Scary Monsters And Republicans


Always interesting how the BBC presents the ‘Right’ in America…from the Tea Party to Sarah Palin and George Bush.

But it doesn’t stop with the three usual suspects…here’s one on Trump...Trump card – or is he a joker?a report by Jon Sopel which declares that Trump ‘expressed openly racist views?‘ for his concerns about mass uncontrolled immigration…a familiar tactic by the BBC used in this country to try and silence anyone who dares to suggest immigration is brought under control.  He finishes with this…

The smart money says that Trump will eventually crash and burn.

In the meantime, somewhere in New York , a 67-year-old lady will be sitting in front of the TV, a bowl of popcorn by her side, watching Fox TV, almost splitting the seams of her pant-suit laughing.

Hillary just cannot get enough of this reality show.

Is that reporting or something dressed up as ‘news’ but is in fact just a mocking and judgemental opinion piece?  And ‘Fox’…the ‘BBC’ of America?  Perhaps Cameron should hurry up with that ‘Fox’ hunting bill.

Then there’s this on another Republican candidate….A monster of their own making?  which was the headline on the BBC Frontpage…..which is about this…Scott Walker: A Republican candidate made by liberal activists?

Whilst reporting that the ‘monster’ was given its head by his Liberal opponents what we get is a long run down of the Liberal’s opinions of him and the ‘evil legacy’ of his ‘conservative achievements’….which apparently, the BBC tells us, Walker ‘spent nearly 40 minutes boasting of those conservative achievements’….

For the past five years Democratic opponents have fought the governor over every inch of political terrain.

Now many are wondering if they are, in part, responsible for his rise as a presidential contender. Is Candidate Walker a monster of their own making?

“I regard Walker as one of the most destructive forces in American politics today,” says Dave Obey, a retired Democratic congressman from Wisconsin.

Another Wisconsin Democratic insider, speaking on condition of anonymity, was more blunt about the recall effort.

The protests, although well-intentioned, were destined for failure thanks to Republican control of the state legislature. And the recall election was a “disaster” because the Wisconsin public wasn’t sold on the legitimacy of the effort.

“At its core was a sort of purity and innocence and stuff that would almost make you believe in American democracy – but it was just so tragically flawed,” he says. “It was not going to work, it was just a children’s crusade.”

So nothing to do with Walker’s Republican politics actually appealing to the voters?….they just like an underdog. he conned them….so how did the Republicans get control of the state legislature?  Must have been some sort of Right wing trickery!  The Public couldn’t be so stupid to actually like the Republicans!?

As well as being a monster Walker is ‘”a “tricky guy” who has been able to convince the Wisconsin public he’s something he’s not…..he governs like an extremist.”…one who has ‘has built a “throne of his enemies’ skulls”, as the Federalist’s Rich Cromwell puts it.

A monster, a tricky guy who fools the Public, an extremist who built his reputation and standing by vicious assaults on Democrats and the Unions?

Only on the BBC.





Seen this?

Pay packets of highest paid stars are up by a fifth and the workforce hits 18,900 – but BBC bosses still insist they’re saving money! The BBC now employs at least 74 bosses who earn more than David Cameron’s salary of £142,500. The total wage bill for presenters on more than £1 million rose a fifth to £5.1 million. Those on more than £1million a year included Graham Norton, Gary Lineker and Jeremy Clarkson – before his recent departure.

Oh the austerity of it all! The BBC can only afford this because of the way it pickpockets £3bn+ per annum from anybody who owns a TV set. It’s time this anachronism went the way of the Dodo. Thoughts?


I bet Israel was DELIGHTED by this news from our strictly impartial National Broadcaster….Honest Reporting has the details

“With the announcement of the Iranian nuclear deal, there’s plenty of media coverage including Israel’s reaction. BBC Newshour on BBC World Service radio interviewed Israel’s Minister of Science, Technology and Space, Danny Danon. Danon stated that Israel was “keeping all options on the table.”

The presenter asked Danon to explain. Her reaction is both shocking and disturbing (click on the image below to listen):

But you’re not under threat by Iran. Nobody in Iran has threatened you for a very long time. You’re harking back to a time when President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened Israel directly.

I wonder did Danon manage to miss Iran’s “Death to Israel” joyous celebrations from….er….last week?israel-flag-burn-fire-770x400


I took part in a debate on BBC5 live today regard the future of the BBC. One of my opponents was the rather plummy voiced Sir Christopher Bland. In essence, my argument is that the BBC’s method of funding is an anachronism and that it is grotesque it can extort over £3bn a year via the License Tax. I pointed out that the difference between myself and Sir Christopher was that I believe in choice whereas he believes in denying choice and enforcing this tax on people. Tomorrow evening’s “Moral Maze” will also discuss the future of the BBC and either Alan or myself will be on it.

My argument is that the BBC should admit is has a deep bias – we ALL do – it should stop pretending it is this impartial broadcaster – and unhook itself from the narcotic of the license tax and move to a subscription model of funding. THAT way, those who enjoy the serial bias of the Today programme for example – can PAY for it. Thoughts?

Danger Ahead….No Troughing!

 ants animation



You don’t know whether to laugh or cry when you hear the Beeboids scuttling from the light of a new dawn in the BBC world.

There’s danger ahead for the BBC we were told this morning, by the BBC, on the Today programme (08:43) as they discussed the bleak future of the BBC with Ben Preston from the Radio Times and Tory Jesse Norman, chairman of the culture and media select committee.

Preston told us that the BBC was great value for money….‘one and a half copies of the Guardian newspaper a week…or, dare I say it, 3 Daily Mails….by any reckoning a bargain rate.’

Guardian always first port of call for Beeboid types of course but love that guilty little mention of the Mail…we know they all read it behind the cover of a well thumbed Guardian.

We were told that essentially the licence should be here to stay…no other option to keep the stability of the BBC…and the commercial companies would all hate a subscription funding model as it would compete with them…hmmm…not really…advertising would but not subscription….we already ‘subscribe’…whilst in an armlock….choice might be better for say Sky….I may choose not to buy the BBC and spend what I save on more from Sky.

Norman thinks the BBC does too much entertainment….getting ‘out of whack’ apparently.  That however is a large part of the BBC’s remit….and so it should be for it provides ‘entertainment’ to all those who can’t afford commercial providers and would therefore have no ‘entertainment’ if the BBC were to limit that service.

The problem isn’t the structure of the BBC, or rather the concept and the level of ‘education, informing and entertainment’ we get…the problem of course is the content….all too often the popular programmes are used to push a political or social message….ones that are at odds with what the majority of people think.

If the BBC wants to entertain, educate and inform us do so, just don’t peddle ideology as news or entertainment treating the viewer as an idiot, probably racist or otherwise unenlightened, who needs to be educated to think the right thoughts.

Here’s some random entertainment…no charge…

friends animated GIF








There’s history And There’s BBC History

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: This house also represents a complicated history of the United States. We just visited downstairs, where we know that slaves helped to build this magnificent structure, and the complex relations that Jefferson, the drafter of the Declaration of Independence, had to slavery. And it’s a reminder for both of us that we are going to continue this fight on behalf of the rights of all peoples, something that I know France has always been committed to and we are committed to, as well.

Untold History: More Than a Quarter of U.S. Presidents Were Involved in Slavery, Human Trafficking

As the country marks Presidents’ Day, we turn to an aspect of U.S. history that is often missed: the complicity of American presidents with slavery. “More than one-in-four U.S. presidents were involved in human trafficking and slavery. These presidents bought, sold and bred enslaved people for profit. Of the 12 presidents who were enslavers, more than half kept people in bondage at the White House,” writes historian Clarence Lusane in his most recent article, “Missing from Presidents’ Day: The People They Enslaved.”



Once again we take a look at the BBC’s policy of rewriting history to suit their narrative, in this case that of slavery and the wicked Southern Confederacy and the enlightened Union.  But as always it’s more complicated than the simplistic, one-sided narrative that the BBC serves up….they seem pretty shy about revealing who supported what back in them thar days.

The BBC has been gloating over the success of the campaign to pour scorn and opprobrium upon the Confederacy in the US.  For the BBC it’s a big, big story.  On the Today programme today (08:40) they enthusiastically reported that there is a move to remove statues of those associated with the Confederacy from Congress…..’In the United States a group of Democrats has discussed removing and relocating several statues from the rather grand halls of power in Congress. For among the tributes there to former presidents and civil rights leaders are those celebrating former leaders of Confederate states – who fought in the civil war to keep African Americans enslaved.’  What the BBC doesn’t tell us is that that would probably require most of the statues to be removed in truth….was it just ‘former leaders of the Confederate States’ who supported slavery or kept slaves?  And of course it’s the heroic Democrats leading the way…big cheer from the BBC….wouild they have shown as much interest if it had been Republicans making this ‘Populist’ move?

The Huffington Post is a bit more honest with us…

Let Us Honor Slave-Owning Presidents?

Here it is again, the intersection of Presidents Day and Black History Month. Eight of our early presidents, beginning with George Washington, owned slaves during their tenure in the nation’s highest office.

Jefferson and Madison thought that people of color should enjoy the same individual rights as white citizens. But not here. They averred that black and white could never live harmoniously in America together.


“I Ulysses S. Grant…do hereby manumit, emancipate and set free from Slavery my Negro man William, sometimes called William Jones…forever.”


What of the Republican Party?  Those nasty right wingers……

In the 1860 presidential election, the Republican Party, led by Abraham Lincoln, opposed the expansion of slavery into U.S. territories. The party, dominant in the North, secured a majority of the electoral votes, and Lincoln was elected the first Republican president, but before his inauguration on March 4, 1861, seven slave states with cotton-based economies formed the Confederacy.

What of the Democratic Party?  Those lovely cuddly lefties……they created the Klu Klux Klan….


The first African Americans to serve in the United States Congress were Republicans elected during the Reconstruction Era. After slaves were emancipated and granted citizenship rights, freedmen gained political representation in the Southern United States for the first time. White Democrats regained political power in state legislatures across the South and worked to restore white supremacy.




You couldn’t make it up but the BBC does.

Half the story all the time.






The situation that the Greeks find themselves in and the one the BBC finds itself in bare a great deal of similarity.

The Greeks are at the mercy of the politicians of the EU whilst the BBC, despite Tony Hall’s claim that he is going to ‘fight the politicians’, is in reality at their mercy.

The Greeks are financially bankrupt and utterly unable to accept that they might have to leave the EU whilst the BBC is morally bankrupt, utterly unable to accept that it is in any way biased or left leaning, treating those who raise any objections with disdain and contempt.

Hall, the Guardian tells us, has pledged…

‘ to ensure that last week’s hasty deal with government to secure stable funding for the corporation will never happen again.

Writing for the Observer, Lord Hall, who has been forced to accept responsibility for the £750m cost of free licence fees for the over-75s, argues that key negotiations about the financial basis of the BBC must now be taken out of the political arena for good.’

Which is strange as writing in the Observer he also said…

‘As the dust settles after a challenging week of negotiation over funding and debate about the future of the BBC, three things are clear.

First, the BBC has negotiated a strong financial settlement from the government that gives us stability and clarity, but we should be in no doubt that the charter process will be tough.

Second, despite noises to the contrary, the BBC is as independent today as it has ever been. There has been no fundamental change in the relationship between government and corporation. Nor will there be under my watch.’


So that’s clear then….must fight those appalling politicians…and yet….all is good.

He continues...

‘Now we have fixed the funding settlement, the debate moves on to what the BBC does with that funding.  We have never been afraid of debate about our future…..So what is most important is that the voice of the audience and the voice of people who care about the BBC are heard in the debate. The public are our shareholders. Their view will always be the most important.’

Hmm…right….just like those Greeks voters who voted in an anti-austerity party and then, just to make sure, held a referendum to dump austerity…and yet…..they got even more austerity.  Like those Greek voters the BBC’s audience might feel like they’re being taken for a ride…..and oddly, like the Greek debts the BBC’s costs have mysteriously grown…once the cost of over 75’s licences was a mere £650 million, now it is very definitely £750 million.  Curious that one, how it has suddenly gained so much traction.

Hope and joy at first flush of being asked for your opinion…..“It was an expression of the will of the people,”

Now….“I feel like a slave. They do what they want, and we can’t participate.” 

I have every confidence that the BBC will listen to its audience…those it finds ‘acceptable’ and banging the same drum as the BBC.

Hall launches a highly political attack blaming the proposed changes on ‘politics’ and the ‘narrow self-interest’ of those politicians…

We should be under no illusion that this is a period of high risk for the BBC. While no one wants to abolish the BBC, there will be some who want to diminish us for their own narrow interests. We must remind them that the British public do not share their views.

So we’ve gone from listening to the British public to already knowing what they think…no need to call the BBC with your opinions thanks….they’ve got all the ones they need right now.

Hall says…

With public support, this is the chance to renew and enhance an organisation that we all deeply care about.

…and of course that’s what a lot of the BBC’s latest PR campaign has been about….persuading the Public that the BBC is in mortal danger and the world will be a worse place without the BBC…..and a lot of people will have to find proper jobs not cushioned by guaranteed funding and then do them properly without bias if the BBC goes under.

Have to say it is galling to hear the cheek of Hall and Co all desperately pleading for public support when they have spent years deriding the majority of the public and their views on Europe, immigration, Islam, climate change, Israel and economics.

Keep the BBC, boot out the people who have been the source of the institutional malaise, the ideological corruption, the divisive anti-white, anti-British, anti-Western narrative that has undermined society, and those who look the other way when the criminals or terrorists are ethnic.

Hall keeps saying that the BBC is essential for Britain, part of its fabric, maintaining cohesion and a better society.


The BBC has been the champion of radical Islamists, even as the bodies were being returned from Tunisia the BBC’s Phil Mackie was at Green Lane Mosque, a hardline Wahhabi institution, telling us how wonderful it was and how they were ‘fighting radicalisation’…the same mosque at the centre of the ‘Under Cover Mosque’ scandal!, and of course the champion of Palestinian terrorists, it has attempted to destroy Israel with all that that will lead to, it has encouraged mass immigration and the subsequent huge costs and damage that has come with that to society, it has undermined British identity and vilified British history in order to help along Labour’s ‘ethnic cleansing’ of the British population of those ‘horribly white’ British people and their dreadful culture, it has hidden the truth about the racial or religious identity of criminals and terrorists making sure the real solution to the problems that they bring with them cannot be dealt with as the problem is not recognised or admitted, it has relentlessly promoted climate change costing us billions and forcing the poorest to make that famous choice of ‘eat or heat’,  it has promoted Europe regardless of what anyone else thinks, it has set out to smash political parties or groups that it doesn’t like such as UKIP or the EDL and they sacked Jeremy Clarkson.

We here at Biased BBC  ‘Must keep reminding them that the British public do not share their views.’



A Different perspective


‘This isn’t just about history, this is about now.’


This video was included in the last post,  Srebrenica…A Deadly Myth From The Ashes?, but as that was such a long post I think it deserves a place of its own….the video is from Sky News and shows another side to the events in Bosnia and paints a different picture to that peddled by Muslims and the BBC of innocent Muslims, victims of genocidal murder, whilst they themselves did no such thing…an important narrative to challenge as it feeds into the Jihadi recruitment process….and reveals what plans the Jihadis had beyond the borders of Bosnia…

A story a ‘lot of people don’t want to be told’ as Sky News said….