Travelling by London red bus last weekend one found oneself near to an extended family of ‘migrants seeking a better life’ .
Suddenly a couple of inspectors got on (they both appeared to be slightly less recent migrant arrivals) they set about using their electronic gizmos to check passengers’ Oyster Cards.
The migant passengers, mostly children, each appeared to have some form of free ticket or other. One inspector approached the matron of the family and asked her to show her ‘photocard’.
An amusing moment because she was veiled in a black mask and one was left wondering whether:
a) the photocard was veil-less – in which case how could the inspector know it was her card?
Or b) the photo was taken veiled – in which case… see above a)
The inspectors – well trained and culturally sensitive – simply carried on as though nothing had happened.
They next spent some time advising one of the children how to update his free ticket so as to continue to receive his free travel.
The Englishman wondered how he would have been treated had he neglected to pay his fare? A quick on-the-spot penalty fine, one assumes.
You should have worn your own veil. Who’d have known?
Joking aside, you could get these damn pillar boxes banned overnight if everyone started going around in them, particularly if some anti-social behaviour was indulged in.
Further to an earlier post citing ‘Japanese are also Asians…’
What would happen if British Christians living in Pakistan had been systematically raping young Pakistan girls. Would the Pakistan media report it as ‘European gangs raping young children’? Wouldn’t France, Germany, Italy, etc., be calling in the Pakistan ambassadors in their countries to protest at their indigenous people being collectively labelled child rapists?
I see the BBC is still insisting on referring to these gangs as ‘Asian’. Wouldn’t it be in the BBC’s interest to stop using this defamatory term, given the predominanace of one particular culture in this activity? Perhaps one or more of the representative Asian Embassies in the UK could be petitioned to suggest they are being unfairly treated in a racist way by the BBC? We’ve already seen instances of other asian nationals being tarred with the same brush.
Or perhaps, if some BBC staff do occasionally read this forum, they might realise this could actually back-fire on them and start saying the uncomfortable truth. We can only hope.
Play the PC left at their own game – be offended on behalf of someone else.
Whether Richard Desmond is still providing financial support to UKIP? I want to know whether I should continue buying his daily paper, which I do for one reason only – to support those who support UKIP.
Clarke’s mind is wired differently.
For decades he has believed himself to be a Conservative.
So there would be no surprise if he believed himself to be heterosexual.
Zoe Gardner, the snooty snob who typifies the spoiled detached-from-reality rich kids who saturate the third/charity sector. Let’s send all of the immigrants round to her posh pad and she and her snooty friends can deal with them.
Alex from the net ref Zoe.
PHD Student
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) · 2014 – Present
Communications Officer
Asylum Aid · 2014 – Present
Steering Committee Member
Movement Against Xenophobia · 2014 – Present
SO in other words, she’s a leftie student; the LSE has become a hive for Marxists. These organisations are often just a front for far-Left Marxists to continue brainwashing through their propaganda. They use mass immigration to undermine a country’s identity. It really is vile.
Sorry I think I got a wrong link here is the right one but obviously not at all right. Nice to see Unite the union involved I suppose they have to do something when they can’t be bothered to represent some of the members paying for the union. Oh, and a union I was once a member of CWU who from my experience are as much use as no use
Thanks for this, Dave. Yeah, just a quick perusal of some of the organisation’s supporters reveals all we need to know about this far-Left Labour/socialist front. You try questioning their views, though. I dare you. You’ll soon find out how aggressive and intolerant they are towards any opposition to their ideological agenda of creating a socialist state of diversity.
My question is this; why is the BBC requesting the views of such an organisation? They don’t represent mainstream public opinion, so why are they wheeling out Zoe? In the interests of fairness why don’t they seek the opinions of Migration Watch? Because it doesn’t fit with the BBC’s underlying narrative.
I would say because it suits the BBc agenda although they don’t have an agenda as they told me that they didn’t when I made the accusation that they did.
Another day on PM and it leads again with a puff piece promoting the poor would-be invaders in Calais. Would you believe it, one poor lad has got a broken leg! Apparently he accidentally fell off the top of a lorry. One would think that road hauliers could tow a caravan or something.
In other news the other PM is castigated for using the word swarm. Turns out it is offensive to open-door immigration twonks. (Did I miss the BBC News item complaining about the use of ‘right-wing’, ‘swivel-eyed’, ‘Daily Mail-reader’, ‘Toreee’ etc. etc. – offence is clearly only in the ear of the chosen).
I believe only certain members of society are allowed to be ‘offended’. Everyone else is supposed to hang their heads in shame that one of these precious flowers has suffered such misery.
Cultural marxism at it’s most obvious. The BBc has led with this story ( at least on the 1PMR4 news) Swarm is obnoxious – so they all say – the culural marxists infesting the media and public life.
Control the language and you control the argument. Cameron has been guilty of a crime agianst liberalism and the BBC hive mentality. That the governed are far more direct goes unremarked.
The Calais people are trying to enter England illegally and using force. That makes them invaders in my language. Got that BBC drones.
As has been said by many this is reality hitting them and the liberal /BBC media elite do not know what to do, or say or think probably.
A useless bunch of idiots the lot of them.
And by the way it was Orwell who showed them what controlling the language led to.
I see some UN lefie prat, alongside every other leftie turnip cruncher, has accused the British government of using ‘xenophobic’ language when referring to the enrichers swarming at Calais. I’ve got an idea then to put a cork in these holier-than-thou cultural Marxists: let’s send all of the enrichers to their leafy suburb addresses and see how they enjoy the wonders of diversity. Mark my words; a few nights of illegal immigrants breaking into houses, sleeping in gardens and using bushes as toilets would soon make them choke on their organic muesli.
I mean, are these idiots really that naive to think that all of these illegals are genuine? The Left and the EU have shown themselves to be completely uninterested in illegal immigration; in fact, as these remarks from leftie after leftie demonstrate: they whole-heartedly support it.
I have to say I think you are mistaken about their reaction if they were sent to their streets. They would invite them in for muelsi, then the blame would be placed firmly with British people, the Tory Government that wasnt providing suitable homes for the invaders.
I see that our hapless PM is living down to all of my low expectations. I have always thought that Dave was nothing more than pretty sounding PR man and recent events seem to prove me right. Surely the first duty of any government is to protect the interests of its people, and yet…Parts of Kent are completely immobile, roads blocked by static lorries heading to France. In Calais there is a shanty town of tents, their occupants willing to risk life, limb and serious injury to reach Benefits Central, or Great Britain as we used to call it in the old days. And what has our leader done about this impending catastrophe. Sweet FA as usual. Oh yes, I know he has used some rather emotive words like “swarm” that has caused Harriet and her fellow travellers to have a hissy fit, but what has Nero actually been doing whilst Rome has been ablaze?
There are 6000 lorries parked on the M20. There are decent British workers stuck in their vehicles for days, whilst the third world and the useless French hold us to ransom. It’s an utter bloody disgrace.
Captain Mainwaring and Corporal Jones would do a better job.
Jeff, absolutely spot on. My sentiments exactly. These so called ‘tories’ have done absolutely zip to solve this situation. All we get from bbbc is interviews with migrants, demonstrating what utterly ‘nice’ people they all seem to be. If I listened only to the bbbc it would be excusable to believe that the illegal criminals are all engineers, doctors and will do nothing except bring positive things to the UK.
Don’t forget also the stated policy of the fundamentalist terrorist that they will be hiding ‘sleepers’ amongst the migrants.
Still, its only the security of the nation that is at stake
As I’ve posted before: Cameron is not a Conservative, he’s Blairlite at best.
He is pro-EU; if the leader of the country is in favour of that entity, there is no way he will take the necessary steps to maintain the integrity of our border.
“A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.” Ronald Reagan.
posted this yesterday
Latest Al BBC, “nothing to do with Islam” Muslim wants enough ricin to kill 1400 people, appears that its not even to do with terror either.
erm … Breaking Bad fan ricin plot
“Bolton-born Ali wanted ricin for a “peaceful purpose”
“Isn’t that completely plausible?
Didn’t you buy some bubonic plague-carrying rats last year?,
just to see, “what the fuss was about”?
Let this poor Man of Peace off!”
R Spencer
The Judiciary is supposedly completely independent of interference
from anyone or body.
… and it appears, any vestige of common sense
Maybe he had a letter from “Wavey Davey” telling the judge how Islam is a “religion” of peace.
Bukhari (52:269) – “The Prophet said … ‘War is deceit
Bukhari (4:52 220) “I have been made victorious with terror”
BBC – Zoe Gardner of Asylum Aid:
”It’s absolutely disgraceful – we need far more political courage and foresight”
Zoe … I couldn t agree more
1/. Our armed forces should be there on duty,( Id said Gurkha rifles
when this issue first ballooned up again, due to their Kent proximity), but secondary is the fact that they are themselves from Nepal ie would they be termed racist?
… and I can tell you, If their told no one is to enter 😀
2/. Close down our border with Calais if neccessary
3/. Immediately transport out any illegal immigrants if should get through
Currently watching a DISGRACEFULLY BIASED BBC report on News 24 by some silly reporter who is making out that these law-breaking and often aggressive immigrants are somehow heroes who deserve to be here. The BBC are trying to engender a wave of sympathy but I do not think it will work. The BBC is clearly in favour of the illegal migrants being here. I bet if they held a survey/poll to gage public opinion they’d be shocked to find that the majority of the public DO NOT WANT them here.
And I see the BBC are relishing the prospect of Cameron being harassed for using a harmless word. What a pathetic bunch the left are. This is why they are unelectable; political correctness. Whilst we are all worried about lorry drivers and unfettered immigration, they cry over a word.
Let the BBC continue. It is now so far out of touch as to be laughable.
We may be witnessing the implosion of the liberal left. Let us hope so.
Hopefully Corbyn will be made leader of the labour lot and that is them finished . The Libdums have had it.
A straight fight now betwen the drippy Tory left and UKIP /Conservative right.
Should be interesting.
All we need now is the Guardian to go bust and the BBC to implode.
Starting now we need to reclaim our language. No more weasel words. The invaders are just that and I refuse to accept the use of lying words from the BBC and it’s fellow travellers.
fifty years of trying to destroy our culture by stealth is coming to an end. It always was going to end and maybe this is the start of it.
Is it just me or have the Beeb on R4 taken against Liz Kendall in the last few days, labelling her as ‘Blairite’ ? This despite the fact that she was not elected to Parliament until 2010.
No chance of us discussing things on the BBC web-site & the Editors’ Blogs. Laura Kuenssberg appears to be following in the footsteps of Swiss Holiday Robinson . . . . .
It shows just how dum and devoid of common sense these lefty’s are, just when is enough enough? When the whole of Arica is queueing at our benefit offices and the transistion of Britain itself to a 3rd world sh1t hole is complete?
I’d go further than Cameron, in reality these people are a f&%*ng swarm of invading parasitical potential warmongering scum…
Would these same lefty’s happily leave their front doors wide open to all and sundry regardless of how much food was in the cupboard, how much money they have in their wallet or how many bedrooms they have?
Geoff, your obvious anger reflects mine and that of just about everyone I know. The BBC has reported this whole bloody fiasco from one side only. It truly sickens me and I greatly fear for the future of my grandchildren in a rapidly changing and yes, Islamising UK. I pray for there to be a solution and also for the damn leftists to be held to account for their naked treachery.
Interestingly the young around my part of the world are more forthright in wanting the invaders stopped than the middle aged.
The liberal media is way out of touch and this is going to have repercussions on all sorts of of matters.
Many can now see just how the cultural marxists operate and it is not pretty.
Lying and misreporting and attempting to control the language. Works for a while but when it breaks it breaks fast and for good.
Think back to the old USSR.
It is important now to refuse to listen to the media and to use correct language. PC is their weapon. Turn it against them.
Our words our way.
There was an interview on PM between Fast Eddie and a woman who had fostered two Albanian boys who were “migrants”.
She mentioned how polite they were and how keen on embracing the “British way of life”.
Eddie asked her what she thought of people who viewed them as an additional burden on the education system. The woman seemed to think that these foreign children, had just as much right to be cared for and educated here as British children. It also seemed that she would, if it were up to her, let all foreign children who wanted to come here, do so.
Eddie didn’t get round to asking how much the state had paid her for fostering these two, but I’m sure he will if they speak again.
There is a worrying number of people in Britain who think this way; that these immigrants should be allowed to come here and it will all be fine. It won’t, of course, but they don’t seem able to see or they do, but they won’t accept it.
It also put me in mind of what the Italian nickname for Albania is – “the prison yard”.
Mair, like all the rest of his colleagues, always fails to ask what is, surely, the relevant question: How many immigrants are you willing to let in? All of Africa that wants to come?’
Until idiots like the subject of Mair’s interview are forced to face and answer this question, we will get nowhere with their fantasy views of reality.
Absolutely. I heard the tail end of that interview and was glad Mair asked about these foreign kids being a burden on the system. But the answer is never followed up. The interviewee said the kids had a right to the best education so presumably she thinks every child in the world does too? Is she advocating that or does she accept that lines have to be drawn?
The BBC, like all lefties, feels it more important to show how caring you are than confront reality. Which is how we reached where we are at Calais and are how we are now arguing over whether use of the word “swarm” is appropriate.
The use of the word ‘swarm’ is absolutely spot on, a naturally gathering collection of individuals all moving in the same direction as in bees swarming or people swarming to a football match.
Of course the Globalists dislike it because it underlines the huge numbers, when they prefer to pretend its manageable if only we are a little more generous.
All wimmin paper review on News 24 , to be followed by Wimmins Golf & the new wimmin producer for BBC Top Gear , the final femminisation of Jezza`s Show now with Chris Evan`s .
Breakfast, The discovery of debris possibly from flight MH370 Naga asks why a “large” object around 6ft long wasn’t spotted in the Indian ocean. Indian ocean 6ft piece long piece of debris the “expert” tactfully fails to comment on that one.
Meanwhile it’s considered a good idea that the weather forecast is broadcast from the “car-fest” at Oulton Park Cheshire. One day ticket to you Guv £60.00
Calais and the BBc seem to be moving the focus on to the number of “children” now trying to swarm illegally into the UK.
Never heard of them charity of the day Crisis I assume there is another charity for homeless couples.
I wonder if Crisis has anything to say on the effect of immigration since Labour’s open doors policy on the availability of housing for their clientele!
Radio 4 “Today” programme is now not about news but about agenda driven news. I gave up on the T.V. when I found myself shouting at the BBC News programmes. Well, what goes round comes round, I found myself shouting at the radio this morning. 8-(
Whilst shouting at the radio, I came to realise, that by doing so, I had become nearly as stupid as the BBC’s reporting staff. But then I’m still only listening to the BBC’s crap output so I can come onto this forum. 😎 (Every cloud has a silver lining) Reminds me of a friend I had who had just paid a fortune for a new record deck. He wasn’t listening to the music (heavy rock) but whether he, or I, could hear a rumble from the turn table driver.
A double dose of Harrabin, today, largely bemoaning the fact that because of low oil prices, those horrid British motorists are buying yet more nasty “polluting” motor vehicles. That dreadful, noxious CO2 gas, which crops up in almost every bulletin, and which has been all but abandoned in the quest to prove that we humans are warming a cooling planet, probably because it has nothing to do with anything.
Then all the greenie outfits whingeing about the government “suddenly” cutting those juicy subsidies they’ve all come to rely on to make money out of the climate scam. My heart bleeds for them.
Having been elevated to a top of the range Dacia to replace my previous 9 year old Astra company vehicle, the most notable thing is the improvement in mpg from about 46 to 53.
I believe most vehicles are now more fuel efficient. Should RH actually be praising people for reducing their emissions by buying new?
My 12 year old Audi diesel still clears 60mpg on a run, a modern equivalent does less because its heavier and fitted with all sorts of Euro specified emission controls which prove to be expensive in later life, not to mention electronics that one needs a degree to understand.
Just hope your company Dacia ain’t one of those Indian built Dusters that are dissolving in front of owners eyes! Now that ain’t green and won’t last as long as the Astra.
One doubts that Harrabin has the intellectual capacity to have worked out the real truth, which is that the amount of energy required to produce a new car massively dwarfs the amount of fuel it can ever possibly use during its lifetime.
This was certainly something that ZaNuLabour couldn’t understand when it introduced the cheap and shoddy ‘scrappage’ scheme on behalf of Korean car manufacturers.
Back onto more BBC Global warming, with the last night in July to come and night time temperatures hanging in single figures around many parts of the U.K., at least one Met Office recording station might set a record of “frosts” for this year. The last time it recorded a full twelve months of at least one “frost day” per month was in 1973. In any case the number of “frost days” already recorded by this Met Office station is in itself a record with still August, September, October, November and December to go. Now, I wonder what could be causing this “Global/UK Cooling” eh Mr Harrabin? Not supposed to ‘appanin Mr Harrabin, so why don’t you come on the Radio and T.V and tell us why it is? To paraphrase Mr Spock: “It’s Global Warming Jim, but not as we know it”
‘Tell us why’? The BBC’s silence on the unusually cold weather is positively deafening. As usual when the Corporation has a story it wishes wasn’t happening, it ignores it for as long as possible then buries it.
Compare its complete lack of comment now with the ‘hottest day evah!’ nonsense of a few weeks ago.
We are currently at the ‘nothing to see here’ stage and Harrabin is, no doubt, busily running around the usual suspects looking for an excuse.
How about “virus”? Oh, no that was Dave Ward of the CWU about Tony Blair. Sorry. Different Dave. Doesn’t count. No wall-to-wall comment on that bit of “dehumanisation”.
“…The media are all up in arms by the word ”swamp”, but what word would they prefer ? flood, infestation, cancer, invasion ?”
I favour ‘apocalypse’ – as in ‘zombie apocalypse’. It helps me to both silence the idiotic politically-correct misdirection of the msm and keeps me entertained.
Whenever I hear anything about ‘migrants’ I just mentally substitute ‘zombies’ – heaps more fun!
AlBaba Telly reporting that ‘new anti slavery powers come into force’. The benefits of multiculturalism, open borders and the EU.
Slavery was abolished in the UK over 200 years ago.
The fiasco at Calais is the fault of the French and the EU. The illegal immigrants are causing criminal damage and breaking numerous laws in France, the French police and its government have been ‘turning a blind eye’ to it all.
The whole débâcle drags on because our PM hasn’t got the balls to get tough with the French and the EU’s Parliament because his agenda is to remain in Europe.
The misery and loss of income to both sides of the Channel tunnel is horrendous. Its all caused by a few thousand illegal people who should have been jailed in France or deported by that country long ago.
The benefits of staying in Europe Mr Cameron.
The apparent impotence of the French police to bring the situation in Calais under control is quite deliberate. Anyone who knows France also knows that – as far as boots on the ground are concerned – the French are the most policed people in Western Europe. Their system is (of course – it’s France) highly bureaucratic with the big divide between the police “proper” (the Police Nationale) coming under the Interior Ministry and the other national police – the Gendamerie Nationale – being run out of the Ministry of Defence. Between them they number about 250,000. Also the French are not averse to using the military for domestic law enforcement.
Moreover, France’s reluctance to control Calais contrasts with its efficiency in controlling the border with Italy thus preventing another swarm of illegals strolling along the Promenade des Anglais demanding transport to England. I would note the complicity of the French judicial system in ruling that this obvious violation of the Schengen accords is “legal”. Contrast this with the alacrity with which our judges award residential status to foreign criminals. Mind you, the corruption of our judiciary is, so far, limited to the fashionable quasi-marxism which passes for intellectual thought at our institutes of higher learning. I doubt if many – or any – of our senior judges can be leant on to bring in a “convenient” ruling for the present government: quite the reverse in fact. I suspect that any robust measures (as if!) to stem the current immigrant tide would be ruled illegal sharpish.
Yes, but he s building some fences and today thinking about some sniffer dogs.
Incompetent, inept, arrogant, patronising … and as usual, out of his depth
These lobbying groups don’t half seem to get ushered in to a lot of studios quickly for an uncritical outing of their spin on topics editors have shared views (their own, at least on twitter. Apparently) upon.
It’s just possible the EU, like another entity, is pushing using public money to fund naked self-interest a wee bit too overtly.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Comedy moment – On the Buses
Travelling by London red bus last weekend one found oneself near to an extended family of ‘migrants seeking a better life’ .
Suddenly a couple of inspectors got on (they both appeared to be slightly less recent migrant arrivals) they set about using their electronic gizmos to check passengers’ Oyster Cards.
The migant passengers, mostly children, each appeared to have some form of free ticket or other. One inspector approached the matron of the family and asked her to show her ‘photocard’.
An amusing moment because she was veiled in a black mask and one was left wondering whether:
a) the photocard was veil-less – in which case how could the inspector know it was her card?
Or b) the photo was taken veiled – in which case… see above a)
The inspectors – well trained and culturally sensitive – simply carried on as though nothing had happened.
They next spent some time advising one of the children how to update his free ticket so as to continue to receive his free travel.
The Englishman wondered how he would have been treated had he neglected to pay his fare? A quick on-the-spot penalty fine, one assumes.
You should have worn your own veil. Who’d have known?
Joking aside, you could get these damn pillar boxes banned overnight if everyone started going around in them, particularly if some anti-social behaviour was indulged in.
The French banned it some time ago
Glasgow bin lorry crash driver ‘lied’ over blackout
Not sure what the ‘quotes’ denote, but it is on the BBC, and the coverage does now appear thorough.
Given the nature of the case, I’d say that headline was not the best to have chosen. Be interesting what further coverage of this there will be.
Further to an earlier post citing ‘Japanese are also Asians…’
What would happen if British Christians living in Pakistan had been systematically raping young Pakistan girls. Would the Pakistan media report it as ‘European gangs raping young children’? Wouldn’t France, Germany, Italy, etc., be calling in the Pakistan ambassadors in their countries to protest at their indigenous people being collectively labelled child rapists?
I see the BBC is still insisting on referring to these gangs as ‘Asian’. Wouldn’t it be in the BBC’s interest to stop using this defamatory term, given the predominanace of one particular culture in this activity? Perhaps one or more of the representative Asian Embassies in the UK could be petitioned to suggest they are being unfairly treated in a racist way by the BBC? We’ve already seen instances of other asian nationals being tarred with the same brush.
Or perhaps, if some BBC staff do occasionally read this forum, they might realise this could actually back-fire on them and start saying the uncomfortable truth. We can only hope.
Play the PC left at their own game – be offended on behalf of someone else.
An excellent post 1 of 8e9, if you don’t mind me saying. Well said.
O/T. Does anybody know:
Whether Richard Desmond is still providing financial support to UKIP? I want to know whether I should continue buying his daily paper, which I do for one reason only – to support those who support UKIP.
Does this mean Clark did ‘grope’ him ?
Surprised the bBC are not all over this.
TBH, rumours about Mr Clarke have been doing the rounds for decades…
Clarke’s mind is wired differently.
For decades he has believed himself to be a Conservative.
So there would be no surprise if he believed himself to be heterosexual.
Now that is funny! You’re also quite right, it must be destroyed.
Zoe Gardner, the snooty snob who typifies the spoiled detached-from-reality rich kids who saturate the third/charity sector. Let’s send all of the immigrants round to her posh pad and she and her snooty friends can deal with them.
Alex from the net ref Zoe.
PHD Student
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) · 2014 – Present
Communications Officer
Asylum Aid · 2014 – Present
Steering Committee Member
Movement Against Xenophobia · 2014 – Present
SO in other words, she’s a leftie student; the LSE has become a hive for Marxists. These organisations are often just a front for far-Left Marxists to continue brainwashing through their propaganda. They use mass immigration to undermine a country’s identity. It really is vile.
Sorry I think I got a wrong link here is the right one but obviously not at all right. Nice to see Unite the union involved I suppose they have to do something when they can’t be bothered to represent some of the members paying for the union. Oh, and a union I was once a member of CWU who from my experience are as much use as no use
Thanks for this, Dave. Yeah, just a quick perusal of some of the organisation’s supporters reveals all we need to know about this far-Left Labour/socialist front. You try questioning their views, though. I dare you. You’ll soon find out how aggressive and intolerant they are towards any opposition to their ideological agenda of creating a socialist state of diversity.
My question is this; why is the BBC requesting the views of such an organisation? They don’t represent mainstream public opinion, so why are they wheeling out Zoe? In the interests of fairness why don’t they seek the opinions of Migration Watch? Because it doesn’t fit with the BBC’s underlying narrative.
I would say because it suits the BBc agenda although they don’t have an agenda as they told me that they didn’t when I made the accusation that they did.
Another day on PM and it leads again with a puff piece promoting the poor would-be invaders in Calais. Would you believe it, one poor lad has got a broken leg! Apparently he accidentally fell off the top of a lorry. One would think that road hauliers could tow a caravan or something.
In other news the other PM is castigated for using the word swarm. Turns out it is offensive to open-door immigration twonks. (Did I miss the BBC News item complaining about the use of ‘right-wing’, ‘swivel-eyed’, ‘Daily Mail-reader’, ‘Toreee’ etc. etc. – offence is clearly only in the ear of the chosen).
I believe only certain members of society are allowed to be ‘offended’. Everyone else is supposed to hang their heads in shame that one of these precious flowers has suffered such misery.
Cultural marxism at it’s most obvious. The BBc has led with this story ( at least on the 1PMR4 news) Swarm is obnoxious – so they all say – the culural marxists infesting the media and public life.
Control the language and you control the argument. Cameron has been guilty of a crime agianst liberalism and the BBC hive mentality. That the governed are far more direct goes unremarked.
The Calais people are trying to enter England illegally and using force. That makes them invaders in my language. Got that BBC drones.
As has been said by many this is reality hitting them and the liberal /BBC media elite do not know what to do, or say or think probably.
A useless bunch of idiots the lot of them.
And by the way it was Orwell who showed them what controlling the language led to.
I see some UN lefie prat, alongside every other leftie turnip cruncher, has accused the British government of using ‘xenophobic’ language when referring to the enrichers swarming at Calais. I’ve got an idea then to put a cork in these holier-than-thou cultural Marxists: let’s send all of the enrichers to their leafy suburb addresses and see how they enjoy the wonders of diversity. Mark my words; a few nights of illegal immigrants breaking into houses, sleeping in gardens and using bushes as toilets would soon make them choke on their organic muesli.
I mean, are these idiots really that naive to think that all of these illegals are genuine? The Left and the EU have shown themselves to be completely uninterested in illegal immigration; in fact, as these remarks from leftie after leftie demonstrate: they whole-heartedly support it.
I have to say I think you are mistaken about their reaction if they were sent to their streets. They would invite them in for muelsi, then the blame would be placed firmly with British people, the Tory Government that wasnt providing suitable homes for the invaders.
I wonder if the BBC might report on this story?
I see that our hapless PM is living down to all of my low expectations. I have always thought that Dave was nothing more than pretty sounding PR man and recent events seem to prove me right. Surely the first duty of any government is to protect the interests of its people, and yet…Parts of Kent are completely immobile, roads blocked by static lorries heading to France. In Calais there is a shanty town of tents, their occupants willing to risk life, limb and serious injury to reach Benefits Central, or Great Britain as we used to call it in the old days. And what has our leader done about this impending catastrophe. Sweet FA as usual. Oh yes, I know he has used some rather emotive words like “swarm” that has caused Harriet and her fellow travellers to have a hissy fit, but what has Nero actually been doing whilst Rome has been ablaze?
There are 6000 lorries parked on the M20. There are decent British workers stuck in their vehicles for days, whilst the third world and the useless French hold us to ransom. It’s an utter bloody disgrace.
Captain Mainwaring and Corporal Jones would do a better job.
Jeff, absolutely spot on. My sentiments exactly. These so called ‘tories’ have done absolutely zip to solve this situation. All we get from bbbc is interviews with migrants, demonstrating what utterly ‘nice’ people they all seem to be. If I listened only to the bbbc it would be excusable to believe that the illegal criminals are all engineers, doctors and will do nothing except bring positive things to the UK.
Don’t forget also the stated policy of the fundamentalist terrorist that they will be hiding ‘sleepers’ amongst the migrants.
Still, its only the security of the nation that is at stake
An English Gentleman
‘A Trojan Horse’ you might say ?
As I’ve posted before: Cameron is not a Conservative, he’s Blairlite at best.
He is pro-EU; if the leader of the country is in favour of that entity, there is no way he will take the necessary steps to maintain the integrity of our border.
“A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.” Ronald Reagan.
AND we have now been told there could be temporary shortages of certain foods.
posted this yesterday
Latest Al BBC, “nothing to do with Islam” Muslim wants enough ricin to kill 1400 people, appears that its not even to do with terror either.
erm … Breaking Bad fan ricin plot
“Bolton-born Ali wanted ricin for a “peaceful purpose”
“everything about his conduct pointed to a man
… who carefully and meticulously researched and carried out a plan to buy ricin.
Ms Howes told the jury that ricin was the “perfect poison” because it killed without leaving a trace in the body. Ali had ordered enough to kill up to 1,400 people, although
… his potential targets were not known”
“Isn’t that completely plausible?
Didn’t you buy some bubonic plague-carrying rats last year?,
just to see, “what the fuss was about”?
Let this poor Man of Peace off!”
R Spencer
The Judiciary is supposedly completely independent of interference
from anyone or body.
… and it appears, any vestige of common sense
Maybe he had a letter from “Wavey Davey” telling the judge how Islam is a “religion” of peace.
Bukhari (52:269) – “The Prophet said … ‘War is deceit
Bukhari (4:52 220) “I have been made victorious with terror”
BBC – Zoe Gardner of Asylum Aid:
”It’s absolutely disgraceful – we need far more political courage and foresight”
Zoe … I couldn t agree more
1/. Our armed forces should be there on duty,( Id said Gurkha rifles
when this issue first ballooned up again, due to their Kent proximity), but secondary is the fact that they are themselves from Nepal ie would they be termed racist?
… and I can tell you, If their told no one is to enter 😀
2/. Close down our border with Calais if neccessary
3/. Immediately transport out any illegal immigrants if should get through
Currently watching a DISGRACEFULLY BIASED BBC report on News 24 by some silly reporter who is making out that these law-breaking and often aggressive immigrants are somehow heroes who deserve to be here. The BBC are trying to engender a wave of sympathy but I do not think it will work. The BBC is clearly in favour of the illegal migrants being here. I bet if they held a survey/poll to gage public opinion they’d be shocked to find that the majority of the public DO NOT WANT them here.
And I see the BBC are relishing the prospect of Cameron being harassed for using a harmless word. What a pathetic bunch the left are. This is why they are unelectable; political correctness. Whilst we are all worried about lorry drivers and unfettered immigration, they cry over a word.
You can see where the BBC get their inspiration from:
Judging by the comments, it would seem that Phil misread his readership!
Let the BBC continue. It is now so far out of touch as to be laughable.
We may be witnessing the implosion of the liberal left. Let us hope so.
Hopefully Corbyn will be made leader of the labour lot and that is them finished . The Libdums have had it.
A straight fight now betwen the drippy Tory left and UKIP /Conservative right.
Should be interesting.
All we need now is the Guardian to go bust and the BBC to implode.
Starting now we need to reclaim our language. No more weasel words. The invaders are just that and I refuse to accept the use of lying words from the BBC and it’s fellow travellers.
fifty years of trying to destroy our culture by stealth is coming to an end. It always was going to end and maybe this is the start of it.
Tebbit made a good point about the Lib Dums the other day in that it could the case that both Labour MPs and voters could defect should Corbyn win.
Regardless we will be talking of Labour in the past tense, certainly for a generation.
Is it just me or have the Beeb on R4 taken against Liz Kendall in the last few days, labelling her as ‘Blairite’ ? This despite the fact that she was not elected to Parliament until 2010.
No chance of us discussing things on the BBC web-site & the Editors’ Blogs. Laura Kuenssberg appears to be following in the footsteps of Swiss Holiday Robinson . . . . .
One can but hope, but one should never underestimate one’s opponent..
It shows just how dum and devoid of common sense these lefty’s are, just when is enough enough? When the whole of Arica is queueing at our benefit offices and the transistion of Britain itself to a 3rd world sh1t hole is complete?
I’d go further than Cameron, in reality these people are a f&%*ng swarm of invading parasitical potential warmongering scum…
Would these same lefty’s happily leave their front doors wide open to all and sundry regardless of how much food was in the cupboard, how much money they have in their wallet or how many bedrooms they have?
Geoff, your obvious anger reflects mine and that of just about everyone I know. The BBC has reported this whole bloody fiasco from one side only. It truly sickens me and I greatly fear for the future of my grandchildren in a rapidly changing and yes, Islamising UK. I pray for there to be a solution and also for the damn leftists to be held to account for their naked treachery.
Interestingly the young around my part of the world are more forthright in wanting the invaders stopped than the middle aged.
The liberal media is way out of touch and this is going to have repercussions on all sorts of of matters.
Many can now see just how the cultural marxists operate and it is not pretty.
Lying and misreporting and attempting to control the language. Works for a while but when it breaks it breaks fast and for good.
Think back to the old USSR.
It is important now to refuse to listen to the media and to use correct language. PC is their weapon. Turn it against them.
Our words our way.
There was an interview on PM between Fast Eddie and a woman who had fostered two Albanian boys who were “migrants”.
She mentioned how polite they were and how keen on embracing the “British way of life”.
Eddie asked her what she thought of people who viewed them as an additional burden on the education system. The woman seemed to think that these foreign children, had just as much right to be cared for and educated here as British children. It also seemed that she would, if it were up to her, let all foreign children who wanted to come here, do so.
Eddie didn’t get round to asking how much the state had paid her for fostering these two, but I’m sure he will if they speak again.
There is a worrying number of people in Britain who think this way; that these immigrants should be allowed to come here and it will all be fine. It won’t, of course, but they don’t seem able to see or they do, but they won’t accept it.
It also put me in mind of what the Italian nickname for Albania is – “the prison yard”.
Mair, like all the rest of his colleagues, always fails to ask what is, surely, the relevant question: How many immigrants are you willing to let in? All of Africa that wants to come?’
Until idiots like the subject of Mair’s interview are forced to face and answer this question, we will get nowhere with their fantasy views of reality.
Absolutely. I heard the tail end of that interview and was glad Mair asked about these foreign kids being a burden on the system. But the answer is never followed up. The interviewee said the kids had a right to the best education so presumably she thinks every child in the world does too? Is she advocating that or does she accept that lines have to be drawn?
The BBC, like all lefties, feels it more important to show how caring you are than confront reality. Which is how we reached where we are at Calais and are how we are now arguing over whether use of the word “swarm” is appropriate.
The use of the word ‘swarm’ is absolutely spot on, a naturally gathering collection of individuals all moving in the same direction as in bees swarming or people swarming to a football match.
Of course the Globalists dislike it because it underlines the huge numbers, when they prefer to pretend its manageable if only we are a little more generous.
All wimmin paper review on News 24 , to be followed by Wimmins Golf & the new wimmin producer for BBC Top Gear , the final femminisation of Jezza`s Show now with Chris Evan`s .
Radio 4 TOADY prog currently busy promoting a Channel 4 drama series . . .
… whatever next?
Reading between the lines, it’s better than anything the Beeb has done recently. Ooops!
Breakfast, The discovery of debris possibly from flight MH370 Naga asks why a “large” object around 6ft long wasn’t spotted in the Indian ocean. Indian ocean 6ft piece long piece of debris the “expert” tactfully fails to comment on that one.
Meanwhile it’s considered a good idea that the weather forecast is broadcast from the “car-fest” at Oulton Park Cheshire. One day ticket to you Guv £60.00
Calais and the BBc seem to be moving the focus on to the number of “children” now trying to swarm illegally into the UK.
Never heard of them charity of the day Crisis I assume there is another charity for homeless couples.
BBc reporter in Calais asks migrants that have just been caught if they are on their way back to the jungle. Oeeeerrrr!
I wonder if Crisis has anything to say on the effect of immigration since Labour’s open doors policy on the availability of housing for their clientele!
Radio 4 “Today” programme is now not about news but about agenda driven news. I gave up on the T.V. when I found myself shouting at the BBC News programmes. Well, what goes round comes round, I found myself shouting at the radio this morning. 8-(
Whilst shouting at the radio, I came to realise, that by doing so, I had become nearly as stupid as the BBC’s reporting staff. But then I’m still only listening to the BBC’s crap output so I can come onto this forum. 😎 (Every cloud has a silver lining) Reminds me of a friend I had who had just paid a fortune for a new record deck. He wasn’t listening to the music (heavy rock) but whether he, or I, could hear a rumble from the turn table driver.
A double dose of Harrabin, today, largely bemoaning the fact that because of low oil prices, those horrid British motorists are buying yet more nasty “polluting” motor vehicles. That dreadful, noxious CO2 gas, which crops up in almost every bulletin, and which has been all but abandoned in the quest to prove that we humans are warming a cooling planet, probably because it has nothing to do with anything.
Then all the greenie outfits whingeing about the government “suddenly” cutting those juicy subsidies they’ve all come to rely on to make money out of the climate scam. My heart bleeds for them.
Having been elevated to a top of the range Dacia to replace my previous 9 year old Astra company vehicle, the most notable thing is the improvement in mpg from about 46 to 53.
I believe most vehicles are now more fuel efficient. Should RH actually be praising people for reducing their emissions by buying new?
My 12 year old Audi diesel still clears 60mpg on a run, a modern equivalent does less because its heavier and fitted with all sorts of Euro specified emission controls which prove to be expensive in later life, not to mention electronics that one needs a degree to understand.
Just hope your company Dacia ain’t one of those Indian built Dusters that are dissolving in front of owners eyes! Now that ain’t green and won’t last as long as the Astra.
One doubts that Harrabin has the intellectual capacity to have worked out the real truth, which is that the amount of energy required to produce a new car massively dwarfs the amount of fuel it can ever possibly use during its lifetime.
This was certainly something that ZaNuLabour couldn’t understand when it introduced the cheap and shoddy ‘scrappage’ scheme on behalf of Korean car manufacturers.
Does anyone know what car or cars Harrabin drives ?
Back onto more BBC Global warming, with the last night in July to come and night time temperatures hanging in single figures around many parts of the U.K., at least one Met Office recording station might set a record of “frosts” for this year. The last time it recorded a full twelve months of at least one “frost day” per month was in 1973. In any case the number of “frost days” already recorded by this Met Office station is in itself a record with still August, September, October, November and December to go. Now, I wonder what could be causing this “Global/UK Cooling” eh Mr Harrabin? Not supposed to ‘appanin Mr Harrabin, so why don’t you come on the Radio and T.V and tell us why it is? To paraphrase Mr Spock: “It’s Global Warming Jim, but not as we know it”
‘Tell us why’? The BBC’s silence on the unusually cold weather is positively deafening. As usual when the Corporation has a story it wishes wasn’t happening, it ignores it for as long as possible then buries it.
Compare its complete lack of comment now with the ‘hottest day evah!’ nonsense of a few weeks ago.
We are currently at the ‘nothing to see here’ stage and Harrabin is, no doubt, busily running around the usual suspects looking for an excuse.
The media are all up in arms by the word ”swamp”, but what word would they prefer ? flood, infestation, cancer, invasion ?
How about “hordes”? That can’t be dehumanizing, as it generally refers to a large group of people.
How about “virus”? Oh, no that was Dave Ward of the CWU about Tony Blair. Sorry. Different Dave. Doesn’t count. No wall-to-wall comment on that bit of “dehumanisation”.
“…The media are all up in arms by the word ”swamp”, but what word would they prefer ? flood, infestation, cancer, invasion ?”
I favour ‘apocalypse’ – as in ‘zombie apocalypse’. It helps me to both silence the idiotic politically-correct misdirection of the msm and keeps me entertained.
Whenever I hear anything about ‘migrants’ I just mentally substitute ‘zombies’ – heaps more fun!
AlBaba Telly reporting that ‘new anti slavery powers come into force’. The benefits of multiculturalism, open borders and the EU.
Slavery was abolished in the UK over 200 years ago.
Why did the media, NUJ change the word ” immigrant ” to ” migrant ?”
The fiasco at Calais is the fault of the French and the EU. The illegal immigrants are causing criminal damage and breaking numerous laws in France, the French police and its government have been ‘turning a blind eye’ to it all.
The whole débâcle drags on because our PM hasn’t got the balls to get tough with the French and the EU’s Parliament because his agenda is to remain in Europe.
The misery and loss of income to both sides of the Channel tunnel is horrendous. Its all caused by a few thousand illegal people who should have been jailed in France or deported by that country long ago.
The benefits of staying in Europe Mr Cameron.
Quite right. And how many illegals are apprehended as they travel through France ?
The apparent impotence of the French police to bring the situation in Calais under control is quite deliberate. Anyone who knows France also knows that – as far as boots on the ground are concerned – the French are the most policed people in Western Europe. Their system is (of course – it’s France) highly bureaucratic with the big divide between the police “proper” (the Police Nationale) coming under the Interior Ministry and the other national police – the Gendamerie Nationale – being run out of the Ministry of Defence. Between them they number about 250,000. Also the French are not averse to using the military for domestic law enforcement.
Moreover, France’s reluctance to control Calais contrasts with its efficiency in controlling the border with Italy thus preventing another swarm of illegals strolling along the Promenade des Anglais demanding transport to England. I would note the complicity of the French judicial system in ruling that this obvious violation of the Schengen accords is “legal”. Contrast this with the alacrity with which our judges award residential status to foreign criminals. Mind you, the corruption of our judiciary is, so far, limited to the fashionable quasi-marxism which passes for intellectual thought at our institutes of higher learning. I doubt if many – or any – of our senior judges can be leant on to bring in a “convenient” ruling for the present government: quite the reverse in fact. I suspect that any robust measures (as if!) to stem the current immigrant tide would be ruled illegal sharpish.
Latest from our PM is that the whole fiasco is going ‘to go on through the summer’.
There that’s fixed it!
Yes, but he s building some fences and today thinking about some sniffer dogs.
Incompetent, inept, arrogant, patronising … and as usual, out of his depth
What’s the opposite of ‘circle of virtue’.
A slime jerk?
These lobbying groups don’t half seem to get ushered in to a lot of studios quickly for an uncritical outing of their spin on topics editors have shared views (their own, at least on twitter. Apparently) upon.
It’s just possible the EU, like another entity, is pushing using public money to fund naked self-interest a wee bit too overtly.
A most excellent article by Leo McKinstry:
Phew! we’re saved! the high powered COBRA meeting has decreed that we send more chicken wire and a few sniffer Poodles to France!