Calais migrants: British anarchists infiltrate camps to provoke trouble, police warn
This is being encouraged not by human traffickers, who wish to remain discreet, but by extreme Left elements here to manipulate the migrants in the name of their ideal of imposing a country without borders or police.”
“Among these activists are quite a few Britons,” he added. “For now they have been allowed to act with total impunity. It’s time for a return to the rule of law: they need to be identified and arrested.
Identify and arrest?….Perhaps they should look no further than the BBC’s extremist open borders incitement to immigrants and while they’re at it why not check out the BBC’s coverage of the Middle East when its correspondents gloat about the ISIS onslaught that cuts across so many borders which the BBC thinks were the result of Imperial arrogance and ignorance ‘carved out by the British and French’...when the truth is far, far more complex….perhaps those correspondents could also have their collars felt….as this fellow has had…
Anjem Choudary charged with supporting a terror organisation
Anjem Choudary, the radical cleric, has been charged with supporting the banned terror group, Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil).
The 48-year-old, from Ilford, was charged along with Mohammed Rahman, 32 with inviting support for a proscribed terrorist organisation, namely Isil,
The BBC is a cheerleader for mass immigration and terrorism….and yet it thinks politicians shouldn’t interfere in its business. If not politicians then it’ll have to be the police.
Paddy O’Connell on the Jeremy Vine Show joins his colleagues on a pilgrimage to Calais and asks a ‘migrant’ why he wants to invade Britain, “Human rights!” is the answer.
Quite ‘remarkable’, (to use a BBC word), it’s almost as if they are being coached.
A few days ago I watched a video via the Daily Mail website showing the invasion of the railway near Calais, a wire fence having been pulled down. As the camera followed the invaders there was a brief shot of a crouching man with a camera filming from the railway side of the fence. It does make me wonder if some of these attacks are being enabled by our media.
I am waiting for one of our day-tripping ‘journalists’ to be heard asking the would-be Britons if the existence of these fences suggests that they are not wanted and telling them that most people on this side of the channel don’t want them either. Halal pigs will fly.
Could it be that the BBC is trying to stall Britain’s economic growth by throttling cross-channel trade? One in the eye for Osbourne! Do they really think that their new chums will pay the licence fee once they get here?
The police?
The police, whose federation is organised by Labour supporters?
Remember Plebgate?
The police, who did nothing about rapes?
Remember Rotherham and every city in England where the were mass rapes of white girls by Muslim men?
The police who are giving cautions to fiddle the crime figures?
The police who are making judgements that an act is not a crime to fiddle the crime figures?
The police who are downgrading serious crimes to fiddle the crime figures?
The police who have, it was revealed recently, numerous officers convicted of serious offences?
The police, you must be Joking!
A few years ago, two police officers from the same force which ignored the Rotherham rapes were convicted of selling guns. Gun which had been recovered or handed in during an amnesty. Guns which were intended for destruction, and recorded as having been destroyed.
Who were these bent coppers selling these guns to? Well that would be organised crime!
And these bent coppers did not go to jail!!!
So it is not just the police; and the politically left, incompetent, expensive CPS; but the bloody judiciary as well.
Just more examples of how overstaffed,,underworked, incompetent, not fit-for-purpose the Public Sector is. Sack 50% now.
bbc delenda est dont you like the police or the public sector or the judiciary my you are a moaning are you not.
bit of a crim yourself, been on the dole long have you? or are you dave in disguise? i wonder.
No faults found with my description of malpractice then?
Approve of the mass rape of God knows how many thousands of white girls?
And it’s BBC to you.
bbc delenda est just because i did not mention in detail your vitriol does not give you the right to say i approve of anything. you just posted a hate filled personal opinion on the police judiciary and public servants. im saying your a
‘You’re’. Only left wingers think using the C word is big or clever.
I doubt we have 3 left wing contributors, so how did you give yourself those ‘up-votes’?
“This bloke came up to me”
Referring to the borders in the Middle East which down there seem a bone of contention.
Alright there was a French/British drawing of the borders in 1924 and perhaps ignorance of the people and their tribes and loyalties .
But we had the ‘Arab Spring’ which was supposed to bring about freedom . What was done with the freedom?
Did we see political parties , pressure groups, movements , individuals, groups advocating a redrawing of the borders , a chance for the people there to right what they see as a wrong ?
Did they want that opportunity?
Arab Spring- Islamists. ;-(
Arabs are not naturally collegiate to organise a working social democracy, this is because basically they are nomadic – only loyal to their immediate families. So it was a fool’s errand to try to drag an Arab state into anything resembling a Western democracy. This is a fundamental reason why a big immigration of Arabs is alien to European society, they just aren’t naturally adaptable to our way of life. And this is even before we take into account their religion which is openly hostile to European social conventions of self-expression & personal freedom.
Dear David Vance.
Several comments in this thread have been edited, including one of my contributions.
I understand the reason for these edits, that does not mean I agree with them.
But I object when this bowdlerisation is done badly and leaves a post unintelligible or ungrammatical and, in this case, leaves a subsequent contribution referring to a, now non-existent, feature.
I suggest a note is added to every post so modified so readers know this editing has taken place, as they do elsewhere.
‘Several comments in this thread have been edited, including one of my contributions’
Edited? Several? Are you sure?
It’s possible some were reported and removed, following the inevitable but unwelcome return of the stirring community, who seem also default afflicted with Tourettes, making things easier, House Rules-wise.
This can see orders messed with and even collateral erasing if trying to keep the abuse in play in reply.
Some do try and distract matters, and it’s a pity that since the registration a few are now testing the waters again.
Guest Who 2015-08-06 11:30.
Three posts definitely modified.
#1 BBC delenda est August 5, 2015 at 8:52 pm.
Now states “Muslim men”
My original description had several other unflattering terms for these “men”.
#2 spudicus August 5, 2015 at 9:07 pm.
Now states “you are a moaning are you not”
Originally contained a four letter word beginning with C between “moaning” and “are”.
#3 pudicus August 5, 2015 at 9:28 pm.
Now ends with “im saying your a”.
Originally ended with the same word referred to in #2.
See The Lord August 5, 2015 at 10:14 pm.
I am trying to improve BBBC.
I understand that the moderators have a difficult job to do and are busy.
Second suggestion – have a list of banned profanities and a policy that contributions containing them will be instantly deleted.
Third suggestion – suspend a post with a “This post is awaiting moderation” message and prevent replies to it.
Send an email to the creator with a suggestion as to how the post could be modified to make it acceptable.
In the past I have had several efforts deleted, no explanation available.
To ban all profanities per se would unfortunately rob us of some of the tweets etc. from those directly employed or as “talent” by the BBC expressing their love for Tories .
60022Mallard 2015-08-06 13:04
Point taken.
However quotations are expected to be verbatim and any offence at profanities contained therein is directed at the author of the quotation.
Tx. so not really several, and as I guessed more to assist with tone to save outright removal or banning, two from a clear name-rotating troll.
Being a private, free blog with mods not on BBC no-win, still-fee contracts, lack of explanation can always include a full refund.
Maybe more effort on not writing stuff needing deletion?
I seldom listen to the BBC World Service or watch BBC World news. But on those occasions when I have done I have been outraged at the leftist view they proclaim. If people watching in source countries of these immigrants regard what they see and hear on the BBC as being representative of the UK, then no wonder they must feel that they will be welcomed. If the BBC portrayed what the average Brit feels about mass immigration , rather than what the left would like us to think, then we would have less of a problem.
As I’ve remarked before, I listen to quite a bit of the World Serviice and I wholeheartedly agree.
It’s not just on immigration, however. The BBC portrays Britain in the usual socialist manner – not as things are but as they wish them to be. This wholly distorted view of the country is all many people know of us. Which is precisely why the BBC does it.
Help to end it here …………………………………..