its constituent nations, to promote ‘regions’ within those nations as a direct attempt to undermine the residual sovereignty of those nations. As he says, it has now got a tiger by the tail, and is rowing back somewhat on this.
However, being a bureaucratic centralist empire, it is not about to relinquish control back to national level. It appears to me to be concentrating on broadcasting and media now, in an attempt to ‘control the narrative’ in a really big way. It is reaching out in a way that means that the BBC could truly become an arm of EU policy and priorities, rather than serving UK interests. It could easily become essentially a ‘foreign-owned corporation’, no less than some of our utilities, manufacturers and banks are now. The issue with the BBC is not so much funding, as control. If the BBC were to become a subscription service, even, it would still be vulnerable to supra-national control, unless its charter is revised to explicitly prevent it from seeking or receiving funding from such sources. I imagine that the BBC is actively exploring ways of becoming a closer partner for the EU, bypassing any national attempts to control it on the part of the UK government. It coverage of and influence on the upcoming referendum will be an important litmus test for the EU as to whether it can deliver their agenda.
So the issue with the BBC is not primarily one of funding, but essentially one of re-asserting control.
IT is possible to counter it with armed force, do as the Egyptians did in Camp of the Saints – turn the guns on them.
No, the police won’t bother calling it anything, because they won’t turn up.
Just heard on the R4 TWaO programme a representative of the UNHCR describe ALL the ‘migrants’ in Calais as ‘refugees’. That’s ALL of them.
Absolutely outrageous. He offered no evidence for this claim, nor was he challenged to by the BBC interviewer.
This is a UN agenda to flood Europe with so-called ‘refugees’. When they operate from a mindset that dictates all illegal immigrants are, de facto, ‘refugees’ they reveal their duplicity.
Close the Channel Tunnel once and for all and let’s be done with the entire problem.
It should never have been built; an engineering marvel – yes, but it has also effectively created a land border with the Continent – something we have long, historical, cause to be thankful for NOT having.
Just seen transcripts of the type being sent to Whittingdales Review group.
(1) Channel 5 News: (an Interview with two Journalists, a few weeks ago) “The BBC spend a billion pounds per year on wages” “last year the BBC said that they are going to reduce staff numbers, but the staff numbers this year have risen” “The BBC is a bloated really badly run organisation” “The BBC needs saving from itself, its addicted to a form of funding which has no future” “The BBC employees 90 people who are paid more than the Prime Minister”
(2) RT UK: (An Interview with the deputy leader of UKIP, Paul Nuttall, yesterday) Complains about the BBC’s use of the 225 Monnet Professors Group, without pointing out to the viewer, the Groups Pro-EU remit and EU funding, or even inviting anyone from the Anti-EU side, to provide a balanced debate. The “Jean Monnet Project” named after the chief architect of the EU and first “Honorary Citizen of Europe”, has tentacles in virtually all universities in Europe to “promote European integration propaganda” This has created 225 Jean Monnet Professorships in British Universities. The Pro-EU lobby is almost exclusively funded by the taxpayer, most of who are now Anti-EU. Also talks about the fact that the BBC has taken 22 million pounds from the EU, in the last decade, without declaring this in the BBC accounts. The BBC refuses to answer these questions from RT UK, or Nuttall.
Radio ‘5 live’ on the Calais crisis, the usual lefty luvvies went unchallenged on everything they
‘The migrants are desperate to leave their homelands due to torture etc’.
Q. where are the women and children then?
‘We have to discuss this in an adult way and not a tabloid way’.
Q. Does a tabloid way mean a ‘public opinion way’
‘We started these problems by going into these countries’.
Answer. Very few countries did we go into and this ‘migrant’ issue started well before the much publicised self blame nonsense.
‘We need to take responsibility for these people take them in and look after them’.
Answer. No we bl***y don’t!
‘We need to make sure Africa is a settled and productive nation’. Answer. Ditto above!
More of the same claptrap continued that I suspect we have all heard before.
However the icing on the cake and what made me laugh instead of throwing the radio across the room was the Welsh Cymru bint that said ‘ immigration was needed in Wales and more GP’s would be very welcome’! I kid ye not, how many of those illegal migrants are qualified GP’s ? None absolutely none.
I have wondered for many years if the left believed their spoutings about immigration or if they were just mad. I had my answer this morning, although it could be just a Welsh thing!
The Welsh ‘Bint’ above should be afraid, very afraid, as UKIP made great inroads in Wale in the last election . There are a lot of angry Welshmen who are against immigration .
I suspect many are daft enough to think Plaid Cyru ia a nationalist party and will oppose immigration…
Properly qualified doctors can easily get jobs and visas to come to the UK legally. They don’t have to risk their lives as illegals. In any case the illegals will have destroyed all their documents anyway. Mind you, some of them may be rugby players !
And why should Wales take more GPs from areas of Africa where health care is basic at best? Surely the need is greater there. I call it rapacious colonial exploitation.
Damn cannot detect proxy settings over & over again!
Anyone else having these problems?
Radio 4 Afternoon ‘drama’
This authentic drama takes us inside the intelligence agency GCHQ, where agents are tracking three young British Muslims as they head for Syria.
Henry Morcombe, an experienced GCHQ analyst, is tasked with establishing whether they intend to deliver humanitarian aid or join the armed conflict. He realises that there is more to this case than meets the eye when the team discovers the boys’ true purpose in Syria.
How to protect the public while keeping within legal and ethical boundaries is far from straightforward, and tensions emerge as the team responds to unfolding events.
GCHQ (Government Communications Head Quarters) has come under closer scrutiny in recent years and yet little is known about the operations of this highly secretive, but strategically essential, spy agency. The production team gained access to GCHQ during the making of the drama. The story and the characters presented here are fictional.
What they don’t tell you there is that there is complications with a Pakistani Muslim staff member whom the ‘good guy’ GCHQ analyst trusts, and the bad ones who don’t trust him.
Needless to say he becomes the saviour of lives and the hero of the hour. No chance is missed to trot out every single propaganda meme about moderate Muslims and extremists, and ISIS not really being Islamic, whilst all the time avoiding any real facts about Islam or verses from the Qur’an.
Sounds like a standard BBC ‘nudging’ operation – mask the message behind a drama (or documentary, or comedy or even the weather) and the ‘nudging’ takes care of itself. Almost all BBC output emanating from the poisoned well carries this messaging, be it pro-EU, pro-CAGW, pro-multiculturalism propaganda. It’s always there, hiding just below the surface.
The BBC is, in effect, unfit for purpose and in almost constant breach of its Charter. Abolish the license fee now – the BBC is a bloody disgrace.
I’m afraid the first paragraph gave the game away…it was judgemental and we can’t have that now can we!
Presumably GCHQ is unable to respond to clap-trap, however much it might like to?
This kind of contemporary drama is th emost insideous propaganda of all because they tell any old lies they like masquerading as a kind of moral truth.
On he previou sopen thread I commentetd on the BBC’s differnt approach towards stories relating to Susiya and Beit El.
BBCWatch has more detail, revealing the Yolande Knell must surely be guilty either of reprehensible ‘bias by omission’, or of journalistic incompetence.
On the previous open thread I commented on the BBC’s different approach towards stories relating to Susiya and Beit El.
BBCWatch has more detail, revealing that Yolande Knell must surely be guilty either of reprehensible ‘bias by omission’, or of journalistic incompetence.
Tulip Mazumdar, ‘Global health reporter’ – no, me neither – wants us to ‘imagine’ what it’s like to be in a third-world cesspit surrounded by Ebola.
If you are suffering from Ebola fatigue, imagine what it’s like for the millions of people living alongside this invisible killer, which appears to have made itself quite comfortable in West Africa.
This was our team filming on a road in Gueckedou in south east Guinea where the outbreak started, imagine trying to get a desperately sick person to a hospital in that.
No thanks, Tulip, it’s bad enough imagining what this country will be like when all the economic migrants invade through the Channel tunnel.
She is one of the original cubicle kinder-gardeners, and flitted about a bit trying to find her niche, but seems to have settled on this role for now, imagining away, and inviting others to imagine with her.
Her actual ‘reporting’ in the past has left a fair bit to be desired.
She’ll go far.
Just goes to show how out of touch the BBC and the Guardian are with the public; all day the two Left-wing news organisations have been banging on about the welfare of the illegal immigrants (who, they seem to conveniently forget, are aggressively trying to invade our country via Calais). So, they don’t seem to give a damn about the often violent behaviour of these undesirables towards lorry drivers and holiday makers, who are basically petrified sitting ducks stuck in Calais traffic jams. Rather, these rug-knitting, incense candle lighting, yoghurt eaters inflate their own egos through sanctimonious ‘save-the-world’ immature drivel. I tell you what: let’s send the hoards of enrichers around to their pads to celebrate diversity!
The British public (apart from Labour voters, the Scottish Nazi Party underlings, student socialists and overgrown commies) simply want this invasion to stop – but no. The BBC seem to have an endless supply of sandal-wearing human rights lawyers on their BBC 24 only too willing to spout their vomitous equality and diversity garbage.
Another bit of tripe filler from the BBC on FaceBook (if not elsewhere):
BBC News
Tattoo artist offers free anti-racism inkings
People in Europe “largely positive” but there is hostility to the campaign
Have to say that ‘largely positive’ is a desperate punt in the Adams mould, especially when most comments are asking if this is the BBC’s slowest news day yet.
Too many staff with too much space to fill and not enough to fill it with (especially between the ears).
Latest Al BBC, “nothing to do with Islam” Muslim wants enough ricin to kill 1400 people, appears that its not even to do with terror either.
erm … Breaking Bad fan ricin plot
“Bolton-born Ali wanted ricin for a “peaceful purpose”
“The court heard Ali had made a to-do list on his computer which included the entries “paid ricin guy” and “get pets to murder”.
He had also made a series of internet searches for chinchillas, animal rescue centres, rabbits and “pocket-sized pets”.
Why would an Islamic adherent want ricin?
Why want to practice with ricin?,
Practice murder?
Practice murdering animals? … any ideas?
Mohammed Ali, 31, was convicted at the Old Bailey of attempting to possess a chemical weapon after around five and a half hours of deliberations by a jury. Ali, from Liverpool, struck a deal with a supplier in January to buy 500mg of ricin powder
… enough to kill 1,400 people.
Heard that on the Radio 2 3pm news, in fact the top three UK stories were all immigration/terrorism related, maybe the irony of the ‘immigration is good, lets be diverse, mantra continually trotted out by the bBC is lost on them?
It’s a good job he didn’t want an atomic bomb “for a peaceful purpose” isn’t it?
Calais crisis: Illegal immigrants arrested at Dover – Express
Britain to set up steel fence to control illegal immigration – Star
Travel chaos at Calais as illegal immigrants, etc – Mirror
British hauliers on frontline against illegal immigrants – Telegraph
Caught on camera illegal immigrants climb into lorries – Sun
Illegal immigrants pose threat to Channel Tunnel – forcing all services to stop – Telegraph
Footage shows migrants scaling Channel Tunnel fence
Calais migrants: Theresa May says ‘urgent work’ agreed
Calais migrant crisis: How people enter tunnel site
Calais migrant crisis: Man dies as Channel Tunnel targeted
Yes, absolutely spot on with those notable headlines………..but where is camoron?
Why isn’t he showing his ‘leadership’ abilities?
Why is he not defending his country from an invasion (that’s what this is)?
The last I heard he had said he was ‘concerned’……….I wonder if he will travel back to the UK through the tunnel?
As usual France have proved how ‘reliable’ they are with their TOTAL lack of action and, of course don’t forget the Italians quietly dishing out EU passports like confetti
Does England not matter any more to these alleged statesmen?
There is nothing to do except close the tunnel, come out of Europe and then we can depend upon our merchant seamen and the Royal Navy can provide coastal patrols not float around the southern med picking these people out of the sea……
Not about the bias on bbbc really but I needed to post………lool
Yes, English Gent. Cameron will leave no stone unturned, his heart and thoughts at this time are with those who are there or somewhere near and will listen harder whilst learning lessons that have been learnt whilst going forward this day and presenting a robust response to show that no stone has been unturned…
The whole Calais débâcle highlights the useless EU and its failure to secure its own borders. It also exposes the supine Tory government caught with its pants down failing to see the elephant in the room and the namby pamby AliBaba Telly’s propaganda.
On a positive note, it will get more votes for UKIP and the ‘End the TV licence campaign’.
But where is Camoron? … probably a champagne reception
Why isn’t he showing his ‘leadership’ abilities? … he hasn t got any
Why is he not defending his country? … he s a self server, and all the inept, grasping national traitors in No10 are.
He cares about himself and his cronies, and every one else can whistle, he d sell the country off if it lined his own pockets, in fact he s trying hard to do it, bit by bit
Breaking news: Public services union Unison says it will nominate Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour Party leadership contest
In other bBBC ‘news’:
The Pope is rumoured to be a devout Catholic
Research shows that bears tend to defecate in the forest
I was remarkable (or not!) that some BBC sources reported this as “… moderate trade union Unison supports Corbyn”. Hmm. Moderate? Discuss.
One can almost sense Lyse Doucet’s gushing admiration for this former Taliban leader. Personally, I’m not quite sure why this waste of web space even merits inclusion on a publicly funded British news site.
Here’s a wee snippet of Doucet’s fascination with the former Taliban leader…
“The legitimacy conveyed by the mythical Mullah Omar was always regarded as essential even if the reclusive leader had long ceased to be involved in the day-to-day running of the movement.
Now the issue of who can replace such a powerful figurehead is emerging as one of the most significant challenges to its survival as a cohesive political and military force.”
Yes, Lyse… indeed. Pass the sick bucket!
From the article you linked to, Doucet does not appear to be deeply in love with either the Taliban or IS, which she refers to as the so-called Islamic State. She does, however, appear to be deeply in love with Iran – as David indicates in It’s good to be back, which is supported by other examples of Doucet’s ‘reporting’ on Iran – so it’s likely that she has converted, or is about to convert, to Shia Islam and is distancing herself from Sunni IS and Sunni Taliban.
I guess we are soon going to have to refer to the barbaric Sunni-Shia conflict to fathom the bias of BBC staff and understand where their sympathies lie.
The BBC rarely admit to the conflict between Sunnis and Shias, or the fact that it kills more Muslims than the West ever has, as their narrative is to put the blame for all the violence, death and destruction in the Middle East on……..the West, and in particular the Iraq war.
B BC trailing their latest lot of over-the-top tripe named ‘Ripper Street’.Looks absolutely laughable with comic-book characters that make old Westerns look moderate.
In a spirit of perversity, I followed the Beeb’s advice and paid my £3 to become a registered supporter of the Liebore Party.I gave the reason as ‘to put the L abour Party on its proper path’.
Unfortunately , my pen ran out of ink before I could complete the sentence with…………..’TO OBLIVION’!!!!
(H/T to Toby Young for the idea).
The hand wringing and wailing over the “migrants” at Calais by Al Beebus and their near total self-imposed isolation, from the majority view of the autochthonous inhabitants of this country regarding these Third World people; would be laughable if the stakes were not so high. The future of out nation: it really is that simple.
Why should we be forced to continually take these dregs into our country?
“There is a reason why ethnic groups and races have survived for thousands of years. It’s part of nature. To enforce one race upon another is not part of that plan. It leads to conflict, strife and violence.”
An Israeli visiting a zoo in London sees a little girl standing close to the African lion’s cage.
Suddenly the lion grabs her arm and starts to pull her into the cage.
The Israeli runs up and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch.
The lion lets go of the girl and the Israeli hands her back to her frantic parents, who shower him with thanks.
A BBC reporter who has watched the whole event says to the Israeli, “Sir, that was the bravest thing I’ve seen a man do in my whole life. We’ll have this as the lead story on BBC News tomorrow. Can you tell me something about yourself?”
The Israeli says, “I’m a captain in the IDF and a member of Netanyahu’s Likud Party.”
The next day he turns on the news to see how they’ve reported the story.
The newsreader says: “Israeli occupier assaults jailed African immigrant and steals his lunch.”
Too believable…
Yes, many a true word is said in jest.
Not exactly BBC bias, but thermometers are now showing single figures across a lot of the U.K. and a frost at dawn beckons for some. Also, the swifts that are normally here on Dartmoor until mid September have just buggered off. Do they know something? Maybe the BBC’s “Country File” programme could inform us all why they have left for warmer climes so early?
I was just looking at my weather notes, and it might be that this year we will have a “frost day” in every month in the U.K., now that really is something to shout about what with all the BBC “Global Warming” going on.
That’s interesting (and a little worrying). Here (the still just rural SE) we have had a lot of geese flying around -at least a month earlier than usual.
I was going to make a remark about birds coming home to roost, but thought better of it.
In the far West of Wales it is now 8 Deg C – in July ? Roll on global warming .
You’ll not be pleased to hear then, taffman, that the BBC Met Chart is showing a ‘right on’ 18deg and sunshine in the south-east. I might have to put a pully on though if it doesn’t get up another degree and I daren’t open the patio doors yet.
The question that comes to mind with every weather forecast I hear on R4: London is now pretty much consistently three degrees warmer than anywhere else in the UK, even in the south-east. (It used to be more like two, 20 years ago, and before that I never thought to notice.) It ought to raise questions in the minds of the AGW/CC scientists & IPCC economists.
Why is a growing mass of brick, breeze block, concrete, composites, steel and glass (CO2 emissions apart) consistently warmer than anywhere else?
Up2snuff, now don’t tell me!………
they measured the temperature indoors (only joking). But seriously the measurement I observed was made in the early hours of the morning, and I must add it was cold for July. In ‘AlbBaba Telly speak’ – cool.
I can add that we have lots of heavy industry around here.
The west coast UK seems to be getting the rough stuff this year, taffman. IIRC, Southend and its surroundings and Margate and its surroundings at times vie for the driest spot in the UK. Probably due to Wales & Western Scotland having used up most of the rain (& cold) first. 😉 but that will be no comfort either! Have some sympathy from the sunny south east. Actually, it was cold & dull for several hours here before a glorious clear sky dusk. Guess we’ll be shivering too tomorrow morning.
Doubt your heavy industry covers an area of Greater London. The thing the environmentalists & others (Beeb incl.) miss is that giant night storage radiators on earth (a.k.a. cities) are, pretty much like the infernal combustion engine, a 20th & 21st century thing. Various observations (a basic way of doing science) ought to be making the BBC at least – with all those expensive science correspondents, editors & contributors – question whether the received wisdom that Global Warming is caused almost only by CO2 is correct. The second question that ought to be entering their minds in view of the present coolness, is whether Earth’s ecosystem is compensating for all the various causes of warming.
Questions, questions …
Cant argue with that.
The West generally gets the the rain due to the prevailing winds (SW ) and the mountains, before the stuff goes East.
Just for info., the temp here at present 7 Deg C .
(taken at 00 0:10 AM )
Great. Maybe the swifts will come over to the south-east. They have been in short supply over the last couple of years.
Probably a lack of insects down your way due to the cold. If I was small, frail & delicate, esp. when first out of the egg or cocoon or whatever, I think I’d want a placid day with 20degs on the clock before I poked my nose outside.
According to a recent report from ‘climate scientists’ the long hot summers we should have been having by now may not start to appear until around the year 2100.
Not only have they got the brass balls to call this jiggery-pokery science, they also keep telling us it’s ‘settled’.
Good job we’ve got the BBC to hold them to account.
Oh, hang on……
Staggered to hear will Hutton scare mongering over uni fees based on opinion poll on @bbc5live rather than explaining the reality
BBC Website:-
” German town’s pro-refugee posters”
“Freital (a small German town) has seen increasingly heated anti-refugee demonstrations and outbreaks of violence in recent months, since it was announced that 280 refugees would be housed in a former hotel in the town”.
But the posters are the work of one man. He’s described as anti-racist and pro-immigration. He’s anti far-right groups and refuses to be identified for fear of reprisals from the far-right.
He’s anti big corporations and wants to ‘reclaim the streets’. He also defaces posters he doesn’t like.
His posters lasted one day in one small German town.
But the BBC gave it online time and effort. Several posters in a village for a day? Is this News?
Why? Because it suits exactly the BBC’s Left wing agenda regarding immigration.
” German town’s pro-refugee posters.” Correction, one person’s pro refugee posters, sounds like a German version of Scott.
“What’s popular and why”
BBC Trending is but one of a growing collection of sub-sites that confuse presumption and projection that appeals to the cubicle kinder gardeners with reality.
There are 8,000 of them, and growing, apparently.
Before long they will be one on one with the activist sources whose PR they run, and the audiences they actually appeal to.
But thanks to the unique way the BBC is funded, they really could care less.
The German state seems intent on destroying Germany
Freital is just one example of the craziness of the so called Willkommenskultur. It is supposedly every German’s duty to welcome joyously as a friend any thirdworlder who turns up. At present, there are so many ” asylum seekers” that they are having to set up camps around Hamburg to accomodate new arrivals and local government is being forced to spend a fortune on renovating disused govrrnment buildings to hotel quality accommodation. Long term rental deals are also made with hotels with spare capacity. The conscientiouness of these burocrats in ensuring full implementation of the law is amazing.
I’ve no idea why the German taxpayer does not object to its cash being frittered away in this manner. The Nazikeule can always be used to blackmail the citizen into accepting the official halo-polishing universal love approach to incomers. But as in the last 6 months 200 attacks have been made on asylum reception centres, ordinary Germans do not seem thar keen on the enrichment and rejuvenation. Ma Merkel always claims that mass immigration is essential as there is population decline and skill shortages, yet she criticises Britain for not accepting their “fair share” of refugees. Shouldn’t she be grateful for the noble, sacrifice of the British who are forgoing this immense pool of talent for the benefit of her people?
BBc drag out another never heard of them charity
Yet another student costs story.
Bonus never heard of charity “asylum aid” bint comes on (I can’t get their website up) and goes through her speech, any one to put a counter to some of her remarks. No way.
“Do you remember, a couple of weeks ago, when it was really hot?”
BBC Breakfast’s Naga Munchetty prompts weather presenter Carol Kirkwood to leave her current chilly forecast for the British Isles and talk instead about ‘hot air’ and ‘sweaty nights in the Azores’.
This BBC reminiscing about one hot day is getting embarrassing
Did our Naga then glance somewhat sheepishly at the production team as though acknowledging she had completed her instruction?
We had a Global Warming summer, right! Got thet viewers? Even if was just one day at Heathrow runway 2.
Anyway, so much for that agenda, there’s a young lady from ‘Asylum Aid’ waiting in the wings ready to use the BBC platform for some dodgy statistics (“I’m not very good at maths” she admits) and quickly moving on to firmer ground for her free hit at Nigel Farage with a quick chorus of ‘Don’t worry, be happy’
The BBC morning production meetings must be diverting…
“Young thing from a pressure group has some dodgy stats…”
“About asylum seekers?”
“Yes, but the maths doesn’t ad…”
“Doesn’t matter; she’s in… Next!”
“How about student cost? There’s some charity…”
“Golden. Next!”
Asleet. When it was really hot due to a 747 spooling up it’s engines at Heathrow. Did you notice they started to bang on about climate change. Now we are back to a normal summer rainy and often not that warm the subject appears to have been dropped.
BBC World Service reporter at the Channel tunnel terminal in Calais informs us that overnight French riot police were deployed but no sign of pepper spray or batons, “too many cameras about”. He speaks as if his audience shares his position of total sympathy with the would be invading horde
From what I’ve seen of French riot police, and their immigration enforcers, they wouldn’t even need pepper spray or batons, there’s no way I’d even make an off-colour joke, let alone get into a ‘scuffle’ with ’em!
Jeremy Vine seems to have become a fully paid-up member of the BBC anti-Tory brigade.
He was interviewing Liz Kendall on his lunchtime show, Weds 29th July and pretty much allowed her an unchallenged platform to give a party political speech.
At one point he asked her if she was a Blairite and whether she admired him, to which she replied that he’d won three elections.
Jeremy then said “Yes, but Tony Blair presents a similar problem to that of Margaret Thatcher, Blair being disliked and toxic within the labour party just as Margaret Thatcher was within the country”
I think he needs to go and spend more time with his tax avoidance and less time doing the work of the labour party……or maybe they go hand in hand?
“seems to have become ” ??
“I think he needs to go and spend more time with his tax avoidance and less time doing the work of the labour party……or maybe they go hand in hand?”
‘Twould appear that way …..
Funny thing, in all the BBC R4 coverage of the Labour Leadership election and the hand-wringing over the loss of the General Election, I don’t think I’ve heard one highly paid presenter or journalist ask a prominent Labour MP or even one of the candidates “Was it revelations of tax avoidance by senior Labour MPs that cost you the Election?”
These presenters & journalists pride themselves for being good at their jobs (& commanding such high salaries), being well-briefed, prepared to ask penetrating questions, but there’s no sign of the really tough question from them on subjects the listening public might expect or wish to be covered.
The strange thing is that none of the politicians challenge the BBC on their own tax avoidance arrangements.
BBC Radio 4 this morning in full anti white racist death to America mode.
A piece on paedophilia in the US and the attempts the authorities are making at countering it.
We all know that in Pakistan and other Muslim countries (Britain?) paedophilia is endemic, and the authorities are doing nothing about it at all!
Neither is the BBC! Their attacks on the great Satan have to come first. It’s as if they’ve gone to some Muslim Jihadist for instruction!
We know that the BBC are anti-Semitic, but their racism comes in many contradictory forms. They expect much higher standards of behaviour from white people than from non-whites. For me, that is racism.
Absolutely Grant. That phenomenon is called the “Racsim of lower expectations” and is something the left-wing are all guilty of.
Demon, yes and, of course the lower expectations are because the non-whites are subject to racism, persecution, colonialism, Hollywood, KFC…….. blah, blah , blah !!!!
Looking at the state of the world, one wonders how ill-founded those lower expectations actually are.
No ‘we’ do not ‘know the BBC are anti-semitic’ , being pro Muslim does not equate with beign anti-Semtic. If they were there would not be so many jewish people working at the BBC. The idea is nonsense.
The real irony is the number of Jews who are themselves pro Muslim!
From the Guardian:
We view with alarm proposals to introduce a flat rate of support for all asylum seekers, including children (Report, 17 July). This would mean a reduction in support to children of £16 per week which, the Children’s Society has pointed out, would push some families 60% below the poverty line. Asylum seekers of whatever age have suffered enough. Why must they have to endure this added hardship?
We implore the government to think again. At the very least we ask that it commissions an independent review of support rates and that the new rates should not come into force until it has reported.
Dr Edie Friedman, Executive director, The Jewish Council for Racial Equality, Rabbi Charley Baginsky, Rabbi Lisa Barrett, Rabbi Dr Barbara Borts, Rabbi Richard Jacobi, Rabbi Natan Levy Jewish Social Action Forum, Rabbi Lea Mühlstein Northwood and Pinner Liberal Synagogue, Rabi Jeffrey Newman, Rabbi Sylvia Rothschild, Rabbi Professor Marc Saperstein, Rabbi Larry Tabick, Rabbi Jackie Tabick, Rabbi Alexandra Wright Senior rabbi, Liberal Jewish Synagogue
The very same ‘asylum seekers’ aka ‘invaders’ who are mostly Muslims.
One of the things that has been commented on is that most of the, erm, “migrants” at Calais are male. Yet in this morning’s Today report speaking to them, I counted 3 or 4 people they spoke to. Two were women, one of whom was only 16 (and, naturally, pregnant).
What were the odds on that, I wonder?
The offspring of these women (if they manage to enter the U.K. and give birth) become what is known in the U.S. as “anchor babies”; which would make it virtually impossible to deport them.
Very much doubt she was only sixteen. There are huge advantages to being a ‘minor’, she will be treated like an honoured guest.
Sharp rise in anti Semitic attacks in Britain, particularly in Greater Manchester.
But who could possibly behind these attacks? it’s a mystery! Which is odd because whenever there’s an attack on a Muslim or their property the BBC are lightening fast to blame whitey, even when there’s no evidence, or when it turns out that an attack never even happened!
So why on earth are so many ‘liberal’ Jews demanding better treatment for th eMuslim invaders ? See post above
Economic growth for the last quarter 0.7 %. Zero inflation, real incomes highest ever, high employment, low interest rates, strong pound. But the BBC manage to find flies in the ointment. Recovery is unbalanced between services and manufacturing, better growth means future rises in interest rates, strong pound hits exports. One Beeboid , I think it was the wonderfully named Jonty Bloom, said “this is probably as good as it will get “.
You’re a fool to believe either the bBC’s or the Government’s take on the economy, even the Telegraph don’t believe the Government.
Jeremy Warner, assistant editor of The Daily Telegraph did this piece earlier in the week
“The UK is living off borrowed time – and money”
Geoff, I do not believe anything any Government says about anything ! I was just alluding to the biased way the BBC reported it.
PS, however interest rates and the value of the pound are independently verifiable.
BBC news is reporting some far leftist pro immigration group has criticised David Cameron for calling the hoard of migrants at Calais a ‘swarm’, because in their opinion it ‘dehumanises them’.
What utter crap! Yet the BBC CHOOSES to broadcast it, and then hides behind the excuse that they are just reporting what someone else has said.
Funny that because when what someone else says doesn’t accord with their left wing views, they simply don’t report it at all! Bias by omission again.
Why anyone takes anything from BBC news is beyond me.
AliBaba Radio Wales were banging the gong for the ‘invaders’ this morning.
VD was in full hand wringing mode this morning to some UN geezer who was suggesting that Britain didn’t take anywhere near enough so called “migrants” compared to say Germany. I was only half listening but I am sure I heard him say that 50% of the so called “migrants” were asylum seekers. It occurred to me that means that 50% of them aren’t and have no legal right to enter. the same thoughts didn’t pass through VD’s head though as she nodded sagely.
Anyway it was next on to a trucker from Cornwall who was stuck in France. He described the problems he was facing but his views were somewhat off message for VD. After one of his responses didn’t follow the BBC line she pulled the sort of disapproving face that a Teacher might give to a student that had just broken wind in the classroom. The camera quickly cut away and went to full screen shots of so called “migrants” vandalising the fences at Calais and “swarming” all over the tracks of the Eurotunnel. She then pressed the truck driver on what he thought the solution to the problem was. He initially stated he wasn’t a politician but after more goading by VD he said that he didn’t think any of the “migrants” ought to be let through. That was the end of that as far as VD was concerned and it was on to the next article with a very dismissive attitude.
I agree with James Harding when he says that the VD show has (despite achieving less viewers than reruns of Knots Landing) far exceeded expectations. It is perhaps the ultimate distillation of the BBC’s world view.
If our fathers & grandfathers had quit the country in 1939 there would have been no World War II
NONE of the illegal immigrants in Calais are legitimate asylum seekers. If they were genuine, they would have claimed asylum long before they reached Calais.
Most of them probably tried, have already been fingerprinted and rejected and are heading here to live illegally.
The BBCs reporter in Calais today was almost sobbing when he described how he had seen a ‘boy’ who had broken both legs. This was apparently jumping off a train. he had asked his alleged ‘father’ how old he was and the ‘father’ had, apparently, held up ten fingers then one. Hmmm, what very odd behaviour, if he understood the question he could surely count in English, one of the first thing one learns in a foreign language.
Anyone really believe that a man was accompanie dbut his little eleven year old son on such an expensive and perilous journey? Chances are the ‘boy’ was at least sixteen. Chances are the man wasnt even his father.
Radio 4 schedule this morning
9:45 Book of the week
The poet Hannah Lowe reads from her memoir about her Jamaican father and her relationship with him during her childhood in Essex.
10:00 Moaners Hour
With Harriet Harman
10:45 15 minute ‘drama’
Tanika Gupta’s Letters from a Young Indian Revolutionary set in 1930’s
11:00 Crossing continents
A Mediterranean rescue In one of the largest operations of its kind, thousands of migrants, mostly from sub-Saharan Africa, were pulled off cramped, unseaworthy boats in the Mediterranean in June. Gabriel Gatehouse has had rare access to the operation. He follows two young men as they try to find a new home in Europe, from the moment they board a privately-funded search and rescue ship, to their attempts to evade the Italian police.
11:30 A Cold War Dance
Dancers and crew of the Martha Graham Dance Company bring to life their US State Department sponsored tour of Southeast Asia in 1974.
13:45 The New Economy Does caring mean sharing?
Tim Samuels explores the sharing economy. In this fourth programme, he looks at energy services.
14:15 The Good Listener
Yet another GCHQ ‘drama’ which if yesterday was anything to go by will carry a left wing subliminal message.
And then they wonder why people like us accuse them of bias! I wonder how with a schedule like that they can actually defend their falsehood of impartiality?
No doubt they will say that they are allowed to have bias in one particular program so long as a subsequent program corrects that bias.
Perhaps someone might like to point out which programs actually do this?
I’m so glad to see this post – it touches on something I have been complaining about about for years. The BBC’s biases are often dismissed with a ‘show me’ challenge, soliciting evidence that the BBC is biased along party lines.
It undoubtedly is, but the real bias of the BBC is shown in its programming choices, in the selection of subjects and presenters and the storylines of its fiction, every bit as much as in its handling of interviews with politicians.
This is where the deep cultural engineering takes place. People listen with one ear, unknowingly absorbing the subliminal messages (as Umbongo points out in his post elsewhere about the documentary on Stowe) without being aware of it.
It is dirty and subversive work and the BBC is ceaseless with it, trying to reshape Britain into becoming the country it wants it to be, rather than reflecting the country that it is.
GCooper, It gets worse.
Any one who has to work night shifts and has the misfortune to listen to AlBaba World Service, which takes over from AliBaba Wales about 01:00 AM., will find that it is a broadcasting service that extols the ‘Multikulti’ virtues of the outside world to the UK. It should be the other way round. A case of the ‘tail wagging the dog’ no less .
I completely agree and, as someone who also works strange hours, have posted the same sentiments about the World Service.
If people in the UK knew what was being broadcast ‘on their behalf’ by the BBC there would be a serious outcry.
“I wonder how with a schedule like that they can actually defend their falsehood of impartiality?”
Simply by saying “we think we got it about right”.
That’s not a defence, it’s a denial, something the BBC constantly uses instead of defending their bias !
Not yet BBC bias but given their track record……..
It would appear that the missing MalayAir MH370, you know, the one that vanished 17 months ago, might now be showing itself. A part of an aircraft has been washed up on Reunion Island and it carries a part number which comes from a Boeing 777, a part of the Flaperon which is part of the wing. Investigators are on their way to the area as it is now expected other debris will also be found. In view of the fact that the aircraft reversed course mid flight and all electronics turned off, it could have come to a catastrophic end in flight or was deliberately downed.
You can’t turn ‘all’ the electronic off on an airbus, only some of them. It’s a fly by wire control system, and if a pilot could turn that off the plane would be instantly uncontrollable.
It wasn’t an airbus but a 777.
Suitcase now found in same place as the debris. I find it a little odd that the BBC and Sky are not all over this story considering the scale of coverage given back in 2014.
I don’t want to sound like a tin foil hat wearer, but perhaps the powers-that-be know rather more than they are letting on.
Sky is over the story .
These guys most be really poor to afford all this technology, which begs the question who are they communicating with?
Not quite the ‘poor’ immigrants the bBC would have us believe….
Apparently 90% of immigrants are electrical engineers, which is a bit strange since I don’t think Eritrea is connected up to the Grid, unless Apple has made a computer that you can plug into a tree.
A `Swarm `of BBC journo`s feeding from our trough ,upset by Cam talking about a swarm of illegals heading our way ,towards Calais .
more semantics shite from the MSM.
How else should you describe it? An infestation?
After yesterday there’s not much danger of getting a HYS on it, I’d imagine.
I would cal it an “invasion” of illegal immigrants.
Maybe ‘mountains’ of them would be more appropriate?
The EU is noted for its mountains: granite… butter… migrant guests…
‘Migrants in Calais have been filmed scaling a 5m high (16ft) security fence to board lorries bound for Britain.’
I see Dave has offered the French a 9′ one.
He’s about 6′ short of a clue.
It’s funny that you posted the WWZ video. Whilst watching the usual pro-migrant propaganda from the Bolshevik Broadcasting Comintern the other night I started mentally substituting the word ‘zombie’ for ‘migrant’ – spiced up the story no end, and it actually works!
Click ‘like’ if you’re getting sick, tired and enraged by the BBC wheeling out every sodding equality and human rights’ lawyer/spokesperson/expert to explain why the invaders should be let in. Look, the BBC spoke to one Syrian migrant this morning and he had a bloody Manchester accent; come on, he’s just come back from Syria jihad for goodness sakes! But the naive reporter was almost playing the violin alongside this migrant’s corny sob story.
I’m not sure how much more blood pressure I can take with all these sandal wearing moral crusaders chucking their handbags a Cameron for saying ‘swarm of migrants’. What a pathetic country we’ve become. I’d despair if I wasn’t too busy laughing!
And how about ‘swamped’ ?
13:00 news sob story on some one from the muslim brotherhood, (“As of 2014, the organization has been declared a terrorist group both in Egypt and by its erstwhile ally Saudi Arabia”) the reporter appears to be on the side of the swarms of migrants. Never heard of them charity gets another plug. Their website won’t load but they have a twit (ter) page yea right! Perhaps they could ship those water cannon that Boris can’t use across the channel.
Yes, good point Dave. I caught that report, too, and thought to myself: Hang on a minute. Isn’t the Muslim Brotherhood an extremist and terrorist organisation? Classic BBC subtle indoctrination for you.
All we seem to hear from the media normally is how other countries are taking the migrants, however every now and then I run across these stories where the local population seems less than impressed with the swarms. So what’s really going on?
Nice to see the Top Gear boys have found a new home together on Amazon Prime (along with their old BBC producer) to present an as-yet un-named show. They’ve signed a three-series deal.
Two fingers to the BBC!
The new Chris Evans-fronted Top Gear, meanwhile is going to be grizzly celebration of all those liberal progressive traits that conspired to kill off the last iteration. It’s going to be great to watch it fail so spectacularly.
Of course the BBC want the law changed so that you would have to have pay a license fee to watch a non-BBC internet only show, even if you didn’t watch any over the air or satellite broadcasts.