No need for much comment here…Paul Mason spills the beans...
“I went into journalism at the age of 30, confident that because I could write polemical propaganda leaflets, news wouldn’t be a problem.”
Not a problem when he was employed by the BBC anyway.
Even an ex-Labour MP writing in the Guardian thinks Mason is beyond the pale, and , not even Jeremy Corbyn would be a fellow traveller on the journey Mason proposes. What was it that the BBC thought he could bring to the debate as economics editor on Newsnight?
“I went into journalism at the age of 30, confident that because I could write polemical propaganda leaflets, news wouldn’t be a problem.”
This is proof of how the BBC does not impartially report news. They blatantly regurgitate far left opinion and propaganda.
Can anyone name a single BBC reporter who is as far to the right as Paul Mason is to the left? I can’t because the BBC would never ever employ any journalist as far right as Paul Mason is to the left, because that would mean employing someone the BBC would refer to as a “far right extremist” and such people are not employed by the BBC.
Why? because to the BBC is is far more important to never ever give space or encouragement to right-wing political opinions, even if that means ignoring, or covering up for, or justifying lethal extremist actions like Islamic terrorism.
In BBC world, we must never tackle REAL, violent, lethal mass extremism of Islam, in case it “provokes” some fake and very mild right wing “extremists” to merely say something that the BBC will find to be truly offensive.
A couple of years ago, I was watching Newsnight (In a hotel as my house is TV-free). Mason was waffling on when Paxman interjected; “But that’s rubbish, Paul…”
Mason was so stunned that his sermon had been interrupted, he was lost for words.
A joy to see.
Presumably his qualification as a Music Teacher enabled him to hum ‘la-di-da can’t hear you’ over any rational economic argument before treating Newsnight audience to his own twisted opinions
The full quote from Mason , as printed in the independent, is even more damning for the Beeb,
“I was a raging lefty. I was a supporter of a group called Workers Power. But I wasn’t getting anywhere with music creatively, so I went into journalism at the age of 30” etc.
According to the Workers Power website “Capitalism is an anarchic and crisis-ridden economic system based on production for profit.We are for the expropriation of the capitalist class and the abolition of capitalism. We are for its replacement by socialist production planned to satisfy human need.”
Well we all know how well that worked out for the USSR. Not a bad pedigree for a Beeb Economics Editor.. ? Must have been a “brilliant” job interview W1a-style.