Not a good day for HYS on the BBC web-site. Seems like they no longer like the vox populi. Getting nervous about what might be said about them & read by Ministers ahead of the Charter Review & Renewal, perhaps? There are important topics to comment on, not least RAF + Iraq and the RBS sale.
No chance.
What they do not seem to have realised is that by shutting down wider comments & the usual politics, economics & business Blogs, posters now use any opportunity to either have a dig at the Beeb or go off topic & post about what’s important to them. They are losing control by the very fact that they are trying to control everything to the nth degree to suit themselves.
We’ve got mass immigration, enforced assimilation, enforced integration , promotion of miscegenation in the media, adverts etc etc, and now this psyop, adopt an immigrant and everything will be wonderful. Nah, I don’t think so.
Anyone catch Emily Miatlis’ gushing interview with the Islington revolutionary Corbyn on Newshite tonight? She was like a blushful little teenager; reminded me of a giggling sixties teeny fan of the Fab Four.
Also, if someone can be bothered it might be interesting to note the amount of Newsnight programmes over the last month which have had Labour as their main political discussions. From my recollections the majority have orbited around the Labour leadership contest. Total bias.
Finally, I have taken a long hard look at the younger reporters who seem to now frequent the Newshite team; the majority of them look decidedly urban, gay and trendy – in other words fair-trade coffee sipping lefties with a metro outlook. I wonder if this might be a manifestation of what some former BBC employees, such as Peter Sissons, have described as an innate liberal and trendy urban bias?
Can I just ask, without any kind of ‘edge’. Would you prefer an old school far left radical like Corbyn, or one of the trendy ‘soft’ lefties, like Harperson with all the oppression, political correctness, hand wringing hatred of Whites, and love for all foreigners?
Good question. I would expect a robust argument from an old school left radical, whereas this lot would simply accuse me of waaycism, homophobia, and xenophobia, no matter what I said.
I loathe them all but I think Corbyn is possibly more genuine in some respects; i.e. what you see is what you largely get – although you can never be sure (I find his treacherous sympathies for the likes of the IRA and Hamas utterly loathsome and repugnant). But I think there’s perhaps plenty of bile hidden beneath the surface. Time will tell.
Because of his sympathies for the IRA, Hamas etc., and his wish to decommission our nuclear arms and other ludicrous policies, for example, my main worry is his capacity to brainwash millions of young impressionable people (even more than New Labour have) who have been brought up to see socialism/communism as fashionable. But perhaps I underestimate the young people of today.
That being said I think this view that he’s an eccentric, harmless old commie clown who’ll never gain power is the type of irresponsible attitude that has led to this nobody being in pole position to win the Labour leadership. So, in light of the above perhaps I’d rather live under soft socialism (with all its lies) than the hardcore communism of Corbyn, which would spell the violent end of Britain very quickly. Who knows, though.
I thought much the same thing when I caught a bit of Newsnight for the first time in years a couple of nights ago.
The ‘reporters’ seem to be broadcasting to just their own little clique, putting points over in a supercilious condescending manner, talking at the viewer moreso than to them. Maybe it’s just me, but the programme had an almost ‘communist’ feel about it.
I won’t be watching again, whatever credibility this program once had, it has none today, only those metrosexual trendies you talk of would find it so.
Newsnight has been in a tailspin of credibility (and ratings) for what seems years now. It seems amazing how up themselves they were that they have yet to hit rock bottom.
I remember when they had an interactive blog, which attracted a great crowd of posters, including some often considered contrarians.
But it did act as a focus of mockery as the slide started, so of course the BBC started some defensive tinkering.
First off the character limit was reduced and eventually they quietly shut it down.
Last one was in May, and rather than a place ‘where editors from across BBC News share our information and updates’ and you can ‘… join in, add a comment on a story’, its last few are broadcast-only puff pieces with no chance of a comment.
As a metaphor for the trusted, transparent and accountable new BBC, about perfect.
Is Zimbabwe being rehabilitated? Or is the BBC simply seeking to ingratiate itself with the regime there?
The ‘Cecil the Lion’ story, placing various Zimbabwean ‘authorities’ into positions of respectability; News Briefing today including a story from a Zimbabwean newspaper; Fem-ing Today featuring a Zimbabwean farmer producing pumpkins in Hertfordshire for the ‘multicultural farming market’.
Straws in the wind, perhaps, but none of the usual ‘proud’ straps about ‘the BBC cannot report from Zimbabwe at the moment because we really pissed off Mr Mugabe’. Even more surprising, in view of ‘the regrettable events in Calais’ – no mention of the diaspora of Mr M’s opponents as refugees from his despicable regime.
On further reflection, I think it’s a subconscious thing.
Cecil (I keep remembering Helena Bonham-Carter saying that name in the film ‘A Room with a View’) is said to have been endangered, even in the reserve, and the Licence Fee (if not the BBC) is also endangered, despite also being in something of a reserve.
A very biased article, yet again of the ‘blame whitey’ kind. It never mentions the way the Japanese were preparing for an invasion of their homeland, with a fight to the last woman & child approach.
The writer criticises the US for the Japanese yet fails to consider the alternative of millions of deaths on each side.
Nor does he relate that following the dropping of the ‘little boy’ bomb on Hiroshima, the Japanese government still refused to surrender, indicating just how many of their countrymen they were prepared to sacrifice.
This forced the US to drop the ‘Fat Man’ bomb on Nagasaki, usually blamed by the Fascists on the US (blame Whitey) wanting to test an larger bomb. It was however this bomb which brought the war to an end when the Japanese High Command finally realised that they could not win. The lives of their citizens were not even part of their consideration.
But hey why blame the Japanese when you can blame whitey ?
No mention of the millions of civilians butchered by the Japanese Army, particularly in China?
No such photos included of course.
The trick is as with Muslims by the BBC. Make them victims and therefore white Christians become the aggressors by default.
As ever with the BBC, the sting is in the tail of their biased article:-
-As Jamal Maddox put it to me so well, how was it that the country (USA) that entered the war to save civilisation ended it by slaughtering hundreds of thousands of civilians?-
“I met a remarkable man..”, dig through 250 million Americans and I’m sure any of us could find a ‘remarkable’ man whose views accord with ours…but it wouldn’t be ‘NEWS’.
Dawn till dusk – nothing in it for the likes of me
I’m never going to be expecting a full English from the BBC, probably more of a Brussels lite croissant in prospect and outlook. But, my, how they’ve turned the feminization up to eleven before nine o’clock.
It’s Bona Dea every day of the week now: with gawky Geordie Steph and her biscuits and wey aye pet ecomonics; exotic foreign dolly in a box Nana with her automatic serious face switch; and a BBC caste structure of seemingly thousands of she-experts on this and that of special interest to the public sector only.
Now look, who’s this in male-drag? Don’t panic Missus Mainwaring! You can now come down from your perpetual 1970s off screen purdah and meet Godfrey’s sister in safety for a god natter on the sofa at this BBC refuge from domestic reality – it’s not some bloke it’s only silly Billy Turnballs the house eunoch.
At the other end of the daily tv scale they’ll try to keep the pink flag flying at the BBC late latte lefty drop in. What the Trussach is Kirsty wearing this time? Shush, don’t laugh, she’s been up all night for the Alexander McQueen special not to mention carrying one hell of a heavy hang over from the Scots Labour wipeout.
So to the groundbreaking earth shattering amazingly original topic of – where do labour go from here? Yawn.
At least you tell the BBC presenters are really, genuinely, personally interested.
Evan is another of those with a dress sense for radio. I guess it pays his rent.
Oh wait a minute, that’ll be me paying for all of this. Why, I wonder?
Mary Shelley’s, Steph the hulking great “economics editor” really sets my teeth on edge.
She referred to people who grown their own veg, as Country bumpkins, the other day. Which is fine as “bumpkins” are unlikely to be racially diverse, so insult away.
Yikes apparently Cameron was mesmerised by the glamour of the Bat, (Sam Cam really needs to up her game….) Of course had he expressed any sort of misgiving about St Camila prior to this, can you imagine the opprobrium, heaped upon him.
He totally went beyond his remit and used (abused?) the full power of his position to try and swing an unaccountable payoff through against objection as it looked luvvie-worthy.
He and Alan Yentob share a lot in common.
Meanwhile, a founding signatory of UAF continues to enforce freedom of speech suppression on any their thugs don’t fancy encountering.
Today’s choke-on-your-cereal-while-listening-to-the-Today-programme moment came by courtesy of Shirley Williams who was asked what lessons could be learnt from the Callaghan government – she was there at the time. The prime example, the dear lady instructed the nation was the funding by the government of half of the cost of the BBC Micro in schools. But surely, said Mr Humphrys, any government would have done the same. No, no replied the senior lawmaker, what made all the difference was the willingness of the Labour government to fund the BBC project.
Sadly, untrue, and I know because I like the dear Lady, was there at the time. Not in the Cabinet, but in the Computer labs at Cambridge University. Acorn Computers was founded in 1978 as a microcomputer consultancy in Market Hill in Cambridge (called CPU at the time). It didn’t actually make any microcomputers until 1979, when it made the Acorn 1, an industrial computer with a hexadecimal keypad.
It wasn’t until 1980 when Clive Sinclair announced the development of the Sinclair Spectrum that Acorn decided to develop consumer microprocessors and the BBC Micro didn’t come about until the corporation decided they needed a microcomputer to work with on The Computer Programme, first broadcast in 1982.
That was nearly 3 years after the old bat left office as Secretary of State for Education following the vote of no confidence in the Callaghan government in March 1979.
So the major contribution of the Callaghan government to the BBC Micro was to get out of the way, and the lesson that we can all learn is that left wing politicians can dissemble the truth and still get a hearing on the BBC.
Memory does fail us all sometimes, but according to Wikipedia the BBC micro went on retail sale 1 December 1981.
The project could have had the funding in place well before that and the subsequent Tory government didn’t cancel it.
It does however go on to say:
The machine was released as the BBC Microcomputer on 1 December 1981, although production problems pushed delivery of the majority of the initial run into 1982. It became known as the Beeb. The machine was popular in the UK, especially in the educational market; about 80% of British schools had a BBC microcomputer, as the government from 1981 to 1984 subsidized half the cost of a Research Machines 380Z or BBC Micro.
This would of course have been the Margaret Thatcher, Tory government.
She actually lost her seat in the 1979 election, and true to form with the BBC supporting Labour politicians, they gave her a chat show “Shirley Williams in Conversation”.
Well said sir.
Sadly, for the lefty liberals who suck on Shirley Williams ineffectiveness, her incompetence and her spinelessness…they`ll not listen to you.
But we do.
My lesson from the period was the indecent haste with which the Thatcher government(Kenneth Baker, Lord Young etc) allowed the BBC its first leverage into schools.
The State paid for those Micro Bs , and it was the first breach of the wall. The BBC were now knee-deep in youth, schools and educational provision and hardware-and we end up with Savile and the crap about Chinese education methods on, only last night.
Shirley Williams is everything Thatcher was not-which is why the useful idiots of the Left love her, as an effete privileged dilettante and loser.
Important that we tell the REAL history of things as we saw them-whilst being there-or else the f***in BBC ask the likes of Shirley Williams and Tom Robinson about those Godawful pre-Thatcher years.
Shirley Williams came round canvassing when I lived in Newnham, Cambridge. Must’ve been 1988, the local elections, though God knows why she’d be there for that. Anyway, me being the grateful product of exactly the sort of school that she wanted to do away with, I shut the door in her face.
They don’t seem to understand the concept of war, fight your enemy to a standstill, batter them into submission, accept their surrender, then emerge victorious from the horrors of it all.
It’s quite simple really, surely thousands of years of History have taught them something.
Some you win some you lose, and if you are Japanese don’t bomb Pearl Harbour and ruin everyone’s Christmas, if German try not to invade Poland.
And some shitstick on the telly last night implied that the Yanks were “racist” in bombing the Japs-whilst choosing not to bomb fellow-whiteys in Germany.
Two words-Pearl Harbour!
Who -to our liberal luvvie-would only have been a Tiller girl or room mate of Betty Boothroyd.
At near 1pm, nothing on the main News page of the W/s (except Sport) and nothing from the three senior Bloggers. What is Kuenssberg being paid for at the moment? Is she on holiday? James Purnell & the DG have some serious questions to answer on this.
Educate, inform, entertain …
In my experience, the HYS opportunities & Blogs tick all those boxes yet their influence is being reduced to nothing. That, I would have thought, should justify and result in a cut in the Licence Fee.
Will that be that the all completely non discriminatory, all criteria filled version?
The gay, lesbian, multi ethnic, multi kulti, disabllity, non sexist, non beardist non gingerest one?
Don`t need to watch it, seeing as Katie Hopkins told us all(The Sun/Friday last) what the profiles of the contestants were-and why the BBC would have chosen them.
I love Katie Hopkins…if she keeps going and grows up a bit, we may have our Ann Coulter!
BBC pushing the Labour Fascist left line that people are joining the party to get a vote, and thus their bogeyman Jeremy Corbyn, from the traditional left will get in.
The BBC are not going to want to lose all those bully words and the tools of oppression.
What would BBC programming look like if all the Blairite ideas and memes were taken away from them?
I don’t believe the BBC would have any output at all because absolutely ALL of its output, barring that made prior to the BLiar years is absolutely full of his governments idiocy.
Oh let`s enjoy it!
Utterly knickerly twistedly!
Schizoid, stupid and with memories that end at Cecil the Lions last moments-and don`t tell me that the GPS collars don`t slow the animal down, or tell douchebags where they can locate the lion to kill him.
Tell an eco-warrior or Greenpiss scientist that…they tend to get all hissy on you.
Funnily enough Corbyns brother was on the radio earlier-and is a climate change denier…so let`s hope Jezza gets in and asks his brother about the idiocies of Miliband and the Greens.
Could be fun!
Unless I’m mistaken, the lefties at the bBBC don’t seem to have found space for the news that Robert Conquest has died, the man who exposed Stalin’s murder of 20,000,000+ people. Obituaries are all over the place – Times, Telegraph, etc, but not the Guardian so the bBBC probably haven’t noticed – but it wouldn’t do for the state broadcaster to use the TV-tax to remind us of the downside of their beloved socialism, would it?
I would have thought the BBC would be keen to trumpet that Robert Conquest was a communist in his young days before he saw the light. On the other hand …… !
Who do you think will get a lorra lorra eulogies and radio 4 suckups on Last Word this Friday?
a) Robert Conquest-scourge of the Lefties like Hobsbawn and Thompson
b) Cilla Black-chippy northern lass who made toe tapping tunes for the deadbeat generation who`ve run this country into its current BBC hellhole.
Oh the BBC will bleat about her spiffing accent and her earthy charms-but probably WON`T mention that she was a Tory and friend/supporter of the sainted Mrs T.
No brainer chuck…Conquest taught Maggie, whereas Cilla served the caricature of the spicy scouse girl and Liver Bird…but-bless her soul-was one of the few openly Tory voters in showbiz.
I should know I knew and hated them all back in the 80s…so delighted to say sorry these days.
Stalin was a Communist, that is different to a Socialist ! You really should know these basic things before making a naïve post like that!
If you want Socialism, look to people like Hitler, Mussolini etc.
The reason that the propagandists decided that they had to tell people the Nazis were right wing was because they didn’t think the public was educated enough to realise that there was a difference between the Communists who were on our side, and the Socialists who we were fighting.
Seems it’s just as true today as it was back then !
It’s a pity that the BBC, the Police and the Government didn’t undertake the same level of rigour and concern over the 1400 white girls who were gang raped my Muslim paedo gangs as they are with the Edward Heath investigation.
Heard a good show by Quentin Letts about the point (or otherwise) of the Met Office today.
It was good in that Peter Lillie and Corbnys brother scorched the privilege and pretentions/presumptions of the Weather Girls in bangin` on about climate change when all their medium/long term predictions are crap!
Letts was a funny and decent cove…and no-one could be in any doubt that the Met are part of the Project much like all other left/liberal dream catchers for hire to the BBC and Big Green.
So-having heard it all-the BBC closing announcer helpfully told us that Letts was from the Daily Mail.
And so we could clearly draw the necessary conclusion as required by the BBC.
Funny that-whenever Bonnie Greer, Owen Jones or the like are on such half-hour features-THEIR newspapers and links to the liberal left teats are never mentioned-when the links of a Martin Jacques or a Tariq Ali OUGHT to preface what they`re about to tell us.
Typical BBC louchebags…all of `em!
It was really good with some invaluable info although I reckon the Met Office do a better job than ever before. Quite how the programme got past the Censor, I know not. Quentin had a slagging off for Sligo but there are Met people who are not fully signed up for the AGW/CC thing. The one who also does Gardeners Question Time may not be fully on board. Some of his fellow panellists often seem less than convinced.
Trouble for the e-mentalists is that really serious gardeners often keep detailed diaries/notebooks which do not only record plantings but also weather records ie. max & min temps plus rainfall & sunshine hours.
So, how is everyone enjoying their “Hottest August Ever”? Well, I’m waxing the runners on my toboggan tonight, just in case.
Dartmoor did in fact have three consecutive nights of air and ground frost at the end of July, making every month of this year a “Frost Day” either for Dartmoor, or, as part of the U.K. overall “Frost Day” plot. With 4 degrees and below looking likely in the North over the next 7 days and a dew point hovering around 4 degrees also, a frost looks likely, which again will make it a record year for “Frost days” all in a sustained period of “Global Warming” according to not only the BBC but the Met Office to. I’ve noticed that a mere 20 degrees is now being termed “Hot” by our left wing nut jobs in the media. God help us. As nature does, what nature does, Harrabin sounds more and more stupid with every day, if that is possible.
It’s pretty hot in south central France at the moment – has been for weeks, and will be for another two, it would seem. I’d offer a swap, but I have no intention of returning, only for funerals.
Been pretty good for part of most days in the south-east ….. when the sun shines or you are sheltered. There has been some really cold wind – explained, IIRC, in the Quentin Letts programme, due to a cold north Atlantic – and lots of cloud around. It seems when the sun goes low before dusk that it gets cold, even in the south-east. If it’s a clear night it can be pretty chilly and a two layer time if outdoors.
He presents the Radio Shropshire morning show and won’t have a word said against the bBC, jumps on many dissenting bBC tweets, click the link so see what he was replying to.
Our mo
how is “our mo”?
is mo short for mo sizlak? moses?
on the telly today i saw mo doing another one of his quorn adverts, talking about protein and muscle building, mo is a bag of bones, halal bones, i see there has been no major backlash after his doping allegations, the BBC wouldn’t touch the story
“Preacher faces UK terrorism charges” says the link on the front page. Hmm. is this some street evangelist being ‘homophobic’ again? Perhaps a Presbyterian minister saying rude things about the RoP? Hare-Krishna chap getting a bit aggressive with his bells? Nah, can’t be, otherwise surely they’d specify his religion and/or denomination.
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Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
Not a good day for HYS on the BBC web-site. Seems like they no longer like the vox populi. Getting nervous about what might be said about them & read by Ministers ahead of the Charter Review & Renewal, perhaps? There are important topics to comment on, not least RAF + Iraq and the RBS sale.
No chance.
What they do not seem to have realised is that by shutting down wider comments & the usual politics, economics & business Blogs, posters now use any opportunity to either have a dig at the Beeb or go off topic & post about what’s important to them. They are losing control by the very fact that they are trying to control everything to the nth degree to suit themselves.
Desperate days.
BBC News Website:
‘German MP Patzelt opens home to two Eritrean migrants’
Maybe our MPs could do the same? I’m sure the Calais Crisis would end soon afterwards.
Hmm, sounds like a contrived manufactured publicity stunt. Was this for a day, a week, a month, a year ?? very suspect.
What does his own son think about sharing his bedroom with two Eritrean invaders ?
Keith Vaz might take them for coffee, as he did with the Romanians
We’ve got mass immigration, enforced assimilation, enforced integration , promotion of miscegenation in the media, adverts etc etc, and now this psyop, adopt an immigrant and everything will be wonderful. Nah, I don’t think so.
I’d rather adopt a Snow Leopard thanks.
Anyone catch Emily Miatlis’ gushing interview with the Islington revolutionary Corbyn on Newshite tonight? She was like a blushful little teenager; reminded me of a giggling sixties teeny fan of the Fab Four.
Also, if someone can be bothered it might be interesting to note the amount of Newsnight programmes over the last month which have had Labour as their main political discussions. From my recollections the majority have orbited around the Labour leadership contest. Total bias.
Finally, I have taken a long hard look at the younger reporters who seem to now frequent the Newshite team; the majority of them look decidedly urban, gay and trendy – in other words fair-trade coffee sipping lefties with a metro outlook. I wonder if this might be a manifestation of what some former BBC employees, such as Peter Sissons, have described as an innate liberal and trendy urban bias?
Can I just ask, without any kind of ‘edge’. Would you prefer an old school far left radical like Corbyn, or one of the trendy ‘soft’ lefties, like Harperson with all the oppression, political correctness, hand wringing hatred of Whites, and love for all foreigners?
Good question. I would expect a robust argument from an old school left radical, whereas this lot would simply accuse me of waaycism, homophobia, and xenophobia, no matter what I said.
I loathe them all but I think Corbyn is possibly more genuine in some respects; i.e. what you see is what you largely get – although you can never be sure (I find his treacherous sympathies for the likes of the IRA and Hamas utterly loathsome and repugnant). But I think there’s perhaps plenty of bile hidden beneath the surface. Time will tell.
Because of his sympathies for the IRA, Hamas etc., and his wish to decommission our nuclear arms and other ludicrous policies, for example, my main worry is his capacity to brainwash millions of young impressionable people (even more than New Labour have) who have been brought up to see socialism/communism as fashionable. But perhaps I underestimate the young people of today.
That being said I think this view that he’s an eccentric, harmless old commie clown who’ll never gain power is the type of irresponsible attitude that has led to this nobody being in pole position to win the Labour leadership. So, in light of the above perhaps I’d rather live under soft socialism (with all its lies) than the hardcore communism of Corbyn, which would spell the violent end of Britain very quickly. Who knows, though.
I thought much the same thing when I caught a bit of Newsnight for the first time in years a couple of nights ago.
The ‘reporters’ seem to be broadcasting to just their own little clique, putting points over in a supercilious condescending manner, talking at the viewer moreso than to them. Maybe it’s just me, but the programme had an almost ‘communist’ feel about it.
I won’t be watching again, whatever credibility this program once had, it has none today, only those metrosexual trendies you talk of would find it so.
Newsnight has been in a tailspin of credibility (and ratings) for what seems years now. It seems amazing how up themselves they were that they have yet to hit rock bottom.
I remember when they had an interactive blog, which attracted a great crowd of posters, including some often considered contrarians.
But it did act as a focus of mockery as the slide started, so of course the BBC started some defensive tinkering.
First off the character limit was reduced and eventually they quietly shut it down.
As they have all the others.
I wonder, when was ‘The Editors’ last updated?
‘I wonder, when was ‘The Editors’ last updated?’
Decided to check…
Last one was in May, and rather than a place ‘where editors from across BBC News share our information and updates’ and you can ‘… join in, add a comment on a story’, its last few are broadcast-only puff pieces with no chance of a comment.
As a metaphor for the trusted, transparent and accountable new BBC, about perfect.
Is Zimbabwe being rehabilitated? Or is the BBC simply seeking to ingratiate itself with the regime there?
The ‘Cecil the Lion’ story, placing various Zimbabwean ‘authorities’ into positions of respectability; News Briefing today including a story from a Zimbabwean newspaper; Fem-ing Today featuring a Zimbabwean farmer producing pumpkins in Hertfordshire for the ‘multicultural farming market’.
Straws in the wind, perhaps, but none of the usual ‘proud’ straps about ‘the BBC cannot report from Zimbabwe at the moment because we really pissed off Mr Mugabe’. Even more surprising, in view of ‘the regrettable events in Calais’ – no mention of the diaspora of Mr M’s opponents as refugees from his despicable regime.
Anyone know what is happening here?
Dunno, but Snuffy likes pumpkin soup.
On further reflection, I think it’s a subconscious thing.
Cecil (I keep remembering Helena Bonham-Carter saying that name in the film ‘A Room with a View’) is said to have been endangered, even in the reserve, and the Licence Fee (if not the BBC) is also endangered, despite also being in something of a reserve.
So do I. Apart from getting rid of the seeds.
Interesting the conflicted and conflicting role of various BBC representatives in all this.
Also looking at the comments, one has to wonder if the disruption teams are not busy again.
Lucky then that the BBC is immune from producing ‘sanitised narratives’.
Found this via Facebook. Suffice to say yet another BBC outing where they do not appear to speak for the nation.
A very biased article, yet again of the ‘blame whitey’ kind. It never mentions the way the Japanese were preparing for an invasion of their homeland, with a fight to the last woman & child approach.
The writer criticises the US for the Japanese yet fails to consider the alternative of millions of deaths on each side.
Nor does he relate that following the dropping of the ‘little boy’ bomb on Hiroshima, the Japanese government still refused to surrender, indicating just how many of their countrymen they were prepared to sacrifice.
This forced the US to drop the ‘Fat Man’ bomb on Nagasaki, usually blamed by the Fascists on the US (blame Whitey) wanting to test an larger bomb. It was however this bomb which brought the war to an end when the Japanese High Command finally realised that they could not win. The lives of their citizens were not even part of their consideration.
But hey why blame the Japanese when you can blame whitey ?
It’s so typically BBC, and on all their outlets… where they are getting slaughtered across the boards.
Speaking of which, a BBC HYS seems unlikely.
Can’t wait for their next attempt to show how disconnected they are from reality and the audience they claim to speak for.
No mention of the millions of civilians butchered by the Japanese Army, particularly in China?
No such photos included of course.
The trick is as with Muslims by the BBC. Make them victims and therefore white Christians become the aggressors by default.
As ever with the BBC, the sting is in the tail of their biased article:-
-As Jamal Maddox put it to me so well, how was it that the country (USA) that entered the war to save civilisation ended it by slaughtering hundreds of thousands of civilians?-
No opposing view. No bias there, then?
In what way is this a ‘NEWS’ item?
“I met a remarkable man..”, dig through 250 million Americans and I’m sure any of us could find a ‘remarkable’ man whose views accord with ours…but it wouldn’t be ‘NEWS’.
Dawn till dusk – nothing in it for the likes of me
I’m never going to be expecting a full English from the BBC, probably more of a Brussels lite croissant in prospect and outlook. But, my, how they’ve turned the feminization up to eleven before nine o’clock.
It’s Bona Dea every day of the week now: with gawky Geordie Steph and her biscuits and wey aye pet ecomonics; exotic foreign dolly in a box Nana with her automatic serious face switch; and a BBC caste structure of seemingly thousands of she-experts on this and that of special interest to the public sector only.
Now look, who’s this in male-drag? Don’t panic Missus Mainwaring! You can now come down from your perpetual 1970s off screen purdah and meet Godfrey’s sister in safety for a god natter on the sofa at this BBC refuge from domestic reality – it’s not some bloke it’s only silly Billy Turnballs the house eunoch.
At the other end of the daily tv scale they’ll try to keep the pink flag flying at the BBC late latte lefty drop in. What the Trussach is Kirsty wearing this time? Shush, don’t laugh, she’s been up all night for the Alexander McQueen special not to mention carrying one hell of a heavy hang over from the Scots Labour wipeout.
So to the groundbreaking earth shattering amazingly original topic of – where do labour go from here? Yawn.
At least you tell the BBC presenters are really, genuinely, personally interested.
Evan is another of those with a dress sense for radio. I guess it pays his rent.
Oh wait a minute, that’ll be me paying for all of this. Why, I wonder?
Mary Shelley’s, Steph the hulking great “economics editor” really sets my teeth on edge.
She referred to people who grown their own veg, as Country bumpkins, the other day. Which is fine as “bumpkins” are unlikely to be racially diverse, so insult away.
Can anyone say why BBC Breakfast is not available via iPlayer?
Has that always been the case, since the start of iPlayer?
Not coming over as a serious news broadcaster – fake it luv, fake it!
One Question Time regular down, now for Alibhai Brown…
Is her role model Carmen Miranda ? You can get away with that look in Rio but not in London, but then again I suppose London is no longer British,
Yikes apparently Cameron was mesmerised by the glamour of the Bat, (Sam Cam really needs to up her game….) Of course had he expressed any sort of misgiving about St Camila prior to this, can you imagine the opprobrium, heaped upon him.
No excuse.
He totally went beyond his remit and used (abused?) the full power of his position to try and swing an unaccountable payoff through against objection as it looked luvvie-worthy.
He and Alan Yentob share a lot in common.
Meanwhile, a founding signatory of UAF continues to enforce freedom of speech suppression on any their thugs don’t fancy encountering.
Not a man I’d trust with anything.
On the radio news the bbc failed to mention her name just the Kids company.Seen a picture of her office and its worse than her hat of veg.
At the cost of £3 million
Still in BBC terms that’s a bargain
Today’s choke-on-your-cereal-while-listening-to-the-Today-programme moment came by courtesy of Shirley Williams who was asked what lessons could be learnt from the Callaghan government – she was there at the time. The prime example, the dear lady instructed the nation was the funding by the government of half of the cost of the BBC Micro in schools. But surely, said Mr Humphrys, any government would have done the same. No, no replied the senior lawmaker, what made all the difference was the willingness of the Labour government to fund the BBC project.
Sadly, untrue, and I know because I like the dear Lady, was there at the time. Not in the Cabinet, but in the Computer labs at Cambridge University. Acorn Computers was founded in 1978 as a microcomputer consultancy in Market Hill in Cambridge (called CPU at the time). It didn’t actually make any microcomputers until 1979, when it made the Acorn 1, an industrial computer with a hexadecimal keypad.
It wasn’t until 1980 when Clive Sinclair announced the development of the Sinclair Spectrum that Acorn decided to develop consumer microprocessors and the BBC Micro didn’t come about until the corporation decided they needed a microcomputer to work with on The Computer Programme, first broadcast in 1982.
That was nearly 3 years after the old bat left office as Secretary of State for Education following the vote of no confidence in the Callaghan government in March 1979.
So the major contribution of the Callaghan government to the BBC Micro was to get out of the way, and the lesson that we can all learn is that left wing politicians can dissemble the truth and still get a hearing on the BBC.
Memory does fail us all sometimes, but according to Wikipedia the BBC micro went on retail sale 1 December 1981.
The project could have had the funding in place well before that and the subsequent Tory government didn’t cancel it.
It does however go on to say:
The machine was released as the BBC Microcomputer on 1 December 1981, although production problems pushed delivery of the majority of the initial run into 1982. It became known as the Beeb. The machine was popular in the UK, especially in the educational market; about 80% of British schools had a BBC microcomputer, as the government from 1981 to 1984 subsidized half the cost of a Research Machines 380Z or BBC Micro.
This would of course have been the Margaret Thatcher, Tory government.
She actually lost her seat in the 1979 election, and true to form with the BBC supporting Labour politicians, they gave her a chat show “Shirley Williams in Conversation”.
Shame they didn’t make sure the Transputer succeeded.
Well said sir.
Sadly, for the lefty liberals who suck on Shirley Williams ineffectiveness, her incompetence and her spinelessness…they`ll not listen to you.
But we do.
My lesson from the period was the indecent haste with which the Thatcher government(Kenneth Baker, Lord Young etc) allowed the BBC its first leverage into schools.
The State paid for those Micro Bs , and it was the first breach of the wall. The BBC were now knee-deep in youth, schools and educational provision and hardware-and we end up with Savile and the crap about Chinese education methods on, only last night.
Shirley Williams is everything Thatcher was not-which is why the useful idiots of the Left love her, as an effete privileged dilettante and loser.
Important that we tell the REAL history of things as we saw them-whilst being there-or else the f***in BBC ask the likes of Shirley Williams and Tom Robinson about those Godawful pre-Thatcher years.
Shirley Williams came round canvassing when I lived in Newnham, Cambridge. Must’ve been 1988, the local elections, though God knows why she’d be there for that. Anyway, me being the grateful product of exactly the sort of school that she wanted to do away with, I shut the door in her face.
BBC news going into full vomit mode about Hiroshima ,that is what happens to the enemy, they get BOMBED ,tough shit !
They don’t seem to understand the concept of war, fight your enemy to a standstill, batter them into submission, accept their surrender, then emerge victorious from the horrors of it all.
It’s quite simple really, surely thousands of years of History have taught them something.
Some you win some you lose, and if you are Japanese don’t bomb Pearl Harbour and ruin everyone’s Christmas, if German try not to invade Poland.
And some shitstick on the telly last night implied that the Yanks were “racist” in bombing the Japs-whilst choosing not to bomb fellow-whiteys in Germany.
Two words-Pearl Harbour!
Who -to our liberal luvvie-would only have been a Tiller girl or room mate of Betty Boothroyd.
Any enemy of Britain is a friend of the BBC !
Even worse for HYS today.
At near 1pm, nothing on the main News page of the W/s (except Sport) and nothing from the three senior Bloggers. What is Kuenssberg being paid for at the moment? Is she on holiday? James Purnell & the DG have some serious questions to answer on this.
Educate, inform, entertain …
In my experience, the HYS opportunities & Blogs tick all those boxes yet their influence is being reduced to nothing. That, I would have thought, should justify and result in a cut in the Licence Fee.
Just in case you haven’t heard The Great ‘British’ Bake Off is back tonight 😉
Shameless self promotion all over the bBC today. Yawn.
Will that be that the all completely non discriminatory, all criteria filled version?
The gay, lesbian, multi ethnic, multi kulti, disabllity, non sexist, non beardist non gingerest one?
Don`t need to watch it, seeing as Katie Hopkins told us all(The Sun/Friday last) what the profiles of the contestants were-and why the BBC would have chosen them.
I love Katie Hopkins…if she keeps going and grows up a bit, we may have our Ann Coulter!
BBC pushing the Labour Fascist left line that people are joining the party to get a vote, and thus their bogeyman Jeremy Corbyn, from the traditional left will get in.
The BBC are not going to want to lose all those bully words and the tools of oppression.
What would BBC programming look like if all the Blairite ideas and memes were taken away from them?
I don’t believe the BBC would have any output at all because absolutely ALL of its output, barring that made prior to the BLiar years is absolutely full of his governments idiocy.
Listening to Mardell, Hardman & Bush on WatO and the needle on my Schadenfreude dial is whanging into the red zone.
Oh let`s enjoy it!
Utterly knickerly twistedly!
Schizoid, stupid and with memories that end at Cecil the Lions last moments-and don`t tell me that the GPS collars don`t slow the animal down, or tell douchebags where they can locate the lion to kill him.
Tell an eco-warrior or Greenpiss scientist that…they tend to get all hissy on you.
Funnily enough Corbyns brother was on the radio earlier-and is a climate change denier…so let`s hope Jezza gets in and asks his brother about the idiocies of Miliband and the Greens.
Could be fun!
Unless I’m mistaken, the lefties at the bBBC don’t seem to have found space for the news that Robert Conquest has died, the man who exposed Stalin’s murder of 20,000,000+ people. Obituaries are all over the place – Times, Telegraph, etc, but not the Guardian so the bBBC probably haven’t noticed – but it wouldn’t do for the state broadcaster to use the TV-tax to remind us of the downside of their beloved socialism, would it?
Got a mench, Sir A, in the 1pm news read but not with all the detail provided by your good self.
I would have thought the BBC would be keen to trumpet that Robert Conquest was a communist in his young days before he saw the light. On the other hand …… !
Who do you think will get a lorra lorra eulogies and radio 4 suckups on Last Word this Friday?
a) Robert Conquest-scourge of the Lefties like Hobsbawn and Thompson
b) Cilla Black-chippy northern lass who made toe tapping tunes for the deadbeat generation who`ve run this country into its current BBC hellhole.
Oh the BBC will bleat about her spiffing accent and her earthy charms-but probably WON`T mention that she was a Tory and friend/supporter of the sainted Mrs T.
No brainer chuck…Conquest taught Maggie, whereas Cilla served the caricature of the spicy scouse girl and Liver Bird…but-bless her soul-was one of the few openly Tory voters in showbiz.
I should know I knew and hated them all back in the 80s…so delighted to say sorry these days.
What’s it all about…Alfie
I’m sorry I missed the 1pm ‘news’ but a search of the bBBC website shows nothing for ‘Conquest’.
He was mentioned though-did hear that much.
Stalin was a Communist, that is different to a Socialist ! You really should know these basic things before making a naïve post like that!
If you want Socialism, look to people like Hitler, Mussolini etc.
The reason that the propagandists decided that they had to tell people the Nazis were right wing was because they didn’t think the public was educated enough to realise that there was a difference between the Communists who were on our side, and the Socialists who we were fighting.
Seems it’s just as true today as it was back then !
Communist … as in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?
It’s a pity that the BBC, the Police and the Government didn’t undertake the same level of rigour and concern over the 1400 white girls who were gang raped my Muslim paedo gangs as they are with the Edward Heath investigation.
Harrabin a bit miffed:
Heard a good show by Quentin Letts about the point (or otherwise) of the Met Office today.
It was good in that Peter Lillie and Corbnys brother scorched the privilege and pretentions/presumptions of the Weather Girls in bangin` on about climate change when all their medium/long term predictions are crap!
Letts was a funny and decent cove…and no-one could be in any doubt that the Met are part of the Project much like all other left/liberal dream catchers for hire to the BBC and Big Green.
So-having heard it all-the BBC closing announcer helpfully told us that Letts was from the Daily Mail.
And so we could clearly draw the necessary conclusion as required by the BBC.
Funny that-whenever Bonnie Greer, Owen Jones or the like are on such half-hour features-THEIR newspapers and links to the liberal left teats are never mentioned-when the links of a Martin Jacques or a Tariq Ali OUGHT to preface what they`re about to tell us.
Typical BBC louchebags…all of `em!
It was really good with some invaluable info although I reckon the Met Office do a better job than ever before. Quite how the programme got past the Censor, I know not. Quentin had a slagging off for Sligo but there are Met people who are not fully signed up for the AGW/CC thing. The one who also does Gardeners Question Time may not be fully on board. Some of his fellow panellists often seem less than convinced.
Trouble for the e-mentalists is that really serious gardeners often keep detailed diaries/notebooks which do not only record plantings but also weather records ie. max & min temps plus rainfall & sunshine hours.
It seems the BBC has cooled a bit on a once-favoured son, so it’s a shame he hasn’t made it back into the studios for a bit of plugging.
‘There’s a 1000-word piece planned for the New Statesman. By Penny Red. ‘
Nice to see some from that famous Anger & Protest iPhone still take his calls.
So, how is everyone enjoying their “Hottest August Ever”? Well, I’m waxing the runners on my toboggan tonight, just in case.
Dartmoor did in fact have three consecutive nights of air and ground frost at the end of July, making every month of this year a “Frost Day” either for Dartmoor, or, as part of the U.K. overall “Frost Day” plot. With 4 degrees and below looking likely in the North over the next 7 days and a dew point hovering around 4 degrees also, a frost looks likely, which again will make it a record year for “Frost days” all in a sustained period of “Global Warming” according to not only the BBC but the Met Office to. I’ve noticed that a mere 20 degrees is now being termed “Hot” by our left wing nut jobs in the media. God help us. As nature does, what nature does, Harrabin sounds more and more stupid with every day, if that is possible.
It’s pretty hot in south central France at the moment – has been for weeks, and will be for another two, it would seem. I’d offer a swap, but I have no intention of returning, only for funerals.
Been pretty good for part of most days in the south-east ….. when the sun shines or you are sheltered. There has been some really cold wind – explained, IIRC, in the Quentin Letts programme, due to a cold north Atlantic – and lots of cloud around. It seems when the sun goes low before dusk that it gets cold, even in the south-east. If it’s a clear night it can be pretty chilly and a two layer time if outdoors.
This guy is a lefty Beeboid personified,
He presents the Radio Shropshire morning show and won’t have a word said against the bBC, jumps on many dissenting bBC tweets, click the link so see what he was replying to.
Did you have to suggest that? I clicked the link and looked at his Twatter page. What a self-righteous Canute.

Sorry! This is he from his Radio Shropshire home page.
Yes folks your licence fee supports tits like this…
‘jumps on many dissenting bBC tweets, click the link so see what he was replying to’
Have no idea who he is, but it seems paths may have crossed and he has done what all good BBC employees do when someone does not pay homage.
Can he still jump when he’s blocked you? If so, that would be entirely in keeping with BBC SOP.
Ah, the transparency simply shines through…
Our mo
how is “our mo”?
is mo short for mo sizlak? moses?
on the telly today i saw mo doing another one of his quorn adverts, talking about protein and muscle building, mo is a bag of bones, halal bones, i see there has been no major backlash after his doping allegations, the BBC wouldn’t touch the story
Meanwhile over in Calais, immigrants have enriched the place so much they’ve turned a little piece of France into Africa, check out the photos.
“Preacher faces UK terrorism charges” says the link on the front page. Hmm. is this some street evangelist being ‘homophobic’ again? Perhaps a Presbyterian minister saying rude things about the RoP? Hare-Krishna chap getting a bit aggressive with his bells? Nah, can’t be, otherwise surely they’d specify his religion and/or denomination.
Let’s see, shall we?