Just in case you were one of those people somewhat concerned that the socialists were out of power for the time being, fear not, the welfare state is alive and well and continues relentlessly to expand with nanny state poised to encroach further and yet further into the upbringing of our children – agit prop very much care of the BBC.
House eunuch Bill Turnbull (Turned-Ball?) interviews ‘an expert’ currently advising a Parliamentary Committee and calling for Free School Meals – during the holidays.
This lady expert (double-plus-good) has just come back from a tour of the USA, necessary – apparently – for her to find out that they do this there. Nice work if you can get it, no doubt. Funny how certain people happily advocate copying US social practice – when it suits.
Back in the UK she has been talking to ‘activists’ (awkward choice of word there – perhaps a quick media training refresher course required?) anyway let’s call them community workers (?), well they are similarly telling our lady expert this is a necessary step – because the kids are going hungry in the hols.
A tentative question about who pays comes from our BBC presenters. Just to digress a moment – I’ve noticed a trend here – when a BBC interviewer asks a question which you might categorise as coming vaguely from the right of the spectrum there is never any follow up from the BBC bod, no matter what drivel the leftist interviewee answers. Any old tosh will do. The campaigner could recite the Lord’s Prayer or a page from the Bombay Phone Book and still the BBC presenter would nod and move on.
Our expert, in answer to the cost question, duly waffles on about what we’re already spending (I think she said ‘investing’ – good for her) so a bit more state spending could be seen as a saving I suppose? The Private Sector are interested. Charities too. ‘Multi-agency’.
Alarm bells begin to go off in my head. Both commercial companies and charities will be after lucrative public contracts and the tax payer is sure to get shafted one way or another.
Depressed? This may cheer you up. It’s always funny when during an otherwise very accommodating BBC interview these campaigners voluntarily go slightly off piste.
Our Bill asks ‘Do you find people are a little embarrassed to ask for help?’
‘Oh no, no there’s no embarrassment’
Good to know that sense of entitlement to free state handouts is alive and growing in the UK
Viewer Abdul in Birmingham is watching BBC Breakfast. He phones his cousin in Krazystan. “Hey Mohammed, y’know you have those seven hungry kids, well, you’ll never guess what they’re going to do here…. Oh, you already heard it on BBC World Service. You’re on your way now?”
Aslseelt wrote: “Hey Mohammed, y’know you have those seven hungry kids, well, you’ll never guess what they’re going to do here…. Oh, you already heard it on BBC World Service. You’re on your way now?”
As I watch these swarms of illegal immigrants or invaders forcing their way into Britain., some questions arise.
1. Why are they so desperate to come to the UK, and not France say.
2. How do they manage to raise thousands of pounds required for the journey from Eritrea/Somalia/ Afghanistan, considering that these people are illiterate and very poor.
Estimate cost.
1. Two thousand pounds for journey by truck, and food – all at inflated cost, for journey from Somalia to Libya.
2. £6000 for a place on the boat.
3. £1500 for a place on a truck to get into the UK.
That’s approximately £10,000. This is huge amount of money in Eritrea, Sudan or Somalia.
Its highly unlikely that any money lender will give that kind of money to a young man whose aim is to leave the country, even if the family was held as a “mortgage” guarantee. In any case a starving family is not a good mortgage guarantee..
My guess is that this money is coming out of the Benefits money in the UK. Consider for a moment the case of an ordinary Somali family in the UK. 80 to 90% are unemployed or unemployable. Even the employed are on Benefits of some sort. Given that the ordinary Somali family is quite large, with a large number of children, then the Benefits coming into the family kitty is likely to be in excess of £30,000.
As the family is living in social housing, and fed on Benefits, there is a large pot of disposal “income”.
I believe a Somali/Eritrean family, wishing to bring in more family (to increase family income), hands over £12,000 or so in cash to the Halawa system. Minus transfer charges, the money is handed over to a young fit male inSomalia/Eritrea, , to attempt the journey to Europe or Britain. For the journey a mobile phone with international roaming, is essential equipment.
The £12,000 is not expenditure gone forever, but an investment in scamming the Benefit system. Besides, it brings in more soldiers of allah, for the time when they will be needed. Win win.
If this scenario is half correct NC, we are in the shite. All the do-gooders have appeared with this Calais crisis, and an ugly, pathetic sight and sound they are….God help us.
Can you imagine the same response from our French ‘allies’ if this fiasco was happening at the Charles de Gaulle Airport ?
The French government are not even trying, while our present government and ‘prime’ minister are not even firing strong words across the channel at them .
Its all ‘mill to the grist’ for UKIP .
£3million to Barnados to investigate and help to prevent child grooming in Rotherham.
I’ve got an idea which will no doubt be considered very right wing :
Why don’t the police get off their fat arses when a child reports she has been raped by a gang of Muslims, and investigate rather than claim there is not enough evidence. They don’t need £3 million to do that.
Depends whether the police have a member of the ahem, Muslim Police Assoc on site, to check for possible Islamofauxbia … er “waycism” (what race is Islam again?).
Whether he liases with the muslim council officials, the ones who were unhelpful in the investigations.
It’s still the Stockholm thing – blame everyone but the perpetrators, until pretty soon you would think it was the councillors and the police themselves who were grooming, abducting, gang-raping and enslaving minors with drugs. All those people who stood by and let it happen, or looked the other way, were of course guilty of aiding and abetting the pursuance of (wholesale) criminality. But they were not the actual perpetrators, whose identities and cultural rationalisations somehow slip away into the ‘cloud of unknowing’ once again, every single time we allow the bystanders become the focus.
It isn’t just whether you think of those official guardians as grossly culpable and derelict in their duties, or overly-sensitive and redeemable by collectively ‘learning lessons’. All the time, it is allowing the focus to shift from the primary criminals, and the cultural glue that holds them together and defies British law, not just in the particular, but in its foundations of liberty.
It is a gloomy picture now. Most of the current policing and administrative class is unable to behave and act in the manner traditionally expected of them.
Two generations of cultural marxism has done it’s work well.
The education stsyem is in tatters with ignorance now the norm.
I think future historians of civilisational decline will have much to write about when looking back at Britain 2015.
Hence, Dave, one Dianne Abbot, and her BBC prog appearance when she said of her ‘studies’, about the 1,000 BLACK Centurions in Roman Britain in some ridiculous BC century long before the Romans ever set foot here……..stupid, ignorant black bitch….wonder how many of her pathetic constituents cheered on Sept 11th, 2001……cheered at 3000 plus souls snuffed out…..she is scum.
Who? … this guy?
Head of government-backed victims-of-crime charity ‘took armed gang to settle long-running land row in Pakistan’?
Head of Victim Support ‘joined by eight men armed with automatic rifles’. Witnesses claim one woman was threatened by charity chief
Events could embarrass charity, which receives £38m from government
There are some ‘big bucks’ child charities in the UK funded by the generous people of Britain that did nothing for years to protect these vulnerable children. It makes you wonder what they have been doing with all our money when the abuse went on for such a time ? What are they all doing now ?
In the case of the NSPCC, hounding someone very close to me, for racism, on behalf of a ‘colleague’ who turned out to be an egregious litigation junkie who had previously extracted ‘money with menaces’ in exactly the same way, by making spurious claims then watching the establishment fall over itself to protect him as a victim. Never apologised, just quietly dropped things when the real victim became seriously ill and had to retire, never to recover. A disgusting episode with far reaching consequences for someone they should have been cherishing as a valuable employee, but whose life they instead trashed in collusion with a criminal of the most heartless kind.
That is what a major charity does with its time and our money.
-“We see the phrases ‘illegal immigrant’ and ‘illegal alien’ thrown around a lot in policy debates,” Patrick Hogan tells BBC Trending. “It struck us as a very dehumanising way of referring to someone.”-
Perhaps the next stage in the process will be how to censor the term ‘Rotherham Pakistani Paedophile Gangs’? Is it also dehumanising?
The ‘West’ gets more like ‘The East’ (a.k.a Soviet Russia 1920-1990) every month at the moment.
I read this and thought ‘Yeah, how long did it take to develop that app & get it out into use? A month? Three months? How long will it take those who do not think that way among the Twitterati to develop a new word?’
Recommend ‘ Justified ‘ in that series even black characters were played straight good or bad and when they were bad they got treated as bad !
But then it was ignored by all the UK networks so obviously it was a really good series .
No sense of irony in the BBC’s report. It is a clear cultural marxist. attempt to control and alter lthe meaning of words to advance a particular cause.
it is the beginnings of tyranny.
I wonder what the BBC would say if we insisted on calling the Calais people -invaders?
Cue exploding heads and a massed Twitter frenzy.
The kids at the BBC have no grasp of history and no notion of what freedom really means.
God help us in the next 20 years.
We should be honest then and call them criminals instead. By setting foot on English land without seeking asylum in any of the other safe countries they have travelled through to get here, they are committing a criminal act.
Partners in Crime (BBC1 9pm on Sunday evening) continues to disappoint.
It could really be so much better. Historical inaccuracies continue to abound and references to money laundering ( a crime which only came into existence about 10 maybe 15 years ago) shone out.
Ticking of all the boxes continues, and full diversity rules apply.
Having got through 2 of the 3 episodes I might sit through the final one, but it is getting tougher.
It is getting very hard indeed to tolerate any BBC drama as it is so riddled with ahistorical tosh that simply grates for anyone with even a smattering of education – or, worse, who lived through the era being depicted.
Some of this is due to the yoof cult the BBC glories in, some to the fact that the educational standards in our schools and universities is now so poor and some to the box-ticking clowns who insist on reality being turned on its head in favour of propaganda.
Curiously, though much if this rot stems from the USA, US dramas (certainly those made by HBO and the like) seem far less afflicted by this PC nonsense.
Agreed that a lot of US drama is much superior. I wonder if that’s because they actually have to sell the stuff to broadcasters in order to make their money, rather than say, simply exhort £4 billion a year from the general population via a TV poll tax? However, even the best US series tend to be formulaic in their approach. Watch out for ‘lead trio syndrome’ where the main three characters are invariably a (bearded) white man, a black man and a fiesty female.
I do find with US dramas though (which I watch far more than the drippy UK-produced ones these days) very very rarely portray a black character in a bad light. Older rich white men are nearly always bad, and Latinos often get poorly-portrayed as well. Black people are always angelic. In the case of a whodunnit this tends to narrow down the possible choices very early on.
I suddenly thought ‘what about the drug dealer character in The Good Wife?’. But even then he’s portrayed pretty sympathetically.
Series like Boardwalk Empire and the Wire have no problem showing Black Characters as well rounded some good, some bad types they don’t patronise people and pander to viewers.
But Mandela syndrome is alive and well in many dramas both here and across the pond. The Beeb of course are by far the worst, leaving aside racial profiling, white bad, anyone else good. I will not forget the scandal of the Inspector George Gently episode, that aired the night before the Election, in a hurry. I’m sure its been discussed over and over on here before, but really how the hell did they get away with it ?
Recommend ‘ Justified ‘ in that series even black characters were played straight good or bad and when they were bad they got treated as bad !
But then it was ignored by all the UK networks so obviously it was a really good series
The thing about The Wire that struck me was that it was meant to be sympathetically liberal (at least in American terms) to underclass blacks – but just watching it made you glad you didn’t live anywhere near an enriched ghetto!
But it was great in that it had believable characters (black & white), was cleverly conceived, and good dialogue (need subtitles though really).
The BBC couldn’t get anywhere near the quality of shows such as this or even the mediocre US imports.
And re comment from Matt – yes Justified is well worth watching.
Everything wrong with BBC dramas one can see in the current series Odyssey.I gave up after 2 episodes as it was so obviously a copy cat of recent various USA dramas and films where an attractive CIA heroine is on the run from a combination of the American military/industrial complex and Islamic terrorists and not very well done.What I have recently discovered and is consistently brilliant is Law and Order Criminal Intent on Fox channel.Wonder what Dick Wolf`s view of UK drama is!
Have not watched a BBC drama for years , I saw the writing on the wall during the Evil Blair junta ,with PC box ticking coming in .Now if you want to watch a really un PC movie thriller ,there is none better than`L. A. Confidential` . Well written , filmed , acted ,lite , directed . Hideously White characters ,good & bad , effnick ,guilty in all cases .
ITV are the same, as are nearly all the ad’s, Midsomer Murders last night featured, in a picturesque thatched village, an interracial married couple owning a bookshop and a couple of ‘Asians’ lurking around buying books.
If it wasn’t so blatant and honestly reflective of the lives of the majority of viewers outside of the producers metrosexual bubble., no one would notice. Drip,drip,drip, agenda,agenda,agenda….
The original producer of Midsomer Murders, Brian True May was forced out due to the lack of diversity in the, previously, popular show.
He made remarks deemed out of order by the thought police, and he had to go.
I have to admit I haven’t watched Partners in Crime – but I have read Miss Christie’s books. The character that David Walliams is playing is supposed to be in his early 20s. Once I had realised from the trailers which books they were I realised that they were ‘adaptions’ and not true to the books – and haven’t bothered. Wikipedia tells me that Mr Walliams approached Endor productions – so I expect that is why he got the part.
The BBC have clearly spent a fortune on Partners in Crime and they’ve got the period “feel” really well. There are lots of street scenes, loads of extras and 1950’s buses and cars. I just wish that we weren’t viewing this through the Beebs perpetual politically correct tinkering with our history. The proliferation of decent law abiding black people and then on the other side despicable violent white thugs. The two main characters consist of a feisty female and her rather ineffectual, drippy male partner. Typical Beeb!
In the old days the BBC used to do Sunday night light dramas better than anyone. I don’t think their Miss Marple series, with the brilliant Joan Hickson, can be bettered. I rather fear that if they made that series today the pretty little village of Saint Mary Mead would be populated by Rastafarians and Miss Marple would look like Winnie Mandela.
You say about the cars, but being a car nut, they tend to be lazy and only hire about three, the same ones being seen in nearly every exterior scene, parked up or driving by.
There was an older series of Partners in Crime with Franceska Annis. I’ve read some Christie but not these ones but I feel the old Partners wou;d have been closer to Christie’s intentions despite some wooden acting from the male lead.
Miss Marple as Winnie M would give a whole new meaning to ‘village football team’. Although we are not supposed to remember the Mandela side, now.. much too chilling – in fact many younger folk could be forgiven for having no recollection of Winnie’s little army of thugs, as it certainly does not fit any current narrative about SA.
Actually, having said which, ITV can be as bad as the BBC. While Downton Abbey has, largely, avoided the curse of PC script control, Foyle’s War descended into Guardianista preaching very early on.
In Foyle’s War it was always “the toff what done it”. It wasn’t always clear until near the end what he had done, but he had to be guilty. The classic episode was when he was also the Conservative Party candidate. When Sam’s husband became a Labour MP the whole thing descended into farce; completely destroying some interesting plot lines about difficult moral choices. Not that the difficulties were properly examined – any decision by an authority figure had to be wrong.
Yes, it was a shame Mr Horowitz seemed unable to disentangle his, evidently deeply felt, political views from telling a good story. He is extremely able, as far as I can tell, but falls slap into the ‘Noble Cause’ trap of thinking he is justified in turning everything he does into ‘prop for the cause’.
The perfect Al BBC storm this morning, “on site” with the illegal immigrants, in Calais.
The cameras roll, to a shocked …SHOCKED I TELL YOU!
Beebot, that in Calais, who douly states, these illegal immigrants have to have a shock horror … makeshift mosque
The Government will probably use our Air force to carpet bomb the invaders with food, drink and pocket money.
This is a tricky one for the BBC it is clear they really want to go after Cameron for being ineffective in dealing with the intrusion (my latest collective noun, for the cockroach, so much more apt than swarm)
But it would mean demonising the criminals currently trying to force their way into Britain, if they berate Camaron for not dealing strongly with the problem, and of course that doesn’t fit the narrative of desperate cancer specialists and scientists fleeing war torn Countries.
The African invasion from Calais could be sorted out in 2 minutes, round them all up, put them in trucks, take them to the nearest military airport, put them on a plane, ship them back to Ethiopia, Somalia etc etc, do this 2 or 3 times and word will spread in their home countries that if you come you’ll be sent back. Of course this will never happen because there is no political WILL.
Good idea – and pay for it out of International Aid. It would, after all, be helping some foreign residents to get back home. Given the difficulty the civil service has of spending that massive budget a win-win situation
Using the heading ‘Get Some In’ of course I refer to the prevailing BBC attitude to the Calais ‘migrants in search of a better life’ …
…but also to the ITV 70s sit com – the rival to Dad’s Army about RAF National Service men. Why?
Because although the BBC doesn’t care to tell us about this a very important factor in the displacing of these young men is the national service or, shall we say, military conscription back home. Whether their home nations are presently at war or civil war or neither this is a major common link (apart from religion). A close examination of these men would reveal their desire to draft dodge.
Echoing Lobster here – thanks; of course, draft dodging, whatever you think of it, would fit in quite neatly with a Leftist agenda. I am surprised this hasn’t been added to the list of alleged attributes – ‘conscientious refugees from forced military service, they deserve our support in opposing militarism and brutality in their countries of origin’.
In fact, since some of them are claiming to be children, they could be seen as ‘fleeing ruthless exploitation as child soldiers’. [As an aside, how come we can’t produce qualified doctors and engineers at the age of 13? Those awful repressive countries must be doing something right.]
I was driving and listening to the radio when it was announced that a Swedish Government Minister had criticised Cameron for his unsuitable language employed with regard to the Calais swarmers. Well done Sweden, how are the rapes going?
Working on the basis that it is good sense to know your enemy, I have been reading ex senior Beeboid Roger Mosely’s book, ‘Getting Out Alive’. In it he writes that while he was Head of BBC News he was appalled to learn that the BBC ran vox pops in which all the views that didn’t fit with the ‘multiculturalism is good theme ‘, were suppressed. In the example he quotes, these views where in the overwhelming majority but the producer thought that these folks were rabid racists and so they didn’t show them on the news! In fact they showed only the one white person interview ,who happened to be the only one they interviewed who supported multiculturalism. He also mentions other examples of the way the BBC foists its own multyculty views on the nation whilst making sure that the millions of voices raised against multiculturalism and mass immigration are never given a platform.
He gives the impression that this was the case ten years ago but that this sort of thing doesn’t go on now. But of course we all know that it does , hence the mocking of the anti immigration e mail/letter, read out by Mr Mair last week on PM.
How on earth can the BBC claim that it is impartial on key issues such as immigration when one of its most senior managers admits to it suppressing anti immigration interviews when these were in the overwhelming majority?
The BBC is anti British ,anti democratic and does not represent the majority of those who are forced to pay for it! It simply does not deserve to be funded by a public whom it does not represent. The BBC treats the views of average Brits with contempt and it about time that the average Brit starts to treat the BBC with equal contempt.
The classic vox pop for me was on the Sunday programme on Radio 4. Question – “what do you think of when you hear the word Devil?” Purely random first answer from a purely random choice – “Margaret Thatcher”. Yeah, no agenda there.
I may have mentioned before the BBC’s vox pop training film broadcast in an episode of Jonathan Creek.
Creek’s boss painted a number on his chest, put on a jumper and went out into the street. Members of the public were asked to choose a number between 1 and 50. Those giving the “wrong” answer were thanked and allowed to go on their way. When someone gave the “right” answer the magician raised his jumper to reveal the same number – all round amazement at his skill.
Isn’t it strange that the universally hated Margaret Thatcher never lost an election? In fact she won three, unlike of course, the much loved James Callaghan, Michael Foot, Gordon Brown and Ed Milliband.
And Blair only won three by pretending to be a tory, whilst implementing the corporatist common purpose “third way” agenda so beloved of the BBC. The BBC were happy for Blair to speak tory-esque language, so long as he implemented the common purpose agenda.
I always thought of him as a “fake rolex” tory spiv…. Much like Cameron really.
A tragic scene of hungry, emaciated, weak refugees and asylum seekers trying to escape from France.
I have just returned from France and, having listened to suggestions from local French, I have decided not to bring this blog into disrepute by repeating suggestions which might be seen as incitement to hate crimes.
Don’t hold much truck with these Government petitions, but no harm in trying I guess. A couple here relating to Calais, one a no confidence vote in Cameron, the other to close the tunnel until further notice. Sign if you agree (use bucket email address?) and pass on/retweet.
If nothing else they may reflect public opinion if they get going as the Clarkson one did (to no effect!)
You are a bogus asylum seeker, travelling from some third world shit hole. You have borrowed money – a lot of it to make the trip, and you’re going to have to pay that back, which is likely to be impossible if you are returned home.
Most likely you’re also a criminal, with little regard for law, and you’re probably not averse to seriously injuring or even killing anyone who gets in your way.
So you tell your story to the Home office, and are inevitably refused asylum. You make an appeal to the immigration courts, which thanks to the UKs hopeless gravy train we laughably call a ‘justice’ system, it’ll take years before your case is heard. You’ll likely be given legal aid (which white people can’t get), but the greedy lefties who work in immigration will almost certainly have spent long before you get to court.
Eventually the wheels of ‘justice’ will grind to your appeal which you will also most likely lose!
Your benefits will then cease and you will have no money coming in. In another few years the Home Office might wake up and realise that you are here illegally and seek to deport you. So what do you do to avoid this?
Well don’t worry because lefty Dave has just the policy for you!
If the Home Office can’t find you then they can’t deport you! So once you leave your accommodation, no one in authority will be able to tell where you are!
You might be able to find work in one of the many takeaways, and work for a couple of pounds per hour sleeping on the premises. If you can stay long enough, you can claim that circumstances in your home country have changed and claim asylum all over again!
Of course you might well meet other failed asylum seekers and hear the stories which have succeeded learn one, and claim that next time.
And don’t believe the government that the benefits of failed are stopped, that’s only to deceive the public! The refugee council are funded by the government to pay your benefits without them actually being called benefits!
Despite the governments claims, they are making the lives of failed bogus asylum seekers as easy as possible. When asked on the Today program the Tory minister was unable to give the number of failed asylum seekers returned to their countries of origin. This is an amazing revelation, or the figure is so low he doesn’t want to tell us!
Tory mind set summed up – if you can spent a pound to save a penny, then do it and damn the consequences
Hmmm…. funny (as in peculiar, not ha-ha) how the BBC have released Edward Heath’s name in the context of historic child abuse investigations but cannot do the same in respect of a possible Labour perpetrator.
The alledged labour paedophile is still alive. Heath is dead. That is the difference.
Oh, and it has long been known that Heath was one of the sickest, vilest paedophiles in elite paedophile rings. Our intelligence services have mountains of evidence concerning “morning cloud” (or as his bodyguards called it, Morning Sickness), and what happened on board.
What is really scary about all this is that the more of this elite paedophile scandal emerges, the more David Icke is being proved correct. Now how utterly shite are the BBC when even David Icke becomes more accurate than them?
Remind me, what did Mr Icke say about paedophilia? I was only aware of his ‘reptile’ ideas, and his 911 book. I always felt a little ashamed that the shell-suit put me off so badly.
There’s currently (but not for long, I think) a Have Your Say on landlords having to evict illegal immigrants.
I felt I had to respond to the twerp who said “As a British and Canadian citizen, I don’t think people realize how much better off places like the UK and Canada are because of immigrants.” My response was:
“Quite so. The taxi service in Rotherham was transformed.”
However, my reponse was removed immediately on the grounds of breaking House Rules. I’m struggling to see what Rule, but what intrigues me most is the immediate removal. No referral for consideration. Does anything with “Rotherham” get binned automatically?
Well, this is on my email: Your comment was considered to have broken the following House Rule:
“We reserve the right to fail comments which…
Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others
Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable
Contain swear words or other language likely to offend”
I have appealed, stating:
“You have allowed someone to put what they see as the positive side of a situation but appear to disallow any comment which points out a negative side. You might as well not bother opening up the discussion if you think some might be too sensitive to read that.”
Not that I expect them to reconsider, but I hope to take up some of their time whilst they come up with a justification.
AliBaba Radio & TV do not ‘listen’ they ‘re-educate’.
The have been ‘re-educating’ the the people of these islands for years. Time to get rid of the un British and unpatriotic service.
Did you try a subtle re-word and near immediate re-post, Roland? I have found that sometimes a sarky remark is binned promptly, possibly because of the sarcasm or maybe a complaint by a tender soul, which would have to be very, very delicate to be softer than Snuffy.
The re-worded post, I think, has a 100% record thus far of surviving the Mods. < More shades of Communist Russia 1920-1990! 😉
No, I didn’t. The post was rejected almost instantaneously, which is what got my antennae twitching, and you have to wait ten minutes to post again, I think.
I am not surprised. The BBC closed down ALL their politcal forums, mainly because the anti immigrationists were winning the arguments, and of course much criticism of BBC bias.
Bristol murder, Muslim on pregnant Muslim ‘wife’, it’ll be interesting to see if tonight if bBC Points West inform us of the little bit of extra information about the perpetrator. You see the bBC keep telling us all these lorry hoppers at Calais are what this country needs, murderers don’t fit so well with their profile.
Amazing how they disperse around the country on arrival.
We should open the gates and allow them all in. At Dover we allocate a caravan or similar and send it to Luvvie Darling Street, Islington. There it will be hooked up to electricity and water from the surrounding mansions. I am sure as the residents are “inclusive” they will not mind sharing. Any bets as to how long it will take before the luvvies move them on and controls put in place.
As insane as it appears gb123, that could actually be the fastest way of dealing with the (legal and illegal) immigration crisis – open the border to anyone and everyone.
We are presently being invaded incrementally, so the s**t isn’t really going to hit the fan for another 30 or 40 years; when indigenous people will start to become the minority of the population and boy, our future generations are going to have one hell of a fight on their hands to reclaim this, their own, country.
Let them come in now, in droves, and the chaos the sheer numbers will unleash – will force our “leaders” to either grow a pair and do what needs to be done; or be swept away and be replaced by those who will do it.
This, whilst we still have the strength in numbers and there hasn’t been another two or three generations of kids who’ve drunk the koolaid at multiculturalist schools and PC universities.
Not Bias, but why do BBC lady newsreaders need to be forever having ‘work’ done? The latest is Sophie Rayworth who on the 6pm News has developed a real lisp and is really struggling to get some words out.
Ms Rayworth’s face bears an odd passing relemblance to the robotic boy in ‘AI: Artificial Intelligence’ which I watched last week – maybe the jaw servo needed oiling?
Totally biased report on 6 o’clock news about invaders who have managed to get into UK illegally. Report shows three young men from Eritrea sitting in a restaurant waffling on about their ‘hardships’. Report keeps pushing the BBC propaganda line that they don’t get houses or benefits (omitted to mention the burden to the UK health, education, and legal / prison systems).
That young man was removed from UKIP because he was promoting bestiality and paedophile incest. It was nothing to do with his support for same gender marriage. Militant homosexuals twisted the reasons to suit their own political ends.
When so called “climate scientists” have a 100% record on their model based predictions being completely wrong, why the hell are such scientists still given any shred of credibility???
Obama is going to kill thousands and thousands of the poorest who cannot afford heating in the winter or air conditioning in the summer.
You have to reach the conclusion that it is the very expense and ineffectiveness of intermittent energy sources that is their attraction to the Green Coalescence.
Otherwise, Mr Obama would yesterday have been revealing a massive plan to invest in nuclear energy.
Attitudes to nuclear are a sure sign of the real motivation of this coalition of mediaeval zealots.
I’m sorry but why is the BBC News 24 turning into the Taliban History Channel? I don’t give a s*** about who has taken over this foul rabble of pyjama-wearing goat herders and resent the BBC devoting much time on News 24 to getting insights from ‘experts’ on what’s happening in the leadership contest. I’d like to see the Taliban wiped from the face of the planet.
A quick comment about the login procedure. For me (after logging in) it seems to default to the ‘my profile’ page. Shouldn’t it take us straight to the Home page?
Well, then. That has to be one of the most amateurish and Left-wing biased Newsnight I’ve seen in a while. Totally anti-Tory. Reporters seem to be very young and weak.
Okay, I ask you all this: when was the last time your saw the BBC giving Jews the same airtime as Muslims, gays, blacks and transgenders in any of their debates, dramas and sitcoms/comedies? Jews have been an important part of British society for hundreds of years but they are NEVER fairly represented on the BBC. It’s totally biased against Jews and Christians.
Frank Gardner has just been commenting (Today, R4) on the decision to maintain the squadron of 8 Cyprus-based Tornadoes for a further 12 months past their planned decommissioning, into 2017, in view of their anti-IS role in Iraq, performing reconnaisance and some strike duties. Asked what state the squadron would be in now, he said they would be ‘tired’ then used the word ‘exhausted’.
Aren’t comments like this, in a combat situation, likely to undermine morale? Wouldn’t they normally count as seditious, or have things changed? At the very least, careless, surely?
Was he talking about the aircraft or the personnel?
If the aircraft, they are getting a bit long in the tooth.
If the personnel, doesn’t the idiot realise that they rotate the people at regular intervals from the squadrons based at Marham, while the planes are recycled as required for deeper maintenance?
Son did Afghanistan three times, but max 3 months at a time, unlike the foot soldiers who go for longer, but have a break back home mid tour.
Oh dear….here we are talking about the ‘ageing’ Tornados when to me it seems like only yesterday they were state of the art. Shows my age i guess… i still mourn the fabulous Jaguar….Harrier, which the USMC love to bits, think they have more sense than our top brass…..and the wonderful Buccaneer…sigh..that’s progress i guess…wish i could feel the same about our politicians of the past, most were and those now are self-serving shite.
A meaningless comment . The aircraft will be maintained properly and the crews doing what they joined up to do.
Typical defeatest nonsense from the BBC.
I’ve noticed a few BBC Charter groupies trying to get excited by a possible meeting between the Chancellor and the dreaded Murdoch, which in their heads has lead to the BBC being called to account (a bit) for its unique take on ‘news’ reporting.
It will be interesting to see how they react to this punt on cause and effect:
If you Google “BBC Charter Review”, a BBC site tops the list, while the Governments own Charter Review site is lower down.
I wonder if the BBC is trying to misdirect submissions to the Governments review, on to its own bogus review. And then binning those submissions?
Meanwhile maintaining the vital service only the BBC is capable of providing, over on Facebook BBC News seems to be going large on something or other to do with women taking pictures of their thighs and posting them, I kid you not.
Presumably there is at least one BBC Woman’s Thigh Editor position being created as we speak.
Gosh !! did you see what wannabe ”journalist” Kirsty Squawk, who try’s so hard to be taken seriously, was wearing the other week ? Rosa Klebb is going for the Roma gypsy look, you’d think wardrobe department would say ” No, Luv, you’re not wearing that tonight.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b063cpxm/newsnight-21072015
At least the BBC didn’t use it’s favourite word ‘controversial’ when discussing British military achievements.
But the sting is in the tail:-
◾The Sorpe Dam was damaged but the Mohne and Eder Dams were destroyed, flooding the Ruhr valley and killing an estimated 1,300 people, mostly civilians
No mention of the raid’s achievements and how brave the crews were. But hey, let’s dwell on the civilian losses.
Did the BBC also put in that of the 1300 deaths over 1000 were slave labours and Russian prisoners of war who’s life expectancy under the Nazis was a few weeks at best if unlucky? I remember hearing a tape of one Russian survivor who was there at the time saying that they cheered the raid and took the deaths of there own as a price well paid , better then being beaten or starved to death !
Today headlines with ‘Government Fails Again’ story.
When the London Olympics was announced ‘the government’ told us that we would all be doing sports but apparently we aren’t. I expect ‘the government’ isn’t spending enough of our money to force us to take part?
The subtle message is that this is yet another of Cameron’s failures. The reality is that it is down to us whether we want to waste our time running around a field and the claim didn’t come from ‘the government’ but the Labour government. It is a constant of BBC reporting that ‘ownership’ of ‘the government’ gets turned on and off depending on who gains.
Another constant of BBC reporting is always looking for the negative – ‘interest rates up, mortgage holders doomed’, ‘interest rates down, disaster for savers’, ‘minimum wage inadequate, workers starve’, ‘minimum wage raise, penury for small businesses’.
For the BBC the glass is always empty.
I have noticed that BBC usage of the words “the government” for several years. If there is a story which shows any government, anywhere in the world, in a bad light, then they use the phrase “the government of {whatever nation}” once, and only use “the government” thereafter with whatever bad story they are reporting. I have cought several news stories after they have started where I do not know which government they are talking about, but knowing it is phrased to allow people to (even sub-consiously) blame our government.
Obviously our Saudi Masters have told their puppets in the British government that they wish British lives & equipment to be put in harms way instead of Saudi prince pilots.
The parliamentary vote not to go to war against ISIS has not been superseded, so it seems that they will go ahead in spite of it!
Just remember if this does go ahead that the Fascist left will use this ‘war in Muslim lands’ to justify and mitigate any attack on UK civilians by Jihadis.
Yes …
These Tory ass wipes would never make the French “mistake”, of not pandering enough, not closing all the relevant beaches, in St Tropez! for a bloody month at a time
… to keep the filthy kaffirs away.
You d think that bunch of insufferable, mind poisoning financiers would be used to sand eh!
I thought the vote was against intervention in order to remove Assad.
Isis were not relevant then. They need to be confronted and fought wherever they are to be found. Better the ME than Europe.
We face attacks by Isis whatever we do – intervention or no intervention.
Who do you think is behind the people smuggling from Libya?
What a soft assessment of a Labour Leadership candidate! ‘Step-change’ and ‘new directions’ are all about something or other.
The Saint George’s Flag in the lead photo is in a café and has nothing to do with her. But the inference??
If Farage was in the same position with regard to say, the leadership of the Conservative Party, can you imagine the BBC report and how it would be slanted?
I’m tempted to compose such a BBC report. Here’s the first line:
‘Nigel Farage has courted controversy throughout his short political career….
Seeing that Nigel Farage has been in politics (as an MEP) for quite a lot of years, I do not think that the BBC would use “short” in their description of his political career. Far more likely that they would want to point out how unsuccessful he has been and write,
“Nigel Farage has courted controversy throughout his struggling political career”
“Nigel Farage has courted controversy throughout his intermittent political career”
Exactly. 😉 That’s why they would use the word ‘short’ as it diminishes his expertise. Who could effectively contradict the BBC? They are a monopoly, and their message is more important than accuracy in their eyes. (As has been shown before).
This isn’t actually a Biased BBC subject, however…
The delicious kerfuffle surrounding the Labour leadership contest has brought me weeks of pleasure and it seems to be getting even better.
Jeremy Corbin, or the sexpot Trot, to give him his new nickname, seems to be running away with it. Half witted union leaders are queuing up to endorse him. Fantastic! This is a Kipper’s dream. Surely even the most gormless, habitual Labour voter would have to wake up and smell the Cappuccino?
Folk from the former industrial northern towns will never vote Tory, but UKIP have made strong inroads.
Most grown up Labour MP’s are horrified at the prospect of JC as leader, and an awful lot have said publicly that they won’t work with him. Can you imagine the shadow cabinet?
Jeremy and…
Yes Corbyn is the main BBC issue. According to Red Ken, his supporter, only CIA death squads can stand in Corbyn’s way. Please Mr Hussein Obama don’t let them harm Corbyn, many of us have sunk £3 to get him elected.
The CIA couldn’t assassinate a dead herring if their past attempts are anything to go by! How many attempts did they have at bumping off Castro?
The Russians have a much better track record, save for the fact they keep getting caught, but then Red Ken was never going to pass up a chance to have a pop at the old enemy was he? Death to America !
As for the BBC, they are as horrified at the prospect of a Corbyn victory as any Blairite is. They have broadcast spurious appeals to suspend the process when it began to look likely that Corbyn was the front runner.
The Left is a broad church running all the way from Fascism to Communism. Corbyn is towards the Communist end, the liberal elite close to the Fascist end and that is where the BBC also are.
A week is a long time in politics. It seems the Beeb has decided they don’t like the thought of lots of extra tax taken from their high salaries and were distinctly cool Corbyn-wise yesterday from lunchtime onwards and this a.m.. Today on the w/s they are now promoting Kendall having taken against her for a while.
Oh well, pushes our Schadenfreude dial needles up toward the orange segment. 🙂 Ain’t it fun!
Jeff, the Northern folk ought to love Corbyn. I think he will not just make all the right noises, he will try to act on them with his policies. Burnham or Cooper who talk the talk but will not walk the walk are what UKIP will need to win more voters away from Labour.
I wouldn’t be so sure Corbyn will win. Yes, he’s well ahead of the others but I doubt that many of those others’ second preference votes will go to Jeremy, so unless he wins outright in the first count I can’t see him winning.
The government has begun its sell-off of shares in part-nationalised lender Royal Bank of Scotland, raising £2.1bn, a third below the price it paid. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-33769906
What the Labour Party media office bBBC mean is “The present government has begun its sell-off of shares in part-nationalised lender Royal Bank of Scotland, raising £2.1bn, a third below the price Gordon Brown paid.”
The BBC’s default position is that Osborne has sold the share too cheaply – not that Brown paid too much for them. But then he was throwing money at The Royal Bank of SCOTLAND. If only Northern Rock had put Scotland in their title their shareholders wouldn’t have taken such a hammering.
I think this article sums up everything wrong with the left in the UK and in the BBC.
Margaret Beckett: I was moron to nominate Jeremy Corbyn
Complete with very unflattering photo (shows the BBC don’t appreciate what she’s done!)
“At no point did I intend to vote for Jeremy myself – nice as he is – nor advise anyone else to do it,” she said.
So she nominated someone who she actually didn’t want to win. Why on earth would someone do that?
I can imagine a situation where it is politic to introduce another candidate to split the vote of a front runner in order to give your preferred candidate a better chance. Did she do that?
It turns out she did it because she wanted to “ensure that the party had a field of candidates “.
In other words her short sighted do gooding ended up with her nominating someone she didn’t want to win solely because she thought it might be good to broaden the debate!
What an idiot!
And if Labour can wreck their own party by having a complete inability to see future consequences, on the back of the most ridiculous of reasons that provide no real benefit to anyone, then how the hell can anyone trust these dreamers to have any responsibility over anything sharp, let alone the governance of a country.
The law of unintended consequence is well known, most times though people do assess what those consequences might be prior to carrying them out.
Not Labour though! And not the BBC either who appear to suffer from the same do gooding urges without consideration of the consequences at all.
“Margaret Beckett: I was moron to nominate Jeremy Corbyn
Complete with very unflattering photo (shows the BBC don’t appreciate what she’s done!)”
Show me a flattering picture of Margaret Beckett, and I’ll eat Camila Batmanghelidjh’s hat. BTW I’m loving the mess Labour have got themselves into over this, they couldn’t run a raffle.
Yep how on earth can you trust someone like this to vote on absolutely anything in the HOC, a complete lack of thinking capacity and forethought, the IQ of a brick and a resemblance to the back of a Routemaster…
Remember this woman has held some high powered government jobs in the biggest fu£k up goverment ever (enough said), somehow been an MP since 1974 (bar 4 years 79 -83) and even been a short term leader of the Labour Party, worst of all made a bloody Dame for her ‘service to public and political service’
Now the BBC can shrug of the fact they seem only to employ unprofessional ideologues into positions of influence because… er… they can… so there…. and have so little shame that double standards are simply grist to their mill, but this has to sting just the smallest bit…
‘\/O43 |_|K19!!
You’re supposed to think it, believe it, care about it, shout it out, post memes about it, wear it on your T-shirt, get into arguments about it, riot about it, and feel like a real fucking hero because of it.
Alan Billings – police and crime commissioner for South Yorkshire has an article in the Guardian white washing police and council failures to act on the mass gang rapes of white girls.
Alan is a prick who still does not “get it”.
Alan’s article has one word missing from it.
Here is a little riddle.
My first is in Monkeys but not in rapists.
My second is in Useless but not in Police.
My third is in Social Workers and also in Overpaid Dregs.
My fourth is in Labour but not in Scum.
My fifth is in Immigrants but not in Bastards.
My sixth is in Murdering but not in Despicable Filth.
My seventh is in Socialists and also in Traitors.
BDE – you can’t help people who won’t help themselves; why the f**k did the people in South Yorkshire vote in a Labour P&CC? AND in Raperham they returned the Labour MP!
Don’t folk realize: these C**TS aren’t going to do anything to stop it. They facilitated it in the first place, and covered it up because it illustrated the widening lacuna in their politically correct multi-cultural policies (that all cultures aren’t equal, no matter how much they wished them to be) ; then attempted to cover up their cover ups!
I hope to God that enough victims can be brought together to sue the council effectively; and to drag some of the scum from the local authority and the police (who looked the other way whilst children were being abused by their pets) into a courtroom and to publicly destroy their reputations and careers.
Had my daily dose of needy asylum seekers, of poor Cecil the Lion and of Labour(Blair-appointed) Lord Sewer from the good old BBC during my holidays…
Along the way I noted the capture of Barry Cryer as a leftie luvvie(he used to be a funny man)-the irony of Martha Kearney nearly being killed by the spirit of her own beehive(literally)…and some nasty little piece on PM that encouraged the likes of The Boycott Israel lobby to keep on going as Tutu or Mandela might have done.
This was no scientific survey-but the issues that exercise the BBC are 24/7 hatred of Israel, eulogies for Obama, continual praises for Harman and wall-to wall advocacy for grievance junkies and perpetual freak shows re gender, race and imagined disabilities…the few genuine ones aren`t required, too beige.
Good to be back then-hope Corbyn gets in, that Mullah Omar gets a new eye-and that Calais finest have Evan Davis` Normandy address so he can find them lorra lorra rooms at the BBC `til they make good.
Funny innit….thought it`d be far easier for our Calais chums to get to Brussels or Luxembourg or Strasbourg…no risk of mal de mer…so why aren`t the EU setting us all an example in how to assimilate all those charming Eritreans and Nigerians?
The mayor of Calais stated that the reason these bogus asylum-seekers chose the UK was because we have no Identity Cards. The rest of Europe requires Identity Cards to gain employment.
Should we have biometric Identity Cards? Fingerprints and NI number included? Would it all then stop?
I always opposed ID cards but now I am not so sure. Europe has not faced anything like Isis and this invasion for centuries.
Different times call for rethinks on many things.
Yes, when living in Germany I was arrested for not carrying official identification, .i.e. British passport and also fined when I I returned to Germany for not deregistering my official place of residence when I left a couple of years before. I, of course, used to think ID cards were a bad thing but they are extremely useful for controlling building sites, restaurants etc.were illegals congregate and they should be introduced in Britain. It might not be British, but Britain isn’t really British anymore either.
We have identity cards on building sites. Currently costing c.£3,000. So if you’ve been doing your job for 40 years, you now have to jump through bureaucratic hoops and pay for the privilege of continuing at it.
Curiously, it’s not uncommon to find yourself working next to gangs of Russians,(yes, Russians) who can’t speak a word of English and have, obviously, never set foot on a site before.
I can only presume there’s some EU scheme that hands out said cards at Harwich, probably after allowing the same interpreter to take everyone’s tests.
Yes, we should now have identity cards. Of course, an essential prerequisite must be that they would be produced with the same levels of security and encryption as bank-notes, and equally difficult to forge. Databases would be have to be utterly secure, with only security-vetted persons employed. I would add other prerequistes in respect of security, but don’t want to appear racist ….!
Oh, wonderful. I can just imagine the happiness as every local council jobsworth, bin inspector or traffic warden demands ‘your papers’.
Effect on criminals? Zero. Effect on the rest of the population? A complete pain the the backside and more power to control freaks and Nazis (at both ends of the political spectrum).
The EU will issue ID cards to all asylum seekers entering Europe .
They will then pass wistfully through Europe and its border controls claiming social housing, free health and education in the UK at our expense as ‘European Citizens’ .
Finally, they will get a free vote in the next EU referendum.
Game set and match.
On Sunday, I believe, Radio 4 did a programme about Donald Trump. I did not watch it as I predicted it would consist of a few remarks about Trump’s comments about Mexican migrants and his comments on McCain, followed by a wise prediction that he would soon fizzle out. But one thing you won’t hear is support for Trump from ordinary Americans. I do wish the BBC – maybe as an attempt to create a comedy approach to news items which is lacking – would examine these two very popular US political commentators. Not everyone’s taste but better than London leftie comedy
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not ‘support’. https://x.com/bbcworld/status/1898839867473219940?s=61 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 2016 Brexit – control our borders – 2025 borders open with increase crossing. 2016 Brexit – control our VAT- 2025…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:00 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Border Patrol recorded 58,038 encounters with migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in August, according to a Pew Research Center…
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think Trump made a big mistake in taking measures against Canada and joking about it becoming the 51 st…
harry142857Mar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC approved type of enricher. Welcomed to the UK: Palestinian asylum seeker gunman who called on God to ‘kill all…
Soon everything will be free
Just in case you were one of those people somewhat concerned that the socialists were out of power for the time being, fear not, the welfare state is alive and well and continues relentlessly to expand with nanny state poised to encroach further and yet further into the upbringing of our children – agit prop very much care of the BBC.
House eunuch Bill Turnbull (Turned-Ball?) interviews ‘an expert’ currently advising a Parliamentary Committee and calling for Free School Meals – during the holidays.
This lady expert (double-plus-good) has just come back from a tour of the USA, necessary – apparently – for her to find out that they do this there. Nice work if you can get it, no doubt. Funny how certain people happily advocate copying US social practice – when it suits.
Back in the UK she has been talking to ‘activists’ (awkward choice of word there – perhaps a quick media training refresher course required?) anyway let’s call them community workers (?), well they are similarly telling our lady expert this is a necessary step – because the kids are going hungry in the hols.
A tentative question about who pays comes from our BBC presenters. Just to digress a moment – I’ve noticed a trend here – when a BBC interviewer asks a question which you might categorise as coming vaguely from the right of the spectrum there is never any follow up from the BBC bod, no matter what drivel the leftist interviewee answers. Any old tosh will do. The campaigner could recite the Lord’s Prayer or a page from the Bombay Phone Book and still the BBC presenter would nod and move on.
Our expert, in answer to the cost question, duly waffles on about what we’re already spending (I think she said ‘investing’ – good for her) so a bit more state spending could be seen as a saving I suppose? The Private Sector are interested. Charities too. ‘Multi-agency’.
Alarm bells begin to go off in my head. Both commercial companies and charities will be after lucrative public contracts and the tax payer is sure to get shafted one way or another.
Depressed? This may cheer you up. It’s always funny when during an otherwise very accommodating BBC interview these campaigners voluntarily go slightly off piste.
Our Bill asks ‘Do you find people are a little embarrassed to ask for help?’
‘Oh no, no there’s no embarrassment’
Good to know that sense of entitlement to free state handouts is alive and growing in the UK
Viewer Abdul in Birmingham is watching BBC Breakfast. He phones his cousin in Krazystan. “Hey Mohammed, y’know you have those seven hungry kids, well, you’ll never guess what they’re going to do here…. Oh, you already heard it on BBC World Service. You’re on your way now?”
Aslseelt wrote: “Hey Mohammed, y’know you have those seven hungry kids, well, you’ll never guess what they’re going to do here…. Oh, you already heard it on BBC World Service. You’re on your way now?”
As I watch these swarms of illegal immigrants or invaders forcing their way into Britain., some questions arise.
1. Why are they so desperate to come to the UK, and not France say.
2. How do they manage to raise thousands of pounds required for the journey from Eritrea/Somalia/ Afghanistan, considering that these people are illiterate and very poor.
Estimate cost.
1. Two thousand pounds for journey by truck, and food – all at inflated cost, for journey from Somalia to Libya.
2. £6000 for a place on the boat.
3. £1500 for a place on a truck to get into the UK.
That’s approximately £10,000. This is huge amount of money in Eritrea, Sudan or Somalia.
Its highly unlikely that any money lender will give that kind of money to a young man whose aim is to leave the country, even if the family was held as a “mortgage” guarantee. In any case a starving family is not a good mortgage guarantee..
My guess is that this money is coming out of the Benefits money in the UK. Consider for a moment the case of an ordinary Somali family in the UK. 80 to 90% are unemployed or unemployable. Even the employed are on Benefits of some sort. Given that the ordinary Somali family is quite large, with a large number of children, then the Benefits coming into the family kitty is likely to be in excess of £30,000.
As the family is living in social housing, and fed on Benefits, there is a large pot of disposal “income”.
I believe a Somali/Eritrean family, wishing to bring in more family (to increase family income), hands over £12,000 or so in cash to the Halawa system. Minus transfer charges, the money is handed over to a young fit male inSomalia/Eritrea, , to attempt the journey to Europe or Britain. For the journey a mobile phone with international roaming, is essential equipment.
The £12,000 is not expenditure gone forever, but an investment in scamming the Benefit system. Besides, it brings in more soldiers of allah, for the time when they will be needed. Win win.
If this scenario is half correct NC, we are in the shite. All the do-gooders have appeared with this Calais crisis, and an ugly, pathetic sight and sound they are….God help us.
Can you imagine the same response from our French ‘allies’ if this fiasco was happening at the Charles de Gaulle Airport ?
The French government are not even trying, while our present government and ‘prime’ minister are not even firing strong words across the channel at them .
Its all ‘mill to the grist’ for UKIP .
Error…. ‘Grist to the mill’. (timed out)
They had a quick mention of Barnados helping the victims of the Rotherham child abuse scandal..Not a single mention of the M word of course.
£3million to Barnados to investigate and help to prevent child grooming in Rotherham.
I’ve got an idea which will no doubt be considered very right wing :
Why don’t the police get off their fat arses when a child reports she has been raped by a gang of Muslims, and investigate rather than claim there is not enough evidence. They don’t need £3 million to do that.
Depends whether the police have a member of the ahem, Muslim Police Assoc on site, to check for possible Islamofauxbia … er “waycism” (what race is Islam again?).
Whether he liases with the muslim council officials, the ones who were unhelpful in the investigations.
It’s still the Stockholm thing – blame everyone but the perpetrators, until pretty soon you would think it was the councillors and the police themselves who were grooming, abducting, gang-raping and enslaving minors with drugs. All those people who stood by and let it happen, or looked the other way, were of course guilty of aiding and abetting the pursuance of (wholesale) criminality. But they were not the actual perpetrators, whose identities and cultural rationalisations somehow slip away into the ‘cloud of unknowing’ once again, every single time we allow the bystanders become the focus.
It isn’t just whether you think of those official guardians as grossly culpable and derelict in their duties, or overly-sensitive and redeemable by collectively ‘learning lessons’. All the time, it is allowing the focus to shift from the primary criminals, and the cultural glue that holds them together and defies British law, not just in the particular, but in its foundations of liberty.
It is a gloomy picture now. Most of the current policing and administrative class is unable to behave and act in the manner traditionally expected of them.
Two generations of cultural marxism has done it’s work well.
The education stsyem is in tatters with ignorance now the norm.
I think future historians of civilisational decline will have much to write about when looking back at Britain 2015.
Hence, Dave, one Dianne Abbot, and her BBC prog appearance when she said of her ‘studies’, about the 1,000 BLACK Centurions in Roman Britain in some ridiculous BC century long before the Romans ever set foot here……..stupid, ignorant black bitch….wonder how many of her pathetic constituents cheered on Sept 11th, 2001……cheered at 3000 plus souls snuffed out…..she is scum.
Here’s the official profile of the Chief Executive of Barnardos, one Javed Khan – http://www.barnardos.org.uk/what_we_do/barnardos_today/chief_executive.htm
Here’s his take on Rotherham: http://www.civilsociety.co.uk/governance/news/content/18072/sky_news_anchor_accuses_barnardos_chief_of_fence-sitting_over_rotherham_scandal#.Vb8m1nB4WrU
Who? … this guy?
Head of government-backed victims-of-crime charity ‘took armed gang to settle long-running land row in Pakistan’?
Head of Victim Support ‘joined by eight men armed with automatic rifles’. Witnesses claim one woman was threatened by charity chief
Events could embarrass charity, which receives £38m from government
CEO of Barnardos
There are some ‘big bucks’ child charities in the UK funded by the generous people of Britain that did nothing for years to protect these vulnerable children. It makes you wonder what they have been doing with all our money when the abuse went on for such a time ? What are they all doing now ?
In the case of the NSPCC, hounding someone very close to me, for racism, on behalf of a ‘colleague’ who turned out to be an egregious litigation junkie who had previously extracted ‘money with menaces’ in exactly the same way, by making spurious claims then watching the establishment fall over itself to protect him as a victim. Never apologised, just quietly dropped things when the real victim became seriously ill and had to retire, never to recover. A disgusting episode with far reaching consequences for someone they should have been cherishing as a valuable employee, but whose life they instead trashed in collusion with a criminal of the most heartless kind.
That is what a major charity does with its time and our money.
BBC News Website:
How to censor the term ‘Illegal Immigrant’
-“We see the phrases ‘illegal immigrant’ and ‘illegal alien’ thrown around a lot in policy debates,” Patrick Hogan tells BBC Trending. “It struck us as a very dehumanising way of referring to someone.”-
Perhaps the next stage in the process will be how to censor the term ‘Rotherham Pakistani Paedophile Gangs’? Is it also dehumanising?
The ‘West’ gets more like ‘The East’ (a.k.a Soviet Russia 1920-1990) every month at the moment.
I read this and thought ‘Yeah, how long did it take to develop that app & get it out into use? A month? Three months? How long will it take those who do not think that way among the Twitterati to develop a new word?’
I reckon somewhere between three days and a week.
May have overestimated.
‘Without realising they were now debating a computer, some retaliated. “I don’t recall asking for your opinion”‘
Yes, it can be difficult to differentiate a pre-programmed and unthinking computer from a pre-programmed and unthinking lefty.
Control the language and you control the debate.
Or ‘victim of child sexual abuse’. According to the Beeb and dear old Hattie these so-called ‘victims’ are the beneficiaries of early sex education.
Recommend ‘ Justified ‘ in that series even black characters were played straight good or bad and when they were bad they got treated as bad !
But then it was ignored by all the UK networks so obviously it was a really good series .
Why the **** is this here I posted this below ? can we not have a delete button pls?
Not sexual exploitation as in sex slavery, “but grooming”. Grooming one associates with a trip to the hair dresser or a pedicurist.
No sense of irony in the BBC’s report. It is a clear cultural marxist. attempt to control and alter lthe meaning of words to advance a particular cause.
it is the beginnings of tyranny.
I wonder what the BBC would say if we insisted on calling the Calais people -invaders?
Cue exploding heads and a massed Twitter frenzy.
The kids at the BBC have no grasp of history and no notion of what freedom really means.
God help us in the next 20 years.
We should be honest then and call them criminals instead. By setting foot on English land without seeking asylum in any of the other safe countries they have travelled through to get here, they are committing a criminal act.
Partners in Crime (BBC1 9pm on Sunday evening) continues to disappoint.
It could really be so much better. Historical inaccuracies continue to abound and references to money laundering ( a crime which only came into existence about 10 maybe 15 years ago) shone out.
Ticking of all the boxes continues, and full diversity rules apply.
Having got through 2 of the 3 episodes I might sit through the final one, but it is getting tougher.
It is getting very hard indeed to tolerate any BBC drama as it is so riddled with ahistorical tosh that simply grates for anyone with even a smattering of education – or, worse, who lived through the era being depicted.
Some of this is due to the yoof cult the BBC glories in, some to the fact that the educational standards in our schools and universities is now so poor and some to the box-ticking clowns who insist on reality being turned on its head in favour of propaganda.
Curiously, though much if this rot stems from the USA, US dramas (certainly those made by HBO and the like) seem far less afflicted by this PC nonsense.
Agreed that a lot of US drama is much superior. I wonder if that’s because they actually have to sell the stuff to broadcasters in order to make their money, rather than say, simply exhort £4 billion a year from the general population via a TV poll tax? However, even the best US series tend to be formulaic in their approach. Watch out for ‘lead trio syndrome’ where the main three characters are invariably a (bearded) white man, a black man and a fiesty female.
I do find with US dramas though (which I watch far more than the drippy UK-produced ones these days) very very rarely portray a black character in a bad light. Older rich white men are nearly always bad, and Latinos often get poorly-portrayed as well. Black people are always angelic. In the case of a whodunnit this tends to narrow down the possible choices very early on.
I suddenly thought ‘what about the drug dealer character in The Good Wife?’. But even then he’s portrayed pretty sympathetically.
Series like Boardwalk Empire and the Wire have no problem showing Black Characters as well rounded some good, some bad types they don’t patronise people and pander to viewers.
But Mandela syndrome is alive and well in many dramas both here and across the pond. The Beeb of course are by far the worst, leaving aside racial profiling, white bad, anyone else good. I will not forget the scandal of the Inspector George Gently episode, that aired the night before the Election, in a hurry. I’m sure its been discussed over and over on here before, but really how the hell did they get away with it ?
Recommend ‘ Justified ‘ in that series even black characters were played straight good or bad and when they were bad they got treated as bad !
But then it was ignored by all the UK networks so obviously it was a really good series
Go on. Tell me what happened in George Gently. Sounds like it could be a larf.
The thing about The Wire that struck me was that it was meant to be sympathetically liberal (at least in American terms) to underclass blacks – but just watching it made you glad you didn’t live anywhere near an enriched ghetto!
But it was great in that it had believable characters (black & white), was cleverly conceived, and good dialogue (need subtitles though really).
The BBC couldn’t get anywhere near the quality of shows such as this or even the mediocre US imports.
And re comment from Matt – yes Justified is well worth watching.
Everything wrong with BBC dramas one can see in the current series Odyssey.I gave up after 2 episodes as it was so obviously a copy cat of recent various USA dramas and films where an attractive CIA heroine is on the run from a combination of the American military/industrial complex and Islamic terrorists and not very well done.What I have recently discovered and is consistently brilliant is Law and Order Criminal Intent on Fox channel.Wonder what Dick Wolf`s view of UK drama is!
Have not watched a BBC drama for years , I saw the writing on the wall during the Evil Blair junta ,with PC box ticking coming in .Now if you want to watch a really un PC movie thriller ,there is none better than`L. A. Confidential` . Well written , filmed , acted ,lite , directed . Hideously White characters ,good & bad , effnick ,guilty in all cases .
ITV are the same, as are nearly all the ad’s, Midsomer Murders last night featured, in a picturesque thatched village, an interracial married couple owning a bookshop and a couple of ‘Asians’ lurking around buying books.
If it wasn’t so blatant and honestly reflective of the lives of the majority of viewers outside of the producers metrosexual bubble., no one would notice. Drip,drip,drip, agenda,agenda,agenda….
The original producer of Midsomer Murders, Brian True May was forced out due to the lack of diversity in the, previously, popular show.
He made remarks deemed out of order by the thought police, and he had to go.
I have to admit I haven’t watched Partners in Crime – but I have read Miss Christie’s books. The character that David Walliams is playing is supposed to be in his early 20s. Once I had realised from the trailers which books they were I realised that they were ‘adaptions’ and not true to the books – and haven’t bothered. Wikipedia tells me that Mr Walliams approached Endor productions – so I expect that is why he got the part.
Yes, now fully instated, an obvious season ticket holder on the luvvie train, one of the few ” jobs for life” still going.
Yes he approached one of his mates and…. poof !!! he was in
The BBC have clearly spent a fortune on Partners in Crime and they’ve got the period “feel” really well. There are lots of street scenes, loads of extras and 1950’s buses and cars. I just wish that we weren’t viewing this through the Beebs perpetual politically correct tinkering with our history. The proliferation of decent law abiding black people and then on the other side despicable violent white thugs. The two main characters consist of a feisty female and her rather ineffectual, drippy male partner. Typical Beeb!
In the old days the BBC used to do Sunday night light dramas better than anyone. I don’t think their Miss Marple series, with the brilliant Joan Hickson, can be bettered. I rather fear that if they made that series today the pretty little village of Saint Mary Mead would be populated by Rastafarians and Miss Marple would look like Winnie Mandela.
I believe Miss Marple was an ITV series.
Has been both – depending on who is playing Miss Marple.
ITV ones rather tongue in cheek versions for me.
Joan Hickson the standard for others to aspire to.
You say about the cars, but being a car nut, they tend to be lazy and only hire about three, the same ones being seen in nearly every exterior scene, parked up or driving by.
There was an older series of Partners in Crime with Franceska Annis. I’ve read some Christie but not these ones but I feel the old Partners wou;d have been closer to Christie’s intentions despite some wooden acting from the male lead.
And Franceska Annis made it well worth watching.
Miss Marple as Winnie M would give a whole new meaning to ‘village football team’. Although we are not supposed to remember the Mandela side, now.. much too chilling – in fact many younger folk could be forgiven for having no recollection of Winnie’s little army of thugs, as it certainly does not fit any current narrative about SA.
Actually, having said which, ITV can be as bad as the BBC. While Downton Abbey has, largely, avoided the curse of PC script control, Foyle’s War descended into Guardianista preaching very early on.
In Foyle’s War it was always “the toff what done it”. It wasn’t always clear until near the end what he had done, but he had to be guilty. The classic episode was when he was also the Conservative Party candidate. When Sam’s husband became a Labour MP the whole thing descended into farce; completely destroying some interesting plot lines about difficult moral choices. Not that the difficulties were properly examined – any decision by an authority figure had to be wrong.
Yes, it was a shame Mr Horowitz seemed unable to disentangle his, evidently deeply felt, political views from telling a good story. He is extremely able, as far as I can tell, but falls slap into the ‘Noble Cause’ trap of thinking he is justified in turning everything he does into ‘prop for the cause’.
The perfect Al BBC storm this morning, “on site” with the illegal immigrants, in Calais.
The cameras roll, to a shocked …SHOCKED I TELL YOU!
Beebot, that in Calais, who douly states, these illegal immigrants have to have a shock horror … makeshift mosque
Lol, is there a fund, or something, we can contribute to?
Daily Fail photos, African invaders tear down fence. If the Ethiopian, Sudan, Somalian, etc etc, ‘governments’ don’t care about their own people, why should we ? Secondly, we’ve got an army, navy, air force, not mentioning Trident, to protect us from invasion, what’s the point of it all ? It’s meaningless now. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3183314/Open-border-going-UK-Chanting-mob-200-storm-tunnel-entrance-pledge-won-t-stopped.html
The Government will probably use our Air force to carpet bomb the invaders with food, drink and pocket money.
This is a tricky one for the BBC it is clear they really want to go after Cameron for being ineffective in dealing with the intrusion (my latest collective noun, for the cockroach, so much more apt than swarm)
But it would mean demonising the criminals currently trying to force their way into Britain, if they berate Camaron for not dealing strongly with the problem, and of course that doesn’t fit the narrative of desperate cancer specialists and scientists fleeing war torn Countries.
They aren’t meaningless David; they’d come in handy to aid the police to keep the indigenous population in line, if necessary.
The African invasion from Calais could be sorted out in 2 minutes, round them all up, put them in trucks, take them to the nearest military airport, put them on a plane, ship them back to Ethiopia, Somalia etc etc, do this 2 or 3 times and word will spread in their home countries that if you come you’ll be sent back. Of course this will never happen because there is no political WILL.
Good idea – and pay for it out of International Aid. It would, after all, be helping some foreign residents to get back home. Given the difficulty the civil service has of spending that massive budget a win-win situation
Get Some In
Using the heading ‘Get Some In’ of course I refer to the prevailing BBC attitude to the Calais ‘migrants in search of a better life’ …
…but also to the ITV 70s sit com – the rival to Dad’s Army about RAF National Service men. Why?
Because although the BBC doesn’t care to tell us about this a very important factor in the displacing of these young men is the national service or, shall we say, military conscription back home. Whether their home nations are presently at war or civil war or neither this is a major common link (apart from religion). A close examination of these men would reveal their desire to draft dodge.
What an excellent point. I must admit I had never thought of that.
Echoing Lobster here – thanks; of course, draft dodging, whatever you think of it, would fit in quite neatly with a Leftist agenda. I am surprised this hasn’t been added to the list of alleged attributes – ‘conscientious refugees from forced military service, they deserve our support in opposing militarism and brutality in their countries of origin’.
In fact, since some of them are claiming to be children, they could be seen as ‘fleeing ruthless exploitation as child soldiers’. [As an aside, how come we can’t produce qualified doctors and engineers at the age of 13? Those awful repressive countries must be doing something right.]
Stuart, If Beeboids read this site, you can be sure the draft-dodging aspect will be in the next “news report” !
I was driving and listening to the radio when it was announced that a Swedish Government Minister had criticised Cameron for his unsuitable language employed with regard to the Calais swarmers. Well done Sweden, how are the rapes going?
Pat Condell has made a few excellent videos on the extraordinary capitulation to Islam by Swedish politicians and media.
Here’s one:
Working on the basis that it is good sense to know your enemy, I have been reading ex senior Beeboid Roger Mosely’s book, ‘Getting Out Alive’. In it he writes that while he was Head of BBC News he was appalled to learn that the BBC ran vox pops in which all the views that didn’t fit with the ‘multiculturalism is good theme ‘, were suppressed. In the example he quotes, these views where in the overwhelming majority but the producer thought that these folks were rabid racists and so they didn’t show them on the news! In fact they showed only the one white person interview ,who happened to be the only one they interviewed who supported multiculturalism. He also mentions other examples of the way the BBC foists its own multyculty views on the nation whilst making sure that the millions of voices raised against multiculturalism and mass immigration are never given a platform.
He gives the impression that this was the case ten years ago but that this sort of thing doesn’t go on now. But of course we all know that it does , hence the mocking of the anti immigration e mail/letter, read out by Mr Mair last week on PM.
How on earth can the BBC claim that it is impartial on key issues such as immigration when one of its most senior managers admits to it suppressing anti immigration interviews when these were in the overwhelming majority?
The BBC is anti British ,anti democratic and does not represent the majority of those who are forced to pay for it! It simply does not deserve to be funded by a public whom it does not represent. The BBC treats the views of average Brits with contempt and it about time that the average Brit starts to treat the BBC with equal contempt.
You never see a live ‘vox pop’ do you, maybe they should do one on the streets of Dover? That’s if they can find any indigenous, that would be fun…
The classic vox pop for me was on the Sunday programme on Radio 4. Question – “what do you think of when you hear the word Devil?” Purely random first answer from a purely random choice – “Margaret Thatcher”. Yeah, no agenda there.
I may have mentioned before the BBC’s vox pop training film broadcast in an episode of Jonathan Creek.
Creek’s boss painted a number on his chest, put on a jumper and went out into the street. Members of the public were asked to choose a number between 1 and 50. Those giving the “wrong” answer were thanked and allowed to go on their way. When someone gave the “right” answer the magician raised his jumper to reveal the same number – all round amazement at his skill.
A BBC technique hidden in plain sight.
Isn’t it strange that the universally hated Margaret Thatcher never lost an election? In fact she won three, unlike of course, the much loved James Callaghan, Michael Foot, Gordon Brown and Ed Milliband.
And Blair only won three by pretending to be a tory, whilst implementing the corporatist common purpose “third way” agenda so beloved of the BBC. The BBC were happy for Blair to speak tory-esque language, so long as he implemented the common purpose agenda.
I always thought of him as a “fake rolex” tory spiv…. Much like Cameron really.
Let us observe those upstanding law abiding “migrants” at Calais that the BBC are so keen on..
A tragic scene of hungry, emaciated, weak refugees and asylum seekers trying to escape from France.
I have just returned from France and, having listened to suggestions from local French, I have decided not to bring this blog into disrepute by repeating suggestions which might be seen as incitement to hate crimes.
Determind police action would stop those scenes occuring.
There is no will it seems to do anything.
What are governments for actually?
These days? To maintain themselves in power.
Our ‘Prime Minister’ and ‘Home’ Secretary both need to view this video while on their holls.
Over to you Tory voters………..
Don’t hold much truck with these Government petitions, but no harm in trying I guess. A couple here relating to Calais, one a no confidence vote in Cameron, the other to close the tunnel until further notice. Sign if you agree (use bucket email address?) and pass on/retweet.
If nothing else they may reflect public opinion if they get going as the Clarkson one did (to no effect!)
Imagine yourself in this situation.
You are a bogus asylum seeker, travelling from some third world shit hole. You have borrowed money – a lot of it to make the trip, and you’re going to have to pay that back, which is likely to be impossible if you are returned home.
Most likely you’re also a criminal, with little regard for law, and you’re probably not averse to seriously injuring or even killing anyone who gets in your way.
So you tell your story to the Home office, and are inevitably refused asylum. You make an appeal to the immigration courts, which thanks to the UKs hopeless gravy train we laughably call a ‘justice’ system, it’ll take years before your case is heard. You’ll likely be given legal aid (which white people can’t get), but the greedy lefties who work in immigration will almost certainly have spent long before you get to court.
Eventually the wheels of ‘justice’ will grind to your appeal which you will also most likely lose!
Your benefits will then cease and you will have no money coming in. In another few years the Home Office might wake up and realise that you are here illegally and seek to deport you. So what do you do to avoid this?
Well don’t worry because lefty Dave has just the policy for you!
If the Home Office can’t find you then they can’t deport you! So once you leave your accommodation, no one in authority will be able to tell where you are!
You might be able to find work in one of the many takeaways, and work for a couple of pounds per hour sleeping on the premises. If you can stay long enough, you can claim that circumstances in your home country have changed and claim asylum all over again!
Of course you might well meet other failed asylum seekers and hear the stories which have succeeded learn one, and claim that next time.
And don’t believe the government that the benefits of failed are stopped, that’s only to deceive the public! The refugee council are funded by the government to pay your benefits without them actually being called benefits!
Despite the governments claims, they are making the lives of failed bogus asylum seekers as easy as possible. When asked on the Today program the Tory minister was unable to give the number of failed asylum seekers returned to their countries of origin. This is an amazing revelation, or the figure is so low he doesn’t want to tell us!
Tory mind set summed up – if you can spent a pound to save a penny, then do it and damn the consequences
Hmmm…. funny (as in peculiar, not ha-ha) how the BBC have released Edward Heath’s name in the context of historic child abuse investigations but cannot do the same in respect of a possible Labour perpetrator.
Wonder how that can be?
The alledged labour paedophile is still alive. Heath is dead. That is the difference.
Oh, and it has long been known that Heath was one of the sickest, vilest paedophiles in elite paedophile rings. Our intelligence services have mountains of evidence concerning “morning cloud” (or as his bodyguards called it, Morning Sickness), and what happened on board.
What is really scary about all this is that the more of this elite paedophile scandal emerges, the more David Icke is being proved correct. Now how utterly shite are the BBC when even David Icke becomes more accurate than them?
Has there not been an Australian TV show on this matter? Is this what is upsetting the establishment?
Remind me, what did Mr Icke say about paedophilia? I was only aware of his ‘reptile’ ideas, and his 911 book. I always felt a little ashamed that the shell-suit put me off so badly.
The traitor Heath is dead and so cannot be libelled.
There’s currently (but not for long, I think) a Have Your Say on landlords having to evict illegal immigrants.
I felt I had to respond to the twerp who said “As a British and Canadian citizen, I don’t think people realize how much better off places like the UK and Canada are because of immigrants.” My response was:
“Quite so. The taxi service in Rotherham was transformed.”
However, my reponse was removed immediately on the grounds of breaking House Rules. I’m struggling to see what Rule, but what intrigues me most is the immediate removal. No referral for consideration. Does anything with “Rotherham” get binned automatically?
Well, this is on my email:
Your comment was considered to have broken the following House Rule:
“We reserve the right to fail comments which…
Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others
Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable
Contain swear words or other language likely to offend”
I have appealed, stating:
“You have allowed someone to put what they see as the positive side of a situation but appear to disallow any comment which points out a negative side. You might as well not bother opening up the discussion if you think some might be too sensitive to read that.”
Not that I expect them to reconsider, but I hope to take up some of their time whilst they come up with a justification.
AliBaba Radio & TV do not ‘listen’ they ‘re-educate’.
The have been ‘re-educating’ the the people of these islands for years. Time to get rid of the un British and unpatriotic service.
Did you try a subtle re-word and near immediate re-post, Roland? I have found that sometimes a sarky remark is binned promptly, possibly because of the sarcasm or maybe a complaint by a tender soul, which would have to be very, very delicate to be softer than Snuffy.
The re-worded post, I think, has a 100% record thus far of surviving the Mods. < More shades of Communist Russia 1920-1990! 😉
No, I didn’t. The post was rejected almost instantaneously, which is what got my antennae twitching, and you have to wait ten minutes to post again, I think.
I am not surprised. The BBC closed down ALL their politcal forums, mainly because the anti immigrationists were winning the arguments, and of course much criticism of BBC bias.
11am to 6pm, neatly chopping off the working stiffs again. They at least are predictable.
The most liked are interesting, not least which have also garnered an Editor’s Pick.
Bristol murder, Muslim on pregnant Muslim ‘wife’, it’ll be interesting to see if tonight if bBC Points West inform us of the little bit of extra information about the perpetrator. You see the bBC keep telling us all these lorry hoppers at Calais are what this country needs, murderers don’t fit so well with their profile.
Amazing how they disperse around the country on arrival.
This from the Bristol Post, quoting the prosecutor:
“He is an illegal immigrant of which the Home Office is aware.”
Then what was he doing wandering around the country? What we have here is a failure of government.
As I suspected nadda on bBC Points West re this guys method of arrival, although they did report the murder last week.
Edit, I wonder if they
a) Arrived on the same lorry
b) Sent for her on arrival
c) Married in haste and impregnated her to prevent expulsion
Regardless, they we given a flat and now we’ll have to pay to defend him, probably a translator, court costs and ultimately to detain him.
Shame he’ll never get the chance to practice his medical or engineering skills….
We should open the gates and allow them all in. At Dover we allocate a caravan or similar and send it to Luvvie Darling Street, Islington. There it will be hooked up to electricity and water from the surrounding mansions. I am sure as the residents are “inclusive” they will not mind sharing. Any bets as to how long it will take before the luvvies move them on and controls put in place.
As insane as it appears gb123, that could actually be the fastest way of dealing with the (legal and illegal) immigration crisis – open the border to anyone and everyone.
We are presently being invaded incrementally, so the s**t isn’t really going to hit the fan for another 30 or 40 years; when indigenous people will start to become the minority of the population and boy, our future generations are going to have one hell of a fight on their hands to reclaim this, their own, country.
Let them come in now, in droves, and the chaos the sheer numbers will unleash – will force our “leaders” to either grow a pair and do what needs to be done; or be swept away and be replaced by those who will do it.
This, whilst we still have the strength in numbers and there hasn’t been another two or three generations of kids who’ve drunk the koolaid at multiculturalist schools and PC universities.
He travelled from Italy and was therefore one of the ‘boat people’.
Is it still going on? The media are very quite about these days about the mediterranean ‘swarms’.
Not Bias, but why do BBC lady newsreaders need to be forever having ‘work’ done? The latest is Sophie Rayworth who on the 6pm News has developed a real lisp and is really struggling to get some words out.
Ms Rayworth’s face bears an odd passing relemblance to the robotic boy in ‘AI: Artificial Intelligence’ which I watched last week – maybe the jaw servo needed oiling?
Totally biased report on 6 o’clock news about invaders who have managed to get into UK illegally. Report shows three young men from Eritrea sitting in a restaurant waffling on about their ‘hardships’. Report keeps pushing the BBC propaganda line that they don’t get houses or benefits (omitted to mention the burden to the UK health, education, and legal / prison systems).
I suspect the BBC tells them what to say. Most freshly arrived clueless immigrants would probably be honest otherwise.
One for the progressive comedians. Hey Hislop, remember when you were funny? No I can’t either. Go Pat Condell
An exercise in “right on” progressive futility
😀 aaawww go on then …
That young man was removed from UKIP because he was promoting bestiality and paedophile incest. It was nothing to do with his support for same gender marriage. Militant homosexuals twisted the reasons to suit their own political ends.
BBC having a big circle jerk over Obama’s utter capitulation to the climate fraudsters.
When so called “climate scientists” have a 100% record on their model based predictions being completely wrong, why the hell are such scientists still given any shred of credibility???
Obama is going to kill thousands and thousands of the poorest who cannot afford heating in the winter or air conditioning in the summer.
WHAT! … is this idiot going to get wrong next.
He s got the reverse “Midas touch” …
everything, this cretin messes about with turns to sh-t
You have to reach the conclusion that it is the very expense and ineffectiveness of intermittent energy sources that is their attraction to the Green Coalescence.
Otherwise, Mr Obama would yesterday have been revealing a massive plan to invest in nuclear energy.
Attitudes to nuclear are a sure sign of the real motivation of this coalition of mediaeval zealots.
Misanthropy is what unites them.
Agreed. I can see no reason why we are not engaged in a massive building programme of thorium nuclear reactors now.
This week, from the TV Licensing Blog:
– BBC Lobbying MPs With TV Licence Sweeteners: The BBC has just released the full text of a letter it sent to MPs earlier this month. Read more: http://tv-licensing.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/bbc-lobbying-mps-with-tv-licence.html
– A reader wonders whether TV Licensing bullies, collecting revenue on behalf of the BBC, have the right of entry. Read more: http://tv-licensing.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/reader-letter-do-tv-licence-inspectors.html
– TV Licensing and Unoccupied Properties: With the BBC’s TV Licensing arm making increasingly aggressive enquiries against unoccupied properties, where does the law stand? Read more: http://tv-licensing.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/tv-licensing-and-unoccupied-properties.html
I’m sorry but why is the BBC News 24 turning into the Taliban History Channel? I don’t give a s*** about who has taken over this foul rabble of pyjama-wearing goat herders and resent the BBC devoting much time on News 24 to getting insights from ‘experts’ on what’s happening in the leadership contest. I’d like to see the Taliban wiped from the face of the planet.
Mark Easton really will be first against the wall come The Revolution. What a load of deliberately misleading bollixs.
You nicked that from my post a few months back , but I called M.E. `The Evil Easton, & he Will be the first against the Wall .
Autumn is nearly upon us and the worlds English speaking TV stations are set to launch new series of the successful shows.
Arrow, True Blood, Walking Dead, Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, are all very popular shows offered by US channels.
But what can the wealthiest TV station in the world offer us to compete with these juggernauts of popularity?
Erm. Nothing.
Sort of puts the BBCs total failure to entertain into perspective rather.
There’s that one with David Walliams that seems to have quite the budget.
Sadly the plot and acting saw me last about 5 minutes before returning to Amazon Prime.
A quick comment about the login procedure. For me (after logging in) it seems to default to the ‘my profile’ page. Shouldn’t it take us straight to the Home page?
Well, then. That has to be one of the most amateurish and Left-wing biased Newsnight I’ve seen in a while. Totally anti-Tory. Reporters seem to be very young and weak.
Okay, I ask you all this: when was the last time your saw the BBC giving Jews the same airtime as Muslims, gays, blacks and transgenders in any of their debates, dramas and sitcoms/comedies? Jews have been an important part of British society for hundreds of years but they are NEVER fairly represented on the BBC. It’s totally biased against Jews and Christians.
Frank Gardner has just been commenting (Today, R4) on the decision to maintain the squadron of 8 Cyprus-based Tornadoes for a further 12 months past their planned decommissioning, into 2017, in view of their anti-IS role in Iraq, performing reconnaisance and some strike duties. Asked what state the squadron would be in now, he said they would be ‘tired’ then used the word ‘exhausted’.
Aren’t comments like this, in a combat situation, likely to undermine morale? Wouldn’t they normally count as seditious, or have things changed? At the very least, careless, surely?
Was he talking about the aircraft or the personnel?
If the aircraft, they are getting a bit long in the tooth.
If the personnel, doesn’t the idiot realise that they rotate the people at regular intervals from the squadrons based at Marham, while the planes are recycled as required for deeper maintenance?
Son did Afghanistan three times, but max 3 months at a time, unlike the foot soldiers who go for longer, but have a break back home mid tour.
Personnel – at least I assumed so. I realise the Tornados are into their ‘expensive’ phase, but hardly exhausted.
Oh dear….here we are talking about the ‘ageing’ Tornados when to me it seems like only yesterday they were state of the art. Shows my age i guess… i still mourn the fabulous Jaguar….Harrier, which the USMC love to bits, think they have more sense than our top brass…..and the wonderful Buccaneer…sigh..that’s progress i guess…wish i could feel the same about our politicians of the past, most were and those now are self-serving shite.
A meaningless comment . The aircraft will be maintained properly and the crews doing what they joined up to do.
Typical defeatest nonsense from the BBC.
I’ve noticed a few BBC Charter groupies trying to get excited by a possible meeting between the Chancellor and the dreaded Murdoch, which in their heads has lead to the BBC being called to account (a bit) for its unique take on ‘news’ reporting.
It will be interesting to see how they react to this punt on cause and effect:
Oh dear; Al is not happy.
Lucky the BBC is not one to ‘report’ coincidences as innuendo if the mood takes them.
I’d have thought some Newsnight staff could be questioned on record one way or another to sort things out? They seem practiced at that.
I also not that beyond huffs, puffs and flounces, there’s not much else of substance to lay this innuendo to rest thus far.
If you Google “BBC Charter Review”, a BBC site tops the list, while the Governments own Charter Review site is lower down.
I wonder if the BBC is trying to misdirect submissions to the Governments review, on to its own bogus review. And then binning those submissions?
Please complete the Culture Media and Sport review to achieve real change at the BBC;
Meanwhile maintaining the vital service only the BBC is capable of providing, over on Facebook BBC News seems to be going large on something or other to do with women taking pictures of their thighs and posting them, I kid you not.
Presumably there is at least one BBC Woman’s Thigh Editor position being created as we speak.
Gosh !! did you see what wannabe ”journalist” Kirsty Squawk, who try’s so hard to be taken seriously, was wearing the other week ? Rosa Klebb is going for the Roma gypsy look, you’d think wardrobe department would say ” No, Luv, you’re not wearing that tonight.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b063cpxm/newsnight-21072015
@MediaLens With a straight face, BBC’s Frank Gardner tells us Saudi Arabia and Qatar face ‘twin threat’ of ‘terrorist attacks’ http://t.co/xBoFOlccHV
BBC News Website:
‘Dambusters pilot Les Munro dies in New Zealand aged 96’
At least the BBC didn’t use it’s favourite word ‘controversial’ when discussing British military achievements.
But the sting is in the tail:-
◾The Sorpe Dam was damaged but the Mohne and Eder Dams were destroyed, flooding the Ruhr valley and killing an estimated 1,300 people, mostly civilians
No mention of the raid’s achievements and how brave the crews were. But hey, let’s dwell on the civilian losses.
Compare and contrast with Sky News’ report with that of the BBC on Les Munro of the Dambusters:
Did the BBC also put in that of the 1300 deaths over 1000 were slave labours and Russian prisoners of war who’s life expectancy under the Nazis was a few weeks at best if unlucky? I remember hearing a tape of one Russian survivor who was there at the time saying that they cheered the raid and took the deaths of there own as a price well paid , better then being beaten or starved to death !
Today headlines with ‘Government Fails Again’ story.
When the London Olympics was announced ‘the government’ told us that we would all be doing sports but apparently we aren’t. I expect ‘the government’ isn’t spending enough of our money to force us to take part?
The subtle message is that this is yet another of Cameron’s failures. The reality is that it is down to us whether we want to waste our time running around a field and the claim didn’t come from ‘the government’ but the Labour government. It is a constant of BBC reporting that ‘ownership’ of ‘the government’ gets turned on and off depending on who gains.
Another constant of BBC reporting is always looking for the negative – ‘interest rates up, mortgage holders doomed’, ‘interest rates down, disaster for savers’, ‘minimum wage inadequate, workers starve’, ‘minimum wage raise, penury for small businesses’.
For the BBC the glass is always empty.
I have noticed that BBC usage of the words “the government” for several years. If there is a story which shows any government, anywhere in the world, in a bad light, then they use the phrase “the government of {whatever nation}” once, and only use “the government” thereafter with whatever bad story they are reporting. I have cought several news stories after they have started where I do not know which government they are talking about, but knowing it is phrased to allow people to (even sub-consiously) blame our government.
Obviously our Saudi Masters have told their puppets in the British government that they wish British lives & equipment to be put in harms way instead of Saudi prince pilots.
The parliamentary vote not to go to war against ISIS has not been superseded, so it seems that they will go ahead in spite of it!
Just remember if this does go ahead that the Fascist left will use this ‘war in Muslim lands’ to justify and mitigate any attack on UK civilians by Jihadis.
Yes …
These Tory ass wipes would never make the French “mistake”, of not pandering enough, not closing all the relevant beaches, in St Tropez! for a bloody month at a time
… to keep the filthy kaffirs away.
You d think that bunch of insufferable, mind poisoning financiers would be used to sand eh!
Have no fear,was recently in the St Tropez area , all the beaches were open , & everyone Hideously White .
I thought the vote was against intervention in order to remove Assad.
Isis were not relevant then. They need to be confronted and fought wherever they are to be found. Better the ME than Europe.
We face attacks by Isis whatever we do – intervention or no intervention.
Who do you think is behind the people smuggling from Libya?
BBC News Website:
‘Liz Kendall: I’m an ‘all or nothing’ person’
What a soft assessment of a Labour Leadership candidate! ‘Step-change’ and ‘new directions’ are all about something or other.
The Saint George’s Flag in the lead photo is in a café and has nothing to do with her. But the inference??
If Farage was in the same position with regard to say, the leadership of the Conservative Party, can you imagine the BBC report and how it would be slanted?
I’m tempted to compose such a BBC report. Here’s the first line:
‘Nigel Farage has courted controversy throughout his short political career….
Seeing that Nigel Farage has been in politics (as an MEP) for quite a lot of years, I do not think that the BBC would use “short” in their description of his political career. Far more likely that they would want to point out how unsuccessful he has been and write,
“Nigel Farage has courted controversy throughout his struggling political career”
“Nigel Farage has courted controversy throughout his intermittent political career”
Exactly. 😉 That’s why they would use the word ‘short’ as it diminishes his expertise. Who could effectively contradict the BBC? They are a monopoly, and their message is more important than accuracy in their eyes. (As has been shown before).
This isn’t actually a Biased BBC subject, however…
The delicious kerfuffle surrounding the Labour leadership contest has brought me weeks of pleasure and it seems to be getting even better.
Jeremy Corbin, or the sexpot Trot, to give him his new nickname, seems to be running away with it. Half witted union leaders are queuing up to endorse him. Fantastic! This is a Kipper’s dream. Surely even the most gormless, habitual Labour voter would have to wake up and smell the Cappuccino?
Folk from the former industrial northern towns will never vote Tory, but UKIP have made strong inroads.
Most grown up Labour MP’s are horrified at the prospect of JC as leader, and an awful lot have said publicly that they won’t work with him. Can you imagine the shadow cabinet?
Jeremy and…
I beg to differ – it is a Biased BBC subject as Comrade Corbyn is the BBC’s endorsed candidate.
Yes Corbyn is the main BBC issue. According to Red Ken, his supporter, only CIA death squads can stand in Corbyn’s way. Please Mr Hussein Obama don’t let them harm Corbyn, many of us have sunk £3 to get him elected.
The CIA couldn’t assassinate a dead herring if their past attempts are anything to go by! How many attempts did they have at bumping off Castro?
The Russians have a much better track record, save for the fact they keep getting caught, but then Red Ken was never going to pass up a chance to have a pop at the old enemy was he? Death to America !
As for the BBC, they are as horrified at the prospect of a Corbyn victory as any Blairite is. They have broadcast spurious appeals to suspend the process when it began to look likely that Corbyn was the front runner.
The Left is a broad church running all the way from Fascism to Communism. Corbyn is towards the Communist end, the liberal elite close to the Fascist end and that is where the BBC also are.
“The Russians have a much better track record, save for the fact they keep getting caught”
KGB records on the subject seem to be still secret, but two independent leaks are on record.
Hugh Gaitskell, Labour Leader for over seven years, was assassinated by the Russians.
A week is a long time in politics. It seems the Beeb has decided they don’t like the thought of lots of extra tax taken from their high salaries and were distinctly cool Corbyn-wise yesterday from lunchtime onwards and this a.m.. Today on the w/s they are now promoting Kendall having taken against her for a while.
Oh well, pushes our Schadenfreude dial needles up toward the orange segment. 🙂 Ain’t it fun!
Jeff, the Northern folk ought to love Corbyn. I think he will not just make all the right noises, he will try to act on them with his policies. Burnham or Cooper who talk the talk but will not walk the walk are what UKIP will need to win more voters away from Labour.
I wouldn’t be so sure Corbyn will win. Yes, he’s well ahead of the others but I doubt that many of those others’ second preference votes will go to Jeremy, so unless he wins outright in the first count I can’t see him winning.
The government has begun its sell-off of shares in part-nationalised lender Royal Bank of Scotland, raising £2.1bn, a third below the price it paid.
What the
Labour Party media officebBBC mean is “The present government has begun its sell-off of shares in part-nationalised lender Royal Bank of Scotland, raising £2.1bn, a third below the price Gordon Brown paid.”The BBC’s default position is that Osborne has sold the share too cheaply – not that Brown paid too much for them. But then he was throwing money at The Royal Bank of SCOTLAND. If only Northern Rock had put Scotland in their title their shareholders wouldn’t have taken such a hammering.
Who care`s , only in Marxist countries ,does the state own the banks ,lets get rid of RBS soonest .
I think this article sums up everything wrong with the left in the UK and in the BBC.
Margaret Beckett: I was moron to nominate Jeremy Corbyn
Complete with very unflattering photo (shows the BBC don’t appreciate what she’s done!)
“At no point did I intend to vote for Jeremy myself – nice as he is – nor advise anyone else to do it,” she said.
So she nominated someone who she actually didn’t want to win. Why on earth would someone do that?
I can imagine a situation where it is politic to introduce another candidate to split the vote of a front runner in order to give your preferred candidate a better chance. Did she do that?
It turns out she did it because she wanted to “ensure that the party had a field of candidates “.
In other words her short sighted do gooding ended up with her nominating someone she didn’t want to win solely because she thought it might be good to broaden the debate!
What an idiot!
And if Labour can wreck their own party by having a complete inability to see future consequences, on the back of the most ridiculous of reasons that provide no real benefit to anyone, then how the hell can anyone trust these dreamers to have any responsibility over anything sharp, let alone the governance of a country.
The law of unintended consequence is well known, most times though people do assess what those consequences might be prior to carrying them out.
Not Labour though! And not the BBC either who appear to suffer from the same do gooding urges without consideration of the consequences at all.
“Margaret Beckett: I was moron to nominate Jeremy Corbyn
Complete with very unflattering photo (shows the BBC don’t appreciate what she’s done!)”
Show me a flattering picture of Margaret Beckett, and I’ll eat Camila Batmanghelidjh’s hat. BTW I’m loving the mess Labour have got themselves into over this, they couldn’t run a raffle.
Yep how on earth can you trust someone like this to vote on absolutely anything in the HOC, a complete lack of thinking capacity and forethought, the IQ of a brick and a resemblance to the back of a Routemaster…
Remember this woman has held some high powered government jobs in the biggest fu£k up goverment ever (enough said), somehow been an MP since 1974 (bar 4 years 79 -83) and even been a short term leader of the Labour Party, worst of all made a bloody Dame for her ‘service to public and political service’
Ah, another BBC alumnus makes the alma mater proud…
Now the BBC can shrug of the fact they seem only to employ unprofessional ideologues into positions of influence because… er… they can… so there…. and have so little shame that double standards are simply grist to their mill, but this has to sting just the smallest bit…
‘\/O43 |_|K19!!
You’re supposed to think it, believe it, care about it, shout it out, post memes about it, wear it on your T-shirt, get into arguments about it, riot about it, and feel like a real fucking hero because of it.
You’re not supposed to DO it, stupid.
Owen… they’re calling for you again…
Is this genuine?
Isn`t that Brain Taylor , someone from the Evil BBc`s Scottish fiefdom, remember him popping up during the referendum & GE , as some `Scottish Expert`
Alan Billings – police and crime commissioner for South Yorkshire has an article in the Guardian white washing police and council failures to act on the mass gang rapes of white girls.
Alan is a prick who still does not “get it”.
Alan’s article has one word missing from it.
Here is a little riddle.
My first is in Monkeys but not in rapists.
My second is in Useless but not in Police.
My third is in Social Workers and also in Overpaid Dregs.
My fourth is in Labour but not in Scum.
My fifth is in Immigrants but not in Bastards.
My sixth is in Murdering but not in Despicable Filth.
My seventh is in Socialists and also in Traitors.
BDE – you can’t help people who won’t help themselves; why the f**k did the people in South Yorkshire vote in a Labour P&CC? AND in Raperham they returned the Labour MP!
Don’t folk realize: these C**TS aren’t going to do anything to stop it. They facilitated it in the first place, and covered it up because it illustrated the widening lacuna in their politically correct multi-cultural policies (that all cultures aren’t equal, no matter how much they wished them to be) ; then attempted to cover up their cover ups!
I hope to God that enough victims can be brought together to sue the council effectively; and to drag some of the scum from the local authority and the police (who looked the other way whilst children were being abused by their pets) into a courtroom and to publicly destroy their reputations and careers.
I enjoyed the riddle.
You should apply to be poet laureate. I’d vote for you.
Had my daily dose of needy asylum seekers, of poor Cecil the Lion and of Labour(Blair-appointed) Lord Sewer from the good old BBC during my holidays…
Along the way I noted the capture of Barry Cryer as a leftie luvvie(he used to be a funny man)-the irony of Martha Kearney nearly being killed by the spirit of her own beehive(literally)…and some nasty little piece on PM that encouraged the likes of The Boycott Israel lobby to keep on going as Tutu or Mandela might have done.
This was no scientific survey-but the issues that exercise the BBC are 24/7 hatred of Israel, eulogies for Obama, continual praises for Harman and wall-to wall advocacy for grievance junkies and perpetual freak shows re gender, race and imagined disabilities…the few genuine ones aren`t required, too beige.
Good to be back then-hope Corbyn gets in, that Mullah Omar gets a new eye-and that Calais finest have Evan Davis` Normandy address so he can find them lorra lorra rooms at the BBC `til they make good.
Funny innit….thought it`d be far easier for our Calais chums to get to Brussels or Luxembourg or Strasbourg…no risk of mal de mer…so why aren`t the EU setting us all an example in how to assimilate all those charming Eritreans and Nigerians?
The mayor of Calais stated that the reason these bogus asylum-seekers chose the UK was because we have no Identity Cards. The rest of Europe requires Identity Cards to gain employment.
Should we have biometric Identity Cards? Fingerprints and NI number included? Would it all then stop?
I always opposed ID cards but now I am not so sure. Europe has not faced anything like Isis and this invasion for centuries.
Different times call for rethinks on many things.
During WW2 we all had ID cards.
In Israel you can’t do a thing without your ID card – although some companies do employ illegal immigrants.
Yes, when living in Germany I was arrested for not carrying official identification, .i.e. British passport and also fined when I I returned to Germany for not deregistering my official place of residence when I left a couple of years before. I, of course, used to think ID cards were a bad thing but they are extremely useful for controlling building sites, restaurants etc.were illegals congregate and they should be introduced in Britain. It might not be British, but Britain isn’t really British anymore either.
We have identity cards on building sites. Currently costing c.£3,000. So if you’ve been doing your job for 40 years, you now have to jump through bureaucratic hoops and pay for the privilege of continuing at it.
Curiously, it’s not uncommon to find yourself working next to gangs of Russians,(yes, Russians) who can’t speak a word of English and have, obviously, never set foot on a site before.
I can only presume there’s some EU scheme that hands out said cards at Harwich, probably after allowing the same interpreter to take everyone’s tests.
The Identity Cards will be for us, not for the immigrants. The Government has ALL the laws to deport the invaders, but they won’t carry them out.
Yes, we should now have identity cards. Of course, an essential prerequisite must be that they would be produced with the same levels of security and encryption as bank-notes, and equally difficult to forge. Databases would be have to be utterly secure, with only security-vetted persons employed. I would add other prerequistes in respect of security, but don’t want to appear racist ….!
Oh, wonderful. I can just imagine the happiness as every local council jobsworth, bin inspector or traffic warden demands ‘your papers’.
Effect on criminals? Zero. Effect on the rest of the population? A complete pain the the backside and more power to control freaks and Nazis (at both ends of the political spectrum).
The EU will issue ID cards to all asylum seekers entering Europe .
They will then pass wistfully through Europe and its border controls claiming social housing, free health and education in the UK at our expense as ‘European Citizens’ .
Finally, they will get a free vote in the next EU referendum.
Game set and match.
Better still, how about micro chipping everyone, how 1984 !!! No, instead of giving the immigrants tea and scones, just deport them. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3182519/Welcome-soft-touch-UK-Outrage-immigrants-illegally-entering-UK-free-hotel-rooms-cooked-meals-35-cash-week-days-arrival.html
On Sunday, I believe, Radio 4 did a programme about Donald Trump. I did not watch it as I predicted it would consist of a few remarks about Trump’s comments about Mexican migrants and his comments on McCain, followed by a wise prediction that he would soon fizzle out. But one thing you won’t hear is support for Trump from ordinary Americans. I do wish the BBC – maybe as an attempt to create a comedy approach to news items which is lacking – would examine these two very popular US political commentators. Not everyone’s taste but better than London leftie comedy