The BBC’s Roger Harrabin, he who has been campaigning on behalf of the climate change lobby for 20 years, is always very vocal about the funding, or supposed funding, that those who are critical of the climate extremist lobby gets. He of course fails to mention the enormous funding that those climate extremists themselves get…and let’s not forget the £15,000 Harrabin’s CMEP propaganda unit received from a climate change lobby group in order ‘to shut down’ journalism that didn’t toe the line….and what of the funding for Harrabin’s project that came from the Labour government...the same Labour government that was introducing draconian climate change legislation?
MEP Daniel Hannan has put together a video that shows just how much money the EU ploughs into various NGOs that strangely enough all support membership of the EU…one he misses off the list is the BBC itself which has received millions from the EU...a source of funding that the pro-EU BBC was very, very reluctant to admit.
Here’s the video (via Bishop Hill):
Bishop Hill also states this about the BBC’s coverage of the government’s decision to cut renewable’s funding:
Today’s top news: greens write a letter
Anti-capitalist green groups and crony capitalists are annoyed about George Osborne’s decision to cut renewables subsidies and have written to the Prime Minister to say he’s a bad boy. With depressing inevitability, the BBC has launched a full-scale PR campaign to back them up.
So we have a Roger Harrabin article about the letter here, a segment on the Today programme here (from 1:17.35), which is essentially an opportunity for a series of opponents of the new policy to air their views. Interestingly, there was less quoting of green anti-capitalists this time round. Perhaps my criticisms of Harrabin’s last piece made an impact. But not much of an impact – the nearest thing to a supporter of the policy changes was someone from KPMG, who thought the subsidy removal was necessary but taking place too quickly.
I gather the FiveLive phone in features anti-capitalist campaigner from Friends of the Earth as well.
Listening to the Today programme this morning (08:07:40) and you can hear Harrabin’s campaign for the renewable industry continue as he ‘reported’ on Obama’s climate change politicking but used it as a launch pad to attack the British government’s renewable’s policy…which ‘controversially’ imposed a tax on wind and solar power and Harrabin demanded to know why renewables were deemed unaffordable in the UK but not so in the US. Here’s the answer.…
The cost of subsidising new wind farms is spiralling out of control, government sources have privately warned.
Officials admitted that so-called “green” energy schemes will require a staggering £9 billion a year in subsidies – paid for by customers – by 2020. This is £1.5 billion more than the maximum limit the coalition had originally planned.
The mounting costs will mean every household in the country is forced to pay an estimated £170 a year by the end of the decade to support the renewable electricity schemes that were promoted by the coalition.
This was nothing less than outright propaganda from Harrabin and had zero connection with the Obama policy announcement.
Remarkable that Harrabin seems to have not the slightest concern for the people who have to pay the energy bills, he is quite happy to see them gouged by the renewable industry for every penny if it means getting his pet project off the ground….how different when it comes to welfare spending cuts when ‘heat or eat’ is the loudest mantra mouthed by the BBC to villify the government….and now the government cuts fuel bills and the BBC is up in arms!
It was noticeable that when Ecotricity green tycoon Dale Vincent was in the news as his ex-wife tried to get some back dated ‘alimony’ she believed he owed her the BBC in its interviews with him never asked how it was that an ex-hippy running a green energy business could amass a personal fortune of over £100 million….and never of course raised any issues about morality and equality.
Curious that the BBC didn’t press him on that, after all it’s not shy about pressing other business leaders on their salaries…what is it about Vincent that makes him untouchable?
Could it be that if you are in the hallowed environs of the Green movement anything you do can be seen as a ‘necessary evil’ if it achieves the aims that the likes of Harrabin wish to achieve?
Who is paying for Vincent’s astonishingly large bank balance? The poor old customer who has to find the money to pay the exorbitant bills with their added green taxes that make up the subsidies that go into the pockets of ‘green tycoons’ like Vincent.
But let’s not mention that…let’s attack the bankers and other ‘big business’ fatcats who deserve our approbrium.
Harrabin should be removed from his job. He is clearly unift to be graced with the title of ‘journalist’ when his every word seems more intended to promote a cause….that’s not journalism, it’s propaganda.
Richard Black abruptly vanished from the BBC, was he pushed for his blatant pro-climate change ‘reporting’ or did he jump first? The BBC should take a closer look at Harrabin’s clearly prejudiced and partial reporting and either rein him in or allow him to leave and go and work, officially, for Green Peace or whatever NGO thinks he would be an asset to their cause.
Not as if Harrabin isn’t open to suggestions on how his reporting could be changed for the’s his response to a green blogger who wanted him to change his report…
Harrabin: “Have a look in 10 minutes and tell me you are happier. We have changed headline and more.”
It was very strange how the Harrabin piece morphed from praising Obama into an attack on the British government and it was a sneering attack and not reporting in any shape or form. I think this continued cold weather in Britain (and from the photos from Calais, I assume Northern Europe too) has got the warmest lobby in a flap pre Paris.
You should also look at Colin Tregear, the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit Director, he has an interesting history when it comes to his roll in dealing with complaints about Climate science. I think the BBC Charter Reviewers would like Roger Harrabin to remain in post as a useful idiot, until at least the 8th October.
I suspect the BBC will push out both Harrabin and Tregear, if they think it would save the BBC from future scrutiny. But I suspect its to late.
‘The BBC should take a closer look at Harrabin’s clearly prejudiced and partial reporting and either rein him in or allow him to leave and go and work, officially, for Green Peace or whatever NGO thinks he would be an asset to their cause.’
His revolving blind eye would be in overdrive:
‘Blogger Richard Telofski pointed out last week that Carter Roberts, the CEO of the US branch of the World Wildlife Fund, was paid a total of $455,147 in 2009 – his base salary being $425,000…….
….Telofski’s main point is that the CEO of the WWF – along with the CEOs of the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Nature Conservancy, and the Environmental Defense Fund – are in a special category of earners. They all belong to the anointed top 1%. (Anyone earning in excess of $380,354 a year qualifies.)
The people running these green lobby powerhouses are not, therefore, like you and me. They aren’t ordinary folk struggling to make ends meet. They won’t notice much if gasoline prices spike sharply, or if their home heating bill doubles. Such expenses are small change to members of the top 1%.
The CEO of the WWF is wealthy. That wealth insulates him from the real-world consequences of the policies he spends his time promoting.’
Or, alternatively, stick his snout in the trough alongside these greedy, hypocritical, jet setting, CO2-splurging bastards.
‘The BBC should take a closer look at Harrabin’s clearly prejudiced and partial reporting and continue to employ him whilst trumpeting their impartiality’
No charge 😉
I don’t ever listen to the Today programme except today I came across the end of Thought For the Day.The premise seemed to be praising Obamas latest ideas to impoverish the working class and telling we the public to act like honey bees to survive .I may need to go to I player and unravel what I heard.
On news 24 today discussing the weather forecast with Carol,Bill and Louise moans about the low temperatures for the time of year,a few giggles but no jokes or irony allowed.Everyone I know is asking what about global warming and where are our ever hotter summers?
I am someone who is happy to believe the climate is changing as I learned in my grammar school years about the changing planet /climate cycles.However I I don’t however think it is anything to do with me personally.
The figure of £9 billion in subsidies for renewable energy works out at [ approx 20 million households UK ] , about £ 450 per family .
So the figure of £170 per year is only the direct cost on top of your Electricity bill .
There is another £280 per year going from other taxation , or costs added on to goods or services from businesses .
But there is a great reluctance for the government & especially the BBC to admit the true cost of the ” green” energy scam.