The Today programme on BBC Radio 4 was quick to afford air-time to IRA apologist and Sinn Fein luminary John O’Dowd this morning at 7.20am. O’Dowd was on to claim that MI5 were “conflict mongers” and were colluding with the “I can’t believe it’s not the IRA’ fanatics that…erm..used to be colleagues with Mr O’Dowd’s comrades in the IRA. Remarkably, the BBC see no irony for an apologist for a terror organisation that murdered THOUSANDS and maimed TENS OF THOUSANDS being given the prime time opportunity to impugn the reputation of OUR lawful security services. QED.
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Anyone who blows up Brits gets an automatic prime time slot on the Toady.
Of course. In BBC land, the people who are blown up by terrorists are those who are responsible for the terrorists. It’s always the victim’s fault…. Until the BBC then “jumps the shark” and turns the terrorists into the real victims.
The politics of the IRA has always been very left wing.
This is their mouthpiece;-
This suits the BBC’s Left Wing narrative. And of course, the BBC rebels of ’68 lurve fellow rebels.