Well, despite the best efforts of Alan Yentob, it looks like Camilla Batmanghelidjh’s “Kid’s Company” is going down. This “charity” has received £30m from Government – so it’s another fake charity – and now the noose is tightening. The BBC report on it here. Naturally they spin it in favour of poor old Camilla and the “abandoned” children.
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The BBC is simply appalled that any organisation which is given lots of public money should be required to be accountable for what it does with it all.
People don’t know their place these days.
There’s people… and there’s people.
Wild guess, but whatever the BBC decides their role in all this was, they all got it about right.
‘Alan Yentob, likely to be in Tuscany, given the time of year”
Wherever they may be… for summer.
One way to avoid a bunch of pesky reporters asking pesky questions.
‘pesky reporters asking pesky questions’
Maybe Newsnight can do what it does best?
Well, then again, maybe not…
according to the vagaries of unwritten PC rules that govern the reporting of such delicate matters by the BBC “the sofa bed company has been closed because it did stuff we’re not too sure about for reasons we’d rather not talk about, with money that came to it somehow involving Chairman that have nothing to do with Chairman but will someone please remember the children?”
meanwhile over on Wikipedia certain individuals associated with the company are said to be both numerically and literally severely dyslexic so that she “cannot recognise letters or numbers”. (this wording has been changed recently).
BBC file footage clearly shows certain people associated with the sofa bed company apparently reading reports from her desk
TA 2015-08-05 18:21
The Wikipedia KC talk page contains the following :-
“the edits were made by someone using a real name which matches up with KC’s PR person plus that person had made edits on no other article. ”
So they are dyslexic and crooks, and stupid crooks.
But clever enough to fool fools in the House of Commons.
Odd who decides to ‘help along’ how stories are recorded:
And how often that happens on a BBC show. Clearly they feel at home and presume no one present will object.
The comments veer off a bit on matters atomic, for those keen to swap stories.
On wikipedia Hope Not Hate have also tried to anonymously remove criticism from the article about HNH.
You can’t tell a book by its cover.
Except in this case you can.
Well I can, and I think a few million others can.
But it seems our illustrious Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Useless Twit in Charge cannot.
The daft blighter insisted she was capable and honest and told reluctant officials to pay her £30 million.
Just how many daft, war mongering, thuggish, pedos do we have to suffer as Prime Minister?
One of the directors was interviewed on Radio2 at lunchtime. She stated that public money only made up 20% of their income… so in order for them to stay open, in my opinion, they should have been better at normal charity fundraising.
She also explicitly blamed the government for having to close the charity down, blaming government cuts causing kids to be left behind. She said that they have to help increasing numbers of people who have been “sanctioned” by the benefits office and so lose theie benefits… That makes me wonder, just how many children (people under 18) are actually legally entitled to benefits? And if this so-called charity has been wasting money meant for children, on benefits claimants who fail to act in a responsible manner and get to important interviews on time, then it is pretty clear, (beyond the proven corruption and fraud), just why this charity has had to close. It is run by corrupt and incompetent people.
BBC weasels out in full force tonight as they kiss “Kids Company” goodbye. In trying to shift the blame to the Government the 6pm news broadcast managed to “forget’ the BBC’s role in putting the skids under Madame Batmanetc. with their Newsnight “expose”. They also forget to mention that their own much-loved part-time “Creative Director” Alan Yentob is/was Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Kids Company and as such was responsible for signing off on their Annual Reports and financial statements. So obviously no BBC DNA attached to this debacle…
Yentob is of the BBC and has an Iraqi/Iranian background.
Like Camilla, another privileged member of the united colours of Bennetton.
After Savile-what the hell are BBC bigwigs doing getting involved in kiddies cheridees?
Smells like a liberal Barbican gone wrong to me.
The Yentob song is NOT one to sing to any kids-especially those cossetted and funded by the liberal media.
BBC probably will have to get their OWN drugs muled now….hence their wish for lots more Calais carriers at the moment.
Yentob is Jewish – Wikipedia.
The only questions the BBC1 News at 6pm was asking was would the closing be embarrassing for the Government? Surely they should be asking how come the charity needed £800,000 to pay wages and who authorised the money they had just received from government being used in this way. Surely the Chair of the Board should have been involved, ‘hello, Mr Yentoub’. If he wasn’t then it again shows poor governance of the Charity.
And Gordon Brown clearly kept an eye on things.
Unfortunately it was his crap blind one.
But no BBC squonk will be embarrassing HIM will they?
A non BBC journalist has claimed that she witnessed Kids Company staff handing over envelopes of cash, containing sums up to £150, to some of these children. When she followed them outside she saw them being driven away by older males.
I’m afraid that if you’re from certain “enriched” areas of our country you’re not going to be terribly shocked by these revelations. Our pc PM, determined that the Tories shouldn’t be thought of as the nasty party, has been handing out our cash to these worthless spongers because it looked like the nice thing to do. The BBC would no doubt applaud such liberal altruism. But, of course, wasting other people’s money has never particularly bothered the Beeb, has it?
And Alan Yentob of the BBC Parish seemed to be “unavailable” to his own employees to “account” for the demise of Kids Company.
Such a sashaying grandee-how very dare the little people want to know of how sticky the cheridee sectors fingers turn out to be!
An absolute joy to see fat birds coming home to roost-albeit in multicoloured marquees, and matching turbans!
Of course the BBC are cheesed off at KC getting fried…self-righteous, unaccountable and a drain on the public purse…and with absolutely no point other than to wave the rainbow flag until IS relieve them of it.
Basically the BBC in miniature…seeks out the vulnerable children, gives them placards and a voice…but writes the same lazy lefty script of emoting entitlement and grievance groomings.
Camilla?…Anjem?…one of our better days!
Oh-note that all the clients of Kids Company are black and well-upholstered…whereas all the staff are white and female.
So much for client confidentiality and malnutrition then…
Camilla-like Yentob and the EU feels no need to account to anyone…fat trout probably has a money tree up her kaftan!
Oh the humanity-didn`t they say that when another overladen blimp feel to earth back in the days of black and white?
I trust there’ll be an FOI request to find out how much in total Dave has signed off for this charity so he can burnish his multi-culti credentials, and over what period, and records kept for the usage of said donations?
Also why one charity receives public money above other charities, and how common is this, and who determines the recipients?
“Charities”, “QUANGOs”.
The list of the undeserving, given public money in the zillions by the ignorant (MPs), following advice by the incompetent (Civil “Service”), stolen from the industrious (US), increases daily.
My late father described the spending of public money as being in three parts.
Part one is the money creamed off by the Govenment directly for themselves.
Part two is the money spent (=wasted) on hare-brained schemes that the Government alone both loves and cannot see are hare-brained.
Part three, the balance, is money which is used for projects which are actually useful, like maintaining roads. This third part is done badly, inefficiently, tardily and some of this is creamed off by the public sector and private contractors.
Waste ****ing everywhere, we are supposed to be in a state of austerity.
There is a zillions of fat still to be trimmed off Government spending. Give me a job Dave all I need is a red pencil and I will do it in a week. I do not require a salary or expenses.
Starting with Al Beeb.
“A lot of fat to trim”?
Having seen Camilla and many of her chubbychasing parents-invariably black and female as chosen by the BBC-that`s a good phrase to start with.
Obesity classes and gastric bands-how many of that lot will £3million buy?
Can the gastric bands be fitted extra tightly, round the throat?
Thank you.
Good Buddha, no!
Hate crime surely…but maybe they could be used as catapults to send chick peas from….to be aimed as UKIP vans and those who won`t willingly pay for Yentobs Yurt of Yoof.
£145.50?…come on Beeb, we`ll pay more if you like!
One does not have to be a Psychiatrist to know that it is possibly not a wise use of millions of taxpayers hard earned cash to fund a very badly run, mainly ethnic South London(+) minorities Children charity, managed by a morbidly obese, Labour supporting eccentric, wearing a clown suit.
Particularly so when BBC troughing Yentob is the Chairman of the enterprise.
One also could easily guess this total misappropriation of public funds was started under Labour!
Batman has gone!
Watching the media this evening there is “much weeping and gnashing of teeth”
These people in London need to get real jobs.
£ 3 Million, what a bloody waste of money.
You have to admire the sheer chutzpah of that little black chap with glasses who pops up on the tv news protesting the demise of Kidz & Co:
“What do they expect us to do, go on the streets and sell drugs?”
Aw bless, the cute little raggamuffin could be a dead ringer for the Artful Dodger – or perhaps an extra in a diversity tick box tv advert for some mega corporation virtue signalling like their future depended on it. I can see him now – bouncing up and down on a sofa (sale ends Saturday folks) white dad, black mum, but we digress…
The message from the yoot of today, yes indeed, we best keep putting the weekly little wads in the brown envelopes or else – Reggie Kray couldn’t have put it more succinctly.
I suppose that’s what you get when you take atheistic social concern to the Nth degree – cash handouts direct to their hot little hands – that’s what they want, so why not?
David Cameron/BBC – I do believe you pass my new test for a socialist: A Socialist is someone anxious to prove their own humanity through the means of spending unwisely someone else’s cash.
Bbc breakfast just had a Woman from Children England, another kids “charity” on, to discuss the demise of kids company. The Woman in question Kathy Evans, said she couldn’t go in to the ins and outs of Kids Company, even though that was why she was on there, but spent the next five minutes blasting government cuts.
I’m still not sure what kids company actually did, from what I can glean it seems to be just a collection of glorified youth clubs.