“iPlayer is swarming with people,” one source, who asked to remain anonymous, told MediaGuardian. “They’re throwing more and more people at it – a classic mistake – while McKinsey suits run around carrying wads of paper and trying to look important. The BBC often tries to be a software development company, and fails every time.”
BBC’s £1bn HQ is ‘swarming with petty thieves’
Channel 4...’Human Swarm’...We all like to think of ourselves as individuals, but this eye-opening documentary, presented by Jimmy Doherty, reveals new evidence that suggests we actually behave like a herd of animals
Cameron talks of a “swarm of people coming across the Mediterranean, seeking a better life, wanting to come to Britain” and Labour’s kneejerk dog whistle response is to try to shout him down and berate him for what they like to portray as racist or divisive and inhumane language.
Now it’s my guess that most people are with Cameron on this and don’t think the language used in any way suggests that he thinks the migrants are ‘insects’ and dehumanises them in an ‘incendiary’ fashion as Labour suggest.
In effect Harman, Burnham, Corbyn and all the rest are doing exactly what Brown did when he attacked Gillian Duffy calling her ‘a bigoted woman’ when she used the word ‘flocking’ to describe how the immigrants were swarming over here from Eastern Europe.
Perhaps they should all start to apologise, head in hands style, to Cameron.
Labour can’t help themselves, they see an opportunity for a bit of mud-slinging and pious grandstanding and they jump in with both feet without a single thought entering their little heads. They know there is huge public concern about immigration, they know this is one of their major weaknesses having let in swarm upon swarm of immigrants whilst lying through their teeth about the numbers, they know something serious needs to be done and yet instead of coming up with a serious policy they decide instead to make an opportunistic attack on Cameron to try and score political brownie points…and yet the public must look on at this and think what a bunch of contemptous little chancers.
The BBC hasn’t noticed though and gives Harman and Co all due respect without challenging their pretentious and sanctimonious posturing.
This was the BBC’s top story for much of the day and although they haven’t had time to check back on Labour’s own record on such utterances they did have time to slam Farage who also mentioned immigrants ‘swarming’ around him on ITV in the morning and comb the records for other Tory utterances of a similar nature.
Harman herself was once quite concerned about ‘cheap workers’ and ‘labour’ coming from abroad undermining wages here….surely she meant the poor, the needy, the desperate and oppressed…surely she should be talking of the human stories of each immigrant and not callously dismissing them as mere faceless ‘labour’ or ‘cheap workers’. Such divisive, dangerous and toxic language from Harman.
It is odd just how vocal Labour have suddenly become having been very quiet on the subject of Calais as the Spectator points out…..Labour stays oddly quiet on the Calais migrant crisis
The BBC could of course have pointed out that Harman’s own son wasn’t above exploiting the migrants…is this ‘dehumanising’ them?…
‘Paddy Power has been accused of a crass stunt mocking the Calais immigration crisis as it emerged the acting Labour leader’s son was part of the team that created the poster.
Harry Dromey, the son of Harriet Harman, works for the advertising team which took a lorry to Calais carrying a poster urging foreigners to “jump in the back” if they were good at sport.’
Curious that she now villifies Cameron for a single word about the very same people her son exploited so callously for amusement and profit…a single word that in the dictionaries is just as applicable to people as to insects or animals….eg...(a swarm/swarms of) A large number of people or things: a swarm of journalists
Labour are getting a free ride from the BBC on this, the only up side is that most people watching are capable of making up their own minds and it’s not the chancers from Labour that are coming out on top, after all it wasn’t so long ago that Burnham was boasting of his ‘tough stance’ on immigration…
In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Mr Burnham said: “We were in denial. We were behind the issue all the time, and myths were allowed to develop. There’s still an ambivalence among some in Labour about discussing immigration. I’ve been accused of dog-whistle politics for doing so.
“But it was the biggest doorstep issue in constituencies where Labour lost. People aren’t racist, but they say it has increased tension, stopped them getting access to housing and lowered their wages.”
Labour still in denial about immigration and still claiming others are dog whistling when it is they themselves that are trying to whip up a storm with some self-righteous mud-slinging smears.
Good to see the BBC giving them a credible platform to throw the mud from.
From the Life of Brian, probably not the exact words:-
Brian: A few people decided to pop by…
Mandy: Swarmed by more like!
The latest mind control word in the loony left progressive dictionary.
Swarms of so concernedly liberal bees buzzing around the hives at the Guardian, Labour HQ and the BBC.
Hives on high alert for un beelike words. What a buzzing shame.
What can the matter be?
We really feel for them .
Time to evict them from their hives and then what?
Find new hives in Calais for all I care.
”Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser Andrew Neather.
The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”, according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.
He said Labour’s relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to “open up the UK to mass migration” but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its “core working class vote”.
As a result, the public argument for immigration concentrated instead on the economic benefits and need for more migrants.
Critics said the revelations showed a “conspiracy” within Government to impose mass immigration for “cynical” political reasons. ” http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/6418456/Labour-wanted-mass-immigration-to-make-UK-more-multicultural-says-former-adviser.html
‘Conspiracy’ is the right word. In fact why not add another – ‘criminal’? Then, perhaps Blair and his cronies could finally brought to a long overdue trial. I’d suggest treason wold be a suitable charge.
It is time our politicians, at all levels, were held to account for their actions, not rewarded with pensions, titles and money making sinecures.
”Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser Andrew Neather.
The real reason was to import a new working class, as the old native working class had defected. Gerrymandering. In effect this gerrymandering by Labour, allowed millions of Muslims to swarm into the UK, thus creating an existential crisis for us.
Why I Left England’s Mean and Unpleasant Land
Depressing reading.
Bradistan: Importing a Culture Gap
Meanwhile the BBC lead the pack obsessing about the correct collective term for vast marauding numbers of males, yet feature an image of the one child they can locate… also breaching a fence.
I think I may stick with Amazon Prime.
The way the BBC reported the Clarkson/Amazon deal was bitchiness in the extreme. Hell hath no fury like an Aunty scorned !
Meanwhile the BBC lead the pack obsessing ….
Pack? That is demeaning, racist, and specist. Please report yourself to the nearest PC education centre. Take toothbrush with you. Shovel will be provided.***
*** – Muslims exempt.
And ZaNuLaB are, as always, guilty of gross hypocrisy –
That other fellow traveller Jon Snow was interviewing Dan Hannan and some pock-marked bint who works for a ‘ charity’ whose sole function IMO is to help illegal immigrants in theUK.
Hannah was calm and incisive as usual and all she wanted to talk about was Boy Dave’s language. She had no idea how to improve things in Calais.
When you have no policies, little chance of agreeing on policies that represent the wishes of a majority of the British population, little desire in the Party to represent the wishes of a majority of the British population, then all you are left with is semantics.
The hypocrisy of the BBC, Labour and their Leftist fellow-travellers never ceases to take my breath away !
“Northern Ireland ports: Rise in illegal immigrants intercepted trying to reach other parts of UK”
It’s just possible a BBC sub is about to get a finger waved at them.
Swarm? That’ll be the climate change then.
As I watch ITV News at Ten now it can be more difficult to comment on BBC Bias bu tI did enjoy the ITV ‘s political lady talking about the “swarm” issue who unfortunately went on to describe the “thousands and thousands” crossing the Mediterranean.
As I do not tweet I was unable to ask Romily if she could think of a briefer way of summarising “thousands and thousands”!
I don’t know whether they are being posted by B-BBCers (!) but angry comments in today’s Mail Online surprisingly often single out the BBC’s treacherous reporting of this situation.
Is it finally finally starting to dawn on the majority that the BBC is acting directly against the interests of the people of this country and in support of its destruction?
Not I, at any rate. However I confess I’ve become angry enough at the crass stupidity of the left and the impending disasters they don’t seem to care that their policies will result in, that I’ve opened accounts at such as the Guardian to do some sniping there. I doubt I’m the only one, because it really is getting beyond the pale.
The one comfort in the ‘swarm’ debate fostered by the BBC is that the General Election showed that people cannot be easily fooled by BBC propaganda. Otherwise the ED would have got in. Remember that ‘NHS in Crisis’ stories were being headlined by the BBC from the Autumn onwards. It didn’t sway voter opinion.
Most people are horrified by the thought of illegal immigrants (not ‘migrants’) flocking/swarming into this country on false pretences.
Yes the world’s a tough place but this small island cannot be the world’s safe haven. No mount of BBC propaganda will persuade us that every illegal immigrant’s life is in danger at home or that the problems of the Middle East and Africa will best be tackled if their best, brightest and youngest run away to Europe.
It would be good to see politicians coming up with decisive policies on this issue rather rather than arguing about the nuances of word meanings.
I suspect the reason they’re arguing nuances is because they have given up the powers to actually do something and are hiding behind bluster.
Lets `Swarm` round the BBC, & tell them they are not wanted here anymore .
Why does Cameron have to keep apologising and trying to justify himself to the cretins at al-Beeb and to the loony left?
Why doesn’t he just tell them to f*ck off and grow up.
Please tell me he hasn’t actually apologised for saying “swarm”. 😯
I gather from the BBC that everyone is shocked to the core about Cameron’s language and all the migrants are software engineers fleeing persecution, the children want to become doctors .
Back in the real world …….
Boris has a few water cannons going spare so how about sending them to Calais to hose down the illegal immigrants. That ought to do the trick, especially if they add soap to the water.
Then see what Labour/ bBBC think of that!
Despite the B BC bs they’re promoting at the moment ,it is hilarious to see the way the hard left is working itself up into a frenzy of expectation about Jeremy Corbin .These muppets really believe that a few trot hard-liners and a bunch of non-achievers and students constitute a winning combination for a General Election.
They could not be more wrong about that-the electorate despise the left and the policies it espouses.However, I welcome at last the proper unveiling of the ‘Red-in-tooth-and-claw’ Liebore Party.
It is a war with the left ….let’s get to it!!!!!!!!
Go Jeremy, the best 3 quid I evah spent.